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Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright Š2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Front of Book > Editors

Edited by John H. Menkes M.D. Professor Emeritus Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Harvey B. Sarnat M.D., F.R.C.P.C. Professor of Pediatrics Pathology (Neuropathology), and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine; Chief, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Bernard L. Maria M.D. Executive Director of the C hildren's Research Institute Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina

Secondary Editors Frances Destefano Acquisitions Editor Joyce Murphy Managing Editor Alicia Jackson Project Manager Benjamin Rivera Senior Manufacturing Manager Adam Glazer Associate Marketing Director Joseph DePinho C over Designer Production Service: TechBooks Printer: Quebecor World-Taunton

Contributors James F. Bale Jr. M.D. Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah

Richard C. Ellenbogen M.D. C hairman Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Rena Ellen Falk M.D. Professor Department of Pediatrics, University of California; Medical Director, Cytogenetics Laboratory, Steven Spielberg Pediatric Research Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

Christos D. Katsetos M.D., Ph.D., M.R.C. Path Research Professor Department of Pediatrics, Drexel University College of Medicine; Director, Neurology Research Laboratory and Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, St. Chrisopher's Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Marcel Kinsbourne M.D. Professor Cognitive Studies, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts

Susan Koh M.D. C linical Assistant Professor Department of Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA; Director, Pediatric Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, Los Angeles, California

Augustin Legido M.D., Ph.D. M.B.A.

Professor Departments of Pediatrics and Neurology, Drexel University College of Medicine; Chief, Section of Neurology, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Laura Flores-Sarnat M.D. Pediatric Neurologist and Research Associate Division of Pediatric Neurology, Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Bernard L. Maria M.D. Executive Director of the C hildren's Research Institute Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina

John H. Menkes M.D. Professor Emeritus Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Franklin G. Moser M.D., FACR Director of C linical and Interventional Neuroradiology Department of Imaging, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

E. Steve Roach M.D. Professor of Neurology Department of Neurology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, WFU-Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

A. David Rothner M.D. Director of Patient Education The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio

Raman Sankar M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA; Director of Training in Child Neurology, Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, Los Angeles, California

Cesar C. Santos M.D. Associate Professor Department of Neurology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine; Chief, Division of Pediatric Neurology, WFU-Baptist Medical Center, Winston Salem, North Carolina

Harvey B. Sarnat M.D. Professor of Pediatrics, Pathology, and C linical Neurosciences University of Calgary, Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Samuel Robert Snodgrass M.D. Professor of Neurology University of California, Los Angeles, California; Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology, Harbor UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California

Silvia N. Tenembaum M.D. Pediatric Neurologist Department of Neurology, Children's Hospital Dr. J.P. Garrahan, Buenos Aires, Argentina

William R. Wilcox M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Pediatrics, UCLA School of Medicine, Medical Geneticist, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

Frank Wood Ph.D. Professor and Section Head of Neuropsychology Department of Neurology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston Salem, North Carolina

Joyce Wu M.D. C linical Assistant Professor Department of Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Clinical Attending Child Neurologist, Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, Los Angeles, California

G. Ellis Ziel C linical Research Assistant Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina

Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Front of Book > Quotes

Quotes {There was} … a time when theses in medicine could still be beautifully literary, since ignorance about diseases and the human body still required that medicine be an art. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Be kind to my mistakes, and live happy! —Anonymous translator of Robinson Crusoe into Italian; cited by Walter De La Mare All I have produced before the age of seventy is not worth taking into account. Hokusai Katsushika

Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Front of Book > Dedication

Dedication To the teachers who have preceded me: Blanche Bobbitt (1901–1988), who foresaw the importance of chemistry in the practice of medicine. Sydney S. Gellis (1914–2002), who taught me that anything worth doing is worth doing well. Alexander S. Nadas (1913–2000), who found humor in the most exasperating situations. Sidney Carter (1912–2005), who showed me the value of a careful history and neurological examination. David B. Clark (1913-1992), who demonstrated to me the humanity and intellectual rigor of nineteenth century British neurology. J. H. M. To my professors who, either as formal or indirect teachers, have been enlightening and inspiring influences in my career: Drs. LJ Thomas (zoologist), LMH Larramendi (neuroanatomist), FE Dreifuss (neurologist), MG Netsky (neuropathologist), EC Alvord Jr. (neuropathologist) and JH Menkes (neurologist). And to my dear wife, Dr. Laura Flores-Sarnat, who has been enlightening, inspiring, loving and patient in both my professional and personal lives. H. B. S. To my wife Barbara for her great love of children, To my son Alex for fueling a passion to make a difference, and To John Menkes, through the first (1974) and subsequent editions of this textbook, for igniting my development and that of so many others as child neurologists. B. L. M.

Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Front of Book > Preface to The Seventh Edition

Preface to The Seventh Edition It would be redundant to state that the world of Pediatric Neurology has changed considerably since the first edition of this work was published in 1974. At that time molecular genetics was in its infancy—Neil Holtzman and his group at Johns Hopkins had just reported on a mass screening program for phenylketonuria, and gene sequencing lay three years in the future—and neuroimaging was confined to pneumoencephalography, ventriculography and arteriography—Ambrose and Hounsfield's seminal paper on computerized tomography had been published in 1973, and the new technique was gaining acceptance at clinical centers. Since publication of the sixth edition in 2000, molecular genetics has made its impact felt on all aspects of the neurosciences. Not only has it affected neuropharmacology and our understanding of the heredodegenerative diseases of the nervous system, but it has also provided important insights into the processes that underlie the embryology of the nervous system, and allowed a transition from the traditional descriptive morphogenesis to concepts based on genetic programming. With these advances has come the first clarification of some of the common developmental defects and malformations. Another byproduct of the unraveling of molecular pathogenesis is a better understanding of mitochondrial diseases, which are being more frequently recognized, and which are now known to “cause any symptom in any tissue at any age by any inheritance.” The seventh edition pays tribute to these advances. They required a new chapter on mitochondrial encephalomyopathies, and an enlarged chapter on the New Neuroembryology. Another chapter that is new to this edition deals with Headaches and Non-epileptic Episodic Disorders. It was written in response to the increasing importance of these conditions in the general practice of pediatric neurology. The number of contributors to the book continues to increase, and now stands at 22, as compared with the five contributors to the first edition. Dr. Sarnat and I have called upon Bernard L. Maria to serve as co-editor of the seventh edition. Dr. Maria chose a career in pediatric neurology after reading the first 1974 edition of the book handed to him by his first mentor Bernard Lemieux in 1977. Now, nearly 30 years later, he contributes his expertise as co-editor in addition to having authored several chapters in child neurology and neurooncology. As before, my co-editors and I have attempted to provide the reader with the most recent advances in the neurosciences, and to integrate these into the clinical practice of pediatric neurology. As before, we have not cast aside the classic contributions to neurology that form the essence of our discipline and that the younger practitioners may not have had the opportunity to absorb. Finally, our thanks go out to Joyce Murphy and Adam Glazer at Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, and to Stephanie Lentz at Techbooks without whose help this book would not have become a reality. John H. Menkes M.D.

Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Front of Book > Preface to the First Edition

Preface to the First Edition Even in a textbook, prefaces are written not to be read but rather to blunt inevitable criticisms. One must therefore first ask, why, in view of the existence of several first-rate pediatric neurology texts, was this book ever written. The main excuse for becoming involved in such an undertaking, and for imposing another book upon an already overwhelmed medical audience, is the hope of being able to offer a new viewpoint of the field. More than any other branch of clinical neurology, pediatric neurology has felt the impact of the many recent advances in the neurosciences. Their magnitude becomes evident when the neurologic literature of the last century is read. At that time, clinical descriptions achieved a degree of clarity and conciseness, which has not been improved upon, and which at present is only rarely equaled. Yet the reader who finds the explanation of Tay-Sachs disease* offered during the last years of the nineteenth century must experience a sense of achievement at the great strides made during a relatively brief historical period. However, at the same time, one cannot but wonder how many of our “explanations” accepted and taught today, will make as little sense fifty years hence. It is the aim of this text to incorporate some of the knowledge derived from the basic neurologic sciences into the clinical evaluation and management of the child with neurologic disease. Obviously, this can only be done to a limited extent. For some conditions the basic sciences have not yet offered any help, while for others, available experimental data only provide tangential information. Even when biochemical or physiologic information is pertinent to the conditions under discussion, their full presentation has been avoided, for to do so with any degree of completeness would require an extensive review of several scientific disciplines, which would go far beyond the intent of the text. The author and his colleagues have therefore chosen to review only aspects of the neurologic sciences with immediate clinical impact, and to refer the reader to the literature for some of the remaining information. They have also deemed it appropriate not to include a section on the neurologic examination of children. This subject is extremely well presented by R. S. Paine and T. E. Oppe, in The Neurologic Examination of Children,** a work everyone seriously interested in pediatric neurology should read. In covering the field, extensive use of literature references has been made. These generally serve one or more of the following purposes: 1. A classic or early description of the condition. 2. Background information pertaining to the relevant neurologic sciences. 3. A current review of the condition. 4. In the case of some of the rarer clinical entities, the presentation of several key references was preferred to a brief and obviously inadequate summary. It is hoped that this approach will serve to keep the text reasonably compact, yet allow it to be used as a guide for further reading. John H. Menkes M.D. Los Angeles, California

Footnotes *Namely, “an inherited weakness of the central nervous system, especially of the ganglion cells, and a premature degeneration due to exhaustion caused by this.” **London, Wm. Heinemann, 1966.

Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Table of Contents > Introduction: Neurologic Examination of the Child and Infant

Introduction: Neurologic Examination of the Child and Infant John H. Menkes Franklin G. Moser The ever-increasing sophistication and accuracy of neurodiagnostic procedures might cause younger physicians to view the neurologic examination of the pediatric patient as obsolete and, like cardiac auscultation, a nostalgic ceremony engaged in by physicians trained before magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and DNA hybridization (1). This is not how we view it. Excessive reliance on diagnostic procedures at the expense of an organized plan of approach, the “let's order an MRI and an electroencephalogram and then take a look at the kid” attitude, not only has been responsible for the depersonalization of neurologic care and the escalation of its costs, but also has made the analysis of neurologic problems unduly complex for the pediatrician or general practitioner. For these reasons, a presentation of some of the techniques of neurologic examination is still in order. The pediatric neurologist who, through experience, has individualized the examination will find little new in this section, which was written with the pediatrician and general neurologist in mind. The pediatrician will find the section on the neurologic examination helpful; the general neurologist, who at times is called on to consult on an infant not much larger than the palm of the hand, may benefit from the section on the neurologic examination of the infant. At its best, the neurologic evaluation is a challenge in logical deduction. It requires a clear plan at each step with the goal of answering the following questions: 1. Does the child have a neurologic disorder? 2. If so, where is the site of the lesion, or, as so often is the case in pediatric neurology, does it involve all parts of the brain to an equal degree? 3. What pathologic lesions are most likely to produce lesions at these sites? The course of the illness, whether acute, subacute, static, or remitting, may provide a clue to the nature of the disease process. It is at this point, and only at this point, that the physician draws up a differential diagnosis and calls on neurodiagnostic procedures to help decide which of the suspected conditions is the most likely. If this systematic approach is followed, useless diagnostic procedures are avoided. For instance, an assay for arylsulfatase to exclude metachromatic leukodystrophy is inappropriate in a neurologic disorder that is clearly static. Similarly, neither computed tomography (C T) scans nor MRI of the brain assist materially in the differential diagnosis of a lower motor neuron disease.

NEUROLOGIC HISTORY An accurate history, obtained from one or more members of the family, is often the most vital part of the neurologic evaluation. Additionally, if properly questioned, a child older than 3 to 5 years might provide information that not only is valuable, but also may be more reliable than that related by his or her parents. In taking a history from a youngster, the physician must learn not to ask leading questions and not to phrase them to obtain yes or no answers. The physician also must be responsive to the youngster's mood and cease taking a history as soon as fatigue or restlessness becomes evident. In a younger child or one with a limited attention span, the salient points of the history are best secured at the onset of the evaluation. The history is followed by the neurologic examination and, finally, by a second, more extensive review of the history. In the assessment of a neurologic problem, an accurate review of the presenting illness is important. This is particularly the case in the youngster with headaches, seizures, or other types of recurrent disease and for the youngster with a learning disability or an attentiondeficit disorder. In such patients, the history, particularly its social and environmental aspects, can be extensive enough to require more than one appointment. A review of the developmental history necessitates a survey of antenatal, perinatal, and postnatal development. This includes questioning the mother about the length of the pregnancy, any complications, including intercurrent infections, and drug intake. The mother who is concerned about her youngster may already have reviewed her pregnancy many times and may well provide much irrelevant information. For instance, an accident occurring during the second trimester is hardly the explanation for a meningomyelocele. The physician might well interrupt the questioning to reassure the mother that this event was not responsible for the child's neurologic defect. A review of the perinatal events is always in order. As a rule, the youngster who has had an uncomplicated neonatal period and was discharged with the mother will not have sustained perinatal asphyxia, even though the infant might have had low Apgar scores or passage of meconium. The physician should not forget to obtain some information about the feeding history. Many children who later present with delayed development have had feeding problems, notably regurgitation, excessive colic, or frequent formula changes. A history of abnormal sleeping habits is also not unusual in the brain-damaged youngster. The developmental milestones must always be recorded. Most mothers recall these and can compare one youngster with the siblings. Failure to remember any of the milestones is unusual, even in those of lower socioeconomic status; it suggests a postpartum depression. A system review focuses on the major childhood illnesses, immunizations, and injuries. Recurrent injuries suggest hyperactivity, impaired coordination, or poor impulse control. The family history is relevant in some of the neurologic disorders. The physician should remember that most neurodegenerative disorders are transmitted as a recessive gene and that questions about the health of siblings and the presence of consanguinity are in order. On the other hand, some of the epilepsies or migraine headaches tend to be transmitted as dominant traits; in fact, in children experiencing migraine headaches, a history of migraine in a first-degree relative can almost always be elicited.

GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION The child's height, weight, blood pressure, and head circumference must always be measured and recorded. The youngster should be undressed by the parents, with the physician absent. The physician should note the general appearance of the child, in particular the facial configuration and the presence of any dysmorphic features. C utaneous lesions such as café au lait spots, angiomas, or areas of depigmentation are clues to the presence of phakomatoses. The condition of the teeth provides information about antenatal defects or kernicterus. The location of the hair whorl and the appearance of the palmar creases should always be noted. Abnormalities of whorl patterns can indicate the presence of cerebral malformations (2). The quality of the scalp hair, eyebrows, and nails also should be taken into account. It is important to inspect the midline of the neck, back, and pilonidal area for any defects, particularly for small dimples that might indicate the presence of a dermoid sinus tract. C omparison of the size of the thumbnails and their convexity might disclose a growth disturbance, a frequent accompaniment to a hemiparesis. Examination of chest, heart, and abdomen and palpation of the femoral pulses should always be part of the general physical examination. Finally, the presence of an unusual body odor may offer a clue to a metabolic disorder.

NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION OF THE CHILD In addition to the standard instruments used in neurologic examination, the following have been found useful: a tennis ball; a few small toys, including a toy car that can be used to assess fine motor coordination; a bell; and some object that attracts the child's attention (e.g., a pinwheel). A flashlight with a rubber adapter for transillumination is still used by some pediatric neurologists; it is cheaper and quicker than a C T scan or an ultrasound and often provides the same information. Most pediatric neurologists do not wear white coats. In most intellectually healthy school-aged children, the general physical and neurologic examinations can be performed in the same manner as for adults, except that their more uncomfortable aspects, such as funduscopic examination, corneal and gag reflexes, and sensory testing, should be postponed until the end. In younger children, the neurologic examination is a catch-as-catch-can procedure, with a considerable amount of information revealed by the youngster's play activities, including the child's dominant handedness and the presence of cerebellar deficits, a hemiparesis, and perhaps even a visual field defect. The toddler is more difficult to examine. The toddler is best approached by seating the child in the mother's or father's lap and talking to the child. Because toddlers are fearful of strangers, the physician must first observe the youngster and defer touching him or her until some degree of rapport has been established. Offering a small, interesting toy may bridge the gap. In any case, the physician must be patient and wait for the youngster to make the first approach. Once frightened, most toddlers are difficult to reassure and are lost for the remainder of the examination.

Skull The general appearance of the skull can suggest the presence of macrocephaly, microcephaly, or craniosynostosis. Prominence of the venous pattern might accompany increased intracranial pressure. Flattening of the occiput is seen in many developmentally delayed youngsters. C onversely, occipital prominence can indicate the Dandy-Walker malformation complex. Biparietal enlargement suggests the presence of subdural hematomas and should raise the suspicion of child abuse. Palpation of the skull can disclose ridging of the sutures, as occurs in craniosynostosis. Biparietal foramina are usually benign and are often transmitted as a dominant trait (3). Some are due to mutations in the MSX2 gene, whereas in other families it is part of the 11p11.2 deletion syndrome (4). Prominence of the metopic suture is seen in some youngsters with developmental malformations. Percussion of the skull can reveal areas of tenderness resulting from localized osteomyelitis, an indication of an underlying brain abscess. Macewen (cracked pot) sign accompanies the separation of sutures and reflects increased intracranial pressure. If accurately measured, serial head circumferences continue to be one of the most valuable parameters for assessing the presence of hydrocephalus or microcephaly. After multiple measurements are made with a good cloth or steel tape to ensure that the maximum circumference has been obtained, the value should be recorded on a head growth chart (Fig. I.1). Delayed head growth, particularly with evidence of arrest or slowing of head growth, reflects impaired brain growth from a variety of causes. Scalloping of the temporal fossae frequently accompanies microcephaly and suggests underdeveloped frontal and temporal lobes. Occasionally, one encounters a youngster, usually a girl, with a head circumference at or below the third percentile whose somatic measurements are commensurate and whose intellectual development is normal. Palpation of the anterior fontanelle provides a simple way of estimating intracranial pressure. Normally, the fontanelle is slightly depressed and the pulsations are hardly felt. Auscultation of the skull using a bell stethoscope with the child in the erect position is performed over six standard listening points: globes, the temporal fossae, and the retroauricular or mastoid regions. In all cases, conduction of a cardiac murmur should be excluded. Spontaneous intracranial bruits are common in children. These are augmented by contralateral carotid compression. Wadia and Monckton (5) heard unilateral or bilateral bruits in 60% of 4- to 5-year-old children, 10% of 10-year-old children, and 45% of 15- to 16-year-old adolescents. Intracranial bruits are heard in more than 80% of patients with angiomas. Unlike benign bruits, they are accompanied by a thrill and are much louder and harsher. Intracranial bruits are heard in a variety of other conditions characterized by increased cerebral blood flow. These include anemia, thyrotoxicosis, and meningitis. Bruits also accompany hydrocephalus and some (not necessarily vascular) intracranial tumors. The technique and the history of auscultation for intracranial bruits are reviewed by Mackenzie (6).

Cranial Nerves Olfactory Nerve The olfactory nerve is only rarely assessed. Loss of olfactory nerve function can follow a head injury with fracture of the cribriform plate. Nerve function also can be lost when a tumor involves the olfactory bulbs. Olfactory sensation as transmitted by the olfactory nerve is not functional in the newborn, but is present by 5 to 7 months of age. By contrast, newborns do respond to inhalation of irritants, such as ammonia or vinegar, because the reflex is transmitted by the trigeminal nerve; hence, this reflex is preserved in the infant with arhinencephaly (7).

Optic Nerve

Much can be learned from a funduscopic examination, and more time is often spent with this than with any other part of the neurologic examination. With assistance from the parent or nurse, it is possible to examine even the most uncooperative youngster. If necessary, a mydriatic such as 2.5% or 10.0% phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine) or 1% cyclopentolate (C yclogyl) is used. Particular attention is paid to the optic discs, maculae, and appearance of the retina. In infants, the optic disc is normally pale and gray, an appearance similar to optic atrophy in later life. Optic nerve hypoplasia can be diagnosed if the discs are less than one-half normal size. The macular light reflex is absent until approximately 4 months of age. Premature and newborn infants have incompletely developed uveal pigment, resulting in a pale appearance of the fundus and a clear view of the choroidal blood vessels. Hyperemia of the disk, obliteration of the disc margins and absent pulsations of the central veins are the earliest and most important indications for papilledema. The differential diagnosis of papilledema is reviewed in C hapter 11. Retinal hemorrhages are seen in one-third of vagin*lly delivered newborns. They are usually small and multiple, and their presence does not necessarily indicate intracranial bleeding. Persistence of the hyaloid artery is common in premature infants and is seen in approximately 3% of full-term infants. C horioretinitis suggests an intrauterine infection. Less extensive and grouped pigmentation resembling the footprints of an animal (bear tracks) represents a harmless and common anomaly. This condition must be distinguished from the more extensive pigmentation seen in retinitis pigmentosa. Visual acuity can be tested in the older child by standard means. In the toddler, an approximation can be obtained by observing him or her at play or by offering objects of varying sizes. Optokinetic nystagmus can be elicited by rotating a striped drum or by drawing a strip of cloth with black and white squares in front of the child's eyes. The presence of optokinetic nystagmus confirms cortical vision; its absence, however, is inconclusive. Unilateral optokinetic nystagmus suggests the presence of hemianopia. The visual fields can be assessed in toddlers and in infants younger than 12 months of age. The baby is placed in the mother's lap and the physician is seated in front of them, using a small toy to attract the baby's attention. An assistant standing in back of the infant brings another object into the field of vision, and the point at which the infant's eyes or head turns toward the object is noted.

FIGURE I.1. C omposite international and interracial head circumference graph. A: Boys. B: Girls. SD, standard deviation. (C ourtesy of the late Dr. G. Nellhaus, Napa VA Hospital, Napa, C A.)

The blink reflex, closure of the eyelids when an object is suddenly moved toward the eyes, is often used to determine the presence of functional vision in small infants. The reflex is absent in the newborn and does not appear until 3 or 4 months of age. It is present in approximately one-half of healthy 5-month-old infants and should be present in all infants by 1 year of age (8).

Oculomotor, Trochlear, and Abducens Nerves: Extraocular Movements The physician notes the position of the eyes at rest. Noting the points of reflection of a flashlight assists in detecting a nonparallel alignment of the eyes. Paralysis of the oculomotor nerve results in lateral and slightly downward deviation of the affected eye. Paralysis of the abducens nerve produces a medial deviation of the affected eye, whereas paralysis of the trochlear nerve produces little change at rest. The setting sun sign, a forced downward deviation of the eyes at rest with paresis of upward gaze, is an indication of increased intracranial pressure, in particular pressure on the quadrigeminal plate causing impairment of the vertical gaze centers. This phenomenon also can be elicited in healthy infants younger than 4 weeks of age by suddenly changing the position of the head and in infants up to 20, or even 40, weeks of age by removing a bright light that had been placed in front of their eyes (9). Downward deviation of the eyes, skew deviation, and intermittent opsoclonus (irregular, chaotic oscillations of the eyes in horizontal, vertical, or oblique directions) may be noted transiently in healthy newborns (10). Ocular bobbing refers to abnormal spontaneous vertical eye movements. In its most typical appearance, it consists of intermittent, often conjugate, fast downward movement of the eyes followed by, after a brief tonic interval, a slower return to the primary position (11). It is generally seen with pontine pathology, but also can be encountered in encephalitis and in some metabolic encephalopathies. It probably reflects residual eye movements of patients who have severe limitations of horizontal and vertical eye movements. The doll's-eye phenomenon refers to the apparent turning of the eyes to the opposite direction in response to rotation of the head. It is seen in healthy newborns, in coma, and whenever optic fixation is impaired. The size of the pupils, their reactivity to light, and accommodation and convergence are noted. In infants younger than 30 weeks' gestation, pupils are large and no response to light occurs. After 32 weeks' gestation, an absent light response is abnormal (12). The association of meiosis, enophthalmos, ptosis, and lack of sweating on the ipsilateral side of the face was first described in 1869 and is known as Horner syndrome (13). The condition can result from damage to the cervical sympathetic nerves when it accompanies brachial plexus injuries or can be congenital, being transmitted as an autosomal dominant condition (14). A slight degree of anisocoria is not unusual, particularly in infants and small children. Fatigue-induced anisocoria also has been noted to be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait (15). Eye movements are examined by having the child follow an object while the mother holds the child's head. If the child permits it, the movement of each eye is examined separately while the other one is kept covered. The actions of the extraocular muscles are depicted in Fig. I.2. At birth, doll's-eye movements are normally elicitable, but little or no conjugation occurs. Shortly after birth, the eyes become conjugated, and by 2 weeks of age, the infant moves the eyes toward light and fixates. Following movements are complete in all directions by approximately 4 months of age, and acoustically elicited eye movements appear at 5 months of age (16). Depth perception using solely binocular cues appears by 24 months of age along with stable binocular alignment and optokinetic nystagmus. Strabismus owing to muscular imbalance can be differentiated from a paralytic strabismus. In the former, the ocular movements are concomitant and full. In the latter, the disassociation of the eyes increases when the eyes enter the field of action of the paralyzed muscle. In abducens nerve palsies, failure of abduction is readily demonstrable. The combination of defective adduction and elevation with outward and downward displacement of the eye suggests a third-nerve palsy. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (syndrome of the median longitudinal fasciculus) in its classical appearance consists of paralysis of adduction of the contralateral eye on lateral gaze, with nystagmus of the abducting eye and preservation of convergence. Ptosis and a large pupil with impaired constriction to light also can be present. Unilateral or bilateral congenital ptosis is relatively common, being transmitted as a dominant trait in some instance, and as X-linked in others (17). In some subjects with ptosis, reflex elevation or closure of the ptotic lid occurs in response to swallowing or movements of the jaw. Elevation has been termed the Marcus Gunn sign and closure the reverse Marcus Gunn sign. In instances of trochlear nerve palsy, the eye fails to move down when adducted. This defect is often accompanied by a head tilt.

FIGURE I.2. Extraocular muscles involved in the various eye movements. Ext., exterior; inf., inferior; Lt., left; Rt., right; sup., superior. (Adapted from Farmer TW. Pediatric neurology, 3rd ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1983. With permission.)

In describing the presence of nystagmus, the physician should note the position of the eyes that produces the greatest amplitude of the nystagmus, the direction of the fast movement, and the quality or speed of the nystagmus. When the nystagmus is of small amplitude, it might be noted only on funduscopic examination.

Trigeminal Nerve The action of the temporalis and masseter muscles is noted. Unilateral lesions of the trigeminal nerve result in a deviation of the jaw to the paralytic side and atrophy of the temporalis muscle. The jaw jerk can be elicited by placing one's finger below the lower lip of the slightly open mouth and tapping downward. An absent jaw jerk is rarely significant; upper motor neuron lesions above the level of the pons exaggerate the reflex. The corneal reflex tests the intactness of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve. A defect should be suspected when spontaneous blinking on one side is slower and less complete. The frequency of blinking increases with maturation and decreases in toxic illnesses.

Facial Nerve Impaired motor function is indicated by facial asymmetry. Involvement of the facial nucleus or the nerve produces a lower motor neuron weakness in which upper and lower parts of the face are paralyzed. Normal wrinkling of the forehead is impaired, and the eye either cannot be closed or can be opened readily by the examiner. Weakness of the face can be obvious at rest and is accentuated when the child laughs or cries. When facial weakness is caused by corticobulbar involvement (upper motor neuron facial weakness), the musculature of the upper part of the face is spared. Although this sparing was believed to reflect bilateral enervation of the upper facial motor neurons, it now appears that upper facial motor neurons receive little direct cortical input, whereas lower facial neurons do (18). Weakness is accentuated with volitional movements but disappears when the child laughs or cries. The converse, upper motor facial weakness associated with emotion and not evident on volitional movements, can be seen in thalamic lesions (19). The McC arthy reflex, ipsilateral blinking produced by tapping the supraorbital region, is diminished or absent in lower motor neuron facial weakness. Like the palpebral reflex, bilateral blinking induced by tapping the root of the nose, it can be exaggerated by upper motor neuron lesions. In hemiparesis or peripheral facial nerve weakness, the contraction of the platysma muscle is less vigorous on the affected side. This sign also carries Babinski's name. An isolated weakness of the depressor of the corner of the mouth (depressor anguli oris) is relatively common in children. It results in a failure to pull the affected side of the mouth backward and downward when crying. The sense of taste from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue is conveyed by the chorda tympani. Taste can be tested in children by applying solutions of sugar or salt to the previously dried and protruded tongue by cotton-tipped applicator sticks, making certain that the child does not withdraw the tongue into the mouth.

Cochlear and Vestibular Nerves Hearing can be tested in the younger child by observing the child's response to a bell. Small infants become alert to sound; the ability to turn the eyes to the direction of the sound becomes evident by 7 to 8 weeks of age, and turning with eyes and head appears by approximately 3 to 4 months of age. Hearing is tested in older children by asking them to repeat a whispered word or number. For more accurate evaluation of hearing, audiometry or brainstem auditory-evoked potentials are necessary. Vestibular function can be assessed easily in infants or small children by holding the youngster vertically so he or she is facing the examiner, then turning the child several times in a full circle. C lockwise and counterclockwise rotations are performed. The direction and amplitude of the quick and slow movements of the eye are noted. The healthy infant demonstrates full deviation of the eyes in the direction that he or she is being rotated with the quick phase of the nystagmus backward. When rotation ceases, these directions are reversed. This test has been found to be valuable in a newborn suspected of perinatal asphyxia, with an abnormal response suggesting impaired brainstem function between the vestibular and the oculomotor nuclei.

Glossopharyngeal and Vagus Nerves Asymmetry of the resting uvula and palate and failure to elevate the palate during phonation indicate impaired vagal motor function. When upper or lower motor neuron involvement of the vagus nerve exists, the uvula deviates toward the unaffected side, and with movement, the palate is drawn away from the affected side. The gag reflex tests the afferent and efferent portions of the vagus. This reflex is absent in approximately one-third of healthy individuals (20). Testing taste over the posterior part of the tongue is extremely difficult and, according to some opinions, generally not worth the effort.

Spinal Accessory Nerve Testing the sternocleidomastoid muscle can be done readily by having the child rotate his or her head against resistance.

Hypoglossal Nerve The position of the tongue at rest should be noted with the mouth open. The tongue deviates toward the paretic side. Fasciculations are seen as small depressions that appear and disappear quickly at irregular intervals. They are most readily distinguished on the underside of the tongue. Their presence cannot be determined with any reliability if the youngster is crying.

Motor System The child's station (i.e., posture while standing) can usually be discerned before the start of the examination. Similarly, the walking and running gaits can be seen by playing with the youngster and asking him or her to retrieve a ball and run outside of the examining room. In the course of such an informal examination, sufficient information can be obtained so that the formal testing of muscle strength is only confirmatory. Evaluation of the motor system in a school-aged child can be done in a formal manner. Examination of selected proximal and distal muscles of the upper and lower extremities is usually sufficient. A book published by the Medical Research C ouncil is invaluable for this purpose (21): Muscle strength is graded from 0 to 5. The following grading system has been suggested: 1. No muscle contraction 2. Flicker or trace of contraction 3. Active movement with gravity eliminated 4. Active movement against gravity 5. Active movement against gravity and resistance 6. Normal power Muscle tone is examined by manipulating the major joints and determining the degree of resistance. In toddlers or infants, inequalities of tone to pronation and supination of the wrist, flexion and extension of the elbow, and dorsi and plantar flexion of the ankle have been found to provide more information than assessment of muscle strength or reflexes. A sensitive test for weakness of the upper extremities is the pronator sign, in which the hand on the hypotonic side hyperpronates to palm outward as the arms are raised over the head. Additionally, the elbow may flex (Fig. I.3). In the lower extremities, weakness of the flexors of the knee can readily be demonstrated by having the child lie prone and asking the child to maintain his or her legs in flexion at right angles at the knee (Barré sign).

FIGURE I.3. The pronator sign. Weakness of the right upper extremity in a girl with a Brown-Séquard syndrome after spinal cord trauma.

Coordination C oordination can be tested by applying specific tests for cerebellar function, such as having the youngster reach for and manipulate toys. One may be reluctant to use marbles for this purpose for fear that a small child might swallow them. Ataxia with tremor of the extremities can be demonstrated in the older child on finger-to-nose and heel-to-shin testing. Accentuation of the tremor as the extremity approaches the target is characteristic of cerebellar dysfunction (intention tremor). In the finger-to-nose test, the arm must be maintained abducted at the shoulder. The examiner can discover minor abnormalities by moving the finger to a different place each time. The ability to perform rapidly alternating movements can be assessed by having the child repeatedly pat the examiner's hand, or

by having the child perform rapid pronation and supination of the hands. In the lower extremities, rapid tapping of the foot serves a similar purpose. Pyramidal and extrapyramidal lesions slow rapid succession movements but leave intact the execution of each stage of the movement so that no true dissociation occurs. The heel-to-shin test is not an easy task for many youngsters to comprehend, and performance must be interpreted with regard to the child's age and level of intelligence. A variety of involuntary movements can be noted in the course of the examination. They may be seen when the child walks or is engaged in various purposeful acts. Athetosis indicates an instability of posture, with slow swings of movement most marked in the distal portions of the limbs. The movements fluctuate between two extremes of posture in the hand, one of hyperextension of the fingers with pronation and flexion of the wrist and supination of the forearm and the other of intense flexion and adduction of the fingers and wrist and pronation of the forearm. C horeiform movements refer to more rapid and jerky movements similar in their range to the athetoid movements but so fluid and continuous that the two extremes of posture are no longer evident (22). They commonly involve the muscles of the face, tongue, and proximal portions of the limbs. In children, athetosis and choreiform movements occur far more frequently as associated, rather than as isolated, phenomena. Dystonia is characterized by fixation or relative fixation in one of the athetotic postures. When dystonia results from perinatal asphyxia, it is nearly always accompanied by other involuntary movements. The other manifestations of basal ganglia disorder (tremors and myoclonus) are usually less apparent. Tremors are rhythmic alterations in movement, whereas myoclonus is a relatively unpredictable contraction of one or more muscle groups. It can be precipitated by a variety of stimuli, particularly sudden changes in position, or by the start of voluntary movements. In addition to these movement disorders, children with dystonic cerebral palsy also exhibit sudden increases in muscle tone, often precipitated by attempts at voluntary movement (tension). These movements must be distinguished from seizures. Small, choreiform-like movements are common in the healthy infant. They are transient; emerging at approximately 6 weeks of age, they become maximal between 9 and 12 weeks of age and taper off between 14 and 20 weeks of age. According to Prechtl and coworkers, their absence is highly predictive of neurologic abnormalities (23).

Sensory Examination A proper sensory examination is difficult at any age, and almost impossible in an infant or toddler. Sensory modalities can be tested in the older child using a pin or preferably a tracing wheel. In infants or toddlers, abnormalities in skin temperature or in the amount of perspiration indicate the level of sensory deficit. The ulnar surface of the examiner's hand has been found to be the most sensitive, and by moving the hand slowly up the child's body, one can verify changes that one marks on the skin and rechecks on repeat testing. Object discrimination can be determined in the healthy school-aged child by the use of coin, or small, familiar items such as paperclips or rubber bands.

Reflexes The younger the child, the less informative are the deep tendon reflexes. Reflex inequalities are common and less reliable than inequalities of muscle tone in terms of ascertaining the presence of an upper motor neuron lesion. The segmental levels of the major deep tendon reflexes are presented in Table I.1.

TABLE I.1 Segmental Levels of Major Deep Tendon Reflexes


Segmental Level

Jaw jerk

V-trigeminal nerve





Radial periosteal








Little doubt exists that the Babinski response is the best-known sign of disturbed pyramidal tract function. To elicit it, the plantar surface of the foot is stimulated with a sharp object, such as the tip of a key, from the heel forward along the lateral border of the sole, crossing over the distal ends of the metatarsals toward the base of the great toe. Immediate dorsiflexion of the great toe and subsequent separation (fanning) of the other toes constitutes a positive response. Stimulation of the outer side of the foot is less objectionable and can be used in children who cannot tolerate the sensation of having their soles stimulated. The response is identical. An extensor plantar response must be distinguished from voluntary withdrawal, which, unlike the true Babinski response, is seen after a moment's delay. It also must be distinguished from athetosis of the foot (striatal toe). According to Paine and Oppe, a positive response to Babinski sign is seen normally in the majority of 1-year-old children and in many up to 2 1/2 years of age (24). In the sequential examination of infants conducted by Gingold and her group, the plantar response becomes consistently flexor between 4 and 6 months of age (25). Many eponyms, 20 according to Wartenberg (26), have been attached to the reflexes elicitable from the sole of the foot. Some, such as Rossolimo reflex, which is elicited by tapping the plantar surface of the toe and producing a stretching of the plantar flexors, are muscle stretch reflexes. Others, such as Oppenheim reflex (a firm stroke with finger and thumb down the anterior border of the tibia) or Gordon reflex (a hard squeeze of the calf muscle), are variants of Babinski response. In the upper extremity, Hoffmann reflex is elicited by flicking the terminal phalanx of the patient's middle finger downward between the examiner's finger and thumb. In hyperreflexia, the thumb flexes and adducts, and the tips of the other fingers flex. Wartenberg sign is elicited by having the patient supinate the hand, slightly flexing the fingers. The examiner pronates his or her own hand and links his or her own flexed finger with the patient's. Both flex their fingers against each other's resistance. In pyramidal tract disease, the thumb adducts and flexes strongly, a reemergence of the forced grasp reflex. C lonus is a regular repetitive movement of a joint elicited by a sudden stretching of the muscle and maintaining the stretch. It is most easily demonstrable at the ankle by dorsiflexion of the foot. C lonus represents increased reflex excitability. Several beats of ankle clonus can be demonstrated in some healthy newborns and in some tense older children. A sustained ankle clonus is abnormal at any age and suggests a lesion of the pyramidal tract. C hvostek sign, a contraction of the facial muscles after percussion of the pes anserinus of the facial nerve (just anterior to the external auditory meatus), is evidence of increased irritability of the motor fibers to mechanical stimulation such as occurs in hypocalcemia (27). C hildren with developmental disabilities, such as minimal brain dysfunction and attention-deficit disorders, are often found to have soft signs on neurologic examination (see C hapter 18). These represent persistence of findings considered normal at a younger age. Of the various tests designed to elicit soft signs, tandem walking, hopping on one foot, and the ability of the child to suppress overflow movements when asked to repetitively touch the index finger to the thumb have been found to be the most useful. Forward tandem gait is performed successfully by 90% of 5-year-old children; 90% of 7-year-old children also can hop in one place, and synkinesis becomes progressively suppressed between 7 and 9 years of age (28).

Cognitive Function Evaluation for the presence of cognitive limitations is an important part of the neurologic examination of developmentally delayed youngsters and of children with ostensibly normal intelligence who are referred because of school failure. Such an examination is extremely time consuming and might require a return visit. An outline of an evaluation of intelligence, speech, and disorders of cognitive function is presented in C hapter 18. Also provided are suggestions on how to interpret psychological data.

NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION OF THE INFANT The neurologic examination of an infant younger than 1 year of age can be divided into three parts: evaluation of posture and tone, evaluation of primitive reflexes, and examination of items that are relatively age invariable.

Posture and Muscle Tone Evaluation of posture and muscle tone is a fundamental part of the neurologic examination of infants. It involves examination of the resting posture, passive tone, and active tone. Posture is appreciated by inspecting the undressed infant as the infant lies undisturbed. During the first few months of life, normal hypertonia of the flexors of the elbows, hips, and knees occurs. The hypertonia decreases markedly during the third month of life, first in the upper extremities and later in the lower extremities. At the same time, tone in neck and trunk increases. Between 8 and 12 months of age, a further decrease occurs in the flexor tone of the extremities together with increased extensor tone (29).

FIGURE I.4. Scarf sign in an infant with upper extremity hypotonia on a cerebral basis.

Evaluation of passive tone is accomplished by determining the resistance to passive movements of the various joints with the infant awake and not crying. Because limb tone is influenced by tonic neck reflexes, it is important to keep the child's head straight during this part of the examination. Passive flapping of the hands and the feet provides a simple means of ascertaining muscle tone. In the upper extremity, the scarf sign is a valuable maneuver. With the infant sustained in a semireclining position, the examiner takes the infant's hand and pulls the arm across the infant's chest toward the opposite shoulder (Fig. I.4). The position of the elbow in relationship to the midline is noted. Hypotonia is present if the elbow passes the midline. In the lower extremity, the fall-away response serves a similar purpose. The infant is suspended by the feet, upside down, and each lower extremity is released in turn. The rapidity with which the lower extremity drops when released is noted. Normally, the extremity maintains its position for a few moments, then drops. In hypotonia, the drop occurs immediately; in hypertonia, the released lower extremity remains up. The traction response is an excellent means of ascertaining active tone. The examiner, who should be sitting down and facing the child, places his or her thumbs in the infant's palms and fingers around the wrists and gently pulls the infant from the supine position. In the healthy infant younger than 3 months of age, the palmar grasp reflex becomes operative, the elbows tend to flex, and the flexor muscles of the neck are stimulated to raise the head so that even in the full-term neonate the extensor and flexor tone are balanced and the head is maintained briefly in the axis of the trunk. The test is abnormal if the head is pulled passively and drops forward or if the head is maintained backward. In the former case, abnormal hypotonia of the neck and trunk muscles exists; in the latter case, abnormal hypertonia of the neck extensors exists. With abnormal hypertonia, one also might note the infant's head to be rotated laterally and extended when the infant is in the resting prone position.

Primitive Reflexes The evaluation of various primitive reflexes is an integral part of the neurologic examination of the infant. Many of the reflexes exhibited by the newborn infant also are observed in a spinal animal, one in which the spinal cord has been permanently transected. With progressive maturation, some of these reflexes disappear (Tables I.2 and I.3). This disappearance should not be construed as meaning that they are actually lost, for a reflex once acquired in the course of development is retained permanently. Rather, these reflexes, which develop during intrauterine life, are gradually suppressed as the higher cortical centers become functional.

Segmental Medullary Reflexes A number of segmental medullary reflexes become functional during the last trimester of gestation. They include (a) respiratory activity, (b) cardiovascular reflexes, (c) coughing reflex mediated by the vagus nerve, (d) sneezing reflex evoked by afferent fibers of the trigeminal nerve, (e) swallowing reflex mediated by the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves, and (f) sucking reflex evoked by the afferent fibers of the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves and executed by the efferent fibers of the facial, glossopharyngeal, and hypoglossal nerves.

Flexion Reflex Another reflex demonstrable in the isolated spinal cord is the flexion reflex. This response is elicited by the unpleasant stimulation of the skin of the lower extremity, most consistently the dorsum of the foot, and consists of dorsiflexion of the great toe and flexion of the ankle, knee, and hip. This reflex has been elicited in immature fetuses and can persist as a fragment, the extensor plantar response, for the first 2 years of life. It is seen also in infants whose higher cortical centers have been profoundly damaged. Reflex stepping, which is at least partly a function of the flexion response, is present in the healthy newborn when the infant is supported in the standing position; it disappears in the fourth or fifth month of life.

TABLE I.2 Postural Reactions

Postural Reflex


Origin of Afferent Impulses

Age Reflex Appears

Age Reflex Disappears

Local static reactions Stretch reflex



Any age

Positive supporting action

Well developed in 50% of newborns

Indistinguishable from normal standing

Placing reaction

37 weeks

Covered up by voluntary action

Segmental static reactions Crossed extensor reflex

Contralateral muscles


Crossed adductor reflex to quadriceps jerk

General static reactions

Position of head in space


7–12 mo

3 mo

8 mo

Otolith Neck muscles Trunk muscles Never complete and obligatory

Tonic neck reflex

Covered up by voluntary action

Neck-righting reflex 4–8 mo Grasp reflex Palmar

28 weeks

4–5 mo



9–12 mo

28–32 weeks

4–5 mo

4–9 mo

Covered up by voluntary action

Moro reflex Labyrinthine accelerating reactions Linear acceleration Parachute reaction Angular acceleration Postrotational nystagmus

Change in rate of movement

Semicircular canals

Any age

From Menkes JH. The neuromotor mechanism. In: Cooke RE, ed. The biologic basis of pediatric practice. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. With permission.

Moro Reflex The Moro reflex is best elicited by a sudden dropping of the baby's head in relation to its trunk. Moro, however, elicited this reflex by hitting the infant's pillow with both hands (30). The infant opens the hands, extends and abducts the upper extremities, and then draws them together. The reflex first appears between 28 and 32 weeks' gestation and is present in all newborns. It fades out between 3 to 5 months of age (25) (Table I.3). Its persistence beyond 6 months of age or its absence or diminution during the first few weeks of life indicates neurologic dysfunction.

Tonic Neck Response The tonic neck response is obtained by rotating the infant's head to the side while maintaining the chest in a flat position. A positive response is extension of the arm and leg on the side toward which the face is rotated and flexion of the limbs on the opposite side (Fig. I.5). An asymmetric tonic neck response is abnormal, as is an obligatory and sustained pattern (i.e., one from which the infant is unable to extricate himself- or herself). Inconstant tonic neck responses can be elicited for as long as 6 to 7 months of age and can even be momentarily present during sleep in the healthy 2- to 3-year-old child (25) (Table I.3).

Righting Reflex With the infant in the supine position, the examiner turns the head to one side. The healthy infant rotates the shoulder in the same direction, followed by the trunk, and finally the pelvis. An obligate neck-righting reflex in which the shoulders, trunk, and pelvis rotate simultaneously and in which the infant can be rolled over and over like a log is always abnormal. Normally, the reflex can be imposed briefly in newborns, but the infant is soon able to break through it.

Palmar and Plantar Grasp Reflexes The palmar and plantar grasp reflexes are elicited by pressure on the palm or sole. Generally, the plantar grasp reflex is weaker than the palmar reflex. The palmar grasp reflex

appears at 28 weeks' gestation, is well established by 32 weeks, and becomes weak and inconsistent between 2 and 3 months of age, when it is covered up by voluntary activity. Absence of the reflex before 2 or 3 months of age, persistence beyond that age, or a consistent asymmetry is abnormal. The reappearance of the grasp reflex in frontal lobe lesions reflects the unopposed parietal lobe activity.

TABLE I.3 Percentage of Healthy Babies Showing Various Infantile Reflexes with In

Signs that Disappear with Age


Tonic Neck Reflex

Extension Even Without Flexor Phase

Imposable Even for 30 secs or Inconstant

Age (mo)

Crossed Adduction to Knee Jerk

Strong or Slight

Signs that Appear with Age NeckRighting Reflex

Imposable But Transient

Supporting Reaction



Fair or Good

Head Above Horizontal and Back Arched













































































Divergence of experience and opinion between different examiners. From Paine RS, Oppe TE. Neurological examination of children. Clinics in Dev. Med. 1996;20/21. Lon Heinemann.

FIGURE I.5. Obligatory tonic neck response in a 6-year-old boy with severe spastic quadriplegia and extrapyramidal symptoms secondary to perinatal asphyxia.

Vertical Suspension The examiner suspends the child with his or her hand under its axillae and notes the position of the lower extremities. Marked extension or scissoring is an indication of spasticity (Fig. I.6).

Landau Reflex To elicit the Landau response, the examiner lifts the infant with one hand under the trunk, face downward. Normally, a reflex extension of the vertebral column occurs, causing the newborn infant to lift the head to slightly below the horizontal, which results in a slightly convex upward curvature of the spine. With hypotonia, the infant's body tends to collapse into an inverted U shape.

Buttress Response To elicit the buttress response, the examiner places the infant in the sitting position and displaces the center of gravity with a gentle push on one shoulder. The infant extends the contralateral arm and spreads the fingers. The reflex normally appears at approximately 5 months of age. Delay in its appearance and asymmetries are significant.

Parachute Response The parachute reflex is tested with the child suspended horizontally about the waist, face down. The infant is then suddenly projected toward the floor, with a consequent extension of the arms and spreading of the fingers. Between 4 and 9 months of age, this reflex depends on visual and vestibular sensory input and is proportional to the size of the optic stimulus pattern on the floor (31) (Fig. I.7).

FIGURE I.6. Infant with upper motor neuron lesion demonstrates scissoring of the lower extremities when held in vertical suspension. Spastic quadriparesis followed perinatal asphyxia.

Reflex Placing and Stepping Responses Reflex placing and stepping responses are of lesser value. Reflex placing is elicited by stimulating the dorsum of the foot against the edge of the examining table. Reflex stepping, which is at least partly a function of the flexion response to noxious stimuli, is present in the healthy newborn when the newborn is supported in the standing position. The response disappears by 4 to 5 months of age.

FIGURE I.7. Infant demonstrating the parachute reaction. Note the extended arms and spreading of the fingers. The minimal asymmetry in the response may be the consequence of an antecedent meningitis.

Other Reflexes A number of other primitive reflexes have been described. They include the curious bowing reflex first described by Gamper (31). This reflex, which occasionally can be demonstrated in healthy premature infants of 7 months' gestation, is invariably present in anencephalics. It sometimes can also be demonstrated in infants with severe spastic quadriparesis. The reflex can be elicited by placing the infant into the supine position and extending the thighs at the hip joints. The head then lifts itself slowly, followed by the trunk, so that the infant ultimately achieves the sitting position. Other primitive reflexes add little to the neurologic examination of the infant. The physician should gather experience in a few selected tests rather than try to elicit the entire gamut of responses.

Age-Invariable Tests The last part of the neurologic examination involves tests similar to those performed in older children or adults, such as the funduscopic examination and the deep tendon reflexes. These have been discussed already in the C ranial Nerves section and the Reflexes section. Though a variety of deep tendon reflexes can be elicited in the infant, they are of limited value except when they are clearly asymmetric. The triceps and brachioradialis reflexes are usually difficult to elicit during the period of neonatal flexion hypertonia. The patellar reflex is accompanied by adduction of the opposite thigh, the crossed adductor reflex. This reflex disappears by 9 to 12 months of age (24). An unsustained ankle clonus is common in the healthy neonate. The ready availability of head ultrasound has for most practitioners relegated transillumination of the infant's skull to the scrap heap of history. Nevertheless, when performed correctly, it remains a quick and useful test for detecting the presence of hydrocephalus, subdural effusions, porencephalic cysts, and posterior fossa cysts (32). It is not always possible to summarize the neurologic examination result of the infant as being normal or abnormal. Instead, an intermediate group of infants exists whose examination results are suspect. The examination should be recorded as such, with the ultimate decision being left to subsequent examinations. Only some 1% of these suspect infants turn out to have gross neurologic deficits (33).

NEURODIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES At the conclusion of history taking and physical examination, the physician sets up a differential diagnosis and calls on a variety of diagnostic procedures to ascertain the cause of the neurologic illness. Some of the more commonly used procedures are commented on briefly to describe their applicability to various diagnostic problems and to direct the reader to more extensive sources.

Examination of the Cerebrospinal Fluid In most cases, a sample of the cerebrospinal fluid (C SF) is obtained by lumbar puncture, a procedure introduced in 1891 by Quincke as a means of reducing the increased intracranial pressure in children with hydrocephalus (34). To perform a spinal tap, the child is held in the lateral recumbent position with the spine maintained maximally flexed. In the newborn or small infant, the tap is best performed with the baby in the sitting position. A small pillow placed against the abdomen keeps the spine flexed while an assistant maintains the head in a perfect anteroposterior alignment. After cleaning the back with an antibacterial solution, the tap is performed. One may omit local anesthesia because it entails twice as much struggling than a tap performed without it. A controlled clinical trial has come to a similar conclusion (35). In one medical center, eutectic mixture of local anesthetics (EMLA) cream, a topical anesthetic of mixture of 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine, applied as a thick layer over the puncture site approximately 1 hour before the tap has made the procedure easier for the child and doctor. For a small child or toddler, a 22-gauge needle is preferable, whereas for the newborn, a 23gauge needle without a stylet is optimal. Several authors have suggested the use of an atraumatic needle that has a blunt tip rather than the beveled cutting edge of the Quincke needle. Based on experience derived from adult subjects, such a needle would reduce the

incidence of post–lumbar puncture headaches in older children and adolescents (36). The needle is inserted into the L3–4 or, for a newborn, whose spinal cord terminates at a lower level than the older child's, into the L4–5 interspace, with the bevel being maintained parallel to the longitudinal dural fibers to decrease the size of the dural tear. The needle is then pushed forward as slowly as possible. Entry into the subarachnoid space can be felt by a sudden pop. A bloody tap usually results from the needle's going too deep and penetrating the dorsal epidural venous plexus overlying the vertebral bodies. Less often it is caused by injury to the vessels along the cauda equina. The person who holds the child in a perfect position is more important to the success of a lumbar puncture than the person who inserts the needle. Bonadio and coworkers constructed a graph relating the depth to which the needle must go to obtain clear C SF with body surface area (37). If an opening pressure is essential, the stylet is replaced with a manometer, taking care to lose as little spinal fluid as possible. Because examination of the C SF for cells is more important than a pressure reading in most cases, a few drops of C SF should be collected at this point. An accurate recording of C SF pressure requires total relaxation of the child, a difficult and at times impossible task. The cooperative child may be released and the legs extended because falsely high pressures result when the knees are pressed against the abdomen. When the needle has been placed correctly, the fluid can be seen to move up and down the manometer with respirations. In older children, normal C SF pressure is less than 180 mm H2O; usually it is between 110 and 150 mm H2O. Pressure is approximately 100 mm H2O in the newborn. Ellis and coworkers proposed that C SF pressure can be estimated by counting the number of drops that are collected through the needle during a fixed period of time, ranging from 12 to 39 seconds, depending on the temperature of the child and the gauge and the length of the needle. Their paper presents the counting period for which the number of drops counted equals the C SF pressure in centimeters of water (38). This method is not useful in cases in which the C SF viscosity is significantly increased. Queckenstedt test, compression of the jugular veins to determine the presence of a spinal subarachnoid block, has lost its usefulness. After the spinal tap is completed, the stylet, if such is used, is replaced, and the needle is given half a turn before being removed to prevent extensive spinal fluid leakage (39). This manipulation is believed to reduce the likelihood for a post–lumbar puncture headache (40). The normal C SF is crystal clear. A cloudy fluid indicates the presence of cells. Fluid that contains more than 500 red blood cells/µL appears grossly bloody. If so, the possibility of a traumatic tap should be excluded by performing cell counts on three sequential samples of fluid. In the presence of an intracranial hemorrhage, little difference exists in the counts obtained from the first and last specimens. Performing sequential cell counts is a more reliable method of demonstrating intracranial bleeding than observing the presence of a xanthochromic fluid or crenated red cells (41). In the United States xanthochromia is generally assessed by visual inspection, spectrophotometry for the detection of C SF pigments is used almost universally in the United Kingdom (41a). C renation of red cells in C SF occurs promptly, whereas xanthochromia can be noted whenever contamination by red cells is heavy. In the term neonate, the mean protein concentration is 84 with a stardard deviation of ±45 mg/dL (42); in the premature neonate, it is 115 mg/dL (43). The presence of blood from any source raises the total protein by 1.5 mg/dL of fluid for every 1,000 fresh red blood cells/µL (44). The number of white cells in normal C SF is higher in infants than in children. In the study conducted by Ahmed and colleagues, the mean white cell count in normal, noninfected neonates was 7/µL with a range of 0 to 130/µL (45). In children older than 12 months of age, normal values range up to 3 cells/µL. Whereas polymorphonuclear cells can be present in the newborn, they are not found in C SF taken from healthy children older than 12 months of age (46). Blood-contaminated C SF complicates the determination of pleocytosis. Although it is frequently stated that the ratio of white blood cells to red blood cells does not differ from that present in peripheral blood (1:300), actual determinations by several groups of workers indicate that only approximately 20% of the predicted number of white blood cells are present in C SF; consequently, recalculation is necessary (47). The normal immunoglobulin G (IgG) values for pediatric patients were compiled by Rust and coworkers (48). In tuberculous meningitis, a cobweb can form at the bottom of the tube; staining of this material can reveal the presence of acid-fast organisms. It is appropriate to consider the complications of lumbar puncture performed under these and other circ*mstances. The possibility of herniation in the presence of increased intracranial pressure must be considered not only in cases of brain tumor, but also in purulent meningitis. The incidence of this complication was 4.3% in the series of Rennick et al. of 445 infants and children with bacterial meningitis (49). Obtaining a C T scan prior to a lumbar puncture in patients with meningitis to determine whether there is increased intracranial pressure is in our opinion unwarranted and only results in delayed appropriate treatment. As Oliver and coworkers (50) and Rennick and coworkers (49) also pointed out, the C T is generally normal in children with meningitis and increased intracranial pressure and does not disclose incipient cerebral herniation. This subject is also covered in C hapter 7. The most common complication of lumbar puncture is headache. In the experience of Raskin it was encountered in 10% of subjects younger than 19 years of age (51). Its onset is between 15 minutes and 12 days after the tap, and it persists for an average of 4 days but as long as several weeks or months (51). It is most severe with the patient upright and subsides in the recumbent position. Nausea, vomiting, and, less often, vertigo can accompany the headache. It is generally accepted, although not proven conclusively, that the headache results from persistent leakage of C SF through a hole in the dura and arachnoid, with cerebral hypotension and a consequent stretching and displacement of painsensitive structures (51). In adults, but not in the pediatric population, the major factor in headache induction is the diameter of the hole made in the dura by the needle (52,53). Neither the amount of fluid removed nor the position of the patient during the puncture is important in terms of the incidence of post–lumbar puncture headache (53). If a small-gauge needle is used and C SF pressures are to be measured, the physician should allow sufficient time for equilibration. The best current treatment of post–lumbar puncture headache is strict bed rest and the use of analgesics. Epidural injections of saline or intravenous caffeine have their advocates, but in the pediatric population these measures are generally unnecessary. Backache as a result of the trauma of the lumbar puncture is relatively common, but in children is generally not sufficiently severe to represent a major problem. Less common complications of lumbar puncture include diplopia caused by unilateral or bilateral abducens palsy or combined fourthand sixth-nerve palsies (54). This usually clears within a few days or weeks. Trauma to the arachnoid and to dural vessels at the base of the vertebrae is fairly common, particularly in small infants, but unless the patient is suffering from a bleeding disorder, it is asymptomatic. An epidural hematoma and, even less likely, a subdural hematoma, and a subarachnoid hemorrhage after a lumbar puncture are extremely unusual complications (55). Frequent lumbar punctures, particularly when performed for the introduction of intrathecal medications, may result in the implantation of an epidermal tumor. Other, rarer complications, together with 789 references on complications of lumbar puncture, can be found in a review by Fredericks (56). C ytologic studies can be performed on C SF after centrifugation and can assist in determining whether tumors have spread to the meninges or to the spinal subarachnoid space, as may occur in a medulloblastoma (57). Occasionally, the C SF contains choroid plexus and ependymal cells. These are particularly prominent in hydrocephalic infants (58).

Electroencephalography Electroencephalography (EEG) remains the central tool for the clinical investigation of seizures and other paroxysmal disorders. The increasing importance of neuroimaging studies has circ*mscribed its usefulness, and many physicians call on EEG in clinical situations in which the procedure has little to offer (59). EEG does not exclude the presence of epilepsy or organic disease, and its role in diagnosing the neuropsychiatric disorders is limited. A single normal tracing is of little value in excluding the diagnosis of epilepsy, and conversely, insignificant EEG abnormalities can accompany gross structural brain disease. Neither the technique of EEG nor the interpretation of normal and abnormal tracings are covered at this point. Instead, the reader is referred to C hapter 14. EEG is indicated in transient alterations in cerebral function or behavior, central nervous system degenerative disorders (with photic stimulation), unexplained coma, prognosis after anoxic episodes and other acute cerebral problems, and the determination of brain death. It is of little help in developmental retardation, static encephalopathies unaccompanied by seizures, minimal brain dysfunction, attention-deficit disorders, and neuropsychiatric disorders (59). Quantitative methods for data analysis of brain electrical activity (BEAM) can be used to compare signals from the various electrodes and so construct multicolor contour maps of brain activity. BEAM has found relatively little applicability in pediatric neurology. Even though this technique facilitates the detection of asymmetries, it remains investigational in mild to moderate head injuries, learning disabilities, and the attention-deficit disorders. No clinical application exists for quantitative EEG analysis without analysis of an accompanying routine EEG, and quantitative EEG by itself has not been proven useful in either the diagnosis or the treatment of children with learning or attention deficits (60,61,62). The issues involved in this procedure are discussed more extensively in C hapter 18.

Polysomnography As interest in sleep disorders has increased, the polysomnogram has become more readily available, not only in university centers, but also in clinical sleep laboratories. The procedure consists in the simultaneous recording of multiple physiologic variables during sleep. These include an EEG, electromyogram, electrocardiogram, and electro-oculogram. Additionally, respiration is recorded. The procedure is invaluable in the evaluation of sleep apnea of infancy and the diagnosis of suspected nocturnal seizures, narcolepsy, periodic movement disorders, and parasomnias. It is discussed more extensively in books by Guilleminault (63) and Ferber and Kryger (64).

Electromyography A concentric needle electrode inserted into muscle records the action potentials generated by muscle activity. These are amplified and displayed on a cathode ray oscilloscope. The amplified input also can be fed into a loudspeaker. Normal resting muscle is electrically silent except for a small amount of electrical activity produced by insertion of the needle that rapidly dies away. This is termed the insertion potential. With slight voluntary activity, single action potentials become evident. With increasing volitional activity, motor unit discharges increase in number, and the frequency of discharge increases until an interference pattern of continuous motor activity is achieved. The number or rate of motor unit discharge as well as the amplitude or shape of the individual discharges, can be abnormal. In establishing the diagnosis of myopathy, the duration of the discharge is more important than the amplitude inasmuch as the latter varies with age and with the muscle tested. Spontaneous discharges may be elicited from resting muscle or the insertion potential may be increased. After denervation of muscle, fibrillation potentials appear. They result from the periodic rhythmic twitching of single muscle fibers resulting from their hyperexcitability consequent to denervation. Fibrillation potentials appear on the average between 10 and 20 days after nerve section, and, as a rule, the greater the distance between the site of injury and the muscle, the longer it takes for the abnormality to develop. Spontaneous fibrillations also can be seen in hyperkalemic period paralysis, botulinus intoxication, muscular dystrophy, and some myopathies. They can be recorded in the proximal musculature of some term babies younger than 1 month of age and in some preterm infants (65). Electromyography (EMG) is an integral part of the investigation of the patient with lower motor neuron disease. It is nonspecifically abnormal in upper motor neuron disease and in extrapyramidal disorders, and, therefore, has only limited use in these entities. Highspatial-resolution EMG, a noninvasive surface EMG technique, has been proposed for the diagnosis of pediatric neuromuscular disorders. As used in various European centers, its diagnostic validity appears to be similar to that of needle EMG (66). For a more extensive coverage of this procedure, the reader is referred to texts by Kimura (67) and Aminoff (68).

Nerve Conduction Studies The conduction rates of motor nerves can be measured by stimulating the nerve at two points and recording the latency between each stimulus and the ensuing muscle contraction. The conduction rate depends on the patient's age and on the nerve tested. Normal values for pediatric patients were presented by Gamstorp (69). Nerve conduction velocities can be used to distinguish demyelination from axonal degeneration of the peripheral nerve and also from muscular disorders. In peripheral nerve demyelination, nerve conduction velocities are generally reduced, whereas they are normal in axonal degenerations and in muscular diseases (see also C hapters 3 and 16). The procedure also provides information about the distribution of peripheral nerve lesions. Sensory nerve conduction velocity can be determined in infants and children but is a more difficult procedure. It is useful in the study of the hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies and some of the heredodegenerative disorders.

Evoked Potentials Evoked potentials are the brain's response to an external stimulus. Most evoked potentials, being of low amplitude (0.120 µV), cannot be seen on routine EEG, but must be extracted from background activity by computed signal averaging after repeated stimuli. The presence or absence of one or more evoked potential waves and their latencies (the time from stimulus to wave peaks) are used in clinical interpretations. In pediatric neurology, visual-evoked responses (VERs), brainstem auditory-evoked responses (BAERs), and somatosensory-evoked potentials (SSEPs) are the most commonly used tests.

Visual-Evoked Responses Flash and pattern shift VERs are in use. In one institution, pattern shift stimuli are preferred for older children in that they are more reliable and also can provide some information about visual acuity. Flash stimuli are used for infants and older but uncooperative youngsters. The amplitude and latencies of the VER as recorded from both occipital lobes are used for clinical purposes, with the former being less valuable in pediatrics because it is contingent on attention span and visual acuity. VERs have found their place in the diagnosis of a variety of leukodystrophies, demyelinating diseases, and lipidoses. They can demonstrate clinically silent optic neuritis such as is present in spinocerebellar ataxia and various other system degenerations. VERs can be recorded reliably from neonates and have been used to measure visual acuity in infants and follow the development of the visual system (70,71).

Brainstem Auditory-Evoked Responses A series of clicks delivered to one ear sequentially activates cranial nerve VIII, cochlear nucleus, superior olivary nucleus, nuclei of the lateral lemniscus, and inferior colliculus. In the neonate, the waves representing cranial nerve VIII (I), the superior olivary nucleus (III), and the inferior colliculus (V) are the most readily detectable. The BAER can be elicited in premature infants after 26 weeks' gestation, with amplitude increasing and latency decreasing as a function of increasing gestational age. C linical interpretation of the BAER is based on the time interval between the waves and the interpeak latencies. These reflect the intactness of the brainstem auditory tract. Diseases of the peripheral auditory nerve affect the latencies of all waves but do not alter interpeak latencies. The BAER is abnormal in various leukodystrophies, with most patients having central abnormalities. C linically inapparent abnormalities of the auditory nerve can be demonstrated by BAER in Friedreich ataxia and the various hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies. The BAER is also abnormal in brainstem disease, such as occurs in neonates as a consequence of perinatal asphyxia or hyperbilirubinemia. It is also abnormal in bacterial meningitis and in the various viral encephalitides. Indicative of brainstem damage, the BAER has been used for prognostic purposes in patients who are comatose subsequent to head trauma, cardiorespiratory arrest, or increased intracranial pressure.

Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials SSEPs are recorded after stimulation of peripheral sensory nerves. Like BAERs, the waveforms and the anatomy of the sensory tracts are closely correlated. The cell bodies of the large-fiber sensory system lie in the dorsal root ganglia; their central processes travel rostrally in the posterior columns of the spinal cord to synapse in the dorsal column nuclei at the cervicomedullary junction. Secondorder fibers cross the midline to the thalamus, whence third-order fibers continue to the frontoparietal sensorimotor cortex. Painless electrical stimuli at 4 to 5/sec are delivered to the skin overlying the median nerve at the wrist, the tibial nerve at the ankle, or the common peroneal nerve at the knee. Their intensity is adjusted to excite the largest myelinated fibers in the peripheral nerve. Waveforms are recorded along the somatosensory pathway: above the clavicle overlying the brachial plexus, at the posterior midline at the C 2 vertebra to record the dorsal column nuclei, and on the scalp overlying the sensory cortex contralateral to the stimulated limb. When the lower extremities are stimulated, a recording electrode is placed over L1–3. C linical interpretation is based on interpeak latency, with particular attention paid to differences between the two sides. SSEPs can provide information on the integrity of the brachial plexus, and on spinal cord lesions if these involve the posterior columns. SSEPs can be used to evaluate children with myelodysplasia and provide useful information in patients with Friedreich ataxia and in the hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies. The role of multimodality-evoked potential recordings in the diagnosis of brain death is covered in C hapter 17. The SSEP appears in the fetus at approximately 29 weeks of gestation, with a progressive decrease of response latency with increasing gestational age.

Electronystagmography This procedure measures the rate and amplitude of eye movements at rest and after caloric or rotational stimulation. It is useful in the evaluation of children with vertigo and in the postconcussion syndrome (72,73).

NEUROIMAGING Skull Radiography Radiographs of the skull are hardly as valuable as they were before the advent of C T scan and MRI. C urrently, they are used occasionally to detect and interpret localized lytic lesions, such as are seen in histiocytosis X, and to evaluate various congenital anomalies of the cranium, such as occur in achondroplasia, cleidocranial dysostosis, wormian bones, or hyperostosis. Plain skull radiography is clearly inferior to C T in the assessment of the child who has suffered a head injury, although, on occasion, radiography is better than C T in demonstrating a horizontal skull fracture. In children, particularly in those between 4 and 8 years of age, prominence of convolutional markings is not a reliable indication of increased intracranial pressure. Separation of sutures is rare in children older than 10 years of age and is practically nonexistent beyond the age of 20 years.

Computed Tomography The advent of C T and MRI revolutionized the diagnostic evaluation of the neurologic patients and eliminated the need for invasive studies such as pneumoencephalography and ventriculography. The technique of C T was introduced by Ambrose and Hounsfield (74), who developed a scanning instrument based on theoretical work of Oldendorf (75). It permits visualization of even slight differences in the density of the intracranial contents without the need for and the complications of an invasive procedure. In essence, scattering of radiation is eliminated by the use of a thin x-ray beam so that the

photon absorption by tissues can be calculated accurately using a sodium iodide crystal or solid-state detector. The x-ray tube and the detector move across the head and obtain readings of photon transmission through the head. The exact matrix depends on the particular scanning instrument used. After completion of the scan, the unit is rotated 1 degree and the process is repeated. In this fashion, the tube and the detector are rotated 180 degrees around the head. The resulting readings are fed into a computer that calculates the x-ray absorption coefficients of each of the voxels. The most recent machines are capable of acquiring multiple images at once using an array of thin x-ray detectors. These scanners are designed for spiral or helical scanning. With this technique the gantry rotates continuously as the table moves. The helical data set is then reconstructed into artificial slices for viewing. This technique shortens the scan time considerably. Scanners with the ability to acquire 64 slices are now available. This is beyond the technical need of most neuroimaging. Most scans are acquired as standard serial cuts of the head 2.5 or 5 mm thick. Multislice spiral imaging is used more commonly in the spine or with special techniques. The thin sections of 1 mm or less required for examination of the posterior fossa, the orbit, or the perisellar region are easily performed by the new generations of scanners. The total radiation dose for a complete scan of the head is approximately 6 rads, somewhat less than that produced by a routine skull series. The C T scanning procedure takes some 5 to 30 minutes, and because even a slight degree of motion results in an artifact, the normally active child younger than 5 years of age requires sedation to prevent movement of the head. Oral chloral hydrate, rectal sodium pentothal (3 to 6 mg/kg for children younger than 4 years of age; 1.5 to 3 mg/kg for children older than 4 years), and meperidine (Demerol; 2 mg/kg up to 50 mg) are reliable and safe agents for this purpose. C hloral hydrate is administered orally as an initial dose of 60 to 75 mg/kg, with a subsequent dose of 45 to 50 mg/kg for those children in whom the initial dose was ineffective, with the maximum 2 g or 100 mg/kg, whichever is less (76,77). Newborns may not require sedation because simple bundling might hold the child still enough during the short scan times commonplace with newer machines. Nonionic contrast media of the iodide type (e.g., iohexol) can be used to facilitate recognition of structure and vascularity. They have for the greater part replaced ionic contrast media because of their lower incidence of anaphylactoid reactions and other complications (78). Enhancement of tumors and surrounding abnormal tissue results from a breakdown of the blood–brain barrier. Rapid scanning in combination with iodinated contrast allows the acquisition of C T perfusion scans (79). By measuring the change in hounsifield units in each voxel while a bolus of contrast passes through, one can calculate blood flow transit time and blood volume. In addition to being most useful for rapid assessment of strokes, this technique has an array of other potential uses (79). Unlike MRI perfusion, it provides actual values as opposed to relative ones and is more anatomic than single photon emission computed tomography (SPEC T) studies. A C T scan is the procedure of choice for the emergency evaluation of the child who has suffered head trauma or who is suspected of having a subarachnoid hemorrhage. The C T scan is also preferable to MRI for the detection of intracranial calcifications such as are seen in intrauterine infections, the phakomatoses, and brain tumors. It also can be used to localize and define a brain abscess and to follow its course under therapy. Although catheter angiography is still the procedure of choice for the ultimate delineation of vascular lesions, these are readily detected by C T scans, MRI, and MR angiography. The latter procedures also provide information not obtainable by catheter angiography, such as the presence and extent of an associated hematoma, subarachnoid blood, or edema. C T angiography is a noninvasive technique that uses a rapid intravenous contrast bolus and thin spiral scans of a defined area of vascular anatomy. It is most useful in evaluating complex circle of Willis aneurysms (80). C T angiography is best performed as a dedicated study with submillimeter spiral acquisitions (81) (Fig. I.8).

FIGURE I.8. C omputed tomography angiography. The study demonstrates a variety of vascular abnormalities on the left side in a child with an early stage of moya-moya disease.

A C T scan is inferior to ultrasonography for the diagnosis of many of the early intracranial complications of prematurity and for the evaluation of an infant with hydrocephalus. The C T scan is also inferior to MRI in the detection of minor central nervous system malformations, the evaluation of structural epileptogenic lesions, and demyelinating processes.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging is a versatile and noninvasive procedure, whose clinical use was first described in 1977 (82). It provides information on brain structure without exposure to ionizing radiation. For a discussion of the fundamental physical principles of MRI and an explanation of its terminology, subjects far beyond the scope of this text, and for a more extensive presentation of its application the reader is referred to books such as those by Lee et al. (83). This section reviews the applications of MRI of the brain and compares them with those for C T scanning. Table I.4 shows the relative efficacy of the two procedures. Generally, T1-weighted images can

provide a higher resolution view of structural anatomy, especially with thin-section techniques or three-dimensional acquisitions. T2weighted images are preferred for the detection of various other abnormalities. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) is a T2weighted technique that suppresses the background water signal that makes abnormal findings even more conspicuous. As is the case for C T scanning, MR imaging necessitates sedation of infants and of children who cannot be expected to remain still for the duration of the procedure. In our institution this requires placement of an intravenous line, using intramuscular ketamine for children who are difficult to control, followed by intravenous midazolam and intravenous propofol or sevoflurane.

TABLE I.4 Relative Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomographic Scanning


Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Computed Tomographic Scanning

Metrizamide-Enhanced Computed Tomographic Scanning

Tumors Low grade Supratentorial




























High grade


Demyelinating diseases Trauma

Vasculitis (systemic lupus erythematosus)


Cervicomedullary junction and cervical spinal cord Congenital anomalies

















Cervical spine




Tumors (intraaxial) Brainstem Cerebellopontine angle Cervical spine Tumors (extraaxial)

++++, preferred initial approach; +++, of definite value; ++, of value, but should not be considered as the initial diagnostic approach; +, of some value, but other procedures are superior; ±, of questionable value. a Radiographic computed tomographic scanning is superior in visualizing bone abnormalities, whereas magnetic resonance imaging may be superior in demonstrating blood and spinal cord injury. Adapted from Council of Scientific Affairs, Report of the Panel on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging of the central nervous system. JAMA 1988;259:1211. With permission.

In the evaluation of tumors, MRI is generally superior to C T scanning for the detection and characterization of posterior fossa lesions, particularly when these are isodense and thus require contrast infusion for their delineation. It is also superior for the detection and delineation of low-grade tumors and provides a more precise definition of associated features, such as mass effects, hemorrhage, and edema. In a brainstem glioma, for instance, sagittal scans demonstrate the rostrocaudal extent of tumor, and tumors involving the sella or the chiasmatic cistern are more readily delineated by MRI than C T scanning because interference from surrounding bone limits the accuracy of C T scanning. The infusion of chelated gadolinium (i.e., gadopentetate dimeglumine) provides contrast enhancement for intracranial lesions with abnormal vascularity, such as the more malignant tumors, and detects lesions that disrupt the blood–brain barrier. These are best seen on T1-weighted images (84). Enhanced MRI facilitates the distinction between tumor and edema and between viable tissue and necrotic tissue. It also delineates any leptomeningeal spread of metastases and the spinal cord metastases so common in medulloblastomas. Gadolinium-contrast infusions also have been used to delineate the cerebral lesions of neurofibromatosis and tuberous sclerosis. Gadolinium contrast has proven to be an exceedingly safe material, with a complication rate of less than 1 in 10,000. The use of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of central nervous system tumors is discussed more extensively in C hapter 11. In spinal cord tumors, MRI is the procedure of choice. It is far superior in examination of inherent bone disease and in evaluation of the bone marrow. In addition, MRI, by providing good gray–white differentiation, offers valuable information on the status of myelin in demyelinating diseases and during normal and abnormal development. When T2-weighted images are viewed, white matter appears lighter (higher signal intensity) than gray matter for the first 6 to 7 months of life. Between 8 and 12 months of age, the signal intensities from white and gray matter are approximately equal (Fig. I.9).

Thereafter, the brain has the adult appearance with gray matter lighter than white matter (85,86). This progression is delayed frequently in developmentally retarded youngsters (see Fig. I.9). MRI of the brain in preterm infants younger than 30 weeks' gestation demonstrates the presence of the germinal matrix at the margins of the lateral ventricles as small areas of high signal intensity on T1-

weighted images and low signal intensity on T2-weighted images (87,88). The MRI also can be used to demonstrate the maturation of the cortical sulci (see C hapter 5).

FIGURE I.9. Magnetic resonance imaging studies in normal and abnormal development. A: Normal development, age 3 months. Axial spin-echo (SE) (2,000/84). White matter has higher signal intensity than adjacent gray matter. Myelin is already present in the region of the thalamus and the posterior limbs of the internal capsule. A small amount of myelin is present in the occipital white matter. B: Normal development, age 10 months. Axial SE (2,000/84). The gray and white matter are isointense. Myelin is now present also in the anterior limbs of the internal capsule. C: Normal development, age 18 months. Axial SE (2,000/84). The white matter is hypointense relative to the gray matter. The area of myelinated white matter has now extended peripherally. D: Delayed development, age 18 months. Axial SE (2,000/84). White matter is transitional between having higher signal intensity than the adjacent gray matter and being isointense with gray matter. Myelin is present in the thalamus and the posterior limbs of the internal capsule. This picture is consistent with a normal development of between 3 and 6 months of age. (C ourtesy of Dr. Rosalind B. Dietrich, Department of Radiology, Univ. of C alifornia, San Diego Medical C enter, San Diego, C A.)

For the evaluation of developmentally delayed children, particularly when anomalies of cortical architecture are suspected, MRI is far superior to C T scanning in that it can depict areas of micropolygyria, lissencephaly, or heterotopic gray matter. Additionally, the quality of images is superior to that offered by C T scans. MRI is the procedure of choice for the evaluation of patients with refractory complex or simple partial seizures and is preferred to C T scanning in demonstrating abnormalities at the cervicomedullary junction and the cervical spinal cord. The procedure is, therefore, used as a follow-up study for the patient who has sustained cervical trauma or who is suspected of having an Arnold-C hiari malformation. MRI has been used to map the distribution of brain iron. In the healthy brain, the concentration of iron is maximal in the globus pallidus, caudate nucleus, and putamen. It increases in the Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome, making MRI useful in its diagnosis. Finally, in choosing between C T scanning and MRI, the physician should not forget that the critically ill patient with a variety of infusions and requiring respiratory support cannot be managed properly in many MRI units and that the procedure costs 20% to 300% more than C T scans (88). The frequency of incidental findings on MR imaging in a normal population is significant. In a study conducted on 1,000 healthy volunteers, 18% of brain MRI demonstrated abnormal findings, the vast majority of which did not require follow-up evaluation (89).

Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging In images obtained with diffusion-weighted MRI, contrast depends on differences in the molecular motion of water. Acute strokes, such as occur in sickle cell disease, and hypoxic-ischemic changes in mature brain are detected earlier by this technique than by conventional MRI (90,91). The advantages of this technique in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy are not as clear (92). Several methods, notably FLAIR pulse sequences, have been used to reduce C SF signal and produce heavy T2 weighting and thus provide

additional anatomic detail. These are discussed in detail by Oatridge and colleagues (93). In our institution, a combination of FLAIR and diffusion-weighted images is used to evaluate the patient with hyperacute infarction (within 3 hours of onset).

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Whereas diffusion-weighted MRI examinations use the directionally random motion of water molecules that normally occurs, DTI takes advantage of the directional (anisotropic) motion of water molecules in white matter tracts (94). The tensor is the mathematical expression of the directional movement. DTI allows the plotting of white matter tracts throughout the brain. This technique is finding application in a wide array of situations, including abnormalities in brain development, hypoxic ischemic disease, and trauma (95,96) (Fig. I.10).

Magnetic Resonance Angiography Magnetic resonance angiography (97) is a noninvasive technique that allows visualization of blood vessels. In those in the pediatric age group, who have a higher cerebral blood flow than adults, the large cerebral arteries and their major branches are routinely visualized. This procedure has replaced traditional angiography for most purposes and has proved helpful in evaluating dural sinuses and cerebral aneurysms and in studying arterial and venous components of an arteriovenous malformation. In particular, it is a noninvasive diagnostic tool for the evaluation of children with vascular accidents. Some centers use gadolinium enhancement to visualize veins and arteries with slower blood flow (98,99) (see C hapter 13).

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is performed using the same magnets and computers as conventional MRI. Proton MRS is used more widely than 31P-MRS. Unlike MRI, MRS provides information on the cerebral metabolites and some neurotransmitters in one or more small regions of interest (voxels). The major metabolites that can be detected by proton MRS include N-acetyl compounds, primarily N-acetylaspartate (NAA); creatine (including phosphocreatine and its precursor, creatine); and choline-containing compounds, including free choline, phosphoryl, and glycerophosphoryl choline. NAA is a neuronal marker, whereas the choline compounds are released in the course of membrane disruption. Proton MRS also can be used to determine the concentration of lactate, which accumulates as a result of tissue damage and consequent anaerobic metabolism (100,101,102). It is the most reliable procedure for diagnosinge defects in creatine transport (103). Neurotransmitters, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate, also can be estimated using proton MRS. In neonates, the dominant peaks are the choline-containing compounds and myo-inositol. With maturation, NAA increases, so that by 4 months of age it becomes the major metabolic peak. As a consequence, the NAA/choline and NAA/creatine ratios increase rapidly with maturation, whereas the choline/creatine ratio decreases (100).

FIGURE I.10. Diffusion tensor imaging. A: Normal study demonstrating white matter tracts crossing the midline through the corpus callosum. B: Agenesis of the corpus callosum. Note the absence of fiber tracts crossing the midline.

C oncentrations of adenosine triphosphate, phosphocreatine, and some of the other high-energy phosphates involved in cellular energetics can be assessed using 31P-MRS. Spectra can be acquired within 1 hour, and changes in intracellular pH and metabolites can be followed. Proton and phosphorus MRS has been used in the evaluation of muscle diseases, localization of epileptic foci, evaluation of the extent of post-traumatic lesions, classification of brain tumors, and diagnosis of the various mitochondrial disorders, leukodystrophies, and other demyelinating disorders. These techniques also have been used to determine the extent, timing, and prognosis of perinatal asphyxia (101,104).

Perfusion MRI Whereas C T perfusion uses the x-ray absorption of iodine to map perfusion, a bolus of gadolinium is used for MRI perfusion. The most frequently used technique involves signal loss caused by the influx of contrast and rapid sequences. Perfusion MRI can be used to assess the hemodynamic component in childhood C NS disease related to neoplasms and complications from their therapy, cerebrovascular occlusive disease, childhood C NS arteriopathies, and trauma. It has advantage over C T in that the entire brain can be

scanned. As with C T perfusion, blood flow timing and blood volumes can be mapped (105).

Ultrasonography As is more extensively discussed in C hapter 6, ultrasonography is widely used for the recognition of intracranial hemorrhage in the newborn and for the detection of a variety of nonhemorrhagic lesions, notably intracranial tumors, hydrocephalus, periventricular leukomalacia, and polycystic encephalomalacia (106). Additionally, ultrasonography detects areas of calcification, such as those caused by cytomegalovirus or Toxoplasma infections. Because the procedure is performed through the open anterior fontanelle, its accuracy decreases with the decreasing size of the fontanelle.

Positron Emission Tomography Positron emission tomography (PET) enables one to detect localized functional abnormalities of the brain. It is based on the emission by certain unstable isotopes of positrons (positively charged electrons), which, after brief passage through tissue, collide with negatively charged electrons and emit energy that can be localized by tomography. Isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine have been used for PET scanning. All have short half-lives and are generally prepared by an on-site or nearby cyclotron. 18F-labeled 2-fluorodeoxyglucose is particularly useful for measuring transport and phosphorylation of glucose in that it is not metabolized beyond deoxyglucose-6-phosphate and, therefore, remains within the brain. 18F-labeled 2-fluorodeoxyglucose allows accurate measurements of cerebral blood flow and of local oxygen and glucose metabolism. Because the hallmark of an epileptic focus is an interictal area of reduced cerebral glucose metabolism, the PET scan has become invaluable in the assessment of candidates for surgical therapy of epilepsy (107). The PET scan is being used also for the early diagnosis of Huntington disease, the differential diagnoses of dementias, and the differentiation between radiation necrosis and tumor recurrence. Specific ligands have been used to investigate dopamine, opiate, and benzodiazepine receptor binding in various movement disorders. For the most part, these studies have not had any clinical applicability in pediatric cases. Finally, the PET scan has shown considerable promise in the study of the functional development of the normal and diseased human brain (108).

Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) The so-called poor man's PET scan, SPEC T depends on the gamma-ray emission of certain neutral lipophilic isotopes, notably 99Tc, to measure regional cerebral blood flow. In the pediatric population, SPEC T finds considerable use for the study of refractory epilepsies. In essence, the results with SPEC T parallel those with PET scanning; generalized hyperperfusion is seen during a seizure in the generalized epilepsies, and regional hyperperfusion is seen for a few minutes before and during a seizure in an area that corresponds to the epileptic focus in partial seizures (109). Ictal hyperperfusion extends for approximately 10 minutes into the postictal period with hyperperfused surround that often is extensive (110). Interictally, a large proportion of patients show areas of hypoperfusion corresponding to the epileptic focus. For the purpose of localizing an epileptic focus, interictal hypoperfusion is less reliable than the data obtained by a combination of SPEC T and MRI (109). The simplicity and economy of SPEC T are its biggest advantages. However, several drawbacks to this technique exist. For one, SPEC T tracers are not natural biological molecules, and their physiologic behavior is not fully understood. Spatial resolution of SPEC T is poorer than resolution by PET, and SPEC T gives no information with respect to brain metabolism, nor does it permit quantitation of blood flow. Because in most instances brain metabolism and cerebral blood flow are closely linked and the isotopes used in SPEC T do not require on-site production, this procedure has an important role in the evaluation of the difficult seizure patient (111). At present, no isotopes of carbon, oxygen, or nitrogen with usable half-lives and energies exist; this procedure has been therefore mainly limited to the study of cerebral perfusion (112). Newer pharmaceuticals, notably 99mTc-methoxyisobutylisonitrile, have been used to detect the metabolic activity of tumors (113).

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging In our institution, the clinical applications of functional MRI are principally in the preoperative localization of the sensorimotor, visual, and language cortex in patients with intracranial tumors (114,115). Functional MRI allows the identification of cortical activation by examination of the oxygen level of the cortical veins. Oxygenated hemoglobin has different signal characteristics than hemoglobin. Blood flow to an actively functioning cortex provides more oxygen to neurons than is consumed by them, and as a result, the oxygen level in the corresponding veins increases.

Cerebral Arteriography The visualization of cerebral blood vessels by the injection of radiopaque dyes was introduced by Moniz in 1927 (116). Various techniques are used for arteriography in children, most commonly cannulation of the brachial or femoral arteries under direct visualization. The exact amount injected depends on the size of the child, but, generally, nonionic contrast medium is injected directly. With the small catheters that are now available, selective angiography of the cerebral vessels can be performed on even the smallest infant (117). Lateral and anteroposterior views of the skull are taken simultaneously or with successive injections. The principal indication for the procedure is in the evaluation of vascular abnormalities, including arteriovenous malformations, aneurysms, and occlusive vascular disease (see C hapter 13). Tumors of the cerebral hemispheres are localized by the distortion of the normal vascular patterns of the carotid arterial or venous system or by the presence of abnormal vasculature. Although C T and MRI provide first-line evidence of the size and location of a brain tumor, arteriography using digital subtraction techniques offers excellent confirmatory data in terms of blood supply to the mass lesion. C urrent angiographic techniques have permitted the development of interventional neuroradiology. Percutaneous endovascular procedures have become the major mode of treatment for a wide array of vascular lesions, including malformations of the vein of Galen, arteriovenous malformations, fistulas, and intracerebral aneurysms (see C hapter 13).

Radiography of the Spine and Myelography Spinal radiographs and C T are important in the management of the youngster who has been subjected to craniocerebral or spinal trauma. In interpreting spine films, the pediatric neurologist must consider a number of relatively common normal variations. These include the forward subluxation of C 2 on C 3, a variety of anomalies of the odontoid process, including the presence of an accessory ossicle, and the occipitalization of C 1 (118). MRI is the optimal study for the delineation of spinal cord tumors, diastematomyelia, the tethered cord, and various spinal cord

anomalies that are reviewed in C hapter 5.

Pneumoencephalography and Ventriculography Because these procedures are of purely historical interest, a brief review suffices. In 1918, Dandy introduced the technique of visualizing the cerebral ventricles and subarachnoid spaces by the injection of air into the lumbar spinal canal (119). When this technique was used, localization of intracranial neoplasms relied on the presence of abnormalities in ventricular size and location. The morbidity of the procedure was considerable. When air was used as the contrast medium, its introduction into the ventricular system almost invariably resulted in headache and vomiting. Less often, hypotensive episodes and focal or generalized seizures and C SF pleocytosis occurred.

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Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Table of Contents > Chapter 1 - Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the Nervous System

Chapter 1 Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the Nervous System John H. Menkes William R. Wilcox The diseases considered in this chapter result from a single mutant gene that codes for an enzymatic protein that in most instances is involved in a catabolic pathway. The consequent homeostatic disturbances produce a neurologic or developmental abnormality. The separation between conditions considered in this chapter and those in C hapter 3 is admittedly arbitrary. Both chapters deal with singlegene defects, except that for diseases covered in this chapter, the defective gene is normally expressed in one or more organs, not necessarily in the nervous system, and chemical analyses of tissues are frequently diagnostic. C onditions considered in C hapter 3 are also the result of a single defective gene, but one that is mainly or exclusively expressed in the nervous system. C onsequently, these entities lack characteristic chemical abnormalities of tissues or body fluids. Since 1975, almost all of the nearly 500 neurologic and neuromuscular diseases caused by known enzymatic or protein defects have been mapped to a specific chromosome region, and a large proportion of them have been cloned. In the course of these advances, a considerable amount of metabolic, molecular, and genetic detail has become available, the full discussion of which is outside the domain of this text. Instead, the emphasis of this chapter is on the clinical presentation of the diseases, their diagnosis and treatment, and, when known, the mechanisms that induce the neurologic deficits. For a more extensive discussion of the genetic and molecular basis of the neurologic disorders, the reader is referred to a text by Rosenberg and coworkers (1) and the compendium edited by Scriver and coworkers (2). In addition, we recommend two small paperback handbooks written by C larke (3) and Hoffman and coworkers (3a) that are intended to make inborn errors of metabolism accessible to physicians who do not have an in-depth knowledge of biochemistry and molecular biology. For readers who are computer minded there is a helpful Web site at Screening of newborns by tandem mass spectroscopy of amino acids and acylcarnitines has found an incidence of inborn errors of metabolism (excluding phenylketonuria) of approximately 15.7 in 100,000 live births (3b). These disorders are therefore individually relatively uncommon in the practice of pediatric neurology. Their importance rests, however, on the insight these disorders offer into the relationship between a genetic mutation, the resultant disturbance in homeostasis, and a disorder of the nervous system. The mechanisms by which inborn errors of metabolism produce brain dysfunction remain largely uncertain, although, for some conditions, a plausible theory of pathogenesis has been proposed. Not all enzyme defects lead to disease; a large number of harmless metabolic variants exist. They include pentosuria, one of the original four inborn errors of metabolism described by Garrod (4), and several others listed in Table 1.1. Many of these variants were discovered when individuals in institutions for the mentally retarded were screened for metabolic defects at a time when their incidence in normal populations had not been determined. Over the last decade the imperfect relationship between the gene defect and its phenotypic expression has become evident. A single gene defect can result in a variety of phenotypic expressions, and, conversely, what has been assumed to be a single neurologic phenotype can have multiple genetic etiologies. Even for phenylketonuria, long considered to be the epitome of a metabolic disorder, the relationship between the mutation in the gene for phenylalanine hydroxylase, blood phenylalanine levels, and the ultimate result, impairment in cognitive function, is complex and unpredictable (5,5a). An introduction to the fundamentals of molecular genetics is far beyond the scope of this text. The reader interested in this subject is referred to books by Strachan and Read (6), Lodish and colleagues (7), and Lewin (8). For practical purposes, we will divide metabolic disorders into the following groups: Disorders of amino acid metabolism Disorders of renal amino acid transport

TABLE 1.1 Inborn Errors of Amino Acid Metabolism Without Known Clinical Consequences

Histidinemia (OMIM 235800) Cystathioninemia (OMIM 219500) Hyperprolinemia I (OMIM 239500) Hyperprolinemia II (OMIM 239510) Hydroxyprolinemia (OMIM 237000) Hyperlysinemia (OMIM 238700) Saccharopinuria (OMIM 247900) Dibasic aminoaciduria I (OMIM 222690) Alpha-aminoadipic aciduria (OMIM 204750) Alpha-ketoadipic aciduria (OMIM 245130) Sarcosinemia (OMIM 268900)

Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and transport Organic acidurias Disorders of fatty acid oxidation Lysosomal disorders Disorders of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism Peroxisomal disorders C arbohydrate-deficient protein syndromes Familial myoclonus epilepsies C eroid lipofuscinosis and other lipidoses Disorders of serum lipoproteins Disorders of metal metabolism Disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism Porphyrias

EVALUATION OF THE PATIENT SUSPECTED OF HAVING A METABOLIC DISORDER The spectacular advances of molecular biology have facilitated the diagnosis and prevention of genetic diseases and have brought humanity to the threshold of gene therapy. The clinician must, therefore, strive for an early diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism to offer treatment whenever possible, provide appropriate genetic counseling, and, in many instances, give parents an opportunity for an antenatal diagnosis on the occasion of a subsequent pregnancy (9,10). Since the initial descriptions of phenylketonuria and maple syrup urine disease, the protean clinical picture of the various inborn metabolic errors has become apparent. As a consequence, these disorders must be included in the differential diagnosis of neurologic problems whenever other causes are not evident from the child medical history and physical examination. Two questions should be considered: What type of patient should be suspected of having an inborn error of metabolism, and what tests should be included in the diagnostic evaluation? It is clear that the greater the suspicion of a metabolic disorder, the more intense the investigative process must be.

TABLE 1.2 Clinical Syndromes Suggestive of An Underlying Metabolic Cause

Neurologic disorder, including mental retardation, replicated in sibling or close relative Recurrent episodes of altered consciousness or unexplained vomiting in an infant Recurrent unexplained ataxia or spasticity Progressive central nervous system degeneration Mental retardation without obvious cause

Table 1.2 lists some clinical syndromes (ranked by frequency) suggestive of an underlying metabolic cause. A carefully obtained history and physical examination provide important clues to the presence of a metabolic disorder and its specific etiology (Table 1.3). Metabolic investigations are less imperative for children who have focal neurologic disorders or who suffer from mental retardation in conjunction with major congenital anomalies. Dysmorphic features, however, have been found in some of the peroxisomal disorders, including Zellweger syndrome, in pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency, in glutaric acidemia type II, and in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (11). These are given in Table 1.4. When embarking on a metabolic investigation, procedures should be performed in ascending order of complexity and discomfort to patient and family.

Metabolic Screening Routine screening of plasma and urine detects the overwhelming majority of disorders of amino acid metabolism and disorders manifested by an abnormality of organic acids as well as the common disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Amino acid analysis can be performed by ion exchange chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, or

tandem mass spectrometry–mass spectrometry (TMS-MS). Analysis of organic acids is generally performed by gas–liquid chromatography with or without mass spectrometry. At our institution, metabolic screening usually includes plasma amino acids and urinary organic acids. The yield on these tests is low, and a high frequency of nonspecific or nondiagnostic abnormalities occurs. Urea cycle disorders are characterized by elevated concentrations of blood ammonia with the patient in the fasting state or on a high-protein intake (4 g/kg per day). A number of genetic disorders are characterized by intermittent acidosis. Elevated lactic and pyruvic acid levels in serum or cerebrospinal fluid (C SF) are found in a number of the mitochondrial disorders. The lactate/pyruvate ratio may suggest the type of disorder. A normal ratio in

the face of an elevated lactate points to a disorder of pyruvate metabolism, whereas an elevated lactate/pyruvate ratio suggests a defect in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) oxidation, such as occurs in genetic defects of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Measurements of lactate and pyruvate are prone to errors due to poor venipuncture technique and delayed sample handling, and lactate/pyruvate ratios should therefore be interpreted with caution. As a rule, measurements of arterial blood or C SF lactate and pyruvate are more reliable. In some mitochondrial disorders elevation of lactate cannot be documented from assays of body fluids but only by finding an elevation of lactate in brain by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).

TABLE 1.3 Clinical Clues to the Diagnosis of Metabolic Diseases of the Nervous System



Cutaneous abnormalities Increased pigmentation Telangiectases (conjunctiva, ears, popliteal areas)



Perioral eruption

Multiple carboxylase deficiency

Abnormal fat distribution

Congenital disorders of glycosylation

Angiokeratoma (red macules or maculopapules) of hips, buttocks, scrotum

Fabry disease, sialidosis, fucosidosis type II

Oculocutaneous albinism

Chédiak-Higashi syndrome


Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis

Subcutaneous nodules

Ceramidosis (Farber disease)


Sjögren-Larsson syndrome (spasticity, seizures) Refsum disease (neuropathy, ataxia, phylanic acid) Dorfman-Chanarin syndrome (lipid storage in muscle, granulocytes, and so forth)

Inverted nipples

Congenital disorders of glycosylation

Abnormal urinary or body odor



Maple syrup or caramel

Maple syrup urine disease

Sweaty feet or ripe cheese

Isovaleric acidemia

Sweaty feet

Glutaric acidemia type II

Cat urine

3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency

Cat urine

Multiple carboxylase deficiency

Hair abnormalities Alopecia

Multiple carboxylase deficiency

Kinky hair

Kinky hair disease Argininosuccinic aciduria Multiple carboxylase deficiency Giant axonal neuropathy Trichothiodystrophy (Pollitt syndrome; mental retardation, seizures)

Unusual facies


Mucopolysaccharidoses (Hunter-Hurler syndrome) I-cell disease (mucolipidosis II) GM, gangliosidosis (infantile) Sanfilippo syndrome

Slight coarsening (difficult to notice without comparing other family members)

Mucolipidosis III (pseudo-Hurler dystrophy) Fucosidosis II Mannosidosis Sialidosis II Aspartylglucosaminuria

High nasal bridge, prominent jaw, large pinnae

Congenital disorders of glycosylation

Ocular abnormalities


Galactosemia Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis hom*ocystinuria Hurler syndrome

Corneal clouding

Hunter syndrome (late in severe cases) Morquio syndrome Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome Tay-Sachs, Sandhoff diseases (GM2 gangliosidosis) GM1 gangliosidosis (infantile) Niemann-Pick disease (types A and C) Infantile Gaucher disease (type II) Sialidosis

Cherry-red spot

TABLE 1.4 Abnormal Brain Development in Inborn Errors of Metabolism

Inborn Error of Metabolism

Neural Tube Defect


Respiratory chain defect

Cerebellar Malformations

Hypoplastic Temporal Lobes


Migration Disorders


Glutaric acidemia II + +

MTHFR deficiency + Glutaric aciduria I Smith-Lemli-Opitz

+ CDG 1a


Menkes disease


Zellweger syndrome


Infantile Refsum


Bifunctional enzyme deficiency


+ + +

Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency



Fumarase deficiency


CPT 2 deficiency


Nonketotic hyperglycinemia + 3Hydroxyisobutyric aciduria

MTHFR, methylene tetrahydrofoiate reductase; CDG, congenital disorders of glycosylation; CPT, carn transferase. Adapted from Nissenkorn A, Michaelson M, Ben-Zeev B, et al. Inborn errors of metabolism: a cause o brain development. Neurology 2000;56:1265–1272. With permission of the authors.

Determination of fasting blood sugar is also indicated as part of a metabolic workup. Should the suspicion for a metabolic disorder be high, any of these assays should be repeated when the child is ill with an intercurrent illness. For many disorders this is a safer approach than challenging the child with a protein or carbohydrate load. Other biochemical analyses required in the evaluation of a patient with a suspected metabolic defect include serum and urine uric acid, serum cholesterol, serum carnitine levels (including total, acyl, and free carnitine), immunoglobulins, thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), serum copper, ceruloplasmin, magnesium, transferrin isoelectric focusing, and C SF glucose, protein, lactate, and amino acids. The assay of very long chain fatty acids is helpful in the diagnoses of adrenoleukodystrophy and other peroxisomal disorders.

Radiography Radiographic examination of the vertebrae and long bones is helpful in the diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidoses, Gaucher diseases, Niemann-Pick diseases, and G M1 gangliosidosis. Neuroimaging studies, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have been less helpful in pointing to any inborn metabolic error. Abnormalities such as agenesis of the corpus callosum and a large operculum seen in a few of the conditions covered in this chapter are nonspecific. The diagnostic yield of MRI is much higher in a child with mental retardation with or without seizures. As a rule, the more severe the mental retardation, the higher is the yield. C omputed tomographic (C T) scanning contributes to the diagnosis of developmental delay in about 30% of children, whereas MRI shows a significant abnormality in 48% to 65% of patients presenting with global developmental delay (10). As is noted in C hapter 3 in the section entitled Diseases with Degeneration Primarily Affecting White Matter, MRI is also useful in the diagnosis of the various leukodystrophies. MRS is finding utility in diagnosing mitochondrial disorders and disorders of creatine synthesis.

TABLE 1.5 Inherited Metabolic Diseases Best Diagnosed from Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid


Relevant CSF Assay

Glucose transport protein

Ratio of CSF/blood glucose

Mitochondrial encephalopathies

Lactate, pyruvate

Nonketotic hyperglycinemia

Ratio of CSF/plasma glycine

Serine synthesis defect

Amino acids

Defects in pathways of biogenic monoamines

Biogenic amines and metabolites

GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency

Biogenic amines and pterins

Cerebral dihydropteridine reductase deficiency

Biogenic amines and pterins

GABA transaminase deficiency


Defect of folate transport protein

5-Methyl tetrahydrofolate

Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency

Dopa, 5-HTP, HVA, HIAA

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; 5-HTP, 5-hydroxytryptophan; HVA, hom*ovanillic acid; HIAA, hydroxyindoleaatic acid. Adapted from Hoffmann GF, Surtees RAH, Weavers RA. Investigations of cerebrospinal fluid for neurometabolic disorders. Neuropediatrics 1998;29:59–71.

Serum Lysosomal Enzyme Screen Should the clinical presentation suggest a lysosomal disorder, a leukocyte lysosomal enzyme screen should be performed. In particular, assays for α-galactosidase, arylsulfatase, and the hexosaminidases can be run accurately in a number of centers. Occasionally, healthy individuals have been found with marked deficiency in one or another of the lysosomal enzymes. This “pseudodeficiency” is due to a mutation that alters the ability of the enzyme to degrade the artificial substrate used for the enzyme assay but does not impair enzymatic activity toward the natural substrate.

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analyses In addition to the mitochondrial disorders, several other inherited metabolic diseases require analyses of cerebrospinal fluid for diagnosis. These are listed in Table 1.5.

Structural and Biochemical Alterations In a number of metabolic disorders, notably the lipidoses and white matter degenerations, diagnosis requires clinical evaluation and combined microscopic, ultrastructural, and biochemical studies on biopsied tissue. In the past, a brain biopsy was required for this purpose, but neuroimaging studies have made this procedure unnecessary in almost all instances. It has become clear that, if adequately sought for structural and biochemical alterations can be detected outside the central nervous system (C NS) in almost every leukodystrophy or lipidosis. Table 1.6 shows what diseases (discussed in this chapter and C hapter 3) are likely to be diagnosed by examination of various tissues.

TABLE 1.6 Common Diseases Diagnosed by Study of Tissues

Tissue Studied

Peripheral nerve

Skin, conjunctivae, lymphocytes

Disease Metachromatic leukodystrophy Globoid cell leukodystrophy Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy Fabry disease Refsum disease Tangier disease Most lipidoses, particularly late infantile and juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis Lafora disease Neuroaxonal dystrophya Mucolipidosis Sanfilippo syndromes

Fabry disease


Late infantile and juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis Familial myoclonus epilepsy Mitochondrial disorders

Bone marrow

Lysosomal storage diseases Niemann-Pick diseases Gaucher diseases GM1 gangliosidosis Mucopolysaccharidoses Mucolipidoses


Glycogen storage diseases Fructose 1,6-diphosphatase deficiency Nonketotic hyperglycinemia Lysinuric protein intolerance Primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (alanine-glyoxylate amino transferase deficiency) Wilson disease Menkes disease Niemann-Pick diseases


When storage is confined to nerve fibers (e.g., neuroaxonal dystrophy), conjunctival biopsy is not diagnostic.

At this time, rectal biopsy and biopsies of other tissues such as kidney or tonsils are indicated only rarely. A liver biopsy is occasionally required to verify the actual enzymatic defect and is used to measure copper content in the diagnosis of Wilson disease, Menkes disease, and their variants. A conjunctival biopsy can be performed under local anesthetic and can be useful for excluding a lysosomal storage disease. When tissue biopsy suggests a specific metabolic disorder, highly sophisticated enzyme assays are required to confirm the diagnosis. Web sites that direct physicians to the various clinics that perform a given genetic test are maintained at and

FIGURE 1.1. Phenylalanine metabolism. Phenylalanine is converted to tyrosine by the holoenzyme, phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). Phenylalanine hydroxylase requires tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) as an active cofactor. BH4 is recycled by the sequential actions of (2) carbinolamine dehydratase and (3) dihydropteridine reductase. BH4 is synthesized in vivo from guanosine triphosphate (GTP) by a series of steps that involve (4) GTP cyclohydrolase and (5) 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropteridin (6-PT) synthase and (6) sepiatpterin reductase. Genetic defects in all these steps can result in hyperphenylalaninemia. A defect in GTP cyclohydrolase is seen also in dopa-responsive dystonia (see C hapter 3). (From Wilcox WR, C edarbaum S. Amino acid

metabolism. In: Rimoin DL, C onnor JM, Pyeritz RE, et al., eds. Principles and practice of medical genetics, 4th ed. New York: C hurchill Livingstone, 2002;2405–2440.)

DISORDERS OF AMINO ACID METABOLISM Phenylketonuria (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man [OMIM] Database, Number 261600) Phenylketonuria (PKU) has long been the prototype for an inborn metabolic error that produces serious neurologic symptoms. We will therefore consider it in more detail than its frequency would warrant. Fölling, in 1934, first called attention to the condition in a report of 10 mentally defective patients who excreted large amounts of phenylpyruvic acid (12). The disease has since been found in all parts of the world, although it is rare in blacks and Ashkenazi Jews. Its incidence in the general population of the United States, as determined by screening programs, is approximately 1 in 14,000 (13).

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive disorder that results from a mutation in the gene that codes for phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH), the enzyme that hydroxylates phenylalanine to tyrosine. The complete hydroxylation system consists in part of PAH, a PAH stabilizer, the tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor (BH4), dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR), which is required to recycle BH4, and a BH4synthesizing system. This system involves guanosine triphosphate (GTP) cyclohydrolase and 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropteridine synthetase (Fig. 1.1) (14). PAH is normally found in liver, kidney, and pancreas but not in brain or skin fibroblasts. The enzyme is an iron-containing metalloprotein dimer of identical subunits with a molecular weight of approximately 100,000. The gene coding for the enzyme has been cloned and localized to the long arm of chromosome 12 (12q22–q24). The gene is approximately 90 kilobases (kb) long with 13 exons, and codes for a mature RNA of approximately 2,400 bases. Availability of this clone has facilitated the molecular genetic analysis of patients with PKU and has confirmed that PKU is the consequence of numerous mutant alleles arising in various ethnic groups. The majority of these mutations result in deficient enzyme activity and cause hyperphenylalaninemia. Mutations occur in all 13 exons of the gene and flanking sequence. Some cause phenylketonuria; others cause non-PKU hyperphenylalaninemia, whereas still others are silent polymorphisms present on both normal and mutant chromosomes (15,16). Some PAH alleles are more prevalent; five account for approximately 60% of European mutations and they tend to cluster in regions or are on only one of a few haplotypes. More than 495 mutations have been recorded. They are catalogued at Most mutations are missense mutations, although splice, nonsense, and silent mutations as well as single–base-pair frameshifts and larger deletions and insertions have been found. Most patients with PKU are compound heterozygotes rather than hom*ozygotes in the precise meaning of the term (17). As a rule, the biochemical phenotype (i.e., the degree of phenylalanine elevation) does not correlate with the activity of PAH as predicted from the genetic mutation. In addition, no good correlation exists between PAH activity and intellectual function of untreated patients (18). Scriver (3,5) and others have pointed out that various environmental factors and modifying genes, such as the blood–brain barrier phenylalanine transporters, and variations in brain phenylalanine consumption rate may affect intellectual function in phenylketonuric patients (19,20). The infant with classic PKU is born with only slightly elevated phenylalanine blood levels, but because of the absence of PAH activity, the amino acid derived from food proteins and postnatal catabolism accumulates in serum, C SF, and brain and is excreted in large quantities. In lieu of the normal degradative pathway, phenylalanine is converted to phenylpyruvic acid, phenylacetic acid, and phenylacetylglutamine. The transamination of phenylalanine to phenylpyruvic acid is sometimes deficient for the first few days of life, and the age at which phenylpyruvic acid can be first detected varies from 2 to 34 days. From the first week of life, o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid also is excreted in large amounts. In addition to the disruption of phenylalanine metabolism, tryptophan and tyrosine are handled abnormally. Normally, transport across the blood–brain barrier of a large neutral amino acid such as phenylalanine is determined by its plasma concentration and its affinity to the stereo-specific L-type amino acid carrier system (20). Supraphysiologic levels of phenylalanine competitively inhibit transport of tryptophan and tyrosine across the blood–brain barrier (21). Intestinal transport of L-tryptophan and tyrosine is also impaired in PKU, and fecal content of tryptophan and tyrosine is increased. These abnormalities are reversed by dietary correction of the plasma phenylalanine levels (22). Miyamoto and Fitzpatrick suggested that a similar interference might occur in the oxidation of tyrosine to 3(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl) alanine (dopa), a melanin precursor, and might be responsible for the deficiency of hair and skin pigment in phenylketonuric individuals (23). The biochemical pathology of PKU is reviewed to a greater extent by Scriver and Kaufman (14).

Pathologic Anatomy Alterations within the brain are nonspecific and diffuse. They involve gray and white matter, and they probably progress with age. Three types of alterations exist.

Interference with the Normal Maturation of the Brain Brain growth is reduced, and microscopic examination shows impaired cortical layering, delayed outward migration of neuroblasts, and heterotopic gray matter (24). Additionally, the amount of Nissl granules is markedly deficient. This is particularly evident in those areas of the brain that are not fully developed at birth. Dendritic arborization and the number of synaptic spikes are reduced within the cortex (25). These changes point to a period of abnormal brain development extending from the last trimester of gestation into postnatal life (Fig. 1.2).

Defective Myelination Defective myelination may be generalized or limited to areas where one would expect postnatal myelin deposition. Except for adult

patients with PKU with neurologic deterioration, products of myelin degeneration are unusual (26). Myelin is usually relatively pale, and a mild degree of gliosis (Fig. 1.3) and irregular areas of vacuolation (status spongiosus) can be present. Areas of vacuolation usually are seen in central white matter of the cerebral hemispheres and in the cerebellum.

Diminished or Absent Pigmentation of the Substantia Nigra and Locus Ceruleus Because substantia nigra and locus ceruleus are normally pigmented in albinos and tyrosinase activity cannot be demonstrated in normal neurons within the substantia nigra, diminished or absent pigmentation is not a result of tyrosinase inhibition by phenylalanine or its derivatives (27). Instead, neuromelanogenesis in the phenylketonuric patient must be interrupted at some other metabolic point, such as the metal-catalyzed pseudoperoxidation of dopamine derivatives probably responsible for the melanization of lipofuscin in the substantia nigra (26).

Clinical Manifestations Phenylketonuric infants appear healthy at birth. In untreated infants, vomiting, which at times is projectile, and irritability are frequent during the first 2 months of life. By 4 to 9 months, delayed intellectual development becomes apparent (28). In the untreated classic case, mental retardation is severe, precluding speech and toilet training. C hildren in this category have an IQ below 50. Seizures, common in the more severely retarded, usually start before 18 months of age and can cease spontaneously. During infancy, they often take the form of infantile spasms, later changing into tonic-clonic attacks.

FIGURE 1.2. Phenylketonuria. A: C resyl-violet-stained section showing spindle-shaped immature neuron (N) (×350). (C ourtesy of Dr. Nathan Malamud, Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, San Francisco, C A.) B: Photomicrograph of Nissl-stained giant Betz cell from a healthy 4-month-old child. C: Photomicrograph of Nissl-stained Betz cells from a healthy 14-year-old child. D: Photomicrograph of Nissl-stained Betz cell from a 19-year-old with untreated phenylketonuria. Patient's developmental level was 4.6 months at age 5 years and 10 months; he was microcephalic and had seizures commencing at 10 years of age. Note that the Betz cells are reduced in size, with a pale cytoplasm and few well-formed Nissl granules. These cytoarchitectural abnormalities are nonspecific. (B, C, and D from Bauman ML, Kemper TL. Morphologic and histoanatomic observations of the brain in untreated human phenylketonuria. Acta Neuropathol 1982;58:55–63. With permission.)

The untreated phenylketonuric child is blond and blue-eyed, with normal and often pleasant features. The skin is rough and dry, sometimes with eczema. A peculiar musty odor, attributable to phenylacetic acid, can suggest the diagnosis. Significant neurologic abnormalities are rare, although hyperactivity and autistic features are not unusual. Microcephaly may be present as well as a mild increase in muscle tone, particularly in the lower extremities. A fine, irregular tremor of the outstretched hands is seen in approximately 30% of the patients. Parkinsonian-like extrapyramidal symptoms also have been encountered (29). The plantar response is often extensor. A variety of electroencephalographic (EEG) abnormalities has been found, but hypsarrhythmic patterns, recorded even in the absence of seizures, and single and multiple foci of spike and polyspike discharges are the most common (30). MRI is abnormal in almost every patient, regardless of when treatment was initiated. On T2-weighted imaging, one sees increased

signal in the periventricular and subcortical white matter of the posterior hemispheres. Increased signal can extend to involve the deep white matter of the posterior hemispheres and the anterior hemispheres. No signal abnormalities are seen in brainstem, cerebellum, or cortex, although cortical atrophy may be present (Fig. 1.4) (31,32). The severity of the abnormality is unrelated to the patient's IQ but is significantly associated with the phenylalanine level at the time of imaging. In adult patients with PKU who had come off their diets, resumption of dietary treatment can improve MRI abnormalities within a few weeks or months, an observation that strongly suggests that at least some of the MRI changes are the result of edema (32).

FIGURE 1.3. Phenylketonuria. C erebrum of a 35-year-old man stained for myelin by the Loyez method. The individual was never treated. He sat at 1 year and walked at 3 years. He was microcephalic and spastic and never developed speech. Death was caused by pulmonary tuberculosis and dehydration. The visual radiations (arrows) stand out against the background of persisting pallor of the association tracts and nonspecific thalamic radiations. In a healthy brain of that age, the visual radiations are not distinguishable by tonality of staining from the completely myelinated white matter. (From Bauman ML, Kemper TL. Morphologic and histoanatomic observations of the brain in untreated human phenylketonuria. Acta Neuropathol 1982;58:55–63. With permission.)

Heterozygous mothers tend to have elevated plasma phenylalanine levels and somewhat reduced tyrosine values during the latter part of pregnancy and after delivery. Mothers suffering from PKU have a high incidence of spontaneous abortions. It is now clear that when maternal blood phenylalanine levels are greater than 20 mg/dL (1,212 µmol/L) during pregnancy, fetal brain damage is almost inevitable, with mental retardation encountered in 92% of offspring and microcephaly in 73%. Offspring have an unusual facies: upturned nose, underdeveloped philtrum, and a thin upper lip (33). Additionally, a significant incidence of congenital heart disease and prenatal and postnatal growth retardation occurs (34). MRI in these children shows hypoplasia or partial agenesis of the corpus callosum and delayed myelination (35). These observations are best explained by a deleterious effect of elevated phenylalanine on the myelinating ability of oligodendrocytes. Much, if not all, of the fetal damage appears to be preventable by placing phenylketonuric mothers on a phenylalanine-restricted diet before conception and maintaining blood phenylalanine levels below 6 mg/dL (360 µmol/L) throughout pregnancy (36). In the data compiled by Koch and coworkers the optimal outcome, as measured by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for C hildren (WISC ) score of offspring obtained at 7 years of age, was obtained when maternal blood phenylalanine levels of 120 to 360 µmol/L (2 to 6 mg/dL) were obtained by 8 to 10 weeks' gestation and maintained at those levels throughout pregnancy. However, there was considerable scatter in IQ even when the phenylalanine levels were maintained below 5 mg/dL (37). Birth weight and head circumference in infants of mothers so managed were normal, and no evidence existed for fetal nutritional deficiency. Offspring of mothers who experience mild PKU as defined by phenylalanine levels of less than 400 µmol/L (6.6 mg/dL) appear to be normal, and mothers do not require dietary intervention (38).

FIGURE 1.4. T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of a 16-year-old girl with phenylketonuria. The girl was treated from early infancy, and the diet was stopped at 12 years of age. At the time of the scan, her neurologic examination was normal, but her phenylalanine level was 27.0 mg/dL (1,639 µmol/L). The scan shows areas of high signal, particularly in the parieto-occipital areas, but also at the tips of the anterior horns of the lateral ventricles. (C ourtesy of Dr. Alan J. Thompson, Neurorehabilitation Section, Institute of Neurology, University of London.)

The pathogenesis of mental retardation in PKU is not completely understood (39). No evidence exists that phenylpyruvic acid or any of the other phenylalanine metabolites are neurotoxic at concentrations in which they are seen in PKU (40). Probably no single factor is responsible; instead, impairment of amino acid transport across the blood–brain barrier; disruption of the brain amino acid pool; with consequent defective proteolipid protein synthesis, impaired myelination, and low levels of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, are responsible to varying degrees (41,42).

Diagnosis With the worldwide practice of neonatal screening for phenylketonuria, the diagnosis is usually made during the first week of life, and it is now rare to encounter an older infant or child with undiagnosed PKU. As mentioned in the section on Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology, plasma phenylalanine levels are elevated in the cord blood of phenylketonuric infants and increase rapidly within a few hours of birth. A screening program that involves spectrofluorometric or microbiologic estimation of blood phenylalanine is used commonly. Tandem mass spectrometric analysis of phenylalanine and other amino acids as well as of the acylcarnitines of the various organic acids is being used in some laboratories (43), and trials of this method for newborn screening are being instituted in several states. Whatever the method, the screening test requires a drop of whole blood placed on a filter paper. If the test is positive [a value greater than 2 to 4 mg/dL (120 to 240 µmol/L)], the diagnosis is confirmed by quantitative analysis of phenylalanine and tyrosine in blood. Although most infants whose blood phenylalanine levels are above the threshold value do not have PKU, such patients require prompt reevaluation by an appropriate laboratory to determine whether hyperphenylalaninemia is persistent and whether it is caused by PAH deficiency. Of considerably greater concern are the false-negative test results. It is now clear that routine screening tests, when correctly performed after 12 hours of life, detect all infants with classic PKU. In a group of such infants studied by Koch and Friedman the lowest phenylalanine value recorded at 24 hours was 5.6 mg/dL (339 µmol/L); at 48 hours, 7.5 mg/dL (454 µmol/L); and at 72 hours, 8.4 mg/dL (509 µmol/L). Thus, even at 24 hours, none of the infants with classic PKU would have escaped detection (44). The C anadian experience of Hanley and coworkers is similar (45). As a rule, breast-fed PKU infants have higher phenylalanine levels than those who are formula fed. In some infants with mild hyperphenylalaninemia, the increase in blood phenylalanine is sufficiently slow to allow them to escape detection unless an assay is used, such as tandem mass spectroscopy, that can measure both phenylalanine and tyrosine, which decreases false-positive results. Some screening agencies obtain a second screening blood specimen from all infants whose first blood specimen was drawn during the first 24 hours of life (46,47). Most infants with elevated blood phenylalanine detected by means of the newborn screening program do not have classic PKU; instead they have a transient or mild form of hyperphenylalaninemia that is usually benign. Patients with mild PKU have phenylalanine levels between 600 and 1200 µmol/L (10 to 20 mg/dL) on an unrestricted diet, and patients with mild hyperphenylalaninemia have levels below 600 µmol/L (10 mg/dl) on an unrestricted diet (48). A large proportion of these patients represent compound heterozygotes for a mutation that abolishes catalytic activity of PAH and one that reduces it (16,49,50,51). With normal protein intakes, the majority of such infants appear to have unimpaired intelligence, even when untreated (48). Elevated blood phenylalanine levels also are observed in 25% of premature infants and occasionally in full-term newborns. In all of these patients, tyrosine levels are increased to a much greater extent than are phenylalanine levels. Prenatal diagnosis can be performed by detection of the specific mutations in PAH identified in the family or by genetic linkage analysis (52,53). Modifier genes have not been identified.

Treatment Two treatment strategies could be employed in PKU: modification of the phenotypic expression of the defective gene and definitive treatment by correcting the gene defect. Only the first approach has been used in clinical practice. On referral of an infant with a confirmed positive screening test result, the first step is quantitative determination of serum phenylalanine and tyrosine levels. All infants whose blood phenylalanine concentration is greater than 10 mg/dL (600 µmol/L) and whose tyrosine concentration is low or normal (1 to 4 mg/dL) should be started on a low-phenylalanine diet immediately. Infants whose blood phenylalanine concentrations remain below 10 mg/dL (600 µmol/L) on an unrestricted diet are generally considered not to require a diet (54). The accepted therapy for classic PKU is restriction of the dietary intake of phenylalanine by placing the infant on one of several lowphenylalanine formulas. The diet should be managed by a team consisting of a nutritionist, a physician with expertise in metabolic disorders, and a person to ensure dietary compliance. To avoid symptoms of phenylalanine deficiency, regular formula is added to the diet in amounts sufficient to maintain blood levels of the amino acid between 2 and 6 mg/dL (120 and 360 µmol/L). Generally, patients tolerate this diet quite well, and within 1 to 2 weeks, the serum concentration of phenylalanine becomes normal. Serum phenylalanine determinations are essential to ensure adequate regulation of diet. These are performed twice weekly during the first 6 months of life and twice monthly thereafter. Strict dietary control should be maintained for as long as possible, and most centers strive to keep levels below 6.0 mg/dL (360 µmol/L), even in patients with moderate and mild PKU. Samples of low-phenylalanine menus are given by Buist and colleagues (55), and the nutritional problems inherent in prolonged use of a restricted diet are discussed by Acosta and colleagues (56). Dietary lapses are common, particularly in patients 15 years or older (57). They frequently are accompanied by progressive white matter abnormalities on MRI. Some workers have suggested supplementation of the low-phenylalanine diet with tyrosine, but no statistical evidence exists that this regimen results in a better intellectual outcome. This possibly could be due to failure to achieve adequate tyrosine levels in the brain even with tyrosine supplementation of 300 mg/kg (58). Failure to treat patients with mild hyperphenylalaninemias does not appear to produce either intellectual deficits or MRI abnormalities. Patients with mild PKU or mild hyperphenylalaninemia have been treated successfully with tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4; 10 to 20 mg/kg per day) (59,59a). Most of these individuals have at least one missense mutation in the gene for phenylalanine hydroxylase, leading to some residual enzyme activity (60). The mechanism for this effect is unknown, as is the question of how to best select patients responsive to the cofactor. BH4 is being tested, but it is not yet approved for therapy in the United States. Dietary therapy has for the greater part been effective in preventing mental retardation in patients with severe PKU. It has become apparent that the outcome depends on several factors. Most important is the age at which the diet was initiated. Smith and coworkers found that patients' IQ fell approximately 4 points for each month between birth and start of treatment (61). The average phenylalanine concentration while receiving treatment also affects outcome, with optimal average phenylalanine levels in the most recent cohorts being 5.0 to 6.6 mg/dL (300 to 400 µmol/L). Additionally, hypophenylalaninemia during the first 2 years of life [i.e., the length of time that phenylalanine concentration was below 2.0 mg/dL (120 µmol/L)] also affected outcome adversely. Even patients with normal IQ scores and with the most favorable diagnostic and treatment characteristics have lower IQs than other members of their families and suffer from cognitive deficits, educational difficulties, and behavioral problems, notably hyperactivity (61,62,63). As was already noted, dietary supplementation with tyrosine, although used in several centers, does not appear to improve performance on neuropsychologic tests (64). The most likely explanations for these deficits are inadequate dietary control and unavoidable prenatal brain damage from elevated phenylalanine (see Fig. 1.2) (24). When patients who already have developed symptoms caused by classic PKU are placed and maintained on a low-phenylalanine diet, the epilepsy comes under control and their EEGs normalize. Microcephaly, if present, can correct itself, and abnormally blond hair regains its natural color. C onsiderable uncertainty exists about when, if ever, to terminate the diet (65). In the series of Waisbren and coworkers (66), one-third of youngsters whose diet was discontinued at 5 years of age had a reduction in IQ of 10 points or more during the ensuing 5 years. The blood phenylalanine level when the children were off the restrictive diet predicted the change in IQ. Of the children whose IQs dropped 20 or more points, 90% had blood phenylalanine levels of 18 mg/dL (1,090 µmol/L) or higher, and 40% of those whose IQs rose 10 points or more had a phenylalanine level of less than 18 mg/dL (1,090 µmol/L). In young adult patients with PKU, discontinuation of the diet was accompanied by progressive spasticity and worsening white matter abnormalities (67). Reinstitution of the diet results in clear clinical improvement and resolution of new MRI abnormalities. Reports such as these speak against early relaxation of the restrictions on phenylalanine intake and indicate that dietary therapy for patients with classical PKU should be life-long (68,69). The relative inadequacies of dietary therapy underscore the need for a more definitive approach to the treatment of PKU. Allogeneic or autologous bone marrow transplants are being used for the treatment of a variety of genetic diseases (Table 1.7). The likelihood that this procedure will cure or at least stabilize a genetic disease depends on the tissue-specific expression of the normal gene product, the patient's clinical symptoms, and the cellular transport of the normal gene product. In PKU, the defective enzyme is not normally expressed in bone marrow–derived cells, and bone marrow transplantation has no therapeutic value (see Table 1.7). Another approach to treating the patient with PKU is the introduction of PAH gene into affected hepatic cells. Recombinant viruses containing human PAH have been introduced into mouse hepatoma cells, where they are able to continue expressing the human enzyme, lowering the phenylalanine level and normalizing coat color (70). The next step would be to find a virus that can infect human liver, maintain itself there without inducing damage to the organ, and allow the human gene to continue functioning in the new host. Ding and colleagues reviewed various approaches for nonviral gene transfer (71).

Other Conditions Characterized by Hyperphenylalaninemia About 1% of infants with persistent hyperphenylalaninemia do not have PKU but lack adequate levels of BH4, the cofactor in the hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine. This can be due to a defect in BH4 biosynthesis or to a deficiency of dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR), one of the enzymes involved in the regeneration of BH4. These conditions are depicted in Table 1.8.

Dihydropteridine Reductase Deficiency (OMIM 231630) The first and most common of these conditions to be recognized is characterized by undetectable DHPR activity in liver, brain, and cultured fibroblasts but normal hepatic PAH activity (72). DHPR is responsible for the regeneration of BH4 from quinoid dihydrobiopterin (see Fig. 1.1). BH4 levels are low in blood, urine, C SF, and a number of tissues. Because BH4 is an essential coenzyme for hydroxylation of not only phenylalanine, but also tyrosine and tryptophan, affected children show a defect in the synthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and serotonin.

TABLE 1.7 Some Neurogenetic Diseases that can be Treated with Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) or Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT)


Results of Treatment

Gaucher disease (adult form)

Correctable by BMT, ERT; generalized genetic defect, symptoms restricted to lymphohematopoietic cells


Correctable in early stages by BMT

Metachromatic leukodystrophy

Adult form can be stabilized by BMT in early stages

Globoid cell leukodystrophy

BMT may stabilize late-onset, slowly progressive form; generalized genetic defect

Hurler disease

Visceral symptoms improve with BMT, ERT, neurologic symptoms stabilize

Hunter disease

Visceral symptoms improve with BMT, ERT, neurologic symptoms progress

Sanfilippo diseases

No effect of BMT or ERT


Not correctable by BMT; lymphohematopoietic cells do not express normal gene product

Chédiak-Higashi syndrome

Correctable by BMT; expression of genetic defect restricted to lymphoid and hematopoietic cells

Pompe disease

Cardiomyopathy responds to ERT; response of skeletal muscle is variable

Maroteaux-Lamy (MPS VI)

Visceral symptoms treated by ERT, BMT

The clinical picture of DHPR deficiency is one of developmental delay associated with the evolution of marked hypotonia, involuntary movements, oculogyric crises, and tonic-clonic and myoclonic seizures. None of these symptoms resolve with restriction of phenylalanine intake (73,74). Progressive intracranial calcifications can be demonstrated by C T scanning. These might be the consequence of reduced intracranial tetrahydrofolate (75) because folate deficiency, whether it is caused by inadequate intake or defective absorption, can induce intracranial calcifications. MRI demonstrates white matter abnormalities and cystic loss of parenchyma (76).

TABLE 1.8 Disorders of Phenylalanine Metabolism — the Hyperphenylalaninemias


Enzyme Deficiency

Inheritance Pattern and Chromosomal Locus

Gene Cloned

Heterozygote Detectiona

Prenatal Diagnosisa

Phenylketonuria (classic and mild forms)

Phenylalanine hydroxylase

AR (12q22– q24)




Dihydropteridine reductase deficiency

Dihydropteridine reductase

AR (4p 15.3)




Carbinolamine dehydratase deficiency

Carbinolamine dehydratase

AR (10q22)




Biopterin synthesis deficiency


AR (14q22)




Biopterin synthesis deficiency

6-Pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase

AR (11q22– q23)




Biopterin synthesis deficiency

Sepiapterin reductase

AR (2p14– p12)





“Yes” for heterozygote detection or prenatal diagnosis means that testing is clinically available by enzyme analysis, metabolite testing, linkage analysis, or mutation detection. Heterozygote testing or prenatal diagnosis is “Possible” by mutation detection or linkage analysis when the gene has been cloned or the chromosomal location is known. Such testing may only be available in research laboratories, if at all. AR, autosomal recessive. From Wilcox WR, Cedarbaum S. Amino acid metabolism. In: Rimoin DL, Connor JM, Pyeritz RE, et al., eds. Principles and practice of medical genetics, 4th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2002;2405–2440. With permission.

Treatment for patients with DHPR deficiency requires restriction of phenylalanine intake and administration of catechol and serotonin precursors. The former is given as levodopa-carbidopa (Sinemet) and the latter as 5-hydroxytryptophan (8 to 10 mg/kg per day). Additionally, folinic acid (12.5 mg per day) is added to the diet (77). Treatment of the other variants is discussed by Shintaku (78).

6-Pyruvoyl-Tetrahydropterin (6-PT) Synthase Deficiency (OMIM 261640) Increased phenylalanine levels can result from inadequate biopterin synthesis. In 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin (6-PT) synthase deficiency the defect is localized to the synthetic pathway of BH4 at the point of the formation of 6-PT (see Fig. 1.1). The enzyme deficiency can be complete, partial, or transient or might affect only nonneural tissue (73,79,80). The clinical picture of this entity is much like that of DHPR deficiency: progressive neurologic deterioration highlighted by hypotonia, involuntary movements, and seizures. Diagnosis of this variant depends on normal assays for PAH and dihydropteridine reductase and on determination of urinary or C SF pterins (81). MRI in this disorder is similar to that seen in classical PKU (82).

GTP Cyclohydrolase Deficiency (OMIM 233910) Another rare cause for persistent hyperphenylalaninemia is a defect of GTP-cyclohydrolase, needed for the first step of BH4 biosynthesis (see Fig. 1.1) (83,84). Symptoms include hypotonia, seizures, and hyperthermia. Mutations in GTP-cyclohydrolase are also responsible for dopa-responsive dystonia, a condition covered in C hapter 3 in the section on Primary Dystonia. Symptoms in this

condition differ considerably from those seen in hyperphenylalaninemia. The best explanation for the phenotypic diversity is that the mutant enzyme has a dominant negative effect on the normal enzyme (85).

TABLE 1.9 Clinical and Genetic Features of the Tyrosinemias


Clinical Manifestations

Enzyme Defect


Tyrosinemia type I

Acute episodes of weakness, pain, self-mutilation, porphyrialike axonopathic process; seizures and extensor hypertonia; hepatic necrosis, renal tubular damage; carrier rate 1 in 20 in French Canadian isolates



Tyrosinemia type II

Mental retardation, herpetiform corneal ulcers, palmoplantar keratoses

Tyrosine transaminase soluble form


Tyrosinemia type III

Mild mental retardation

HPPA oxidase



Only one reported case, asymptomatic



Tyrosinemia of prematurity

No clinical abnormalities, follow-up suggests impaired visualperceptual function

Inactivation of HPPA oxidase by its substrate


Metabolic acidosis, failure to thrive, dominant inheritance, unusual, swimming pool odor

Excretion of a cysteine or glutathioneconjugated intermediate in conversion of HPPA to hom*ogentisic acid (Hawkinsina)



HPPA, 4-hydroxyphenyl pyruvic acid. a The name Hawkinsin is derived from the family in whom the disease was first described (100a).

Sepiapterin Reductase Deficiency (OMIM 182125) The clinical picture in this condition does not differ significantly from that of DHPR deficiency, namely dystonia, spasticity, and progressive mental retardation. Blood phenylalanine levels are normal, and the diagnosis depends on demonstrating elevated C SF sepiapterin, biopterin, and dihydrobiopterin levels (86,87).

Carbinol Dehydratase Deficiency (OMIM 126090) C hildren with this condition present with mild hyperphenylalaninemia, and the diagnosis is made by finding elevated urinary 7-biopterin (88).

Tyrosinosis and Tyrosinemia Several clinically and biochemically distinct disorders are characterized by an elevation in serum tyrosine and the excretion of large amounts of tyrosine and its metabolites (89). Their clinical and biochemical characteristics are outlined in Table 1.9.

Maple Syrup Urine Disease (OMIM 248600) Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a familial cerebral degenerative disease caused by a defect in branched-chain amino acid metabolism and characterized by the passage of urine that has a sweet, maple syrup–like odor. It was first described in 1954 by Menkes and coworkers (101). Since then, numerous other cases have been diagnosed throughout the world, and its incidence is estimated at 1 in 220,000 births (102). In some inbred populations, such as the Mennonites, the incidence is as high as 1 in 176 births (103). The disease occurs in all races and is transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner.

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology MSUD is characterized by the accumulation of three branched-chain ketoacids: α-ketoisocaproic acid, α-ketoisovaleric acid, and α-ketoβ-methylvaleric acid, the derivatives of leucine, valine, and isoleucine, respectively (104,105). Their accumulation is the consequence of a defect in oxidative decarboxylation of branched-chain ketoacids (Fig. 1.5). The branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex is located within the mitochondrial inner membrane matrix compartment. It is a multienzyme complex comprising six proteins: E1α and E1β. which form the decarboxylase; E2; E3; and a branched-chain–specific kinase and phosphatase. The last two enzymes regulate the activity of the complex by phosphorylating and dephosphorylating the dehydrogenase. E1 is a thiamin pyrophosphate-dependent enzyme. The second enzyme (E2), dihydrolipoyltransacylase, transfers the acyl group from the first enzyme to coenzyme A. The third enzyme (E3), dihydrolipoyldehydrogenase, a flavoprotein, reoxidizes the disulfhydryl form of lipoamide. The same enzyme is common to other α-ketoacid dehydrogenases, such as pyruvate and αketoglutarate dehydrogenase (106). The complex removes carboxyl groups from all three branched-chain ketoacids and converts those ketoacids to their respective coenzyme A derivatives (see Fig. 1.5, step 2). C huang and coworkers reviewed the crystal structure of the various enzyme components and the structural basis for the various MSUD mutations (103). With six genes involved in the function of the branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase complex, considerable room for heterogeneity exists. Mutations in the genes for E1α, E1β, E2, and E3 have been described, with many MSUD patients being compound heterozygotes. These induce a continuum of disease severity that ranges from the severe, classic form of MSUD to mild and intermittent forms. As a consequence of the enzymatic defect, the branched-chain ketoacids accumulate in serum and C SF and are excreted in large quantities in urine (105). Plasma levels of the respective amino acids (e.g., leucine, isoleucine, and valine) are elevated secondary to the increase in ketoacid concentrations. Alloisoleucine, which is formed by transamination of α-keto-β-methylvaleric acid, also has been found in serum (107). In some cases, the branched-chain hydroxyacids, most prominently α-hydroxyisovaleric acid (108), are excreted also. Sotolone, a derivative of α–ketobutyric acid, the decarboxylation of which is impaired by accumulation of α-keto-β-methylvaleric acid, is responsible for the characteristic odor of the patient's urine and perspiration (109).

Pathologic Anatomy Structural alterations in the nervous system in untreated infants with MSUD are similar to, but more severe than, those seen in PKU. In infants dying during the acute phase of the disease, diffuse edema occurs (101). The cytoarchitecture of the cortex is generally immature, with fewer cortical layers and the persistence of ectopic foci of neuroblasts, an indication of disturbed neuronal migration. Dendritic development is abnormal, and the number of oligodendrocytes and the amount of myelin are less than would be seen in a healthy brain of comparable age (110). Marked astrocytic gliosis and generalized cystic degeneration occur (111). Little clinical or pathologic evidence exists for demyelination in patients who are treated early (112,113). On chemical examination, the concentration of myelin lipids is markedly reduced, with cerebrosides, sulfatides, and proteolipid protein almost completely absent. These abnormalities are not found in infants dying of the disease within the first days of life or in patients treated by restriction of branched-chain amino acid intake (113).

Clinical Manifestations Various mutations result in five fairly distinct clinical phenotypes of MSUD. Patients can be hom*ozygotes for the same allele or compound heterozygotes for different alleles. The classic form of MSUD accounts for approximately 75% of patients (103). Mutations in the E1 decarboxylase component of the enzyme are associated with this phenotype (114). In the original four patients reported by Menkes and coworkers (101) as well as in subsequent cases, dystonia, opisthotonos, intermittent increase in muscle tone, and respiratory irregularities appeared within the first week of life in babies apparently healthy at birth (115). Subsequently, rapid deterioration of the nervous system occurred, and all but one died within 1 month. In some patients, cerebral edema is marked and can be fatal (116). Other patients, spastic and intellectually retarded, survived without treatment for several years. A fluctuating ophthalmoplegia correlates in intensity with serum leucine levels (117). Presentation with pseudotumor cerebri also has been reported. Approximately 50% of patients with the classic form of MSUD develop severe hypoglycemia; this is probably the consequence of a defective gluconeogenesis from amino acids, particularly alanine (118).

FIGURE 1.5. Degradation of leucine in mammalian tissues. In maple syrup urine disease, the metabolic block is located at step 2. In isovaleric acidemia, the block is confined to step 3. A rare entity with a possible metabolic block at step 4 also has been reported

MRI during the acute stage of the disease before treatment is characteristic. It demonstrates edema that is maximal in cerebellar deep white matter, the posterior portion of the brainstem, and the posterior limb of the internal capsule. Edema also is seen in the cortical U fibers, the head of the caudate, and the putamen (119,120). These findings are consistent with the location of status spongiosus noted on pathologic examination. The cause of the

acute cerebral edema and its unique localization are unknown. Diffusion MRI suggests that in the myelinated areas of the brain there is an intramyelinic cytotoxic edema, whereas in the unmyelinated areas there is vasogenic interstitial edema (121,122). Because neurologic symptoms become apparent with relatively mild increases in plasma leucine concentrations, whereas there is little apparent toxicity associated with increased levels of isoleucine or valine, damage probably results from leucine accumulation or from accumulation of its ketoacid metabolite. As is the case in PKU, chronic brain damage is probably caused by interference with amino acid transport into the brain, a deranged amino acid environment, and, consequently, failure in biosynthesis of proteolipids, myelin, and neurotransmitters (123). In treated patients, the MRI discloses symmetric bilateral periventricular high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. This picture is similar to that seen in PKU and suggests focal dysmyelination (112). The intermittent form of MSUD results from a variety of mutations in the gene for E2, and branched-chain dehydrogenase activity is higher than in the classic form, usually 5% to 20% of normal (124). The clinical picture is that of intermittent periods of ataxia, drowsiness, behavior disturbances, and seizures that make their first appearance between ages 6 and 9 months. Attacks are generally triggered by infections, immunizations, or other forms of stress (125). In the intermediate form, the clinical picture is one of mild to moderate mental retardation (126). Branched-chain dehydrogenase activity ranges from 5% to 20% of normal, and the defect is usually in the gene coding for E1 (106). A thiamin-responsive variant represents an entity in which, in some cases at least, a mutant exists in the gene for E2 (103). C huang and coworkers proposed that binding of the mutated, inactive E2 component to the wild-type E1 component enhances wild-type E1 activity, and that the augmented E1 activity is responsible for the response to thiamine (114). Mutants defective in the gene for E3 present with hypotonia, rapid neurologic deterioration, and severe lactic acidosis. This entity is discussed with the various other organic acidemias.

Diagnosis The most common presentation of MSUD is that of a term infant who initially seems to be well for a few days and then deteriorates. The rate of deterioration varies, and most infants initially are believed to be septic. The neurologist called in to consult on such an infant should always consider the diagnosis of an inborn error of metabolism. Basic investigations at this point include blood or plasma pH, blood gases, glucose, electrolytes, liver function tests, ammonia, and plasma for amino acids and acyl carnitines. Urine for sugars, ketones, and organic acids is also indicated (127). In addition to MSUD, neurologic deterioration during the neonatal period is seen in various organic acidurias, urea cycle defects, fatty acid oxidation defects, and the congenital lactic acidoses. C linically, MSUD is distinguished by the characteristic odor of the patient, a positive urine 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine test, and an elevation of the plasma branched-chain amino acids. The characteristic increase in plasma leucine, isoleucine, and valine is seen by the time the infant is 24 hours old, even in those infants who have not yet been given protein (128). Routine newborn screening for the condition using a bacterial inhibition assay analogous to that used for the neonatal diagnosis of PKU is performed in many states in the United States and in many other countries (129). Tandem mass spectroscopy also can be used and has the advantage of obtaining rapid quantitative measurements of all three branched-chain amino acids (43). The presence of the branched-chain ketoacid decarboxylases in cultivated amniocytes and chorionic villi allows the antenatal diagnosis of the disease as early as 10 weeks' gestation (130).

Treatment Treatment consists in inhibiting endogenous protein catabolism, sustaining protein synthesis, preventing deficiencies of essential amino acids, and maintaining normal serum osmolarity (131). Morton and coworkers stressed that restriction of the dietary intake of the branched-chain amino acids through the use of one of several commercially available formulas is secondary in importance to inhibition of protein catabolism and enhancement of protein synthesis (131). For optimal results, infants should be placed on the diet during the first few days of life and should receive frequent measurements of serum amino acids. Prompt and vigorous treatment of even mild infections is mandatory; a number of children on this synthetic diet have died of septicemia (115,131). Peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis has been used to correct coma or other acute neurologic symptoms in the newly diagnosed infant (132). Another, simpler approach is to provide intravenously or by nasogastric tube an amino acid mixture devoid of leucine but containing large amounts of tyrosine, glutamine, and alanine (133). Morton and coworkers believe that the brain edema that is frequently seen in the acutely ill neonate results from hyponatremia and responds promptly to addition of oral and intravenous saline (131). Most of the children in whom long-term dietary therapy was initiated during the first 2 weeks of life and whose dietary control was meticulously maintained achieved normal or nearly normal IQs (131,134). In the experience of Hilliges and coworkers, the mean IQ of MSUD patients at 3 to 16 years of age was 74 ± 14, as compared with 101 ± 12 for early-treated patients with PKU. The length of time after birth that plasma leucine concentrations remain elevated appears to affect the IQ, as does the amount, if any, of residual branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase activity (135). The thiamin-responsive child is treated with 10 to 1,000 mg of thiamin per day (103).

Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia (OMIM 238300) This relatively common family of diseases is marked by genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity, and considerable variation occurs in the severity of neurologic symptoms (136). Five forms have been recognized: 1. In the most common, infantile form, neurologic symptoms begin during the neonatal period. They are highlighted by profound hypotonia, intractable generalized, reflex, or myoclonic seizures, apnea, and progressive obtundation with coma and respiratory arrest. The EEG demonstrates a burst-suppression pattern or, later, hypsarrhythmia (137). Nystagmus and a marked abnormality of the electroretinogram (ERG) also are seen (138). The majority of affected infants die during the neonatal period; those who survive are profoundly retarded. In some infants acute hydrocephalus develops between 2 and 6 months. In all instances this has been associated with a large retrocerebellar cyst (139). 2. A transient neonatal form has been recognized that initially is clinically indistinguishable from the permanent form of nonketotic hyperglycinemia. However, symptoms remit abruptly after a few days or months, and youngsters are left unimpaired (140). The condition appears to develop in some heterozygous carriers for nonketotic hyperglycinemia (141), and subsequent development is normal (142). 3. A less severe form becomes apparent during the latter part of the first year of life after several months of normal development. It is marked by progressive dementia leading to decerebrate rigidity. Extrapyramidal signs are not uncommon (143).

4. A juvenile form with mild mental retardation, hyperactivity, and language deficits also has been reported. They may represent survival to adulthood of individuals with the mild infantile form (144). 5. Bank and Morrow reported adults with a clinical picture of weakness and spasticity resembling spinocerebellar ataxia (145). Pathologic examination of the brain in the infantile form of the disease discloses a reduction in white matter with an extensive spongy degeneration accompanied by marked gliosis (146). Partial or complete agenesis of the corpus callosum has been described, an indication of a significant intrauterine insult (137). The marked increase in plasma and C SF glycine and the markedly elevated ratio of C SF glycine to blood glycine are diagnostic of the condition (137). It is important to note that one cannot rely on the plasma glycine alone to arrive at a diagnosis. The MRI shows decreased or absent supratentorial white matter, with thinning of the corpus callosum and cortical atrophy (147). On diffusion-weighted MRI symmetric lesions in the dorsal brainstem, cerebral peduncles, and posterior limbs of the internal capsule are noted, a picture compatible with a vacuolating myelopathy (148). The basic defect in this condition is localized to the mitochondrial glycine cleavage system, which converts glycine to serine and is expressed in liver and brain. This complex reaction requires four protein components, and defects in one or another of three of these components have been documented (137). Some correlation exists between the clinical expression of the disease and the genetic defect. The classic neonatal form of the disease usually is associated with virtual absence of the pyridoxal-containing decarboxylase (P protein) and the milder atypical forms with a defect in the tetrahydrofolate-requiring transfer protein (T protein) (137,149). The pathophysiology of the neurologic abnormalities has not been established fully. Glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that acts mainly at spinal cord and brainstem levels. It also acts as a coagonist for the N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor, modulating its activity and probably producing seizures by an excitotoxic mechanism (137). The inhibitory effects of glycine are blocked by strychnine, but the effectiveness of strychnine on the basic course of the illness is questionable. Blockers of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, such as dextromorphan or ketamine, have been used in conjunction with sodium benzoate, which is intended to couple with glycine. Despite these interventions the outcome for the neonatal form of nonketotic hyperglycinemia is dismal (150,151). If the patients survive the first 2 weeks of intubation, the apnea often resolves.

Defects in Urea Cycle Metabolism Six inborn errors in the urea cycle have been described. Five of these represent a lesion at each of the five steps in the conversion of ammonia to urea (Fig. 1.6). These include argininosuccinic aciduria, citrullinuria, hyperargininemia, and two conditions termed hyperammonemia, the more common one attributable to a defect of ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC ) and the other the result of a defect in mitochondrial carbamyl phosphate synthetase (C PS). The genes for all components of the urea cycle have been cloned. Additionally, a deficiency of N-acetylglutamate synthetase has been reported (152). This enzyme is responsible for the formation of Nacetylglutamate, a required activator for mitochondrial C PS. More recently two genetic defects affecting the citrulline and ornithine transporters have also been documented. The various deficits are summarized in Table 1.10. The biochemical aspects of the urea cycle were reviewed by Batshaw (153).

FIGURE 1.6. Normal urea cycle. In argininosuccinic aciduria, the cycle is blocked at step 4. In citrullinuria, the block occurs at step 3. In ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, the block is at step 2. In carbamoylphosphate synthetase deficiency, the block is at step 1. A defect in N-acetylglutamate synthetase results in hyperammonemia by depriving step 1 of its activator, Nacetylglutamate. The enzyme is inhibited by a variety of organic thioesters, notably propionyl-C oA and isovaleryl-C oA. In hyperargininemia, the defect is one of arginase, step 5.

Because most systemic and neurologic symptoms in these diseases are the consequences of hyperammonemia or the accumulation of urea cycle intermediates, clinical manifestations of the urea cycle defects are nonspecific and overlap considerably. In their classic presentation, which occurs in some 60% of cases (154), the conditions become apparent between 24 and 72 hours of life. Initial symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, hyperpnea, and

hypotonia. These progress rapidly to seizures and coma. The EEG often shows burst suppression, and neuroimaging indicates the presence of cerebral edema.

TABLE 1.10 Disorders of Urea Cycle and of Ornithine


Enzyme Defect

Inheritance Pattern and Chromosomal Locus

Gene Cloned

Heterozygote Detectiona

Pre Dia

N-Acetylglutamate synthetase deficiency

N-Acetylglutamate synthetase

AR (17q21.31)




Carbamoylphosphate synthetase deficiency

Carbamoylphosphate synthetase I

AR (2q35)




Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency

Ornithine transcarbamylase

XL (Xp21.1)




Citrullinemia, type I

Argininosuccinate synthetase

AR (9q34)




Citrullinemia, type II

Citrulline transporter

AR (7q21.3)




Argininosuccinic aciduria

Argininosuccinate lyase

AR (7cenq11.2)




Arginase deficiency

Arginase I

AR (6q23)




Hyperornithinemiahyperammonemiahom*ocitrullinuria syndrome

Ornithine transporter

AR (13q14)




Gyrate atrophy

Ornithine aminotransferase

AR (10q26)




AR, autosomal recessive; XL, X-linked. a “Yes” for heterozygote detection or prenatal diagnosis means that testing is clinically available by en analysis, metabolite testing, linkage analysis, or mutation detection. Heterozygote testing or prenata diagnosis is “Possible” by mutation detection or linkage analysis when the gene has been cloned or th chromosomal location is known. Such testing may only be available in research laboratories, if at all. From Wilcox WR, Cedarbaum S. Amino acid metabolism. In: Rimoin DL, Connor JM, Pyeritz RE, et al. Principles and practice of medical genetics, 4th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2002;2405–244 permission.

When the enzyme deficiency is less severe, hyperammonemic episodes are delayed to late infancy or childhood. Patients have

recurrent episodes of lethargy, vomiting, and, less often, seizures. Hyperactivity, behavioral abnormalities, and moderate to severe mental retardation are common, as is intolerance of protein-containing foods (155).

Argininosuccinic Aciduria (OMIM 207900) Argininosuccinic aciduria is one of the more common of the urea cycle disorders. The condition is characterized by mental retardation, poorly formed hair, and accumulation of argininosuccinic acid in body fluids. It was first described in 1958 by Allan and coworkers (156).

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology Argininosuccinic acid is a normal intermediary metabolite in the synthesis of urea (see Fig. 1.6). A deficiency in argininosuccinate lyase, an enzyme whose gene has been mapped to chromosome 7cn–q11.2, has been demonstrated in liver and skin fibroblast cultures (157). The synthesis of urea is only slightly depressed, but a large proportion of labeled ammonium lactate administered to affected individuals is converted to glutamine (158). The manner in which children synthesize urea is not clear. It appears likely that in argininosuccinic aciduria, as well as in the other defects of urea cycle, substrate accumulates to a concentration at which the decreased substrate-binding capacity of the mutant enzyme is overcome by the accumulation of precursor to levels greater than the K M for the mutated enzyme (159).

Pathologic Anatomy The liver architecture is abnormal, with increased fat deposition. The brain of a neonate who succumbed to the disease was edematous, with poor demarcation of gray and white matter. The cortical layers were poorly developed, and myelination was defective with vacuolated myelin sheaths and cystic degeneration of white matter (160). An older patient had atypical astrocytes similar to the Alzheimer II cells seen in Wilson disease and in severe chronic liver disease (161).

Clinical Manifestations As ascertained by newborn screening, the incidence of argininosuccinic aciduria is 1 in 70,000 in Massachusetts and 1 in 91,000 in Austria (162). Three distinct clinical forms have been recognized, each resulting from a different genetic mutation (163). The most severe entity is the neonatal form. Infants feed poorly, become lethargic, develop seizures, and generally die within 2 weeks (160,164). In a second form, progression is less rapid, but similar symptoms appear in early infancy. In the majority of patients, including those described by Allan and coworkers (156), the presenting symptoms are mental retardation, recurrent generalized convulsions, poorly pigmented, brittle hair (trichorrhexis nodosa), ataxia, and hepatomegaly (165). Some patients have been seizure free, however, and have presented with little more than learning difficulties, and others (approximately 20% of all affected children) have normal intelligence without treatment (166).

Diagnosis The presence of elevated blood ammonia should suggest a disorder in the urea cycle. Initial evaluation of such a child should include routine blood chemistries, plasma lactate levels, liver function tests, quantitative assay of plasma amino acids, and assay of urine for organic acids and orotic acid (153). The specific diagnosis of argininosuccinic aciduria can be made by a significant elevation of plasma citrulline and the presence of large quantities of plasma, urinary, and C SF argininosuccinic acid. In some instances, fasting blood ammonia level can be normal or only slightly elevated, but marked elevations occur after protein loading. Increased excretion of orotic acid is seen in all urea cycle defects, with the exception of C PS deficiency (167).

Treatment Hyperammonemic coma in the neonate caused by any of the urea cycle defects requires prompt intervention. In essence, treatment consists of detoxification and removal of the excess ammonia and reduction in the formation of ammonia. Quantitative amino acid chromatography should be performed on an emergency basis, and the infant should be given a high dose of intravenous glucose with insulin to suppress protein catabolism. The elevated ammonia levels can be reduced by hemodialysis if available or by peritoneal dialysis (168). Details of treatment are presented by Brusilow and Horwich (166) and Batshaw and colleagues (169). Treatment for increased intracranial pressure, which frequently accompanies neonatal hyperammonemia, is symptomatic. The long-term management of an infant who suffers a urea cycle defect is directed toward lowering blood ammonia levels and maintaining them as close to normal as possible. This is accomplished by providing the infant with alternative pathways for waste nitrogen synthesis and excretion. Infants with argininosuccinic aciduria are placed on a protein-restricted diet (1.2 to 2.0 g/kg per day), which is supplemented with L-arginine (0.4 to 0.7 g/kg per day), which promotes the synthesis of citrulline and argininosuccinate as waste nitrogen products, and citrate, which improves weight gain and reduces hepatomegaly (166,169). Sodium phenylbutyrate is added to divert ammonia from the urea cycle. A number of centers are now recommending the use of liver transplantation for argininosuccinic aciduria (170). Episodes of hyperammonemia are generally triggered by intercurrent infections. Prevention of a rapid progression to death requires hospitalization and the use of intravenous therapy (166). On this regimen, some children with argininosuccinic aciduria do well. Reduction of blood ammonia levels is accompanied by improved growth, reduction in liver size, cessation of seizures, and, in some patients, normal hair. Intellectual function is significantly impaired, however. In the experience of Batshaw and coworkers, all infants with the severe, neonatal form of the disease survived, although those who have been followed the longest have shown a significant lowering of their IQ (169). In the French long-term follow-up of 15 patients with argininosuccinic aciduria, none were doing well (171). C hildren with the late-onset variant fare much better, and, with therapy, achieve normal development (165). As a rule, the individual's ultimate IQ is a function of the severity and duration of hyperammonemic coma, and children who have not recovered from coma within 5 days do poorly (172). Valproic acid cannot be used in the treatment of seizures associated with this and with the other urea cycle defects because it induces severe hyperammonemia at even low doses (173).

Citrullinemia In 1963, McMurray and associates reported a mentally retarded infant who had a metabolic block in the conversion of citrulline to argininosuccinic acid (see Fig. 1.6, step 3) (174). Since then, it has become clear that this condition, like many of the other inborn metabolic errors, is heterogeneous. Two genotypically and phenotypically distinct conditions have been recognized.

Argininosuccinic Acid Synthetase Deficiency (CTLI) (OMIM 215700) The gene coding for argininosuccinic acid synthetase has been cloned. It is carried on chromosome 9 (175). At least 50 different genetic mutations have been recorded for infants with neonatal citrullinemia (176). As a result of the enzymatic defect, the concentration of citrulline in urine, serum, and C SF is markedly increased, and administration of a protein meal results in a dramatic increase of blood ammonia and urinary orotic acid. Blood and urinary urea values are normal, indicating that urea production is not completely blocked. C T and MRI studies performed on patients with the neonatal form of citrullinemia show lesions in the thalami, basal ganglia, cortex, and subcortical white matter. Diffusion-weighted MR images indicate the presence of cytotoxic edema. Follow-up studies reveal subcortical cysts, ulegyria, and atrophy (177,178). In Western countries, the most common presentation is in the neonatal period with lethargy, hypotonia, and seizures (179). In other instances, the disease is less severe, even though recurrent bouts of vomiting, ataxia, and seizures can start in infancy. A third form presents with mental retardation. C ompletely asymptomatic individuals also have been encountered (174,179). Treatment for citrullinemia is similar to treatment for argininosuccinic aciduria, except that for long-term therapy, the low-protein diet is supplemented with arginine and sodium phenylbutyrate (166,169). C itrullinuria in the absence of citrullinemia has been seen in patients with cystinuria. In this instance, citrulline is derived from arginine, which is poorly absorbed from the intestine (180).

Adult-Onset Type II Citrullinemia Late-onset citrullinemia with loss of enzymatic activity in liver, but not in kidney or fibroblasts, is seen predominantly in Japan, where it constitutes the most common form of citrullinemia (181). It presents with cyclical changes in behavior, dysarthria, and motor weakness. It is due to mutations in citrin, a mitochondrial aspartate glutamate carrier (182,183).

Ornithine Transcarbamylase (OTC) Deficiency (OMIM 311250) OTC is an enzyme coded by an X-linked gene and located in the mitochondrial matrix. Deficiency of OTC in the male infant is characterized biochemically by a catastrophic elevation of blood ammonia. This is accompanied by an increased excretion of orotic acid and a generalized elevation of plasma and urine amino acids. The disease was first reported in 1962 by Russell and coworkers (184) and is the most common of the urea cycle defects. The gene coding for the enzyme has been cloned and localized to the short arm of the X chromosome (Xp21.1), close to the duch*enne muscular dystrophy locus, and most families have their own unique mutation (185). The enzyme defect can be complete or, as occurs in some 10% to 20% of hemizygous male patients, it can be partial (186). As a consequence, blood ammonia levels are strikingly and consistently elevated (0.4 to 1.0 mg/dl, or 230 to 580 µmol/L, contrasted with normal values of less than 0.1 mg/dL, or 50 µmol/L), and C SF ammonia is at least 10 times normal. Additionally, there is an accumulation of glutamine, glutamate, and alanine. This is accompanied by a striking reduction in plasma citrulline and an increased excretion of orotic acid. The last is the consequence of a diffusion of excess carbamyl phosphate from mitochondria into cytosol, where it is converted into orotic acid (187). As is the case in argininosuccinic aciduria, the neuropathologic picture is highlighted by the presence of Alzheimer II astrocytes throughout the brain (188). Unlike hepatic encephalopathy, a striking degree of neuronal necrosis also exists. Electron microscopic examination of liver can reveal striking abnormalities of the mitochondria (189). As a rule, the magnitude of the enzymatic defect correlates with the severity of clinical symptoms. In male patients, the clinical picture is marked by severe hyperammonemia. When the condition presents during the neonatal period it is rapidly progressive, with a high incidence of mortality or profound neurologic residua. Symptoms usually are delayed until the second day of life and are highlighted by feeding difficulties, lethargy, and respiratory distress. The plasma ammonia level is at least five times normal, thus distinguishing the condition from sepsis (190). MRI demonstrates injury to the lentiform nuclei and the deep sulci of the insular and perirolandic region (191). Less severe cases present with failure to thrive and with episodic attacks of headache and vomiting followed by periods of lethargy and stupor. These attacks are often the consequence of protein ingestion and are accompanied by high blood ammonia levels (192). Although hyperammonemia is probably responsible for a considerable proportion of the neurologic symptoms, alterations in neurotransmitters, notably quinolinic acid, a known excitotoxin that accumulates as a result of increased tryptophan transport across the blood–brain barrier, also could be involved (193). The disease is expressed more variably in the heterozygous female patient, with manifestations ranging from apparent normalcy to profound neurologic deficits (187). In symptomatic female patients, behavioral abnormalities are almost invariable. In the series of Rowe and coworkers, irritability, temper tantrums, inconsolable crying, and hyperactivity were seen in every patient (187). Episodic vomiting and lethargy were also invariable. Ataxia was seen in 77% of female patients, reduced physical growth in 38%, and developmental delay in 35%. Seizures, generalized or focal, were seen in 23% (187). Blood ammonia and urinary orotic acid levels were elevated consistently when girls were symptomatic. Other girls are asymptomatic except for an aversion to protein-rich foods and possible subtle cognitive deficits (193). In some women the first hyperammonemic episode may occur in the postpartum period (194). Valproate therapy can induce fatal hepatotoxicity in male patients with OTC deficiency and in heterozygous female patients (195). Treatment of OTC deficiency in the male or female patient is similar to treatment for argininosuccinic aciduria. It is directed at decreasing protein intake by means of a low-protein diet and increasing waste nitrogen excretion by the addition of sodium phenylbutyrate and arginine or citrulline to the diet (196). Liver transplant or isolated hepatocyte transplant has been suggested for the severe neonatal form, but the outcome for infants with no significant OTC activity is poor (171,197). Prospective treatment of infants at risk for neonatal OTC deficiency has been attempted with some success in that such infants appear to have a better neurologic outcome than those who have to be rescued from hyperammonemic coma (198). In some hemizygous male patients, OTC deficiency is not complete, and the clinical course is not as severe. It can consist of several months of normal development followed by progressive cerebral degeneration or by the acute onset of cerebral and hepatic symptoms

resembling those of Reye syndrome (199). OTC is expressed only in liver and in the small intestine; prenatal diagnosis therefore depends on mutation detection or linkage analysis. Because some cases represent new mutations, linkage analysis is of limited use, except for offspring of obligate gene carriers (200). Of course one cannot predict whether a female patient will be asymptomatic or severely affected (186).

Carbamyl Phosphate Synthetase (CPS) Deficiency (OMIM 237300) C arbamyl phosphate synthetase deficiency is a disorder of the urea cycle manifested by a reduction in hepatic mitochondrial C PS activity (see Fig. 1.6, step 1). This condition was reported first by Freeman and coworkers (201). Symptoms of C PS deficiency are the most severe of any of the urea cycle defects, and the neonatal form of the condition, which is associated with complete absence of the enzyme, is usually fatal. In partial C PS deficiency, symptoms appear in infancy and consist of recurrent episodes of vomiting and lethargy, convulsions, hypotonia or hypertonia, and irregular eye movements (202). Imaging studies show changes that are almost identical to those seen in OTC deficiency. During the acute state there is cerebral edema (191,202). Autopsy reveals ulegyria of cerebral and cerebellar cortex and hypomyelination of the centrum semiovale and the central part of the brainstem. In contrast to argininosuccinic aciduria, no Alzheimer cells are seen, probably because these cells take some time to develop and C PS deficiency is usually rapidly fatal (186,203). C arbamyl phosphate synthetase deficiency is diagnosed by the presence of hyperammonemia in the absence of an elevation of plasma citrulline, argininosuccinic acids, or arginine. In contrast to OTC deficiency, orotic acid excretion is low or normal. Treatment for the neonatal and the less severe older-onset forms of C PS deficiency is similar to that for OTC deficiency, but the outcome in the neonatal form is uniformly poor (166,172).

Hyperargininemia (OMIM 207800) Hyperargininemia, the least common of urea cycle disorders, has a clinical picture that differs from that of the other urea cycle disorders in that there is infrequent hyperammonemia. In the acute form cerebral edema and seizures begin during the neonatal period (204). In other instances, mental retardation, microcephaly, spastic diplegia, or quadriparesis becomes apparent during the first few months or years (205). The concentration of glutamine and arginine in plasma and C SF is elevated, and excretion of arginine, cystine, and lysine is increased, a urinary amino acid pattern resembling that of cystinuria. Blood ammonia levels are normal or slightly elevated. This is probably due to the presence of a second unaffected arginase gene locus expressed primarily in kidney mitochondria. A deficiency of arginase has been documented in red cells and liver (206). Patients are treated with a diet consisting of a mixture of essential amino acids, exclusive of arginine, and supplemented by a commercial formula that furnishes fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Phenylbutyrate can also be added to the regimen. Replacement of arginase by means of periodic exchange transfusions has been suggested as a supplementary means of controlling blood and C SF arginine concentrations (207). In spite of therapy, spasticity often progresses. The effectiveness of liver transplants is unknown.

N-Acetylglutamate Synthetase Deficiency (OMIM 237310) In the absence of the enzyme, a deficiency of N-acetylglutamate exists, an activator of mitochondrial C PS (185). C linical manifestations range from fatal neonatal hyperammonemia to protein intolerance with recurrent episodes of hyperammonemia (208,209a). Treatment with carbamylglutamate has been successful.

Other Genetic Causes of Hyperammonemia Hyperammonemia is seen in several other genetic disorders. Hyperammonemia, with increased excretion of orotic acid, is seen in periodic hyperlysinemia. For reasons as yet unknown, hyperammonemia can be induced by administration of large amounts of lysine and the condition diagnosed by the excretion of large amounts of lysine. It is considered with the other defects of lysine metabolism.

Ornithinemias Another cause for intermittent hyperammonemia is ornithinemia. C linically and biochemically this is a heterogeneous entity, At least two conditions have been delineated.

HHH Syndrome (OMIM 238970) This condition is caused by a mutation in a gene encoding a mitochondrial ornithine transporter (210). As the name indicates, elevated plasma ornithine levels (hyperornithinemia) are accompanied by hyperammonemia and hom*ocitrullinuria. In the neonatal form the clinical picture is of prolonged neonatal jaundice, mental retardation, infantile spasms, and intermittent ataxia (211,212). When the condition becomes apparent later in life, it is marked by spastic gait, myoclonic seizures, and ataxia (200).

Ornithine Aminotransferase Deficiency (OMIM 258870) In this entity, ornithinemia is accompanied by gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina, leading to night blindness. There is no hyperammonemia. The condition is most commonly encountered in the Finnish population, in which there is an incidence of 1 in 50,000. Intelligence is preserved, and no obvious neurologic or muscular symptoms occur, although type 2 muscle fiber atrophy is seen on biopsy (213) and peripheral nerve involvement can be shown electrically (214). Early white matter degenerative changes and premature cerebral atrophy can be documented on MRI, and MRS demonstrates reduced creatine in muscle and brain (215,216). The creatine deficiency can be partially corrected by creatine supplementation (216). Ocular symptoms seem to be ameliorated by a lowarginine diet or creatine supplementation.

Other Causes for Hyperammonemia Transient hyperammonemia with consequent profound neurologic depression can be encountered in asphyxiated infants or with

significant dehydration (217,218). This state should be differentiated not only from the various urea cycle defects, but also from the various organic acidemias, notably methylmalonic acidemia and propionic acidemia, which can induce hyperammonemia (219). In these conditions, the accumulation of organic acids inhibits the formation of N-acetylglutamine, the activator of mitochondrial C PS, and the activities of all five enzymes of the urea cycle are depressed. On a clinical basis, the organic acidemias can be distinguished from urea cycle defects in that infants with a urea cycle defect are asymptomatic for the first 24 hours of life and only rarely develop coma before 72 hours. Additionally, they demonstrate tachypnea rather than a respiratory distress syndrome. In contrast to the distressed neonates with hyperammonemia, infants with the various organic acidemias demonstrate ketonuria or ketonemia as well as acidosis (220). Asymptomatic hyperammonemia is relatively common in low-birth-weight neonates. It probably is caused by shunting of blood away from the portal circulation of the liver into the systemic circulation.

FIGURE 1.7. Normal metabolism of sulfur amino acids. THF, tetrahydrofolate. The known genetic defects that cause hom*ocystinuria are a deficiency of cystathionine-β-synthase (1), N5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (2), methionine synthase or methionine synthase reductase (3), or deficient synthesis of methylcobalamine (4). Other defects in the pathway result in cystathioninuria due to γ-cystathionase deficiency (7), sulfite oxidase and molybdenum cofactor synthesis deficiencies (8), and hyperammonemia due to methionine adenosyltransferase deficiency (6). Betaine can be given therapeutically to treat hom*ocystinuria by increasing remethylation of hom*ocysteine via betaine-hom*ocysteine methyltransferase (5). (From Wilcox WR, C edarbaum S. Amino acid metabolism. In: Rimoin DL, C onnor JM, Pyeritz RE, et al., eds. Principles and practice of medical genetics, 4th ed. New York: C hurchill Livingstone, 2002;2405–2440.)

Mild hyperammonemia can also be seen in associated with hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinism due to mutations in the glutamate dehydrogenase gene (221).

Defects in the Metabolism of Sulfur Amino Acids hom*ocystinuria (OMIM 236200) The increased excretion of hom*ocystine is a manifestation of several inborn errors of methionine metabolism. The most common of these errors is marked by multiple thromboembolic episodes, ectopia lentis, and mental retardation. Although discovered as late as 1962 by Field and reported subsequently by C arson and coworkers (222), the prevalence of hom*ocystinuria varies considerably from one country to another, ranging from 1 in 65,000 in Ireland to approximately 1 in 335,000 worldwide (223). The gene for this autosomal recessive condition has been cloned; it is localized to the long arm of chromosome 21 (21q22.3).

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology In the most common genetic form of hom*ocystinuria, the mutation involves the gene for cystathionine synthase, the enzyme that

catalyzes the formation of cystathionine from hom*ocysteine and serine (Fig. 1.7) (224). The enzyme as purified from human liver has two identical subunits and contains bound pyridoxal phosphate (225). C onsiderable genetic heterogeneity exists among various cystathionine synthase–deficient families, but in the majority, the lesion resides in a structural gene for the enzyme (226). In most hom*ocystinuric patients, the mutation does not cause dysfunction of the catalytic domain of this enzyme, but instead interferes with its activation by pyridoxine (227). As a result, enzyme activity is either completely absent or, as is the case in a significant proportion of affected families (in the Australian series of Gaustadnes and coworkers approximately 38% of patients with hom*ocystinuria), residual activity occurs (228). In the latter group, addition of pyridoxine (500 mg/day or more) stimulates enzyme activity and partially or completely abolishes the excretion of hom*ocystine, the oxidized derivative of hom*ocysteine. Pyridoxine-responsive patients tend to have a milder phenotype of the disease.

TABLE 1.11 Disorders of Sulfur Amino Acids


Enzyme Deficiency

Inheritance Pattern and Chromosomal Locus

Gene Cloned

Heterozygote Detectiona


Methionine adenosyltransferase

AD (10q22) AR (10q22)





AR (16)


Not indicated

Pyridoxineresponsive and nonresponsive hom*ocystinuria

Cystathionine β-synthase

AR (21q22.3)



hom*ocystinuria and mild hom*ocysteinemia

N 5,10Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase

AR (1p36.3)



cbl E

Methionine synthase reductase

AR (5p15.3– p15.2)



cbl G

Methionine synthase

AR (1q43)



Intrinsic factor

AR (11q13)




hom*ocystinuria with megaloblastic anemia

hom*ocystinuria with methylmalonic acidemia and megaloblastic anemia Intrinsic factor deficiency

Ineerslund-Grasbeck syndrome

Cubilin (intrinsic factor receptor)

AR (10p12.1)



Transcobalamin II

AR (22q11.2– qter)



cbl C

Synthesis of methyl and adenosylcobalamin

AR (?)



cbl D

Synthesis of methyl and adenosylcobalamin

AR (?)



cbl F

Cobalamin lysosomal release

AR (?)



Sulfite oxidase deficiency

Sulfite oxidase

AR (12q13.2– q13.3)



Molybdenum cofactor deficiency

Molybdenum cofactor synthesis

AR (6p21.3) (5q21)

Yes Yes


Transcobalamin II deficiency


“Yes” for heterozygote detection or prenatal diagnosis means that testing is clinically available by en analysis, metabolite testing, linkage analysis, or mutation detection. Heterozygote testing or prenata “Possible” by mutation detection or linkage analysis when the gene has been cloned or the chromoso is known. Such testing may only be available in research laboratories, if at all. AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive. From Wilcox WR, Cedarbaum S. Amino acid metabolism. In: Rimoin DL, Connor JM, Pyeritz RE, et al. Principles and practice of medical genetics, 4th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2002;2405–244

As a result of the block, increased amounts of hom*ocystine, the oxidized derivative of hom*ocysteine, and its precursor, methionine, are found in urine, plasma, and C SF. Administration of a methionine load to affected individuals produces a striking and prolonged increase in plasma methionine, but little alteration in the hom*ocystine levels. In part, this reflects the low renal threshold for hom*ocystine. The various other genetic defects that result in an increased excretion of hom*ocystinuria are depicted in Table 1.11. hom*ocystinuria also can result from an impaired methylation of hom*ocysteine to methionine (see Fig. 1.7). When the metabolic block is at this point, plasma methionine concentrations are normal rather than increased, as is the case in the more common form of hom*ocystinuria owing to cystathionine synthase deficiency. Methylation uses N5-methyltetrahydrofolate as a methyl donor and a vitamin B 12 derivative (methylcobalamin) as a cofactor. Methylation can be impaired as a result of lack of the cofactor methylcobalamin, or the enzyme. When synthesis of the vitamin B 12 cofactor is defective, the biochemical picture is characterized by increased excretion of methylmalonic acid and hom*ocystine. This condition is distinct from methylmalonic aciduria (MMA), which is the result of a reduced activity of methylmalonyl-C oA mutase, a cobalamin-dependent enzyme. Several errors in cobalamin metabolism have been recognized; the clinical picture includes mental retardation, seizures, failure to thrive, hypotonia, ataxia, and megaloblastic anemia. The conditions are covered in the section on Organic Acidurias, later in this chapter. Another cause for hom*ocystinuria is a defect in the methylation enzyme, methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MHTFR). The clinical picture in these patients is protean. Some are retarded or have been diagnosed as schizophrenic; others have recurrent episodes of vomiting and lethargy or muscular weakness and seizures. Vascular thromboses also have been encountered, but the skeletal and ocular changes of hom*ocystinuria are absent (229,230). Folic acid has reduced the biochemical abnormalities in some patients with this condition but has been ineffectual in others. This severe disorder due to marked deficiency in MHTFR should be distinguished from the common “thermolabile” variant that mildly increases plasma hom*ocysteine levels.

Pathologic Anatomy The primary structural alterations in hom*ocystinuria are noted in blood vessels of all calibers (231). Most of these show intimal thickening and fibrosis; in the aorta and its major branches, fraying of elastic fibers might be observed. Arterial and venous thromboses are common in a number of organs. Within the brain are usually multiple infarcted areas of varying age. The existence of dural sinus thrombosis has been recorded.

How the metabolic defect induces a propensity to vascular thrombosis has been reviewed by Welch and Loscalzo (232). It has also become evident that an increased plasma hom*ocysteine concentration is an independent risk factor for atherosclerotic vascular disease.

Clinical Manifestations The pyridoxine-unresponsive form of hom*ocystinuria is more severe in its manifestations than the pyridoxine-responsive form. hom*ocystinuric infants appear healthy at birth, and their early development is unremarkable until seizures, developmental slowing, or cerebrovascular accidents occur between 5 and 9 months of age. Ectopia lentis is seen in more than 90% of affected individuals. Lenticular dislocation has been recognized as early as age 18 months, but it generally occurs between 3 and 10 years of age. The typical older hom*ocystinuric child's hair is sparse, blond, and brittle, and multiple erythematous blotches are seen over the skin, particularly across the maxillary areas and cheeks. The gait is shuffling, the extremities and digits are long, and genu valgum is present in most instances. Secondary glaucoma and cataracts are common (233). In approximately 50% of the patients reported, major thromboembolic episodes have occurred on one or more occasions. These include fatal thromboses of the pulmonary artery, coronary arteries, and renal artery and vein. Multiple major cerebrovascular accidents also result in hemiplegia, and ultimately in a picture that closely resembles pseudobulbar palsy. Thromboembolic events are particularly common after even minor surgical procedures. It is likely that minor and unrecognized cerebral thrombi are the cause of the mental retardation that occurs in 50% of the patients (234,235). Routine laboratory study results are normal, but in a high proportion of patients, electromyography suggests myopathy (235). Radiography reveals a biconcavity of the posterior aspects of the vertebrae (codfish vertebrae) (236). Additionally, scoliosis and osteoporosis become apparent in late childhood. Abnormalities of the hands and feet are noted also. These include metaphyseal spicules, enlargement of carpal bones, and selective retardation of the development of the lunate bone (237). Neuroimaging studies tend to show lesions due to vascular ischemia.

Diagnosis The diagnosis of hom*ocystinuria suggested by the appearance of the patient can be confirmed by the increased urinary excretion of hom*ocystine, by elevated plasma methionine and hom*ocystine, and by a positive urinary cyanide-nitroprusside reaction. Enzyme activity can be determined in cultured skin fibroblasts or in liver biopsy specimens. Although ectopia lentis, arachnodactyly, and cardiovascular symptoms are seen also in Marfan syndrome, hom*ocystinuria can be distinguished by its autosomal recessive transmission (in contrast to the dominant transmission of Marfan syndrome), the thromboembolic phenomena, the early appearance of osteoporosis, the biconcave vertebrae, and the peculiar facial appearance (238). The relatively long fingers seen in Marfan syndrome are present at birth, and the skeletal disproportion remains constant. In hom*ocystinuria, the skeleton is normal for the first few years of life, but the limbs grow disproportionately long. Ectopia lentis is seen not only in hom*ocystinuria but also as an isolated congenital defect in the Weill-Marchesani syndrome and in sulfite oxidase deficiency. In the latter condition, it occurs in conjunction with profound mental retardation, seizures commencing shortly after birth, acute hemiplegia, opisthotonos, and hyperacusis. Because the majority of cases are the result of a deficiency of the molybdenum cofactor rather than of the apoenzyme, this condition is covered more fully in the section dealing with disorders of metal metabolism. C ystathionine synthase has been found in cultivated amniotic fluid cells, and the condition, therefore, can be diagnosed prenatally (239).

Treatment Restriction of methionine intake lowers plasma methionine and eliminates the abnormally high urinary excretion of hom*ocystine. C ommercially available diets that are methionine free and are supplemented by carbohydrates, fats, and fat-soluble vitamins generally lower plasma methionine levels to the normal range (235). The diets are supplemented with cystine. Other dietary measures include the addition of folic acid, based on the assumption that the mental defect is in part related to low serum folate levels (240). Dietary supplementation with betaine hydrochloride (N,N,N-trimethylglycine), a methyl donor, is generally used in pyridoxine-nonresponsive patients (241). However, several instances of progressive cerebral edema have been encountered in patients whose serum methionine levels had not been well controlled (242). Antithrombotic agents, such as aspirin or dipyridamole, are also given, although their effectiveness has not been proven. Early therapy with good biochemical control results in a normal IQ and significantly reduces the incidence of thromboembolic episodes and other vascular complications in pyridoxine-nonresponsive patients (243,244). In pyridoxine-responsive patients, large doses of the vitamin (250 to 1,200 mg/day) reduce or eliminate biochemical abnormalities. In the series of Mudd and coworkers, pyridoxine-responsive patients treated from the neonatal period on had an IQ ranging from 82 to 110. Virtually all patients with IQs greater than 90 were found to be responsive to pyridoxine (245).

Hypermethioninemia Several other conditions are marked by elevated plasma methionine levels. The most common of these is a transitory methioninemia, seen in infants, many of who are premature and receiving a high-protein diet (at least 7 g/kg per day). It is likely that the biochemical abnormality is caused by delayed maturation of one or more of the enzymes of methionine metabolism. Methioninemia, with or without tyrosinemia, accompanied by hepatorenal disease (tyrosinemia I) is considered in the section on tyrosinosis and tyrosinemia (see Table 1.9). Persistent methioninemia associated with a deficiency of hepatic methionine adenosyltransferase is a benign metabolic variant unaccompanied by neurologic symptoms or impairment of cognition (246).

Other Rare Metabolic Defects A few other extremely rare defects of amino acid metabolism associated with neurologic symptoms are presented in Table 1.12. Experience with disorders such as the iminoacidemias, cystathioninuria, and histidinemia should caution the reader against accepting a causal relationship between metabolic and neurologic defects.

DISORDERS OF RENAL AMINO ACID TRANSPORT Renal amino acid transport is handled by five specific systems that have nonoverlapping substrate preferences. The disorders that result from genetic defects in each of these systems are listed in Table 1.13.

Hartnup Disease (OMIM 234500) Hartnup disease is a rare familial condition characterized by photosensitive dermatitis, intermittent cerebellar ataxia, mental disturbances, and renal aminoaciduria. The name is that of the family in which it was first detected (262). The first gene to be identified was that for SLC 6A19, a sodium-dependent amino acid transporter, on chromosome 5p15. Not all families are linked to chromosome 5p15, and there remains at least one other causative gene to be identified (263,264).

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology The symptoms are the result of an extensive disturbance in sodium-dependent transport of neutral amino acids across the membrane of the brush border of the small intestine and the proximal renal tubular epithelium. Four main biochemical abnormalities exist: a renal aminoaciduria, increased excretion of indican, an abnormally high output of nonhydroxylated indole metabolites, and increased fecal amino acids. These deficits are discussed in detail by Milne and colleagues (265) and Scriver (266).

Pathologic Anatomy Pathologic changes in the brain are nonspecific and are limited to neuronal degeneration and dysmyelination (267).

Clinical Manifestations The incidence of the biochemical lesion responsible for Hartnup disease is 1 in 18,000 in Massachusetts, 1 in 70,000 in Vienna, and 1 in 33,000 in New South Wales, Australia (268). C linical manifestations of Hartnup disease are the consequence of several factors. Polygenic inheritance is the major determinant for plasma amino acid levels, and symptoms are seen only in patients with the lowest amino acid concentrations. Because protein malnutrition further lowers amino acid levels, the disease itself, as distinguished from its biochemical defect, is seen mainly in malnourished children. Whenever dietary intake is satisfactory, neither neurologic nor dermatologic signs appear (268). In addition, no difference exists in rate of growth or IQ scores between groups with Hartnup disease and control groups. In the series of Scriver and coworkers, 90% of Hartnup patients had normal development (269). However, low academic performance and impaired growth were seen in those patients with Hartnup disease who, for genetic reasons, tended to have the lowest plasma amino acid levels (269).

TABLE 1.12 Some Rarely Encountered Defects of Amino Acid Metabolism Associated with Neurologic Symptoms

Disease (Reference)

Hypervalinemia (247)a

Hyper-β-alaninemia (248)

Carnosinemia (249)

Enzymatic Defect

Clinical Features


Valine transaminase

Vomiting, failure to thrive, nystagmus, mental retardation

Increased blood and urine valine; no increased excretion of ketoacid

β-Alanine-α-ketoglutarate transaminase

Seizures commencing at birth, somnolence

Plasma urine βalanine and βaminoisobutyric acid elevated; urinary γaminobutyric acid elevated


Grand mal and myoclonic seizures, progressive mental retardation;

Increased serum and urine carnosine; increased CSF hom*ocarnosine

most subjects are asymptomatic

α-Methylacetoacetic aciduria (250,251)

Hypertryptophanemia (252,253)

Aspartylglycosaminuria (254,255)

Glutamyl ribose-5phosphate storage disease (256)

Glutamyl cysteine synthetase deficiency (257)

Hyperoxaluria (258,259)

Aromatic L-aminoacid decarboxylase


Recurrent severe acidosis

α-Methyl acetoacetate and αmethyl-β-hydroxy butyric acid in urine

Tryptophan transaminase

Ataxia, spasticity, mental retardation, pellagra-like skin rash, cataracts

Elevated serum tryptophan, diminished or normal kynurenine, massive excretion of indole-acetic, lactic, -pyruvic acids


Progressive mental retardation, coarse facial features, changes in tubular bones of hand, vacuolated lymphocytes, mitral valve insufficiency

Elevated urine aspartylglucosamine

Deficiency of ADP-ribose protein hydrolase

Mental deterioration, seizures, microcephaly, proteinuria, coarse facies

Accumulation of glutamyl ribose-5phosphate in brain and kidney

γ-Glutamylcysteine synthetase

Hemolytic anemia, spinocerebellar degeneration, peripheral neuropathy

Reduced erythrocyte glutathione, generalized aminoaciduria

Type I: excessive oxalate synthesis; type II: defective hydroxypyruvate metabolism

Progressive renal insufficiency, dementia, peripheral neuropathy; type II milder than type I

Increased urinary oxalic acid with glycolic acid (type I) or L-glyceric acid

Hypotonia, paroxysmal dyskinesia,

CSF hom*ovanillic, 5-

Aromatic L-aminoacid decarboxylase, DOPA

deficiency (261a,261b)


autonomic dysfunction

hydroxyindoleacetic acid reduced

ADP, adenosine 5′-diphosphate; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid. a Hypervalinemia has not been seen since the original report in 1963.

When present, symptoms are intermittent and variable, and tend to improve with increasing age. A characteristic red, scaly rash appears on the exposed areas of the face, neck, and extensor surfaces of the extremities. This rash resembles the dermatitis of pellagra and, like it, is aggravated by sunlight. C erebral symptoms can precede the rash for several years. They include intermittent personality changes, psychoses, migraine-like headaches, photophobia, and bouts of cerebellar ataxia. C hanges in hair texture also have been observed. The four children of the original Hartnup family underwent progressive mental retardation, but this is not invariable. Renal and intestinal transport is impaired in 80% of patients and renal transport alone in 20% (269). The MRI is nonspecific; it demonstrates delayed myelination (270).

Diagnosis Hartnup disease should be considered in patients with intermittent cerebral symptoms, even without skin involvement.

TABLE 1.13 Defects in Amino Acid Transport

Transport System


Biochemical Features

Clinical Features

Cystinuria (three types)

Impaired renal clearance and defective intestinal transport of lysine, arginine, ornithine, and cystine

Renal stones, no neurologic disease; ? increased prevalence in subjects with mental disease


Lowe syndromea

? Impaired intestinal transport of lysine and arginine; ? impaired tubular transport of lysine

Severe mental retardation, glaucoma, cataracts, myopathy; gender-linked transmission

Acidic amino acids

Dicarboxylic amino-aciduria

Increased excretion of glutamic, aspartic acids

Harmless variant

Hartnup diseaseb

Defective intestinal and renal tubular transport of tryptophan and other neutral amino acids

Intermittent cerebellar ataxia; photosensitive rash


Impaired tubular transport of proline, hydroxyproline, and glycine

Harmless variant; transient iminoglycinuria normal in early infancy

Basic amino acids

Neutral amino acids

Proline, hydroxyproline, glycine

β-Amino acids

None known

Excretion of βaminoisobutyric acid and taurine in βalaninemia is increased

owing to competition at the tubular level

Lysinuric protein intolerance

Amino acid transporter

Mental retardation, vomiting diarrhea, failure to thrive; many patients from Finland

Increased excretion of ornithine, arginine, lysine (260,260a,260b,261,980)


In Lowe syndrome, defects of amino acid transport are secondary to the defect in phosphatidyl inositol phosphatase. b In Hartnup disease, amino acid transport is usually normal.

Numerous metabolic disorders with a partial enzymatic defect produce intermittent cerebellar ataxia. These include MSUD, lactic acidosis, pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency, and some of the diseases caused by defects in the urea cycle. Additionally, episodic ataxia should be considered. This condition is caused by mutations in the calcium-channel voltage-dependent, P/Q type, alpha 1A subunit gene (CACNA1A), which is highly expressed in the cerebellum. Another rare condition to be considered in the differential diagnosis of Hartnup disease is hypertryptophanemia (see Table 1.12) and a disorder in kynurenine hydroxylation (271). C hromatography of urine for amino acids and indolic substances in the presence of a normal serum pattern is diagnostic for Hartnup disease. The absence of increased proline and hydroxyproline in the urine distinguishes Hartnup from generalized aminoaciduria that can be the result of many other disorders.

Treatment The similarity of Hartnup disease to pellagra has prompted treatment with nicotinic acid (25 mg/day). Tryptophan ethylester also has been effective (272). However, the tendency for symptoms to remit spontaneously and for general improvement to occur with improved dietary intake and advancing age makes such therapy difficult to evaluate.

Lowe Syndrome (Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome) (OMIM 30900) Lowe syndrome is an X-linked recessive disorder whose gene has been localized to the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq25–q26) and is characterized by severe mental retardation, myopathy, and congenital glaucoma or cataract. Biochemically, it is marked by a generalized aminoaciduria of the Fanconi type, renal tubular acidosis, and hypophosphatemic rickets (273,274). The gene responsible for the disorder has been cloned (275). It encodes a phosphatidyl inositol phosphatase located on the trans-Golgi network. The substrate for this phosphatase is a phospholipid with an important role in several basic cell processes, including cellular signaling, protein trafficking, and polymerization of the actin skeleton. Abnormalities in the structure of the actin skeleton of fibroblasts derived from patients with Lowe syndrome have been demonstrated (276). It is not clear how this lesion relates to the basic phenotypic defect, which is believed to be a defect in membrane transport (277). Neuropathologic examination has disclosed rarefaction of the molecular layer of the cerebral cortex and parenchymal vacuolation or little more than ventricular dilation (278,279). The urinary levels of lysine are more elevated than those of the other amino acids, and defective uptake of lysine and arginine by the intestinal mucosa has been demonstrated in two patients (277). The neurologic picture is that of a developmental delay or of progressive loss of acquired skills (280). This is accompanied by hypotonia, areflexia, and evidence of peripheral neuropathy with loss of myelinated fibers (281,282). C T scans reveal reduced density of periventricular white matter and marked scalloping of the calvarial bones, especially in the occipital region (283). T2-weighted MRI shows patchy, irregular areas of increased signal intensity (283,285). Additionally, multiple periventricular cystic lesions have been observed (284). Heterozygous female patients are neurologically healthy, with normal renal function, but have micropunctate cortical lens opacities (285).

Creatine Transporter Defect (OMIM 300036) This X-linked disorder was first described in 2001 by Salomons and coworkers (286). It is marked by mental retardation and hypotonia. Some patients demonstrate an extrapyramidal disorder and have a drug-resistant seizure disorder (287). The condition is not rare. Screening of European X-linked mental retardation patients identified an incidence of at least 2.1%, making it almost as common as the fragile X syndrome (FMR1 gene) (288). The defect has been localized to the creatine transporter gene (SLC6A8). Diagnosis is made by MRS, which demonstrates complete absence of the creatine peak. Urine and blood creatine levels are increased, and oral supplementation with creatine is ineffective in changing the MRS. C reatine transporter defect should be distinguished from defects in guanidinoacetate N-methyl transferase (OMIM 601240), in which plasma guanidinoacetate levels are increased and urinary creatine levels are reduced (289). This condition is characterized by developmental arrest and deterioration, severe, early-onset seizures, and a variety of movement disorders (287,289). It should also be distinguished from arginine:glycine amidinotransferase deficiency (OMIM 602360), which presents with mental retardation, seizures, and autistic behavior and in which creatine supplementation not only normalizes the MRS, but also controls seizures and behavior (290).


Galactosemia (OMIM 230400) Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and failure to thrive associated with the excretion of galactose were first pointed out by von Reuss in 1908 (291). Galactosemia is transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner. In the United States, it is seen with a frequency of 1 in 62,000; in Austria, 1 in 40,000 to 46,000; and in England, 1 in 72,000 (292).

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology In 1917, Göppert demonstrated that galactosemic children excreted galactose after the ingestion of lactose (milk) and galactose (293). In 1956, Schwarz and associates found that administration of galactose to affected children gave rise to an accumulation of galactose1-phosphate (294). This was confirmed by Kalckar and his group, who were able to demonstrate a deficiency in galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT), the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of galactose-1-phosphate into galactose uridine diphosphate (UDPgalactose) (Fig. 1.8) (295). The gene for galactosemia has been mapped to the small arm of chromosome 9 (9p13). It has been cloned and sequenced, and numerous mutations have been identified (296,297). Two point mutations (Q188R and K285N) account for 69% to 80% of galactosemia in whites and result in a complete enzyme deficiency; most of the remaining mutations result in detectable amounts of enzyme activity (296,297). In African-American patients, the most common mutation (S135L) accounts for 45% of the mutant alleles. Patients hom*ozygous for the S135L allele have residual red cell GALT activity and a milder clinical course (298). C ompound heterozygotes of a classic galactosemia allele and the Los Angeles or Duarte variant are asymptomatic.

FIGURE 1.8. Pathways of galactose metabolism. In galactosemia, galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase is defective. (From Ng WG, Roe TF. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. In: Rimoin DL, C onnor JM, Pyeritz RE, et al., eds. Principles and practice of medical genetics, 4th ed. New York: C hurchill Livingstone, 2002.)

In classic galactosemia, the metabolic block is essentially complete. Lactose of human or cow's milk is hydrolyzed to galactose and glucose, the latter being handled in a normal manner. The metabolism of galactose, however, stops after the sugar is phosphorylated to galactose-1-phosphate. This phosphate ester accumulates in erythrocytes, lens, liver, and kidney (299). Galactitol, the alcohol of galactose, also is found in the lens, brain, and urine of galactosemic individuals (300), and can be demonstrated in brain by MRS (303). Berry and coworkers postulated that galactitol induces cerebral edema that is occasionally present in neonates (301). Factors responsible for mental retardation can include a deficiency of uridine diphosphate galactose, a reduction of glycolytic intermediates, and a loss of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (300). Administration of galactose to affected infants results in marked hypoglycemia. This has been explained by an increased insulin release, prompted by the large amounts of circulating reducing substance, or by assuming interference by galactose-1-phosphate with normal glycogen breakdown. The peripheral hypoglycemia is enhanced by competition between glucose and galactose at the level of the hexose transport across the blood–brain barrier. As a consequence, the brain in galactosemic patients is in a constant hypoglycemic environment. Intolerance to galactose decreases with increasing age. In part, this intolerance might be a result of the decreasing importance of milk as a food item. In patients with classic galactosemia who have been tested repeatedly, no increase in erythrocyte transferase activity has been found (302).

Pathologic Anatomy The main pathologic lesions are found in the liver and brain. In the liver, several stages are recognized. Initially one sees a severe, diffuse, fatty metamorphosis. The hepatic cells are filled with large, pale, fat-containing vacuoles (303). If the disease remains untreated, the liver cell cords are transformed into pseudoglandular structures. The final stage is pseudolobular cirrhosis. C erebral alterations are nonspecific. Edema, fibrous gliosis of white matter and marked loss of cortical neurons and Purkinje cells are the most prominent findings (304).

Clinical Manifestations Infants with galactosemia appear healthy at birth, although their cord blood can already contain abnormally high concentrations of galactose-1-phosphate, and a few already have cataracts and hepatic cirrhosis, probably as a consequence of intrauterine galactosemia (305). In severe cases, symptoms develop during the first week of life. These include vomiting, diarrhea, listlessness, and failure to

gain weight. Increased intracranial pressure due to cytotoxic cerebral edema can be a presenting sign (306). Infants are jaundiced. This may represent a persistence of neonatal jaundice or can appear at age 3 to 5 days (307). On a normal diet, hypoglycemia is not common. By age 2 weeks, hepatosplenomegaly and lenticular opacifications are easily detectable. The cataracts can be cortical or nuclear and can be present at birth (300). The most frequently observed opacity is a central refractile ring (308). The infants are hypotonic and often have lost the Moro reflex. Sepsis caused by Escherichia coli occurs with high frequency and is responsible for the majority of deaths during the neonatal period (309). Other secondary effects of deranged galactose metabolism include ovarian failure or atrophy and testicular atrophy (310). The MRI commonly shows multiple areas of increased signal in white matter, predominantly in the periventricular region (311). If galactosemia goes untreated, growth failure becomes severe and the infant develops the usual signs of progressive hepatic cirrhosis. In some infants, the disease can be less severe and does not manifest until age 3 to 6 months, at which time the presenting symptoms are delayed physical and mental development. By then, cataracts can be well established and the cirrhosis far advanced. In another group of galactosemic individuals, the diagnosis is not made until patients are several years old, often on evaluation for mental retardation. They might not have cataracts or albuminuria. Intellectual retardation is not consistent in untreated galactosemic children. When present, it is moderate; IQs range between 50 and 70. Asymptomatic hom*ozygotes also have been detected. Most of these have some residual transferase activity.

Diagnosis The enzyme defect is best documented by measuring the erythrocyte GALT activity. Several methods are available and have been be used for statewide and nationwide screening. In the Austrian screening program reviewed by Item and coworkers, only 1 in 190 infants who tested positive initially actually had galactosemia (297). Some of these were galactosemia carriers or Duarte/galactosemia compound heterozygotes. Galactosuria, usually in combination with glucosuria or fructosuria, is seen in severe hepatic disorders of the neonatal period (e.g., neonatal hepatitis, tyrosinosis, congenital atresia of the bile ducts). Families in which several members are mentally defective and have congenital cataracts without an abnormality in galactose metabolism have been described by Franceschetti and others (312). The antenatal diagnosis of galactosemia can be made by assay of GALT activity on cultured amniocytes or chorionic villi (315).

Treatment When milk is withdrawn and lactose-free products such as Nutramigen or Prosobee are substituted, gastrointestinal symptoms are rapidly relieved and normal growth resumes. The progression of cirrhosis is arrested, and in 35% of patients, the cataracts disappear (307). Because infants have developed hypoglycemia when first placed on a galactose-free diet, it might be useful to add some glucose to the formula. The propensity of galactosemic neonates for E. coli sepsis requires securing cultures of blood, urine, and C SF and treating against this organism until the test results are negative (309). In the larger series of Waggoner and coworkers, sepsis was suspected in 30% of neonates and confirmed in 10% (314). Recommendations for the management of infants and children with galactosemia have been published by Walter and coworkers (315). Maintenance of the galactose-free diet and avoidance of milk and milk products is recommended until at least after puberty. In several children who returned to a milk-containing diet before puberty, cataracts flared up. Even after that age, some continue to be sensitive to milk products and prefer to avoid them. Intermittent monitoring of erythrocyte galactose-1-phosphate levels has been suggested. Even children with well-controlled galactosemia have elevated galactose-1-phosphate levels. Endogenous formation of galactose-1-phosphate from glucose-1-phosphate by way of the epimerase reaction (see Fig. 1.8) is believed to be responsible. The long-term outlook for galactosemic patients is not as good as was initially believed, even when the diet is carefully monitored. A number of cases of progressive cerebellar ataxia and extrapyramidal movement disorders have been reported (316,317). In the series of Waggoner and colleagues, cerebellar deficits were seen in 18% (314); in the series of Kaufman and colleagues, the incidence was 27% (317). The cause for this syndrome is unclear, and MRI studies on patients with this syndrome do not differ from those without it (317). Rogers and Segal postulated that the syndrome results from an endogenous product of galactose-1-phosphate from UDP-glucose via the epimerase reaction (318). Another possibility is that a deficiency of UDP-galactose could limit the formation of cerebral glycoproteins and galactolipids. Administration of uridine, which has been suggested to prevent these complications, has not been effective (319). C ognitive deficits are common. In 70% of galactosemic children treated from birth, the IQ was 90 or higher; however, approximately 50% of the youngsters had significant visual and perceptual deficits, and 33% had EEG abnormalities (320). Studies confirm that most patients have cognitive deficits in one or more areas. Verbal dyspraxia occurs in some 62%. Patients are unable to program their speech musculature and also show frequent disturbances in speech rhythm. Receptive language is normal (317,321). In addition, there appears to be a progressive decline in IQ with age (314,317). Neither IQ scores nor the presence of the dyspractic speech disorder are highly related with the age at which therapy is initiated or quality of control (314). Instead, cognitive and language deficits are likely to result from the in utero formation of potentially neurotoxic galactose-1-phosphate and the continued generation of galactose from glucose via UDP-galactose-4-epimerase (see Fig. 1.8) (300,322). Two other defects of galactose metabolism have been recognized. A deficiency of galactokinase (see Fig. 1.8) is the more common (OMIM 230200). C ataracts are present in most patients and pseudotumor cerebri has been seen occasionally. The outlook in terms of mental function is better than for patients with galactosemia, and most appear to be normal (323). A very rare disorder, generalized deficiency of epimerase (OMIM 230350), the enzyme that converts UDP-glucose to UDP-galactose (see Fig. 1.8), can result in galactosuria, failure to thrive, sensorineural deafness, dysmorphic features, and mental retardation (324).

Fructose Intolerance (OMIM 229600) Fructose intolerance, as distinguished from benign fructosuria, was first described by C hambers and Pratt in 1956 (325). The condition is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait and is the consequence of a deficiency in the principal hepatic aldolase, aldolase B (326). The gene coding for aldolase B is located on the long arm of chromosome 9 (9q21.3–q22.2), and more than 25 mutations have been documented (327). As a consequence of the metabolic defect, ingested fructose (or sucrose, which is split into fructose and glucose) is converted to fructose-1-phosphate, which accumulates in tissues and is responsible for renal and hepatic damage. Additionally, plasma lactate and urate levels increase (328). A glucagon-unresponsive hypoglycemia results from the blockage of glycogenolysis by fructose-1-

phosphate at the point of phosphorylase and from the interruption of gluconeogenesis by the phosphate ester at the level of the mutant fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolase. The main pathologic abnormality is hepatic cirrhosis similar to that seen in galactosemia. The brain shows retarded myelination and neuronal shrinkage attributable to hypoglycemia (329). An associated coagulation defect can induce intracerebral hemorrhage. Hereditary fructose intolerance is relatively rare in the United States and far more common in Europe. In Switzerland, the gene frequency is 1 in 80, and in Great Britain, 1 in 250 (328). The condition manifests by intestinal disturbances, poor weight gain, and attacks of hypoglycemia after fructose ingestion. Transient icterus, hepatic enlargement, fructosuria, albuminuria, and aminoaciduria follow intake of large quantities of fructose. Mild mental deficiency is frequent, and there may be a flaccid quadriparesis (330). Heterozygotes are predisposed to gout (328). Diagnosis is based in part on the patient's clinical history, on the presence of a urinary reducing substance, and on the results of an intravenous fructose tolerance test (0.25 g/kg), a procedure that should be performed carefully under monitored conditions. An oral tolerance test is contraindicated in view of the ensuing severe gastrointestinal and systemic symptoms (331). For confirmation, a jejunal or liver biopsy with determination of fructose-1-phosphate aldolase levels is necessary (332). MRS has been used to confirm the diagnosis and to determine heterozygosity (328). Other causes of increased fructose excretion include impaired liver function and fructosuria, which is an asymptomatic metabolic variant caused by a deficiency of fructokinase (OMIM 299800). Treatment of hereditary fructose intolerance is relatively simple but is needed lifelong. It involves avoiding the intake of fruits and cane or beet sugar (sucrose).

Other Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase deficiency (OMIM 229700) is a rare disorder that manifests during the neonatal period with hyperventilation, hyperbilirubinemia, seizures, coma, and laboratory evidence of ketosis, hypoglycemia, and lactic acidosis (333). The diagnosis is difficult, and a variety of other causes for intermittent neonatal hypoglycemia must be excluded. The enzyme defect can be demonstrated by liver biopsy (334). Of the various forms of mellituria seen in infancy and childhood, the most common are caused by the increased excretion of a single sugar, predominantly glucose. Isolated lactosuria and fructosuria are encountered also. Lactosuria usually is explained on the basis of congenital lactose intolerance or secondary lactose intolerance associated with enteritis, celiac disease, and cystic fibrosis. Essential pentosuria, one of the original inborn errors of metabolism described by Garrod, is a result of the excretion of L-xylulose. Ribosuria occurs in duch*enne muscular dystrophy, probably as the result of tissue breakdown. Sucrosuria has been reported in association with hiatal hernia and other intestinal disturbances. A mixed-sugar excretion also can be seen in acute infections, liver disease, and gastroenteritis.

Glucose Transporter 1 Deficiency Syndrome (De Vivo Disease) (OMIM 606777) This condition was first described in 1991 by De Vivo and coworkers (335). It is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait, and, as the name indicates, results from a mutation in the gene for the glucose 1 transporter (GLUT 1). De Vivo and coworkers reviewed the molecular genetics of this condition (336). The clinical picture is marked by the early onset of a seizure disorder accompanied by delayed development, the acquisition of microcephaly, incoordination, and spasticity. Other paroxysmal events have been observed. These include intermittent ataxia, confusion, or somnolence. Patients with intermittent ataxia and mental retardation in the absence of seizures have been reported, as have opsoclonic eye movements and a complex motor disorder with elements of ataxia, dystonia, and spasticity (336,337). The presence of hypoglycorrhachia in the presence of normal blood sugar is diagnostic. Neuroimaging studies are generally unremarkable. In about 50% of patients the EEG demonstrates generalized spike or polyspike and wave discharges. Diffuse or focal slowing has also been observed. An erythrocyte glucose uptake study will confirm the diagnosis (338). Treatment by means of the ketogenic diet or medium-chain triglycerides has been fairly effective. Ketone bodies are transported across the blood–brain barrier by monocarboxylic transporters and can be used as an alternative brain fuel. Barbiturates and caffeine, which inhibit glucose transport across the blood–brain barrier, should be avoided. α-Lipoic acid supplementation may be beneficial (336).

ORGANIC ACIDURIAS A number of disorders of intermediary metabolism are manifested by intermittent episodes of vomiting, lethargy, acidosis, and the excretion of large amounts of organic acids. Even though the enzymatic lesions responsible are not related, they are grouped together because they are detected by analysis of urinary organic acids.

Propionic Acidemia (Ketotic Hyperglycinemia) (OMIM 232000; 232050) Propionic acidemia, the first of the organic acidurias to be described, is characterized by intermittent episodes of vomiting, lethargy, and ketosis. Hsia and coworkers demonstrated a defect in propionyl-C oA carboxylase, a biotin-dependent enzyme that converts propionyl-C oA to methylmalonyl-C oA (339). The enzyme consists of two polypeptides, α and β, coded by genes (PCCA and PCCB) that are located on chromosomes 13 and 3, respectively. C onsiderable genetic heterogeneity exists, with defects in each of the two structural genes encoding the two subunits of propionyl-C oA carboxylase. Most of these are single-base substitutions (340). The clinical presentation of the two forms appears to be comparable; the original family had the PCCA type of propionic acidemia. As a consequence of the metabolic block, not only is serum propionate elevated, but also several propionate derivatives accumulate (341). Hyperammonemia is frequent, probably as a consequence of an inhibition by the accumulating organic acids of Nacetylglutamate synthetase, the enzyme that forms N-acetylglutamate, a stimulator of carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase (see Fig. 1.6) (342). The severity of hyperammonemia appears to be proportional to the serum propionate levels (343). The mechanism for hyperglycinemia in this and in several of the other organic acidurias has not been fully elucidated. It appears likely, however, that propionate interferes with one of the components of the mitochondrial glycine-cleavage system. In the classic form of the disease, symptoms start shortly after birth (344). In other cases, they might not become apparent until late infancy or childhood and are precipitated by upper respiratory or gastrointestinal infections. Marked intellectual retardation and a

neurologic picture of a mixed pyramidal and extrapyramidal lesion ultimately become apparent (345). A less severe form of the disease is fairly common in Japan. It presents with mild mental retardation and extrapyramidal symptoms. It results from a mutation in PCCB (346). As a rule, attacks are precipitated by ingestion of proteins and various amino acids, notably leucine. In addition to ketoacidosis, hyperammonemia, persistent neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia occur. Propionic acidemia is seen in all patients, and plasma and urinary glycine levels are increased (347). In some patients, MRI shows increased signal in the caudate nucleus and putamen on T2-weighted images (348). Structural abnormalities in the brain are similar to those seen in PKU and other diseases of amino acid metabolism, namely retarded myelination and a spongy degeneration of gray and white matter (349,350). Treatment involves a diet low in valine, isoleucine, threonine, and methionine, with carnitine supplementation (60 to 200 mg/kg per day). A commercial formula is available. A few patients have responded to biotin. Patients generally require a gastrostomy tube because of poor feeding. C ourses of metronidazole have been used to decrease the amount of propionate produced by anaerobic intestinal bacteria. C ardiomyopathy and arrhythmias can further complicate the disease. Propionic acidemia is biochemically and clinically distinct from familial glycinuria (OMIM 138500), a condition in which serum glycine levels are normal and the nervous system is unaffected (351). It also should be distinguished from iminoglycinuria and from nonketotic hyperglycinemia. Isovaleric acidemia and α-ketothiolase deficiency also can present with episodes of ketoacidosis and hyperglycinemia.

Methylmalonic Aciduria (OMIM 251000) The classic presentation of MMA is one of acute neonatal ketoacidosis, with lethargy, vomiting, and profound hypotonia. Several genetic entities have been recognized. In all, the conversion of methylmalonyl-C oA to succinyl-C oA is impaired, a result either of a defect in the mitochondrial apoenzyme, methylmalonyl-C oA mutase, or in the biosynthesis, transport, or absorption of its adenosylcobalamin cofactor (352). The gene for methylmalonyl-C oA mutase has been cloned, and more than two dozen mutations have been recognized (353). Approximately one-third of patients with MMA have the classic form of the disease (352). In this condition, the defect is localized to the apoenzyme methylmalonyl-C oA mutase. In the majority of patients, the enzyme is totally inactive, whereas in other patients with MMA, the apoenzyme defect is partial (354). In the remaining patients with MMA, constituting approximately 50% of a series of 45 patients assembled by Matsui and her group (352), dramatic biochemical improvement occurs with the administration of adenosylcobalamin, the cofactor for the mutase. In most of the responders, synthesis of adenosylcobalamin is blocked at the formation of the cofactor from cobalamin (cobalamin adenosyltransferase deficiency) or at one of the mitochondrial cobalamin reductases. In a small proportion of patients, the defect appears to involve adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. Because the latter serves as cofactor for the conversion of hom*ocysteine to methionine, children with this particular defect demonstrate hom*ocystinuria and MMA (355). The various disorders in cobalamin absorption, transport, and use were reviewed by Shevell and Rosenblatt (356). As ascertained by routine screening of newborns, a large proportion of infants with persistent MMA are asymptomatic and experience normal growth and mental development (357). These children may represent the mildest form of partial mutase deficiency. Small elevations in MMA and hom*ocystine are also seen with maternal vitamin B 12 deficiency, particularly common in vegans. Infants suffering from the classic form of the disease (absence of the apoenzyme methylmalonyl-C oA mutase) become symptomatic during the first week of life, usually after the onset of protein feedings. The clinical picture is highlighted by hypotonia, lethargy, recurrent vomiting, and profound metabolic acidosis (352). Survivors of the initial crisis have recurrent episodes with intercurrent illnesses and often have spastic quadriparesis, dystonia, and severe developmental delay. When the apoenzyme defect is partial, patients generally become symptomatic in late infancy or childhood and are not as severely affected (354). MRI studies of the brain resemble those obtained on patients with propionic acidemia with delayed myelination and changes in the basal ganglia (358). Pathologic changes within the brain also involve the basal ganglia predominantly, with neuronal loss and gliosis, or spongy changes in the globus pallidus and putamen. Abnormal laboratory findings in the classic form of MMA include ketoacidosis and an increased amount of methylmalonic acid in blood and urine. Hyperglycinemia is seen in 70% of classic cases, and hyperammonemia is seen in 75% (352). Hematologic abnormalities, notably leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia, are encountered in approximately 50% of the cases. These abnormalities result from the growth inhibition of marrow stem cells by methylmalonic acid (359). Almost all of the survivors have some degree of neurologic impairment. This is in part the consequence of diminished protein tolerance and frequent bouts of metabolic decompensation. MMA is nephrotoxic leading to renal failure in the second decade of life (360). Lateonset patients fare better, and some have relatively minor neuromotor and mental handicaps (361). At least four disorders of cobalamin absorption and transport and seven disorders of cobalamin utilization exist. In two of the cobalamin utilization defects, the output of methylmalonic acid is increased (cblA, cblB); in three, MMA and hom*ocystinuria occur (cblC , cblD, and cblF); and in two, there is an increased excretion of hom*ocystine (cblE and cblG) (356). The clinical course of children experiencing a cofactor deficiency is not as severe as that of children with an apoenzyme deficiency, and nearly 60% of patients with the most common cobalamin utilization defect, cobalamin reductase deficiency (cblC ), do not become symptomatic until after age 1 month (352). The clinical picture is variable (362). The majority of children present in infancy or during the first year of life with failure to thrive, developmental delay, and megaloblastic anemia. In others, the disease develops during adolescence, with dementia and a myelopathy (363,364). A progressive retinal degeneration has been observed (365). Pathologic findings in the cblC defect include a subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord and a thrombotic microangiopathy (366). The diagnosis of MMA can be suspected when urine treated with diazotized p-nitroaniline turns emerald green. MMA also is seen in pernicious anemia and vitamin B 12 deficiency and in the infantile form of mitochondrial depletion syndrome (see C hapter 2). C ultured fibroblasts are used for the further delineation of the various metabolic defects responsible for MMA. Infants with MMA should first be tested for vitamin B 12 responsiveness (1 to 2 mg of cyanocobalamin or preferably hydroxycobalamin intramuscularly daily for several days). In those who fail to respond, a low-protein diet (0.75 to 1.2 g protein/kg per day) with the addition of L-carnitine is required (367). Vitamin B 12-responsive patients are treated with oral (1 mg/day) or intramuscular cobalamin (1 mg every 3 weeks), supplemented with L-carnitine (50 to 200 mg/kg per day) (369). In the child who does not respond to hydroxycobalamin, a trial of deoxyadenosylcobalamin is indicated, but the substance is hard to obtain (367). In children with the various cofactor deficiencies, the biochemical and clinical response to therapy is gratifying (362,368). Even an occasional patient with the apoenzyme deficiency can improve with therapy. Hepatic transplantation has been used in some of the more severe cases of vitamin B 12-nonresponsive methylmalonic aciduria. It appears that the procedure does not prevent neurologic dysfunction or progressive renal failure (369).

Isovaleric Aciduria (OMIM 243500) A striking odor of urine, perspiration, and exhaled air, resembling stale perspiration, is characteristic of patients with isovaleric aciduria. The enzymatic lesion in this condition has been localized to isovaleryl-C oA dehydrogenase (see Fig. 1.5, step 3), a mitochondrial enzyme (370). The gene for this enzyme has been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 15 (15q12–q15) and has been cloned (371). As a consequence of the enzymatic defect, serum isovaleric acid concentrations are several hundred times normal, and the administration of L-leucine produces a sustained increase in isovaleric acid levels. In addition to abnormally elevated concentrations of isovaleric acid in blood and urine, moderate hyperammonemia occurs. This is particularly evident during the neonatal period. Large quantities of isovaleryl glycine are excreted during acute episodes of acidosis and while the patient is in remission. During attacks, 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid, 4-hydroxyisovaleric acid and its oxidation products (methylsuccinic acid and methaconic acids), and isovaleryl glucuronide are excreted also (372). The acidosis seen during an attack appears to result from an accumulation of ketone bodies rather than from the presence of isovaleric acid. Two clinical phenotypes are seen: an acute and commonly fatal neonatal form in which infants develop recurrent acidosis and coma during the first week of life, and a chronic form with recurrent attacks of vomiting, lethargy, ataxia, and ketoacidosis (373). Acute and chronic forms can be present in the same family. No correlation exists between the amount of residual enzyme activity and the clinical form of the disease. Instead, the severity of the disease appears to be a function of the effectiveness with which isovaleryl-C oA is detoxified to its glycine derivative (374). Attacks are triggered by infections or excessive protein intake. Pancytopenia is not uncommon; it is caused by arrested maturation of hematopoietic precursors (375). Treatment involves a low-protein diet (1.5 to 2 g/kg per day) with L-carnitine (50 to 100 mg/kg per day). Glycine (250 mg/kg per day) has been used instead of carnitine. Glycine and carnitine aid in the mitochondrial detoxification of isovaleryl-C oA (374). For infants who survive the neonatal period, the outlook for normal intellectual development is fairly good, and 4 of 9 patients treated by Berry and coworkers at C hildren's Hospital of Philadelphia had IQs of greater than 95 (374). A clinical picture resembling isovaleric aciduria develops after intoxication with achee, the fruit that induces Jamaican vomiting sickness and that contains hypoglycin, an inhibitor of several acyl-C oA dehydrogenases, including isovaleryl-C oA dehydrogenase (376).

Glutaric Acidurias Several completely different genetic defects have been grouped under the term glutaric aciduria.

Glutaric Aciduria Type I (OMIM 231670) This is a recessive disorder with an incidence of approximately 1 in 30,000. It is caused by a defect in the gene for glutaryl-C oA dehydrogenase. Biochemically, the condition is marked by the excretion of large amounts of glutaric, 3-hydroxyglutaric, and glutaconic acids. The clinical picture is protean, and the disorder is frequently undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. In approximately 20% of patients, glutaric aciduria I takes the form of a neurodegenerative condition commencing during the latter part of the first year of life and characterized by hypotonia, dystonia, choreoathetosis, and seizures (377). In most of the remaining patients, development is normal for as long as 2 years of age, and then, after what appears to be an infectious, an encephalitic, or a Reye syndrome–like illness or following routine immunization, neurologic deterioration occurs (378,379). In yet other cases, the clinical picture resembles extrapyramidal cerebral palsy (380). Rare cases remain asymptomatic. Macrocephaly is noted in 70% of cases (381). Lack of appetite, sleeplessness, and profuse sweating also is noted, as is hypoglycemia (382,383). No molecular basis for the clinical variability exists, and the severity of the clinical phenotype seems to be closely linked to the development of encephalopathic crises rather than to residual enzyme activity or genotype (384).

FIGURE 1.9. Glutaric aciduria I. Magnetic resonance imaging study. This T1-weighted image demonstrates an enlarged operculum on the right (arrow) and an extensive left subdural hematoma.

Neuroimaging shows frontotemporal cortical atrophy giving what has been termed a bat wing appearance. This is often accompanied by increased signal in the basal ganglia on T2-weighted images and caudate atrophy. Bilateral subdural hematomas have also been described (Fig. 1.9). When these are accompanied by retinal hemorrhages, an erroneous diagnosis of child abuse frequently is made (390). Neuropathology shows temporal and frontal lobe hypoplasia, degeneration of the putamen and globus pallidus, mild status spongiosus of white matter, and heterotopic neurons in cerebellum (385). It is not clear why so much of the damage is localized to the basal ganglia. Kolker and coworkers postulated that 3-hydroxyglutaric acid, which is structurally related to glutamic acid, induces excitotoxic cell damage, and that in addition 3-hydroxyglutaric acid and glutaric acid modulate glutamatergic and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic neurotransmission. Secondary amplification loops could also potentiate the neurotoxic properties of these organic acids (386). A low-protein, high-calorie diet supplemented with a formula lacking lysine and tryptophan and containing carnitine has sometimes prevented further deterioration, but in the Scandinavian series of Kyllerman and colleagues almost all patients were left with a severe dystonic-dyskinetic disorder (387). The experience of Hoffmann and coworkers was similar (381). Strauss and colleagues, who worked with the disease in the Pennsylvania Amish population, however, found that good dietary care can reduce the incidence of basal ganglia injury to 35% (388).

Glutaric Aciduria Type II (Multiple Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency) (MADD) (OMIM 231680) In this condition the defect has been localized to one of three genes involved in the mitochondrial β-oxidation of fatty acids: those coding for the α and β subunits of the electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and that coding for the electron transfer flavoprotein dehydrogenase (389,390). The clinical picture of GA II due to the different defects appears to be nondistinguishable; each defect can lead to a range of mild or severe cases, depending presumably on the location and nature of the intragenic lesion, that is, mutation, in each case. As a consequence of the enzyme deficiency there is increased excretion not only of glutaric acid, but also of other organic acids, including lactic, ethylmalonic, isobutyric, and isovaleric acids. The heterogeneous clinical features of patients with MADD fall into three classes (391): a neonatal-onset form with congenital anomalies (type I), a neonatal-onset form without congenital anomalies (type II), and a late-onset form (type III). Glutaric aciduria II can present in the neonatal period with an overwhelming and generally fatal metabolic acidosis coupled with hypoglycemia, acidemia, and a cardiomyopathy. Affected infants can have an odor of sweaty feet. As a rule, there is good correlation between the severity of the metabolic block, rather than its location and the severity of the disease, with null mutations producing the development of congenital anomalies and the presence of a minute amount of enzymatic activity allowing the development of type II disease (392). Dysmorphic features are prominent in approximately one-half of cases (393). They include macrocephaly, a large anterior fontanel, a high forehead, a flat nasal bridge, and malformed ears. This appearance is reminiscent of Zellweger syndrome (Fig. 1.10). Neuroimaging discloses agenesis of the cerebellar vermis and hypoplastic temporal lobes (394). The neonatal-onset forms are usually fatal and are characterized by severe nonketotic hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, multisystem involvement, and excretion of large amounts of fatty acid- and amino acid-derived metabolites. Standard treatment consists of a high-carbohydrate, low-fat and protein diet supplemented with carnitine. Van Hove and coworkers suggested that this condition be treated with D,L-3-hydroxybutyrate (430 to 700 mg/kg per day). In their experience this treatment resulted in improvement of neurologic function and cardiac contractility (395).

FIGURE 1.10. Zellweger syndrome. A: Typical facies with high forehead and flat facies. Redundant skin of the neck is seen. (C ourtesy of the late Dr. H. Zellweger, University of Iowa, Iowa C ity, IA.) B: Hand, demonstrating camptodactyly of third, fourth, and fifth fingers. (C ourtesy of Dr. J. M. Opitz, Shodair C hildren's Hospital, Helena, MT.)

Symptoms and age at presentation of late-onset MADD (type III) are highly variable and characterized by recurrent episodes of lethargy, vomiting, hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, and hepatomegaly often preceded by metabolic stress. Muscle involvement in the form of pain, weakness, and lipid storage myopathy also occurs. The organic aciduria in patients with the late-onset form of MADD is often intermittent and only evident during periods of illness or catabolic stress. Other cases present in early childhood with progressive spastic ataxia and high signal intensity on T2-weighted MRI in supratentorial white matter, a picture mimicking a leukodystrophy (398). The neuropathologic picture is marked by diffuse gliosis of cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum, with foci of leukomalacia and striatal degeneration (393,397). Some infants with glutaric aciduria II respond dramatically to riboflavin (100 mg three times a day). This riboflavin-responsive multiple acyl-C oA dehydrogenase deficiency may be identical to ethylmalonic-adipic aciduria (396,398,399).

Glutaric Aciduria Type III (OMIM 231690) This condition is the result of a defect of peroxisomal glutaryl C oA oxidase. It results in a persistent isolated glutaric acid excretion, but the phenotype of this disorder is unknown, and it may well represent a benign inborn error (400). The other, rarer organic acidurias are summarized in Table 1.15.

DISORDERS OF FATTY ACID OXIDATION Up to 18 defects of hepatic mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation have been recognized, including eight defects of the β-oxidation cycle (401,402). Affected patients are unable to use fatty acids derived from adipose tissue or diet for energy production or hepatic ketone synthesis. Because fatty acids are the principal energy source during fasting, infants rapidly decompensate in the neonatal period or

during a febrile illness. In addition to the acute metabolic decompensation that results when infants are fasted, resulting in a rapid evolution of seizures and coma, the clinical presentation of most of these conditions is marked by episodes of a nonketotic or hypoketotic hypoglycemia. The esterified-to-free-carnitine ratio is increased, and generally there is hypocarnitinemia. When the enzyme defect is limited to muscle, it can present with cardiomyopathy, muscle weakness, and myoglobinuria. These symptoms are features of defects in the transport of fatty acids into mitochondria and are covered in C hapter 2. Disorders of fatty acid oxidation are uncommon, and collectively, their incidence in Great Britain has been estimated at 1 in 5,000 live births (403).

Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (MCAD) Deficiency (OMIM 201450) The most common of the disorders of fatty acid oxidation is a defect involving medium-chain acyl-C oA dehydrogenase (MC AD). The incidence of this entity varies among population groups. In whites, it has been estimated to be between 1 in 6,400 and 1 in 23,000 live births; thus, it appears to be almost as common as PKU (404,405,406).

TABLE 1.14 Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders



Carnitine Cycle Carnitine transport defect

Stanley et al. (410)

Carnitine palmitoyl transferase I

Haworth et al. (411)

Carnitine acylcarnitine translocase

Stanley et al. (412)

Carnitine palmitoyl transferase II

Land et al. (413)

Mitochondrial β-Oxidation Medium-chain CoA acyldehydrogenase deficiency

Iafolla et al. (404)

Long-chain CoA acyldehydrogenase deficiency

Treem et al. (414)

Short-chain CoA acyldehydrogenase deficiency

Bhala et al. (415)

Very long chain CoA acyldehydrogenase deficiency

Souri et al. (416), Andresen et al. (417)

Short-chain 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency

Bennett et al. (418)

Long-chain hydroxy acyl Co-A deficiency

Spiekerkoetter et al. (419)

Because MC AD is active over the range of C 4 to C 12 carbons, its deficiency permits fatty acid oxidation to progress only up to the point at which the carbon chain has been reduced to 12 (402). A single point mutation in the gene is responsible for the condition in more than 90% of symptomatic white patients. This mutation results in the substitution of glutamine for lysine in the MC AD precursor. This disrupts folding of the mature form and its assembly in mitochondria, with subsequent disappearance of the mutant MC AD. C linical symptoms usually develop during the first year of life and are characterized by episodes of hypoketotic hypoglycemia triggered by fasting or infections. These episodes result in lethargy, vomiting, and altered consciousness. In the experience of Rinaldo and

colleagues, mortality of the first such episode of metabolic decompensation is 59% (407). In the series of Iafolla and coworkers, 36% of patients had sudden cardiorespiratory arrest (404). Although the last presentation resembles that of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), Miller and colleagues were unable to find any hom*ozygotes for the glutamine-to-lysine mutation leading to MC AD deficiency in 67 SIDS babies (408), and Boles and colleagues found an incidence of only 0.6% among cases diagnosed as SIDS (409). In the latter study, another 0.6% of SIDS cases were believed to have glutaric aciduria II (409). The general practice of most coroners is to evaluate all cases of SIDS for an underlying metabolic disorder using blood, bile, vitreous humor, or tissue. The MC AD deficiency is treated by supplemental L-carnitine, a low-fat diet, and avoidance of fasting, which rapidly initiates a potentially fatal hypoglycemia, which must be corrected by the prompt institution of glucose. The efficacy of supplemental L-carnitine is unclear. On follow-up of symptomatic patients, a significant proportion of survivors have global developmental delays, attention deficit disorder, and language deficits (404). Detection by tandem mass spectrometry newborn screening and early treatment can prevent this outcome.

Other Disorders of Fatty Acid Oxidation Very Long Chain Acyl-CoA Deficiency (VLCAD) (OMIM 201475) The other disorders of fatty acid β-oxidation are much less common. They are summarized in Table 1.14. In VLC AD the defect is at the first step of the fatty acid β-oxidation cycle. C linically, failure of long-chain fatty acid β-oxidation leads to hypoketotic hypoglycemia associated with coma, liver dysfunction, skeletal myopathy, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Patients are unable to metabolize fatty acids with 12 to 18 carbons (420,421,422,423). Three clinical forms have been recognized: a severe form with early onset and a high incidence of cardiomyopathy; a milder, childhood-onset form; and an adult form with rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinuria (422,423,424). The clinical picture appears to correlate with the amount of residual enzyme activity (417). VLC AD can be effectively treated with avoidance of fasting and a diet low in long-chain fats supplemented with medium-chain triglyceride oil and carnitine. Uncooked cornstarch at night can be added to the regimen (425).

Short-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (SCAD) (OMIM 201470) The short-chain acyl dehydrogenase is active from four to six carbons, and SC AD infants excrete large amounts of butyrate, ethylmalonate, methylmalonate, and methylsuccinate (426,427). The clinical picture is complex. Some patients develop acute acidosis and muscle weakness early in life; others develop a multicore myopathy in adolescence or in their adult years, and yet others remain clinically well (427,428). Whereas patients with MC AD and long-chain acyl-C oA deficiency tend to develop hypoketotic hypoglycemia, patients with short-chain acyl-C oA dehydrogenase deficiency may not have hypoglycemia. Most symptomatic patients have hypotonia, hyperactivity, and developmental delay. The condition can be intermittently symptomatic. In cases detected by newborn screening, care must be taken to determine whether the child is truly deficient and thus potentially at risk or merely harbors a common polymorphism in SC AD (429,430).

Long-Chain Hydroxy Acyl Co-A Deficiency (LCHAD) (OMIM 143450) The mitochondrial trifunctional protein (MTP) is a multienzyme complex that catalyzes three of the four chain-shortening reactions in the β-oxidation of long-chain fatty acids. It is composed of four alpha subunits harboring long-chain enoyl-C oA hydratase and long-chain L3-hydroxyacyl-C oA dehydrogenase and four beta subunits carrying the long-chain 3-ketoacyl-C oA dehydrogenase. Mutation in either subunit can result in reduced activity of all three enzymes. Different phenotypes have been reported. There is a severe and generally fatal neonatal presentation with cardiomyopathy, Reye-like symptoms; a hepatic form with recurrent hypoketotic hypoglycemia; and a late-onset myopathic form with recurrent myoglobinuria (419,430a). Defects in branched-chain acyl-C oA dehydrogenation also have been recognized. They are listed in Table 1.15. The diagnosis of these disorders depends on the presence of the various dicarboxylic acids in urine, and more recently by the application of tandem mass spectrometry. The pros and cons of expanded neonatal screening to include the disorders of fatty acid oxidation are discussed by Dezateux (431).

Disorders of Biotin Metabolism Four biotin-dependent enzymes have been described. All are carboxylases: propionyl-C oA carboxylase, 3-methylcrontonyl-C oA carboxylase, pyruvate carboxylase, and acetyl-C oA carboxylase. The covalent binding of biotin to these enzymes is catalyzed by holocarboxylase synthetase. A significant proportion of infants with organic aciduria are found to have impaired function of all four of these biotin-containing carboxylases (multiple carboxylase deficiency, holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency, OMIM 253270) (432). Most patients diagnosed with this condition became symptomatic in early infancy with metabolic acidosis, ketosis, and an erythematous rash. High concentrations of the metabolites α-hydroxyisovalerate, α-methylcrotonylglycine, α-hydroxypropionate, methyl citrate, and lactate are excreted in urine, which acquires a distinctive odor. The condition is caused by a deficiency in biotin holocarboxylase synthetase that is never complete (433). Symptoms are usually reversed by biotin, given in doses between 10 and 80 mg/day (434), but any permanent damage remains. A second, more common disorder of biotin metabolism results from a deficiency of biotinidase (biotinidase deficiency, OMIM 253260). This condition is characterized by the onset of symptoms after the neonatal period, usually between ages 2 and 3 months. Biotinidase hydrolyzes the bond between biotin and lysine, the bound form in which biotin exists in the diet, and thus recycles biotin in the body (435). The enzyme deficiency can be complete or partial, with patients who have a partial deficiency tending to be asymptomatic unless stressed by prolonged infections (436). C onsiderable heterogeneity exists in profound biotinidase deficiency, and numerous mutations have been recognized (437). As ascertained by a screening program, the incidence of complete biotinidase deficiency in the United States is 1 in 166,000. The condition is rare in Asians (438). Symptoms in complete biotinidase deficiency include lactic acidosis, alopecia, ataxia, spastic paraparesis, seizures, and an erythematous rash. Developmental delay soon becomes apparent. Hearing loss, acute vision loss, optic atrophy, and respiratory irregularities are seen in a significant proportion of cases (432,434). Plasma and urinary biotin levels are subnormal, and clinical and biochemical findings are rapidly reversed by the administration of oral biotin (5 to 10 mg/kg per day) (434). C hildren treated presymptomatically remain normal; those treated after becoming symptomatic are left with residual deficits, hearing impairment, optic atrophy, and developmental delay (439).

A unique familial syndrome of acute encephalopathy appearing between 1 and 14 years of age and marked by confusion and lethargy progressing to coma has been reported (440). The condition is associated with dystonia, chorea, rigidity, and, at times, opisthotonus and external ophthalmoplegia. It is completely reversible by the administration of biotin (5 to 10 mg/kg per day). MRI shows increased signal on T2-weighted images within the central part of the caudate and in parts or all of the putamen. Its cause is unknown, and all enzyme assay results have been normal. Some of the other, even less commonly encountered organic acidurias are summarized in Table 1.15, together with any distinguishing clinical features. In most conditions, however, symptoms are indistinguishable; they consist mainly of episodic vomiting, lethargy, convulsions, and coma. Laboratory features include acidosis, hypoglycemia, hyperammonemia, and hyperglycinemia. The organic acidurias can be diagnosed during an acute episode by subjecting serum or, preferably, urine to organic acid chromatography. In addition, a marked reduction in plasma-free carnitine exists, accompanied by an increased ratio of esterified carnitine to free carnitine. These assays should be performed on any child with neurologic symptoms who has an associated metabolic acidosis or who is noted to have hyperglycinemia or hyperammonemia on routine biochemical analyses.

TABLE 1.15 Some of the Rarer Organic Acidurias of Infancy and Childhood




2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria

Mental deficiency, cerebellar dysfunction, brainstem and cerebellar atrophy, extrapyramidal signs, progressive macrocephaly


Glutathione synthetase deficiency (oxyprolinuria)

Neonatal acidosis, hemolytic anemia, retardation, seizures,


Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency (4-hydroxybutyric aciduria)

Severe, nonprogressive ataxia, hypotonia, mild mental retardation


3-Hydroxyisobutyric aciduria

Intracerebral calcifications, lissencephaly, polymicrogyria


3-Methylglutaconic aciduria (4 types)

Delayed speech, mental retardation, choreoathetosis, optic atrophy, cardiomyopathy


Ethylmalonic encephalopathy (also seen in SCAD deficiency, and multiple acyl CoA deficiency)

Encephalopathy, petechial lesions, CNS malformations, acrocyanosis, chronic diarrhea, excretion of ethylmalonic and methyl succinic acids


3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric aciduria

Fasting hypoglycemic coma


3-Hydroxy-2-methylbutyrylCoA deficiency

Mental retardation, progressive deterioration in some, excretion of 3hydroxy-2-methylbutyric acid, 2ethylhydracrylic acid, tiglylglycine


Fumaric aciduria

Hypotonia, developmental delay, relative macrocephaly on MRI: large ventricles, open operculum, small brainstem structures


SCAD, short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency; CNS, central nervous system; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

LYSOSOMAL DISORDERS Lysosomes are subcellular organelles containing hydrolases with a low optimal pH (acid hydrolases) that catalyze the degradation of macromolecules. The lysosomal storage diseases, as first delineated by Hers (460), are characterized by an accumulation of undegraded macromolecules within lysosomes. The various groups are named according to the nature of the storage product. They include the glycogen storage diseases (glycogenoses), the mucopolysaccharidoses, the mucolipidoses, the glycoproteinoses, the sphingolipidoses, and the acid lipase deficiency diseases. The combined prevalence of all lysosomal storage diseases is 1 in 6,600 to 1 in 7,700 live births (461). The disease entities result from various single-gene mutations, with each of the enzyme defects induced by one of several different abnormalities on the genomic level (Table 1.16). The heterogeneity of the disorders is overwhelmingly complex (462). The enzyme itself can be defective, the result of a variety of single-base mutations or deletions that produce immunologically responsive or unresponsive enzyme proteins. The defect can impair glycosylation of the enzyme protein or cause a failure to generate a recognition marker that permits the enzyme to attach itself to the lysosomal membrane. Other mutations result in a lack of enzyme activator or substrate activator proteins or disrupt transport of the substrate across the lysosomal membrane. The various molecular lesions that lead to lysosomal storage are reviewed in a book edited by Platt and Walkley (463).

Glycogen Storage Diseases (Glycogenoses) Of the various glycogenoses, only type II (Pompe disease) is a lysosomal disorder. For convenience, however, all the other glycogenoses are considered here as well. Neuromuscular symptoms are seen in all but one of the eight types of glycogenoses (Table 1.17). Hypoglycemia is seen in types I, II, III, and VI and in the condition characterized by a defect in glycogen synthesis (type I 0). In type Ia, hypoglycemia is frequently severe enough to induce convulsions; indeed neuroimaging studies, EEGs, and psychometric tests indicate that many patients with glycogen storage disease type I have brain damage, probably the consequence of recurrent severe hypoglycemia (464).

TABLE 1.16 Molecular Lesions in the Lysosomal Storage Diseases

No immunologically detectable enzyme; includes conditions with grossly abnormal structural genes Immunologically detectable, but catalytically inactive polypeptide; stability or transport of polypeptide abnormal Enzyme catalytically active, but not segregated into lysosomes Enzyme catalytically active, unstable in prelysosomal or lysosomal compartments Lysosomal enzyme synthesized normally and transported into lysosomes; activator protein missing Lysosomal enzyme deficiency results from intoxication with inhibitor of lysosomal enzymea a

Not yet determined in humans, but inhibition of α-mannosidase by an alkaloid has been demonstrated. Data from Kornfeld S. Trafficking of lysosomal enzymes in normal and disease states. J Clin Invest 1986;77:1–6. With permission.

TABLE 1.17 Enzymatically Defined Glycogenoses



UDPG-glycogen transferase

Structure of Glycogen



Liver, muscle

Neuromuscular Symptoms Hypoglycemic seizures


Liver, kidney, intestinal mucosa

Hypoglycemic seizures, growth retardation, lactic acidemia



Hypoglycemic seizures



As la, but also impaired neutrophil function

Transporter of microsomal phosphate



Hypoglycemic seizures


Defective microsomal glucose transport



As Ia


Lysosomal acid-α1,4-glucosidase



Progressive weakness


Glycogen debrancher deficiency

Limit dextrinlike (short outer chains)


Hypoglycemia, muscle weakness becomes more marked with age


Glycogen debrancher deficiency

Limit dextrinlike


Hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia


Brancher deficiency (amylo-1, 4–1,6transglucosylase)

Amylopectinlike (long outer chains)


Hypotonia, failure to thrive


Muscle phosphorylase



Muscular cramps, weakness, atrophy (see Chapter 14)


Liver phosphorylase


Liver, leukocytes


Muscular cramps, weakness (see Chapter 14) None


Glucose-6phosphatase complex (G6Pase)


Regulatory protein for glucose-6phosphatase


Hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphate transport system





Muscle, erythrocytes


Phosphorylase kinase



Danon disease

Lysosomalassociated membrane protein (LAMP-2)


Muscle, heart

Mild mental retardation

UDPG, uridine diphosphoglucose.

A myopathy presenting with muscular stiffness and easy fatigability has been recognized in type IIIa glycogenosis. Undoubtedly, it is related to the accumulation of glycogen within muscle (465). Hypotonia has been seen in the various type I glycogenoses and also has been the presenting symptom in type IV glycogenosis (466). Types V and VII glycogenoses are discussed in C hapter 15.

Type II Glycogenosis (Pompe Disease) (OMIM 232300) Type II glycogenosis, first described by Pompe (467) in 1932, is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by glycogen accumulation in the lysosomes of skeletal muscles, heart, liver, and C NS.

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology Two groups of enzymes are involved in the degradation of glycogen. Phosphorylase initiates one set of breakdown reactions, cleaving glycogen to limit dextrin, which then is acted on by a debrancher enzyme (oligo-1,4-glucano-transferase and amyl-1,6-glucosidase) to yield a straight-chain polyglucosan, which is cleaved to the individual glucose units by phosphorylase. A second set of enzymes includes α-amylase, which cleaves glycogen to a series of oligosaccharides, and two α-1,4-glucosidases, which cleave the α-1,4 bonds of glycogen. There are two of these terminal glucosidases. One, located in the microsomal fraction, has a neutral pH optimum (neutral maltase); the other, found in lysosomes, has its maximum activity at an acid pH (3.5) (acid α-glucosidase). The gene for the latter enzyme has been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 17 (17q23) and has been cloned. In type II glycogenosis, deficiency of lysosomal acid α-glucosidase leads to accumulation of lysosomal glycogen predominantly in liver, heart, and skeletal muscle (468). Like every other lysosomal protein, α-glucosidase is synthesized in a precursor form on membranebound polysomes and is sequestered in the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum as a larger glycosylated precursor. Whereas the primary translational product of α-glucosidase mRNA is 100 kd, it becomes glycosylated to yield a 110-kd precursor, which in turn undergoes a posttranslational modification by phosphorylation to yield the mannose-6-phosphate recognition marker (469). Phosphorylation is an important step because formation of the marker distinguishes the lysosomal enzymes from secretory proteins and allows the lysosomal enzymes to be channeled to the lysosomes, to which they become attached by a membrane-bound mannose-phosphate–specific receptor. Additionally, the 110-kd precursor undergoes proteolytic processing to yield the two 76-kd and one 70-kd mature lysosomal enzyme polypeptides. With such a complex processing system, it is not surprising to encounter extensive clinical heterogeneity in glycogenosis II. C onsiderable genetic heterogeneity exists, and a variety of nonsense, frameshift, and missense mutations have been described. These result in partial or complete loss of enzyme activity. As a rule, the amount of residual enzyme activity correlates fairly well with the severity of the disease. Two relatively common mutations are responsible for a large proportion of the infantile form of Pompe disease. In whites, one of the more common mutations is a deletion of exon 18, which results in total loss of enzyme activity and the clinical manifestations of infantile glycogen storage disease (470,471).

FIGURE 1.11. Glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe disease). Electron micrograph of several myofibers of various sizes demonstrating varying degrees of glycogen accumulations in sarcoplasm (G). Also seen are irregular electron-dense accumulations suggestive of lysosomes or autophagosomes (arrowhead). Large lipid droplets (L) appear between myofibrils (uranyl acetate and lead citrate, original magnification 9,600). (From Sarnat H. Lipid storage myopathy in infantile Pompe disease. Arch Neurol 1982;39:180. C opyright 1982, American Medical Association. With permission.)

Pathologic Anatomy Glycogen can be deposited in virtually every tissue. The heart is globular, the enlargement being symmetric and primarily ventricular. In the infantile form, massive glycogen deposition occurs within the muscle fibers. In cross section, these appear with a central, clear area, giving a lacunate appearance. Glycogen also is deposited in striated muscle (particularly the tongue), in smooth muscle, and in the Schwann cells of peripheral nerves, kidney, and liver (Fig. 1.11). Ultrastructural studies of muscle show glycogen to be present in lysosomal sacs, where it occurs in conjunction with cytoplasmic degradation products. Additionally, it occurs free in cytoplasm (472). In the C NS, glycogen accumulates within neurons and in the extracellular substance (473). The anterior horn cells are affected predominantly, although deposits are seen in all parts of the neuraxis, including the cerebral cortex (474). C hemical analysis indicates an excess of glycogen in cerebral cortex and white matter and a deficiency in total phospholipid, cholesterol, and cerebroside. No evidence exists for primary demyelination.

Clinical Manifestations Pompe disease can take one of three forms. In the classic, infantile form, the first symptoms usually appear by the second month of life. They include difficulty in feeding, with dyspnea and exhaustion interfering with sucking. Gradually, muscular weakness and impaired cardiac function become apparent. Marked cardiac enlargement is present at an early age. The heart appears globular on radiographic examination; murmurs are usually absent, but the heart tones have a poor quality and a gallop rhythm is often audible. The electrocardiogram shows characteristic high-voltage QRS complexes. Affected infants have poor muscle tone and few spontaneous movements, although the deep tendon reflexes are often intact. Skeletal muscles are often enlarged and gradually acquire a peculiar rubbery consistency. Electromyography shows lower motor neuron degeneration (475). C onvulsions, intellectual impairment, and coma also have been observed. The liver, although usually not enlarged, is abnormally firm and easily palpable. Splenomegaly is rare. Infants are prone to intercurrent infections, particularly pneumonia, and usually die of these or bulbar paralysis by 1 year of age. In most patients having this clinical form, lysosomal α-glucosidase is catalytically inactive, although the protein is present in some families. The most common form of this variant, termed Antopol disease, is marked by severe cardiomyopathy, a mild myopathy, and mental retardation (476). Untreated, only 8% of all reported patients have survived beyond the first year of life (477). α-Glucosidase deficiency also has been seen in older children and adults (juvenile and adult forms, respectively) (478). In these patients, organomegaly is absent, and muscle weakness is often slowly progressive or nonprogressive with maximum involvement of the proximal musculature of the lower extremities (479). Pharyngeal muscles can be involved as a consequence of glycogen storage in brainstem neurons (480). In most of the slowly progressive cases, residual lysosomal α-glucosidase activity is more than 10%. In others, the enzyme activity is undetectable, but the 110-kd precursor is present. Other individuals appear to be compound heterozygotes for different mutant alleles (478).

Diagnosis When cardiac symptoms predominate, a differentiation from other causes of cardiomegaly and congestive failure in the absence of significant murmurs is required. These other causes include endocardial fibroelastosis, acute interstitial myocarditis, and aberrant coronary artery. When muscular weakness predominates, infantile spinal muscular atrophy (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease), the muscular dystrophies, myasthenia gravis, and hypotonic cerebral palsy must be considered (see C hapter 16). C ardiac involvement is generally late in Werdnig-Hoffmann disease and in the muscular dystrophies. In contrast to glycogen storage disease, the intellectual deficit in hypotonic cerebral palsy is usually severe and begins early. A muscle biopsy may be required to confirm the diagnosis. Blood chemistry, including fasting blood sugars and glucose tolerance tests, is normal. α-Glucosidase activity of muscle and cultured fibroblasts is markedly diminished, and this assay serves as an excellent diagnostic aid (481). Examination of lymphocytes by electron microscopy frequently is successful in demonstrating and identifying the storage material. α-Glucosidase activity also can be shown in fibroblasts grown from normal amniotic fluid cells. This method can also be used for the antepartum diagnosis of Pompe disease and for the detection of heterozygotes.

Treatment Several approaches to the treatment of glycogenosis II, as well as the other lysosomal defects, have been proposed. Enzyme replacement therapy, using twice-weekly infusions of recombinant human enzyme from rabbit milk or from genetically engineered C hinese hamster ovary cells overproducing acid α-glucosidase, has been used for the infantile and the late-onset forms of Pompe disease (482,483,484). The results have been encouraging in a few cases with the infantile form when treatment is started before irreversible damage has occurred (482). The cardiac muscle universally responds, whereas the response of skeletal muscle is variable. Because the enzyme does not cross the blood–brain barrier, it remains to be seen whether there will be late-onset complications in treated infantile Pompe patients. In the juvenile form of the disease enzyme replacement therapy has also resulted in some improvement (483). Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer holds some promise in delivering α-glucosidase to muscle (485). The problems inherent in gene delivery in Pompe disease are discussed by Ding and coworkers (486), and gene delivery to the brain is discussed by Kennedy (487). Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation offers more promise for the treatment of some lysosomal storage diseases. In glycogenosis II, however, no beneficial result has been reported, despite successful engraftment. Liver transplantation has been used with some effect in types I, III, and IV glycogen storage disease (488). After transplant, the cells of the host organs become mixed with cells of the donor genome that migrate from the allograft into the tissues of the recipient and serve as enzyme carriers. This observation explains why some patients with such lysosomal storage diseases as type I Gaucher disease, Niemann-Pick disease, and Wolman disease receive more benefit from liver transplants than simply improved hepatic functions.

Danon Disease Glycogen Storage Disease IIa (OMIM 300257) This condition is marked by the lysosomal storage of glycogen in the presence of normal acid maltase. It results

from a mutation in the gene that codes for the lysosomal membrane protein 2 (LAMP-2) (489). The clinical picture is one of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and myopathy, with mental retardation in about 70% of patients. Muscle biopsy discloses the presence of tiny vacuoles that resemble basophilic granules. Immunostaining for LAMP-2 shows complete absence of the protein. The brain MRI is generally normal. About 70% of female carriers are affected with cardiomyopathy. Myopathy is present in about one-third of carriers, and creatine kinase (C K) levels are increased (490).

Mucopolysaccharidoses A syndrome consisting of mental and physical retardation, multiple skeletal deformities, hepatosplenomegaly, and clouding of the cornea was described by Hunter in 1917 (491), by Hurler in 1919 (492), and by von Pfaundler in 1920 (493). To Ellis and associates in 1936, the “large head, inhuman facies, and deformed limbs” suggested the appearance of a gargoyle (494). The syndrome is now known to represent six major entities, some with two or more subgroups that are distinguishable by their clinical picture, genetic transmission, enzyme defect, and urinary mucopolysaccharide (MPS) pattern (Table 1.18).

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology The principal biochemical disturbance in the various mucopolysaccharidoses involves the catabolism of MPS. The chemistry of the MPS, also known as glycosaminoglycans, has been reviewed by Alberts and colleagues (495) and more extensively by Kjellen and Lindahl (496). These substances occur as large polymers having a protein core and multiple carbohydrate branches. C hondroitin-4-sulfate is found in cornea, bone, and cartilage. It consists of alternating units of D-glucuronic acid and sulfated N-acetylgalactosamine (Fig. 1.12). Dermatan sulfate is a normal minor constituent of connective tissue and a major component of skin. It differs structurally from chondroitin-4-sulfate in that the uronic acid is principally L-iduronic rather than glucuronic acid (Fig. 1.12). Heparan sulfate consists of alternating units of uronic acid and glucosamine. The former may be L-iduronic or D-glucuronic acid. Glucosamine can be acetylated on the amino nitrogen as well as sulfated on the amino nitrogen and hydroxyl group (Fig. 1.12). Generally, the MPS chains are linked to the serine of the protein core by means of a xylose-galactose-galactose-glucuronic acid-Nacetylhexosamine bridge. The pathways of MPS biosynthesis are well established. The first step is the formation of a protein acceptor. Hexosamine and uronic acid moieties are then attached to the protein, one sugar at a time, starting with xylose. Sulfation occurs after completion of polymerization. The sulfate groups are introduced through the intermediary of an active sulfate. This is a labile nucleotide, identified as adenosine-3′-phosphate-5′-sulfatophosphate. In the mucopolysaccharidoses, degradation of MPS is impaired because of a defect in one of several lysosomal hydrolases. This results in the accumulation of incompletely degraded molecules within lysosomes and the excretion of MPS fragments. The initial steps of MPS degradation (cleavage from the protein core) are intact in the mucopolysaccharidoses. In tissue where amounts of MPS are pathologic, such as liver, spleen, and urine, the protein core is completely lacking or represented only by a few amino acids. In all of these diseases, therefore, the metabolic defect is located along the further degradation of the MPS, and in all but one, it involves the breakdown of dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate (Fig. 1.12). As a result, large amounts (75 to 100 mg per 24 hours) of fragmented chains of these MPSs are excreted by individuals afflicted with the two major genetic entities: the autosomally transmitted Hurler syndrome (MPS IH; see Table 1.18) and the rarer X-linked Hunter syndrome (MPS II). These values compare with a normal excretion of 5 to 25 mg per 24 hours for all MPSs. Normal MPS excretion is distributed between chondroitin-4-sulfate (31%), chondroitin-6-sulfate (34%), chondroitin (25%), and heparan sulfate (8%) (497). The biochemical lesions in the various mucopolysaccharidoses have been reviewed by Neufeld and Muenzer (498). In the Hurler syndromes (MPS I), the activity of α-L-iduronidase is deficient (Fig. 1.12, step 1) (434). The iduronic acid moiety is found in dermatan and heparan sulfates (Fig. 1.12); therefore, the metabolism of both MPSs is defective. The gene for α-L-iduronidase has been mapped to chromosome 4 and has been cloned. Several hundred mutations have been described, with the frequency of each mutation differing from one genetic stock to the next. As a consequence of the genetic variability, a wide range of clinical phenotypes exists, from the most severe form, Hurler syndrome (IH), through an intermediate form (I H/S), to the mildest form, Scheie syndrome or MPS IS (499). Among patients of European origin, two mutations account for more than 50% of alleles (499). In Hunter syndrome (MPS II), iduronate sulfatase activity is lost (Fig. 1.12, step 5) (500). Like L-iduronidase, this enzyme also is involved in the metabolism of dermatan and heparan sulfates. The gene for the enzyme is located on the distal portion of the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq28) in close proximity to the fragile X site. It has been cloned, and considerable genetic heterogeneity exists; in contrast to Hurler syndrome, there is a high incidence of gene deletions or rearrangements, and most families have their private mutation (500). Several phenotypic

forms of Hunter syndrome have been distinguished, and, as a rule, gene deletions result in a more severe clinical picture than point mutations. Hunter syndrome can rarely occur in female patients; in these circ*mstances, it results from X:autosome translocation or the unbalanced inactivation of the nonmutant chromosome (501).

TABLE 1.18 Classification of the Muco

Clinical Features Type




Corneal Clouding Severe



Neurologic Signs Marked

Cardiovascular Involvement Marked

Heparan Sulfate +













None or mild




Hunter (severe)



Mental retardation




Hunter (mild)



Normal intellect, hearing deficits




Sanfilippo A



Profound mental deterioration






Sanfilippo B



Profound mental deterioration


Sanfilippo C



Slow mental deterioration




Sanfilippo D



Mild mental retardation




Morquio A







Morquio B
















Marked to severe

Variable; none



FIGURE 1.12. Pathway of degeneration of mucopolysaccharides stored in the various mucopolysaccharidoses. The defects in the various entities as indicated by numbers: (1) Hurler and Scheie syndromes; (2) Sanfilippo syndrome type A; (5) Hunter syndrome; (6) Sanfilippo syndrome type B; (7) β-glucuronidase deficiency (MPS VII); (8) Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome; (9) TaySachs and Sandhoff diseases (G M2 gangliosidoses); (10) Morquio syndrome; and (11) G M1 gangliosidosis. Step 3 is blocked by Sanfilippo syndrome type D. In Sanfilippo syndrome type C , acetylation of the free amino group of glucosamine (4) is defective. Gal, galactose; GalNAc, N-acetylgalactosamine; GlcN, glucosamine; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; GlcUA, glucuronic acid; IdUA, iduronic acid. (C ourtesy of Dr. R. Matalon, Research Institute, Miami C hildren's Hospital, Miami, FL.)

In the four types of Sanfilippo syndrome (MPSs IIIA, B, C , and D), the basic defect involves the enzymes required for the specific degradation of heparan sulfate. In the A form of the disease, a lack of heparan-N-sulfatase (heparan sulfate sulfatase) occurs (Fig. 1.12, step 2), which is the enzyme that cleaves the nitrogen-bound sulfate moiety (498). In the B form, the defective enzyme is Nacetyl-α-D-glucosaminidase (Fig. 1.12, step 6) (498). In Sanfilippo syndrome, type C , the defect is localized to the transfer of an acetyl moiety from acetyl-C oA to the free amino group of glucosamine (Fig. 1.12, step 4) (498). In type D, the sulfatase for N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate is defective (Fig. 1.12, step 3) (498). The gene has been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 6 and has been cloned. Because all four of these enzymes are specific for the degradation of heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate metabolism proceeds normally. In Morquio syndrome (MPS IV) type A, the enzymatic lesion involves the metabolism of the structurally dissimilar keratan sulfate and chondroitin-6-sulfate. It is located at N-acetyl-galactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase (Fig. 1.12, step 10) (498). Morquio syndrome type B, a clinically milder form, is characterized by a defect in β-galactosidase. The gene for this condition has been cloned. As a consequence of its defect, the removal of galactose residues from keratan sulfate is impaired. The defect is allelic with G M1 gangliosidosis, a condition in which a deficiency of β-galactosidase interrupts the degeneration of keratan sulfate and G M1 ganglioside (502). As a consequence of these defects, the urinary MPS in both forms of Morquio syndrome consists of approximately 50% keratan sulfate and lesser amounts of chondroitin-6-sulfate (see Table 1.18). In Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS VI), the abnormality is an inability to hydrolyze the sulfate group from N-acetyl-galactosamine-4sulfate (Fig. 1.12, step 8) (498). This reaction is involved in the metabolism of dermatan sulfate and chondroitin-4-sulfate (Fig. 1.12). The gene has been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 5 and has been cloned. Numerous mutations have been documented, and the phenotype of the condition is quite variable. In MPS VII (Sly syndrome), a lack of β-glucuronidase (Fig. 1.12, step 7) has been demonstrated in a variety of tissues (498). The gene for this enzyme has been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 7 (7q21.11) and has been cloned. Numerous mutations have been described. As is the case for the other MPSs, these allelic forms have been postulated to explain differences in clinical manifestations in patients having the same enzymatic lesion.

Hurler Syndrome (Mucopolysaccharide I and IH) (OMIM 252800) Pathologic Anatomy Visceral alterations in Hurler syndrome are widespread and involve almost every organ. Large, vacuolated cells containing MPS can be seen in cartilage, tendons, periosteum, endocardium, and vascular walls, particularly the intima of the coronary arteries (503). Abnormalities occur in the cartilage of the bronchial tree, and the alveoli are filled with lipid-laden cells. The bone marrow is replaced in part by connective tissue that contains many vacuolated fibroblasts. The liver is unusually large, most parenchymal cells being at least

double their normal size. On electron microscopy, MPSs are noted to accumulate in the lysosomes of most hepatic parenchymatous cells (504). The Kupffer cells are swollen and contain abnormal amounts of MPS. In the spleen, the reticulum cells are larger than normal and contain the same storage material. C hanges within the C NS are widespread. The leptomeninges are edematous and thickened. The Virchow-Robin spaces are filled with MPS, and the periadventitial space in white matter is dilated and filled with viscous fluid and mononuclear cells containing MPS-positive vacuoles. The meningeal alterations produce partial obstruction of the subarachnoid spaces, which, in association with a narrowed foramen magnum, is responsible for the hydrocephalus that is often observed. The neurons are swollen and vacuolated, and their nuclei are peripherally displaced. Neuronal distention is most conspicuous in the cerebral cortex, but cells in the thalamus, brainstem, and particularly in the anterior horns of the spinal cord are involved also. In the cerebellum, the Purkinje cells contain abnormal lipid material and demonstrate a fusiform swelling of their dendrites. On electron microscopy, the storage material is in the form of membranes, zebra bodies, and, least common, lipofuscin material (505). The relationship of the pathologic appearance of neurons to the neurologic defects has been studied extensively. Because it has been best delineated in G M2 gangliosidosis, it is discussed under that section. From a chemical viewpoint, the material stored in the brain is of two types. Within neurons are large amounts of two gangliosides: the G M2 ganglioside, which also is stored in the various G M2 gangliosidoses (Tay-Sachs disease), and the hexosamine-free hematocyte (G M3 ganglioside). The greater proportion of the stored material is within mesenchymal tissue and is in the form of dermatan and heparan sulfates (505).

Clinical Manifestations A detailed review of the clinical manifestations of the various mucopolysaccharidoses can be found in the book by Beighton and McKusick (506). Hurler syndrome is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder with an estimated incidence of 1 in 144,000 births (507). Affected children usually appear healthy at birth and, except for repeated infections, otitis in particular, remain healthy for the greater part of their first year of life. Slowed development can be the first evidence of the disorder. Bony abnormalities (dysostosis multiplex) of the upper extremities can be observed by 12 years of age and worsen thereafter. These changes are much more marked there than in the lower extremities, with the most striking being swelling of the central portion of the humeral shaft and widening of the medial end of the clavicle (Fig. 1.13), alterations that result from a thickening of the cortex and dilation of the medullary canal (508). The typical patient is small with a large head and coarse facial features (Fig. 1.14). The eyes are widely spaced. The bridge of the nose is flat and the lips are large. The mouth is open and an almost constant nasal obstruction or upper respiratory infection exists. Kyphosis is marked and appears early. The hands are wide and the fingers are short and stubby, with contractures that produce a claw-hand deformity. A carpal tunnel syndrome caused by entrapment of the median nerve is common, as is odontoid hypoplasia, which can lead to C 1–2 vertebral displacement and quadriplegia. The abdomen protrudes, an umbilical hernia is often present, and gross hepatosplenomegaly occurs. The hair is profuse and coarse. In older children, a unique skin lesion is observed occasionally (509). It consists of an aggregation of white, nontender papules of varying size, found symmetrically around the thorax and upper extremities. C orneal opacities are invariable. In most cases, progressive spasticity and mental deterioration occur. Blindness results from a combination of corneal clouding, retinal pigmentary degeneration, and optic atrophy. Optic atrophy is the consequence of prolonged increased intracranial pressure, meningeal infiltration constricting the optic nerve, and infiltration of the optic nerve itself. C ortical blindness caused by MPS storage in neurons of the optic system also has been observed. A mixed conductive and sensorineural deafness occurs (510).

FIGURE 1.13. Hurler syndrome. Roentgenogram of upper extremity. The ulna and radius are short and wide and their epiphyseal ends are irregular. There is a Madelung deformity of the wrist (Madelung deformity is characterized by anatomic changes in the radius, ulna, and carpal bones, leading to palmar and ulnar wrist subluxation). The metacarpal bones and phalanges are also thickened and irregular and there is proximal pointing of the metacarpals.

FIGURE 1.14. Hurler syndrome in a 4-year-old boy. The patient demonstrates the unusual, coarse facies, depressed bridge of the nose, open mouth, and large tongue. The hands are spadelike, the abdomen protrudes, and an umbilical hernia is present. (C ourtesy of Dr. V. A. McKusick, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD.)

Untreated, the disease worsens relentlessly, progressing more slowly in those children whose symptoms have a somewhat later onset. Many of the slower-progressing patients suffer from the intermediate Hurler-Scheie syndrome (MPS I H/S). A curious and unique feature of this particular variant is the presence of arachnoid cysts. Spinal cord compression is not unusual; in Hurler syndrome, it generally results from dural thickening. Radiographic abnormalities in Hurler syndrome are extensive and have been reviewed by C affey (see Fig. 1.13) (508). They are the prototype for the other mucopolysaccharidoses. The C SF is normal. When blood smears are studied carefully, granulocytes can be seen to contain darkly azurophilic granules (Reilly granules). Some 20% to 40% of lymphocytes contain metachromatically staining cytoplasmic inclusions. These are also seen in Hunter and Sanfilippo syndromes and in the GM1 gangliosidoses. MRI not only in Hurler but also in Hunter and Sanfilippo diseases shows five types of changes: (a) C ystic, “cribriform” changes due to abnormal enlargement of the perivascular spaces with MPS-laden cells. (b) C ystic lesions of the corona radiata, periventricular white matter, corpus callosum, and. less frequently, basal ganglia. These lesions have low signal intensity of T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2weighted images. They reflect MPS deposition in the perivascular spaces. In the more advanced cases, increased patchy or diffuse signal is seen in periventricular white matter on T2-weighted images. (c) Ventricular enlargement and cerebral atrophy. (d) Spinal cord compression. (e) Mega cisterna magna or posterior fossa cysts (511,512). Death is usually a result of airway obstruction or bronchopneumonia secondary to the previously described pulmonary and bronchial alterations. C oronary artery disease and congestive heart failure caused by MPS infiltration of the heart valves also can prove fatal, even as early as 7 years of age (513).

Diagnosis Although classic Hurler syndrome offers little in the way of diagnostic difficulty, in many children, particularly in infants, some of the cardinal signs, such as hepatosplenomegaly, mental deficiency, bony abnormalities, or a typical facial configuration, are minimal or completely lacking (Fig. 1.15) (514). A qualitative screening test for increased output of urinary MPS usually confirms the diagnosis, whereas quantitative determinations of the various MPSs indicate the specific disorder. False-negative and false-positive test results are encountered, with the

latter being fairly common in newborns. A more definitive diagnosis requires an assay for α-L-iduronidase. If Hurler disease is suspected, the assay can be performed on lymphocytes or cultured fibroblasts (498). These assays also can serve for carrier detection or prenatal diagnosis (498).

FIGURE 1.15. Infant with Hurler disease showing mild coarse features, presence of metopic suture, mild corneal clouding, and chronic rhinorrhea. (From Matalon R, Kaul R, Michals K. The mucopolysaccharidoses and the mucolipidoses. In: Rosenberg RN, Prusiner SB, DiMauro S, Barchi RL, eds. The molecular and genetic basis of neurological disease. Stoneham, MA: Butterworth– Heinemann, 2nd ed., 1997;340. With permission.)

In a number of conditions, the facial configuration seen in Hurler syndrome, the body abnormalities, and hepatosplenomegaly are unaccompanied by an abnormal MPS excretion. The first of these entities to have been defined was generalized G M1 gangliosidosis, formerly known as pseudo-Hurler syndrome. This condition is characterized by hepatosplenomegaly, mental retardation, and bony abnormalities but a normal MPS output. The basic defect is one of ganglioside degradation (see the section on sphingolipidoses later in this chapter). Patients presenting with dwarfism, early psychom*otor retardation, unusual facies, a clear or only faintly hazy cornea, and normal MPS excretion manifest the syndrome termed mucolipidosis II, or I-cell disease. This entity is discussed with the mucolipidoses. Other conditions to be considered in the differential diagnosis are mucolipidoses III and IV and the various disorders of glycoprotein degradation: mannosidosis, fucosidosis, sialidosis, and aspartylglycosaminuria. Finally, hypothyroidism must always be excluded in the youngster with small stature, developmental retardation, and unusual facies (see C hapter 17).

Treatment Bone marrow transplantation has dramatically improved the course of Hurler disease and its prognosis (514a). The beneficial effects result from the replacement of enzyme-deficient macrophages and microglia by marrow-derived macrophages that provide a continuous source of normal enzyme, which can enter the brain and digest stored MPS. Several hundred patients with Hurler disease have undergone bone marrow transplantation with considerable improvement of their dysmorphic features, cardiac defects, hepatosplenomegaly, and hearing. Macrocephaly tends to resolve, as does odontoid hypoplasia, but the skeletal abnormalities progress (515). In the British series of Vellodi and colleagues, the intelligence of 60% of children improved or showed no further deterioration after bone marrow transplant (516). In the American series of Guffon and colleagues, 46% of patients had normal intelligence and 15% had borderline intelligence (517). Because little improvement occurs in mental function in children who are severely retarded, Vellodi and colleagues did not recommend bone marrow transplants for those older than 2 years of age (516). Guffon and colleagues considered an initial IQ of lower than 70 to be the main criterion for excluding a patient from consideration for transplant (517). As a rule, no improvement occurs in corneal clouding, and orthopedic problems tend to persist (518). Bone marrow transplant has not improved the C NS manifestations of Hunter or Sanfillipo diseases, and the procedure is no longer performed for those conditions. Enzyme replacement therapy is being used extensively for patients with Hurler disease as well as for some of the other MPSs. In the placebo-controlled series of Wraith and coworkers weekly infusions of 100 U/kg of α-L-iduronidase (Laronidase) significantly reduced hepatomegaly, MPS excretion, respiratory function, and sleep apnea. Growth rate and weight gain improved, and there was an increase in the range of motion of shoulder and elbow (519). Although nearly all patients developed immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, these

tended to fall after continued therapy as patients developed immune tolerance (520). Neurologic symptoms are not reversible with enzyme replacement therapy. Prior enzyme replacement therapy may help to improve engraftment and survival for those undergoing bone marrow transplantation (521). There is hope that intrathecal therapy may be useful for treating the brain in the future. MPS I is frequently accompanied by hydrocephalus that can escape detection by neuroimaging until it is advanced. It is important to also monitor the opening pressure on lumbar puncture and perform an early shunt to preserve intellectual function. Older patients may develop cord compression from meningeal involvement and benefit from laminectomy.

Scheie Syndrome (Mucopolysaccharide IS) Scheie syndrome is due to mutations in the gene for α-L-iduronidase that induce a less severe phenotype than is seen in Hurler disease. The major manifestations are corneal clouding, organ enlargement, and joint stiffness (522). Intelligence is unaffected until late in life, and, until then, neurologic symptoms are limited to a high incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome (compression of the median nerve as it transverses the carpal tunnel of the wrist). On autopsy, relatively little MPS storage is found within the leptomeninges, and the neurons appear normal (505). Scheie syndrome is diagnosed in patients who have the biochemical and enzymatic defects of Hurler syndrome but lack skeletal and severe neurologic involvement. Hurler-Scheie genetic compounds also have been reported (MPS I H/S). This disorder is characterized by hepatosplenomegaly, corneal clouding, slow mental deterioration, and, ultimately, the evolution of increased intracranial pressure resulting from obstruction at the basilar cisterns (506). Winters and associates described neuronal storage in this entity (523).

Hunter Syndrome (Mucopolysaccharide II) (OMIM 309900) This condition is transmitted as an X-linked recessive disorder, with a variety of alleles believed responsible for differences in severity of clinical manifestations. Its frequency in British C olumbia is 1 in 111,000 births (524). Depending on whether mental deterioration is present, the syndrome is separated into mild and severe forms (IIA and IIB, respectively). In the mild form, the abnormal facial configuration is first noted during early childhood. Dwarfism, hepatosplenomegaly, umbilical hernia, and frequent respiratory infections are almost invariable. C ardiac disease, particularly with valvular abnormalities, was seen in more than 90% of patients in the series of Young and Harper and was the most common cause of death (525). Additionally, joints are involved widely, with a particular predilection for the hands. Neurologic symptoms in the mild form of Hunter syndrome are limited to progressive head growth (generally unaccompanied by ventricular enlargement or hydrocephalus), sensorineural deafness, and retinitis pigmentosa with impaired visual-evoked responses. The latter two symptoms are explained by the autopsy finding of vacuolated ganglion cells in the eighth nerve nucleus and retina (526). Papilledema is common; seen in the presence of normal C SF pressure and normal-sized ventricles, it probably results from local infiltrative processes around the retinal veins. It can be present for 8 years or longer without apparent loss of vision (527). In the severe form of the disease, the clinical picture is highlighted by the insidious onset of mental retardation, first noted between ages 2 and 3 years. Seizures are seen in 62% and a persistent, unexplained diarrhea in 65% of patients (528). Upper airway obstruction is common and difficult to correct because tracheostomy presents major anesthetic risks (527). C orneal clouding is unusual but its presence does not speak against the diagnosis of Hunter syndrome (529). In the series of Young and Harper, death occurred at an average age of 12 years (530). Multiple nerve entrapments can occur in Hunter as well as in Hurler syndrome as the consequence of connective tissue thickening through MPS deposition (530). Alterations within the brain are similar to those seen in Hurler syndrome. C onsiderable leptomeningeal MPS storage occurs, mainly in the form of dermatan and heparan sulfates. The neuronal cytoplasm is distended with lipid-staining material, probably of ganglioside nature (531). Electron microscopy reveals the presence of lamellar figures in cortical neurons (532). The storage process commences during early intrauterine development (533). The enzyme deficiency can be ascertained in serum, lymphocytes, and fibroblasts. Prenatal diagnosis of Hunter syndrome can be performed by examining amniotic fluid cells and by assaying for idurono-sulfate-sulfatase in cell-free amniotic fluid (498). Approximately one-fourth of mothers are noncarriers (i.e., their affected male offspring represent a new mutation). Unlike MPS I, bone marrow transplantation, for unclear reasons, does not preserve intellectual function in MPS II. Enzyme replacement therapy is being tested.

Sanfilippo Syndrome (Mucopolysaccharides IIIA, B, C, and D) (OMIM 252900; 252920; 252930; 252940) This heterogeneous syndrome, first described in 1963 by Sanfilippo and coworkers, is characterized by mental deterioration that commences during the first few years of life. It is accompanied by subtle somatic features of a mucopolysaccharidosis (534). With an incidence of at least 1 in 24,000, it is the most common of the mucopolysaccharidoses (498), and in the experience of Verity and coworkers it is the most common condition that causes progressive neurologic and intellectual deterioration (535). Four genetically and biochemically, but not clinically, distinct forms have been recognized. In all, delayed development is the usual presenting symptom. It is first noted between ages 2 and 5 years and is gradually superseded by evidence of neurologic regression. This is most rapid in type A. Abnormally coarse facial features are usually evident even earlier but generally go unnoticed because they are never as prominent as in the other mucopolysaccharidoses (Fig. 1.16). No growth retardation, no corneal opacification, and only mild hepatosplenomegaly occur. Diarrhea is seen in more than 50% of patients (536). Loss of extension of the interphalangeal joints was present in all patients in the series of Danks and coworkers, whereas limitation of elbow extension was characteristic for the rare type D (536,537). In addition to mental deterioration, the neurologic examination can disclose ataxia, coarse tremor, progressive spasticity, and, as the illness advances, bulbar palsy. The changes seen on MRI are similar to those for Hurler and Hunter syndromes (512). Although hydrocephalus can be caused by meningeal thickening, it is more often the result of malformations of the foramen magnum or of an underdeveloped dens, with increased thickness of the ligaments surrounding it (538).

FIGURE 1.16. Patient with Sanfilippo A syndrome, showing the relatively mild coarsening of facial features. (From Matalon R, Kaul R, Michals K. The mucopolysaccharidoses and the mucolipidoses. In: Rosenberg RN, Prusiner SB, DiMauro S, Barchi RL, eds. The molecular and genetic basis of neurological disease. Stoneham, MA: Butterworth–Heinemann, 2nd ed., 1997;344. With permission.)

Other common radiographic features are widening of the anterior two-thirds of the ribs and elongation of the radius. Peripheral blood smears can reveal cytoplasmic inclusions in lymphocytes or polymorphs, and bone marrow aspirates can be positive for storage material. The disease is inexorably progressive, and most patients die before 20 years of age. Generally, the downhill course is most rapid in the type A variant (539). Morphologic alterations within the C NS are similar to those seen in Hurler syndrome, but heparan sulfate is the major MPS stored in the leptomeninges and brain (505,531). The clinical diagnosis of Sanfilippo syndrome is difficult to establish and also can be missed on random MPS screening. It must be considered in any mentally retarded child who has only minor physical stigmata (see Fig. 1.16). Examination of a 24-hour urine collection discloses the excretion of heparan sulfate (see Table 1.18). Enzyme assays on serum, skin fibroblasts, and lymphocytes confirm the diagnosis and identify the specific type. Treatment of type A disease with bone marrow transplantation does not appear to be of benefit (540). Sleep and behavioral disturbances are the most distressing to parents and difficult to manage, although shunting may improve behavior in some cases (541,542).

Morquio Syndrome (Mucopolysaccharides IVA and B) (OMIM 253000; 253010) The clinical manifestations of Morquio syndrome involve the skeleton primarily and the nervous system only secondarily. Skeletal manifestations include growth retardation and deformities of the vertebral bodies and epiphyseal zones of the long bones. Generally, type A is more severe than type B. However, type A shows considerable clinical heterogeneity. Absence or severe hypoplasia of the odontoid process or atlantoaxial instability is invariable (543), and neurologic symptoms result from chronic or acute compression of the spinal cord. This compression can be the result of atlantoaxial subluxation, the presence of a gibbus, or dural thickening as a consequence of MPS deposition. These complications are best visualized by MRI. The mild form of Morquio syndrome (MPS IVB) presents with growth retardation, bony abnormalities (dysostosis multiplex), and corneal opacities. Mental functioning generally remains normal. C orneal opacities, sensorineural hearing loss, and mental retardation are encountered occasionally (544). Neuroimaging studies can show ventricular dilation and progressive white matter disease. It is not clear why the nervous system is generally spared in Morquio syndrome B, whereas an equally severe defect of β-galactosidase results in G M1 gangliosidosis. The best explanation is that in Morquio syndrome type B, the mutation affects the activity of βgalactosidase for keratan sulfate, whereas in G M1 gangliosidosis, the mutation affects the enzyme's ability to degrade ganglioside. βGalactosidase deficiency also can be caused by a lack of a protective protein. This is the case in mucolipidosis I, in which a deficiency of β-galactosidase and sialidase occurs. Pathologic examination of the brain reveals leptomeningeal thickening and neuronal storage. Neuronal storage tends to be localized;

Koto and coworkers found it primarily within the thalamus and hippocampus. On ultrastructural examination, the material appears similar to that stored in Hurler syndrome (544). The diagnosis of Morquio syndrome can be made by the presence of keratan sulfate in urine (see Table 1.18) and by assaying for enzyme activity in leukocytes or fibroblasts.

Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome (Mucopolysaccharide VI) (OMIM 253200) In this condition, first described in 1963 by Maroteaux, Lamy, and colleagues (545), neurologic complications result from compression myelopathy and hydrocephalus (506,546). Several clinical variants with differing severity of expression have been recognized. The severe form resembles Hurler syndrome, except that the intellect remains normal. Skeletal and corneal involvement is generally severe in this form, and the facial appearance is characteristic for MPS. The milder forms of the disease show some of the clinical manifestations, but to a lesser extent. The excretion of dermatan sulfate in the absence of urinary heparan sulfate is strongly suggestive of the diagnosis (see Table 1.18). The enzyme implicated in the disease (N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfate sulfatase, or arylsulfatase B) is readily assayed in a variety of tissues, and antenatal diagnosis has been possible. The initial results from enzyme replacement therapy using human recombinant N-acetylgalactosamine 4-sulfatase appear to be promising (547).

Sly Syndrome (Mucopolysaccharide VII) (OMIM 253220) The clinical appearance of patients with Sly syndrome varies considerably. Some are of normal intelligence or only mildly retarded, whereas others present with hydrops fetalis, severe retardation, and macrocephaly (548). Hepatomegaly is generally present, and the facial and skeletal abnormalities are characteristic for a mucopolysaccharidosis. The increased excretion of heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate is shared with MPSs I, II, and V, but a deficiency of β-glucuronidase (see Table 1.18) is readily detected in serum, leukocytes, and fibroblasts (549). Enzyme replacement therapy initiated at birth improved the behavioral performance and reduced hearing loss in the murine model of MPS VII (550), suggesting that early enzyme replacement therapy might be effective in the human as well.

Mucolipidoses Mucolipidoses have the clinical features of both the mucopolysaccharidoses and the lipidoses. At least four mucolipidoses have been distinguished, characterized by MPS storage despite normal excretion of MPS. All of them are rare. The most likely to be encountered is mucolipidosis II [ML II, or inclusion cell (I-cell) disease (OMIM 252500)]; its prevalence in a French C anadian isolate is 1 in 6,000 (551). This condition is the consequence of a defect in UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:N-acetylglucosaminyl-1phosphotransferase, the enzyme responsible for attaching a phosphate group to mannose and synthesizing mannose-6-phosphate, which acts as a recognition marker for lysosomal enzymes. In the absence of this recognition marker, lysosomal enzymes are prevented from reaching lysosomes and instead are routed into the extracellular space and excreted (552). As in all other lysosomal disorders, considerable clinical and biochemical heterogeneity exists. The clinical and radiologic features of this autosomal recessive disorder are reminiscent of Hurler syndrome, although in distinction, I-cell disease is apparent at birth. Features seen in the affected newborn include hypotonia, coarse facial appearance, striking gingival hyperplasia, congenital dislocation of the hips, restricted joint mobility, and tight, thickened skin (552). Radiographic changes of dysostosis multiplex develop between 6 and 10 months of age, although periosteal cloaking can occur even prenatally. Subsequently, growth failure, microcephaly, and progressive mental deterioration become apparent. Hepatomegaly and corneal clouding are inconstant. Most patients die during childhood (552). Nonimmune hydrops fetalis can be seen in some pregnancies. Bone marrow transplantation has shown some promise (553). C ultured fibroblasts and bone marrow cells contain numerous inclusions. Visible by phase-contrast microscopy, these inclusions represent enlarged lysosomes filled with MPS and membranous material. The brain has no significant neuronal or glial storage, and the clinically evident mental deterioration cannot, as yet, be explained on a morphologic basis (554). In ML II and ML III, a number of lysosomal enzymes (e.g., α-L-iduronidase, β-glucuronidase, and β-galactosidase) are elevated markedly in plasma and deficient in fibroblasts. Enzyme levels in liver and brain are normal (555). ML III is a milder form of ML II. In this condition, the defect in the phosphorylation of mannose is also defective, although to a lesser degree than in ML II, and the activity of N-acetylglucosaminyl-1-phosphotransferase is considerably reduced. Symptoms of ML III do not become apparent until after age 2 years, and learning disabilities or mental retardation are mild. Restricted mobility of joints and growth retardation occur. Radiographic examination shows a pattern of dysostosis multiplex with severe pelvic and vertebral abnormalities. Fine corneal opacities and valvular heart disease are occasionally present (556). The disease can be diagnosed by the presence of elevated lysosomal enzymes in plasma. Prolonged survival is possible but complicated by osteopenia, which may respond to bisphosphonates. ML IV (OMIM 252650) is a relatively common disease in Ashkenazi Jews (557), with the estimated heterozygote frequency being 1/100 (558). Two mutations account for 95% of the cases in this population group (558). Symptoms are nonspecific, and probably many cases go undiagnosed. Developmental delay and impaired vision become apparent during the first year of life. C orneal opacities are almost invariable, as is strabismus and an ERG with markedly reduced amplitude. Photophobia was noted in 25% of the children in the Israeli series of Amir and coworkers (557). A striking hypotonia and extrapyramidal signs also have been encountered, and some patients have been evaluated for a congenital myopathy. Seizures are not part of the clinical picture. Skeletal deformities and visceromegaly are absent (559). C uriously, patients with ML IV are constitutionally achlorhydric with a secondary elevation of serum gastrin (559). Although visual function deteriorates, Amir and coworkers found no intellectual deterioration (557). MRI consistently demonstrates a hypoplastic corpus callosum; additionally, there can be delayed myelination (560). MPS excretion is normal, but the urine contains large quantities of G M3 gangliosides, phospholipids, and neutral glycolipids. The diagnosis is made by visualizing the polysaccharide and lipid-containing inclusion organelles using electron microscopy of a conjunctival or skin biopsy. In contrast to ML II, ML IV shows a variety of inclusions in neurons, glia, and the perivascular cells of brain (561). The gene for ML IV encodes a transmembrane protein, mucolipin 1, a member of the transient receptor potential gene family that is involved in endosomal transport within the cell (562).

Mucolipidosis I (sialidosis) is considered with the glycoproteinoses.

Glycoproteinoses: Disorders of Glycoprotein Degradation In four storage diseases, the primary enzymatic defect involves the degradation of glycoproteins. These substances, which in essence are peptides linked to oligosaccharides, are widely distributed within cells, the cell membrane, and outside the cells; they are particularly abundant in nervous tissue (563). Because some of the same oligosaccharide linkages also are found in glycolipids, a single enzymatic lesion affects the degradation of more than one macromolecule. For this reason, some of the sphingolipid storage diseases and the mucolipidoses have an impaired glycoprotein breakdown, and, conversely, the glycoproteinoses also can have a defective sphingolipid catabolism.

Fucosidosis (OMIM 230000) Although a severe and a mild form of this autosomal recessive disorder have been distinguished on clinical grounds, both forms have been identified within the same family, and there appears to be a clinical continuum (564). A deficiency of α-L-fucosidase can be documented. Fucosidase is responsible for cleavage of the fucose moieties linked to N-acetylglucosamine (Fig. 1.17). The gene for the enzyme has been mapped to the distal portion of the short arm of chromosome 1 (1p34.1-p36.1). It has been cloned and sequenced. C onsiderable genetic heterozygosity exists, and numerous mutations have been recognized (565).

FIGURE 1.17. Probable steps for the degradation of a complex type oligosaccharide structure. Asn, asparigine; Fuc, fucose; Gal, galactose; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; Man, mannose; SA, sialic acid. (From Thomas GH. Disorders of glycoprotein degradation: α-mannosidosis, β-mannosidosis, β-fucosidosos, sialidosis and aspartylglycosaminuria. In: Scriver C R, Beaudet AL, Sly WS, Valle D. eds. The metabolic basis of inherited diseases, 5th ed. New York: McGraw–Hill, 2001:3510. With permission.)

In approximately 60% of patients, the condition has a rapidly progressive course, with intellectual deterioration and spasticity commencing at approximately 1 year of age. This is accompanied by growth retardation. In the series of Willems and coworkers, facial features were coarse in 79% of patients, and skeletal abnormalities (dysostosis multiplex) were seen in 58% (565). MR imaging studies are unusual. Aside from showing increased signal in white matter the globus pallidus shows increased intensity on T1-weighted images and decreased intensity on T2-weighted and fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) images. The putamen shows increased intensity on T2-weighted images (566). The chloride content of sweat is increased markedly. In the same series seizures were noted in 36% of cases. The patient usually dies by age 35 years. When the condition is more protracted, the clinical picture is similar, except that angiokeratoma of the skin, particularly of the gingiva and genitalia, is invariable. These skin manifestations are indistinguishable from those seen in Fabry disease and sialidosis and are not seen when the disease progresses rapidly (567). Treatment with bone marrow transplantation has shown promise in arresting the progress of the illness (568), as has infusion of recombinant alpha-L-fucosidase (569). Pathologic examination discloses cytoplasmic vacuolization in most organs, notably in liver. Vacuolization also occurs in neurons and glial cells within brain and spinal cord (570). Biochemical analysis reveals fucose-rich glycolipids in a variety of organs. In brain, the storage material is of two types: One is a fucose-containing decasaccharide, the other a fucose-containing disaccharide (563). Because α-L-fucoside residues are components of the blood group antigens, Lewis activity in red cells and saliva is expressed to an unusually high degree.

α- and β-Mannosidosis α-Mannosidosis (OMIM 248500), first described in 1967, is characterized by a Hurler-like facial appearance, mental retardation, skeletal abnormalities, hearing loss, and hepatosplenomegaly (571). C onsiderable clinical heterogeneity exists, with a severe infantile form (type I) and a more common, milder, juvenile-adult form (type II) having been distinguished (563). Deficiency of both cellular and

humoral immunity has been observed and may account for the frequent infections seen in patients with this condition (563). Neuronal storage of mannose-rich oligosaccharides is widespread within the brain and spinal cord (572). The basic lesion is a mutation of the α-mannosidase gene, which leads to deficiency of α-mannosidoses A and B in liver, brain, peripheral leukocytes, serum, and skin fibroblasts. α-Mannosidase normally hydrolyses the trisaccharide mannose-mannose-N-acetylglucosamine (see Fig. 1.17), which consequently is excreted in large amounts (573). Bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has been effective in slowing or arresting the progression of the disease, including the cognitive loss (568,574). A defect in β-mannosidase (OMIM 248510) also has been reported (575). It is marked by developmental regression and coarse facial features and, occasionally, a peripheral neuropathy, but neither organomegaly nor corneal clouding (575,576).

Sialidosis (OMIM 256550) Lysosomal neuraminidase initiates the hydrolysis of sialylated glycoconjugates by removing their terminal sialic acid residues. In humans, primary or secondary deficiency of this enzyme leads to two clinically similar neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorders: sialidosis and galactosialidosis (see Fig. 1.17) (577). The gene that codes for sialidase has been mapped to the short arm of chromosome 6p21.3. It has been cloned, and three types of mutations have been documented. Patients with the most severe form of the disease have a catalytically inactive enzyme that is not localized to the lysosome. Patients with intermediate severity have a catalytically inactive enzyme that is localized to the lysosome, and patients with a mild form of the disease have a catalytically active enzyme that is localized to the lysosome (578). Two clinical forms of sialidosis are recognized. In type I sialidosis (cherry-red spot myoclonus syndrome), the milder form of the disease, neurologic symptoms begin after age 10 years. Initially, these include diminished visual acuity (notably night blindness), a macular cherry-red spot, ataxia with gait abnormalities, nystagmus, and myoclonic seizures. Neuropathy and punctate lenticular opacities also can be present (579). Patients do not have dysmorphic features or deterioration of intelligence and have a normal life span. Type II, the severe, congenital form of primary neuraminidase deficiency with dysmorphic features, is characterized by hepatosplenomegaly, corneal opacifications, dysostosis multiplex, hydrops fetalis, ascites, and a pericardial effusion. The condition is rapidly fatal. Pathologic examination of the brain discloses membrane-bound vacuoles in cortical neurons and Purkinje cells and zebra bodies in spinal cord neurons. Vacuoles are also seen in the glomerulus and tubular epithelial cells of the kidney and in hepatocytes, endothelial cells, and Kupffer cells of the liver (582). Sialidosis should be distinguished from a galactosialidosis (OMIM 256540), a condition in which both neuraminidase and β-galactosidase (G M1 ganglioside β-galactosidase) are deficient. This deficiency is the consequence of a primary deficiency of a protective protein/cathepsin A. This protein forms a high-molecular-weight multienzyme complex containing both neuraminidase and βgalactosidase. As a result of this association both enzymes are correctly compartmentalized in lysosomes and are protected from rapid proteolipid degradation (581). In the absence of this protective protein, both protein complexes are reduced and endothelin-1 accumulates in neurons and glial cells of cerebellum, hippocampus and the anterior horns of the spinal cord. Its storage may be responsible for some of the neurologic deficits (582). Two forms of galactosialidosis have been recognized. The infantile form has its onset early in life, with hydrops, coarse facies, and skeletal changes (583). The other form, which is more common among Japanese, has a juvenile onset, with coarse facies, dysostosis multiplex, conjunctival telangiectases, angiokeratoma, corneal clouding, a macular cherry-red spot, hearing loss, mental retardation, and seizures (583,584).

Sialic Acid Storage Diseases (OMIM 269920) Several clinical disorders of sialic acid metabolism are marked by lysosomal storage and an abnormally increased urinary excretion of sialic acid. The most common of these entities has been termed Salla disease, after a small town in northern Finland close to the Russian border where this disease is particularly prevalent and where the vast majority of patients share the same founder mutation (585). It is characterized by growth retardation, coarse facies, early delay in mental development, and the evolution of ataxia, spasticity, and extrapyramidal movements. The peripheral nervous system is also affected with demonstrable dysmyelination (586). The disease is slowly progressive and is compatible with a normal life span. Free sialic acid is elevated in urine, blood, and fibroblasts. The combination of early-onset psychom*otor retardation and a normal life span without any evidence for deterioration throughout childhood makes this entity unique among lysosomal storage diseases. This condition is allelic with infantile sialic acid storage disease. This condition is marked by hypotonia, congenital ascites, progressive organomegaly, and delayed development. In some instances there is hydrops fetalis and a prominent telangiectatic skin rash. The basic defect for both Salla disease and infantile sialic acid storage disease involves a gene that codes for sialin, a lysosomal membrane protein that transports sialic acid out of lysosomes (587). A third, rare, sialic acid storage disease is sialuria. These patients have coarse facies and static mental retardation. Sialuria is due to mutations in uridinediphosphate-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) 2-epimerase that interrupt feedback inhibition, resulting in massive excess production of sialic acid (588,589). The sialic acid storage diseases are probably more common than has been appreciated up to now. The diagnosis can be suspected from the presence of cytoplasmic vacuoles in lymphocytes and from the presence of membrane-bound vacuoles in a conjunctival biopsy (590). Unfortunately, none of the screening tests for oligosaccharides can detect free sialic acid, and all lysosomal enzymes are normal.

Aspartylglycosaminuria (OMIM 208400) This condition is caused by a defect in the enzyme that cleaves the N-acetylglucosamine–asparagine bond (Fig. 1.17, Table 1.12). Like Salla disease, aspartylglycosaminuria is common in Finland (591). The clinical picture is one of mental deterioration commencing between ages 6 and 15 years, coarse facial features, lenticular opacities, bony changes (dysostosis multiplex), and mitral insufficiency. Vacuolated lymphocytes are noted in the majority of patients. The disease is identified by the excretion of aspartylglucosamine and is detected by routine amino acid chromatography (255).

Sphingolipidoses This group of disorders includes a number of hereditary diseases characterized by an abnormal sphingolipid metabolism, which in most

instances leads to the intralysosomal deposition of lipid material within the C NS. C linically, these conditions assume a progressive course that varies only in the rate of intellectual and visual deterioration. With the rapid advances in the knowledge of the composition, structure, and metabolism of cerebral lipids, these disorders are best classified according to the chemical nature of the storage material or, if known, according to the underlying enzymatic block. Although such an arrangement is adhered to in this section, the chemistry and metabolism of sphingolipids often prove too complex for the clinician who is not continuously involved in this field. To make matters more difficult, diseases with a similar phenotypic expression can be caused by completely different enzymatic blocks; conversely, an apparently identical genetic and biochemical defect can produce completely different clinical pictures.

Gangliosidoses In choosing the name gangliosides, Klenk emphasized the localization of these lipids within the ganglion cells of the neuraxis (592). His finding has since been amply confirmed by work indicating that gangliosides are found mainly in nuclear areas of gray matter and are present in myelin in only small amounts. Gangliosides are components of the plasma membranes. They are composed of sphingosine, fatty acids, hexose, hexosamine, and neuraminic acid (Fig. 1.18). The sphingosine–fatty acid moiety (ceramide) is hydrophobic and acts as a membrane anchor, whereas the hexose, hexosamine, and neuraminic moieties are hydrophilic and extracellular. The pattern of gangliosides is cell-type specific and changes with growth and differentiation. Gangliosides interact at the cell surface with membrane-bound receptors and enzymes; they are involved in cellular adhesion processes and signal transduction events. In addition, they are believed to play a role in the binding of neurotransmitters and other extracellular molecules. They also have a neuronotropic function, which is discussed in connection with the pathogenesis of neurologic deficits in some of the gangliosidoses. Gangliosides are degraded in the cellular lysosomal compartment. The plasma membranes containing gangliosides that are destined for degradation are endocytosed and are transported through the endosomal compartments to the lysosome. There, a series of hydrolytic enzymes cleaves the sugar moieties sequentially to yield ceramide, which is further degraded to sphingosine and fatty acids.

FIGURE 1.18. Structure of a monosialoganglioside.

At least 10 different gangliosides have been isolated from brain. Of these, 4 are major components and account for more than 90% of the total ganglioside fraction of brain. As is depicted in Fig. 1.18, the major gangliosides contain the skeleton ceramide-glucose-galactose-galactosamine-galactose. NAcetylneuraminic acid (NANA) is attached to the proximal galactose in the monosialoganglioside, whereas in the two major disialo species, an additional NANA unit is attached either to the terminal galactose or to the first NANA.

GM2 Gangliosidoses (Tay-Sachs Disease) (OMIM 272800) Tay-Sachs disease, the prototype of this group of diseases, was first described by Tay, who noted the retinal changes in 1881 (593), and by Sachs in 1887 (594).

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology On chemical analysis of brain tissue, the most striking abnormality is the accumulation of G M2 ganglioside in cerebral gray matter and cerebellum 100 to 300 times the normal level. The structure of G M2 ganglioside that accumulates in Tay-Sachs disease is depicted in Fig. 1.19. It consists of ceramide to which 1 mol each of glucose, galactose, N-acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid has been attached. C erebral white matter, liver, spleen, and serum also contain increased amounts of G M2 ganglioside. The ganglioside content of viscera is not increased. Several other glycosphingolipids are found in lesser amounts. In most instances, storage of G M2 ganglioside is the result of a defect in hexosaminidase. Two isozymes of hexosaminidase have been recognized. Hexosaminidases A and B are the two major tissue isozymes; hexosaminidase A is composed of one α subunit and one β subunit, whereas hexosaminidase B is composed of two slightly different β subunits. The gene locus for the α subunit has been mapped to chromosome 15 (15q23–q24); for the β subunit, it is on the long arm of chromosome 5 (5q11.2–q13.3) (595). Both genes have been cloned, and numerous mutations have been described. These are being catalogued on the G M2 database (

In the classic form of Tay-Sachs disease, the disorder affects the α chain, and hexosaminidase A is inoperative (Fig. 1.19, step A II) in brain, blood, and viscera (596). Total hexosaminidase activity is usually normal, but the hexosaminidase B component in the C NS acting on its own is unable to hydrolyze G M2 ganglioside in vivo.

FIGURE 1.19. Degradative pathways for sphingolipids. Metabolic defects are located at the following points: generalized gangliosidosis G M1 at step A I; Tay-Sachs disease and variants of generalized gangliosidosis G M2 at step A II; adult Gaucher disease at step A V; and Fabry disease at step B II. Enzymes for these reactions have been demonstrated in mammalian brain. NANA, N-acetylneuraminic acid.

In the Jewish form of generalized G M2 gangliosidoses three molecular lesions have been found in what had once been considered a pure genetic entity, and a large proportion of patients are compound heterozygotes. The most common mutation, accounting for 73% of Ashkenazi Jews carrying the gene for Tay-Sachs disease in the series of Grebner and Tomczak (597), is a four-base-pair insertion in exon 11 (595). In 18% of cases, there was a single base substitution in intron 12 resulting in defective splicing of the messenger RNA, whereas in 3.3% there was a point mutation on exon 7 (595). In French C anadian patients, an ethnic group in whom the gene frequency for Tay-Sachs disease is equal to that in Ashkenazi Jews, a large deletion in the gene coding for the α chain has been recognized in about 80% of the mutant alleles. The deletion involves part of intron 1, all of exon 1, and probably also the promoter region for the gene. As a consequence, neither mRNA nor immunoprecipitable hexosaminidase A protein is produced. C linically, this variant is indistinguishable from the Jewish form of Tay-Sachs disease (598). Mutations in the gene that codes for the gene for the β subunit result in a deficiency of hexosaminidase A and hexosaminidase B, a condition that is termed Sandhoff disease. The most common genetic defect producing this condition is a large deletion in the gene coding for the β subunit (595). Infants with this disorder are non-Jewish, have a mild visceromegaly, and accumulate much larger amounts of globoside (ceramide-glucose-galactose-galactose-galactosamine) in viscera than infants with Tay-Sachs disease (601). Sandhoff disease accounts for approximately 7% of the G M2 gangliosidoses (600). A defect at a third gene locus that codes for the G M2 activator protein produces the AB variant. The action of the activator is to extract a single G M2 molecule from its micelles to form a water-soluble protein–lipid complex that acts as the true substrate for hexosaminidase A (601). In this entity, accounting for less than 4% of the G M2 gangliosidoses in the United Kingdom (600), both hexosaminidase components are present but are inactive with respect to hydrolyzing G M2. The clinical picture of this condition resembles that of classical Tay-Sachs disease. Aside from the G M2 activator, four other sphingolipid activator proteins (saposins) have been recognized. They are derived from a single precursor protein (prosaposin); their genetically inherited defects lead to other lysosomal storage diseases (602). Some children who show the clinical picture of late infantile or juvenile amaurotic idiocy (see the section on generalized G M1

gangliosidosis later in this chapter) have been found to have G M2 gangliosidosis and a partial defect of hexosaminidase A (603). They account for approximately 25% of English patients with G M2 gangliosidosis (600). Patients with the adult or chronic form of G M2 gangliosidosis are compound heterozygotes between one of the infantile mutations and a point mutation at exon 7 in the gene for the α chain (595). The clinical picture is one of a child with learning disability who, over the years, develops a gradually progressive muscular weakness. At times, this picture is complicated by ataxia, at other times by dystonia (604). Finally, there are asymptomatic individuals with little more than 10% residual hexosaminidase A activity (602).

FIGURE 1.20. Tay-Sachs disease. Purkinje cells, showing swollen cell bodies and an occasional antler-like dendrite. In general, lipid storage in the cerebellum is less extensive than in the cerebral cortex (cresyl violet, ×150). (C ourtesy of the late Dr. D. B. C lark, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.)

Pathologic Anatomy The pathologic changes in Tay-Sachs disease are confined to the nervous system and represent the most fulminant of all the cerebroretinal degenerations. Almost every neuron in the cerebral cortex is distended markedly, its nucleus is displaced to the periphery, and the cytoplasm is filled with lipid-soluble material (Fig. 1.20). A similar substance is stored in the apical dendrites of the pyramidal cells. As the disease progresses, the number of cortical neurons diminishes, with only a few pyknotic cells remaining. The gliotic reaction is often extensive. In the white matter, myelination can be arrested, and in the terminal stages, demyelination, accumulation of lipid breakdown products, and widespread status spongiosus are observed commonly. Similar alterations affect the cerebellar Purkinje cells and, to a somewhat lesser degree, the larger neurons of the brainstem and spinal cord. In the retina, the ganglion cells are distended with lipid. At the margin of the fovea, considerable reduction in the number of ganglion cells and an accumulation of large phagocytic cells occurs. On electron microscopic examination of the involved neurons, the lipid is found in the membranous cytoplasmic bodies, which are round, oval, and 0.5 to 2.0 µm in diameter. They occupy a considerable portion of the ganglion cell cytoplasm (Fig. 1.21). The membranous bodies also can be located in axis cylinders, glial cells, and perivascular cells (605). Membranous cytoplasmic bodies consist of aggregates of lipids (90%) and protein (10%). The composition of lipids is approximately one-third to one-half gangliosides (mainly G M2), approximately 20% phospholipids, and 40% cholesterol. In vitro experiments show membranous cytoplasmic bodies to be formed in neurons as a consequence of high ganglioside concentrations in the presence of phospholipids and cholesterol.

FIGURE 1.21. Tay-Sachs disease, cortical biopsy. A: Neuron showing cytoplasmic granules. These are ganglioside in nature. Electron microscopic examination (×10,000). NN, nucleolus; N, nucleus; C , cytoplasmic granule. B: C ytoplasmic granule showing lamellar arrangement. Lamellae are approximately 25 Åthick. Electron microscopic examination (×10,000). (From Terry RD, Weiss M. Studies in Tay-Sachs disease: ultrastructure of cerebrum. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1963;22:18–55. With permission.)

By means of Golgi stains and electron microscopy, massively expanded neuronal processes can be demonstrated even in the earliest stages of Tay-Sachs disease. These meganeurites are found specifically at the axon hillock of the cell and displace distally the initial segment of the axon. With progressive enlargement, they become interspersed between the neuronal soma and the axon. Growth of new neurites is increased, probably as a response to excessive amounts of gangliosides, and dendritic spines are lost (606). Abnormal synapses are formed. As a consequence, GABA-ergic connections are enhanced, and the cholinergic connections are altered. The synaptic alterations can be seen early in the disease, much before ganglioside storage has produced a mechanical disruption of cell cytoplasm and organelles (607). Their presence readily explains the neuronal dysfunction and the early onset of neurologic deficits. Similar but less prominent meganeurites have been observed in Hurler syndrome, Sanfilippo syndrome, and in some of the other gangliosidoses.

Clinical Manifestations Before the 1970s, when carrier screening became available, the classic form of Tay-Sachs disease was usually confined to Jewish families, particularly those of Eastern European background. Since then the condition has been encountered in a variety of ethnic groups. It is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. In the United States, the gene frequency is 1 in 27 among Ashkenazi Jews and 1 in 380 among non-Jews. Infants appear healthy at birth. Until 3 to 10 months of age, growth and development are essentially unremarkable. Listlessness and irritability are usually the first indications of the illness, as well as hyperacusis in approximately one-half of the infants. Soon thereafter, an arrest in intellectual development and a loss of acquired abilities are observed. Examination at this time shows a generalized hypotonia and what is termed a cherry-red spot in both macular areas. The cherry-red spot at the fovea is due to the red of the choroids being visible through an area of the retina that is relatively free of the white, lipid-swollen ganglion cells. The cherry-red spot is characteristic of Tay-Sachs disease, although it is also seen in the other forms of G M2 and occasionally is observed in Niemann-Pick

disease (types A and C ), generalized G M1 gangliosidosis, Farber lipogranulomatosis, infantile Gaucher disease, metachromatic leukodystrophy, and sialidosis (608). In Tay-Sachs disease, it is invariably present by the time neurologic symptoms have developed. No significant enlargement of liver or spleen occurs. The neurologic symptoms progress rapidly to complete blindness and loss of all voluntary movements. Pupillary light reflexes remain intact, however. The hypotonia is replaced by spasticity and opisthotonus. C onvulsions appear at this time and can be generalized, focal, myoclonic, or gelastic. In the final stages, a progressive enlargement of the head has been observed; it is invariably present if the disease has lasted more than 18 months (609). The condition terminates fatally by the second or third year of life. The C SF is normal. In the early stages of the disease, neuroimaging shows low density on C T scans in caudate, thalamus and putamen, and cerebral white matter, with increased signal on T2-weighted MRI in these areas (610). The caudate nuclei appear swollen and protrude into the lateral ventricles. The clinical pictures of Sandhoff disease and the AB form of G M2 gangliosidosis are similar to that of classic Tay-Sachs disease, except for the presence of organomegaly. Juvenile variants of Sandhoff disease have been described. As a rule, these children have late infantile or juvenile progressive ataxia (611). Other clinical variants of G M2 gangliosidosis have been recognized in which the picture is highlighted by motor neuron disease (612) or by a movement disorder (615). As a rule, such patients have traces of hexosaminidase A activity.

Diagnosis The diagnosis of Tay-Sachs disease is made easily on clinical grounds in an infant with a progressive degenerative disease of the nervous system when the infant has the characteristic retinal cherry-red spot and lacks significant visceromegaly. Hexosaminidase assay of serum confirms the clinical impression and also can be used to detect the heterozygote. Prenatal diagnosis by assaying the hexosaminidase A content of amniotic fluid or of fibroblasts cultured from amniotic fluid is possible during the second trimester of gestation (595). The serum hexosaminidase assay has been automated and used in mass screening surveys. For the Ashkenazi Jewish population, in whom DNA testing identifies 99.9% of carriers, DNA testing is the preferred method for ascertaining carriers (614). For non-Jewish individuals the enzyme assay can be performed initially and, if necessary, followed up by DNA mutation analysis (614). The apparent deficiency of the enzyme in clinically healthy individuals has already been discussed in this section; see Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology.

Treatment No effective treatment is known for this condition. The process of G M2 ganglioside accumulation and subsequent degeneration of brain structure and function is already well established by the second trimester of fetal development, so that postnatal enzyme replacement therapy and bone marrow transplantation cannot be expected to be effective. In fact, trials of bone marrow transplants have only slowed but not halted the progression of Tay-Sachs disease (595). Prevention of lysosomal storage by administration of Nbutyldeoxynojirimycin (NB-DNJ), an inhibitor of glycosphingolipid synthesis, has been found to prevent G M2 in the brain of mice with Tay-Sachs disease and Sandhoff disease. This approach has been used in the treatment of non-neuropathic Gaucher disease and might be of help in a few patients with some residual hexosaminidase activity (615,616).

Generalized GM1 Gangliosidosis (OMIM 230500) Although it is customary to classify G M1 gangliosidosis into infantile, late infantile or juvenile, and adult forms according to the age of onset, a continuum of onset occurs, and this classification is merely one of convenience. G M1 gangliosidosis is not a rare condition; the infantile form was once known as a variant of Tay-Sachs disease with visceral involvement or as pseudo-Hurler syndrome. It was delineated in 1964 by Landing and coworkers (617). The basic enzymatic lesion, a defect in lysosomal β-galactosidase and storage of a monosialoganglioside G M1 (see Fig. 1.19, step A I), was discovered in 1965 by O'Brien and coworkers (618). The clinical picture of the late infantile and juvenile forms of generalized G M1 gangliosidosis resembles the Batten-Bielschowsky or Spielmeyer-Vogt types of late infantile and juvenile amaurotic idiocies, whereas the adult form of G M1 gangliosidosis is a slowly progressive disease characterized by focal neurologic signs, such as ataxia and movement disorders.

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology Total ganglioside content of brain and viscera is increased, and the stored G M1 ganglioside constitutes up to 90% of total gray matter gangliosides. Additionally, the asialo derivative of G M1 (G A1) is present in large amounts. The ganglioside also is stored in liver and spleen. The ultrastructure of the stored material in the liver, however, is entirely different from the membranous cytoplasmic bodies found in neurons. This difference has been attributed to the accumulation of numerous mannose-containing oligosaccharides, which probably result from defective glycoprotein catabolism (619). It is the storage of these compounds that accounts for the hepatomegaly seen in generalized G M1 gangliosidosis but not in G M2 gangliosidosis. A profound deficiency (less than 0.1% of normal) of βgalactosidase, the enzyme that catalyzes the cleavage of the terminal galactose of G M1 (see Fig. 1.19, step A I), has been demonstrated in several tissues of all patients with G M1 gangliosidoses regardless of their clinical course (620). The β-galactosidase is synthesized in a precursor form, which is processed via an intermediate form to the mature enzyme that aggregates in lysosomes as a high-molecular-weight complex of β-galactosidase, a protective protein, and a lysosomal neuraminidase. The β-galactosidase precursor is encoded on the short arm of chromosome 3, and numerous mutations have been recognized, with most patients being compound heterozygotes and the degree of residual β-galactosidase activity determining the clinical course of the disease. In type B Morquio disease, several other mutations of the β-galactosidase gene have been identified (621). It is of note that the same mutation can result in type B Morquio disease and G M1 gangliosidosis, with the phenotypic expression being dependent on the nature of the second allele with which it is paired (622). Type B Morquio disease is considered in the section on the mucopolysaccharidoses. A combined defect in β-galactosidase and neuraminidase produces a clinical picture of cherry-red spots and myoclonus. It is the consequence of a defective protective protein and considered in the section on sialidase deficiency.

Pathologic Anatomy The pathologic picture shows neuronal storage resembling that of G M2 gangliosidosis (Tay-Sachs disease). The neurons are distended with p-aminosalicylic acid (PAS)–positive lipid material; electron microscopy shows that they contain a large number of membranous cytoplasmic bodies similar to those seen in Tay-Sachs disease (623). Myelin is defective, probably the consequence of oligodendroglial loss and impaired axoplasmic transport (624). Additionally, many unusual membrane-bound organelles appear to be derived from lysosomes. Abnormalities also are seen in the extraneural tissues. In the kidneys, a striking vacuolization of the glomerular epithelial cells and the cells of the proximal convoluted tubules occurs. In the liver, a marked histiocytosis is associated with vacuolization of the parenchymal cells. Visceral storage of G M1 is less prominent in the slower progressive forms.

Clinical Manifestations For clinical purposes, it is preferable to adhere to the traditional classification of the disease and to divide generalized gangliosidosis into three types. The infantile form of G M1 is a severe cerebral degenerative disease that can be clinically evident at birth. The infant is hypotonic with a poor sucking reflex and poor psychom*otor development. C haracteristic facial abnormalities include frontal bossing, depressed nasal bridge, macroglossia, large, low-set ears, and marked hirsutism. Dermal melanocytosis is seen in about one-fourth of patients. This is a condition characterized by persistent or progressive extensive, blue cutaneous pigmentation and indistinct borders in a dorsal and ventral distribution. This skin lesion is characteristic for lysosomal storage disease. The most common lysosomal storage disease associated with dermal melanocytosis is Hurler syndrome (625). Hepatosplenomegaly usually is present after age 6 months. Approximately 50% of patients have cherry-red spots. The skeletal deformities (dysostosis multiplex) are similar to those seen in Hurler syndrome (508,626). Patients with hepatosplenomegaly and rapid neurologic deterioration that begins during the first few months of life, but without facial coarsening or many skeletal deformities, also have been recognized (627). In the late infantile and juvenile forms of generalized G M1 gangliosidosis, neurologic symptoms usually become manifest after 1 year of age. Hyperacusis can be striking; seizures, frequently taking the form of myoclonic epilepsy, occur in approximately 50% of the patients, and a slowly progressive mental deterioration develops. Bony abnormalities and hepatosplenomegaly are absent, and optic atrophy, when present, is usually unaccompanied by a cherry-red spot (628). In the chronic adult form, progressive intellectual deterioration becomes apparent between 6 and 20 years of age. It is accompanied by ataxia, a variety of involuntary movements, and spasticity. In other cases, the condition is marked by progressive athetosis or dystonia but no dementia (629). Pathologic studies reveal that in this, as well as in other sphingolipidoses, the storage material in the more chronically progressive disorders is localized predominantly to the basal ganglia, notably the caudate and lenticular nuclei (630). In this region, axonal and dendritic changes analogous to those seen in G M2 gangliosidosis are maximal. The cause for the regional predilection is utterly obscure.

Diagnosis The diagnosis of G M1 gangliosidosis is suggested by the early onset of clinical manifestations and rapid neurologic deterioration in a patient who has features and radiologic bone changes reminiscent of Hurler syndrome and by the absence of β-galactosidase in conjunctiva, leukocytes, skin, urine, or viscera. Because so many phenotypic variants of this disorder exist, it is advisable to perform a conjunctival biopsy or to assay for β-galactosidase in any patient with an unexplained progressive neurologic disorder. Enzyme assays on fibroblasts cultured from amniotic fluid allow an antenatal diagnosis in offspring of affected families (631).

Treatment No treatment is available. G M1 gangliosidosis has not been treated successfully by bone marrow transplantation or enzyme infusions.

Gaucher Disease (OMIM 230800; 230900; 23100) Under the name of Gaucher disease are grouped three fairly distinct clinical conditions (chronic, infantile, and juvenile Gaucher disease) that are characterized by storage of cerebrosides in the reticuloendothelial system. The entity was first described by Gaucher in 1882 (632). It is the most prevalent of the hereditary storage diseases (633). Three forms have been delineated, with a considerable phenotypic continuum between the two neuropathic forms, and it is likely that nonhereditary factors modify disease expression (634). The most common form is chronic non-neuronopathic (type 1) Gaucher disease, a slowly progressive condition with marked visceral involvement but no nervous system involvement, except in a few instances in which it develops late in life. Occasionally, this form can appear at birth or during early childhood. The acute neuronopathic form (type 2) is a rare disorder, with a rapid downhill course and marked cerebral involvement. The subacute or juvenile neuronopathic form (type 3) is characterized by splenomegaly, anemia, and neurologic deterioration that develop in the first decade of life. A high incidence of this condition has been reported from the northern part of Sweden, and it therefore is also known as Norbottnian Gaucher disease.

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology The enzymatic defect in the various forms of Gaucher disease is an inactivity of a lysosomal ceramide glucoside-cleaving enzyme, glycosyl ceramide β-glucosidase (glucocerebrosidase) (635). The gene for this enzyme has been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 1. It has been isolated and sequenced. Numerous mutations have been identified, with two point mutations accounting for some 80% of mutant alleles. As yet, poor correlation exists between the genetic mutation and the ensuing clinical picture, and an individual's genotype predicts neither the severity nor the course of the illness, although, as a rule, the clinical picture is similar in siblings (636). As a consequence of the genetic lesion, glucocerebrosidase is defective, and glucocerebroside is the principal sphingolipid stored within the reticuloendothelial system in adult Gaucher disease (637). In affected individuals, the spleen contains greatly increased amounts of ceramide glucoside, ceramide dihexosides, and hematosides (ceramide-glucose-galactose-NANA) (638).

Pathologic Anatomy

The outstanding feature of all types of Gaucher disease is the widespread presence of large numbers of Gaucher cells in spleen, liver, lymph nodes, and bone marrow (Fig. 1.22). These are modified macrophages, appearing as spherical or oval cells between 20 and 50 µm in diameter with a lacy, striated cytoplasm that contrasts with the vacuolated foam cells of Niemann-Pick disease. Electron microscopy reveals irregular inclusion bodies containing tubular elements (639). In the neuronopathic form (type 2) of Gaucher disease, the cerebral alterations are of five types. These are foci of acute cell loss with neuronophagia, microglial nodules, and chronic neuronal dropout accompanied by gliosis. Additionally, perivascular Gaucher cells can be seen in white matter, particularly in the subcortical area. They are derived from vascular adventitial histiocytes. Finally, a subtle neuronal cytoplasmic accumulation of a PAS-positive material occurs, which on electron microscopy appears as tubular and fibrillar inclusions, similar to the tubules of isolated glucocerebrosides (640). These are detected principally in the large nerve cells outside the cerebral cortex. A marked degree of cytoplasmic storage is not characteristic of infantile Gaucher disease. The interrelation between the lipid storage and neuronal cell death is not clear. The selective neuronal loss in cerebral cortical layers 3 and 5 and hippocampal layers C A2–4 and 4b points to cytotoxic action (641). Lloyd-Evans and coworkers found that elevation of intracellular glucosylceramide results in increased functional calcium stores in cultured neurons. Glucosylceramide as well as glucosylsphingosine and galactosylsphingosine (psychosine), stimulate calcium release from brain microsomes. In the case of glucosylceramide and galactosylsphingosine the calcium release was mediated through the ryanodine receptors (642). This phenomenon may explain some of the neuropathology.

FIGURE 1.22. Typical Gaucher cell together with a lymphocyte and a juvenile neutrophil from the sternal bone marrow in a patient with Gaucher disease. (McGovern MM, Desnick RJ. Abnormalities in the monocyte-microphage system; Lysomal storage diseases. In Green JP, Foerster J, Lukens JN, et al. Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology, 11th ed., Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004;1821. With permission.)

Clinical Manifestations In the neuronopathic (type 2 infantile) form of Gaucher disease, the onset of symptoms is generally noted at age 4 or 5 months with anemia, apathy, and loss of intellectual achievements (643,644). These are followed by a gradually progressive spasticity. Neck retraction and bulbar signs are observed frequently, and the infant can have considerable difficulty in swallowing. An acquired oculomotor apraxia also has been noted in this form as well as in the subacute neuronopathic (type 3) form (645). Splenomegaly is usually quite marked, but liver and lymph nodes might not be enlarged. Pulmonary infiltration owing to aspiration or alveolar consolidation by Gaucher cells can be noted. Occasionally, retinal cherry-red spots are present. Radiographic examination reveals rarefaction at the lower ends of the femora. Laboratory studies show only anemia and thrombocytopenia. A neonatal form of Gaucher disease with complete deficiency of glucocerebrosidase is associated with congenital ichthyosis, hepatosplenomegaly, hydrops fetalis, and a rapidly progressive downhill course. This condition has been noted to have a prenatal onset (646). The subacute neuronopathic form (type 3) becomes apparent during the first decade of life, manifesting by a slowly progressive hepatosplenomegaly, intellectual deterioration, cerebellar ataxia, and spasticity (647). Myoclonic seizures are common (648). They are accompanied by giant potentials on the somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEP), an indication of abnormal cortical inhibition (649). A horizontal supranuclear gaze palsy can develop early in the disease and was found in almost all patients in the series of Harris and colleagues (645). Neuroimaging studies are generally unremarkable. A disproportionately large number of patients have been encountered in Norrbotten in northern Sweden (650). The condition is caused by a single mutation that has been seen in other parts of the world (651). The chronic non-neuronopathic (type 1) form of Gaucher disease, which is much more common than the other two forms and which occasionally is clinically evident during infancy, rarely involves the C NS, although some patients can develop an atypical form of

parkinsonism and dementia during their adult years (633).

Diagnosis The diagnosis of neuronopathic Gaucher disease must be considered in a child with anemia, splenomegaly, and intellectual deterioration. The presence of Gaucher cells in bone marrow aspirates supports the diagnosis, although Gaucher cells also can be seen in chronic myelocytic leukemia or, occasionally, in thalassemia major. The main difficulty, from a clinical standpoint, is excluding Niemann-Pick disease type A. Assay of glucocerebrosidase in leukocytes and fibroblast cultures, using synthetic or labeled natural substrates, provides a definitive diagnosis and can be used to identify the heterozygote for intrauterine diagnosis of the disease (633).

Treatment Two forms of therapy are being used in Gaucher disease: enzyme replacement therapy and substrate reduction therapy. Intravenous infusions of glucocerebrosidase purified from human placenta have been effective in reversing most of the systemic manifestations in the non-neuronopathic and the neuronopathic forms. The neurologic symptoms are less amenable to treatment, and in a series of 21 patients with type 3 disease cognitive function decreased in 8 patients while under therapy, with 3 of these patients developing myoclonic seizures (652). This lack of effectiveness results from the inability of intravenous administered glucocerebrosidase to cross the blood-brain barrier in significant amounts. C onvection-enhanced delivery of the enzyme to the brain has been effective in experimental animals, and could provide a better treatment option (645a). In substrate reduction therapy an inhibitor of glucosylceramide synthase (Miglustat) is used to reduce the rate of substrate formation to a level that can be metabolized by the residual glucocerebrosidase (653). Bone marrow transplantation has been attempted in the subacute form (type 3) of the disease with an encouraging response in some cases (568). As is the case for the other lysosomal storage diseases, gene therapy using retroviral vectors to transfer the cDNA for the human glucocerebrosidase gene into hematopoietic stem cells is still in the experimental phase.

Fabry Disease (OMIM 301500) This rare metabolic disorder is characterized by the storage of ceramide trihexoside and dihexoside and is transmitted as an X-linked recessive condition with unusually frequent penetrance into the heterozygous female patient (654,655,656,657,658,659).

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology The basic defect involves α-galactosidase A, an enzyme that is specific for cleavage of the terminal galactose moiety of globotriaosylceramide (ceramide trihexoside), which has an α configuration (see Fig. 1.19, step B II) (659a). The gene for αgalactosidase A is localized to the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq21.33–q22). It has been completely sequenced, and more than 200 mutations have been documented, with almost every family having its own private mutation, making phenotype difficult to predict from genotype (660). Examination of the synthesis and processing of the enzyme indicates that Fabry disease, like most other lysosomal storage diseases, represents a heterogeneous group of mutations affecting enzyme synthesis, processing, and stability. In some patients, deficiency of α-galactosidase A is the result of a complete absence of the protein; in others, the α-galactosidase A polypeptides are synthesized but are rapidly degraded after their transport to lysosomes (661). Yet other patients, with a milder clinical form of the disease, have residual enzyme activity. As a consequence of the enzymatic defect, large amounts of globotriaosylceramide (ceramide-glucose-galactose-galactose), normally present in minute amounts in plasma and kidneys, have been isolated from affected tissues, and lesser quantities of a ceramide dihexoside (ceramide-galactose-galactose) are found in kidney (662).

Pathologic Anatomy On pathologic examination, foam cells with vacuolated cytoplasm are found in smooth, striated, and heart musculature; bone marrow; reticuloendothelial system; and renal glomeruli. Much of the pathology of the disorder can be explained by storage within the vascular endothelium. In the C NS, lipid storage is highly selective and is primarily confined to the lysosomes of vascular endothelium, including that of the choroid plexus. The accumulation of the glycolipid leads to degenerative and proliferative changes and tissue ischemia and infarctions. In some cases, glycolipid also occurs in neurons of the autonomic nervous system, such as the intermediolateral cell columns of the thoracic cord, the dorsal autonomic nuclei of the vagus, hypothalamus, amygdala, and anterior nuclei of the thalamus (663). In these areas, the permeability of the blood–brain barrier can be sufficiently great to allow entrance of the glycolipid (664). On ultrastructural examination, the intraneuronal inclusions resemble those seen in Hurler syndrome, in that zebra bodies are prominent (663).

Clinical Manifestations Fabry disease was first described in 1898 on the basis of its dermatologic lesions (665). It is a rare condition with an incidence of approximately 1 in 40,000 (654). Manifestations usually begin in childhood, but can be delayed into the second or third decade of life. The clinical picture is believed to result from direct involvement of various tissues by lipid deposits or by vascular disease involving the small arteries and arterioles, predominantly in the posterior circulation (666). The disease is a systemic disorder. The first manifestations are usually acroparesthesias, fatigue with exercise, and cold and heat intolerance first appearing in early childhood (657,667). The punctate, angiectatic skin rash, which gave the condition its original name, angiokeratoma corpus diffusum, is commonly the next manifestation, and usually, as in Fabry's original case, appears in late childhood (668). It is most frequently seen about the hips, umbilicus, and genitalia, but can sometimes assume a butterfly distribution over the face. Diarrhea and postprandial pain are common, and many patients are underweight. Most male patients sweat poorly. The most debilitating symptoms are the acroparesthesial crises in the hands and feet, which become progressively more frequent and can be generalized, lasting for days to weeks, and are accompanied by fever and an elevated sedimentation rate. It is likely that these episodes of acroparesthesia result from peripheral nerve involvement (654). C orneal opacifications, best seen by slit-lamp examination, are common. They have been seen in infancy (669). A peripheral neuropathy affecting the small myelinated and unmyelinated fibers commonly develops as the disease progresses (670). In older patients, hypertension, recurrent cerebral infarction, and hemorrhage are the usual neurologic complications. Neuroimaging studies can be used to delineate the early cerebrovascular alterations consisting of small white matter hyperintense lesions on T2-weighted images and T1 hyperintensity in the pulvinar (671,672,673). Untreated, the illness is progressive; death is usually caused by renal failure or cardiac dysfunction. Variants atypical through lack of cutaneous manifestations or isolated renal, cardiac, and corneal involvement (cornea verticillata) are fairly common (576).

Heterozygous female patients can be totally asymptomatic or be as severely affected as male patients. Acroparesthesias, exercise intolerance, and cardiac involvement are particularly common (655).

Diagnosis Fabry disease should be considered in children who have intermittent burning pain in their feet, legs, and fingertips, aggravated by warm weather or exercise. In the early stages of the disease, angiomas must be sought with care. The umbilicus and scrotum are the most likely sites (654). In male patients, the diagnosis also can be made by finding lipid-like inclusions in the endothelium and smooth muscle of skin biopsies. Biopsy of the peripheral nerve can reveal swelling and disruption of unmyelinated axons and zebra bodies in perineural fibroblasts (670). The diagnosis in male patients is confirmed by finding a marked deficiency of α-galactosidase A in plasma or serum leukocytes or in cultured skin fibroblasts (670). Female patients must be diagnosed by mutation testing. The disease severity does not correlate with blood enzyme levels in female patients.

Treatment Phenytoin, carbamazepine, gabapentin, or a combination of these drugs can be of considerable benefit in relieving the intermittent pain if nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents are insufficient. Avoidance of extremes of heat and cold, reduction of fevers, and spraying of water on the body (to substitute for sweating) can be helpful measures. Enzyme replacement therapy using 1 mg/kg of α-galactosidase A (Fabrazyme) every 2 weeks reverses systemic manifestations of the disease, stabilizes renal function, and decreases the episodes of acroparesthesia, although improvement in pain may take over a year. These infusions, although very expensive, are well tolerated and are free of major side reactions (674,675,676). In Europe, α-galactosidase B (Replagal), an enzyme functionally identical to αgalactosidase A, is available and infused at the lower dose of 0.2 mg/kg every other week (677). Enzyme replacement therapy improves peripheral nerve function (678) and cardiac function (679) and reduces cerebral hyperperfusion (680,681).

Schindler Disease Schindler disease, a very rare disorder first recognized in 1988, is believed to be the consequence of a defect in lysosomal α-Nacetylgalactosaminidase (α-NAGA) (α-galactosidase B). The condition is marked by storage of glycopeptides and oligosaccharides with termination α-N-acetylgalactosaminyl moieties. The neuropathologic picture resembles that of infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy (Seitelberger disease), a condition covered in C hapter 3, in that axonal spheroids are seen throughout the neocortex. C linical heterogeneity is marked; the same genotype can present with a progressive disease leading to the vegetative state or be totally asymptomatic (682). In many of the reported cases the illness becomes apparent during the second year of life and manifests itself by developmental deterioration, myoclonic seizures, and cortical blindness. Angiokeratoma and tortuous conjunctival vessels are seen in the older patients (683). No organomegaly occurs and there is no vacuolization of peripheral lymphocytes or granulocytes. The diagnosis is made by analysis of plasma or leukocyte lysosomal enzymes and analysis of oligosaccharides in nondesalted urine (683,684).

Niemann-Pick Diseases (OMIM 257200) The prototype of these conditions was first described in 1914 by Niemann (685). Their traditional nomenclature as proposed in 1958 by C rocker and Farber (686) implies that these conditions are biochemically and enzymatically related. Actually, this is not the case. Niemann-Pick disease types A (NPA) and B (NPB) are recessively inherited lysosomal storage diseases that feature a deficiency in sphingomyelinase activity and an accumulation of sphingomyelin in the reticuloendothelial system. They are allelic and result from mutations in the gene that codes for sphingomyelinase. Types C (NPC ) and D (NPD) are characterized by an accumulation of cholesterol and sphingomyelin. They result from an abnormal intracellular translocation of cholesterol derived from low-density lipoproteins with NPD being an allelic variant of NPC . C allahan proposed a classification by which the various conditions are grouped into type I (formerly types A and B) and type II (formerly types C and D) (687). From a clinical point of view, it is still preferable, however, to retain the older classification.

Niemann-Pick Disease Type A C linically, NPA is characterized by autosomal recessive transmission with a predilection for Ashkenazi Jewish families [approximately 30% of patients in the series of C rocker and Farber (686)]. Symptoms become apparent during the first year of life with hepatosplenomegaly, which can lead to massive abdominal distention, and with poor physical and mental development. Other systemic symptoms include persistent neonatal jaundice, diarrhea, generalized lymphadenopathy, and pulmonary infiltrates. In approximately one-third of patients, neurologic symptoms predominate initially, and few children survive beyond infancy without apparent involvement of the nervous system. Seizures, particularly myoclonic jerks, are common, and marked spasticity can develop before death. Approximately one-half of the infants have hypotonia; with progression of the disease, the nerve conduction velocities slow. On biopsy of the peripheral nerves, the Schwann cells are filled with inclusion bodies (688). Retinal cherryred spots are found in approximately 25% of patients and can antedate neurologic abnormalities (686). C orneal and lenticular opacifications are common (673a). The progression of the disease is variable, but death usually occurs before age 5 years.

FIGURE 1.23. Structure of a sphingomyelin.

The pathologic hallmark of NPA is the presence of large, lipid-laden cells in the reticuloendothelial system, mostly in spleen, bone marrow, liver, lungs, and lymph nodes. In the brain, massive, generalized deposition of foam cells and ballooned ganglion cells occurs, primarily in the cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord (690). Lipid storage also occurs in the endothelium of cerebral blood vessels, in arachnoid cells, and in the connective tissue of the choroid plexus. Biochemical examination documents the storage of sphingomyelin in affected organs. This compound was first described in 1884 by Thudichum, the father of neurochemistry (691), and was found to have the structure depicted in Fig. 1.23. C hemical and histochemical studies have shown sphingomyelin to be a major myelin constituent. It is also a normal component of spleen. Sphingomyelinase, which cleaves sphingomyelin into phosphatidylcholine and ceramide, is normally present in liver, kidney, spleen, and brain. Two forms of this enzyme have been distinguished. The lysosomal form has an acidic pH optimum, which distinguishes it from the microsomal form, which has a basic pH optimum. In NPA, the lysosomal enzyme is defective. The gene for lysosomal sphingomyelinase has been mapped to the short arm of chromosome 11p15.1–p15.4. It has been cloned and sequenced, and a variety of mutations have been described. Mutations lacking catalytically active sphingomyelinase result in NPA, whereas mutations that produce a defective enzyme with some residual catalytic activity result in NPB (692). Two common mutations are responsible for more than 50% of Ashkenazi Jewish patients with NPA (693).

Niemann-Pick Disease Type B C lassic NPB is very rare, and the majority of NPB patients develop neurologic symptoms later in life (694). The absence of any childhood neurologic manifestations in NPB precludes its extensive discussion. Suffice it to say that the clinical picture is one of hepatosplenomegaly, hyperlipidemia, and interstitial pulmonary infiltrates. In some cases, sphingomyelin storage occurs in retinal neurons, peripheral nerves, and the endothelium of the cerebral vasculature (695).

Niemann-Pick Disease Type C (OMIM 257220) Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC ) is more common than NPA and NPB combined and is seen in a variety of ethnic groups. Its prevalence in Western Europe has been estimated at 1 in 150,000, but it is much higher in certain geographic isolates such as in the French Acadians of Nova Scotia. It has been described under several terms, notably Niemann-Pick types E and F, a condition in which vertical supranuclear ophthalmoplegia and sea-blue histiocytes were accompanied by hepatic cirrhosis and juvenile dystonic lipidosis. As can be surmised from the multitude of eponyms, the clinical picture is extremely heterogeneous, even within the same family, and reports describe a continuum of severity, with neurologic symptoms appearing any time from infancy to late adult life. Two genotypes have been recognized. About 95% of patients with NPC have mutations in the NPC 1 gene that has been mapped to 18q11; the remainder have mutations in the NPC 2 gene mapped to 14q24.3 (696).

NPC1 C linically, the disorder is heterogeneous, but three phenotypes have been described with considerable overlap among them: 1. An early-onset, rapidly progressive form is seen in about 20% of cases. It is marked by severe liver dysfunction and developmental delay in infancy, followed by supranuclear gaze palsy, ataxia, increasing spasticity, and seizures in those who survive the neonatal period. In its most severe form, comprising another 10% of patients with NPC 1, the disease presents in infancy with prolonged neonatal jaundice, often associated with cholestasis and giant cell hepatitis, hepatosplenomegaly, and a rapid progression (697) Neurologic signs or symptoms may not be apparent (698). 2. A late infantile/juvenile form is seen in 50% of patients. In this entity, the disease makes its first appearance between ages 2 and 4 years. Neurologic symptoms predominate, and in children younger than 5 years cerebellar ataxia is the presenting feature. Older children present with learning difficulties. Dystonia and other basal ganglia symptoms are common, as are myoclonic or akinetic seizures, ataxia, and macular cherry-red spots. A supranuclear paralysis of vertical gaze is characteristic for this condition. Some degree of hepatosplenomegaly is found in some 90% of patients, but is not as striking as in NPA and can become less marked as the illness progresses (699). Sea-blue histiocytes and foam cells are seen in the bone marrow in virtually every instance (700). 3. A late-onset variant with a clinical picture similar to the juvenile-onset variant can appear during adolescence or adult life. 4. A non-neuronopathic form of NPC 1 has also been described. On pathologic examination of the brain, the condition is marked by a massive loss of nerve cells and the lysosomal accumulation of unesterified cholesterol and sphingolipids within neurons. Lysosomal accumulation of unesterified cholesterol and sphingolipids is also seen in liver and spleen (701). C ytoskeletal abnormalities are seen within neurons. These consist of Alzheimer Disease (AD)-type neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) composed of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins. Tau proteins are low-molecular-weight, microtubuleassociated proteins that are normally found predominantly in axons of the central nervous system (702). In the most severely affected patients there is also a deposition amyloid beta protein such as is seen in Alzheimer disease. This deposition is particularly marked in patients who are hom*ozygous for ApoE4 (703). The gene that is defective in NPC 1 encodes a transmembrane protein that is involved in mobilization of endosomal cholesterol to the plasma membrane. C holesterol is delivered to cells by the low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) pathway. In the cell, after LDL receptormediated endocytosis, the LDL particles are transported to lysosomes, where cholesterol esters are hydrolyzed by acid lipase. Unesterified cholesterol is used for synthesis of membranes and sterol derivatives and regulates de novo cholesterol biosynthesis and LDL uptake. In NPC 1 cholesterol biosynthesis is not suppressed despite high levels of free intracellular cholesterol (704). The relation between the disorder of cholesterol metabolism and the development of Alzheimer-like pathology is an area of intense investigation (705).

NPC2 Although genetically distinct, NPC 2 is phenotypically similar to NPC 1. The rate of disease progression is variable, and death may occur by 6 months of age or not until adult life. In the small number of patients surveyed, pulmonary symptoms including pulmonary fibrosis was common (706). The condition results from mutations in HE1, a ubiquitously expressed soluble lysosomal protein that binds cholesterol (707).

Niemann-Pick Disease Type D The clinical presentation of NPD, now known to be allelic with NPC , is indistinguishable from the slowly progressive form of NPC , except that patients are from southwestern Nova Scotia, a geographic isolate where the heterozygote frequency for this condition ranges between 1 in 4 and 1 in 10 (708,709).

Diagnosis Hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, and failure to thrive in children who show intellectual deterioration can suggest one of the forms of Niemann-Pick disease with neurologic involvement. Leukocytes and skin fibroblasts of patients with NPA are deficient in sphingomyelinase. Sphingomyelinase activity has been found in cultured amniotic fibroblasts, allowing an intrauterine diagnosis of NPA and NPB (695). Diagnosis of both NPC 1 and NPC 2 can be made by demonstrating delayed LDL-derived cholesterol esterification and increased amounts of unesterified cholesterol in fibroblasts. Staining with filipin demonstrates the intracellular accumulation of cholesterol (701). A small percentage of patients with NPC show near-normal results of the biochemical tests. Fibroblasts derived from these NPC -variant patients act as in a sphingolipid storage disease and accumulate a fluorescent sphingolipid in their lysosomes rather than in the Golgi complex as is the case in normal cells (710). The presence of sea-blue histiocytes in the bone marrow also serves to diagnose NPC .

Treatment Liver or bone marrow transplantation has been unsuccessful in the treatment of NPA and NPC . Enzyme replacement therapy is being developed for patients with NPB who have no neurologic symptoms. No evidence indicates that dimethylsulfoxide or cholesterollowering agents improve neurologic symptoms in NPC .

Wolman Disease (Acid Lipase Deficiency Disease) (OMIM 278000) This condition was first described by Wolman and his group in 1956 (711). The clinical manifestations resemble those of NPA and include failure in weight gain, a malabsorption syndrome, and adrenal insufficiency. Lipoproteins and plasma cholesterol are reduced and acanthocytes are evident (712). A massive hepatosplenomegaly occurs, and radiographic examination reveals the adrenals to be calcified. Neurologic symptoms are usually limited to delayed intellectual development. Pathologic examination shows xanthomatosis of the viscera. Sudanophilic material is stored in the leptomeninges, retinal ganglion cells, and nerve cells of the myenteric plexus. Sudanophilic granules outline the cortical capillaries, and sudanophilic demyelination occurs (713). A striking accumulation of cholesterol esters and triglycerides occurs in affected tissues. Lipid accumulation is greatest in tissues that synthesize the most cholesterol esters. These tissues include the adrenal cortex, liver, intestine, spleen, and lymph nodes. Relatively little lipid storage occurs in the brain. The basic enzymatic defect is a deficiency in lysosomal acid lipase, an enzyme that normally hydrolyzes cholesterol esters and medium- and long-chain triglycerides (714). The gene coding for this enzyme has been mapped to chromosome 10q23.2 and has been cloned. Acid lipase deficiency has been demonstrated in fibroblasts, which lack the ability to hydrolyze cholesterol esters entering the cells bound to low-density lipoproteins. Because free low-density lipoproteins are not present in the cell, the suppression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-C oA reductase, which normally regulates endogenous cholesterol synthesis, also is impaired (715). Deficiency of lysosomal acid lipase is responsible for two clinically distinguishable phenotypes: Wolman disease and cholesterol ester storage disease (C ESD). Wolman disease is a severe infantile-onset variant, whereas C ESD is a milder condition and often remains unrecognized until adult life. Lipid deposition is widespread, but hepatomegaly may be the only clinical manifestation. Most but not all patients with C ESD have genetic mutations that result in residual acid lipase activity, whereas the mutations resulting in Wolman disease produce a nonfunctioning enzyme (716,717). Wolman disease also should be distinguished from triglyceride storage disease type I, in which only the hydrolysis of triglycerides is impaired and in which infants are developmentally retarded (718). Bone marrow transplant has produced a long-term remission with normalization of peripheral lysosomal acid lipase activity and improved developmental milestones (719). 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG C oA) reductase inhibitors have only been minimally beneficial.

Ceramidosis (Farber Lipogranulomatosis) (OMIM 228000) C eramidosis, which is probably the rarest of the lysosomal storage diseases, was first described by Farber and associates (720). The clinical features are unique and manifest during the first few weeks of life. The infant becomes irritable, has a hoarse cry, and develops nodular erythematous swelling of the wrists. Over subsequent months, nodules develop in numerous sites, particularly in areas subject to trauma, such as joints and the subcutaneous tissue of the buttocks. Severe motor and mental retardation occur. Hepatosplenomegaly has been seen in approximately 70% of reported cases (721). In approximately two-thirds of cases, the disease progresses rapidly, and death usually occurs by 2 years of age. As a rule, the earlier the dermal nodules appear, the more malignant is the illness. Variants that resemble a malignant form of histiocytosis X have been reported (722). The basic pathologic lesion is a granuloma formed by the proliferation and ballooning of mesenchymal cells that ultimately become enmeshed in dense hyaline fibrous tissue. Within the C NS, neurons and glial cells are swollen and contain stored material (723). The enzymatic defect responsible has been localized to lysosomal acid ceramidase, which is absent from brain, kidney, and skin fibroblasts (724). The gene coding for the enzyme has been cloned, and numerous pathogenic mutations have been defined (725). A consequence of the defect is a striking increase in ceramides in affected tissues. Gangliosides also are increased, particularly in the

subcutaneous nodules, which have the ganglioside concentration of normal gray matter. Mildly affected patients in whom mental function is unimpaired also have been encountered (697). Bone marrow transplantation has been unsuccessful in correcting the neurologic deficits, and no treatment exists for this disorder (721).

Cystinosis (OMIM 219800) Neurologic symptoms are not commonly part of the clinical picture of early-onset or infantile nephropathic cystinosis. However, with the successful management of end-stage renal disease and longer survival of patients, neurologic complications are becoming apparent (725). C ystine accumulates in the form of cystine crystals in lysosomes of a variety of organs. In the brain, they are seen in the interstitial macrophages of choroid plexus (726). Two forms of neurologic disorder have been recognized. One form is marked by progressive cerebellar signs, spasticity, pseudobulbar palsy, and dementia. The second form presents with the sudden onset of changes in consciousness and hemiparesis (727). A myopathy caused by accumulation of cystine in and around muscle fibers, and oral motor dysfunction also has been recorded (728). C omputed tomography (C T) scans have revealed progressive ventricular dilation and calcifications in the periventricular white matter (729). A young man with a progressive parkinsonian movement disorder has been seen at our hospital. Treatment with cysteamine can be effective in some cases with encephalopathy (727).

DISORDERS OF LIPID AND LIPOPROTEIN METABOLISM Globoid cell leukodystrophy and metachromatic leukodystrophy have been shown to result from a disorder in lipid metabolism. These conditions are discussed in C hapter 3 with the other leukodystrophies.

Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis (OMIM 213700) Although cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis, a rare but well-defined familial disease, was first described by van Bogaert and associates in 1937 (730), its unique chemical feature, deposition of cholestanol (dihydrocholesterol) within the nervous system, was uncovered only in 1968 by Menkes and associates (731). The disease is characterized by xanthomas of tendons and lungs, cataracts, slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, spasticity, and dementia. It has a predilection for Sephardic Jews of Moroccan ancestry. Although, as a rule, the disease is not apparent until late childhood, some 35% of patients in the series of Berginer and colleagues were symptomatic before age 10 years (732). Progression is generally slow, and in many instances, the illness does not interfere with a normal life span. The triad of progressive spinocerebellar ataxia, pyramidal signs, and mental retardation is seen in the large majority of patients with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis, and mental retardation is seen in more than 90% (732). C ataracts are present in 76% of patients and generally are seen as early as 56 years of age. Seizures are encountered in 40% to 50% of patients and can be the presenting symptom (733). Intractable diarrhea can be a major manifestation during childhood (chologenic diarrhea) (734). A sensory and motor neuropathy also has been documented (703). Tendon xanthomas can be apparent in childhood, most commonly over the Achilles and triceps tendons. Serum cholesterol levels tend to be low, and cholestanol concentrations in serum and erythrocytes are elevated (732). C T reveals the presence of hyperdense nodules in the cerebellum and diffuse white matter hypodensity. MRI demonstrates atrophy of cerebrum and cerebellum, with occasional atrophy of the brainstem and corpus callosum. Increased signal is seen on T2-weighted images in the dentate nucleus, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and inferior olive, extending into the white matter as the disease progresses. Occasionally hypodensity on T2-weighted images is present in the dentate nucleus, related to deposition of hemosiderin and calcifications (735). On pathologic examination, the brainstem and cerebellum are the two areas within the nervous system most affected. Myelin destruction, a variable degree of gliosis, and xanthoma cells are visible (736). On chemical examination, large amounts of free and esterified cholestanol are found stored in the nervous system. The sterol is located not only in such affected areas as the cerebellum, but also in histologically normal myelin. The content of cholestanol in the tendon xanthomas is increased, but here the predominant sterol is cholesterol (731). The defect in cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis has been localized to the mitochondrial sterol 27-hydroxylase (737). The gene has been cloned, and numerous mutations have been documented (738,739). As a consequence of the enzymatic defect, chenodeoxycholic acid is absent from bile, and cholic acid biosynthesis proceeds via the 25-hydroxylated intermediates. Large amounts of C -27 bile alcohols in the form of glucuronides are present in bile, plasma, and urine. Batta and coworkers explained the deposition of cholestanol within the C NS, where it can comprise as much as 50% of the total sterols, by a disorder in the blood–brain barrier induced by the presence of large amounts of bile alcohol glucuronides (740). Treatment with chenodeoxycholic acid (15 mg/kg per day) reverses the elevated C SF cholestanol levels and induces a 50% reduction of plasma cholestanol, an increase in IQ, and a reversal of neurologic symptoms (741). Additionally, improvement occurs in the EEG, somatosensory-evoked potentials, and the MRI (732,741).

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome (OMIM 270400) Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, an autosomal recessive condition, is marked by the combination of mental retardation, hypotonia, midface hypoplasia, congenital or postnatal cataracts, and ptosis. Anomalies of the external male genitalia and the upper urinary tract are common (742). The prevalence of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome has been estimated at 1 in 20,000, making it one of the more common metabolic causes for mental retardation (743,744). The basic biochemical defect involves the gene coding for sterol delta-7reductase, the enzyme that converts 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholesterol, the last step of cholesterol biosynthesis (744). The gene has been mapped to chromosome 11q12–q13 and has been cloned. A number of mutations have been documented that result in reduced expression of the enzyme (745,746). As a consequence of the enzymatic defect, the concentration of plasma 7-dehydrocholesterol is markedly increased and plasma cholesterol is significantly reduced. The clinical picture of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome ranges in severity from little more than syndactyly of the second and third toes to holoprosencephaly with profound mental retardation (746). As a rule, the lower the plasma cholesterol, the more severe is the clinical picture. Although the disease has been divided into two types, with type II being more severe than type I, there is a continuum of clinical severity. A low plasma cholesterol level should suggest the diagnosis, which can be confirmed by finding an elevated 7dehydrocholesterol level on gas–liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy (747). In 10% of patients, plasma cholesterol levels are normal, and the diagnosis depends on quantitation of 7-dehydrocholesterol (747). Some patients excrete large amounts of 3methylglutaconic acid, and this can be detected on screening of urinary organic acids (748). Several other disorders of cholesterol biosynthesis are associated with dysmorphogenesis of the brain and other organs, notably the limbs (748a). C holesterol can modulate

the activity of the Hedgehog proteins (see C hapter 5), which control the embryonic development of forebrain and limbs (749,750). The various other genetic disorders of cholesterol biosynthesis are listed in Table 1.19.

TABLE 1.19 Genetic Disorders of Cholesterol Biosynthesis


Clinical Picture

Smith-LemliOpitz syndrome

Microcephaly, holoprosencephaly, facial and limb anomalies


Macrocephaly, rhizomelic limb shortening, facial anomalies


Dysmorphic features, microcephaly, facial anomalies

Mevalonic acidemia

Growth failure, developmental delay, hypotonia, ataxia, facial anomalies

ConradiHünermann syndrome

Lethal in males; asymmetric limb shortening, scoliosis, cataracts, facial anomalies, patchy alopecia, skin defects, occasional mental retardation

CHILD syndrome

Lethal in males; unilateral erythematous exfoliative dermatitis, punctate calcifications of epitheses

Antley-Bixler syndrome

Craniosynostosis, severe midface hypoplasia, proptosis, choanal atresia/stenosis, frontal bossing, dysplastic ears, depressed nasal bridge, radiohumeral synostosis, longbone fractures and femoral bowing, urogenital abnormalities


BrunettiPieri et al. (753)

Hassell and Butler (753)

CHILD, congenital hemidysplasia, ichthyosiform erythroderma, and limb defects. These conditions are reviewed by Haas and coworkers (750), Herman (753), Porter (754), and Krakowiak and coworkers (755).

Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome has been treated with dietary cholesterol supplementation, which unfortunately does not improve the development of affected children (756).

PEROXISOMAL DISORDERS Peroxisomes are ubiquitous organelles containing more than 50 enzymes involved in anabolic and catabolic reactions, including plasmalogen and bile acid biosynthesis, gluconeogenesis, the removal of excess peroxides, purine catabolism, and β-oxidation of very long chain fatty acids. Peroxisomes do not contain DNA, and peroxisomal matrix and membrane proteins, therefore, must be imported from the cytosol where they are synthesized. Peroxisomal structure and function and peroxisomal biogenesis have been reviewed by Moser (757), Gould and colleagues (758), and Wanders (759). At least 20 disorders of peroxisomal function have been identified. They can be classified into two groups. In group 1, a disorder of peroxisome biogenesis, the number of peroxisomes is reduced and the activities of many peroxisomal enzymes are deficient. Zellweger cerebrohepatorenal syndrome, neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, and infantile Refsum disease belong to this group. In group 2, peroxisomal structure and function are normal, and the defect is limited to a single peroxisomal enzyme. At least 13 disorders exist in which a single peroxisomal enzyme is defective (757). X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, in which peroxisomal fatty acid β-oxidation is defective, and adult Refsum disease, in which phytanic acid α-oxidation is deficient, belong to this group. X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy is covered in C hapter 3 with the other leukodystrophies. The major clinical features of the disorders of peroxisomal assembly are outlined in Table 1.20.

Disorders of Peroxisomal Biogenesis The basic defect in disorders of peroxisomal biogenesis involves the incorporation of the peroxisomal proteins into peroxisomes. The proteins of peroxisomal matrix and membranes are encoded by nuclear genes and are synthesized on cytoplasmic polyribosomes. They are then targeted to the peroxisomes. Protein targeting is achieved through the interaction of specific peroxisomal-targeting signals on these proteins with their cognate cytoplasmic receptors. The major targeting signal is a C -terminal tripeptide (PTS1). Less commonly, a nine-amino acid signal is used (PTS2). These receptors, bound to their cargo, interact with specific docking proteins in the peroxisomal membrane. Finally, by a process not fully understood, the peroxisomal proteins enter the peroxisome (758). As ascertained from the results of complementation analyses, at least 15 different groups of defects affect peroxisomal biogenesis, implying that at least 15 genes are involved in the formation of normal peroxisomes and in the transport of peroxisomal enzymes (757). No correlation exists between the complementation group and the phenotypic features, and Zellweger syndrome is represented in 13 of the 15 complementation groups (757). As a consequence of the defect of peroxisomal membrane proteins, enzymes normally found within the peroxisomal matrix are absent or located in the cytosol, and cultured fibroblasts derived from patients with Zellweger syndrome contain empty membranous sacs, designated as peroxisomal ghosts (760).

Zellweger Syndrome The differentiation of the disorders of peroxisomal biogenesis into Zellweger syndrome, neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, and infantile Refsum disease is not based on a fundamental genetic difference but on the severity of the disease, with Zellweger syndrome the most severe and infantile Refsum disease the least severe. All three entities are autosomal recessive disorders, with the Zellweger form having a frequency of 1 in 100,000 births. Several genetic defects cause the disorders of peroxisomal biogenesis. Mutations in either one of two adenosinetriphosphatases (ATPases), peroxin 1 (PEX1) and peroxin 6 (PEX6), are common causes of these disorders (761). The gene for PEX1, which is responsible for about two-thirds of patients with Zellweger syndrome (762), encodes a 147-kd member of the AAA protein family (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities), and at least 30 mutations of this gene have been recorded (762). PEX1 is believed to interact with PEX6, a different member of the AAA protein family, and the two proteins are active in the import of protein into the peroxisomal matrix. At least seven other genetic mutations have been delineated (758). The phenotypic severity of Zellweger syndrome appears to correlate well with the gene defect, in that mutations with the most significant loss of protein function result in the most severe clinical symptoms (762).

TABLE 1.20 Major Clinical Features of Disorders of Peroxisomal Assembly and Their Occ Peroxisomal Disorders





Oxidase Deficiency

Bifunctional Enzyme Deficiency






DHAP Synth Deficie

Average age at death or last follow-up (years)




Facial dysmorphism



















Impaired hearing








Psychom*otor delay
























seizures Large liver






Renal cysts






Chondrodysplasia punctata




Neuronal migration defect








Coronal vertebral cleft








Percentages indicate the percentage of patients in whom the abnormality is present; 0, abnormality i degree to which an abnormality is present. DHAP, dihydroacetone phosphate; IRD, infantile Refsum disease; NALD, neonatal adrenoleukodystrop rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata; ZS, Zellweger syndrome. From Moser HW. Peroxisomal disorders, In: Rosenberg RN, Prusiner SB, DiMauro S, et al., eds. The m genetic basis of neurologic and psychiatric disease, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Butterworth–Heinemann, 20 With permission of Dr. Hugo Moser, Director, Neurogenetics Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institu University, Baltimore, MD.

In its classic form, Zellweger syndrome is marked by intrauterine growth retardation, hypotonia, profound developmental delay, hepatomegaly, variable contractures in the limbs, and renal glomerular cysts. Impaired hearing and nystagmus are common, as are irregular calcifications of the patellae. Facies are unusual with a large fontanel, a high forehead with shallow supraorbital ridges, a low or broad nasal bridge, and a variety of eye and ear anomalies (763) (see Fig. 1.10). A number of migrational disorders of the brain have been documented, including macrogyria, polymicrogyria, and heterotopic gray matter in the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum (764,765,766). Based on experimental studies, Janssen and coworkers suggested that peroxisomal metabolism in the brain and in extraneural tissue affects the normal neocortical development (767). MRI discloses impaired myelination and diffusely abnormal gyral patterns with areas of pachygyria and micropolygyria. These abnormalities are most severe in the perisylvian and perirolandic regions (768). The plasma fatty acid pattern in Zellweger syndrome is abnormal, with large amounts of very long chain fatty acids. Most patients also have elevations in plasma or urinary pipecolic acid. Additionally, phytanic levels are elevated, and the urinary excretion of dicarboxylic acids is increased (769).

Neonatal Adrenoleukodystrophy and Infantile Refsum Disease These two entities represent less severe expressions of disordered peroxisomal biogenesis. Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy is an autosomal recessive disease, in contrast to the X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy of later onset, with symptoms becoming apparent during the first 3 months of life. It is marked by dysmorphic features, hearing deficit, hypotonia, hepatomegaly, seizures, and retinal degeneration (770). The clinical features of infantile Refsum disease are similar. They include a sensorineural hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa, and mental retardation. Facial dysmorphism and hypotonia are less marked, and neonatal seizures are less common than in Zellweger syndrome (770). As in Zellweger syndrome, serum phytanic acid, pipecolic acid, and very long chain fatty acids are present in increased amounts in plasma, and urinary pipecolic acid is elevated (757). The diagnosis of these conditions is best made by assay of plasma very long chain fatty acids and can be confirmed by phytanic acid and pipecolic acid determinations in plasma or urine (757). Morphologic examination of established fibroblast cultures or tissue obtained by liver biopsy is also of diagnostic assistance (757).

Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata (RCDP) RC DP, an autosomal recessive disorder, is marked by severe proximal shortening of humeri and femora and mental retardation with or

without spasticity. Patients have flat facies and a low nasal bridge; cataracts are seen in 72% and ichthyosis in 28% (757). Radiography shows punctate epiphyseal and extraepiphyseal mineralization. Similar calcifications are seen in warfarin embryopathy, maternal lupus, and C onradi-Hünermann syndrome. The last is an X-linked, dominant, male lethal disorder in which intelligence is relatively preserved (771). Neuropathologic examination in RC DP shows little more than cortical atrophy; no abnormality in myelination or disorders of cortical migration occur. A defect in the gene for PEX7, a gene involved in the import of protein to the peroxisomal matrix, has been demonstrated in most instances of this condition (757). RC DP can also result from defects in alkyl-dihydroxyacetonephosphosphate synthase (OMIM 600121) and dihydroxyacetonephosphate acyltransferase (OMIM 222765), two enzymes required for ether lipid synthesis. In neither of these latter genetic defects is there an elevation of serum phytanic acid.

Single-Peroxisomal-Enzyme Defects Refsum Disease (Heredopathia Atactica Polyneuritiformis) (OMIM 266500) Although Refsum disease has been known since 1944, when Refsum (772) described two families with polyneuritis, muscular atrophy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, diminution of hearing, and ichthyosis, an underlying disorder in lipid metabolism was uncovered only some 20 years later (773). The disease usually makes its appearance between ages 4 and 7 years, most commonly with partial, intermittent peripheral neuropathy. This neuropathy can be accompanied by sensorineural deafness, ichthyosis, and cardiomyopathy. The C SF shows albuminocytologic dissociation with a protein level between 100 and 600 mg/dL. In brain, lipids are deposited in swollen nerve cells and in areas of demyelination with the formation of fatty macrophages (774). The characteristic alterations in peripheral nerve are hypertrophy, sometimes with onion bulb formation, and a loss of myelinated fibers. Electron microscopy reveals Schwann cells to contain paracrystalline inclusions. In all organs, including the brain, quantities of lipids are increased. The lipids contain, as one of their major fatty acids, a branched-chain compound, 3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadecanoic acid (phytanic acid). Blood levels of phytanic acid are increased. In contrast to normal levels of 0.2 mg/dL or less, they range between 10 and 50 mg/dL. Very long chain fatty acids are normal. These changes result from a defect in the gene that codes for phytanoyl-coenzyme A hydroxylase. As a consequence, there is a block in the peroxisomal α-oxidation of phytanic to prostanoic acid (Fig. 1.24) (775). Phytanic acid is almost exclusively of exogenous origin and derived mainly from dietary phytol ingested in the form of nuts, spinach, or coffee. When patients are placed on a phytol-free diet, blood phytanic acid levels decrease slowly, and within 1 year reach levels of approximately one-fourth of the original values (776). This change is accompanied by increased nerve conduction velocities, return of reflexes, and improvement in sensation and objective coordination. Periodic plasma exchanges have been used to reduce body stores of phytanic acid and appear to be particularly effective during the early phases of therapy (776).

FIGURE 1.24. Phytol metabolism. In Refsum disease, the metabolic block is located at the conversion of phytanic to pristanic acid.

The mechanism by which phytanic acid produces the variety of clinical manifestations is not clear. One attractive hypothesis is that its structural similarity to the farnesol and the geranyl-geranyl groups permits phytanic acid to interfere with the formation of cytosolic prenylated proteins and prevents anchoring of cytosolic proteins to membranes. The differential diagnosis of Refsum disease includes other causes of chronic and intermittent polyneuritis, such as α-lipoprotein deficiency (Tangier disease), which can be diagnosed by examination of the plasma lipoproteins and by the low serum cholesterol levels. Other similar clinical entities are relapsing infectious polyneuritis, the mitochondrial myopathies (ophthalmoplegia plus), acute intermittent porphyria, recurrent exposures to toxins, particularly alcohol or lead, and the various hereditary sensory motor neuropathies described in C hapter 3.

Mevalonic Aciduria (OMIM 251170)

Mevalonic aciduria is an inborn error of cholesterol biosynthesis whose clinical picture is heterogeneous (777). Most often it is highlighted by neonatal acidosis, the evolution of cataracts, and seizures (778). Recurrent attacks of fever, profound diarrhea and a malabsorption syndrome are accompanied by hyperimmunoglobulin D and an increased excretion of leukotriene E4 during the febrile episodes (779). Hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and anemia can suggest a congenital infection. Affected infants have a triangular face with down-slanted eyes and large, posteriorly rotated, low-set ears. The diagnosis can be suspected by a markedly reduced blood cholesterol level and confirmed by analysis of urinary organic acids. However, blood cholesterol may be normal, and mevalonic acid may only be present when the child is ill, and even then in only low quantities (779a). The defect is localized to mevalonate kinase, a peroxisomal enzyme, which is virtually absent in fibroblasts. The pathogenesis of the clinical manifestations is unknown (780). Some of the other conditions resulting from defects of single peroxisomal enzymes are summarized in Table 1.21.

CARBOHYDRATE-DEFICIENT GLYCOPROTEIN SYNDROMES (CONGENITAL DISORDERS OF GLYCOSYLATION, CDG) C arbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndromes (C DGS) were first described in 1987 by Jacken and coworkers (781). They represent a group of heterogeneous genetic neurologic disorders with multisystem involvement that result from the abnormal synthesis of N-linked and, less commonly, so far, of O-linked oligosaccharides (782,782a). C DG has been reported throughout the world; all entities are transmitted as autosomal recessive traits and all, except for C DG Ib, result in primary dysfunction of the nervous system. The phenotypic extent of these disorders is still being delineated, with the most severe disorders having been the first to be defined.

TABLE 1.21 Single-Peroxisomal-Enzyme Defects



X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy

ALDP–ATP binding transporter protein

Acyl-CoA oxidase deficiency

Acyl-CoA oxidase

Bifunctional protein deficiency

Bifunctional protein

Racemase deficiency


Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyl transferase Alkyldihydroxyacetone phosphate synthase

Refsum disease

Phytanoyl-CoA hydroxylase

Mevalonate kinase deficiency

Mevalonate kinase

Glutaric aciduria type 3

Glutaryl CoA oxidase



Primary hyperoxaluria, type 1

Alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase

ALDP, adrenoleukodystrophy protein.

Almost all proteins that are secreted or membrane-bound have carbohydrate side chains. N-Linked oligosaccharides are a prominent structural feature of cell surfaces and are essential to the function of cell surface receptors, protein targeting and turnover, and cell-tocell interaction. The synthesis of the oligosaccharides, their transfer to the nascent polypeptide chain, and their subsequent modifications require a pathway of more than 100 steps. The disorders in this section all have a defect in this pathway, with the characteristic biochemical abnormality in C DG being the hypoglycosylation of glycoproteins. As a result, the carbohydrate side chain of glycoproteins is either truncated or completely absent. At least 17 subtypes have been recognized (Table 1.22). Those in group I are

due to defects in the assembly and transfer of the carbohydrate chain, whereas those in group II result from defects in processing of the carbohydrate chains. Type Ia is the most common form of C DG, with a frequency of 1 in 80,000 births (783). Patterson recognizes four phases (784). Initially the typical presentation is that of a hypotonic and hyporeflexic infant with failure to thrive and numerous dysmorphic features. Most frequently one observes inverted nipples and an abnormal distribution of fat in the suprapubic area and buttocks. Facies are unusual, with a high nasal bridge, prominent jaw, and large pinnae. Mortality during infancy may be up to 20% (785). The second phase, up to the end of the first decade, is marked by afebrile seizures and strokelike episodes, the latter possibly the consequence of a transient coagulopathy induced by intercurrent infections. Later in childhood there is a slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, wasting of the lower extremities, and retinitis pigmentosa. Symptoms during adult life include mental retardation, severe ataxia, and hypogonadism. MRI studies show cerebellar hypoplasia, brainstem atrophy, and occasionally Dandy-Walker malformation (786). Microcephaly can develop or can be present at birth.

TABLE 1.22 Carbohydrate-Deficient Glycoprotein Syndromes


Central Nervous System Symptoms

Systemic Symptoms

Enzyme Defect

Hypotonia, hyporeflexia, seizures, strokelike episodes, retinitis pigmentosa

Failure to thrive, dysmorphic facies, inverted nipples, fat pads in public and gluteal areas, pericardial effusion

Phosphomannomutase 2



Protein-losing enteropathy, recurrent thrombotic events, hepatic fibrosis

Phosphomannose isomerase


Moderate mental retardation, seizures, less severe than Ia



Profound delay, optic atrophy, seizures with hypsarrhymia

Iris colobomas



Same as Ia

Same as Ia

Dolicholphosphate mannose synthase


Short stature, psychom*otor retardation

Retinitis pigmentosa, ichthyosis

Mannose-P-dolichol untilization defect


Hypotonia, retardation, microcephaly

Facial dysmorphism, frequent infections

Dolichol-Pmannose:dolichol mannosyltransferase



Intrauterine growth




retardation, proteinlosing enteropathy



Mental retardation, seizures, hypomyelination

Coloboma of iris, hepatomegaly, coagulation disorders

GDPMannose:mannosedolichol mannosyltransferase


Hypotonia, intractable seizures, mental retardation, microcephaly

Micrognathia, single flexion creases of hands, skin dimples on upper thighs

UDP-GlcNAc:Dolichol phosphate Nacetylglycosaminephosphate transferase


Multifocal seizures, contractures

Fetal hydrops, multiple dysmorphic features, large fontanel, hypertelorism

GDP-Mannose:GlcNAc2dolichol mannosyltransferase


Developmental delay, hypotonia, seizures




Severe delay, hypotonia, handwashing movements

Coarse facies, low-set ears

N-Acetylglucosamine transferase II


Hypotonia, seizures

Dysmorphic features



Mental retardation, microcephaly

Recurrent infections, persistent neutrophilia

GDP-fucose transporter 1


Hypotonia, DandyWalker malformation

Spontaneous hemorrhages



Hypotonia, seizures

Dysmorphic features

Defect of oligomeric Golgi complex


Hypotonia progressing to spastic quadriparesis, infantile spasms


C DG Ib has no neurologic manifestations (787), and C DG Ic has a milder phenotype than C DG Ia. It is marked by moderate mental retardation, hypotonia, seizures, and ataxia (788). C hildren with C DG I and C DG Ie have severe mental retardation, cortical blindness, and intractable seizures. Some have dysmorphic features. C DG should be considered in any child with mental retardation, hypotonia, and seizures, particularly when there is evidence of unexplained multisystem disease (784). Diagnosis of the N-linked forms of C DG is best and most quickly made by demonstrating the presence of abnormal transferrin and by its pattern as shown on immunoaffinity and mass spectrometry (782,789). The condition

cannot be diagnosed prenatally until at least 36 weeks' gestation (790). Therapy with intravenous mannose or fucose has been suggested and may be effective in specific types (784).

FAMILIAL MYOCLONUS EPILEPSIES The various metabolic diseases that produce progressive myoclonus epilepsy are listed in Table 1.23. Of these various entities, Lafora disease and Unverricht-Lundborg disease are covered in this section.

Lafora Disease Lafora disease, first described by Lafora in 1911 (791), is marked by generalized, myoclonic, and focal occipital seizures commencing between 11 and 18 years of age and accompanied by a fairly rapidly progressive dementia. It is clinically and genetically distinct from Unverricht-Lundborg disease, first described by Unverricht in 1891 (792).

TABLE 1.23 Metabolic Causes for Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy

Myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red fibers (MERRF) Unverricht Lundborg disease Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten-Spielmeyer-Vogt disease; CLN 3) Lafora disease Late-onset GM2 gangliosidosis GM1 gangliosidosis, juvenile type Niemann-Pick disease Galactosialidosis Arylsulfatase A deficiency

Although clinically the disease is fairly hom*ogeneous, at least two genes are responsible. In about 80% of patients, the gene (EPM2A) has been mapped to 6q24. It encodes a protein, named laforin, that functions as a tyrosine phosphatase that associates with polyribosomes and binds to polyglucosans, the storage material in Lafora disease (793). A variety of mutations in the gene have been described and cosegregate with Lafora disease. A second gene (EPM2B) responsible for Lafora disease maps to chromosome 6p22 and encodes malin, believed to function as a ubiquitin ligase (794). Both laforin and malin colocalize to the endoplasmic reticulum, suggesting that they operate in a related pathway that protects against polyglucosan accumulation.

FIGURE 1.25. Myoclonus epilepsy. Electron micrograph showing inclusion bodies in muscle. (C ourtesy of Dr. M. Anthony Verity, Department of Pathology, University of C alifornia, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, C A.)

The pathologic picture of Lafora disease is unique. Many concentric amyloid (Lafora) bodies are found within the cytoplasm of ganglion cells throughout the neuraxis, particularly in the dentate nucleus, substantia nigra, reticular substance, and hippocampus (Fig. 1.25). Histochemically, these inclusions react as a protein-bound MPS. Similar amyloid material has been found in heart and liver (795). In the liver, the material causes cells to acquire a ground-glass appearance with eccentric nuclei and clear halos at their periphery. The cytoplasm contains PAS-positive basophilic material. Electron microscopy reveals short, branching filaments (796). Inclusions also are seen in eccrine sweat glands and muscle (797). Isolation and hydrolysis of organelles from the brain has shown them to consist of polyglucosan, a glucose polymer (linked in the 1:4 and 1:6 positions) chemically related to glycogen.

Clinical Manifestations Lafora disease appears between ages 11 and 18 years with the onset of grand mal and myoclonic seizures. At first, the myoclonic seizures are triggered by photic stimulation or proprioceptive impulses and are much more frequent when formal tests of coordination are attempted, simulating the intention tremor of cerebellar ataxia. The EEG is usually abnormal, with generalized and focal and multifocal posterior epileptiform discharges (797). The interval between the bilateral sharp waves and the myoclonus is 15 ms in the upper extremities and 25 ms in the lower extremities, suggesting that cortical discharges and myoclonic seizures are secondary to a brainstem focus. With progression of the disease, the major seizures become less frequent, myoclonus increases in intensity, and intellectual deterioration occurs. A terminal stage of dementia, spastic quadriparesis, and almost constant myoclonic seizures is reached within 4 to 10 years of the first symptoms. The diagnosis of Lafora disease is confirmed by the characteristic polyglucosan storage material in muscle and in the sweat glands (obtained by skin biopsy). In liver, PAS-positive material is found in the extracellular spaces (798). Electron microscopy reveals a disrupted endoplasmic reticulum and large vacuoles containing electron-dense material (799). Storage material can be detected in liver before the appearance of neurologic symptoms (800). No therapy has been found to arrest the progression of neurologic symptoms. The seizures are generally difficult if not impossible to control with anticonvulsants.

Unverricht-Lundborg Disease (OMIM 254800) Unverricht-Lundborg disease is an autosomal recessive disorder that tends to start somewhat earlier than Lafora disease. It is manifested by myoclonic and generalized seizures and a slowly progressive intellectual deterioration. The condition is common in North Africa and in the Baltic region; in Finland, its incidence is 1 in 20,000 (797). The gene responsible for both the Baltic and Mediterranean forms of Unverricht-Lundborg disease has been mapped to chromosome 21q22.3 and has been named EPM1. It encodes cystatin B, one of several cysteine protein inhibitors whose function is to inactivate proteases that leak out of lysosomes, and has a role in the programming of cell apoptosis. In the majority of patients, the mutation is an unstable minisatellite repeat expansion in the promoter region of the cystatin B gene which results in loss of expression of cystatin B, inducing uncontrolled cell apoptosis (801). There is no apparent correlation between the mutant repeat length and the disease phenotype (802). A defect in another cysteine protein inhibitor, cystatin C , is responsible for hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy. The pathologic picture of Unverricht-Lundborg disease is marked by neuronal loss and gliosis, particularly affecting the Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and cells in the medial thalamus and spinal cord. The disorder becomes manifest between 6 and 16 years of age, with the mean age of onset 10 years of age. Stimulus-sensitive myoclonus initiates the disease in approximately one-half of the children, and tonic-clonic seizures initiate it in the remainder. Myoclonus is induced by maintenance of posture or initiation of movements indicating a pathological hyperexcitability of the sensorimotor cortex (803). Myoclonus and seizures are difficult to control, and a slow and interfamily variable progression to ataxia and dementia occurs. The EEG shows progressive background slowing and 3- to 5-Hz spike wave or multiple spike wave activity. The temporal relationship between the electrical discharges and the myoclonus is variable. Marked photosensitivity and giant somatosensory-evoked potentials occur (803). Treatment of myoclonus is difficult, and of the many anticonvulsants used, levetiracetam appears to be the most promising. Vagal nerve stimulation also offers promise in controlling the myoclonic seizures and ataxia. Tonic-clonic seizures tend to respond to the usual anticonvulsant therapy, notably valproate, clonazepam, and lamotrigine. The response to N-acetylcysteine has been variable (804). Myoclonic seizures also occur in idiopathic epilepsy and in a variety of degenerative diseases, most commonly the infantile and juvenile lipofuscinoses. They also are found in the mitochondrial myopathies, sialidosis, and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Finally, dentatorubral atrophy (Ramsay Hunt syndrome) must be considered in the differential diagnosis of myoclonic seizures. As depicted by Hunt in 1921, the last is a progressive cerebellar ataxia accompanied by myoclonic seizures and atrophy of the dentate nucleus and superior cerebellar peduncles without the presence of amyloid bodies (see C hapter 3).

CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS AND OTHER LIPIDOSES Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NC Ls) are characterized by the accumulation of autofluorescent neuronal storage material within neuronal lysosomes, leading to neuronal death and cerebral atrophy. Traditionally the various NC Ls were differentiated according to the age at which neurologic symptoms first become evident and the ultrastructural morphology of the inclusions. This classification has now been supplemented by genetic analysis. The major subtypes are the infantile form, first reported from Finland in 1973 by Santavuori and her associates (805), the late infantile form first described by Jansky in 1909 (806) and subsequently by Bielschowsky (807) and Batten (808), the juvenile form described by Spielmeyer (809), and the adult form first described by Kufs (810). At least four other disease gene loci have been mapped, bringing the current total number of NC Ls to nine subtypes. All are transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner. In addition, an autosomal

dominant form of NC L has been delineated and is one cause for early onset of dementia (811). The relative frequencies of autosomal recessive forms in the clinical and pathologic series of Wisniewski and colleagues are as follows: infantile NC L, 11.3%; late infantile NC L (LINC L), 36.3%; juvenile NC L, 51.1%; and adult NC L, 1.3% (812). The molecular genetics of the various NC Ls is outlined in Table 1.24. A mutation database can be accessed at

TABLE 1.24 Molecular Genetics of the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCLs)

Clinical Description

Ultrastructural Characteristics

Location of Gene

Gene Defect



Palmitoylprotein thioesterase 1 (CLN1)

Das et al. (813)

Curvilinear bodies


Tripeptidylpeptidase 1 (CLN2)

Sleat (814)

Fingerprint bodies, curvilinear bodies, granular osmiophilic deposits


Transmembrane protein (CLN3)

Munroe et al. (815)



International Batten Disease Consortium (816) Tyynela et al. (817); Isosomppi et al. (818)

Infantile NCL (Santavuori)

Granular osmiophilic deposits

Late-infantile NCL (JanskyBielschowsky)

Juvenile NCL (SpielmeyerVogt)

Adult NCL (Kufs)

Ceroid lipofuscin, curvilinear bodies

Finnish variant of late infantile NCL

Subunit c of mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate synthase


Soluble lysosomal protein (CLN5)

Indian variant of late infantile NCL

Curvilinear bodies, fingerprint profiles

15q21– q23

Transmembrane protein (CLN6)

Sharp et al. (819)

Northern epilepsy/Turkish variant

Autofluorescent material


CLN8 allelic with CLN7 transmembrane protein

Ranta et al. (820)

SerbianGerman variant

Autofluorescent curvilinear material



Schulz et al. (821)

Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Santavuori Disease, CLN1) (OMIM 256730) This condition was first reported in Finland in 1973 by Santavuori and associates (805). Its incidence in that country is 1 in 13,000, but the disease has been reported worldwide. The gene for infantile NC L has been mapped to chromosome 1p32. It encodes a lysosomal

enzyme, palmitoyl-protein thioesterase (PPT1), which hydrolyzes fatty acids from cysteine residues in lipid-modified proteins undergoing degradation in the lysosome (813,822). PPT1 has been localized to synaptosomes and synaptic vesicles. The principal features of the illness include intellectual deterioration that becomes apparent between 9 and 19 months of age (later than the generalized G M2 gangliosidoses), ataxia, myoclonic seizures, and visual failure, with a brownish pigmentation of the macula, hypopigmentation of the fundi, and optic atrophy (823). A retinal cherry-red spot is absent, but a pigmentary retinal degeneration is not unusual (824). Head growth ceases early, and in contrast to G M2 gangliosidosis, most infants become microcephalic before age 24 months. The EEG shows a progressive decrease in amplitude and an increased proportion of slow waves. C oncurrently, a progressive loss of the ERG and the visual-evoked responses occur (823,825). The MRI can be abnormal before the development of neurologic symptoms (826). Pathologic examination shows the brain to be small with diffuse cortical atrophy. Microscopic examinations performed during the early stages of the illness show the neuronal cytoplasm to be slightly distended by granular, PAS-, and Sudan black–positive autofluorescent material. On ultrastructural examination, this material consists of granular osmiophilic deposits (Fig. 1.26). It resembles ordinary lipofuscin, except that the granules are far more uniform and no associated lipid droplet component exists. Similar storage material can be found in approximately 20% of lymphocytes (827). C hemically, the storage material consists mainly of sphingosine activator proteins A and D (saposins A and D). These are small lysosomal proteins that activate the various hydrolases required for the degradation of sphingolipids (602). The relationship between the defect in the gene coding for PPT1 and the accumulation of the sphingosine activator proteins is unclear (817). As the disease progresses, a gradual and ultimately near total loss of cortical neurons occurs (823).

Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Late Infantile Amaurotic Idiocy, JanskyBielschowsky Disease, CLN2) (OMIM 204500) The onset of the clinical syndrome occurs later than that of the classic form of G M2 gangliosidosis. The condition does not affect Jewish children predominantly, its progression is slower, and patients lack the usual retinal cherry-red spot. In the experience of Verity and coworkers C LN2 was the second most common cause of progressive neurologic and intellectual deterioration, only eclipsed by Sanfilippo disease (535).

FIGURE 1.26. Electron micrograph showing granular osmiophilic deposits in the cytoplasm of an eccrine clear cell. Biopsy of a 3-year-old child with blindness, dementia, and spastic quadriparesis, who began having seizures and myoclonus at age 15 months (×25,000). (C ourtesy of Dr. Stirling C arpenter, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, C anada.)

The gene for the condition has been mapped to chromosome 11p15.5. It encodes a lysosomal tripeptidyl-peptidase 1 (816,830). Many of the C LN2 mutations induce major misfolding of the precursor peptidase, and as a result post-translational processing and lysosomal targeting of tripeptidyl peptidase is disrupted (829). C LN2 is characterized by normal mental and motor development for the first 24 months of life, although in many instances, slight clumsiness or a slowing in the acquisition of speech can be recalled retrospectively. The usual presenting manifestations are myoclonic or major motor seizures. Ataxia develops subsequently and is accompanied by a slowly progressive retinal degeneration, which is

generally not obvious until the other neurologic symptoms have become well established. Visual acuity is decreased, and a florid degeneration occurs in the macular and perimacular areas. The macular light reflex is defective, and a fine brown pigment is deposited. The optic disc is pale. Photic stimulation at two or three flashes per second elicits high-amplitude polyphasic discharges at the time of the child's first seizure or within a few months thereafter (832). These abnormalities have been noted even before the onset of neurologic symptoms. The ERG is abnormal and is lost early in the course of the disease as a consequence of storage material in the rod and cone layer of the retina. This finding is in marked contrast to the preservation of the ERG in the G M2 gangliosidoses, in which retinal lipid storage is limited to the ganglion layer. The visual-evoked responses are also abnormal, in that the early components are grossly enlarged (825). Marked spasticity, as well as a parkinsonian picture, can develop terminally. The condition progresses fairly slowly, and death does not occur until late childhood. Laboratory studies have rarely shown an increase in C SF protein. Neuroimaging studies show nonspecific changes with generalized atrophy most evident in the cerebellum (830). However, these studies distinguish the lipofuscinoses from the various leukodystrophies, in which there are striking alterations of white matter. Microscopic examination of the affected brain reveals generalized neuronal swelling of lesser amplitude than in generalized G M2 gangliosidosis. The intraneuronal material stains with PAS and Sudan black, but, unlike the lipid stored in G M2 gangliosidosis, it is nearly insoluble in lipid solvents and is invariably autofluorescent. The material is principally the hydrophobic mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit c, a normal component of the inner mitochondrial membrane (831). Sleat and coworkers postulated this protein to be a substrate for the defective carboxypeptidase (814).

FIGURE 1.27. C urvilinear body storage disease. Electron micrograph showing curvilinear bodies in an eccrine clear cell. Skin biopsy of a 4-year-old boy with seizures, myoclonus, and visual impairment, whose symptoms started at age 3 years (×50,000). (C ourtesy of Dr. Stirling C arpenter, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, C anada.)

On ultrastructural examination, the storage material most commonly seen consists of curved stacks of lamellae with alternating dark and pale lines, the so-called curvilinear bodies (Fig. 1.27) (832). In a few cases, the storage material has a “fingerprint” configuration (Fig. 1.28), which is more typical of juvenile NC L. This designation is based on its appearance in groups of parallel lines, each pair separated by a thin lucent space. Some cases have only granular osmiophilic material (see Fig. 1.26). These different appearances of the storage material probably reflect differences in the genetic lesions in phenotypically similar patients, and mutations in C LN1 gene have been documented in some of these cases (833). The stored material is distributed widely and is seen not only in neurons and astrocytes, but also in Schwann cells, smooth and skeletal muscle, fibroblasts, and secretory cells in such organs as thyroid, pancreas, and eccrine sweat glands (834). By electron microscopy, the material can be identified in biopsies of skin, skeletal muscle and conjunctivae, and peripheral lymphocytes as well as in urinary sediment (834). Kurachi and colleagues suggested a new method for the rapid diagnosis of C LN2 using specific polyclonal antibodies against the C LN2 gene product. They found a marked reduction in C LN2 immunoreactivity in lymphocytes and fibroblasts (835).

CLN5 (Finnish-Variant Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis) (OMIM 256731) This variant of LINC L has been encountered in Finland, where it is a relatively common disease, with an incidence of 1 in 21,000 (836). The gene for this entity has been mapped to chromosome 13q21.1–q 32. It encodes a transmembrane protein of unknown function (823). Vesa and coworkers found that the wild-type C LN5 protein interacts with the proteins of C NL2 and C LN3, whereas the mutant C LN5 protein lost its ability to interact with the C LN2 protein (837).

FIGURE 1.28. “Fingerprint” profiles. Skin biopsy from a 5-year-old boy with a 6-month history of akinetic and myoclonic seizures and pigmentary retinal degeneration. Fingerprint profiles are present in sweat glands (×115,000). (C ourtesy of Dr. Stirling C arpenter, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, C anada.)

The disease is marked by the onset of symptoms between 4 and 7 years of age, early visual failure, a somewhat slower progression, and the presence of curvilinear and “fingerprint” storage material in all tissues but lymphocytes (see Table 1.25).

Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Juvenile Amaurotic Idiocy; Spielmeyer-Vogt Disease, CLN3) (OMIM 204200) Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis was mentioned first in 1893 by Freud (838) and subsequently by Spielmeyer (809) and Vogt (839). The gene for this condition has been localized to chromosome 16p12.1 (819). It encodes a lysosomal transmembrane protein (battenin) of unknown function (815,840). The most common genomic mutation involves a 1.02-kb deletion. As described in the classic monographs, visual and intellectual deterioration first becomes apparent between 4 and 10 years of age. Fundoscopic examination at that time reveals abnormal amounts of peripheral retinal pigmentation and early optic atrophy. In the majority of patients, seizures develop between the ages of 8 and 13 years (841). Loss of motor function becomes apparent subsequently. Ataxia and seizures are usually not seen; in the series of Järvelä and colleagues, extrapyramidal signs, notably parkinsonism, were seen during the second to third decade of life in approximately one-third of patients hom*ozygous for the 1.02-kb deletion (841). A reduced striatal dopamine transporter density as measured by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPEC T) is commensurate with this clinical finding (842). Although many patients whose illness commences during the early school years follow this clinical pattern, variations do occur. The EEG is generally abnormal, in that it demonstrates large-amplitude slow wave and spike complexes, often without the photosensitivity noted in C LN1. The ERG is absent, even in the early stages of the illness, and the visual-evoked potentials lose their amplitude as the disease progresses. Large complexes such as are present in C NL1 are not noted. The MRI shows mild to moderate atrophy (841).

TABLE 1.25 Clinical Differentiation of the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses

Infantile (Santavuori) CLN1 Age at onset

9–19 mo

Late Infantile (JanskyBielschowsky) CLN2 2–4 yr

Variant Late Infantile CLN5 5–7 yr

Juvenile (SpielmeyerVogt) CLN3 4–10 yr

Visual failure









Mild and late

Myoclonic seizures





Retinal pigment aggregation

Not seen

Rarely seen

Not seen

Invariable after 11–13 yr

Abnormal photic stimulation

Not seen

Positive early and persists

Develops late, disappears

Not seen

Abnormal early, abolished later

Abolished early


Vacuoles containing fingerprint bodies

Visualevoked potentials

Abolished early

Abnormal early and persists

Lymphocyteelectron microscopy

Granular amorphous inclusions

Inclusions with curvilinear bodies, fingerprint bodies

Adapted from Santavuori P, Rapola J, Sainio K, et al. A variant of Jansky-Bielschowski disease. Neuropediatrics 1982;13:135–141. With permission.

Light microscopy reveals mild ballooning of cortical neurons, often with storage apparent in the initial segment of the axon. The cell is packed with PAS- and Sudan black–positive autofluorescent material that is resistant to lipid solvents. Electron microscopy reveals inclusions consisting of prominent “fingerprint” formations (see Fig. 1.28). These also are seen in some cases of C NL1. They may be interspersed with poorly organized lamellar material, sometimes referred to as rectilinear profiles. These inclusions are thin stacks of lamellae with the same periodicity as curvilinear bodies, but more likely to be straight than curved (841a). “Fingerprint” profiles also can be seen in a variety of other cell types throughout the body, but the extent of storage is considerably less than in C NL1, and much more variability is present from case to case and organ to organ. The “fingerprint” profiles are found regularly within eccrine sweat gland secretory cells and in some lymphocytes (843). In rare instances, clinically indistinguishable from the majority of C NL3 cases, the cytoplasmic inclusions are composed of granular osmiophilic material (see Fig. 1.26). Granular osmiophilic and fingerprint inclusions also have been seen in Kufs disease (C LN4), the adult form of NC L (843). As is the case for C LN5, biochemical studies on the storage material show the presence of the subunit c of the mitochondrial ATP synthase (817,844). The pathogenetic mechanisms in this disorder remain unclear, as does the role of autoantibodies against the 65 kD form of glutamic acid decarboxylase found in sera of patients with Batten disease. These antibodies are distinct from those seen in stiffman syndrome (846a). What has been amply demonstrated is that cell death in C NL3 is the result of apoptosis, and that two segments in the C NL3 protein are vital in regulating normal cell growth and apoptosis (846b). Furthermore, whereas wild-type C LN3 localizes to both the Golgi network and the plasma membrane, mutant C NL3 protein is retained within the Golgi network and is mislocalized to lysosomes (846c). Several other NC Ls (C LNs 6, 7, 8, and 9) have been described, and the heterogeneity of the various clinical entities has become fully apparent. They are summarized in Table 1.24.

Diagnosis of the Ceroid Lipofuscinoses The ceroid lipofuscinoses should be considered in the differential diagnosis of the infant or child who presents with seizures and loss of acquired milestones coupled with progressive visual impairment. The first step in the diagnostic process is an EEG, with emphasis on photic stimulation at 2 to 3 Hz. C NL3 generally gives an exaggerated photic response. The visual-evoked potentials and ERGs also tend to be abnormal in this disorder. A lysosomal enzyme screen must be performed to exclude the majority of the other lysosomal storage diseases. Imaging studies exclude the various white matter degenerations. The definitive diagnosis usually can be arrived at by an enzymatic assay and/or morphologic examination of readily available tissue, such as skin, conjunctiva, muscle, peripheral nerves, or lymphocytes. In all instances, electron microscopy and histochemical examinations are necessary for a diagnosis (see Table 1.25). On skin biopsy in children with C NL3, the curvilinear storage material is best seen in histiocytes and smooth muscle cells, but it can be found in virtually any cell type. In the other ceroid lipofuscinoses, examination of sweat glands is mandatory because other cell types are involved inconsistently (831); in the hands of some

investigators, electron microscopic examination of muscle obtained on biopsy is equally reliable (845). Human immunodeficiency virus encephalopathy is becoming an important cause for progressive intellectual deterioration. Although in most instances C NS involvement is preceded by bouts of systemic infection, this is not invariable. The condition is covered more fully in C hapter 7. Finally, despite its present rarity, juvenile paresis, caused by congenital syphilitic infection, which is often accompanied by retinal degeneration, must always be included in the differential diagnosis. Rectal biopsy with its attendant discomfort and morbidity is no longer indicated. When skin, conjunctiva, and muscle have failed to yield a diagnosis, and MRI and MRS have been uninformative, a brain biopsy has to be considered.

DISORDERS OF SERUM LIPOPROTEINS Abetalipoproteinemia (OMIM 200100) Abetalipoproteinemia, an unusual disorder, was first described by Bassen and Kornzweig in 1950 (846). The main clinical manifestations include acanthocytosis (large numbers of burr-shaped erythrocytes) (Fig. 1.29, which may account for more than one-half of the circulating erythrocytes, hypocholesterolemia, progressive combined posterior column degeneration, peripheral neuritis, mental retardation, retinitis pigmentosa, and steatorrhea. The disorder is transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner. In the first year of life, infants develop a typical celiac syndrome with abdominal distention, diarrhea, foul-smelling stools, decreased fat absorption, and, occasionally, osteomalacia. The majority of affected infants are below the third percentile for height and weight. Neurologic symptoms are first noted between ages 2 and 17 years, and 33% of patients are symptomatic before age 10 years. C ommonly, the initial symptom is unsteadiness of gait. This is caused by a combination of ataxia, proprioceptive loss, and muscle weakness. Deep tendon reflexes are generally absent, and cutaneous sensory loss is often demonstrable (847). Extensor plantar responses are noted occasionally. Mental retardation has been seen in approximately 33% of patients (848). The retinal degeneration is accompanied by decreased visual acuity and night blindness. The ERG and the visual-evoked potentials are often abnormal even in the early stages of the disease. Somatosensory-evoked potentials were abnormal in some 40% of patients in the series of Brin and coworkers (849). C ardiac abnormalities, including irregularities of rhythm, are common.

FIGURE 1.29. Acanthocytes from a patient with abetalipoproteinemia. (From Wintrobe MM, et al. Clinical hematology, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1981.)

Autopsy reveals extensive demyelination of the posterior columns and spinocerebellar tracts and neuronal loss in the anterior horns, cerebellar molecular layer, and cerebral cortex (850). C eroid and lipofuscin deposits are seen in muscle. They are similar to the inclusions in cystic fibrosis patients and probably reflect vitamin E deficiency (851). C haracteristic laboratory findings include low serum cholesterol (usually in the range of 20 to 50 mg/dL), low serum triglycerides (2 to 13 mg/dL), depressed total serum lipids (80 to 285 mg/dL), and vitamin E levels below 1.3 µg/mL, as contrasted with a normal range of 5 to 15 µg/mL (849,852). As indicated by its name, the hallmark of the disease is the complete absence of serum β-lipoproteins. This in turn leads to an absence of all apolipoprotein β-containing lipoproteins (i.e., chylomicrons, very low density lipoproteins, and low-density lipoproteins). In the majority of cases, the disease is caused by a defect in the gene that codes for the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (853). This protein mediates the transfer of lipid molecules from their site of synthesis in the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum to the nascent lipoprotein particles in the endoplasmic reticulum. In some cases, the lack of microsomal transfer protein could reflect its downregulation in response to another, more proximate defect or could result from a mutation in the gene that controls the formation of microsomal transfer protein (854). As a consequence of the absence of β-lipoproteins, fat absorption is deficient. Normally, ingestion of fat is followed by absorption of lipids by the mucosal cells, from which the lipids are released in the form of chylomicrons and discharged into the lymphatic system. In abetalipoproteinemia, no fat is detectable in the lymphatic spaces of the small bowel and no chylomicrons appear in the plasma after fat loading. This defect is consequent to a defect in lipid transport from the mucosal cells into the lymphatic system, β-lipoproteins apparently being necessary to the formation of chylomicrons. Fat-soluble vitamins transported in chylomicrons are also poorly absorbed, resulting in the low serum levels of vitamins E and A. Neurologic symptoms are probably the result of inadequate body stores of vitamin E, with resulting peroxidation of the unsaturated

myelin phospholipids. In support of this hypothesis is the finding of a nearly identical neurologic picture when vitamin E deficiency results from chronic fat malabsorption, as is seen in cystic fibrosis and cholestatic liver disease (see C hapter 17), or when it is due to mutations in the gene for the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (855). Supplementation of the diet with vitamin E (100 mg/kg per day given orally) appears to prevent the development or progression of neurologic and retinal lesions. All children started on such high doses of vitamin E before age 16 months have remained normal neurologically and developmentally up to at least 27 years of age (853,856). No evidence exists that intramuscular vitamin E is superior. In addition to vitamin E, current therapeutic regimens suggest administration of vitamin A (200 to 400 IU/kg per day) and vitamin K 1 (5 mg/day). fa*gan and Taylor suggested that improvement of patients can best be followed by repeated somatosensoryevoked potentials (857). The presence of low blood cholesterol should alert the clinician to abetalipoproteinemia. Low cholesterol also is seen in hypobetalipoproteinemia, malnutrition, and a variety of absorption defects. The occurrence of acanthocytes in peripheral blood is not limited to abetalipoproteinemia. Acanthocytes are mature erythrocytes with many irregularly arranged spiny projections (see Fig. 1.29). They are best detected on a fresh blood smear using conventional light microscopy. A 1:1 saline dilution may reveal their presence when undiluted blood fails to show the cells. Acanthocytes occasionally have been seen in patients with anemia or advanced cirrhosis. They also have been present in patients with triglyceride hyperlipemia and in families with extrapyramidal movement disorders resembling Hallervorden-Spatz disease. Several other families have been reported in whom an extrapyramidal disorder (parkinsonism, chorea, vocal tics), motor neuron disease, areflexia, and mental retardation were associated with the presence of acanthocytes but in whom serum lipids were normal (neuroacanthocytosis) (858,859). In most instances, the disease has its onset between 25 and 45 years of age. The gene for this autosomal recessive condition has been mapped to chromosome 9q2. It codes for chorein, a protein that has been implicated in protein sorting (860). Several forms of hypobetalipoproteinemia have been recognized. The majority of affected children or adolescents are heterozygotes for the gene coding for apoprotein B. Neurologic symptoms are absent or are limited to a loss of deep tendon reflexes; rarely, there is progressive demyelination, with ataxia and mental deterioration (853). hom*ozygotes for the condition resemble clinically patients with abetalipoproteinemia. Treatment with large doses of vitamin E (1,000 to 2,000 mg/day for infants, up to 10,000 to 20,000 mg/day for older children and adults) appears to arrest the progressive neurologic symptoms (853).

Tangier Disease (Hypoalphalipoproteinemia) (OMIM 205400) Tangier disease is a hereditary disorder of lipid metabolism distinguished by almost complete absence of high-density plasma lipoproteins, reduction of low-density plasma lipoproteins, cholesterol, and phospholipids, normal or elevated triglyceride levels, and storage of cholesterol esters in the reticuloendothelial system of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, and cornea. The name of the disease refers to an island in C hesapeake Bay where the first two patients were found. Symptoms usually are limited to enlargement of the affected organs, notably the tonsils. Retinitis pigmentosa and peripheral neuropathy have been observed (863). Peripheral neuropathy was noted in nearly 50% of the reported patients. Nerve biopsy reveals three different types of changes. One group had a multifocal demyelination with large amounts of neutral lipids within Schwann cells, particularly those associated with unmyelinated fibers. In another group (whose clinical manifestations include facial weakness, weakness of the small hand muscles, spontaneous pain, and loss of pain and temperature sensations), no demyelination occurs, but lipid is deposited in Schwann cells. A third type is a distal sensory neuropathy (862). A syringomyelia-like phenotype has also been encountered (863). The gene has been mapped to chromosome 9q22–q31. It codes for ATP-binding cassette transporter 1 (ABC A1), whose function is to bind and promote cellular cholesterol and phospholipid efflux to apolipoprotein I (apoA-I) (864).

DISORDERS OF METAL METABOLISM Wilson Disease (Hepatolenticular Degeneration) (OMIM 277900) Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism that is associated with cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative changes in the basal ganglia. The fact that, once diagnosed, Wilson disease is eminently treatable prompts a more extensive discussion than would otherwise be justified by the frequency of the disease. During the second half of the nineteenth century, a condition termed pseudosclerosis was distinguished from multiple sclerosis by the lack of ocular signs. In 1902, Kayser observed green corneal pigmentation in one such patient (865); in 1903, Fleischer, who had also noted the green pigmentation of the cornea in 1903, commented on the association of the corneal rings with pseudosclerosis (866). In 1912, Wilson gave the classic description of the disease and its pathologic anatomy (867). Because the derangement of copper metabolism is one of the important features of this condition, it is pertinent to review briefly the present knowledge of the field (868). C opper homeostasis is an important biological process. By balancing intake and excretion, the body avoids copper toxicity on the one hand, and on the other hand ensures the availability of adequate amounts of the metal for a variety of vital enzymes, such as cytochrome oxidase and lysyl hydroxylase. The daily dietary intake of copper ranges between 1 and 5 mg. Healthy children consuming a free diet absorb 150 to 900 µg/day, or approximately 40% of dietary copper (869). C ellular copper transport consists of three processes: copper uptake, intracellular distribution and use, and copper excretion (870). The site of copper absorption is probably in the proximal portion of the gastrointestinal tract. The metallothioneines (MTs), a family of low-molecular-weight metal-binding proteins containing large amounts of reduced cysteine, are involved in regulating copper absorption at high copper intakes. In addition to playing a role in the intestinal transport of the metal, MTs are probably also involved in the initial hepatic uptake of copper. After its intestinal uptake, copper enters plasma, where it is bound to albumin in the form of cupric ion. Within 2 hours, the absorbed copper is incorporated into a liver protein. C ellular copper uptake is facilitated by C tr1, a membrane protein that transports the metal in a high-affinity, metal-specific manner. The concentration of copper in normal liver ranges from 20 to 50 µg/g dry weight. Once within the hepatocyte, copper is bound to metallochaperones, a family of proteins that deliver it to various specific sites. The chaperone Atox1, through direct interaction with the Wilson disease P-type ATPase (ATP7b), delivers copper to the hepatic secretory pathway for excretion into bile. ATP7b is predominantly located in the trans-Golgi network and functions to transfer copper for incorporation into apoceruloplasmin or excretion into bile. Within hepatocyte cytoplasm copper is complexed to what is probably a polymeric form of MT. Lastly, copper can combine with apoceruloplasmin to form ceruloplasmin, which then reenters the circulation (871). More than 95% of

serum copper is in this form (870). C eruloplasmin is an alpha-globulin with a single continuous polypeptide chain and a molecular weight of 132 kd; it has six copper atoms per molecule. The protein is a ferroxidase that has an essential role in iron metabolism. Although it is not involved in copper transport from the intestine, it is considered to be the major vehicle for the transport of copper from the liver and to function as a copper donor in the formation of a variety of copper-containing enzymes. C eruloplasmin controls the release of iron into plasma from cells, in which the metal is stored in the form of ferritin. It is also the most prominent serum antioxidant, and as such, it catalyzes the oxidation of ferrous ion to ferric ion and prevents the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids and similar substances. Finally, it modulates the inflammatory response and can regulate the concentration of various serum biogenic amines. The concentration of ceruloplasmin in plasma is normally between 20 and 40 mg/dL. It is elevated in a variety of circ*mstances, including pregnancy and other conditions with high estrogen concentrations, infections, cirrhosis, malignancies, hyperthyroidism, and myocardial infarction. The concentration of ceruloplasmin is low in healthy infants up to approximately 2 months of age and in children experiencing a combined iron and copper deficiency anemia. In the nephrotic syndrome, low levels are caused by the vast renal losses of ceruloplasmin. C eruloplasmin also is reduced in kinky hair disease (KHD; Menkes disease), a condition discussed in the next section. Several other copper-containing proteins have been isolated from mammalian tissues. Most prominently, these include the enzymes cytochrome c oxidase, dopamine β-hydroxylase, superoxide dismutase, and tyrosinase. None of these is altered in Wilson disease.

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology Knowledge of disturbed copper metabolism in Wilson disease did not progress for more than three decades. In 1913, 1 year after Wilson's report, Rumpel found unusually large amounts of copper in the liver of a patient with hepatolenticular degeneration (872). Although this finding was confirmed and an elevated copper concentration also was detected in the basal ganglia by Lüthy (873), the implication of these reports went unrecognized until 1945 when Glazebrook demonstrated abnormally high copper levels in serum, liver, and brain in a patient with Wilson disease (874). In 1952, 5 years after the discovery of ceruloplasmin, several groups of workers simultaneously found it to be low or absent in patients with Wilson disease. Although for many years it was believed that Wilson disease was caused by ceruloplasmin deficiency, it has become evident that the absence of ceruloplasmin (aceruloplasminemia) results in a severe disorder of iron metabolism (875,876). The gene for Wilson disease has been mapped to chromosome 13q14.3–q21.1. It has been cloned and encodes a copper-transporting P-type ATPase that is expressed in many tissues, including the brain (877). The ATPase is present in two forms. One is probably localized to the late endosomes where it is involved in the delivery of copper to apoceruloplasmin (879a). The other form, probably representing a cleavage product, is found in mitochondria (878,879). More than 300 mutations have been described. Some mutations are population specific, others are common in many nationalities. The majority are missense mutations or small insertions or deletions (880). Most patients are compound heterozygotes (881). The genetic mutation induces extensive changes in copper homeostasis. Normally, the amount of copper in the body is kept constant through excretion of copper from the liver into bile. The two fundamental defects in Wilson disease are a reduced biliary transport and excretion of copper and an impaired formation of plasma ceruloplasmin (880). Biliary excretion of copper is between 20% and 40% of normal, and fecal output of copper is reduced also (882). Apoceruloplasmin is present in the liver of patients with Wilson disease, but due to a lack of copper available for incorporation, apoceruloplasmin is rapidly degraded. Most important, copper accumulates within liver. At first, it is firmly bound to copper proteins, such as ceruloplasmin and superoxide dismutase, or is in the cupric form complexed with MT. When the copper load overwhelms the binding capacity of MT, cytotoxic cupric copper is released, causing damage to hepatocyte mitochondria and peroxisomes (883,884). Ultimately, copper leaks from liver into blood, where it is taken up by other tissues, including brain, which in turn are damaged by copper.

Pathologic Anatomy The abnormalities in copper metabolism result in a deposition of the metal in several tissues. In the brain, the largest proportion of copper is located in the subcellular soluble fraction, where it is bound not only to cerebrocuprein, but also to a number of other normal cerebral proteins. Anatomically, the liver shows a focal necrosis that leads to a coarsely nodular, postnecrotic cirrhosis. The nodules vary in size and are separated by bands of fibrous tissues of different widths. Some hepatic cells are enlarged and contain fat droplets, intranuclear glycogen, and clumped pigment granules; other cells are necrotic with regenerative changes in the surrounding parenchyma (885). Electron microscopic studies indicate that copper is initially spread diffusely within cytoplasm, probably as the monomeric MT complex. Later in the course of the disease, the metal is sequestered within lysosomes, which become increasingly sensitive to rupture. C opper probably initiates and catalyzes oxidation of the lysosomal membrane lipids, resulting in lipofuscin accumulation. Within the kidneys, the tubular epithelial cells can degenerate, and their cytoplasm can contain copper deposits. In the brain, particularly in patients whose symptoms commenced before the onset of puberty, the basal ganglia show the most striking alterations. They have a brick-red pigmentation; spongy degeneration of the putamen frequently leads to the formation of small cavities (867). Microscopic studies reveal a loss of neurons, axonal degeneration, and large numbers of protoplasmic astrocytes, including giant forms termed Alzheimer cells. These cells are not specific for Wilson disease; they also can be seen in the brains of patients dying in hepatic coma or as a result of argininosuccinic aciduria or other disorders of the ammonia cycle. Opalski cells, also seen in Wilson disease, are generally found in gray matter. They are large cells with a rounded contour and finely granular cytoplasm. They probably represent degenerating astrocytes. In approximately 10% of patients, cortical gray matter and white matter are more affected than the basal ganglia. Here, too, extensive spongy degeneration and proliferation of astrocytes is seen (886). C opper is deposited in the pericapillary area and within astrocytes, but it is uniformly absent from neurons and ground substance. Lesser degenerative changes are seen in the brainstem, dentate nucleus, substantia nigra, and convolutional white matter. C opper also is found throughout the cornea, particularly the substantia propria, where it is deposited in an alcohol-soluble, and probably chelated, form. In the periphery, the metal appears in granular clumps close to the endothelial surface of Descemet membrane. Here, the deposits are responsible for the appearance of the Kayser-Fleischer ring. The color of the Kayser-Fleischer ring varies from yellow to green to brown. C opper deposition in this area occurs in two or more layers, with particle size and distance between layers influencing the ultimate appearance of the ring (887).

Clinical Manifestations Wilson disease is a progressive condition with a tendency toward temporary clinical improvement and arrest. Its prevalence is about 1 in 30,000 (870). The condition occurs in all races, with a particularly high incidence in Eastern European Jews, in Italians from southern Italy and Sicily, and in people from some of the smaller islands of Japan—groups with a high rate of inbreeding.

In a fair number of cases, primarily in young children, initial symptoms can be hepatic, such as jaundice or portal hypertension, and the disease can assume a rapidly fatal course without any detectable neurologic abnormalities (888,889). In many of these patients, an attack of what appears to be an acute viral hepatitis heralds the onset of the illness (890). The presentation of Wilson disease with hepatic symptoms is common among affected children in the United States. In the series of Werlin and associates, who surveyed patients in the Boston area, the primary mode of presentation was hepatic in 61% of patients younger than age 21 years (891). In approximately 10% of affected children in the United States, Wilson disease presents as an acute or intermittent, C oombs-testnegative, nonspherocytic anemia that is accompanied by leukopenia and thrombocytopenia (891). When neurologic symptoms predominate, the appearance of the illness is delayed until 10 to 20 years of age, and the disease progresses at a slower rate than in the hepatic form. The youngest reported child with cerebral manifestations of Wilson disease was 4 years old. The first signs are usually bulbar; these can include indistinct speech and difficulty in swallowing. A rapidly progressive dystonic syndrome is not unusual when the disease presents in childhood. Such patients can present with acute dystonia, rigidity, and fever, with an occasional elevation of serum creatine phosphokinase (892). Rarely, hemiparesis can be the initial presentation (893). In the experience of Arima and his group, 33% of children presented with hepatic symptoms, mainly jaundice or ascites (888). They were 4 to 12 years old at the time of medical attention. C erebral symptoms, notably dystonia, drooling, or gait disturbances, were the presenting symptoms in 30% of children. These patients were 9 to 13 years of age. The remainder had a mixed hepatocerebral picture and were 6 to 12 years old at the time of medical attention. Minor intellectual impairment or emotional disturbances also can be observed, but seizures or mental deterioration are not prominent features of the disease. Before long, the patient has a characteristic appearance. A fixed smile is a result of retraction of the upper lip; the mouth hangs open and drools. Speech is often severely impaired. Tremors are usually quite marked. Though they often are unilateral during the early stages of the disease, sooner or later they become generalized. The tremors are present at rest, but become exaggerated with movements and emotional disturbance. Initially fine, they gradually become coarse as the illness progresses until they assume a characteristic “wing-beating” appearance. Rigidity, contractures, and tonic spasms advance steadily and can involve the extremities. Dementia can be severe in some patients, whereas other patients are merely emotionally labile. A nearly pure Parkinson-like syndrome and progressive choreoathetosis or hemiplegia also have been described. In essence, Wilson disease is a disorder of motor function; despite often widespread cerebral atrophy, no sensory symptoms or reflex alterations occur. Without treatment, death ensues within 1 to 3 years of the onset of neurologic symptoms and is usually a result of hepatic insufficiency. The intracorneal, ring-shaped pigmentation first noted by Kayser and Fleischer might be evident to the naked eye or might appear only with slit-lamp examination. The ring can be complete or incomplete and is present in 75% of children who present with hepatic symptoms and in all children who present with cerebral or a combination of cerebral and hepatic symptoms (888). The Kayser-Fleischer ring can antedate overt symptoms of the disease and has been detected even in the presence of normal liver functions. In the large clinical series of Arima, it was never present before 7 years of age (888). “Sunflower” cataracts are less commonly encountered. C T scans usually reveal ventricular dilation and diffuse atrophy of the cortex, cerebellum, and brainstem. Approximately one-half of the patients have hypodense areas in the thalamus and basal ganglia. Increased density owing to copper deposition is not observed. Generally, MRI correlates better with clinical symptoms than C T. A diagnostic appearance of the MRI has been termed the “face of the giant Panda” (894). This is due to an accentuation of the normal low intensity of the red nucleus and substantia nigra by the surrounding increased intensity of the midbrain and tegmentum. MRI also demonstrates abnormal signals (hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images) most commonly in the putamen, thalami, and the head of the caudate nucleus (Fig. 1.30). The midbrain is also abnormal, as are the pons and the cerebellum. C ortical atrophy and focal lesions in cortical white matter also are noted. C orrelation with clinical symptoms is not good, in that patients with neurologic symptoms can have normal MRI results and other individuals with no neurologic symptoms can have abnormal MRI results (895,896). Positron emission tomography (PET) demonstrates a widespread depression of glucose metabolism, with the greatest focal hypometabolism in the lenticular nucleus. This abnormality precedes any alteration seen on C T scan (897).

FIGURE 1.30. Wilson disease. C oronal T2-weighted magnetic resonance images of a 22-year-old woman with Wilson disease. There are bilateral hyperintense thalamic lesions that are hypointense on T1-weighted images. (C ourtesy of Dr. I. Prayer, Zentral Institut für Radiodiagnose und Ludwig Boltzmann Institut, University of Vienna, Austria.)

Diagnosis When Wilson disease presents with neurologic manifestations, some of the diagnostic features are the progressive extrapyramidal symptoms commencing after the first decade of life, abnormal liver function, aminoaciduria, cupriuria, and absent or decreased ceruloplasmin. The presence of a Kayser-Fleischer ring is the most important diagnostic feature; its absence in a child with neurologic symptoms rules out the diagnosis of Wilson disease. The ring is not seen in the majority of presymptomatic patients, nor is it seen in 15% of children in whom Wilson disease presents with hepatic symptoms (890). An absent or low serum ceruloplasmin level is of lesser diagnostic importance; some 5% to 20% of patients with Wilson disease have normal levels of the copper protein. In affected families, the differential diagnosis between heterozygotes and presymptomatic hom*ozygotes is of utmost importance because it is generally accepted that presymptomatic hom*ozygotes should be treated preventively (898). The presymptomatic child with Wilson disease can have a Kayser-Fleischer ring (seen in 33% of presymptomatic patients in Walshe series), an increased 24-hour urine copper level (greater than 100 µg/24 hours), hepatosplenomegaly (seen in 38% of cases), and abnormal neuroimaging (seen in approximately one-fourth of cases). Approximately one-half of the patients with presymptomatic Wilson disease had no physical findings, and urinary copper excretion can be normal in children younger than the age of 15 years. Should the diagnosis in a child at risk still be in doubt, an assay of liver copper is indicated (898). Low ceruloplasmin levels in an asymptomatic family member only suggest the presymptomatic stage of the disease; some 10% of heterozygotes have ceruloplasmin levels below 15 mg/dL. Because gene carriers account for approximately 1% of the population, gene carriers with low ceruloplasmin values are seen 40 times more frequently than patients with Wilson disease and low ceruloplasmin values. Therefore, when low ceruloplasmin levels are found on routine screening and are unaccompanied by any abnormality of hepatic function or copper excretion, the individual is most likely a heterozygote for Wilson disease. When a liver biopsy has been decided on, histologic studies with stains for copper and copper-associated proteins and chemical quantitation for copper are performed. In all confirmed cases of Wilson disease, hepatic copper is greater than 3.9 µmol/g dry weight (237.6 µg/g) as compared with a normal range of 0.2 to 0.6 µmol/g (Fig. 1.31). The finding of normal hepatic copper concentration excludes the diagnosis of Wilson disease (871). Because of the large number of mutations causing the disease, a combination of mutation and linkage analysis is required for prenatal diagnosis. As a rule, this technique is not useful in the diagnosis of an individual patient. However, about one-third of North American Wilson disease patients have a point mutation (His1069Glu), and screening for this mutation can be performed readily (899). Wilson disease is one of a number of metabolic diseases that can present with extrapyramidal signs and symptoms. These conditions and the best means of diagnosing them are listed in Table 1.26.

FIGURE 1.31. Mean values and ranges of hepatic copper concentrations in patients with Wilson disease, grouped according to age and stage of disease (mean age, 5.4 years). Asymptomatic children with minimal histologic abnormalities (mean age, 17 years). Adolescents and young adults with active liver disease (mean age, 28.4 years). Adults with neurologic symptoms of Wilson disease and inactive cirrhosis. The height of the bar graph indicates the concentration of copper in each group. A striking decrease is seen with advancing age and progression of the disease, and the intracellular distribution of copper changes from its diffuse cytoplasmic distribution in the hepatocytes of children to its lysosomal concentration in the hepatocytes of patients with advanced disease. (From Scheinberg IH, Sternlieb I. Wilson disease. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1984. With permission.)

Treatment All patients with Wilson disease, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, require treatment. The aims of treatment are initially to remove the toxic amounts of copper and secondarily to prevent tissue reaccumulation of the metal (900,901). Treatment can be divided into two phases: the initial phase, when toxic copper levels are brought under control, and maintenance therapy. There is no agreed-on regimen for treatment of the new patient with neurologic or psychiatric symptoms. In the past, most centers recommended starting patients on d-penicillamine (600 to 3,000 mg/day). Although this drug is effective in promoting urinary excretion of copper, adverse reactions during the initial and maintenance phases of treatment are seen in approximately 25% of patients. These include worsening of neurologic symptoms during the initial phases of treatment, which frequently is irreversible. Skin rashes, gastrointestinal discomfort, and hair loss are encountered also. During maintenance therapy, one may see polyneuropathy, polymyositis, and nephropathy. Some of these adverse effects can be prevented by giving pyridoxine (25 mg/day).

TABLE 1.26 Genetic Metabolic Diseases Presenting with Basal Ganglia Signs


Diagnostic Tests

Dihydropteridine reductase deficiency

Blood phenylalanine, CSP biopterin metabolites

Dihydrobiopterine synthetase deficiency

Blood phenylalanine, CSF biopterin metabolites

Propionic acidemia

Urinary organic acids

Nonketotic hyperglycinemia

Blood amino acids

Glutaric aciduria type I

Urine organic acids

Mucolipidosis type IV

Conjunctival biopsy

Salla disease

Urinary sialic acid

GM1 gangliosidosis, juvenile

Conjunctival biopsy

GM2 gangliosidosis

Conjunctival biopsy

Niemann-Pick disease type C (juvenile dystonic lipidosis)

Bone marrow aspirate


Blood smear

Wilson disease

Ceruloplasmin, slit-lamp, urinary Cu

Menkes variant

Serum copper, ceruloplasmin

Lesch-Nyhan disease

Urinary uric acid

Creatine deficiency syndrome

Magnetic resonance marrow spectroscopy of brain


Bone marrow aspiration

Mitochondrial disorders

See Chapter 2

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

Because of these side effects, many institutions now advocate initial therapy with ammonium tetrathiomolybdate (60 to 300 mg/day, administered in six divided doses, three with meals and three between meals). Tetrathiomolybdate forms a complex with protein and copper and when given with food blocks the absorption of copper. The major drawback to using this drug is that it has not been approved for general use in this country. Triethylene tetramine dihydrochloride (trientine) (250 mg four times a day, given at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals) is also a chelator that increases urinary excretion of copper. Its effectiveness is less than that of penicillamine, but the incidence of toxicity and hypersensitivity reactions is lower. Zinc acetate (50 mg of elemental zinc acetate three times a day) acts by inducing intestinal MT, which has a high affinity for copper and prevents its entrance into blood. Zinc is far less toxic than penicillamine but is much slower acting. Diet does not play an important role in the management of Wilson disease, although Brewer recommends restriction of liver and shellfish during the first year of treatment (901). Zinc is the optimal drug for maintenance therapy and for the treatment of the presymptomatic patient. Trientine in combination with zinc acetate has been suggested for patients who present in hepatic failure. Liver transplantation can be helpful in the patient who presents in end-stage liver disease. The procedure appears to correct the metabolic defect and can reverse neurologic symptoms (902). Schumacher and colleagues (904a) have also recommended its use for patients with normal liver function, but whose neurological symptoms have not responded to the various chelating agents. With these regimens, gradual improvement in neurologic symptoms occurs. As a rule, brainstem auditory-evoked potentials improve within 1 month of the onset of therapy, with the somatosensory-evoked responses being somewhat slower to return to normal (903). The Kayser-Fleischer ring begins to fade within 6 to 10 weeks of the onset of therapy and disappears completely in a couple of years (904). Improvement of neurologic symptoms starts 5 to 6 months after therapy has begun and is generally complete in 24 months. As

shown by serial neuroimaging studies, a significant regression of lesions occurs within thalamus and basal ganglia (895). Successive biopsies show a reduction in the amount of hepatic copper. Total serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels decrease, and the aminoaciduria and phosphaturia diminish. As a rule, patients who are started on therapy before the evolution of symptoms remain healthy. C hildren who have had hepatic disease exclusively do well, and in 80%, hepatic functions return to normal. Approximately 40% of children who present with neurologic symptoms become completely asymptomatic and remain so for 10 or more years. C hildren with the mixed hepatocerebral picture do poorly. Fewer than 25% recover completely, and approximately 25% continue to deteriorate, often with the appearance of seizures. In all forms of the disease, the earlier the start of therapy, the better is the outlook (888). When symptom-free patients with Wilson disease discontinue chelation therapy, their hepatic function deteriorates in 9 months to 3 years, a rate that is far more rapid than deterioration after birth (905). Scheinberg and coworkers postulate that penicillamine not only removes copper from tissue, but also detoxifies the metal by inducing MT synthesis (906).

Aceruloplasminemia (OMIM 604290) The clinical picture of aceruloplasminemia is one of dementia, diabetes, ataxia, and extrapyramidal movements. MRI and neuropathologic examinations demonstrate iron deposition in the basal ganglia. The condition has its onset in middle age, and to our knowledge has not been reported in the pediatric population. It is due to a mutation in the gene that codes for ceruloplasmin, which acts as a ferroxidase, mediating oxidation of ferrous to ferric iron (907).

Menkes Disease (Kinky Hair Disease, KHD) (OMIM 309400) This focal degenerative disorder of gray matter was described in 1962 by Menkes and associates (908). It is transmitted as an X-linked disorder.

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology The characteristic feature of KHD, as expressed in the human infant, is a maldistribution of body copper so that it accumulates to abnormal levels in a form or location that renders it inaccessible for the synthesis of various copper enzymes (909,910). Most of the clinical manifestations can be explained by the low activities of the various copper-containing enzymes. Patients absorb little or no orally administered copper; when the metal is given intravenously, they experience a prompt increase in serum copper and ceruloplasmin (911). C opper levels are low in liver and brain but are elevated in several other tissues, notably intestinal mucosa, muscle, spleen, and kidney. The copper content of cultured fibroblasts, myotubes, or lymphocytes derived from patients with KHD is several times greater than of control cells; however, the kinetics of copper uptake in these cells is normal (912). ATP7A, the gene for KHD, has been mapped to Xq13.3. It encodes an energy-dependent, copper-transporting P-type membrane ATPase (MNK) (913,914). The ATPase is one of a family of membrane proteins that transports cations across plasma and endoplasmic reticulum membranes. The structural hom*ology between ATP7A and the ATP7B, the gene for Wilson disease, is considerable in the 3′ two-thirds of the genes, but there is much divergence between them in the 5′ one-third (914). ATP7A is expressed in most tissues, including brain, but not in liver. At basal copper levels, the protein (MNK) is located in the trans-Golgi network, the sorting station for proteins exiting from the Golgi apparatus, where it is involved in copper uptake into its lumen (915). At increased intra- and extracellular copper concentrations the MNK protein shifts toward the plasma membrane, presumably to enhance removal of excess copper from the cell (916,917). Numerous mutations have been recognized, and it appears as if almost every family has its own private mutation (918). As a consequence of the defect in the transport protein, copper becomes inaccessible for the synthesis of ceruloplasmin, superoxide dismutase, and a variety of other copper-containing enzymes, notably ascorbic acid oxidase, cytochrome oxidase, dopamine βhydroxylase, and lysyl hydroxylase. Because of the defective activity of these metalloenzymes, a variety of pathologic changes are set into motion. Arteries are tortuous, with irregular lumens and a frayed and split intimal lining (Fig. 1.32A). These abnormalities reflect a failure in elastin and collagen cross-linking caused by dysfunction of the key enzyme for this process, copper-dependent lysyl hydroxylase. C hanges within the brain result from vascular lesions, copper deficiency, or a combination of the two. Extensive focal degeneration of gray matter occurs, with neuronal loss and gliosis and an associated axonal degeneration in white matter. C ellular loss is prominent in the cerebellum. Here, Purkinje cells are hard hit; many are lost, and others show abnormal dendritic arborization (weeping willow) and perisomatic processes. Focal axonal swellings (torpedoes) are observed also (908,919). Electron microscopy often shows a marked increase in the number of mitochondria in the perikaryon of Purkinje cells and to a lesser degree in the neurons of cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia (919). Mitochondria are enlarged, and intramitochondrial electron-dense bodies are present. The pathogenesis of these changes is a matter of controversy.

Clinical Manifestations KHD is a rare disorder; its frequency has been estimated at 1 in 114,000 to 1 in 250,000 live births (920). Baerlocher and Nadal provided a comprehensive review of the clinical features (921). In the classic form of the illness symptoms appear during the neonatal period. Most commonly, one observes hypothermia, poor feeding, and impaired weight gain. Seizures soon become apparent. Marked hypotonia, poor head control, and progressive deterioration of all neurologic functions are seen. The facies has a cherubic appearance with a depressed nasal bridge and reduced movements (922) (Fig. 1.32B). There also is gingival enlargement and delayed eruption of primary teeth. The optic discs are pale, and microcysts of the pigment epithelium are seen (923). The most striking finding is the appearance of the scalp hair; it is colorless and friable. Examination under the microscope reveals a variety of abnormalities, most often pili torti (twisted hair), monilethrix (varying

diameter of hair shafts), and trichorrhexis nodosa (fractures of the hair shaft at regular intervals) (Fig. 1.32C ) (923).

FIGURE 1.32. Menkes disease. A: Section of a large artery from a patient with Menkes disease. Note frayed and split internal elastic lamina. B: Typical “cherubic” facies of a boy with Menkes disease. C: Abnormalities of hair shaft. M, monilethrix; Tn, trichorrhexis nodosa.

Radiography of long bones reveals metaphyseal spurring and a diaphyseal periosteal reaction reminiscent of scurvy (924). The urinary tract is not spared. Hydronephrosis, hydroureter, and bladder diverticula are common (925). Neuroimaging discloses cerebral atrophy and bilateral ischemic lesions in deep gray matter or in the cortical areas, the consequence of vascular infarctions (926). A progressive tortuosity and enlargement of intracranial vessels also can be shown by MRI angiography. Similar changes are seen in the systemic vasculature (927). Asymptomatic subdural hematomas are almost invariable, and when these occur in conjunction with a skull fracture, the diagnosis of nonaccidental trauma is frequently considered (928,929). EEGs show multifocal paroxysmal discharges or hypsarrhythmia. Visual-evoked potentials are of low amplitude or completely absent (930). The course is usually inexorably downhill, but the rate of neurologic deterioration varies considerably. There are recurrent infections of the respiratory and urinary tracts, and sepsis and meningitis are fairly common. I have seen a patient in his 20s, and numerous patients have been reported whose clinical manifestations are less severe than those seen in the classic form of KHD, and it appears likely that a continuum in disease severity exists. The correlation between the severity of phenotype and the type of mutation is not good, and variable clinical expressions for identical mutations have been observed (931,932). One of the most important clinical variants is occipital horn syndrome. As originally described, this condition is characterized by occipital exostoses, which appear as bony horns on each side of the foramen magnum, cutis laxa, and bladder diverticula (933). Mental retardation is frequent but not invariable. The neuropathology of this disease is similar to that seen in the classic forms of KHD (934). Serum copper and ceruloplasmin are usually but not invariably low. A variety of mutations of ATP7A have been described, and in some there is complete absence of the normal gene product (935).

Diagnosis The clinical history and the appearance of the infant should suggest the diagnosis. Serum ceruloplasmin and copper levels are normally

low in the neonatal period and do not reach adult levels until 1 month of age. Therefore, these determinations must be performed serially to demonstrate a failure of the expected increase. The diagnosis can best be confirmed by demonstrating the intracellular accumulation of copper and decreased efflux of 64C u from cultured fibroblasts (936). The increased copper content of chorionic villi has been used for first-trimester diagnosis of the disease (936). These analyses require considerable expertise, and only few centers can perform them reliably. In heterozygotes, areas of pili torti constitute between 30% and 50% of the hair. Less commonly, skin depigmentation is present. C arrier detection by measuring the accumulation of radioactive copper in fibroblasts is possible but is not very reliable (936). The full neurodegenerative disease, accompanied by chromosome X/2 translocation, has been encountered in girls (937). Trichorrhexis nodosa also can be seen not only in argininosuccinic aciduria and giant axonal neuropathy, but also in a number of other conditions that result in a structural abnormality of the hair shaft. A condition characterized by short stature, ataxia, physical and mental retardation, ichthyotic skin, and brittle hair and nails with reduced content of cysteine-rich matrix proteins has been termed trichothiodystrophy (TTD) (938). Approximately one-half of the patients have photosensitivity. Several genetically distinct entities are included in this group, with DNA repair-deficient TTD resulting from mutations in the DNA repair and transcription factor (939). Other disorders in the hair shaft are reviewed in conjunction with photographs of their microscopic appearance in an article by Whiting (940).

Treatment C opper supplementation, using daily injections of copper-histidine, appears to be the most promising treatment. Parenterally administered copper corrects the hepatic copper deficiency and restores serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels to normal. The effectiveness of treatment in arresting or reversing neurologic symptoms probably depends on whether some activity of the coppertransporting enzyme MNK has been preserved and whether copper supplementation has been initiated promptly (936,941). Therefore, it is advisable to commence copper therapy as soon as the diagnosis is established if the child has good neurologic function and to continue therapy until it becomes evident that cerebral degeneration cannot be arrested.

Molybdenum Cofactor Deficiency (OMIM 252150) Three enzymes require molybdenum for their function: sulfite oxidase, xanthine dehydrogenase, and aldehyde oxidase. Three genetically distinct disorders result in a defect of the molybdenum cofactor. Each of these represents a defect in one of the four genes involved in the biosynthesis of the molybdenum cofactor. Most commonly, one encounters a defect in MOCS1, the gene that codes for the enzyme involved in the formation of the cofactor precursor (942). MOC S2 prevents the conversion of the precursor into molybdopterin. A third genetically distinct disorder affects the formation of gephyrin, a molecule that assists with the insertion of molybdenum into molybdopterin (943). About 100 cases of the various molybdenum cofactor deficiencies have been described worldwide. C linically, all three disorders are autosomal recessive and are marked by intractable seizures, often starting in the neonatal period, severe developmental delay, and multiple cerebral infarcts producing a neuroimaging picture that resembles severe perinatal asphyxia (944). Molybdenum cofactor deficiency can be suspected by elevated serum lactate levels, low serum and urinary uric acid, and increased urinary sulfite. A dipstick test (Merckoquant; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) applied to fresh urine detects the increased presence of sulfites (3a,945). Treatment with dietary restriction of methionine has been attempted (946). Isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency produces a clinical picture similar to molybdenum cofactor deficiency, namely a profound developmental delay, hypotonia, and seizures, which generally start in the neonatal period. Dislocated lenses are apparent in some cases (947,948). Neuroimaging studies show initial cerebral edema followed by dramatic multicystic leukoencephalopathy. We emphasize that neonatal isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency should be included in the differential diagnosis of neonates with unexplained hypoxic-ischemic changes on neuroimaging studies (949). Dietary therapy of this condition with reduced methionine intake and a synthetic amino acid mixture lacking cystine and methionine has resulted in normal growth and apparently normal psychom*otor development (950).

DISORDERS OF PURINE AND PYRIMIDINE METABOLISM Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome (OMIM 308000) The occurrence of hyperuricemia in association with spasticity and severe choreoathetosis was first reported by C atel and Schmidt in 1959 (951). Since then, the disease has been observed in all parts of the world. It is transmitted as an X-linked disorder, with the gene mapped to Xq26–q27.2 (952).

Molecular Genetics and Biochemical Pathology The structure of the gene whose defect is responsible for Lesch-Nyhan syndrome has been elucidated. It codes for the enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT), which is defective in this condition. More than 200 mutations have been recorded; most families studied have their private mutation, and the same mutation is encountered rarely in unrelated individuals (953). Some 85% of these are point mutations or small deletions, and patients produce detectable amounts of normal-sized HGPRT (954). As a consequence of the genetic mutation, HGPRT activity is reduced to less than 0.5% of normal in a number of tissues, including erythrocytes and fibroblast cultures. Because of HGPRT deficiency, hypoxanthine cannot be reused, and whatever hypoxanthine is formed is either excreted or catabolized to xanthine and uric acid. Additionally, phosphoribosylpyrophosphate, a known regulator of de novo purine synthesis, is increased. For these reasons, de novo uric acid production is increased markedly, and serum urine and C SF uric acid levels are elevated. The excretion of other purines, such as xanthine and hypoxanthine, is increased also (954). The mechanism by which HGPRT deficiency induces the neurologic disorder is unclear. An abnormality in the dopaminergic system has been well documented. In basal ganglia, notably in the terminal-rich regions of the caudate, putamen, and nucleus accumbens septi, the dopamine concentration is reduced, as are the activities of dopa decarboxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase. Such findings point to a functional loss of a significant proportion of nigrostriatal and mesolimbic dopamine tracts. Using a ligand that binds to dopamine transporters, Wong and coworkers showed a reduction in the density of dopamine-containing neurons (955). A reduction in norepinephrine turnover and a diminution in the function of the striatal cholinergic neurons also have been documented. These alterations of the normal neurotransmitter balance within basal ganglia could account for the movement disorder characteristic of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (956). Based on animal data, it has been postulated that the self-injurious behavior that is so characteristic of

the condition is the consequence of destruction of dopaminergic fibers early in development and subsequent exposure to dopamine agonists (953). Impaired adenosine transport and apoptosis induced by the accumulation of 5′-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside have also been proposed as contributing to the neurologic manifestations (957,958). As would be expected from the Lyon hypothesis, the heterozygote female patient has two cell populations, one with full enzymatic activity and the other enzyme deficient. Heterozygotes can be ascertained by determining HGPRT activity in hair follicles.

Pathologic Anatomy The morphologic alterations seen in the brain are sparse and can be explained by the uremia, which is often present terminally (959). The dopamine-producing cells in the substantia nigra appear grossly unaffected.

Clinical Manifestations C linically, patients with HPRT deficiency fall into three groups. The most severely affected have all the features of classic Lesch-Nyhan disease, another group has neurologic manifestations and hyperuricemia, and yet a third group has isolated hyperuricemia without neurologic deficits (953). In the classic form of Lesch-Nyhan disease children appear healthy at birth, and initial gross motor milestones are achieved appropriately. During the first year of life, psychom*otor retardation becomes evident. Extrapyramidal movements appear between 8 and 24 months of age and persist until obliterated by progressive spasticity. Seizures occur in approximately 50% of the patients. A curious and unexplained feature of the disease is the involuntary self-destructive biting of fingers, arms, and lips, which becomes apparent by 4 years of age. C hildren are disturbed by their compulsion to self-mutilation and are happier when maintained in restraints. The teeth may have to be removed to prevent damage to the lips and tongue. Hematuria and renal calculi are seen in the majority of individuals, and ultimately renal failure develops. Gouty arthritis and urate tophi are also late complications. A megaloblastic anemia is common. Intellectual levels range from moderate mental retardation to low average (960). In later years, a large proportion of patients develop vocal tics reminiscent of those seen in Tourette disease. In the second group of patients there is excessive uric acid production, gouty arthritis, and mild neurologic symptoms, most commonly a spinocerebellar syndrome or mild mental retardation, or mild mental retardation, short stature, and spasticity (953,961,962). The least severely affected group has defective HGPRT with hyperuricemia and renal symptoms but no neurologic deficits (953).

Diagnosis The features of the illness, in particular self-mutilation and extrapyramidal movements, make a diagnosis possible on clinical grounds. Although serum uric acid is usually elevated, diagnosis is best confirmed from the urinary uric acid content, a urinary uric acid to creatine ratio of 3 to 1 or higher being almost diagnostic (953). Enzymatic analyses of lysed erythrocytes, cultured skin fibroblasts, cultured amniotic fluid cells, or other tissue are easily carried out and confirm the diagnosis and can be used for antenatal diagnosis (953,963). Routine MRI studies reveal mild cerebral atrophy. Volumetric MRI shows a one-third reduction in caudate volume (964).

Other Disorders of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism A variety of other disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism are summarized in Table 1.27. An X-linked syndrome marked by developmental delay, ataxia, and sensorineural deafness in which hyperuricemia is caused by superactivity of phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase and excessive purine production has been reported (965) (OMIM 311850). Another disorder of purine metabolism, adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency (OMIM 103050), is manifested by the presence of large amounts of succinyladenosine and succinylaminoimidazole carboxamide riboside and succinyl adenosine in body fluids. The clinical picture is one of severe mental retardation, seizures, and autistic features, or exclusively austistic features (966,967). These disorders can be identified by subjecting urine to the Bratton-Marshall reaction. This test is described by Laikind and coworkers (968). C astro and coworkers stress the need to subject the urine of children with unexplained neurologic disease and autism to this simple test (970).

Treatment Allopurinol (20 mg/kg per day), a xanthine oxidase inhibitor that blocks the last steps of uric acid synthesis, has been used in treating the renal and arthritic manifestations of the disease. The decrease in uric acid excretion induced by this drug is accompanied by an increase of hypoxanthine and xanthine but does not alter the neurologic manifestations of the disease (953). A variety of drugs such as serotonin agonists or antagonists have been used in an attempt to suppress self-mutilation, none with any clear effect. C hronic stimulation of the globus pallidus has been effective in at least one patient (969). Bone marrow transplantation has been ineffective (953).

Disorders of Pyrimidine Metabolism A condition termed thymine-uraciluria in which increased excretion of uracil, thymine, and 5-hydroxymethyluracil are accompanied by seizures and mental retardation has been reported (970,971). The defect is one of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (OMIM 274270). Patients develop severe reactions to 5-fluorouracil, with cerebellar ataxia and progressive obtundation (970).

Creatine Deficiency Syndrome (OMIM 601240) C reatine deficiency syndrome, a disorder of creatine biosynthesis, is caused by a deficiency in hepatic guanidinoacetate methyltransferase. The condition is marked by a progressive extrapyramidal movement disorder, seizures, and microcephaly. On MRI, delayed myelination is seen, and on MRS, the creatine and creatine phosphate peaks are virtually absent. Treatment with oral creatine (400 to 500 mg/kg per day) results in gradual improvement in some of the symptoms (972). Defects in creatine transport are covered in another part of this chapter.

TABLE 1.27 Disorders of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism with Neurologic Phenotypes


Biochemical Abnormality

Clinical Manifestations

Lesch-Nyhan (HGPTR deficiency)

Elevated urine uric acid

Extrapyramidal disorder, selfmutilation

Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthase superactivity

Elevated urine uric acid

Developmental delay, ataxia, sensorineural deafness

Decreased lactate formation on ischemic forearm test

Hypotonia, exertional myalgia, poor exercise tolerance or no symptoms

Purine nucleotide phosphorylase deficiency

Elevated urine/plasma inosine, guanosine

T-cell immunodeficiency, cerebral vasculopathy, strokes

Adenylosuccinate lyase (adenyl succinase) deficiency

Succinyl adenosine, succinylaminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide elevated in plasma, urine, CSF

Severe mental retardation, seizures, autistic features

Uridine monophosphate synthase deficiency

Orotic acid elevation in urine

Mental retardation

Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency

Increased excretion of uracil, thymine, 5-hydroxymethyluracil

Mental retardation, adverse reaction to 5fluorouracil

Dihydropyrimidinase deficiency

Increased excretion of uracil, thymine

Dysmorphic features, intractable seizures, severe developmental delay

Adenosine monophosphate deaminase deficiency 1 (myoadenylate deaminase)

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; HGPTR, hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase.

Porphyrias Of the various inherited disorders of the heme biosynthetic pathway that result in the accumulation of porphyrin or porphyrin precursors, only congenital erythropoietic porphyria is observed with any frequency during childhood. It results in cutaneous photosensitivity and hemolytic anemia but it is not accompanied by neurologic symptoms. Acute intermittent porphyria is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with variable, but generally low, penetrance. Symptoms usually begin at puberty or shortly thereafter, and are most pronounced in young adults. Prior to that symptoms are vague and of short duration (973). Manifestations consist of recurrent attacks of autonomic dysfunction, intermittent colicky abdominal pain, convulsions, and a polyneuritis, which usually predominantly affects the motor nerves. The upper limbs are generally more involved, and the

paralysis progresses until it reaches its maximum within several weeks. Seizures are relatively rare. Mental disturbances, notably anxiety, insomnia, and confusion, are common, but no skin lesions develop (974,975). Attacks can be precipitated by a variety of drugs, notably anticonvulsants. Decreased activity of porphobilinogen deaminase to 50% of normal has been demonstrated in several tissues, notably in erythrocytes, where the enzyme can be assayed most readily. The gene for the enzyme is located on the long arm of chromosome 11 (11q23–qter), and more than 100 allelic variants have been documented (976). This heterogeneity is in part responsible for the variable expression of the disease. The pathogenesis of the neurologic symptoms is poorly understood (975). The various hypotheses are reviewed by Bissell (975). The most likely explanation is that multiple factors, notably δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), which has structural resemblance to GABA, act on the nervous system concomitantly or sequentially.

TABLE 1.28 Neurologic Symptoms in the Hereditary Porphyrias


Neurologic Signs and Symptoms

Acute intermittent porphyria

Recurrent attacks of autonomic dysfunction, abdominal pain, seizures, motor polyneuropathy

δ-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase deficiency

Motor polyneuropathy

Congenital erythropoietic porphyria

No neurologic symptoms, severe cutaneous photosensitivity

Porphyria cutanea tarda

No neurologic symptoms, cutaneous photosensitivity

Hereditary coproporphyria

As in acute intermittent porphyria, cutaneous photosensitivity

Variegate porphyria

Acute neurovisceral crises, photosensitive skin; rarely starts before third decade of life


Cutaneous photosensitivity, no neurologic symptoms except in endstage liver disease

The diagnosis is arrived at by demonstrating increased urinary porphobilinogen and urinary ALA during an attack. Between attacks, the excretion of both metabolites decreases but is rarely normal. C linically silent carriers do not excrete increased amounts of these metabolites (977). The neurologic signs and symptoms of the various porphyrias are summarized in Table 1.28. We should point out that increased excretion of ALA without increased porphobilinogen excretion is seen in lead poisoning and hereditary tyrosinemia.

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Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Table of Contents > Chapter 2 - Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies

Chapter 2 Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies Harvey B. Sarnat John H. Menkes

Mitochondrial disease may cause any symptom in any tissue at any age by any inheritance. --A. Munnich The above definition of mitochondrial diseases summarizes the clinician's dilemma in diagnosing this most ubiquitous of metabolic disorders, with pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations being found in at least 1 in 8,000 individuals (1). Nevertheless, there are some patterns of specific mitochondrial syndromes that can be recognized at least enough to justify the extensive laboratory investigations required for confirmation. Because mitochondria are essential organelles of nearly all cells, with the exception of mature erythrocytes, mitochondrial diseases may affect any organ system and for this reason are now termed mitochondrial cytopathies. The most frequently affected organs are striated muscle, central nervous system, and heart. Diagnostic changes may be demonstrated in striated muscle even in patients who do not overtly manifest myopathic symptoms and signs; hence the muscle biopsy can be valuable diagnostic procedure.

ORIGIN OF MITOCHONDRIA Mitochondria were free-living independent organisms with their own unique DNA and membranes about 2 billion years ago, when they developed a symbiotic relationship with the evolving proeukaryocytes, and the two have lived more or less harmoniously as eukaryotic cells ever since. The cell depends on its mitochondria for the generation of oxidative enzymes of aerobic energy production, and the mitochondria depend upon the cell's nuclear DNA to provide the majority of the subunits for its respiratory chain complexes.

HISTORY OF DISCOVERY OF MITOCHONDRIA AND DISEASES OF THE ORGANELLE The first probable human visualization of mitochondria was in 1841, when intracellular granules were described using the crude optics of early microscopes. In 1890 Altmann (2) recognized the ubiquitous nature of “bioblasts” as elementary organs living in cells, and in 1898 Benda named the organelle the “mitochondrion” (3). The ultrastructure of mitochondria was described in 1952 by Palade (4), and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was defined by Nass and Nass in 1963 (5). Luft was the first to describe a mitochondrial disease in 1962, deciphering a deficit in oxidative phosphorylation in a patient with a now rare disease (6). Ragged-red fibers were described in the muscle biopsy and recognized as associated with mitochondrial disorders in 1963 by Engel and C unningham (7). In the early 1970s, several disorders of brain and muscle involving deficiencies in respiratory chain enzymes were described, and in 1973, DiMauro and DiMauro provided the first examples of myopathies due to isolated deficiencies of muscle carnitine and carnitine palmitoyltransferase (8). By 1981, the complete genomic sequence of human mtDNA was documented (9). In 1984 phenotype–genotype correlations were being made by Pavlakis et al. (10), and the concept of mitochondrial syndromes was founded. In 1988, major advances occurred with the description by Holt et al. (11) of human encephalomyopathies associated with large deletions of mtDNA and the description by Wallace et al. (12) of Leber hereditary optic neuritis as due to a point mutation at nucleoprotein (np)11778 in mtDNA, a clinical disorder subsequently shown to be a syndrome associated with several additional mtDNA point mutations in other patients, as is the case with most mitochondrial disorders. Hundreds of point mutations or deletions of mtDNA have been described since 1990, and new genetic varieties are continuously being discovered. Mitochondrial diseases also can result from mutations in the nDNA that encodes respiratory chain subunits or parts of mitochondrial membranes, even with a normal mtDNA genome. In 2003, Servidei showed that large-scale mtDNA rearrangements, rather than mtDNA deletions or point mutations, are the basis of some mitochondrial diseases (13). Nearly all of the distinctive clinical and pathologic patterns of mitochondrial diseases were initially thought to be singular diseases but now are recognized as syndromes in which the same phenotype can be produced by multiple mitochondrial genotypes.

FUNCTIONS OF MITOCHONDRIA The biochemical aspects of mitochondrial structure and function are reviewed more extensively by Lodish et al. (14) and Schapira (15). The primary function of mitochondria is to generate the high-energy phosphate bond in ATP by phosphorylation of adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The energy required for this reaction is derived from oxidation of the metabolic products of carbohydrates, fatty acids, and proteins. These processes of energy generation are collectively referred to as oxidative phosphorylation. Energy production is the only function of mitochondrial DNA; unlike the nuclear DNA of the cell, mtDNA does not determine any features of anatomic structure of the body, growth, or tissue differentiation. Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation involves electron transport among five respiratory chains of enzymes, termed respiratory complexes. C omplex I is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide diaphorase; complex II is succinate dehydrogenase; complex III is ubiquinone or cytochrome b oxidase; complex IV is cytochrome c oxidase; complex V is ATP synthase. C oenzyme Q10 helps to mediate transport from complex I to complexes III and IV. Pyruvate dehydrogenase is one of the most complex enzymes known, with a molecular weight of greater than 7 million. It contains multiple subunits of three catalytic enzymes (E1, E2, and E3), two regulatory polypeptides, and five different coenzymes. The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex mediates the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A to carbon dioxide, to generate reduced electron carriers through a series of nine reactions, carried out within the mitochondrial matrix by the citric acid cycle of Krebs. These reactions are carried out on the inner mitochondrial membrane by the electron transport chain, a set of electron carriers grouped into five multienzyme complexes. The free energy released during oxidation is stored in an electrochemical proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The movement of protons back across the mitochondrial membrane is then coupled with the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate. C oenzyme Q10 subserves the transport of electrons from complex I to complexes III and IV.

Transport of free fatty acids into mitochondria as fuel is mediated by carnitine. Within the mitochondria, the fatty acids are uncoupled from carnitine, a carrier molecule, and react with coenzyme A (C oA) to form an acyl-C oA. By a series of four sequential reactions (beta-oxidation), each molecule of acyl-C oA is oxidized to form one molecule of acetyl-C oA and an acyl-C oA shortened by two carbon atoms. Because most defects of beta-oxidation present with organicaciduria, these conditions are considered in C hapter 1 in the section dealing with organic acidurias. Amino acids are oxidized within the mitochondria; after transamination to their respective ketoacids, the amino acids alanine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid enter the citric acid cycle. In addition to its principal function in energy metabolism, mtDNA has additional functions during development. It is important for neuroblast polarity by modulating calcium homeostasis in microtubules and also regulates the bcl2 gene for apoptosis. Damage to mtDNA and loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential are demonstrated in apoptotic cell death (16).

GENETICS OF MITOCHONDRIAL STRUCTURE AND DISEASES The genetics of mitochondrial cytopathies is complex. The mitochondrion has its own DNA (mtDNA) on a single, circular chromosome of about 16.5 kilobases (kb). The mtDNA has an intimate relation with the cell's nuclear DNA (nDNA), and for each of the five respiratory complexes, the majority of the subunits are encoded by nDNA, not mtDNA. C omplex I consists of 41 subunits, of which only 7 are encoded in the mtDNA; the other 34 are encoded in the nDNA. C omplex II has only 4 subunits, all of which are encoded in nDNA. C omplex III has 10 subunits, 1 encoded by mtDNA and 9 by nDNA. C omplex IV has 13 subunits, 3 encoded by mtDNA and 10 by nDNA. C omplex V has 12 subunits, 2 encoded by mtDNA and 10 by nDNA. The nDNA encodes the vast majority of the mitochondrial proteins, including all proteins present in the outer membrane and the matrix. The respiratory complexes are located on the inner membrane. Because in the formation of the zygote, almost all mitochondria are contributed by the ovum, mtDNA is maternally inherited (17). Maternal inheritance appears to be operative in a small but significant proportion of inherited mitochondrial diseases; in the remainder transmission is as an autosomal recessive trait or is sporadic or unpredictable (18). Because the nuclear genome contributes subunits to the respiratory complexes, some mitochondrial diseases may follow a Mendelian pattern of inheritance, in which the metabolic defect is due to defective subunits encoded by mutation in nDNA, with preservation of normal mtDNA. Inheritance in these mutations is nearly always autosomal recessive. Some cases of Leigh encephalopathy provide a good example of this phenomenon. Nine different genetic defects have been documented in this syndrome, five of which involve mtDNA and four of which involve nDNA. If a point mutation in mtDNA is involved, the obligatory transmission is maternal, though not involving the X chromosome of nDNA. hom*oplasmy refers to the situation in which all mtDNA molecules within the cell are identical, the normal condition. If mutations in mtDNA occur, two populations of mtDNA then coexist, the heteroplasmic condition. Most pathogenic mtDNA mutations are heteroplasmic. In this situation the ratio of normal to abnormal mtDNA determines the clinical expression as well as the severity of the mitochondrial disease. A 100% abnormal mtDNA is incompatible with life. Differences in this ratio of heteroplasmy among cells in different organs determine the clinical expression in each organ system. Heteroplasmy may occur not only at the level of the cell, but also at the level of the individual mitochondrion, intramitochondrial heteroplasmy. At the time of cell division, mitochondria and mtDNA are randomly partitioned into the two daughter cells, mitotic segregation. The proportion of normal and abnormal mtDNA inherited by each daughter cell is not necessarily equal, and a threshold effect of mtDNA mutation may influence clinical expression including age of onset of symptoms (19). As an example of heteroplasmy, in the nucleotide (nt)-8993 T→C mutation that substitutes leucine for arginine, if less than 70% of the mtDNA shows this point mutation, the patient has the NARP (nystagmus, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa) syndrome; if the mutation involves 90% or more, the patient presents with Leigh encephalopathy. Between 70% and 90% mutated mtDNA produces mixed or variable clinical expression. Another class of mtDNA abnormalities is large-scale mtDNA rearrangements, such as kilobase deletions of the mitochondrial chromosome. Patients may harbor a 5- or 7.5-kb mtDNA deletion (the most common varieties), with striking differences in the proportion of deleted mtDNA molecules within the total mtDNA population. Sometimes as little as 2% mitochondria with significant deletions may be enough to render the individual symptomatic. High levels of these large-scale mtDNA deletions frequently occur in patients with Kearns-Sayre and PEO (progressive external ophthalmoplegia) syndromes (20). Approximately one-third of Kearns-Sayre patients harbor the same kind of mtDNA deletion, often designated the common 5-kb deletion, but occasional patients with KearnsSayre syndrome have larger, 11-kb deletions, with correspondingly more severe neurologic, muscular, and cardiac manifestations (21,22). Many of the common point mutations are now known, particularly in mitochondrial myopathies with ragged-red fibers, in mitochondrial cardiomyopathies, and in some mitochondrial encephalopathies, especially Leigh encephalopathy, but new mutations are published weekly in this rapidly expanding field of genetics. A table summarizing the known mtDNA point mutations and deletions in mitochondrial encephalomyopathies is updated quarterly in the journal Neuromuscular Disorders (23). Many mitochondrial point mutations are expressed in both striated muscle and central nervous system (C NS). For example, Kearns-Sayre syndrome is clinically mainly a myopathy but also involves the visual system of the brain, demonstrated during life by abnormally slow visual-evoked potentials. Most genetic laboratories that study mtDNA employ batteries of several point mutations that they screen for the common, welldocumented mutations, but cannot test the entire mitochondrial genome. At times, point mutations are found in nucleotide sequences that are not evolutionarily conserved, do not specify highly conserved amino acid residues, and/or are not associated with an amino acid substitution. The interpretation of such defects or polymorphic variants, in the context of clinical and pathologic presentation, often is problematic and uncertain.

CLINICAL SYNDROMES OF MITOCHONDRIAL CYTOPATHIES Because mitochondria are present in almost every cell, the wide variety of clinical presentations is not surprising. Mitochondrial disorders can be initially classified by clinical criteria in accordance with the organ systems most affected. One principle of mitochondrial diseases in general is that rarely is only one organ affected, and the clinical involvement of multiple organ systems is an important feature that allows the clinician to suspect a mitochondrial disease. The combination of symptoms and signs referable to the central and/or peripheral nervous system and striated muscle is the most frequent. C linical manifestations are extremely variable, even with a known pathogenic point mutation and even among affected members of the same family. Phenotype–genotype correlations often are poor for the clinical identification of specific mtDNA point mutations or at times for specific mitochondrial syndromes (24,25,26). Multiple genotypes of both mtDNA and nDNA defects may produce similar clinical and pathologic presentations, hence the common patterns of mitochondrial disorders and syndromes. Each of the mitochondrial syndromes has some constant clinical features that raise suspicion of the diagnosis and justify investigations to confirm or refute this provisional diagnosis. For instance, some patients fit a classical clinical and pathologic phenotype for MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and strokelike episodes) but have an mtDNA point mutation that is more

typical for MERRF (myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibers), or they show a mixed MELAS/MERRF phenotype (27,28) or MERRF/Kearns-Sayre phenotype (29). Many mitochondrial cytopathies cannot be classified under a single clinical eponym. Because each of the mitochondrial syndromes may be a similar clinical expression of multiple genetic defects, and the ratio of normal to abnormal mitochondria is variable between different patients even in the same family and between different organs, the phenotype– genotype correlations often are poor. Myopathology–genotype correlations are somewhat more reliable, but even the muscle biopsy does not always predict the precise genetic mutation. The neurologic manifestations of mitochondrial diseases are many, but the most common in infancy are seizures, including infantile spasms and myoclonic epilepsy, visual impairment, deafness, central dysphagia, apnea and respiratory failure, diffuse muscular hypotonia, and global developmental delay. In older children and young adults, neurologic deficits include dystonia, cerebellar deficits, spastic diplegia, memory loss, cognitive deficits, progressive hearing loss, dementia, and autism. Regression and loss of skills may be seen as with any neurodegenerative disease. Peripheral neuropathy also occurs in mitochondrial disease and may contribute to the hypotonia and weakness. Because extraocular muscles have more mitochondria per unit volume of tissue than do most other muscles, they often are involved and produce progressive external ophthalmoplegia of all six muscles. Respiratory insufficiency may result from myopathic involvement or from central respiratory failure or a combination. Lactic acidosis is a prominent feature of many mitochondrial diseases but not all. It is universally present in MELAS syndrome and helps to define this entity but is not present in MERRF and Kearns-Sayre syndromes. It is present in most cases of Leigh encephalopathy but not all; lactic acidosis is more likely in those cases with mtDNA mutations than in cases with nDNA defects. In some patients, the serum lactate may be normal but cerebrospinal fluid (C SF) lactate is elevated. When drawing serum lactate levels, it is important to also measure pyruvate. The most common cause of high serum lactate is that the tourniquet has been left on the arm too long while searching for a good vein; the resulting acute anaerobic state causes pyruvate to become converted to lactate; hence the lactate is high but the pyruvate is very low. In mitochondrial cytopathies, by contrast, if the lactate is elevated, the pyruvate is normal or also high (30). Simultaneous measurement of serum pyruvate will thus remove all doubt about whether an elevated lactate is merely a biological artifact. Other differential diagnoses of high serum lactate are shown in Table 2.1. Imaging of the brain is an important diagnostic study in patients with mitochondrial cytopathy involving encephalopathy. C haracteristic lesions may be seen with both computed tomography (C T) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the regions of the basal ganglia in particular (Fig. 2.1).

TABLE 2.1 Conditions Producing Lactic Acidosis in Infancy and Childhood

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Pyruvate decarboxylase (E1) Dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (E2) Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3) Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Phosphatase Pyruvate decarboxylase activator Gluconeogenesis Glucose-6-phosphatase (glycogen storage disease type I) Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase Pyruvate carboxylase Carboxylase Defects Propionyl-CoA carboxylase 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase Multiple carboxylase deficiency Organic Acidurias Glutaric aciduria I Glutaric aciduria II Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase deficiency Nongenetic Causes Sepsis Circulatory failure, shock, hypoxia Short-bowel syndrome Urinary tract infection caused by Enterobacter cloacae (a lactic acid–producing organism)

Seizures Reye syndrome Salicylate poisoning Liver failure Administration of intravenous glucose in newborns Bacterial meningitis (cerebrospinal fluid lactic acid) Mitochondrial syndromes can be broadly divided into two large categories: those in which the muscle biopsy exhibits ragged-red fibers and those that show many other features of mitochondrial myopathy but not ragged-red fibers. Ragged-red fibers are muscle fibers seen in frozen section and stained with modified Gomori trichrome stain that show irregularly shaped, bright red deposits in the subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar sarcoplasm, contrasting with the green myofibrils. The red color with this histochemical stain is derived from the strongly lipophilic chromotrope-2R in the stain, which has a particularly strong affinity for phospholipids; mitochondrial membranes contain a large amount of the phospholipid sphingomyelin. Electron microscopic examination of the ragged-red zone reveals large numbers of closely packed normal and abnormal mitochondria. A majority of adults presenting clinically with mitochondrial cytopathy have a ragged-red fiber syndrome with combined complex I and IV deficiencies, whereas most infants and children symptomatic with mitochondrial disease do not have this combination, hence the designation non–ragged-red fiber syndromes. A common combination defect in early childhood is one of complexes III and V, which is unusual in adults (31). Infants with complex I and IV defects may not show raggedred fibers histologically by trichrome stain until 3 years of age or older; hence this marker is not entirely reliable in infant muscle biopsies.

FIGURE 2.1. Imaging of a 21-month-old girl with Leigh encephalopathy. A: C omputed axial tomography shows symmetric hypodense areas in the region of basal ganglia. B: Magnetic resonance imaging-T2 FLAIR (fluid attenuation inversion recovery) reveals high signal intensity in the same region. This is a characteristic finding in many mitochondrial diseases with many types of mutations in mtDNA. The muscle biopsy of this child showed no ragged-red fibers but many fibers deficient in cytochrome c oxidase and subsarcolemmal crescents of intense oxidative activity. She had quantitative defects in respiratory chains I, III, and V, but known mtDNA mutations could not be demonstrated.

RAGGED-RED FIBER MITOCHONDRIAL SYNDROMES Melas (Mitochondrial Encephalopathy with Lactic Acidosis and Strokelike Episodes) First described by Pavlakis et al. (10), the clinical onset of this disorder usually is in late childhood or early adult life, but it can present even in infancy. In more than 60% of patients symptoms appear before 15 years of age (32,33). Neurologic deficits are transient ischemic episodes and permanent cerebral infarcts and are referable to vessels as large as the middle cerebral artery or as small as arterioles producing multiple microinfarcts in the brain. The cerebral cortex and subcortical white matter is most frequently involved, particularly in the parieto-occipital region, but the thalamus, corpus striatum, globus pallidus, brainstem, and cerebellum also may be affected with similar lesions. Though all patients with MELAS have strokes, they are not always the initial symptoms. Migrainous headaches, vomiting, seizures, deafness, and focal neurologic deficits are frequent presentations, and some patients suffer progressive dementia (34). The occipital lesions may lead to hemianopia or to cortical blindness. Though muscle is involved pathologically with ragged-red fibers, weakness, myalgias, and other neuromuscular symptoms and signs rarely are evident. Retinitis pigmentosa and

cardiomyopathy occur rarely. The reason for the strokes is the high mutation load of the mtDNA in endothelial cells of cerebral vessels, which leads to deficient pinocytotic vesicles, endothelial swelling, and vascular occlusion.

FIGURE 2.2. Quadriceps femoris muscle biopsy of a young woman with right spastic hemiplegia since infancy due to a large left middle cerebral artery infarct and porencephaly. She also has several smaller cerebral infarcts bilaterally, demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging. She has acquired microcephaly, persistent lactic acidosis, and generalized weakness that has progressed over the last 2 years, hence the muscle biopsy at this time. The clinical diagnosis is MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and strokelike episodes) syndrome. Hematoxylin-eosin (H-E) stain shows variation in myofiber diameter and several fibers with basophilic sarcoplasmic masses, corresponding to ragged-red fibers clearly identified with modified Gomori trichrome (GT) stain because these subsarcolemmal zones are irregular in shape and intensely red in color, whereas the normal myofibrils are green. Glycogen is abundantly stained (p-aminosalicylic acid, PAS) in these subsarcolemmal masses and is digested by diastase (not shown); one fiber shows loss of PAS staining except for its ragged-red margins. Neutral lipid, demonstrated by oil red O (ORO), is not increased within myofibers but is globular in the perimysium. Acridine orange (AO) fluorochrome shows no orange-red fluorescence in the ragged-red zones or within myofibrils. The oxidative enzymatic stains nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and cytochrome c oxidase (C OX) all exhibit intense mitochondrial enzymatic activity in the subsarcolemmal zones corresponding to ragged-red fibers. Two myofibers show no C OX activity and a few others show weak activity, strong evidence of a mitochondrial defect, though nonspecific for which mitochondrial disease. Frozen sections. ×250 (H-E, GT, ORO, AO), ×400 (PAS, NADH, SDH, C OX).

From a color plate in Sarnat HB, Marín-García J. Pathology of mitochondrial encephalomyopathies. Can J Neurol Sci 2005;32:152–166. With permission of the Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences.

Point mutations in mtDNA are the cause of this syndrome; hence the transmission is maternal but not X linked. The most frequent mutation, accounting for about 80% of cases, is an A→G point mutation at the nt-3243 locus, involving the tRNA Leu(UUR) gene (35). In another 10% of cases, the locus is T→C at nt 3271 of the same gene. The remaining cases are due to mtDNA point mutations at other loci, and new genetic mutations are being identified continuously; hence MELAS is a true syndrome. The genetic mutation may be identified in blood in most patients; if this approach is not diagnostic, muscle biopsy will identify the ragged-red fiber histopathology and provide tissue for quantitative mitochondrial studies of respiratory chain enzymes, showing a defect in respiratory complexes I and IV and sometimes others as well, and identify known mtDNA point mutations that are screened. C alcifications in the globus pallidus and other parts of the basal ganglia can sometimes be demonstrated by C T. The MRI appearance and distribution of infarcts large enough to be seen is characteristic (36). Serum creatine kinase (C K) is usually normal, but may be mildly elevated due to an increase in either the BB (brain) or MM (striated muscle) isozyme. Serum lactate is consistently elevated in this disorder, regardless of the specific point mutation and even during asymptomatic phases; pyruvate remains normal or also is elevated. The muscle biopsy is characteristic, as shown in Fig. 2.2 and Table 2.2.

Merrf (Myoclonic Epilepsy with Ragged-Red Fibers) This condition was first described by f*ckuhara and colleagues (37). C linical onset is during childhood or young adult life, and as the name suggests, the syndrome is highlighted by myoclonus and myoclonic epilepsy, progressive ataxia, and myopathy. Seizures are the usual presenting symptom in childhood and may take mixed forms. C erebellar ataxia and dementia leading to mental retardation follow and are progressive (38). In contrast to MELAS, cerebral infarcts are uncommon, but some patients have a mixed MELAS/MERRF phenotype. Other, less constant clinical features include small stature, deafness, optic atrophy, progressive external ophthalmoplegia, peripheral neuropathy, and cutaneous lipomas. About 80% of MERRF patients harbor an mtDNA point mutation at the nt-8344 locus of the tRNA Lys gene (34,39,40), but numerous other mutations in this gene are being recognized (41). If the genetic defect is not confirmed in a blood sample, muscle biopsy is diagnostic.

Kearns-Sayre Syndrome First described by Kearns and Sayre in 1958, this ragged-red fiber mitochondrial cytopathy involves brain and muscle (42). It is the most frequent and best studied from both clinical and molecular aspects. The known genetic bases are all different point mutations of mtDNA; hence it is a syndrome, not a single disease.

TABLE 2.2 Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Enzymes of The Patient Whose Muscle Biopsy Is Shown in Fig. 2.2

Specific Level

Range of Eight Controls

Complex I (NADH)

Table of Contents > Chapter 3 - Heredodegenerative Diseases

Chapter 3 Heredodegenerative Diseases John H. Menkes Advances in molecular biology have pointed to a basic similarity between diseases of metabolic origin (see C hapter 1) and heredodegenerative diseases. Nevertheless, essential differences remain. In metabolic disorders, the biochemical derangement of tissue or body fluids has led, in enzymopathies such as phenylketonuria or maple syrup urine disease, to the identification of the basic biochemical defect. Subsequent purification of the normal protein has permitted isolation of the gene that codes for it and has led to the determination of the molecular abnormality or abnormalities in the gene in patients with the disease. This process has been termed functional cloning. Many of the conditions covered in this chapter do not yet have a biochemical explanation. This lack has prompted the application of positional cloning (reverse genetics, a process in which the gene responsible for the disorder is isolated without its protein product being known). Theoretically, the process is simple; the approximate map position of the gene is established by linkage studies on extended families experiencing the disease. In many instances, cytogenetics and the use of a large number of polymorphic markers allow assignment of the gene to a specific chromosome with a resolution of roughly several million base pairs. This first step has been accomplished for quite a few of the conditions covered in this chapter. The second step involves a more exact localization of the gene site and subsequent isolation and cloning of the gene. Although this has been a complicated and labor-intensive process, it has been achieved for a significant proportion of the heredodegenerative diseases covered in this chapter. A shortcut to this process, which is also applicable to the rarer diseases, has been the use of candidate genes. A number of genes coding for proteins and enzymes vital to brain function have been mapped, cloned, and sequenced. When a new disease locus is assigned to a chromosomal region using linkage analysis, candidate genes from the same region are surveyed and features of these candidate genes are compared with the features of the particular disease. C onversely, when a new gene is assigned to a chromosomal region, candidate diseases are analyzed by an analogous process. This approach has led to the observation that abnormalities in the gene for myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) are responsible for Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD), with the gene for both PLP and the disease localized to the q22 segment of the X chromosome. One of the genes for C harcot-Marie-Tooth (C MT) disease [hereditary motor sensory neuropathy (HMSN) type IA] was isolated by this combined approach. The interested reader is referred to reviews of this constantly evolving field in C hapters 14 (Identifying Human Disease Genes) and 16 (Molecular Pathology) in the text by Strachan and Reed (1) and C hapter 1 (Introduction to Medical Genetics and Methods of DNA Testing) in the book edited by Pulst (2). For the clinician, it is still best that the heredodegenerative diseases are grouped according to their clinical presentation and according to the site in the brain that incurs the major anatomic or functional insult. The categories are (a) heredodegenerative diseases of the basal ganglia, (b) heredodegenerative diseases of the cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord, (c) heredodegenerative diseases of the peripheral and cranial nerves, and (d) diffuse cerebral degenerative diseases. A variety of intermediate forms have been well documented. As our knowledge of the interrelation between genotype and phenotype expands it has become evident that many common neurologic phenotypes have multiple genetic etiologies and, conversely, that there are many examples of mutations in single genes that produce distinct phenotypes. This chapter will provide examples of both phenomena. Thus there are at least 21 genetic forms of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias, and the C harcot-Marie-Tooth phenotype results from mutations in more than a dozen different genes. On the other hand, different mutations in the voltage-dependent calcium-channel gene (CACNA1A) can produce one of the dominant spinocerebellar ataxias (SC A6), episodic ataxia (EA2), or familial hemiplegic migraine. Even when there appears to be a clear relationship between a mutated gene and its phenotype, the correlation between genotype and phenotype is far from complete, and there are often known or unknown genetic or environmental phenotypic modifiers that affect penetrance and expression. One example of this perplexing situation is the situation in DYT1 dystonia, one of the primary torsion dystonias, in which the question of why dystonia is only present in some 30% of gene carriers is completely unresolved. Another such example is the recently uncovered effect of genetic modifiers on the splicing machinery that can result in changes in the levels of normal transcripts or in the relative ratios of wild type to mutant transcripts such as has been documented for familial dysautonomia.

HEREDODEGENERATIVE DISEASES OF THE BASAL GANGLIA Huntington Disease Huntington disease (HD) is a chronic progressive degenerative disease characterized by involuntary movements, mental deterioration, and an autosomal dominant transmission. Although its essential features were first described by Waters (3) in 1841, Huntington provided its most accurate and graphic description in residents of East Hampton, Long Island (4). The prevalence of HD in the general population has been estimated at between 5 and 10 per 100,000 (5). Although all patients early in the history of the United States were descendants of two English brothers, the disease has since been found in all races and nationalities. Morphologic abnormalities are limited to the brain. Grossly, patients have gyral atrophy affecting primarily the frontal lobes and generalized and symmetric dilatation of the lateral ventricles. The striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) is markedly shrunken, with the tail of the caudate nucleus being the area that is most affected (Fig. 3.1). Light microscopic examination demonstrates three processes: neuronal loss, which is associated with the presence of brain macrophages and neuronal satellitosis; lipopigment deposition in neurons and astroglia in excess of that expected for the patient's age; and a relative astrocytic proliferation (6). In adults, these changes are found in the caudate nucleus, putamen, and, to a lesser extent, the cortex, notably the frontal lobes (7). The ventrolateral thalamic nucleus, subthalamic nucleus, and, in some cases, spinal cord also may be involved. As a rule, the caudate nucleus, particularly its periventricular portion, is more affected than the putamen, whereas the nucleus accumbens generally is spared until late in the disease process.

FIGURE 3.1. Huntington disease. Gross atrophy of the caudate nucleus gives the lateral ventricles a butterfly appearance. (C ourtesy of Dr. J. A. N. C orsellis, The Maudsley Hospital, London.)

The pathology of juvenile HD is somewhat similar. C hildren presenting with the rigid form of the disease appear to have a marked destruction of the putamen (8,9). Severe astrogliosis of the globus pallidus may occur without neuronal loss, and hyperpigmentation of the substantia nigra has been noted in some juvenile patients (10). Electron microscopy of frontal lobe biopsies reveals a generalized, nonspecific derangement of all membrane structures, a consequence of cell death. C ell death within the striatum does not affect all neurons equally. The medium-sized gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic spiny projection neurons, which make up approximately 95% of human striatal neurons and contain a variety of neuropeptides, notably enkephalins and substance P, are the first to be affected (11). They are the source of the striatal output projections to the external globus pallidus and to the substantia nigra pars reticulata. By contrast, medium-sized aspiny interneurons containing somatostatin and staining with the histochemical marker nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)–diaphorase are relatively spared, as are the large, aspiny, cholinergic neurons and neurons immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y. Selective cell loss also is observed in the cortex, where a depletion of the large pyramidal neurons in cortical layers III, V, and VI and sparing of the GABA-ergic local circuit neurons occur (12). During the initial phases of the disease, cell loss is at least partially compensated by augmentation of the dendritic trees of the surviving pyramidal cells. This observation could explain the normal cortical metabolic activity that is observed in the early phase of the illness (13).

Pathogenesis and Molecular Genetics The gene for HD has been mapped to the short arm of chromosome 4 (4p16.3) (14). This work represented the first successful linkage analysis in humans using polymorphic DNA markers. The gene whose mutation causes HD is widely expressed in all regions of normal and HD brain and in various other organs. It encodes a large cytoplasmic protein named huntingtin (15). Wild-type huntingtin is essential for normal embryogenesis and the formation of forebrain (16). HD is an autosomal dominant condition; therefore one mutated gene suffices to cause the disease. Because hemizygous loss of one of the two Huntington genes—as occurs in Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome—does not produce an HD phenotype, it is evident that the mutation confers a deleterious function on the mutant huntingtin. The disease is now known to result from an expansion of a trinucleotide repeat in the coding region of the gene (17). Trinucleotide repeats are repeated units of three nucleotides in genomic DNA. In the case of HD, it is the trinucleotide (triplet) cytosine-adenine-guanine (C AG) that is repeated. Whereas in the normal population this trinucleotide repeat ranges from 9 to 34 copies, the length of this repeat is expanded in HD to a mean of 42 to 46 copies. This long run of C AGs in the HD gene encodes a polyglutamine tract near the amino terminus of huntingtin. In HD the length of the repeat is highly unstable. Whereas during maternal transmission it changes by only a few repeats and on rare occasions has been shown to contract, in paternal transmission the length of the repeat increases dramatically in approximately one-third of cases. Of patients with repeats of 55 or more, 90% have an onset of the disease by age 30 years, and a good negative correlation exists between the length of the repeat and the age of onset of neurologic symptoms, with the longest repeats resulting in juvenile HD (18). When HD appears sporadically, it is often the result of an expansion from an already large repeat. Such an expansion is more likely to occur on the paternally derived allele and has been correlated with advanced paternal age (19). The basic processes responsible for the instability of some repeat trinucleotide DNA sequences, a process termed dynamic mutation, are unclear (20). A similar expansion of genes with triplet repeats is seen in a number of neurologic conditions (Table 3.1). It would now appear that whenever a dominantly transmitted heredodegenerative disease manifests genetic anticipation (i.e., whenever a progressively earlier onset of neurologic symptoms occurs in successive generations), a repeat expansion of trinucleotide repeats is suspected (21) (see C hapter 4, Fig. 4.5). However, Fraser stressed that ascertainment bias, that is, that the younger generation has not yet reached the age when the disease becomes manifest, and truncation bias, meaning that parents with an early onset of disease do not have offspring, also should be considered as a cause for anticipation in neurologic conditions (22). In addition, a high incidence of repeat expansions occurs in the normal population, and between 30% and 35% of humans have C AG repeat lengths in their genomes that exceed 40 repeats, an indication that trinucleotide expansion is not invariably associated with a disease process. It is not fully understood how the expanded triplet repeat on the Huntington gene causes the disease. Several investigators have observed neuronal intranuclear inclusions immunoreactive for huntingtin epitopes in cortical and striatal neurons of HD brain (23).

These inclusions comprise truncated derivatives of the mutated huntingtin and are also found in presymptomatic HD (24). It is likely that the expanded polyglutamine tract alters the physical properties of huntingtin in such a manner as to induce its accumulation within the cell nucleus. This contrasts with the cytoplasmic location of wild-type huntingtin (24a). Nuclear accumulation of mutant huntingtin induces cell dysfunction and ultimately neuronal death. Of note is the presence of ubiquitin in these inclusions. Ubiquitin is a small protein that is crucial for the degradation of many cytosolic nuclear and endoplasmic reticulum proteins (25). Because binding of ubiquitin to proteins marks them for subsequent degradation, this finding suggests that mutant huntingtin has been targeted for proteolysis but that the degradation was somehow incomplete.

TABLE 3.1 Triplet-Repeat Diseases

Very Large Expansions of Repeats Outside Coding Sequences Fragile X syndrome A (FRAXA) Fragile X syndrome E (FRAXE) Myotonic dystrophy (DM1) Spinocerebellar ataxia 8 (SCA8) Juvenile myoclonus epilepsy (JME) Intronic Expansions Friedreich ataxia (FA) Spinocerebellar ataxia 11 (SCA11) Myotonic dystrophy (DM2) CAG Expansions in Translated Regions Spinobulbar atrophy, X-linked (Kennedy disease) Spinocerebellar ataxia 1 (SCA1) Spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SCA2) Spinocerebellar ataxia 3 (SCA3, Machado-Joseph disease) Spinocerebellar ataxia 6 (SCA6) ? Pathogenic Spinocerebellar ataxia 7 (SCA7) Spinocerebellar ataxia 17 (SCA17) Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DPRLA) Huntington disease (HD)

How mutant huntingtin induces a selective cell death is the subject of much research. More than a dozen proteins interact with the amino terminal of huntingtin. Some are involved in intracellular signaling; others are involved in transcriptional events, and the function of yet others is poorly characterized (26,27). Experimental work suggests that polyglutamine-expanded huntingtin acts within the nucleus to induce apoptotic cell death (28). Antiapoptotic compounds protect neurons against the mutant huntingtin, as does blocking nuclear localization of mutant huntingtin (29). The mechanisms for selective vulnerability that is so characteristic for HD are unclear. C urrent thinking is that overactivity of the Nmethyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptors, particularly the NR2B subtype, is at least contributory in that it can result in excitotoxicity-induced cell death in the medium-sized spiny GABA-ergic projection neurons that are enriched in the NR2B receptors (30). In support of this hypothesis is the marked reduction in NMDA-receptor binding in the putamen of brains in patients with HD as compared with normal brains (31). It is not clear whether mitochondrial dysfunction and consequent oxidative stress represent primary abnormalities or are secondary to early neuronal dysfunction (32). Respiratory complex II/III is deficient in putamen derived from patients with HD but is normal in their cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and cultured fibroblasts. This observation suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction parallels the severity of neuronal loss and could be secondary to cell damage induced by excitotoxicity and the ensuing generation of free radicals and superoxide (33).

Clinical Manifestations Although symptoms usually begin between ages 35 and 40 years, approximately 5% of patients are younger than 14 years (34). In general, the age when symptoms have their onset is inversely related to the C AG repeat number (35). However, the age of onset is also a function of genes other than the HD gene and is partially environmentally determined (36). Age of onset also decreases as the number of affected male ancestors increases. This finding is most striking when both the affected parent and grandparent are men. In a large series of patients with juvenile HD (patients whose symptoms become apparent before 20 years of age), Myers and coworkers found that 83% inherited the disease from their fathers (34). The onset of neurologic symptoms in siblings of patients with juvenile HD is approximately 27 years. This timing is significantly earlier than in the general population of patients with HD (37). The best explanation for the phenomenon of paternal inheritance of juvenile HD is that an expansion of the triplet repeat occurs during spermatogenesis.

The clinical picture of HD as it presents in children differs from that of affected adults (Table 3.2).

TABLE 3.2 Clinical Features of Huntington Disease of Childhood (28 Cases)


Number of Patients

Age of onset Younger than 5 years of age 5 to 10 years of age

7 21

Hyperkinesia or choreoathetosis






Mental deterioration


Cerebellar symptoms


Data from Jervis GA. Huntington's chorea in childhood. Arch Neurol 1963;9: 244–257; and Markham CH, Knox JW. Observations in Huntington's chorea. J Pediatr 1965;67:46–57. With permission.

As surveyed by C otton and colleagues (38), the initial stages of the illness are marked by mental deterioration or behavioral abnormalities (20 of 40 patients), gait disturbances, usually the consequence of rigidity (18 of 40 cases), cerebellar signs (15 of 40 cases), and, less commonly, seizures. In the Dutch series of Siesling and coworkers, behavioral disorders were the first feature of juvenile HD in 70% and chorea was seen in 48% (39). Some 70% of children in this series who presented with chorea developed rigidity in the course of the disease. Mental deterioration can commence before 2 years of age (40). It is not clear whether the intellectual decline results from striatal or cortical dysfunction. The clinical onset of rigid cases is earlier than in patients who have chorea as the predominant movement disorder (39). Additionally, in almost 90% of rigid juvenile HD cases, the disease is paternally inherited. This contrasts with approximately 70% for juvenile HD with chorea (39,41). When present, choreoathetosis resembles that seen in Sydenham chorea, but the movements have a greater affinity for the trunk and proximal musculature and, unlike those in Sydenham chorea, are rarely asymmetric. They are increased by voluntary physical activity and excitement and cease during sleep. Seizures are rare in adults with HD but affect approximately 50% of children. In some cases, they are the most prominent symptom and herald the onset of neurologic deterioration. Grand mal attacks are the most common; minor motor and myoclonic seizures and action myoclonus also have been observed (40). Spasticity, although rare in adults, can be prominent in juvenile HD (42). C erebellar signs occasionally can be a major feature. Although optic nerve atrophy is not seen, impairment of ocular motility is an early sign and resembles oculomotor apraxia (9). In such instances, requesting the patient to look from side to side elicits closure of the eyelids or a rapid, jerking movement of the head with an attendant delay in the movement of the eyeballs. Unlike in oculomotor apraxia, random and vertical eye movements also are affected. The disease progresses more rapidly in children than in adults, with an average duration of illness in the reported juvenile cases of 8 years, as contrasted with a range of 10 to 25 years for adults (43). Rate of progression of the disease has also been shown to be directly proportional to the number of C AG repeats. hom*ozygotes for HD have been identified in a large Venezuelan kindred (44). Their neurologic picture and the age when symptoms became apparent did not differ from those of the heterozygotes, an indication that the HD gene is phenotypically completely penetrant in the heterozygous state. Laboratory studies are normal, although the electroencephalogram result is often abnormal, and the cerebrospinal fluid (C SF) protein concentration is sometimes elevated. C omputed tomography (C T) scanning and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are equally reliable in

demonstrating caudate atrophy, but can show normal results even when there are significant neurologic symptoms. The appearance of images on these scans is often not specific, but there can be abnormal T2 prolongation in the putamen (45). A more sensitive and more specific study involves positron emission tomography (PET) scanning after the infusion of radiolabeled fluorodeoxyglucose. A marked reduction in caudate glucose metabolism is observed in all symptomatic patients, regardless of whether atrophy is evident on C T or MRI scans, and in approximately one-third of presymptomatic individuals at risk for the disease (46). A reduced glucose metabolism is accompanied by a reduction in dopamine D 1- and D 2-receptor binding in caudate and putamen. A good correlation exists between intellectual deterioration and the reduction in D 2-receptor binding (47).

Diagnosis The capacity to monitor the size of the trinucleotide repeat in individuals at risk for HD has revolutionized preclinical and prenatal testing for the disorder. The following diagnostic guidelines have been established: (a) Allele sizes of 26 or fewer C AG repeats have never been associated with the HD phenotype or with mutations to longer repeats. (b) Allele sizes of 27 to 35 repeats have not been associated with the HD phenotype but have been associated with mutability when transmitted paternally. It is likely that some patients with sporadic HD represent the occasional expansion of high-normal paternal alleles into the affected range. (c) Allele sizes of 36 to 39 have been associated with HD phenotype but also have been seen in apparently unaffected individuals. (d) Allele sizes of 40 or more C AG repeats have always been accompanied by HD pathology (48). In the experience of Kremer and colleagues, who obtained molecular data from 1,007 individuals, 1.2% of patients with a clinical diagnosis of HD possessed repeats that fell into the normal range (49). It is not known whether these patients have a phenocopy of HD or whether they were misdiagnosed. Until effective treatment becomes available, the World Federation of Neurology does not advise that patients under 18 years of age be tested for the disease (50). I believe this is a complex issue and that the decision to administer or not to administer the test to children must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The clinical diagnosis of HD rests on the neurologic examination, a positive family history, and neuroimaging studies. HD should be differentiated from the various conditions in which a movement disorder arises during childhood or adolescence. These include idiopathic torsion dystonia (dystonia musculorum deformans), Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome, Wilson disease, and juvenile Parkinson's disease. When intellectual deterioration is the chief feature, the various lipidoses should also be considered. Since 1980 there has been a resurgence of Sydenham chorea in the United States. Even though an antecedent streptococcal infection usually cannot be elicited, the distribution of the involuntary movements assists in the diagnosis, as does immune evidence of a streptococcal infection.

Treatment No treatment has been effective in reversing or arresting the progressive dementia. C holine, reserpine, and various phenothiazines, however, can alleviate the choreiform movements, and levodopa, bromocriptine, and amantadine can provide some benefit in the rigid form of the disease.

Huntington Disease–Like Disorders There are several disorders that present with symptoms commensurate with HD but in which genetic analysis shows neither a pathologic C AG triplet expansion nor a linkage to 4p16.3. The best studied of these has been termed HD-like 2. It has been mapped to chromosome 16q24.4 and represents a C AG/C TG expansion in the gene that codes for junctophilin-3, a protein that is involved in the formation of junctional membrane structures (51). The clinical picture in this condition resembles that of HD. In HD-like 3, a condition that has been mapped to chromosome 4p15.3, the clinical picture resembles that of juvenile HD, but transmission appears to be autosomal recessive (52). The condition manifests itself at about 3 to 4 years of age and is characterized by both pyramidal and extrapyramidal abnormalities. The MRI shows caudate atrophy. HD-like 1 disease is linked to chromosome 20p12. This condition is a familial prion disease with a large insertion in the prior protein gene (53). Hereditary benign chorea is a syndrome that is not too rarely encountered by a pediatric neurologist interested in movement disorders. This autosomal dominant condition, first described by Pincus and C hutorian (54), has its onset in infancy or early childhood and is nonprogressive, with peak severity in the second decade of life and movement diminishing during the adult years (55,56). Mild mental retardation is seen in a few patients, but there is no mental deterioration. PET scans in patients with this condition also demonstrate caudate hypometabolism. In some families the condition has been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 14, but there is significant genetic heterogeneity (57). Mutations in the thyroid transcription factor 1 gene, a homeodomain-containing transcription factor essential for the organogenesis of the lung, the thyroid, and the basal ganglia, have been documented in some patients carrying this disease (58). Several conditions are now recognized in which an extrapyramidal disorder is accompanied by the presence of acanthocytes. These are red blood cells with an irregular body and spicules of variable length that are irregularly distributed over the surface of the cell (see C hapter 1, Fig. 1.32). The differentiation between acanthocytes and red cells with rounded projections (echinocytes) and their visualization is discussed by Feinberg and coworkers (59). Acanthocytes are seen in more than 50% of all red cells derived from patients with abetalipoproteinemia but also have been observed in an occasional patient with Hallervorden-Spatz disease, HD-like 2 disease, hypobetalipoproteinemia, acanthocytosis, retinitis pigmentosa, pallidal degeneration syndrome (HARP syndrome: hypoprebetalipoproteinemia, acanthocytosis, and retinitis pigmentosa), and a condition termed chorea-acanthocytosis. Symptoms of HARP syndrome generally appear during the first decade of life and are marked by dystonia, dysarthria, and impaired gait (60). Typically, chorea-acanthocytosis is characterized by chorea, orofacial dyskinesia with dysarthria, and depressed or absent reflexes. Seizures, dementia, and self-mutilation also have been observed. The age of onset is usually during the second decade or later (61). This condition is not rare in the south of Japan and can be transmitted in both a recessive and a dominant manner (62). The diagnosis of neuroacanthocytosis rests on the demonstration of acanthocytes in a dried blood smear or in saline-diluted wet preparations. Serum lipoprotein electrophoresis and vitamin E levels are normal. Neuroimaging demonstrates caudate atrophy, and MRI reveals increased signal in the caudate and lentiform nuclei. PET scans indicate a severe loss of striatal dopamine D 2-receptor-binding sites and a marked reduction in the [18F]dopa uptake in the posterior putamen. These point to a selective degeneration of dopaminergic projections from the substantia nigra compacta to the posterior putamen (63). Further discussion of the various neurologic syndromes associated with peripheral acanthocytosis is given in C hapter 1.

Primary Dystonia (Dystonia Musculorum Deformans, Torsion Dystonia, DYT1) Primary dystonia (dystonia musculorum deformans, torsion dystonia) is characterized by sustained muscle contraction frequently causing twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures. It was first described by Schwalbe in 1908 as a variant of hysteria (64) and more definitively by Oppenheim in 1911 (65). It is now evident that this condition represents several genetically distinct entities distinguishable from the various acquired dystonias that result from perinatal asphyxia, trauma, toxins, or vascular disease.

Pathogenesis and Molecular Genetics Several genes have been implicated in the various hereditary dystonias. The disorders are summarized in Table 3.3. The clinical entity that most commonly manifests during childhood has been termed early-onset dystonia (DYT1). The gene for this condition has been mapped to chromosome 9q34. A single mutation, a 3-base pair (bp) deletion, in the coding sequence of the gene is found in almost all cases seen in Ashkenazi Jewish families (66). Identical gene mutations also have been documented in patients with completely different ethnicities. This suggests that DYT1 is an example of a recurrent mutation causing a dominantly inherited condition (85,86). The DYT1 gene codes for a protein termed torsin A, an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-binding protein, which is a member of the AAA protein family. These proteins participate in a variety of biological functions including membrane trafficking, organelle biosynthesis, and protein chaperone activities. They achieve these tasks by unfolding proteins or disassembling protein complexes. The mutation causes torsin A to relocalize from the endoplasmic reticulum, where it is normally located, to the nuclear envelope, recruiting the wild-type torsin A to the nuclear envelope with it (87,88,89,89a). The pathophysiology of primary dystonia (dystonia musculorum deformans) is unknown. C linical and electrophysiologic observations indicate that dystonic movements and postures result from a functional disturbance of the basal ganglia. In particular, the striatal control of the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra pas reticulata is impaired. Microelectrode recording conducted in the course of pallidotomy shows a decreased discharge rate from both the internal and external segments of the globus pallidus, probably as a consequence of an increased inhibitory output from the striatum. In addition, the pattern of spontaneous neuronal activity is highly irregular (90). As a result, there is an alteration of thalamic control of cortical motor planning and execution of movements, reducing the brainstem and spinal cord inhibitory mechanisms (91,92). As a consequence, prolonged abnormal cocontractions of agonist and antagonist muscles occur, with abnormal recruitment (overflow) to the more distant musculature. Marsden postulated that a defect in the presynaptic inhibitory mechanisms in the spinal cord causes the failure in reciprocal inhibition (93). Even though primary dystonia is believed to be a functional disorder of the basal ganglia, no consistent anatomic abnormalities are seen in this region. Neuropathologic examination of patients with dystonia musculorum deformans has been negative or has revealed nonspecific changes (94). However, McNaught and coworkers recently demonstrated the presence of perinuclear inclusions in cholinergic and other neurons of the midbrain reticular formation, an indication of altered protein handling such as is seen in several other neurodegenerative disorders (94a). Dopamine levels are slightly reduced in the rostral striatum, but not enough to explain the symptoms. This is in contrast to autopsy specimen from patients with dopa-responsive dystonia, in whom dopamine levels range between 3% and 20% of normal (95). When discrete lesions result in a secondary focal or hemidystonia, these lesions are localized to the thalamus, caudate nucleus, putamen, or globus pallidus (93).

TABLE 3.3 Hereditary Dystonias


Mutated Gene Locus



Gene Product


Ethnic Predilection


Ashkenazi Jewish

Childhood limb onset dystonia becoming generalized

Gypsy, Sephardic Jews

Early onset of dystonia in extremities, torticollis, blepharospasm


Adult onset, blepharospasm, torticollis, parkinsonism


Adolescence to adult, torticollis, dysphonia



AR Torsin A ATPase


XR Xq13.1








8p21– q22






1p21– p13.3


16p11.2– q12.1


GTP cyclohydrolase




Tyrosine hydroxylase












Childhood onset, generalized dystonia, diurnal fluctuations, doparesponsive


Childhood onset, generalized dystonia, diurnal fluctuations, doparesponsive


Indistinguishable from DYT1, but later onset


Onset in sixth decade, torticollis, tremor, dysphonia


Paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia


Paroxysmal choreoathetosis with episodic ataxia


Paroxysmal kinisigenic choreoathetosis


Myoclonic jerks, dystonia, relieved with alcohol, onset childhood, adolescence Same as DYT11a Rapid onset of



dystonia and parkinsonism in childhood, adolescence


None Dopamine receptor D2


1p36.13– 36.32


Onset childhood to adult life, benign, slow progression




Doparesponsive dystonia




Deafnessdystonia syndrome





Like DYT11a


Deafness, rapidly progressive dystonia, some with mental retardation, cortical blindness

AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; XR, X-linked recessive; DPP1/TIMM8a, deafnessprotein 1/translocase of mitochondrial inner membrane 8a.

Clinical Manifestations Dystonia has been classified according to the body distribution of the abnormal movements. Generalized dystonia (dystonia musculorum deformans) is the most common form seen in children. In this condition, one or both legs and some other region of the body are affected (96). Focal dystonia refers to involvement of a single region. It includes the eyelids (blepharospasm), mouth (oromandibular dystonia), larynx (spastic dysphonia), neck (torticollis), and hand (writer's cramp). In segmental dystonia, two or more contiguous regions are involved. Focal and segmental dystonias are seen rarely during the first two decades of life. Torticollis, when seen in infants and children, is a relatively common condition but is unrelated to primary dystonia. It is considered in C hapter 6.

DYT 1 Generalized DYT1 dystonia is transmitted as an autosomal dominant condition with a low penetrance, probably between 30% and 40% (97). The factors that control penetrance, be they genetic or environmental, are unknown (98). The degree of penetrance is not dependent on the gender of the transmitting parent. Primary dystonia caused by a defect in the DYT1 gene is the most common type of childhood dystonia. It has a relatively high incidence among Ashkenazi Jews. This entity begins between the ages of 4 and 16 years and is characterized by an initially rapid deterioration. The first symptoms in both the childhood and late-onset forms of hereditary dystonia are involuntary movements or posturing of one portion of the body (99). Most commonly, the initial movement consists of a plantar, flexion-inversion movement of the foot that can first appear when walking (Fig. 3.2). Initially, symptoms are intermittent and, because they are more severe under stress, they frequently are misdiagnosed as representing a hysterical reaction. In due time, however, they become constant. As the disease progresses, involuntary flexion or extension appears at the wrist, and, finally, torsion spasms of the neck and trunk become evident. These movements can be triggered by motion of any other part of the body or ultimately they can appear spontaneously. Eventually, the affected limbs assume a fixed, continuously maintained, abnormal attitude on which athetotic fluctuations in time are superimposed. On examination, the muscles resist passive movements and after forcible deflection, tend to return to their original position.

FIGURE 3.2. Dystonia musculorum deformans. Dystonic posturing of left arm and left lower extremity. Flexion at the knee and equinovarus positioning of the foot are typical for this condition. Additionally, this 11½-year-old girl has torticollis. Symptoms started at age 9 years with a change in voice, followed by torsion of the distal portion of her left lower extremity at age 10 years.

In some cases, the involuntary movements affect the face and interfere with speech and swallowing. Dystonia of the visceral musculature, particularly paroxysmal dyspnea, has been described. As a rule, all movements cease during sleep. The intellect remains normal in all instances. The childhood-onset form of the disease tends to progress relentlessly, and, in general, the earlier the onset of symptoms, the more rapid is their advance. In the experience of Marsden and Harrison (100), 79% of children whose involuntary movements appeared before 11 years of age progressed to generalized dystonia. Individuals whose sole symptom is a mixed resting and intention tremor, writer's cramp, or torticollis frequently are seen in affected families and probably represent a partial expression of the disease (99,101). Neuroimaging in primary dystonia is usually unremarkable. On PET scan of a movement-free patient, a significant increase is seen in the cerebral glucose metabolism in the caudate and lentiform nuclei, cerebellum, and those areas of the frontal lobes that receive projections from the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (92,102). In clinically nonpenetrant individuals, resting glucose utilization in putamen, anterior cingulate, and cerebellar hemispheres is also increased (103). In contrast to the generalized forms of hereditary dystonia, segmental and focal forms are rarely encountered in children. The most common of these conditions is spasmodic torticollis, which can appear in isolation or as part of a segmental dystonia, with muscle spasms also affecting the upper extremity. Focal dystonias also include writer's cramp, blepharospasm, spasmodic dysphonia, and oromandibular dystonia. Although these entities tend to remain restricted, they progress in some instances to generalized dystonia (104). In most instances these forms represent a partial expression of primary dystonia (DYT1) (101).

DYT5 A hereditary progressive form of dystonia with marked diurnal fluctuations and a striking response to low doses of dopaminergic drugs has been seen in Japan and accounts for approximately 5% to 10% of all dystonias seen in the West (71,105). Both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive forms have been described (see Table 3.3). The autosomal dominant form is the result of a defect in the gene that codes for guanosine triphosphate (GTP) cyclohydrolase I; the recessive form is caused by a defect in the gene for tyrosine hydroxylase (71,72). GTP cyclohydrolase I deficiency also is seen in hyperphenylalaninemia (see C hapter 1). The clinical picture for both forms is similar to early-onset generalized dystonia, with onset during the first decade of life. It generally startes with a postural dystonia in one extremity, and within a few years becomes generalized. A postural tremor of the hands is often present. In approximately one-fourth of children, the diurnal fluctuations are not apparent (71).

Patients with generalized dystonia and severe developmental delay and failure to achieve normal motor milestones also have been described. These patients are compound heterozygotes for mutations in the gene coding for GTP cyclohydrolase, but unlike patients with autosomal recessive GTP cyclohydrolase I deficiency, these patients do not demonstrate a marked elevation of plasma phenylalanine. These individuals respond dramatically to therapy with a combination of levodopa and tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) (106). Diagnosis of this condition and related conditions such as the recently described infantile parkinsonism-dystonia depends on reliable quantification of the abnormal metabolites in the C SF (107,108).

DYT11 Myoclonic dystonia, a dominantly transmitted form in which torsion dystonia is accompanied by myoclonic jerks, can develop during childhood. Both myoclonus and dystonia improve dramatically with ingestion of alcohol or with a combination of trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride and valproic acid (109). The two genetically distinct forms appear to have similar phenotypes (Table 3.3).

Diagnosis Primary dystonia (dystonia musculorum deformans) must be differentiated from dystonia arising as a consequence of a known central nervous system (C NS) insult (symptomatic or secondary dystonia) or because of other hereditary neurologic disorders. In children, dystonic symptoms are most often the result of perinatal asphyxia (see C hapter 6). Under such circ*mstances, the movement disorder generally appears before the third year of life, although, exceptionally, the involuntary movements do not begin until 5 to 15 years of age or even later, with the child having exhibited minimal or no neurologic abnormalities before that time (110,111). In a number of these patients, dystonic symptoms are not static but continue to progress throughout life. Dystonic movements also can develop after acute viral encephalitis, carbon monoxide poisoning, and the ingestion of various drugs, notably phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenothiazines, butyrophenones, benzamides (e.g., Tigan), tricyclic antidepressants, chloroquine, antihistamines (e.g., Benadryl), ketamine, and lithium (112). Many children who develop drug-induced dystonia suffered from preexisting brain damage. Dystonia also can follow craniocerebral trauma. Under these circ*mstances, it is typically unilateral (hemidystonia). Typical dystonia also can follow peripheral trauma, with the traumatized limb being the one initially affected by the movement disorder (113,114). It is unclear what role trauma plays in the clinical expression that otherwise would have been asymptomatic for the DYT1 gene. Dystonic movements also are seen in Leigh syndrome and Wilson disease. In Wilson disease, Kayser-Fleischer rings are invariable, the serum ceruloplasmin is generally depressed, and speech or the facial musculature is often preferentially affected. Other heredodegenerative diseases in which dystonia can be a prominent clinical feature include various lipidoses (G M1 and G M2 gangliosidosis, juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, and Niemann-Pick disease type C ), metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), and glutaric acidemia type I.

Treatment Two modes of treatment, pharmacologic agents and neurosurgery, have been used to alleviate the symptoms of dystonia. The effectiveness of drug treatment is unpredictable and inconsistent, but approximately one-half of the patients experience significant improvement. Trihexyphenidyl (Artane) is probably best used for DYT1 patients with this disease, whereas levodopa, given alone or with a decarboxylase inhibitor (Sinemet), appears to be most beneficial in patients with late-onset dystonia. Trihexyphenidyl is administered to children in extremely large doses (60 to 80 mg/day or even more). Doses begin at 2 to 4 mg/day, and the drug is gradually increased until maximum benefit or intolerable side effects are encountered (115). Tetrabenazine, a dopamine-depleting drug, can be given in doses of 50 to 200 mg/day. Its effect is potentiated by combining it with lithium (approximately 900 mg/day) (116). In some patients, a combination of trihexyphenidyl, dextroamphetamine, and tetrabenazine appears to be fairly effective, as is the co*cktail of trihexyphenidyl, pimozide, and tetrabenazine used in the United Kingdom (117). The concomitant administration of baclofen (40 to 120 mg/day) can enhance the effectiveness of drug therapy (118). Other drugs that can be beneficial to an occasional patient include carbamazepine (Tegretol), bromocriptine, and diazepam (Valium). Botulinum toxin (Botox) has been effective in the treatment of blepharospasm and other craniocervical dystonias, but it is used only rarely in generalized dystonia because of the number of large muscles affected. It can be used, however, for the most disabling or painful muscles in conjunction with the other medications (96). Unilateral or bilateral pallidotomy and pallidal stimulation are options for patients who have been unresponsive to pharmacologic treatment. The latter procedure is preferred in our institution. Results from several centers indicate that this procedure induces a marked but gradual improvement over the course of several months (118a). Patients with secondary dystonia derive neither functional nor objective improvement (119,120). Pallidotomy appears to be equally effective (120). Because of a high incidence of relapses and the development of dysarthria in more than half of the patients who undergo bilateral procedures, cryothalamectomy is no longer used for amelioration of dystonia. In general, it appears that not severely affected patients with the early onset form of hereditary dystonia (DYT1) respond more favorably to drugs, whereas patients with severe generalized DYT1 dystonia, and focal or segmental dystonia are likely to be more amenable to the use of botulinum toxin or surgery. In light of the empirical and often not very successful treatment of patients with DYT1 dystonia, inhibiting the expression of the mutant torsin with the aid of mutant-specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) appears to be a new and potentially exciting approach (121).

Tardive Dyskinesia Tardive dyskinesia is encountered in the pediatric population in association with the use of neuroleptic medications, notably phenothiazines, butyrophenones, and diphenylbutylpiperidine (Pimozide) (122). Its prevalence is much higher in children treated with conventional antipsychotics than in those given atypical antipsychotics. The condition is not one entity, but a number of different syndromes. Its incidence is not known. Studies on an inpatient population of psychotic children and adolescents receiving neuroleptics suggest that extrapyramidal movement disorders are seen during drug therapy or on drug withdrawal in as many as 50% (123). In most instances, the movement disorder is transient. It is more common in children who have had prenatal and perinatal complications or those who have received high doses of the medication for months or years or after an increase in the dose (124). However, low doses given over brief periods also have induced the movement disorder. The severity of movements varies considerably. C haracteristically, they consist of orofacial dyskinesias, notably stereotyped involuntary protrusion of the tongue, lip smacking, and chewing. A variety of other involuntary movements also can be present. After the medication is discontinued, these can improve in the course of several months or they can persist. Withdrawal dyskinesias

generally disappear after a few weeks or months. Persistent dystonia has been associated with the use of neuroleptics. The clinical appearance of this movement disorder differs from tardive dyskinesia by the absence of orofacial dyskinesias. Tardive dyskinesia is believed to result from a hypersensitivity of the dopamine receptors induced by the neuroleptic medications. A full review of the pathophysiology of this disorder is beyond the scope of this text. Why this condition appears in some patients and not in others is unclear. The concomitant administration of anticholinergic drugs does not predispose to the appearance of tardive dyskinesia nor do drug holidays prevent it. In my experience, several patients with tardive dyskinesia have had a family history of a movement disorder (such as writer's cramp or tremor), suggesting a genetic predisposition. In making the diagnosis of tardive dyskinesia, one should bear in mind that a number of movement disorders, notably HD and Wilson disease, are preceded by behavior problems, personality changes, or psychoses that could require the use of neuroleptic agents. It is also necessary to differentiate tardive dyskinesia from the choreiform movements of hyperkinetic children, the peculiar movements of institutionalized youngsters exhibiting mental retardation, and the choreoathetosis of children with cerebral palsy that can be suppressed by neuroleptics. A variety of drugs has been used for the treatment of persistent tardive dyskinesia. Jankovic and his group favor tetrabenazine given solely or in combination with lithium (116). In their series, which mainly comprised adults, a persistent excellent response was seen in 85% of patients. A variety of other drugs (reserpine, clonidine, and clozapine) also has been used. In many instances; however, if the movement disorder has established itself and has failed to subside with withdrawal of the responsible neuroleptic, the outlook for remission is not good. The effectiveness of branched-chain amino acids in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia is under investigation (125). The neuroleptic malignant syndrome is another neurologic disorder believed to result from the administration of dopamine receptor– blocking neuroleptics. The principal clinical features of this condition are hyperthermia, muscular rigidity, tremors, rhabdomyolysis, and disorientation. Tachycardia and hypertension also can develop (126,127). The condition can be life-threatening, and prompt treatment is required. Anticholinergics, bromocriptine, and dantrolene have been used to treat this condition. Although the last drug is favored by many authors (128) it was not useful in the series of patients reported by Silva and coworkers (129).

Hallervorden-Spatz Disease (Pantothenate Kinase–Associated Neurodegeneration; PKAN) In 1922, Hallervorden and Spatz described Hallervorden-Spatz disease, a rare familial disorder that began before age 10 years and was characterized by clubfoot deformity, gradually increasing stiffness of all limbs, impaired speech, and dementia (130).

Pathogenesis and Molecular Genetics PKAN is an autosomal recessive disorder, with the gene mapped to chromosome 20p13. It encodes pantothenate kinase 2 (PANK2), the first enzyme in the biosynthesis of coenzyme A (131). Normally, PANK2 localizes to mitochondria and phosphorylates pantothenate, Npantothenoyl-cysteine, and pantetheine (132). The mutated sequence leads to skipping of the mitochondrial targeting signal and causes PANK2 to be localized to the cytosol (133). It is not clear how this leads to the deposition of iron. One likelihood is that N-pantothenoylcysteine and pantetheine induce free radical damage to cells and that, additionally, iron is chelated by the cysteine-containing compounds that accumulate as the result of the enzyme defect.

Pathology Three pathologic abnormalities occur in Hallervorden-Spatz disease. These are (a) intracellular and extracellular iron deposition in the globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and, less often, cerebral cortex; (b) a variable degree of neuronal loss and gliosis in the globus pallidus and the pars reticularis of the substantia nigra; and (c) widely disseminated rounded structures, identified as axonal spheroids and seen with particular frequency in the basal ganglia (134). Microscopically, the pigment is located within neurons and glial cells and in the neuropil, particularly around large blood vessels of affected areas. Histochemical and chemical analyses indicate that it contains iron and is related to neuromelanin. The cytoplasm of the renal tubules contains a brown granular pigment similar in composition to that deposited in nerve tissues (135).

Clinical Manifestations C onsiderable variability occurs in time of onset of symptoms and in the major manifestations of Hallervorden-Spatz disease (136). In the classic form of the disease, symptoms become apparent during early childhood (137). These include a progressive impairment of gait caused by a dystonic equinovarus pes deformity of the feet and rigidity of the legs, slowing and diminution of all voluntary movements, dysarthria, and in some children mental deterioration (138). Approximately 50% of patients, however, exhibit a choreiform and athetotic movement disorder. Spasticity has been evident in some cases and atrophy of distal musculature or seizures in others. Retinitis pigmentosa was seen in 20% of patients compiled by Dooling and colleagues (136) and in 68% of patients in the series of Hayflick and her group (137). Optic atrophy is seen in only about 3% of patients (137). A form of PKAN that has a later onset and is more slowly progressive has also been delineated. Symptoms tend to be first noted in the second decade and are marked by speech difficulties and extrapyramidal dysfunction, the latter resembling parkinsonism (137). Neuroimaging studies are of considerable assistance in the diagnosis of the disease. The C T scan shows bilateral high-density lesions within the globus pallidus (139). The presence of iron within the basal ganglia is best detected by MRI using a T2-weighted spin-echo pulse sequence at high field strength (1.5 Tesla). Marked hypointensity of the globus pallidus is seen, and the low-signal area surrounds a circ*mscribed region of high signal, the eye-of-the-tiger sign (140). No effective treatment exists for the condition. In view of the enzymatic defect, high doses of pantothenic acid (up to 10 g/day) have been recommended in the hope of driving any residual enzyme activity by substrate overload (137). In my experience, neither pantothenic acid supplementation nor iron chelation has been effective. Movement disorders, notably dystonia, can sometimes be controlled by pallidal stimulation (140a). Pallidotomy has not been effective at our institution. Several variants of Hallervorden-Spatz disease have been reported (134). Of these the most likely to be encountered is marked by hypoprebetalipoproteinemia, acanthocytosis, and retinitis pigmentosa. It has been termed the HARP syndrome (134,141). This condition is allelic with PKAN (141,141a).

Familial Idiopathic Calcification of Basal Ganglia (Fahr Disease) Fahr disease is not a single entity but several genetically and clinically distinct disorders that share the characteristic of calcific deposits within the basal ganglia (Fig. 3.3). A brain that demonstrated calcification within the basal ganglia was first described by Bamberger in 1855 (142). In 1930, Fahr reported a case of idiopathic calcification of the cerebral blood vessels in an adult with progressive neurologic symptoms (143). Since then, several genetic disorders subsumed under the term Fahr disease have been delineated (144). One form of familial calcification of the basal ganglia is best exemplified by two sets of siblings reported by Melchior and coworkers (145). In these children, the disease was marked by mental deterioration, which became apparent within the first 2 years of life, and a choreoathetotic movement disorder. Microcephaly and seizures also can be present, and in one patient, calcification could be seen on ophthalmoscopic examination of the fundi. An autosomal recessive transmission is likely. Another group has been designated as Aicardi-Goutiéres syndrome. It is an autosomal recessive progressive encephalopathy, with its onset in infancy, first described in 1984 (146). Initial symptoms include feeding difficulties and irritability. In some patients, previously acquired skills are lost and spasticity develops. Microcephaly is common (147). The diagnostic features include basal ganglia calcifications, a mild but persistent C SF lymphocytosis, C SF protein elevation, and a high level of interferon-α in C SF and serum (147). MRI studies show increased signal in central white matter (148). In one variant of Aicardi-Goutiéres syndrome C SF interferon-α is normal but C SF neopterin and biopterin are elevated (149).

FIGURE 3.3. C alcified basal ganglia in a 10-year-old girl. C omputed tomographic scan without contrast. The calcification is principally in the putamen and globus pallidus. Additionally, a focus of calcification in the caudate nucleus appears on the left (arrowhead). (C ourtesy of Dr. Robert Sedgwick, and the late Dr. Lawrence S. Fishman, C hildren's Hospital, Los Angeles, C A.)

An autosomal dominant type of calcification of the basal ganglia is represented by the family reported by Boller and coworkers (150). Affected members developed chorea and dementia in the third or fourth decade. The family reported by Moskowitz and coworkers was clinically similar, and its members excreted greater-than-normal amounts of 3′,5′-AMP in response to administration of purified parathormone (151). In another family, calcification of the basal ganglia transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait was linked to chromosome 14q (152). On pathologic examination, calcium deposits are found within capillaries and the media of the small and medium-sized arteries and less often the veins. Free calcium also is seen within brain tissue in the basal ganglia, cortex, and dentate nucleus of the cerebellum. There might be an accompanying demyelination (153). C alcification of the basal ganglia also can be seen secondary to a number of well-delineated conditions. Most often, the picture is encountered in disorders of calcium metabolism, including hypoparathyroidism, pseudohypoparathyroidism, and hyperparathyroidism. Additionally, calcification of the basal ganglia, accompanied by deposition of the mineral in other parts of the brain, is seen in tuberous sclerosis, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalic inclusion disease, AIDS, chronic Epstein-Barr infection, C ockayne syndrome, Wilson disease, and Down syndrome (154). C alcification of the basal ganglia has variously been reported as a consequence of perinatal asphyxia, but in my experience, this situation is extremely unusual. A differential diagnosis of basal ganglia calcification as detected by C T scans was presented by Harrington and coworkers (155).

Hereditary (Familial) Tremor Hereditary (familial) tremor represents the most common yet the most benign movement disorder seen in childhood. Symptoms usually become evident around puberty, although patients aged 5 years or younger have been observed.

The condition is polygenic, and in most families it is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. Two genetic loci have been established. One, obtained from an Icelandic family, is on chromosome 3q13 (FET1) (156). The other locus was obtained from a large American family and is on chromosome 2p22–p25 (FET2) (157). The presence of clinical anticipation suggests that an expanded C AG trinucleotide sequence will turn out to be responsible for the disease in some families. Without doubt, other gene loci will be found in the course of the next few years. The pathophysiology of familial tremor is in dispute. Autopsy has shown no significant abnormality (157a). Marsden distinguished two forms. The first he termed an exaggerated physiologic essential tremor with a frequency of 8 to 12 Hz, which depends on a peripheral reflex. The second form represents a pathologic essential tremor having a frequency of 4 to 7 Hz, which is largely dependent on an interaction between an overactive central generator, which does not arise in the cerebellum, but is transmitted through the cerebellothalamocortical pathway. It arises by abnormal cerebellar afferent input from areas such as the inferior olive (158,159). On PET, overactivity of this loop is confirmed by the observed hypermetabolism of the medulla, presumably reflecting inferior olivary activity, and abnormal bilateral cerebellar blood flow during tremor and at rest (160). Essential tremor in childhood is seen predominantly in boys (161). On examination, there is a rhythmic tremor, with the frequency of oscillation usually being between 4 and 8 Hz (158). The tremor increases with movement, becoming accentuated as the limb approaches its target, and, except in the most severe cases, is absent when the limb is at rest. It disappears with sleep. The tremor initially affects one or both of the upper extremities but usually does not interfere with fine coordination. With tremor progression, the patient can develop head nodding. The lower extremities are affected less often, and intelligence, gait, and strength remain normal (162,163). Speech and eyelids are rarely affected during childhood, and head tremor is unusual. Brief episodes of shuddering or stiffening of the body, usually associated with excitement, might be observed in infancy or early childhood. They are believed to represent an antecedent to familial tremor (164). Although the disease is progressive during its early stages, it arrests during much of adult life and interferes little with the patient's daily activity. In later life, however, the condition can suddenly become aggravated, and senile tremor can be a late manifestation of essential tremor. The diagnosis of essential tremor rests on the exclusion of other disorders of the basal ganglia. Tremors can accompany DYT1 (162), spasmodic torticollis, and writer's cramp. They probably represent a partial expression of primary dystonia. Tremors also are seen in Wilson disease and HD. A family history of the disorder and examination of the parents and other family members are helpful.

Treatment In most cases of familial tremor, the tremor is not sufficiently severe to require treatment during childhood and adolescence. Propranolol, a nonselective β-adrenoreceptor antagonist, relieves familial tremor. It also has been used to treat shuddering attacks (165). For adults, doses range from 120 to 240 mg/day, given in divided doses. No correlation exists between plasma levels of propranolol and tremorolytic action (166). Small doses of primidone (50 mg/day) or of topiramate (50 mg/day) are equally and in some patients even more effective (167,168).

Restless Legs Syndrome Restless legs syndrome is a common disorder. It affects between 2% and 5% of the population. It is characterized by a creepingcrawling or aching sense of discomfort in both legs that creates an irresistable need to move them. Symptoms are most common at night before going to sleep. In addition, brief involuntary flexion of the lower extremities can be noted during sleep. Occasionally, the movements also affect the upper extremities. In approximately one-third of patients, there is a family history, and an autosomal dominant transmission appears likely. The cause for the movements is not clear. Trenkwalder and colleagues suggested the presence of brainstem disinhibition that activates a spinal generator for the involuntary limb movements (169). C SF orexin-A levels are increased in patients, most strikingly in those with an early onset of the condition (169a). In the experience of Walters and colleagues, approximately 20% of adult patients with restless legs syndrome had an age of onset before 10 years. Diagnosis was usually not made at that time; instead, the condition was considered as growing pains or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (170). The association of ADHD and restless legs syndrome has also been made prospectively. In the series of Picchietti and Walters, 15 of 16 children with severe restless legs syndrome also had ADHD (171). The diagnosis of restless legs syndrome is best made by polysomnography or videotaping, which discloses the periodic limb movements during sleep. Treatment with clonazepam or adopaminergic agent such as levodopa or bromocriptine has been quite effective (172).

Juvenile Parkinson's Disease As is commonly defined, juvenile Parkinson's disease refers to a condition in which symptoms of Parkinson's disease make their appearance before age 20 years. This is in distinction to early-onset Parkinson's disease, a condition that becomes apparent between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Our concepts of juvenile Parkinson's disease have undergone marked changes. Although it had been known for many years that when Parkinson's disease develops during the first two decades of life, the familial occurrence can be as high as 40%, the genetic transmission had not been clarified until recently. The initial report of juvenile Parkinson's disease by Hunt in 1917 probably described four unrelated adolescent patients with doparesponsive dystonia (173). Since then, genetic analysis has confirmed the clinical impression that juvenile Parkinson's disease is a heterogeneous condition, and at least three autosomal dominant and at least three autosomal recessive forms have been delineated. One of the genes for an autosomal dominant form has been mapped to chromosome 4q21–q23 (PARK1) (174). This gene encodes αsynuclein, a neuron-specific presynaptic membrane protein, which is a component of Lewy bodies, the fibrous cytoplasmic inclusions seen in dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra in adult-onset Parkinson's disease (175). Two mutations in the gene for synuclein have been described (176). Other loci for autosomal dominant early-onset Parkinson's disease (PARK3) have been mapped to chromosome 2p13 (177), and chromosome 12q12 (177a). The genes for the autosomal recessive forms of juvenile Parkinson's disease (PARK2, PARK6, PARK7) have been mapped to chromosomes 6q15.2–q27, 1p35–p36, and 1p36, respectively (178). The gene for PARK2 encodes a protein, named parkin, which is abundant in all parts of the brain, including the substantia nigra (179). A variety of mutations in the gene, including deletions and point mutations, can lead to clinical picture of juvenile Parkinson's disease (180,181). The clinical picture of PARK1 and PARK3 is similar, and in most instances symptoms do not become apparent until the third or fourth decade. Autosomal recessive PARK2 is encountered frequently in Japan (182). Symptoms appear as early as the second half of the first decade of life. Initial signs are a gait disturbance with retropulsion, a fine tremor, hyperreflexia, and dystonic posturing of the foot. Parkinsonian symptoms improve with sleep. Good response occurs with levodopa, although dopa-induced dyskinesia can appear within a few months of starting

the medication. No intellectual deterioration occurs. MRI study results are normal (182). Neuropathologic studies show neuronal loss and gliosis in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra. In the median portion of the substantia nigra and in the locus ceruleus, neuronal loss and poor melanization of the nigral neurons occur. No Lewy bodies are detectable in either the autosomal recessive or the autosomal dominant forms (183,184). The pathophysiology of Parkinson disease is a topic that should be relegated to a text on adult disorders. Juvenile Parkinson's disease should be distinguished from Wilson disease, dopa-responsive dystonia, and spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SC A2) or other spinocerebellar ataxias that can manifest with prominent parkinsonism. We have encountered identical twins with a clinical picture of the dystonic, dopa-responsive form of juvenile Parkinson's disease who were found to have neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease (185). Another condition to be considered is rapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism (DYT12), which can have its onset as early as the second decade of life (80,186).

Familial Infantile Bilateral Striatal Necrosis This rare entity, first described by Paterson and C armichael (187), is probably an autosomal recessive condition and has been mapped to chromosome 19q (188). It is marked by developmental arrest, dysphagia, choreoathetosis, pendular nystagmus, and optic atrophy. MR imaging studies demonstrate marked atrophy of the basal ganglia. On autopsy there is severe atrophy of the lenticular nuclei with neuronal loss and gliosis (189). Most often the condition develops gradually, but there have been instances in which it appeared acutely following an infectious illness. It is not clear whether this acute form and another form that develops later in life are expressions of the same genetic defect.

Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, which straddles the fields of neurology and psychiatry, was first described in 1885 by Georges Gilles de la Tourette (190). It is characterized by multiple, uncontrollable muscular and vocal tics and, in the classic cases, obscene utterances. Although in the past the condition was considered to be rare and caused by emotional and psychiatric factors, it is now clear that it represents a continuum from mild and transient tics at one end to the complete Tourette syndrome (TS) at the other.

Pathogenesis and Pathology The pathogenesis of TS is unknown. Although the current working hypothesis proposes an autosomal dominant transmission of the disease, this has not been fully documented. Family studies have shown that the increase of TS in first-degree relatives of TS patients is at least beween 10% and 15%, a value that is about 10 times that seen in the general population (191). There also is a significant difference in concordance for monozygotic and dizygotic twins (191). A systematic genome scan has shown that four regions (4q, 7q, 8p, and 11q) may contain TS-related genes (192). Specifically, no confirmed linkage has been documented to the various dopaminereceptor genes or to the dopamine-transporter gene. Failure to establish such a linkage could reflect diagnostic uncertainties, including an unclear definition of TS, the variable clinical expression of the disorder, and genetic heterogeneity. Walkup and coworkers suggested that the susceptibility for TS is inherited by a major locus in combination with a multifactorial background (193). Because cases of secondary TS, such as after carbon monoxide poisoning, have shown lesions in the basal ganglia (194), a disorder in the circuitry of the basal ganglia has been postulated, with a working hypothesis being that TS is a developmental disorder of synaptic transmission that results in the disinhibition of the cortico-striatal-thalamic-cortical circuitry (192,195). Neuropathologic studies have failed to find any consistent structural alterations within basal ganglia. Volumetric MRI suggests that the left-sided predominance of the putamen visualized in healthy right-handed boys is absent in TS and that there is a tendency to rightsided predominance (196). Neurochemical examinations indicate low levels of serotonin in brainstem, low levels of glutamate in globus pallidus, and low levels of cyclic AMP in the cortex (192). Using single-photon emission computed tomography or PET, some but not all studies have found an increase in the density of the presynaptic dopamine transporter and the postsynpatic D 2 dopamine receptor, a suggestion that there is abnormal regulation of dopamine release and uptake. These findings have been partly confirmed by postmortem studies that demonstrate increased prefrontal (but not striatal) D 2 protein in TS brain (197). The observation that children with TS have significantly increased antineuronal antibodies against human putamen suggests an autoimmune mechanism. A number of studies have found a relationship between a prior streptococcal infection and various movement disorders aside from Sydenham chorea, but such a link has not been proven for TS (197a). This topic is covered more fully in C hapter 8 in the section on pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection (PANDAS).

Clinical Manifestations A variety of estimates have been presented for the prevalence of TS in the United States. These range from 5 in 10,000, as determined in North Dakota children (198), to as high as 4.2% when all types of tic disorders are included (192). Boys are affected more frequently than girls by a ratio of between 3:1 and 5:1. The syndrome is rare in blacks; in C leveland, 97% of TS patients were white (199). In approximately 33%, the condition is familial, and relatives can have multiple tics, an obsessive–compulsive disorder, or the complete TS (200,201). Symptoms generally appear between ages 5 and 10 years. Although periods of remission occur and TS tends to become less severe after adolescence, the condition usually persists for life, and only 8% of children have complete and permanent remission. In the survey of Pappert and colleagues more than one-fourth of adults with TS were disabled due to alcohol abuse, criminality, and unemployment. Tic severity was not, however, a primary factor for disability. It was of note that early life dysfunction correlated with dysfunction during adult life (202). The initial clinical picture is usually one of multifocal tics affecting the face and head. These progress to vocal tics, such as grunting, coughing, sneezing, and barking and, in the most severe cases, to coprolalia or compulsive echolalia. Tics can be voluntarily suppressed for variable periods, but an accompanying increase in internal tension ultimately results in a symptomatic discharge. C ompulsive self-mutilation has been noted in a significant number of cases. In patients in the C leveland series, an attention-deficit disorder was documented in 35%, learning disabilities in another 22%, and serious psychiatric disorders in 9% (197a). C oprolalia was encountered in only 8%, an indication that even mild cases of the syndrome are coming to physicians' attention. An increased incidence in TS during the winter months has been observed, and the role of group A streptococcal infection as a trigger for tics has been suggested by several workers (203,204). As observed in the genetic studies, obsessive–compulsive traits also are characteristic; in contrast to TS they tend to occur more frequently in girls (200). C linical findings suggest that brain function is abnormal in a high proportion of these children. On neurologic examination, a large

number of patients exhibit “soft” signs. Approximately 15% of cases are precipitated by stimulant medications, such as methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin), pemoline (C ylert), and dextroamphetamine sulfate (Dexedrine) (205). Electroencephalogram results have been reported to be abnormal in as many as 55% of affected patients, sometimes even revealing frank paroxysmal discharges. Sleep is disturbed. The amount of stages 3 and 4 sleep is increased, the number of awakenings is increased, and the amount of rapid eye movement sleep is decreased. Sleep electroencephalography (EEG) shows high-voltage slow waves with awakening and immature arousal pattern (206).

Treatment The goal of treatment is to achieve a satisfactory balance between maximal control of tics and a minimum of side effects. Several medications are being used, but few have been tested in placebo-controlled studies (191). Postsynaptic D 2-receptor antagonists are generally the most reliable drugs for the treatment of TS. Although a recent publication lists 20 drugs that have been advocated for treatment, most clinicians favor haloperidol or pimozide (206a). Haloperidol (0.5 to 2.0 mg/day) improves symptoms in up to 80% of affected children, although side effects prevent the drug from being used for long-term therapy in more than one-third of patients (207), and Robertson and Stern no longer consider it as the first-line drug (208). Because of the marked sedation and alterations in personality induced by the drug, I agree with them. Pimozide appears to be at least as effective as haloperidol, producing significant improvement in 70% of patients with fewer side effects (209). As recommended by Shapiro and coworkers, the starting dose for children is 1 mg given at bedtime, with the dose increased 1 mg every 5 to 7 days until at least a 70% reduction of symptoms occurs or until adverse side effects appear (209). Regeur and coworkers used a dose range of 0.5 to 9.0 mg/day (210). Pergolide, a mixed D 1, D 2, D 3 agonist, was used by Gilbert and coworkers at C incinnati C hildren's Hospital with good results in a randomized, double-blind crossover trial, but other centers have not found it to be as efficacious (211). Kurlan considers α-adrenergic agonists, such as clonidine or guanfacine, to be the first-line medications for the treatment of tics, with second-line agents being the atypical antipsychotics such as resperidone and olanzapine (212). Other drugs that have been advocated for the treatment of TS include tetrabenazine, clonidine, and fluphenazine. The variety of medications that have been proposed indicates that none are of exceptional value and that all have their drawbacks. A large proportion of children with TS (21% to 90%) develop symptoms of ADHD at some time in their life. Because many of the medications used in the treatment of TS are sedative, they tend to worsen ADHD, and generally ADHD needs to be treated as well. In my practice I find that given the choice, it is more important for the emotional adjustment of the child and the family to treat the ADHD than the TS. Kurlan and colleagues found that methylphenidate and clonidine particularly when given in combination are effective for children with ADHD who have comorbid tics or TS. In their series of children with combined TS and ADHD, methylphenidate used in the same dose as in children without tics was quite effective, and tics worsened in only 20% of patients, a figure that was no greater than in placebo-treated children (213). I should point out that Leckman and coworkers found that clonidine might not become effective until it has been given for some 3 months. They also noted that even after brief discontinuation, its reinstitution does not result in an improvement until after 2 weeks to 4 months (214). Side effects are similar for all drugs but are least common with pimozide. Acute dystonia is seen in some 5% to 9% of patients receiving pimozide; akathisia is seen in some 25%, but usually disappears within the first 3 months of therapy. Tardive dyskinesia is seen with haloperidol and pimozide; it is more common with haloperidol (215). Other side effects include weight gain, gynecomastia, and, rarely, nonspecific alterations of the electrocardiogram.

Paroxysmal Dyskinesias The first entity of this rare set of disorders, which straddle the boundary between seizures and basal ganglia diseases, was described by Mount and Reback in 1940 (216). In its classic form, it is characterized by paroxysmal attacks of choreiform, athetoid, dystonic, or tonic movements lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. C onsciousness remains unimpaired. Goodenough and coworkers (217) classified the reported cases into familial and acquired (sporadic), with the majority falling into the latter group (218). Lance distinguished two types of familial dyskinesias (219). In one group, termed kinesigenic paroxysmal dyskinesias (PKDs, DYT10), attacks are regularly precipitated by movement, especially movement occurring after prolonged immobility. Paroxysms begin almost always in childhood, usually between ages 6 and 16 years. The movements most often resemble dystonia, although some patients can exhibit a choreiform or even a ballistic component (77). About one-fourth of patients in the series of Houser and coworkers had other affected family members (220). Attacks usually last less than 5 minutes. In the familial cases, the condition appears to be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. Attacks respond promptly to anticonvulsants, notably carbamazepine or phenytoin (220). C uriously, blood levels required to control attacks (4 to 5 µg/mL) are well below the range considered to be therapeutic for seizure disorders (221). The condition has been mapped to 16p11.2–q12.1 (222). In several families there is an association between PKD and benign infantile convulsions (224). The pathophysiology of this disorder is unclear. Mir and coworkers have recently found characteristic abnormalities in cortical and spinal inhibitory circuits, in particular a reduced short intracortical inhibition (223). In my experience paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dykinesia (PNKD, DYT8) is a more common entity. Attacks arise spontaneously or are triggered by fatigue. They first appear before 5 years of age and most often take the form of dystonia, although a mixed movement disorder also can be seen (220). The family history is consistent with an autosomal dominant transmission, and the gene has been mapped to chromosome 2q34 (225). In the experience of Demirkiran and Jankovic, attacks usually last longer than 5 minutes in 65% of instances, but the duration of attacks cannot be used to classify the various paroxysmal dyskinesias (220). The response to anticonvulsants is not as good as in the kinesigenic cases. Between attacks, the child is usually in excellent health, although some children have shown mild choreiform movements or a seizure disorder and some have been developmentally delayed (226,227). Another autosomal dominant PNKD has been mapped to chromosome 1p (228). In this condition, a spastic paraplegia occurs during and between episodes of dyskinesia. Less often one encounters exertion-induced dyskinesias or sleep-induced dyskinesias (220). Acquired paroxysmal dyskinesias are often seen in children who had previously experienced perinatal asphyxia or other static encephalopathies as well as in patients with reflex epilepsy and metabolic disorders, notably idiopathic hyperparathyroidism. The condition also is seen in multiple sclerosis. In some cases of acquired paroxysmal dyskinesia, attacks have responded to diphenhydramine (227). Other patients respond to clonazepam or acetazolamide. Bressman and coworkers distinguished a psychogenic form of paroxysmal dystonia. Patients belonging to this group respond to placebo, hypnotherapy, or faith healing (218). A transient form of dystonia arising during infancy is marked by periods of opisthotonos and dystonic posturing of the upper limbs occurring during the waking state and generally lasting no more than a few minutes. The attacks resolve within a few months. No family

history exists, and this entity is distinct from Sandifer syndrome, which accompanies hiatus hernia (see C hapter 6), and from paroxysmal torticollis, a precursor to migraine (229). The essence of the paroxysmal dyskinesias is unknown. Stevens (230) and Homan and associates (222) postulated that they represent a convulsive disorder akin to the reflex epilepsies. During an attack, however, the EEG does not disclose any paroxysmal features and differs little from the interictal tracing. Most likely, in analogy with paroxysmal ataxia, a condition covered in a subsequent section, the paroxysmal dyskinesias will turn out to represent different types of channelopathies.

Hyperekplexia Familial startle disease or hyperekplexia is characterized by transient, generalized rigidity in response to unexpected loud noises or sudden tactile stimulation. A large number of patients exhibit severe muscle stiffness at birth (stiff baby syndrome) (231). Infants present with marked irritability and recurrent startles in response to handling or sounds, or tapping on the face or the bridge of the nose. This can be accompanied by rhythmic, jerky movements and occasionally by episodes of breath holding (232). The condition is misdiagnosed frequently as spastic quadriparesis. Muscle tone returns to normal in early childhood, but patients continue to have sudden falls in response to startle and they can suppress the startle reaction if they are able to anticipate the stimulus (233). The “jumping Frenchmen of Maine” probably represent an extensive family with such a condition (234). The EEG and electromyography (EMG) results are generally normal. The condition has been mapped to chromosome 5q33–q35 (235), and in most instances it is caused by mutations in the alpha1 subunit (GLRA1) of the inhibitory glycine receptor. This receptor facilitates fast-response, inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission in the brainstem and spinal cord leading to a reduction of the excitatory startle response. Both autosomal dominant and recessive forms have been described, arising from different mutations of GLRA1 (236,237,238). Mutations in the beta subunit of the inhibitory glycine receptor have also been found (239). Symptoms improve markedly with administration of clonazepam or valproate. Another rare entity that borders between seizures and movement disorders is one of hereditary chin trembling, which can be associated with nocturnal myoclonus (240). The condition responds to administration of botulinum toxin (241).

HEREDODEGENERATIVE DISEASES OF THE CEREBELLUM, BRAINSTEM, AND SPINAL CORD Heredodegenerative diseases of the cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord involve a slow, progressive deterioration of one or more of the functions subserved by the cerebellum, brainstem, or spinal cord. This deterioration is caused by neuronal atrophy within the affected tract or tracts, commencing at the axonal periphery and advancing in a centripetal manner. Familial distribution is the usual pattern. In the past, classification of these disorders based on clinical and pathologic data led to numerous debates, which are now being resolved with the increasing availability of genetic data. Two groups can be distinguished: the autosomal recessive ataxias and the autosomal dominant ataxias. In this chapter, emphasis is placed on those conditions that are more prevalent during childhood and adolescence.

Friedreich Ataxia Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) was first distinguished from syphilitic locomotor ataxia by Friedreich in 1863, who reported all the essential clinical and pathologic features of the condition (242). C haracterized by ataxia, nystagmus, kyphoscoliosis, and pes cavus, it occurs throughout the world as an autosomal recessive trait.

Molecular Genetics, Pathology, and Pathogenesis The gene for FRDA has been mapped to chromosome 9q13. It has been cloned and codes for a protein termed frataxin (243). Some 94% of FRDA patients are hom*ozygous for an expanded GAA repeat in an intron of the gene. The remaining individuals, some 5%, are compound heterozygotes with an expanded repeat on one allele and a point mutation or deletion on the other (244). C ompound heterozygotes have a somewhat earlier onset of symptoms and are more likely to show optic atrophy (245). The number of GAA repeats ranges from 6 to 29 in healthy individuals and from 120 to 1,700 in FRDA patients, with the size of the expanded repeat correlating fairly well wth age of onset and disease severity (244,246,247). The expression of frataxin is markedly reduced in FRDA, and the pattern of frataxin expression in normal tissues approximates the sites of pathologic changes in the disease (243). Frataxin is normally localized to mitochondria, where it plays a critical role in iron homeostasis (248). In yeast and mouse models of FRDA frataxin deficit results in reduced activity of numerous mitochondrial enzymes, notable complexes I, II, and III of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (249), and aconitase (250). Impaired mitochondrial function is probably the result of iron overload in mitochondria and tissue damage from free radical toxicity and abnormal antioxidant responses (251,252). In patients with FRDA there is an accumulation of iron in myocardial cells and in the dentate nucleus (244). The mechanism by which frataxin regulates iron metabolism is uncertain, but it is likely that the protein acts as an iron chaperone or an iron store (248,250). How the GAA triplet-repeat expansion results in a reduced expression of frataxin in mitochondria is not clear. The most likely possibility is that the unusual DNA structure interferes with transcription (253). Interestingly, the at one time discredited finding of abnormalities in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and in the activity of the mitochondrial malic enzyme can now be explained (254). The essential pathologic process in FRDA as well as in the other cerebellar degenerations is a dying back of neurons in certain systems from the periphery to the center with eventual disappearance of the cell body (255). The principal lesions are found in the long ascending and descending tracts of the spinal cord (Fig. 3.4). The peripheral nerves also can be affected, as can the brainstem and, less often, the cerebellum. All these areas show axonal degeneration, demyelination, and a compensatory gliosis. Degenerative cellular changes are most striking in C larke column and the dentate nucleus. They occur to a lesser extent in a variety of other nuclei of the lower brainstem and in the Purkinje cells. C ell loss and gliosis also are seen in the vestibular and auditory systems (256). Other areas of gray matter are usually unaffected. Abnormalities of the viscera are limited to the heart and the pancreas. There is cardiomegaly, with myocytic hypertrophy and chronic interstitial fibrosis, and an inflammatory infiltrate (257). In the pancreas there is a loss of islet cells.

Clinical Manifestations Friedreich ataxia accounts for about three-fourth of cases in whites with hereditary ataxia having their onset before age 25 years. The prevalence in Great Britain is approximately 1 in 48,000 (257). In western Norway, it is 1 in 100,000. Although considerable variability occurs in age of onset, in most

families the disease begins at the same period of time in each affected individual. The first symptoms can be seen as early as age 2 years, and the mean age of onset is 10 years of age (258). The clinical manifestations are outlined in Table 3.4 (259). C hildren can be slow in learning to walk or can begin to stumble frequently. Less commonly, abnormal speech or incoordination of hand movements is the initial complaint.

FIGURE 3.4. Friedreich ataxia. Section of spinal cord stained for myelin. The area of myelination involves the posterior columns and the lateral and ventral spinocerebellar tracts. The corticospinal tracts are relatively spared, although demyelination is more extensive than would be expected from the clinical picture at the time of demise. (C ourtesy of Dr. K. E. Earle, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC .)

TABLE 3.4 Frequency of Neurologic Symptoms in 72 Patients with Friedreich Ataxia

Symptom Truncal ataxia

Percent Incidence 100





Dysmetria of upper extremities


Decreased vibration sense in lower extremities


Areflexia of lower extremities


Weakness of lower extremities


Atrophy of lower extremities


Extensor plantar reflex


Pes cavus






Abnormal electrocardiographic results


Data from Klockgether T, Evert B. Genes involved in hereditary ataxias. Trends Neurosci 1998;21:413–418. With permission.

Neurologic symptoms advance relentlessly. Although the disease evolves rapidly in a few children, progression is slow in the vast majority, and, occasionally, long static periods occur. Intercurrent infections frequently aggravate existing symptoms and bring new ones to light. The patient with fully developed FRDA has an immature, dysmorphic appearance with a number of skeletal deformities, some of which can exist from birth. In approximately three-fourths of the patients, the feet have a high arch (pes cavus), hammer toes, and wasting of the small muscles of the sole (Fig. 3.5). This abnormality, present at birth, might for many years represent the only sign of FRDA. Kyphoscoliosis is present in 75% to 90% of patients (257,259).

FIGURE 3.5. Typical pes cavus foot deformity seen in Friedreich ataxia. The patient is a 12-year-old girl.

The most prominent sign, however, is ataxia. As might be expected from the pathologic lesions, ataxia is caused by a combination of cerebellar asynergia and loss of posterior column sensation. Ataxia is usually more marked in the legs than in the arms and is most evident when the child's gait or station is examined. Speech is invariably involved and acquires a staccato or explosive character, which is the result of an incoordination of respiration and phonation. Nystagmus is seen in 20% to 40% of cases (257,258,259). It is usually bilateral and is present only on lateral movements of the eyes. Additionally, one frequently observes broken-up, jerky pursuit movements. Nystagmus on upward gaze is rare, as is optic atrophy (255). In the series of Pandolfo (260) the latter was seen in 13% of cases. Optic atrophy can be congenital or can have its onset during early infancy, progressing rapidly after its inception. C arroll and coworkers found color vision to be impaired in 40% of patients, and abnormalities in the visual-evoked potentials were seen in two-thirds of the patients (261). The two principal abnormalities were a generalized reduction in amplitude of the potentials and a prolongation in their latency. The reduction in amplitude is probably the consequence of a loss of functional fibers in the visual pathway. Electroretinogram results are usually normal. Vestibular involvement, including loss of caloric reactions and attacks of vertigo, was already described by Friedreich (242). Attacks of vertigo often appear early and ultimately are seen in approximately 50% of the patients. Sensorineural hearing loss was seen in about 20% of Pandolfo's series; it is caused by degeneration of the cochlear neurons (256,260,262). Weakness of the distal musculature of the lower limbs and wasting of the small muscles of the hands and feet are common and are out of proportion to the degree of disuse. A loss of vibratory and proprioceptive sensation occurs, and in the advanced cases, the other sensory modalities also are likely to be affected, notably in the distal portions of the extremities (255,257). Pains, cramps, and paresthesias are common. In the experience of Harding, reported before the discovery of frataxin, deep tendon reflexes were absent in 74% of patients, with the patellar reflex being lost in 99%. An extensor plantar response could be elicited in 89% (257,258). In the series of Pandolfo, controlled

by determination of genotype, areflexia in the lower extremities was seen in 75% of cases and an extensor plantar response was seen in only 62% of cases (260). MRI studies can show enlargement of the fourth ventricle and atrophy of the superior vermis, brainstem, and spinal cord (259). The somatosensory-evoked potentials recorded over the clavicles are abnormal even in the earliest stages of the disease (263). They are unaccompanied, however, by a delay in peripheral nerve conduction. Sphincter disturbance is rare except for occasional urgency of micturition (257). Neither mental retardation nor dementia was encountered in Harding's large series (257,258). Electrocardiographic and echocardiographic evidence of myocarditis has been found in 80% to 90% of patients (259,260). T-wave abnormalities and congenital heart block are particularly common (264). Echocardiographic abnormalities are seen early; most commonly interventricular septal hypertrophy is seen (257). About 10% of patients develop diabetes mellitus and about 20% have carbohydrate intolerance (260). The patient with an advanced case of FRDA is bedridden with dysphagia and other bulbar signs. Death is caused by inanition or, more commonly, myocarditis with intractable congestive failure. Heterozygotes for FRDA are neurologically normal. According to Harding, they demonstrate neither pes cavus nor scoliosis (257). When patients with clinically typical FRDA are examined for GAA trinucleotide expansion, a small proportion do not show an expanded allele. It is possible that these patients have point mutations or deletions in the gene for FRDA on both chromosomes (265) or have a genetically different disease with an FRDA phenotype. C onversely, triplet expansions have been seen in a number of patients with atypical ataxia and in patients presenting with generalized chorea (266).

Diagnosis In the typical patient, the clinical diagnosis is suggested by the presence of childhood-onset progressive ataxia, skeletal deformities, an abnormal visual-evoked potential, and an abnormal echocardiogram result. The diagnosis is confirmed by determination of the size of GAA repeats, which can now be performed commercially. Ataxia-telangiectasia (see C hapter 12) is the second-most-common cause of childhood-onset progressive ataxia. It is distinguished clinically by cutaneous telangiectases, a history of frequent serious respiratory infections, absent or marked reduction of immunoglobulin A (IgA) globulins, an elevated α-fetoprotein, and a lack of skeletal deformities and sensory signs. Harding described an autosomal recessive form of cerebellar ataxia in which deep tendon reflexes are preserved and in which optic atrophy, diabetes, and cardiac abnormalities cannot be demonstrated (257). Symptoms appear between 18 months and 20 years of age, and the progression of the illness is slower than in the classic form of FRDA. Most of these patients are now known to have the same mutation as is seen in typical FRDA (244). Several other forms of ataxia having their onset in childhood and having an autosomal recessive inheritances have been recognized. They are summarized in Table 3.5. An autosomal recessive infantile-onset spinocerebellar ataxia (IOSC A) is seen not infrequently in Finland and is probably identical with an entity once termed Behr disease. Symptoms develop during the second year of life and are highlighted by cerebellar ataxia, a peripheral sensory neuropathy, deafness, optic atrophy, athetosis, and seizures. Hypogonadism can be documented in female patients (269,270). Pathologic examination shows atrophy in the spinal cord: the dorsal roots, posterior columns, and posterior spinocerebellar tracts. There is a severe neuronal loss in the dorsal nucleus. The dentate nuclei and inferior olives are also atrophic (279).The gene for this condition has been mapped to chromosome 10q24 (280). A recessively inherited ataxia caused by a mutation of the α-tocopherol transfer protein has a clinical picture that resembles FRDA (268). Age of onset is younger than 20 years in patients who stem from the Mediterranean region but is later in Japanese cases. The other recessively inherited ataxias are even rarer. These include an entity characterized by cerebellar ataxia, mental deficiency, congenital cataracts, impaired physical growth, and various skeletal anomalies. It was first described by Marinesco and Sjögren, Garland, and others (275,276). The brain shows marked cerebellar atrophy, especially affecting the vermis, with almost complete loss of Purkinje and granule cells and with gliosis of the dentate nucleus. The presence of a myopathy is suggested by EMG and by the presence of fiber-type disproportion, fibrosis, and lipid deposition on biopsy (276). Electron microscopic studies on sural nerve biopsies demonstrate numerous abnormally enlarged lysosomes. Lysosomal enzyme study results, however, have been normal. The condition has been mapped to chromosome 5q31 (281).

TABLE 3.5 Recessively Inherited Ataxias



Clinical Manifestations


Friedreich ataxia (FRDA)


Ataxia, dysarthria, position-sense loss, cardiomyopathy



11q22– q23

Ataxia, choreoathetosis, ocular apraxia, telangiectasia of conjunctivae

Chapter 12



Spasticity, gait ataxia, abnormal eye movements


Vitamin E


Variable age of onset, FRDA phenotype




Infantile-onset SCA


Ataxia, sensory neuropathy, optic atrophy, seizures, athetosis


Ataxia-ocular motor apraxia (AOA1)


Onset 3–12 years, ocular motor apraxia, chorea, mental deterioration, hypoalbuminemia




Onset in childhood, ocular apraxia, ataxia, senataxin mutation


Ataxia with hearing impairment

6p21– p23

Ataxia, hearing impairment, optic atrophy




Ataxia, mental retardation, congenital cataracts, skeletal abnormalities




Nonprogressive ataxia, mental retardation


Mental retardation, seizures, muscle CoQ deficiency


Ataxia and hypogonadism

SCA, spinocerebellar ataxia; CoQ, coenzyme Q.

A recessively inherited form of spastic ataxia has been described in an isolated French C anadian community of Quebec (C harlevoixSaguenay syndrome) (267). The condition has been mapped to chromosome 13q11, and the gene (SACS) codes for a protein that is believed to be involved in chaperone-mediated protein folding (282).

Treatment C hildren with FRDA should remain active for as long as possible and participate in physical therapy and programmed remedial exercises. These should focus on balance training and muscle strengthening. In my experience, the cardiomyopathy does not interfere with such an exercise program. Orthopedic surgery for skeletal deformities, particularly progressive scoliosis, which is a major cause for morbidity, might be necessary if bracing does not arrest the progression of the scoliosis (283). The antioxidant idebenone, a synthetic analogue of coenzyme Q10, has induced a significant reduction of cardiac hypertrophy at doses as low as 5 mg/kg and improved cardiac function, but in the experience of Buyse and coleagues did not arrest the progression of ataxia (284). The effectiveness of much higher doses (60 to 70 mg/kg) on the neurologic manifestations is under trial (285).The use of mitochondrially targeted antioxidants (mitoquinone–ubiquinone conjugated to a lipophilic cation that enchances its mitochondrial uptake) is also under investigation. Nontargeted antioxidants such as coenzyme Q10 stabilize or reverse the cardiomyopathy but at the doses used have no effect on the ataxia (285). In the experience of the Ataxia C linic at the University of C alifornia, Los Angeles, patients feel better when their carbohydrate intake is restricted. C hildren with FRDA should be seen by cardiologists and orthopedic surgeons at regular intervals (once or twice a year). With good supportive care, patients can expect to live into their 40s or 50s.

Dominant Spinocerebellar Ataxias (SCAs) (Olivopontocerebellar Atrophies) The SC As represent some 25 genetically distinct autosomal dominant conditions, some of which were in the past designated as olivopontocerebellar atrophies and whose prototypes were first described by Menzel in 1890, Déjérine and Thomas in 1900, and Holmes in 1907 (286,287,288). C linically, they manifest by progressive cerebellar ataxia, tremor, speech impairment, and, in some instances, marked extrapyramidal signs, cranial nerve palsies, and peripheral neuropathy (see Table 3.6). Approximately one-third of cases with autosomal dominant ataxia do not correspond to any of the mapped conditions, so that, over time, further genetic subtypes will undoubtedly be delineated. SC A1, SC A2, SC A3, SC A6, SC A7, and SC A17 are caused by the inheritance of an expansion of C AG repeats coding for an extended polyglutamine tract. This expansion is located in the coding region of the respective genes. The genes SCA8, SCA10, and SCA12 have expansions of C TG, ATTC T, and C AG repeats, respectively, in their noncoding region. Although the mean age of onset of these disorders is during the fourth decade of life, the conditions have sometimes been encountered in children. The length of the expanded repeat tends to increase from generation to generation, and there is an inverse correlation between the size of the repeat and the age when symptoms become apparent. As a result, a progressively earlier onset of symptoms occurs in successive

generations, a phenomenon termed anticipation.

TABLE 3.6 Dominantly Inherited Ataxias



Clinical Manifestations



6p22–p23 with CAG repeats

Ataxia, dysarthria, bulbar dysfunction



12q23–q24.1 with CAG repeats

Ataxic gait, slow sacchadic eye movements, dystonia, chorea, myoclonus, dementia



14q24.3–q32 with CAG repeats

Ataxia, diconjugate eye movements, extrapyramidal signs, peripheral neuropathy




Rare, ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, pyramidal tract involvement




Slowly progressive ataxia does not shorten life span



19p13.2 with CAG repeats in CACNA 1A

Slowly progressive ataxia, dysphagia, vertigo; not seen in children



3p14.1–p21.1 with CAG repeats

Ataxia with progressive macular degeneration, dysarthria, pyramidal tract signs



13q21 with CTG repeats in noncoding region

Seen in adolescence; predominantly cerebellar disease; no relation between expansion size and disease severity



22q13–qter with ATTCT repeats

Seen in adolescence; ataxia and seizures, polyneuropathy




Rare, slowly progressive, mild ataxia



15q31–q33 with CAG repeats in protein phosphatase 2A

Not seen before third decade; hand tremor, bradykinesia; no relation between repeat size and age of onset




Rare; can start in childhood with mental deterioration




Rare; can start in second decade with myoclonus




Starts after third decade; ataxia, head tremor, dysarthria



6q27 with CAG repeats of TATAbinding protein

Ataxia, dementia, parkinsonism; can start in second decade




Juvenile patients with progressive myoclonus epilepsy, ataxia, dementia




Ataxia, tremor, myoclonus, dementia




Ataxia, extrapyramidal signs, dementia




Gait ataxia; onset as early as first decade; may be identical with SCA 19




Ataxia and sensory neuropathy; can start as early as 17 mo




Slowly progressive pure cerebellar ataxia, adult onset


SCA, spinocerebellar ataxia.

SCA1 In the series of Benton and colleagues, some 6% of families with autosomal dominant SC A have a defect in SCA1 (310). In the Italian series of Brusco and coworkers, SCA1 accounted for 21% of patients with hereditary ataxia (310a). SCA1 codes for a protein termed ataxin 1. It is found ubiquitously and is a nuclear protein in all cells with the exception of the cerebellar Purkinje cells, where it is cytoplasmic as well as nuclear. As is the case for HD, the extended polyglutamine tract is believed to induce neuronal degeneration in an as-yet-undefined manner. Lin and coworkers attributed the toxic effects of the expanded polyglutamine tracts to downregulation of a number of neuronal genes (311). Expanded repeats tend to increase in length more with paternal than with maternal transmission; as a consequence, the majority of patients with juvenile onset are offspring of affected men. In the series of Pandolfo and Montermini, 16% of SC A1 patients developed symptoms before 15 years of age (289). C haracteristic symptoms include ataxia, ophthalmoplegia, and pyramidal and extrapyramidal signs. Neuropathologically, patients with SC A1 show gross atrophy of the cerebellum, cerebellar peduncles, and basis ponti. The Purkinje cells appear most affected. A marked reduction in the number of granule cells and neuronal loss in the dentate nucleus are seen. Pathologic changes can also involve the basal ganglia, spinal cord, retina, and peripheral nervous system.

SCA2 SC A2 is phenotypically similar to SC A1, but movement disorders and a neuropathy are common. The gene for the disease codes for a highly basic protein, ataxin 2, having no similarity with any other proteins. Ataxin 2 is found in all parts of the brain, but an ataxin 2– binding protein is predominantly expressed in the cerebellum (312). In the series of Benton and colleagues, SC A2 was encountered in 21% of families with autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (310). In the Italian series of Busco and coworkers, SC A2 accounted for 24% of cases of dominant cerebellar ataxia (310a). SC A2 is the most common dominant cerebellar ataxia in India. SC A2 is also the most common dominant cerebellar ataxia in children seen in the Ataxia C linic at the University of C alifornia, Los Angeles (S. Perlman, personal communication, 2004). The onset of neurologic symptoms is before 10 years of age in some 3% of patients. In these children, the disease is nearly always paternally transmitted.


SC A3, also known as Machado-Joseph disease, is also phenotypically similar. In the series of Pandolfo and Montermini, the onset of neurologic symptoms was before 15 years of age in 7% of patients (289). In Germany, this condition is the most common of the autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias, being found in 42% of the families with autosomal dominant ataxia (313). In the series of Benton and colleagues, this condition was seen in only 8% of families (310). SC A3 accounted for only 1% of cases in the Italian series of Brusco and coworkers (310a). The mechanism of neuronal damage in this condition is not yet clarified. Schmidt and coworkers found the polyglutamine-expanded protein displayed an increased propensity to misfold and aggregate and that the nuclear aggregates of the mutant protein form the ubiquinated neuronal intranuclear inclusions seen in the pons and substantia nigra (314).

SCA6 SC A6 was seen in 11% of the families compiled by Benton and colleagues (310). It differs from the other autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias in that the mutation affects a gene with a known function, the gene for the α1A voltage-dependent calcium-channel subunit, CACNA1A, which has its strongest expression in Purkinje cells (251). Two other neurologic disorders are caused by mutations in the same gene: hereditary paroxysmal (episodic) ataxia (EA2), considered in another part of this section, and familial hemiplegic migraine, considered in C hapter 15. It is not completely clear how mutations on the same gene can cause such markedly different syndromes. However, studies have shown that patients with familial hemiplegic migraine tend to have missense mutations, whereas patients with episodic ataxia tend to have missense mutations and other mutations that lead to a truncated protein. SC A6 is a slowly progressive disorder and does not develop during childhood (294). MRI shows little more than cerebellar and brainstem atrophy.

SCA7 SC A7 is clinically distinct in that ataxia is almost always associated with early retinal degeneration (310,315). The condition can manifest as early as the first year of life, usually with ataxia and progressive vision loss (310). After SC A2, SC A7 is the most common dominant cerebellar ataxia in the pediatric age group (S. Perlman, personal communication, 2004). SC A7 appears to be phenotypically similar but genetically distinct from hereditary dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA; Haw River syndrome). The latter entity has a predilection to Japanese families and results from a C AG trinucleotide expansion on chromosome 12p13.1–p12.3 (316,317). The clinical picture of DRPLA varies even within the same family. It may present with learning disabilities, followed by progressive cerebellar signs, choreoathetosis, myoclonus, and dementia. As implied by the name, degenerative changes are seen in the globus pallidus, dentate and red nuclei, and Purkinje cells (305). The various other dominant SC As are summarized in Table 3.6. Because in some families the onset of symptoms is in the first or second decade of life, these conditions must be kept in mind when evaluating children with progressive ataxia.

Diagnosis The diagnosis of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia is based on the underlying genetic mutation. Molecular genetic analyses for SC A1, SC A2, SC A3, SC A6, SC A 7, SC A8, SC A10, SC A17, and DRPLA can now be performed commercially. In the child who presents with progressive ataxia, the differential diagnosis depends on the rapidity with which the symptoms have appeared. When they are of short duration, ataxia is most likely to be neoplastic, toxic, autoimmune, or infectious. If the ataxia is slowly progressive, posterior fossa tumors must be excluded. Structural anomalies of the upper cervical spine and foramen magnum (e.g., platybasia) can present with ataxia, as does hydrocephalus caused by partial obstruction at the aqueduct of Sylvius (see C hapter 5). The lipidoses, particularly the group of late-infantile amaurotic idiocies, also can present a primarily cerebellar picture (see C hapter 1). Of the familial cerebellar degenerations presenting during childhood, ataxia-telangiectasia and FRDA are the most common. Several conditions, collectively termed Ramsay Hunt syndrome, present with progressive cerebellar ataxia, myoclonus, and seizures. Refsum disease is characterized by cerebellar ataxia, deafness, retinitis pigmentosa, and polyneuritis. It is produced by a defect in the oxidation of branched-chain fatty acids (see C hapter 1). Sporadic cerebellar degenerations of childhood also can be caused by toxins such as lead or organic mercury compounds (see C hapter 10).

Familial Episodic (Paroxysmal) Ataxia Four genetically distinct forms of familial episodic (paroxysmal) ataxia (EA) have been recognized. Episodic ataxia 1 (EA1) is characterized by brief bouts of ataxia or dysarthria lasting seconds to minutes, with interictal myokymia, usually involving the muscles about the eyes and the hands. Attacks are usually triggered by startle or exercise (317a). In some families, acetazolamide is of marked benefit; in others anticonvulsants are helpful. Other findings are joint contractures and paroxysmal choreoathetosis. No progressive cerebellar degeneration occurs. The episodes of ataxia become less frequent as the child matures and often completely disappear by the end of the second decade. This condition is linked to chromosome 12q13 and is the consequence of a mutation in the gene that codes for a brain potassium channel (KCNA1) (318). A second form of episodic ataxia (EA2) is marked by attacks that last for up to several days. Attacks are triggered by emotional upset, physical exertion, or fevers (319). The condition can have its onset as early as 3 years of age (320). In some patients, migraine-like headaches, vertigo, and nausea accompany the attacks, a clinical picture that suggests a diagnosis of basilar migraine (see C hapter 15) (321). Interictal downbeat and rebound nystagmus is common. Progressive cerebellar ataxia can be present in some. In about twothirds of patients attacks respond to acetazolamide (321). The mutation for EA2 has been mapped to chromosome 19p and, like SCA6, affects the gene for the α1A voltage-dependent calcium-channel subunit, CACNA1A (322). The same gene also is affected in familial hemiplegic migraine (see C hapter 15). Two other genetically distinct forms of EA have been encountered, termed EA3 and EA4 (323,324). These conditions differ clinically in that attacks are triggered by fatigue. Attacks are frequently accompanied by tinnitus and do not respond to acetazolamide (323).

Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (Dentatorubral Atrophy) This condition was first described by J. Ramsay Hunt in 1921 in a family with myoclonus epilepsy and cerebellar ataxia (325). Autopsy showed well-marked degeneration of the spinocerebellar tracts, atrophy of the dentate nucleus, and pallor of the superior cerebellar peduncle, including the dentatorubral tract. It probably represented a mitochondrial disorder, and Andermann and coworkers suggested that the name Ramsay Hunt syndrome no longer served a useful purpose (326).

Familial Spastic Paraplegia (FSP)

C haracterized by progressive spastic paraplegia and first described by Seeligmüller in 1876 (327), the familial spastic paraplegias (FSPs) appear to be the most common system degenerations of childhood, with C harcot-Marie-Tooth disease and Friedreich ataxia being far less common (328). Harding subdivided this condition into pure and complicated forms (257). Both forms exhibit various modes of inheritance. Autosomal dominant transmission is found in about 70% of pure FSP. Less often, FSP is transmitted in an Xlinked or an autosomal recessive manner.

Pathogenesis and Molecular Genetics Some 20 gene loci responsible for pure or complicated FSP have been found, and the genes for 8 of these have been identified. Some of these are outlined in Table 3.7. Spastic paraplegia 4 (SPG4) is the most common of the FSPs. The condition has been mapped to chromosome 2p21–p24 (329), and the gene codes for spastin, an ATPase belonging to the AAA family (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities), believed to be involved in the energy-dependent rearrangement of protein complexes. The normal function of spastin and the mechanism by which mutations in the spastin gene cause axonal degeneration are not fully understood. The current hypothesis is that mutant spastic is bound to microtubules and directly or indirectly blocks the action of wild-type spastin or some other critical microtubule-associated protein. This would disrupt microtubule dynamics and impair organelle transport on the microtubule network, leading in a manner not yet explained to axonal degeneration (330,331,332). Several hundred spastin mutations have been described, and it appears as if almost every family has its private mutation (332). Mutations in the gene for atlastin (leading to the condition SPG3A) are responsible for approximately 10% of autosomal dominant pure FSPs (333). The gene codes for a widely expressed GTPase that is most abundant in brain and spinal cord. Mutations in the neuronalspecific kinesin gene (KIF5A) are responsible for SPG10, another pure FSP. Mutations in spartin are associated with Troyer syndrome, a condition in which spastic paraparesis is complicated by dysarthria, distal amyotrophy, and mental retardation (334). The proteins encoded by all four of these genes are believed to bind to microtubules and could be involved in intracellular trafficking (332). The other genetic mutations result in disordered cell recognition (L1-CAM gene, defective in X-linked SPG1), abnormalities in myelination (the proteolipid protein gene PLP1, responsible for X-linked SPG2), and abnormalities in mitochondrial molecular chaperones [paraplegin gene, responsible for SPG7, and heat-shock protein (HSP) 60 gene, responsible for SPG13] (332).

Pathology The major changes occur in the spinal cord. Axonal degeneration of the pyramidal tracts is always present and is maximal in the terminal portions. In affected tracts, the myelin sheath is lost and the axis cylinder disappears. Ascending tracts also can be involved, in particular the posterior columns, spinocerebellar fibers, and cells of the dorsal root ganglion, which can degenerate and show satellitosis (335,336). No signs of primary demyelination are seen. It is of note that in the autosomal recessive form linked to chromosome 16q24.3 (SPG7) (see Table 3.7), the gene defect involves a protein (paraplegin), a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial metalloprotease, and that muscle biopsy discloses ragged-red fibers (351).

TABLE 3.7 Molecular Genetics of the Familial Spastic Paraplegias (FSP)





Gene Product L1-CAM, cell adhesion molecule

Clinical Manifestations


SP, MR, absent extensor pollicis longus muscle, or

Chapter 5

MR, or X-linked hydrocephalus




Proteolipid protein, DM20

Pure, complicated FSP, Pelizaeus Merzbacher disease, X-linked



14q12– q21


Pure SP, AD



2q21– q24

Pure SP, AD


Pure SP, AR


Spastin SPG5

8q11– q13 15q11.2–









Pure SP, AD


Pure SP, complicated SP, AR


Pure SP, AD


10q23.3– q24.2

Complicated SP, bilateral cataracts, GE reflux, AD




Pure SP, AD



15q13– q15

Pure SP, complicated SP, AR




Pure SP, AD



2q24– q34

Pure SP, AD



3q27– q28

Complicated SP, MR, distal motor neuropathy, AR



14q22– q24

Kjellin syndrome, SP, pigmented maculopathy, distal amyotrophy, MR, AR






Pure or complicated SP, X-linked



11q12– q14

Mild SP, amyotrophy of hands, AD



9q33– q34

Pure SP, AD




Troyer syndrome, SP, distal muscle wasting, AR



1q24– q32

Vitiligo, hyperpigmentation, premature graying, AR


Spartin SPG25

6q23– q24.1

AR disc herniation



10q22.1– q24.1



SP, spastic paraplegia; MR, mental retardation; AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; GE, gastroesophageal; HSP, heat-shock protein.

Clinical Manifestations The Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Working Group found that families in which the disease is transmitted by an autosomal dominant gene far outnumber those in whom an autosomal recessive gene has been implicated (352). The clinical picture of the various genetic forms of FSP appears to be unrelated to the gene defect. In all forms, a marked intrafamilial variability in age of onset exists, and even in genetically hom*ogeneous kindreds the distinction between early- and late-onset FSP proposed by Harding (353) does not hold true (354). In the recessive variants of FSP, the average age at onset of symptoms is 11.5 years; in the dominant forms, it is 20 years (353). However, 40% of patients develop symptoms before 5 years of age (257,353). C hildren can be slow in learning to walk, and once they do walk, their gait is stiff and awkward and their legs are scissored. Muscle tone is increased, the deep tendon reflexes are hyperactive, and the plantar responses are extensor. No muscular atrophy occurs, and, despite the pathologic involvement of the posterior columns, usually no impairment of position or vibratory sensation can be demonstrated by clinical examination. Bladder and bowel control is retained during the early stages of the illness. As a rule, the rate of progress of the illness is extremely slow; it is faster in children affected with the recessive forms. When children suffer from one of the dominant forms, the condition often remains static until they are in their 30s, and in the experience of Harding, only one patient became unable to walk before 50 years of age (257). The upper extremities often remain virtually unaffected until the terminal stage of the disease. At least three forms of X-linked spastic paraplegia have been recognized. Like the dominant types of FSP, these have been divided into pure and complicated forms. One of the genes for the pure form has been localized to Xq28 (SPG1) (337) (see Table 3.7). Another gene is on Xq21 and codes for proteolipid protein, which is defective in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD). Several different missense mutations in the gene for PLP protein result in X-linked FSP (SPG2) (see Table 3.7), whereas other missense mutations or a deletion of the gene result in PMD. This indicates that these two conditions are allelic disorders (355). Harding distinguished the pure form of FSP from the complicated type, which is marked by a variety of associated neurologic features (257,353). The range of additional clinical features is enormous, and overlaps exist among the various groups. Grouped together, the complicated forms of FSPs are at least as common as the pure form. The most commonly encountered complicated forms comprise a combination of mild paraparesis with moderate to severe amyotrophy of the small hand muscles and the distal portion of the lower extremities. In other families, spastic paraplegia is associated with dementia, seizures, optic neuritis, movement disorders, cardiac abnormalities, and hypopigmentation of the skin. In several families, ataxia, nystagmus, and dysarthria accompany spastic paraplegia. This mixed picture has been termed spastic ataxia. These syndromes have been seen in Amish families (Troyer syndrome) and in French C anadian isolates (C harlevoix-Saguenay syndrome). Most of the cases are dominantly inherited, but autosomal recessive and X-linked complicated FSP have been reported.

Diagnosis In the absence of a family history, the diagnosis of FSP is determined by exclusion. Motor and sensory nerve conduction times are normal, but somatosensory-evoked potentials are absent or reduced, not only in affected patients, but also in clinically healthy family members at risk for the disease. Progression of symptoms speaks against spastic diplegia of perinatal origin (see C hapter 6). Sensory deficits and sphincter disturbances, which usually accompany spinal cord tumors, are rarely seen in the early stages of FSP (353). Nevertheless, in the absence of a convincing family history, MRI studies of the spinal cord are required to exclude a spinal cord neoplasm.

Treatment In view of the slow progression of symptoms, an active physiotherapy program should be designed. Orthopedic surgery, unless essential to relieve contractures, should be discouraged.

Fazio-Londe Disease Fazio-Londe disease, a rare condition, also termed progressive bulbar paralysis of childhood, is probably heterogeneous and distinct from spinal muscular atrophy (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease) (see C hapter 16) and from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is a sporadic degeneration of the anterior horn cells and pyramidal fibers occurring in adult life. The clinical picture reflects a progressive deterioration of the anterior horn cells, particularly those of the bulbar musculature and pyramidal tracts. Symptoms begin at a variable age. In a family I have encountered, symptoms began during early childhood. They progress fairly rapidly and lead to death in approximately one decade (356). McShane and colleagues distinguished two forms of progressive bulbar palsy presenting in the first two decades (357). In bulbar hereditary motor neuropathy I, bilateral nerve deafness is prominent and accompanies involvement of the motor components of the cranial nerves. This condition is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder. Bulbar hereditary motor neuropathy II is usually recessive. In some patients, the degree of pyramidal tract involvement is minimal and can be limited to extensor plantar responses; the clinical picture is, therefore, essentially that of the late-onset form of Werdnig-Hoffmann disease. In other families, clinical or pathologic evidence of posterior column deficit relates this particular form of heredodegenerative disease to the spinocerebellar group (258). When anterior horn cell involvement is exclusively distal and is accompanied by significant spasticity and slow progression, the condition can be related to the complicated form of FSP (257). This variant can be transmitted rarely as a dominant trait. In a few families, progressive degeneration of the anterior horn cells and pyramidal tracts appears before age 20 years. Those families include a large series of cases among the C hamorro tribe of Guam, in whom anterior horn cell degeneration is associated frequently with parkinsonism and dementia. This condition has been linked to a plant-excitant neurotoxin (see C hapter 10). In the other families transmission is either autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive. The dominant form is clinical and pathologically indistinguishable from sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and like sporadic ALS is a disease of adult life. Recessive forms of ALS usually have a juvenile onset. The most prevalent form has been mapped to chromosome 2q33 and has been designated as ALS2. The various forms of familial ALS are summarized in Table 3.8. The most likely form to be encountered in the pediatric population is ALS2. The clinical picture is heterogeneous. In some patients the disease may take the form of a motor neuron disease that commences as early as 3 years of age. In other families, the disease

resembles familial spastic paraparesis with stiffness and spasticity commencing in the lower extremities (359,361). The condition has been mapped to chromosome 2q33, and the mutated gene codes for alsin, a large cytosolic protein (366). The function of alsin is not clear; it seems to belong to the family of the guanine nucleotide exchanging factor (GEF) for small GTPases.

TABLE 3.8 Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)


Gene Locus


Clinical Manifestations


21q22.1– q22.2

AD; defect in SOD1

Adult onset; indistinguishable from sporadic ALS; about 20% of familial cases




AR; defect in alsin

Distal muscular atrophy, increased reflexes, fasciculations; onset in first decade





Adult onset




AD; DNA/RNA helicase

Onset second decade; impaired gait, weakness wasting hand muscles; normal life expectancy



15q15.1– q21.1


Early age; slowly progression



AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; SOD, superoxide dismutase. See also Swash M. How many ALS syndromes? Neurology 2002;59:967.

The diagnosis of juvenile ALS rests on the presence of a pure motor neuronopathy with or without the presence of long tract signs. Tumors of the brainstem must be excluded. When pyramidal tract signs are not striking, myasthenia gravis or an ocular muscle dystrophy should be excluded.

Treatment No treatment is available.

HEREDODEGENERATIVE DISEASES OF THE PERIPHERAL AND CRANIAL NERVES In the past, heredodegenerative diseases of the peripheral and cranial nerves were grouped according to their clinical presentation and the histopathology and electrophysiology of the peripheral nerves. Advances in molecular biology have permitted a classification to be made in terms of genetic characteristics (367). The clinical characteristics of the various hereditary peripheral neuropathies in a pediatric population are depicted in Table 3.9 and their relative frequencies in Table 3.10 (398). The classification of the various hereditary peripheral neuropathies presents the physician who is not completely immersed into this field with an almost unsurveyable complexity. Several considerations can facilitate navigation. The first point is whether the peripheral neuropathy is axonal or demyelinating. In an axonal neuropathy the axon or the neuron suffers the primary injury; if myelin sheath degenerate subsequently, this represents Wallerian degeneration. In a demyelinating neuropathy the myelinating Schwann cells are affected first, and axons may degenerate subsequently. As simple as this distinction appears, in a given patient it is sometimes difficult to decide whether demyelination or axonal degeneration was the primary event. The demyelinating neuropathies are characterized by severely reduced motor nerve conduction velocities (NC V) (less than 38 m/sec) and segmental demyelination and remyelination with onion bulb formations on nerve biopsy. The axonal neuropathies are characterized by normal or mildly reduced NC Vs and chronic axonal degeneration and regeneration on nerve biopsy. C MT1 represents the group of C MT patients in whom demyelination is the primary event and the disease is transmitted in a dominant manner, whereas C MT2 represents patients in whom axonal degeneration is the primary event and the disease is transmitted in a dominant manner. There are some families in whom the distinction between a dominantly inherited axonal and demyelinating neuropathy is unclear. These have been placed into the I-C MT group. Patients assigned C MT3 were once classified Déjérine-Sottas syndrome. Patients who have been classified as C MT4 have an autosomal recessive demyelinating neuropathy, whereas patients with an autosomal recessive axonal neuropathy are classified as AR-C MT2. Based on the gene locus, the various C MT groups are further subdivided into C MT1A through (presently) K, C MT2A through G, and, for the X-linked

conditions, C MT1X1 through C MT1X3. Further complicating this classification is the fact that mutations in the same gene can cause widely different clinical manifestations. Thus mutations in peripheral myelin protein 22 kd (PMP-22) can cause Déjérine-Sottas syndrome, C MT1A, and hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies, and mutations in protein P 0 (MPZ) can cause Déjérine-Sottas disease, congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy, C MT1B, and C MT2.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (CMT) C harcot-Marie-Tooth disease, also called peroneal muscular atrophy, was described by Virchow in 1855 (399), C harcot and Marie in France in 1886 (400), and Tooth in England in 1886 (401), who considered it as a peroneal type of familial progressive muscular atrophy. As already indicated, C MT1 is characterized pathologically by extensive segmental demyelination and remyelination and by a consequential thickening of peripheral nerves to the point

at which they become palpably enlarged (367). By contrast, in C MT2, which is a far less common entity, there is no pathologic evidence for demyelination; instead, axonal degeneration occurs. The pathologic features of demyelination and remyelination are shared by an entityformerly termed Lévy-Roussy syndrome (hereditary areflexic dystasia) and by most cases of Déjérine-Sottas syndrome (C MT3).

TABLE 3.9 Heredodegenerative Diseases of the Peripheral Nerves



Gene Product

Clinical Picture



Autosomal Dominant Conditions


17p11 1q22–23 16p13.3– p12 10q21.1– q22.1

PMP-22 P0 EGR2

CMT2A CMT2B 1p36.2 3q13– q22




Weakness, wasting of lower, than upper limbs, sensory loss, delayed NCV, pes cavus, onset first decade of life

Segmental demyelination, onion bulbs, hypertrophy


Similar to CMT1 but onset in second decade, slower progress, normal NCV


Similar to CMT1 but with paresis of diaphragm and vocal cord


Similar to CMT2A but upper extremities more involved

Axonal degeneration





7q11– q21



378 HSP27


12q12– q13.3


X-linked Conditions




Variable depending on type of mutation


Infantile onset, pes cavus, some have MR

Connexin 32



382 Axonal neuropathy and demyelinating

Late onset, distal weakness, normal intelligence, may have spastic paraparesis



Autosomal Recessive Conditions

CMT3 (DéjérineSottas)


PMP-22, P0, connexin 32, EGR2, periaxin

Early hypotonia, MR, slowed NCV

Hypomyellnation, demyelination, onion bulb formation


Early onset rapidly progressive distal weakness and atrophy

Loss of large myelinated fibers, hypomyelination, onion bulb formation


Focally folded myelin



8q13– q21.1













1q21.2 19q13.3

As CMT, but early onset severe scoliosis


Much like CMT1


Onset in first or second decade, weakness, atrophy, posterior anterior tibial muscles, mild sensory disturbance




Loss of large myelinated fibers


Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathies (HSANs)





9q22.1– q22.3



1q21– q22


AD, onset in second to fourth decade, sensory loss over feet, pain > touch, ulcers on feet, NCV normal

Loss of unmyelinated fibers, reduced small myelinated fibers, large myelinated fibers preserved


HSN2 protein

AR, congenital; light touch, pain affected most, limbs more than trunk, unrecognized injuries

Total loss myelinated fibers, reduced unmyelinated fibers


See Table 3.11

Decrease number of neurons in autonomic, spinal ganglia, absence of gamma-moter neurons




AR; bouts of high fever, anhidrosis, normal

Absence of unmyelinated


sensory nerve action potential Congenital insensitivity to pain, anhidrosis



Absence of small myelinated fibers


Hereditary Motor Neuropathies (HMNs)





Same as HSAN I


AD, distal muscle weakness, childhood or adult onset

7p15; 11q13

Distal UE atrophy, no sensory signs, very slow progression


AD, distal spinal muscular atrophy, vocal cord paralysis, sensory neural hearing loss




AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; EGR2, a zin finger protein; FD, familial dysautonomia; GARS, glycyl tRNA synthetase; GDAP1, ganglioside-induced differentiation-associated protein 1; HSP27, heat-shock protein 27; IKBKAB, inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cell kinase complex-associated protein; KIF1Bβ, kinesin family 1B, lon isoform; LCB1, subunit of palmitoyl transferase; LMNA, lamin A; MR, mental retardation; MTMR2, myotubularin gene-related protein; NCV, nerve conduction velocity; NDRG, Nmyc downstream-regula gene; NFL, neurofilament protein, light polypeptide; PMP-22, peripheral myelin protein 22 kD; TRKA, tyrosine kinase receptor for nerve growth factor; UE, upper extremity.

TABLE 3.10 Specific Diagnostic Entities in 103 Children with Peripheral Neuropathies


Number of Patients





Autosomal dominant (CMT1A, B, C)


Sporadic or recessive (CMT4A A, B)




Autosomal dominant (CMT2 A, B)


Parents unknown


Sporadic or recessive (CMT2D)


Hereditary sensory neuropathies


Heredodegenerative CNS disorders with peripheral neuropathies


Spastic paraplegias




Friedreich ataxia




Lysosomal disorders


Globold cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease)


Other neurometabolic disorders


Unknown or undiagnosed


CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; CNS, central nervous system; HMSN, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies. Adapted from Hagberg B, Westerberg B. The nosology of genetic peripheral neuropathies in Swedish children. Dev Med Child Neurol 1983;25:3–18. With permission.

C MT1 is a relatively common condition and constitutes 51% of pooled pediatric cases of hereditary peripheral neuropathies (401a). The prevalence of all forms of C MT1 is 3.8 per 10,000 population, and by definition they are transmitted as autosomal dominant disorders with a high degree of penetrance (401b).

Pathology, Pathogenesis, and Molecular Genetics Because only a few complete postmortem examinations are available, the changes within the C NS have not been well documented. Most commonly, the patient has degeneration of the posterior columns, loss of anterior horn cells, and degeneration of the spinocerebellar tracts and the anterior and posterior nerve roots (401c). Biopsy of the peripheral nerves reveals a diminution in fascicle size and a reduction in the number of myelinated fibers, with the greatest loss among those of large diameter. Unmyelinated fibers appear normal (367). As a consequence of repeated demyelination and remyelination, greater-than-normal variation exists in the distance between nodes. Depending on the duration and severity of the disease, gross enlargement of the proximal portions of the peripheral nerves, plexi, and roots are seen, with lesser involvement of the distal peripheral nerves and cranial nerves. Microscopic examination shows increased thickness of the myelin sheath and endoneurium and an increase in collagen around the individual fibers. Because of their appearance on transverse section, the concentric lamellae surrounding the nerve fibers were first termed onion bulbs by Déjérine and Sottas (402) (Fig. 3.6). Electron microscopy shows these to contain only Schwann cells and their processes, and they probably reflect a nonspecific regenerative Schwann cell response to injury (383,403). The lamellae can be seen in even the youngest patients (368). Some demyelination occurs, particularly in younger patients (369). Degenerative changes in the skeletal muscles are secondary to damage of the peripheral nerves.

FIGURE 3.6. Sural nerve biopsy in a 2-year-old girl. Electron micrograph, hereditary motor sensory neuropathy type III (Déjérine-Sottas disease). Large onion bulbs are seen containing small fibers with absent or thin myelin sheaths. Symptoms of proximal weakness became apparent prior to 1 year of age, and the girl did not walk until 2½ years of age. Ataxia was seen, and the peripheral nerves were enlarged on clinical examination. Pupils were normal, and no cranial nerve deficits were seen. (C ourtesy of Dr. Robert Ouvrier, The C hildren's Hospital, C amperdown, Sydney, Australia.)

C MT1 is genetically heterogeneous (404). In the most common form, type C MT1A, the genetic defect is a large (1.5 megabase [Mb]) submicroscopic duplication of the proximal portion of the short arm of chromosome 17 (17p11.2), a region that contains the gene for PMP-22 (405), thus producing a segmental trisomy. This duplication arises as a spontaneous mutation in some 10% to 20% of patients, and nearly 90% of sporadic cases of C MT demonstrate this abnormality. It has been conjectured, but is still unproven, that PMP-22 is an important structural component of peripheral myelin (406). How overexpression of PMP-22 results in the clinical manifestations of C MT1A has not been fully clarified. In animals, overexpression of PMP-22 interferes with the growth and differentiation of Schwann cells. This, however, does not appear to be the case in patients with C MT1A (405). Approximately 30% of patients with C MT1A show a point mutation in the gene for PMP-22 (407). Patients who have only one copy of the gene for PMP-22 develop the condition known as hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies, whereas patients with four copies of the gene have the clinical picture of Déjérine-Sottas disease. These entities are covered later in this chapter. The gene for the less common entity C MT1B has been localized to the long arm of chromosome 1 (1q22–q23). The major structural protein of peripheral myelin, P 0, a glycoprotein involved in the compaction of the multilamellar myelin sheaths, has been localized to this site, and both deletions and point mutations in this gene can cause C MT1B (370). At least three X-linked forms of C MT1 also have been described (Table 3.10). C ollectively these account for approximately 10% of all C MT cases (408). The gene for one form is on the short arm of the chromosome (Xp22.2); for the other, the gene is on the long arm (Xq13.1) and codes for connexin 32. At least 240 mutations in the gene sequence of connexin have been documented (409). C onnexins are membrane-spanning proteins that are localized adjacent to the nodes of Ranvier and in the Schmidt-Lantermann incisures of peripheral nerve. They assemble to form gap junctions, channels that facilitate the transfer of ions and small molecules between cells (373). In addition to these X-linked conditions, at least two other forms of C MT1 have been delineated. They have been designated as C MT1C , an autosomal dominant condition whose gene is located on chromosome 16p13.1–p12.3 (371), and C MT1D, whose gene is located on

chromosome 1q21.1–q22.1 (see Table 3.10). The gene for C MT1D has been characterized as an early growth response 2 (EGR2) gene and is believed to play a role in the regulation of cellular proliferation (410). The recessive demyelinating neuropathies are less common and have been grouped as C MT4A to 4F. Mutations in the gangliosideinduced differentiation-associated protein 1 (GDAP1) gene have been shown to be responsible for C MT4A (411,412). C MT4C is a childhood-onset demyelinating form with early onset of scoliosis. The gene for this condition has been mapped to chromosome 5q23– q33 and codes for a protein of unknown function (413).

Clinical Manifestations The various genetic subtypes of C MT1 can manifest at any age, but in general, a bimodal distribution can be distinguished, with onset in the first two decades or after the fifth decade of life. Only the patients with the earlier onset are discussed here. Symptoms can become apparent before 1 year of age (368). As a rule, the phenotype for C MT1B is more severe than for C MT1A, with somewhat earlier onset of symptoms (370). Patients with point mutations in the gene for PMP-22 tend to have a more severe expression of the disease than those who have a duplication, and onion bulbs can be detected in abundance on nerve biopsies at an early age (369). In general, the peroneal muscles are involved first, and delay in walking or a slapping, storklike gait might motivate the parents to bring the child to the physician. In the upper extremities, weakness and atrophy are at first limited to the small muscles of the hand but later spread to the forearm. The face, trunk, and proximal muscles usually are spared, although nystagmus or facial weakness is not uncommon. In the fully developed condition, examination reveals a pes cavus deformity (368,414), scoliosis, and contractures of the wrist and fingers that have produced a claw hand. The patient has striking atrophy and weakness of the distal musculature, which contrasts with the preservation of the bulk and strength of the proximal parts. Sensation, particularly vibratory and position sense, is reduced over the distal portions of the extremities. Vasomotor signs are common and include flushing and cyanosis or marbling of the skin. The ankle reflexes are generally lost; other deep tendon reflexes are preserved. The plantar responses can be difficult to elicit. Progression of the disease is slow, and spontaneous arrests are common. The C SF protein level is elevated in one-half of the cases, but no other abnormalities exist. Median nerve sensory action potentials are generally absent, and motor nerve conduction velocities along the peroneal nerve are slowed. Slowed nerve conduction velocities are characteristic for the various forms of C MT1 and can be recorded before any clinical manifestations or in cranial nerves that remain uninvolved (415). This feature distinguishes the various forms of C MT1 from the forms of C MT2 in which nerve conduction velocities are normal or only slightly decreased. Sensory neural deafness with or without mental retardation has accompanied C MT1 in several families (416,417) The gene for this condition has been mapped to 17p11. It is therefore allelic with C MT1A, and it is the result of a four-amino acid deletion in the PMP-22 gene (416).

Diagnosis The demyelinating forms of C MT are diagnosed on the basis of the characteristic distal distribution of the slowly progressive muscular wasting and weakness and the presence of sensory deficits. In approximately 10% to 20% of patients, the duplication of the PMP-22 gene is de novo and is usually of paternal origin. Sensory deficits distinguish the various forms of C MT1 from the slowly progressive distal myopathies. Nerve conduction velocities are reduced markedly and, as a rule, also are abnormal in one of the parents (368,401a,415). C onduction of visual-evoked potentials is slowed in approximately one-half of the patients, including those who deny visual symptoms. Although histologic abnormalities are noted on biopsy of the peripheral nerves, they are not pathognomonic. A dominantly inherited syndrome considered to be an intermediate between peroneal muscular atrophy and FRDA was described by Roussy and Lévy (418) and by Symonds and Shaw in 1926 (418a). This condition is now considered to be C MT1 (257). Several syndromic motor sensory neuropathies have been delineated (419). One form is accompanied by sensory neural deafness, but its gene has been mapped to chromosome 8q24, distinguishing it from the form that results from a deletion in the PMP-22 gene. Another form is associated with mental retardation, facial dysmorphism, and hypogonadism. It has been mapped to the terminal portion of the long arm of chromosome 18. A third form has been mapped to chromosome 10q23. It is marked by limb weakness starting in the latter part of the first decade. It is accompanied by a foot deformity, distal sensory loss, and occasional cranial nerve involvement (419). A commercial diagnostic service that tests for PMP22, C onnexin 32, P 0, early growth response gene 2 (EGR2), neurofilament light (NFL), Periaxin, ganglioside-induced differentiation associated protein 1 (GDAP1), liposaccaride-induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha-factor (LITAF) and mitofusin-2 (MFN-2) by DNA sequencing is now available.

Treatment Aside from orthopedic measures designed to prevent the disabling deformities and intensive physical therapy, no specific therapy is available. Prenatal diagnosis for C MT1A is available and is based on demonstrating the duplication of the PMP-22 gene.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (Peroneal Muscular Atrophy), Axonal Type (CMT2) C MT2 is also genetically heterogeneous, with 11 genetic loci having been delineated. Mutations in genes for a small heat-shock protein, a light neurofilament protein, and a mitochondrial GTPase have been documented (420,421,422). Pathologically, the condition is characterized by axonal degeneration of the peripheral nerves, with demyelination being secondary. The clinical picture is similar to that of the C MT1 neuropathies, except that the progression of the disability is generally slower. Because a significant proportion of axons are spared, nerve conduction velocities are often normal or near normal. EMG reveals denervation. Patients satisfying clinical and pathologic criteria for C MT2 made up 5% of the pooled pediatric series of hereditary peripheral neuropathies compiled by Hagberg and Lyon (401a). The various forms of C MT2 are transmitted as a dominant trait (see Table 3.9), and one parent can show abnormalities on EMG but no other clinical abnormalities (423).

Déjérine-Sottas Disease (Hypertrophic Interstitial Neuropathy of Infancy, CMT3) The prototype of a severe form of hereditary demyelinating neuropathy was described by Déjérine and Sottas (402). Déjérine-Sottas disease (hypertrophic interstitial neuropathy of infancy, hereditary motor sensory neuropathy type III) has been shown to consist of several genetically distinct entities, all of them marked by onset of symptoms in infancy or childhood and progressing to severe

disability. In the pooled series of Hagberg and Lyon published in 1981, patients corresponding to C MT3 accounted for 12% of children with hereditary peripheral neuropathies (401a). Several autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive conditions result in this clinical picture. They include mutations in the gene for PMP-22, various mutations in the gene for P 0, tandem duplications of the gene for P 0, mutations for connexin 32, mutations for a zinc finger protein (EGR2), and mutations for periaxin. EGR2 is essential for the normal development of myelinating Schwann cells, and periaxin is believed to be required for the maintenance of a normal peripheral myelin sheath. Periaxin gene mutations are also associated with C MT4F, one of the autosomal recessive demyelinating neuropathies (424). In the majority of patients with C MT3, a de novo mutation or autosomal dominant transmission has been demonstrated (425), whereas in other cases it appears to be autosomal recessive (426). The pathologic picture of Déjérine-Sottas disease is highlighted by hypomyelination of the peripheral nerves, with hypertrophic changes and the presence of onion bulbs (426). In some patients with the clinical picture of Déjérine-Sottas disease, a unique pathologic picture of focally folded myelin sheaths is seen (426).

Clinical Manifestations As first described in two siblings by Déjérine and Sottas in 1893 (402), the clinical picture is marked by hypotonia, muscular atrophy, and weakness, accompanied by ataxia and sensory disturbances. Facial weakness and an unusual thick-lipped, pouting (tapir mouth) appearance are characteristic. The disease begins early in life, prior to 1 year of age in the majority of patients (368). The rate of progression varies considerably, even within the same family (383). In approximately 10% of patients, the neuropathy is evident at birth (401a). Initial symptoms also include a delay in motor milestones or, in children with later onset of the illness, a disturbance of gait or weakness of the hands. Nerve conduction times are extremely slow, usually less than 10 per second. As the disease progresses, distal weakness and atrophy become evident. Distal sensory impairment is usual and tends particularly to affect vibration sense. In contrast to the initially reported cases, pupillary abnormalities are seen rarely. Kyphoscoliosis or pes cavus is common [occurring in two-thirds of cases in the series of Ouvrier and coworkers (368)]. Intelligence is unaffected. Laboratory findings include an elevated C SF protein content (seen in 75% of patients) and abnormal sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities (427). EMG shows widespread evidence of peripheral denervation with frequent fibrillation potentials at rest.

Diagnosis The diagnosis of Déjérine-Sottas disease (C MT3) should be considered in any chronic progressive peripheral neuropathy of childhood. C linical enlargement of the nerves was seen in all children in the series of Ouvrier and coworkers (368). This finding, however, was only seen in a small percentage of cases examined by Tyson and colleagues (426). Even when present, it is not specific for C MT3, and is also encountered in one-fourth of patients with C MT1. C linical enlargement also should be distinguished from nerves made easily visible by muscular atrophy. C ongenital hypomyelinating neuropathy can be due to a variety of gene mutations (428). This condition has its onset early in infancy, or even prenatally, with arthrogryposis, hypotonia, and areflexia. The weakness has a distal to proximal gradient. Nerve conduction velocities are severely slowed or absent. Other conditions that produce a chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy with its onset in infancy include metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), Niemann-Pick disease type C , and chronic polyneuropathy secondary to nonspecific infections. Several entities present as hereditary motor sensory neuropathies. These include Refsum disease, which is considered in C hapter 1, and hereditary motor neuropathies associated with spastic paraplegia (429), optic atrophy (430,431), retinitis pigmentosa (432), and agenesis of the corpus callosum (Andermann syndrome) (433).

Treatment Aside from orthopedic measures and consistent, active physiotherapy, no specific treatment exists. C orticosteroids have been ineffective.

Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies (Tomaculous Neuropathy) Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is a dominantly transmitted condition characterized by recurrent peripheral nerve palsies, often precipitated by only slight trauma (434). Distal nerves are affected more commonly, and both patients and asymptomatic carriers show slowed motor and sensory conduction velocities even in childhood. Psychom*otor development is unaffected. On nerve biopsy one almost always sees focal myelin thickenings, termed tomacula, which result from redundant loop formation within the myelin sheaths and are seen in both motor and sensory nerves (435,436,437). HNPP can be accompanied by nerve deafness or scoliosis (438). In approximately 70% of patients, HNPP results from a 1.5-Mb deletion on chromosome 17 p11.2, the site that spans the gene for PMP-22 (434), with a consequent underexpression of PMP-22 (439). The relationship between HNPP and Smith-Magenis syndrome is unclear. The latter condition is a contiguous-gene–deletion syndrome of chromosome 17p11.2. Smith-Magenis syndrome is characterized by brachycephaly, midface hypoplasia, broad nasal bridge, brachydactyly, speech delay, and a hoarse, deep voice. Signs suggestive of peripheral neuropathy (e.g., decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes, pes planus or pes cavus, decreased sensitivity to pain, and decreased leg muscle mass) were found in 55% of patients (440). However, unlike patients with C harcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A, these patients demonstrated normal nerve conduction velocities, and there was no susceptibility to pressure palsies. Two-thirds of the patients demonstrated self-destructive behavior or mental retardation.

Hereditary Brachial Plexus Neuropathy (Hereditary Neuralgic Amyotrophy) A dominantly transmitted form of brachial plexus neuropathy has been known for nearly 100 years. One gene for this condition has been mapped to chromosome 17q25, but there is considerable genetic heterogeneity (441). Brachial plexus neuropathy is characterized by recurrent attacks of pain affecting the neck and shoulders followed within hours or days by a weakness of muscles enervated by the brachial plexus. Attacks tend to be precipitated by infection or mild trauma. In addition to muscles enervated by the brachial plexus, the lower extremities are affected in approximately 20% of cases. C ranial nerves, notably X, VII, and VIII, also can be involved, resulting in hoarseness owing to paralysis of the vocal cords, impaired swallowing, facial weakness, and sensorineural deafness. Functional recovery takes place within a few months but atrophy and weakness can persist. Associated anomalies are not unusual. Affected children have closely spaced eyes or other dysmorphic features (442,443). Ring-shaped creases on the arms,

resembling those of the Michelin tire man, are frequent. Unusual skin folds are also seen on the neck (442). Although the condition usually presents during the second to third decade of life, it also can affect neonates, producing what appears to be a traumatic brachial plexus injury. Nerve conduction velocities are normal during both the attack and the recovery period, but EMG can reveal evidence of denervation. Biopsy of the peripheral nerves reveals regions of tomaculous (sausage-like) thickening of the myelin sheath. Perivascular inflammation with disruption of the vessel walls has also been noted (444). C orticosteroid therapy does not appear to affect the course of the attacks. In at least one instance there was a favorable response to high-dose intravenous globulin. The gene for this condition has been mapped to chromosome 17q24–q25 (445). Hereditary brachial plexus neuropathy can be distinguished on clinical grounds from HNPP. In the latter condition, attacks are not preceded by pain and generally affect the distal nerves. Nerve biopsy is characteristic. Hereditary brachial plexus neuropathy also should be distinguished from acute brachial plexus neuropathy. This condition mainly affects adults, is bilateral in 25% to 33% of cases, and is triggered by infections and immunizations, notably by tetanus toxoid. Epidemics or clusters of brachial plexus neuropathy have been observed (446).

Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathies (HSAN) At least five clinical entities exist under hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies, all characterized by a progressive loss of function that predominantly affects the peripheral sensory nerves (447). These conditions are less common than the hereditary motor sensory neuropathies; their incidence has been estimated at 1 in 25,000, approximately 1/10 that of C MT1 (448), and collectively these conditions accounted for 3% of the hereditary peripheral neuropathies of infants and children pooled by Hagberg and Lyon (401a). The clinical presentation depends on the population of affected neurons or axons. When degeneration of the large-diameter afferent fibers occurs, as in Friedreich ataxia, position sense is involved primarily. When the small afferent and autonomic fibers are affected, an increased threshold to nociception and thermal discrimination occurs accompanied by autonomic and trophic changes.

Type I (Hereditary Sensory Radicular Neuropathy; HSAN I) Hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy is the most common of the hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies. It is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait and is characterized by a sensory deficit in the distal portion of the lower extremities, chronic perforating ulcerations of the feet, and progressive destruction of the underlying bones. It is identical to familial lumbosacral syringomyelia. Pathologic examination discloses degeneration of the dorsal root ganglia and of the dorsal roots of the spinal cord segments supplying the lower limbs (390).

FIGURE 3.7. Hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy. Trophic changes in digits of upper and lower extremities. (C ourtesy of Dr. K. E. Astrom, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.)

Symptoms appear in late childhood or early adolescence. Initially, patients have episodes of cellulitis of the feet accompanied by a progressive loss of sensation in the lower extremities, which is associated with painless lacerations and trophic ulcers (Fig. 3.7). On examination, perception of pain is affected more than touch or deep pressure perception. Sweating is impaired. The distal portions of the upper extremities also can be affected. Sharp, brief pains can occur in the legs and resemble the lightning pains of tabes dorsalis. Many of the cases have accompanying nerve deafness and atrophy of the peroneal muscles (390). The gene for this disorder has been mapped to 9q22.1–q22.3 (448). The gene (SPTLC1) encodes a subunit of serine palmitoyl transferase (LC B1), the enzyme that catalyzes the first step of sphingolipid biosynthesis (391). It is not clear how this defect induces the neuropathy, but experimental studies have shown that mutant LC B1 can confer a dominant negative effect on serine palmitoyl transferase (449). Histopathologic examination shows a marked reduction in the number of unmyelinated fibers. Small myelinated fibers are decreased to a lesser degree and large myelinated fibers are affected least (447). Motor nerve conduction velocities are normal but the sensory nerve action potentials are absent.

Type II (Congenital Sensory Neuropathy; HSAN II) C ongenital sensory neuropathy is characterized by its autosomal recessive inheritance and by an onset of symptoms in early infancy or childhood. The gene for this condition has been mapped to chromosome 12p13.33. The functions of the gene, named HSN2, are not known (450). The upper and lower extremities are affected with chronic ulcerations and multiple injuries to fingers and feet. Pain sensation is involved most, with temperature and touch sensations affected to a lesser extent. Deep pain is impaired and the deep tendon reflexes are reduced (392). Autoamputation of the distal phalanges is common, as is a neuropathic joint degeneration (451). The condition progresses slowly, if at all (393). Sensory nerve action potentials are reduced or absent. Nerve biopsy shows a total loss of myelinated

fibers and reduced numbers of unmyelinated fibers.

Type III (Familial Dysautonomia, Riley-Day Syndrome; HSAN III) Although the name familial dysautonomia suggests that the disease is exclusively a disorder of the autonomic nervous system, peripheral sensory neurons, peripheral motor neurons, and other neuronal populations also are affected. In the first description of the disease in 1949, Riley and coworkers pointed out excessive sweating, poor temperature control, skin blotching, defective lacrimation, indifference to pain, absent deep tendon reflexes, and motor incoordination (452). The condition is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait and is confined to Jews of Eastern European descent. In the United States, the frequency of the carrier state as determined by screening for the splice-site mutation in this ethnic group is 1 in 32 (453). The gene for dysautonomia (IKBKAP) has been localized to chromosome 9q31. It codes for a protein named I Kappa 3 Kinaseassociated protein (IKAP), which is the largest member of a three-subunit protein complex called core elogator. C ore elongator has been localized to cytoplasm, but its function has not been clarified (454). In dysautonomia the mutation that accounts for more than 99.5% of all cases is a single-base change at base pair 6 of the donor splice site of intron 20. This mutation causes a tissue-specific decreased splicing efficiency with sporadic skipping of exon 20 (454,455). C ells from patients retain some capacity to produce the normal protein; thus the wild-type:mutant ratio is highest in lymphoblasts cultured from patients and lowest in postmortem central and peripheral nervous system (454). Nissim-Raffinia and Kerem reviewed the role of splicing regulation in determining the severity and the tissue-specific expression of genetic diseases (456).

Pathology No consistent structural abnormality has been found within the C NS. The sympathetic ganglia are hypoplastic and the number of neurons in the spinal ganglia is reduced, with hypoplasia of the dorsal root entry zones and Lissauer tract (457). Substance P immune reactivity in the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord and the medulla is depleted, a finding consistent with a supposition that this undecapeptide is involved in the transmission of pain impulses (458). Some patients have shown degenerative changes in the reticular substance of the pons and medulla with focal lack of myelination and neuronal depletion (459). Additionally, fibers are lost from the lateral and ventral spinothalamic tracts, the posterior columns, and the spinocerebellar tracts, and myelin sheaths are lacking in the mesencephalic roots of the trigeminal nerve. These changes are slowly progressive without neuronophagia or evidence of myelin breakdown. In peripheral nerves, the number of myelinated and nonmyelinated axons is reduced and the transverse fascicular area is diminished. Most important, the catecholamine endings appear to be absent (460).

Clinical Manifestations Familial dysautonomia is characterized by symptoms referable to the sensory and autonomic nervous system (394). No single feature, but rather the association of several, points to the diagnosis. Nervous system dysfunction is usually evident from birth as a poor or absent suck reflex, hypotonia, and hypothermia. Nursing difficulties result in frequent regurgitation (394). A high incidence of breech presentation (31%) is unrelated to the birth weight but reflects intrauterine hypotonia. Retarded physical development, poor temperature control, and motor incoordination become prominent during early childhood, and subsequently other clinical features are detected (Table 3.11) (395). These include inability to produce overflow tears with the usual stimuli, absent or hypoactive deep tendon reflexes, absent corneal reflexes, postural hypotension, relative indifference to pain, and absence of the fungiform papillae on the tongue in association with a marked diminution in taste sensation (Fig. 3.8) (461). Many patients have serious feeding difficulties, including cyclic vomiting and recurrent pneumonia. In part, these problems can be attributed to absent or decreased lower esophageal peristalsis, a dilated esophagus, and impaired gastric motility (462). Taste and smell are significantly impaired (463). Scoliosis is frequent and becomes more marked with age. Intelligence remains normal. Many patients die from the disease during infancy or childhood. In some 40%, death is a consequence of pulmonary failure or cardiorespiratory arrest, usually during sleep or precipitated by hypotension (394). A prolongation of the QT interval seen in approximately one-third of patients could predispose them to sudden death from ventricular arrhythmia (464). Aspiration or infectious pneumonia is another common cause for demise. Still, approximately 40% of living patients are 20 years of age or older (394). Some symptoms, notably cyclic vomiting, become less marked with age; others, in particular the sensory loss, are slowly progressive (465).

TABLE 3.11 Clinical Features of Familial Dysautonomia

Disturbances of Autonomic Nervous System Reduced or absent tears


Peripheral Vascular Disturbances Hypertension with excitement


Postural hypotension


Skin blotching with excitement or with eating


Cold hands and feet


Excessive perspiration


Erratic temperature control


Disturbed swallowing reflex


Drooling beyond usual age


Cyclic vomiting


Disturbances of Voluntary Neuromuscular System Absent or hypoactive deep tendon reflexes


Poor motor coordination






Abnormal electroencephalographic results


Sensory Disturbances Relative indifference to pain


Corneal anesthesia


Psychological Disturbances Apparent mental retardation


Breath-holding spells in infancy


Emotional lability


Other Disturbances

Absence of fungiform papillae


Corneal ulcerations


Frequent bronchopneumonia


Retardation of body growth




+, common; ++, occurs frequently but not required for the diagnosis; +++, probably present in all cases.

FIGURE 3.8. Familial dysautonomia. A: Tip of the tongue of a healthy child. The dark spots are blood cells seen through the clear epithelium of the fungiform papillae. B: In familial dysautonomia, no fungiform papillae exist, and the tongue appears smooth. (C ourtesy of Dr. Felicia Axelrod, Department of Pediatrics, New York University, New York, NY.)

The brainstem auditory-evoked potentials are abnormally prolonged in most patients (466). Neuroimaging studies have been unremarkable. Other clinical aspects of this systemic disease, including ophthalmologic abnormalities, anesthetic hazards, and various emotional problems, are discussed by Goldberg and associates (467) and Axelrod (394).

Diagnosis The clinical diagnosis of dysautonomia rests on the patient's history, genetic background, and clinical features of the condition, in particular the absence of fungiform papillae, absent corneal reflexes, decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes, and decreased response to pain. I have found the intradermal histamine test to be the most reliable. In healthy individuals, intradermal injection of histamine phosphate (0.03 to 0.05 mL of a 1:1,000 solution) produces a local wheal and a red erythematous flare extending 1 to 3 cm beyond the wheal. In dysautonomic patients beyond the newborn period, the flare response is absent. A similar lack of response can be seen in atopic dermatitis and in some disorders of the spinal cord or peripheral nerves (e.g., other progressive sensory neuropathies). A commercial genetic test is available.

Treatment Treatment is symptomatic (394). Impaired swallowing is best managed by experimenting with nipples of different sizes and with thickened feedings. If these methods fail, gavage feedings are necessary. When gastroesophageal reflux results in intractable pulmonary problems, gastrostomy feeding and fundal plication are required (468). Vomiting is managed by correcting the dehydration, which generally is isotonic. Gastric distention is relieved by using bethanechol chloride. Oral doses range from 1 to 2 mg/kg per day, given in several divided doses, although the amount required varies from one child to the next. C essation of vomiting is promoted by the use of diazepam (0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg per dose) given intravenously. Diazepam is also the most effective treatment for hypertension and is given intramuscularly in doses of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg. C rises are best handled with diazepam or with the combination of diazepam and chlorpromazine (0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg given intramuscularly) (394). Aspiration pneumonia is prevented by maintaining the head in an elevated position. Feeding and swallowing difficulties in the infant might necessitate gavage. Hypertensive crises are treated with sedation and chlorpromazine.

Type IV (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhidrosis; HSAN IV) C ongenital insensitivity to pain and anhidrosis is a recessive condition that becomes apparent in early life. The gene for this condition has been mapped to chromosome 1q21–q22. It codes for a high-affinity tyrosine kinase receptor for nerve growth factor (396). Affected infants present with episodes of high fever often related to the environmental temperature, anhidrosis, and insensitivity to pain. Palmar skin is dry, thickened, and hyperkeratotic, and C harcot joints (sensory arthropathy) are commonly present. Painless heel ulcerations are frequent and are slow to heal. C hildren respond to tactile stimulation, and deep tendon reflexes are often preserved. Self-mutilatory behavior is common, as are corneal ulcers. About 20% of infants succumb to hyperpyrexia within the first 3 years of life (397). Peripheral nerve biopsy shows the small unmyelinated fibers to be almost totally absent (469). Axonal microtubules are reduced and the mitochondria are abnormally enlarged. Muscle biopsy discloses an accumulation of lipid droplets and reduced cytochrome c oxidase (470). In contrast to the other sensory neuropathies, motor and sensory nerve action potentials are normal. An autosomal recessive neuropathy seen in Navajo children is similar pathologically. C linically, the Navajo children do not experience bouts of hyperpyrexia and are developmentally normal (471).

Type V (Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy; HSAN V) Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy also manifests with congenital insensitivity to pain and anhidrosis. It is distinct from congenital insensitivity to pain and anhidrosis (HSAN IV) by a selective absence of the small myelinated fibers (392). This condition, in association with neurotrophic keratitis, has been seen in Kashmir (472).

Other Hereditary Sensory Neuropathies Several other, probably distinct, forms of hereditary sensory neuropathies have been reported. In addition, an entity exists termed asymbolia to pain, or congenital indifference to pain, in which pain sensation is appreciated but its unpleasant quality is lost. It is an autosomal recessive disorder that is often accompanied by auditory imperception (473).

Giant Axonal Neuropathy (GAN) Giant axonal neuropathy, an autosomal recessive disorder, was described in 1972 by Berg and colleagues (474). The gene for GAN has been mapped to chromosome 16q24.1. It encodes a protein named gigaxonin, which is one of the BTB/kelch superfamily of cytoskeletal proteins that have been termed the “propellers of cell function”(475). The condition probably represents a generalized disorder of cytoplasmic microfilament formation. The condition is characterized clinically by a chronically progressive, peripherally mixed neuropathy having its onset in early childhood. Most of those affected have pale or slightly reddish hair, which is unusually tight and curly. Scanning electron microscopy of the hair shafts shows an irregular cuticle and longitudinal grooves (476). Ataxia and nystagmus are not unusual. Biopsy of the motor and sensory nerves reveals decreased numbers of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers and the presence of focal axonal enlargements that are more common distally and adjacent to a node of Ranvier. Ultrastructurally, these swellings are replete with aggregates of neurofilaments (477). Swollen axons also have been found within the C NS (478). Similar axonal enlargements have been seen in neuroaxonal dystrophy and in glue-sniffing neuropathy.

Progressive Facial Hemiatrophy (Parry-Romberg Syndrome) Although evidence for a mendelian basis for this condition is lacking, it is presented in this chapter for the sake of convenience. Progressive facial hemiatrophy is characterized by progressive wasting of the face, including the subcutaneous tissue, fat, cartilage, and bone. The disease makes its appearance in early childhood and occasionally is present at birth. Approximately 75% of patients with progressive facial hemiatrophy are affected before 20 years of age. In approximately 25%, local trauma appears to predispose to the condition. Initially, shrinkage of the subcutaneous tissue occurs over the maxilla or at the upper corner of the nasolabial fold. As the disease progresses slowly over the course of several years, the remainder of the facial half becomes involved (Fig. 3.9). Patients experience no muscular weakness, loss of trigeminal nerve function, or atrophy of the skin. The hair, including the eyelashes and eyebrows, is affected commonly, and alopecia and blanching, particularly along the paramedian area, can precede all other manifestations of the condition.

C erebral symptoms include seizures that can be generalized or focal (particularly sensory focal) and minimal pyramidal tract signs (479,480). Seizures can take a course that is suggestive of Rasmussen encephalitis, an indication, perhaps, that the two conditions share a similar underlying etiology (481) (see C hapter 7). However, in Parry-Romberg syndrome, seizures can often be controlled with anticonvulsants, which is rarely so in Rasmussen encephalitis. No definite pathologic changes have been found in the few brains examined, although some have shown nonspecific inflammatory processes (479,482). The C T scan can be normal or show intracerebral calcifications or atrophy. The calcification is generally ipsilateral to the facial hemiatrophy (480). MRI demonstrates areas of ipsilateral cortical dysgenesis or increased signal in the ipsilateral white matter on T2-weighted images (483).

FIGURE 3.9. Progressive facial hemiatrophy in a 16-year-old boy. The scarlike coup de sabre is characteristic for this condition but also may be seen in scleroderma. (C ourtesy of Dr. C reighton G. Bellinger, Glendale, C A.)

Although the appearance of the patient with progressive hemiatrophy is characteristic, lipodystrophy and scleroderma should be considered in the differential diagnosis. In lipodystrophy, the involvement is bilateral and spares cartilage and bone; in scleroderma, the skin becomes cold, waxy, and inelastic and adheres to the subcutaneous tissue. In familial hemiatrophy, the skin usually remains normal. Aside from cosmetic surgery, no appropriate therapy for this condition is available. The atrophy progresses for several years but never becomes complete.

Progressive Hereditary Nerve Deafness Various heredodegenerative diseases of the C NS are accompanied by a progressive sensory neural hearing loss. These include such heredodegenerations as C MT disease, FRDA, and the hereditary sensory neuropathies. Progressive nerve deafness also is seen in association with retinitis pigmentosa (Usher syndromes), recessive conditions with a variable degree of penetrance. In Refsum disease, nerve deafness accompanies retinitis pigmentosa, ataxia, and polyneuropathy. A number of syndromes in which progressive nerve deafness accompanies lesions of the visual system have been summarized by Fischel-Ghodsian and Falk (484) and Fraser (485). In all of these, deafness begins insidiously and progresses slowly; the ability to hear high tones is usually lost first. A differential diagnosis of profound hearing loss in childhood is presented in C hapter 5 (see Table 5.15). Ménière disease, a condition characterized by progressive deafness, tinnitus, and paroxysms of vertigo, is essentially a disorder of middle life.

Retinitis Pigmentosa Retinitis pigmentosa represents a common cause of hereditary visual impairment. It is a component of the more than 400 hereditary diseases that affect the retina, macula, and choroids. Retinitis pigmentosa can be subdivided into a group in which the disease process is confined to the eye and a group in which it accompanies a systemic or heredodegenerative disorder. A list of the various mapped or cloned human genes that cause retinal degenerations is provided by Heckenlively and Daiger (486).

DIFFUSE CEREBRAL DEGENERATIVE DISEASES Various hereditary diseases that affect the C NS in a nonselective manner are included in diffuse cerebral degenerative diseases. Although in some the evidence indicates a defect in cerebral metabolism, the relationship between the enzymatic defect and the neurologic abnormalities has not always been defined completely.

Diseases with Degeneration Primarily Affecting White Matter (Leukodystrophies) Traditionally the leukodystrophies have been grouped by the histochemical characteristics of the myelin breakdown products. The following major entities can be distinguished: adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD), C anavan disease (spongy degeneration of white matter), Alexander disease, MLD, and Krabbe disease (globoid cell leukodystrophy).

Adrenoleukodystrophy Adrenoleukodystrophy is the most common and clearly defined form of sudanophilic cerebral sclerosis, with an incidence of 1 in 10,000 male individuals. It is also the most common inherited peroxisomal disorder. The condition can take one of three forms: (a) rapidly progressive, inflammatory cerebral form, which is characterized by visual and intellectual impairment, seizures, spasticity, and a more or less rapid progression to death, (b) adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN), which has its onset in the third or fourth decade with slowly progressive paraparesis, and (c) Addison's disease without neurologic symptoms.

Pathology, Molecular Genetics, and Pathogenesis ALD is an X-linked condition, and the gene ABCD1, whose mutation causes the disease, has been mapped to chromosome Xq28. The gene encodes a protein, ALDP, that is a member of the family of ATP-binding-cassette transport systems (called cassette because the ATP fits into the molecule like a cassette into a tape player). These proteins use the energy derived from the hydrolysis of ATP to transport substrates, including very long chain fatty acid (VLC FA)-C oA synthetase, across a membrane such as that of the peroxisome against a concentration gradient (487). As a result of the transporter defect, the first step in the β-oxidation of the VLC FA, namely the synthesis of VLC FA-C oA, becomes inoperative. The biological functions of the transporters have been reviewed by Stefkova and coworkers (488). More than 500 different mutations in the gene that codes for the VLC FA-C oA transporter, including missense and frameshift mutations, have been documented in patients with different phenotypes of ALD, and no correlation between genotype and phenotype can be demonstrated (499). The pathogenesis of the C NS lesion in ALD is poorly understood (490). The presence of the slowly progressive adult form and the severe childhood form of ALD in the same nuclear family, the observation of different phenotypes in identical twins (491), and the rapid progression of the disease after years of dormancy all suggest that nongenetic factors, modifier genes, or both are important in the expression of the disease. The increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β in astrocytes and microglia in demyelinating lesions of patients with the childhood form of ALD, suggests an important role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of the disease (492). Pathologic features include widespread demyelination and gliosis of cerebral white matter. The demyelination generally spares subcortical fibers and exhibits a rostrocaudal progression, with the earliest abnormalities evident in the occipital and posterior parietal lobes. Inflammatory cells are common and are seen in a perivascular distribution. Macrophages are filled with material that has positive results for periodic acid–Schiff and oil red O, and probably consist of VLC FA esters. In the zona fasciculata and reticularis of the adrenal gland, ballooned cells are evident. Many of these have striated cytoplasm and vacuolations. Similar lipid inclusions are found in Schwann cells of the peripheral nerves and in testes (493). The structure of peroxisomes is morphologically normal. C hemical analysis demonstrates the accumulation of VLC FAs with carbon chain lengths of 22 to 30 (C 22 to C 30), notably C 26, in white matter cholesterol esters, cerebrosides, and gangliosides. VLC FAs, particularly C 26, also are increased in cultured fibroblasts and serum (494). These VLC FAs are partly of exogenous origin, and their β-oxidation normally occurs within peroxisomes (495). The biochemical defect, however, does not directly involve the oxidation of VLC FAs, as was originally surmised.

Clinical Manifestations Of the three phenotypes the cerebral form of ALD is the most common; it represented 48% of the collected patients in Moser's group (496). In the Australian series of Kirk and colleagues, it comprised 54% (497). Adrenomyeloneuropathy was found in 25% of ALD hemizygotes and Addison disease without neurologic involvement was found in 10% of Moser's cases (476), and these were found in 25% and 16%, respectively, in the series of Kirk and colleagues (497). The various phenotypes frequently occur within the same family, and the manifestations of the disease can differ significantly in closely related family members (498). In some individuals progression is fairly rapid, whereas in others the course can be relapsing and remitting (499). Onset of the cerebral form of ALD is usually between ages 5 and 8 years, with a gradual disturbance in gait and slight intellectual impairment. Abnormal pigmentation or classic adrenal insufficiency sometimes precedes neurologic abnormalities by several years. In other cases, adrenocortical atrophy is asymptomatic throughout life (493). Early seizures of several types are common, as are attacks of crying and screaming. Visual complaints are initially rare, whereas swallowing is disturbed in approximately one-third of the children. Spastic contractures of the lower extremities appear, and frequently the child becomes ataxic. Extrapyramidal symptoms also can be observed. C utaneous melanosis or evidence of Addison disease can often be detected. The C SF protein content can be elevated, and a mild lymphocytosis can develop. MRI is more sensitive than the C T scan in terms of showing the extent of abnormal white matter. Abnormalities that are seen as high signal on T2-weighted sequences are first noted in the periventricular posterior parietal and occipital regions and extend anteriorly with progression of the disease. Demyelination can be accompanied by a contrast-enhancing area at the margins of the lesion that probably represents an inflammatory reaction. C alcification is not unusual (500,501). The MRI and MR spectroscopy also are abnormal in the preclinical stage of the disease (502). Because patients may remain asymptomatic in the face of an abnormal MRI until as long as their seventh decade of life, there is little predictive significance to these neuroimaging abnormalities. Evoked potentials are normal when neurologic symptoms first make their appearance; they become abnormal as the demyelinating lesions extend into the brainstem and into the parieto-occipital lobes. The auditory-evoked potential, one of the most sensitive indices of brainstem demyelination, is abnormal in obligatory carriers (503). The urinary excretion of adrenal androgens and corticosteroids is decreased, and adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation fails to produce an increase in the 17-hydroxycorticoid excretion. Adrenomyeloneuropathy generally has its onset in adult life, with only 8% of cases developing before 21 years of age (496,504). The

condition is characterized by spastic paraparesis, distal neuropathy, adrenal insufficiency, and hypogonadism. At times the condition can mimic a hereditary form of spastic paraparesis (504a). MRI of the brain is abnormal in approximately one-half of patients, and cognitive function is reduced in approximately 40% (496). Between 15% and 20% of female carriers develop a spastic paraparesis or a mild peripheral neuropathy. In 16% of these patients the MRI is abnormal (496).

Diagnosis The diagnosis is suspected on the basis of the clinical picture. It can be confirmed by finding abnormally high levels of plasma VLC FAs, in particular a significantly elevated level of C 26 saturated fatty acid and abnormally high ratios of C 26 to C 22 and C 24 to C 22 fatty acids. Some 85% of obligatory heterozygotes also can be diagnosed by their increased VLC FA levels in plasma and cultured fibroblasts (505). Mutation analysis is probably the most reliable method for the diagnosis of the heterozygote (505). Plasma VLC FA levels are unaffected by the usual food intake or by storage at room temperature for up to 2 weeks. Elevated levels of VLC FAs also are seen in some of the other peroxisomal disorders (see C hapter 1).

Treatment Two forms of therapy can be considered: dietary therapy and bone marrow transplantation. Although the VLC FAs are, in part, of dietary origin, restriction of their intake does not affect the progressive worsening of the condition. A diet containing 20% erucic acid, a monounsaturated 22-carbon fatty acid (22:1), in addition to 80% oleic acid normalizes the levels of plasma C 26 within a month. This diet, which goes under the name Lorenzo oil, has been tested in various centers, but in view of the variability of the clinical course of ALD it is difficult to evaluate its effectiveness. In the experience of van Geel and coworkers, dietary therapy with Lorenzo oil failed to improve the abnormal visual-evoked responses (506). It is the opinion of Gartner and colleagues that no scientific evidence exists to recommend this diet for patients with neurologic symptoms (500). Thrombocytopenia is a fairly common complication of treatment with Lorenzo oil (507). Bone marrow transplantation has been used widely over the last few years. The outcome is encouraging in boys who are in the early stages of the disease, with an overall 5-year survival in this group of 92% (508). In this series, there was a 95% 5-year survival in boys who were treated when their performance IQ was above 80, and who showed only mild MRI abnormalities (508). In the experience of Shapiro and coworkers, the procedure did not arrest peripheral nerve demyelination (509). Other therapeutic approaches include the use of lovastatin, which normalizes plasma VLC FAs, and 4-phenylbutyrate, which normalizes brain VLC FAs in mice by enhancing an alternative pathway for VLC FA oxidation (510) and increasing peroxisomal oxidation of VLC FA in fibroblast cultures (511). In addition to the adrenoleukodystrophies, two other forms of sudanophilic diffuse sclerosis have been documented. The sporadic form is probably related to multiple sclerosis and is considered in C hapter 8. The other form is a sudanophilic diffuse sclerosis occurring as an autosomal recessive disorder, which in some families is accompanied by meningeal angiomatosis (512). It is not well substantiated as a discrete entity, and the white matter lesions are now believed to be hypoxic in nature.

Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD) is a rare, slowly progressive disorder of myelin formation first described by Pelizaeus (513) in 1885 and Merzbacher in 1910 (514). The classic form of the condition has its onset in infancy and is transmitted in a gender-linked manner with the gene localized to the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq21.2–q22). The families described by Pelizaeus and Merzbacher fall into this category, as do the cases reported by Seitelberger (515) and Boulloche and Aicardi (516).

Pathology, Pathogenesis, and Molecular Genetics The pathologic picture demonstrates widespread lack of myelin, although islands of myelination, particularly around small blood vessels, are preserved. Little sudanophilic material is present, and chemical examination of the brain reveals the white matter lipids to be normal or reduced. As expected from the absence of sudanophilic material, and in contrast to ALD, no increase in cholesterol esters is seen (516a). The axons in demyelinated areas are covered by their lipid sleeves, which give histochemical reactions for sphingolipids. Oligodendrocytes contain spherical lamellated cytoplasmic inclusions and numerous myelin balls at their periphery (516b). This pathologic picture suggests that the basic defect is impaired formation of myelin, a situation reminiscent of that observed in jimpy mice. This animal model suffers from a defect in PLP, one of the two major myelin membrane proteins. Indeed, the gene that encodes PLP, the PLP gene, has been found to be defective in PMD. In addition to PLP, the PLP gene also encodes another myelin protein, DM20. PLP and DM20 are two isoforms. They are hydrophobic membrane proteins that account for approximately one-half of the protein content of adult brain. The mRNAs that encode them are synthesized by alternative splicing of the primary transcript of the PLP gene. A number of mutations in this gene have been described in patients with PMD. The most common of these is a duplication of the PLP1 gene (518). Other mutations in order of frequency include missense mutations, insertions, and deletions (517). Missense mutations account for some 10% to 25% of families with PMD (518). Mutations in the noncoding region of the gene have also been described. The phenotype associated with this mutation is severe, with onset of symptoms between birth and 16 months (519). Mutations that truncate PLP1 expression or result in a null mutation produce a clinical picture that combines demyelination and a peripheral neuropathy (520). Otherwise, the phenotype for the various mutations and duplications appears to be fairly comparable (518). One of the intriguing questions that now is becoming unraveled is how the gene mutation in PMD results in dysfunction of oligodendrocytes and failure of myelination. Total absence of PLP due to gene deletion or a null mutation is associated with a more benign form than is seen in patients who have a gene duplication (517). It has recently become apparent that PMD is only one of many diseases in which mutant proteins aggregate in various subcellular departments and cause cell death. In PMD it appears that accumulation of the mutant protein in oligodendrocytes perturbs the viability of the cells by activating what has been termed the unfolded protein response (521). This is a stress response mediated by the endoplasmic reticulum leading ultimately to programmed cell death and apoptosis of the oligodendrocytes (522). For a review of this dynamic and exciting field see Gow and Sharma (523) and Kaufman (524). The gene defect associated with PMD is allelic with that causing SPG2, one of the X-linked forms of hereditary spastic paraplegia (355) (see Table 3.7).

Clinical Manifestations The clinical course differs from the other leukodystrophies only by the presence, before 3 months of age, of arrhythmically trembling and roving eye movements. Head control is poor, and cerebellar ataxia, including intention tremor and scanning speech, is frequent. Over the years, optic atrophy, involuntary movements, and spasticity become apparent, whereas the nystagmus can disappear. The disease progresses slowly, with many plateaus. The C SF is normal, as are other laboratory studies (525). Abnormalities of myelin are disclosed by MRI. Nezu and colleagues distinguished three patterns: diffuse alterations in hemispheric white matter and the corticospinal tracts, diffuse alterations in hemispheric white matter with a normal corticospinal tract, and least often, patchy changes in the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres (526). Little correlation exists between the type of MRI abnormality and the gene defect, and these changes do not appear to progress (526). A connatal form of PMD that has an early, possibly prenatal onset and progresses rapidly also has been reported. It appears to be allelic with the classic form of PMD (527).

Diagnosis In the absence of other affected members of the family, the diagnosis cannot be made with certainty solely on clinical grounds or by neuroimaging. However, ocular and cerebellar symptoms of extremely slow progression and the gender-linked recessive transmission tend to differentiate PMD from other degenerative conditions. The absence of remissions and early onset distinguish it from multiple sclerosis. Gene duplications can be detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization, using a PLP probe (528). This assay can also be utilized for the prenatal diagnosis of the condition (529). C onsiderable doubt exists over whether MRI can be used for carrier detection. An X-linked disease has been reported that clinically resembles PMD in which there were capillary calcifications in the basal ganglia and dentate nucleus and in which the gene locus was on the long arm of the X chromosome but outside the region for the PLP gene (530).

Treatment No effective treatment is available.

Spongy Degeneration of the Cerebral White Matter (Canavan Disease) Spongy degeneration of the cerebral white matter (C anavan disease) is a rare familial degenerative disease of cerebral white matter first described by C anavan in 1931 (531). The condition is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, with the gene having been mapped to chromosome 17 pter–p13 and cloned. It codes for an enzyme, aspartoacylase, that hydrolyzes N-acetylaspartic acid to L-aspartic acid. A point mutation in the gene for aspartoacylase is a common finding in C anavan disease. In the series of Kaul and coworkers, 12 of 17 patients with this condition had this abnormality, the remainder were compound heterozygotes with one allele having the point mutation (532). The condition is fairly rare worldwide, but the carrier rate has been found to be as high as 1 in 40 to 1 in 57 in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, with two point mutations accounting for more than 99% of patients (533,534). In the most common clinical variant, symptoms appear between the second and fourth months of life and include failure of intellectual development, optic atrophy, and hypotonia. Subsequently, seizures appear and a progressive increase occurs in muscular tone. C horeoathetotic movements are noted occasionally. A relative or absolute macrocephaly is often evident by age 6 months. It was seen in all Arab cases reported by Gascon and colleagues (535) and was seen in 92% of children in the series of Traeger and Rapin (536). In almost all, it could be documented by 1 year of age. The visual-evoked responses are frequently absent or delayed; they were normal in only 1 of 8 children reported by Gascon and colleagues (535). Nystagmus was seen in 88% of children and seizures in 63% (536). Death usually ensues before 5 years of age (537), although survival into the second or third decade of life is not uncommon (536). Variants in which the onset of neurologic symptoms occurs within the first few days of life or after age 15 years also have been recognized (537). The main pathologic findings are in white matter, particularly that of the convolutional areas, which is replaced by a fine network of fluid-containing cystic spaces that give the characteristic spongy appearance. The central portions and the internal capsule remain relatively spared. Edema fluid collects in the cytoplasm of astrocytes and intramyelinic vacuoles that result from splitting of the myelin sheath at the intraperiod lines (537,538). Products of myelin degradation cannot be found (539). In addition, axonal degeneration of the peripheral nerves is present, with clumping and granular disintegration of axonal material (540). The most striking finding in patients with C anavan disease is the increased amount of N-acetylaspartic acid (NAA) in plasma, urine, and brain (533), the consequence of aspartoacylase deficiency. In brain, NAA is localized within neurons. Its function is not known; presumably it serves as a source of acetyl groups for the synthesis of myelin lipids (541). The cause for the neurologic deterioration is unknown; it is possible that the accumulation of NAA causes an osmoregulatory disturbance. The clinical diagnosis of C anavan disease rests on the progressive neurologic deterioration in a child with megalocephaly, optic atrophy, and seizures. It is confirmed by assay of urine for NAA. On nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), the ratio of NAA to creatine and choline is strikingly increased; the actual concentration of NAA is not increased (542). On MRI, diffuse white matter degeneration is seen, with abnormally high signal throughout cerebral white matter on T2-weighted images (543) (Fig. 3.10). As the disease progresses, cerebral atrophy becomes marked. In many cases the course of the disease is slowly progressive. I have seen children who were relatively intact neurologically even in the face of striking MRI abnormalities.

FIGURE 3.10. Spongy degeneration of cerebral white matter (C anavan disease). Magnetic resonance imaging study. T2weighted axial views show a marked increase in signal in the white matter that is most evident in the posterior portions of the hemispheres. (C ourtesy of Dr. Franklin G. Moser, Division of Neuroradiology, C edars-Sinai Medical C enter, Los Angeles, C A.)

Alexander Disease First described by Alexander in 1949 (544), this condition most commonly begins within the first year of life with intellectual deterioration, macrocephaly, spasticity, and seizures. The gene has been mapped to chromosome 17q21 and codes for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (545). Four clinical forms of Alexander disease have been recognized; all have mutations in the gene that codes for GFAP. The infantile form is the most common; it accounted for 26 of 44 genetically confirmed cases in the series of Li and coworkers (546). The juvenile form, with onset between 5 and 9 years of age, accounted for 15 patients, and the adult form was seen in 3 subjects. Bulbar signs are almost invariable additional symptoms in the juvenile form (547). A neonatal form has its onset in the first month of life followed by rapid progression. All children in this group develop hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure as a consequence of aqueductal stenosis caused by astroglial proliferation (548). Macrocephaly is less common in the juvenile form; it was only seen in 27% of cases in the series of Li and coworkers (546). The adult form appears to have an autosomal dominant transmission (549), and macrocephaly is not seen in this group (546). Microscopic examination of the brain reveals diffuse demyelination. The distinctive feature is the presence of innumerable Rosenthal fibers that are particularly dense around blood vessels. Rosenthal fibers are rounded, oval, or club-shaped, densely osmiophilic bodies in the cytoplasm of enlarged astrocytes. It is believed that their formation is initiated by oxidative stress (550). The cells contain stress proteins, such as α-B-crystallin and HSP27. C rystallins are enormously large proteins normally secreted in the lens of the eye and in normal astrocytes. In Alexander disease, they form insoluble astrocytic aggregates (551). Both HSP27, and α-B-crystallin are increased in the C SF. Diagnosis usually depends on a combination of neuroimaging and gene analysis. MRI results show extensive cerebral white matter changes with frontal predominance, a periventricular rim with increased signal on T1-weighted images and decreased signal on T2weighted images, and abnormalities of the basal ganglia, thalamus, and brainstem (552,552a). The location of the abnormal signal correlates with areas where there is an accumulation of Rosenthal fibers (553). Although their appearance on neuroimaging studies has been claimed to be diagnostic for one or another of the leukodystrophies, their appearance is rarely specific. Instead, they show an evolution in the course of the disease from a normally appearing brain, to one in which white matter is diffusely abnormal, to an ultimate picture of generalized gray and white matter atrophy. Because, as a rule, the lesions are more extensive when visualized by MRI than by C T scans, MRI is the imaging study of choice in any infant or child with suspected leukodystrophy. Gene analysis is available commercially and should be performed when the MRI suggests the diagnosis.

Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) Metachromatic leukodystrophy is a lysosomal storage disease marked by the accumulation of cerebroside sulfate (sulfatide) within the nervous system and other tissue. Although first described in 1910 by Alzheimer (554), the condition was not fully delineated until 1933 when Greenfield noted it to be a form of diffuse sclerosis in which oligodendroglial degeneration was characteristic (555).

Pathology and Molecular Genetics Diffuse demyelination and accumulation of metachromatically staining granules are the outstanding pathologic features. (Metachromatic staining implies that the tissue–dye complex has an absorption spectrum sufficiently different from the original dye to produce an obvious contrast in color. The spectral shift is caused by the polymerization of the dye, which is induced by negative charges such as RSO 3 present in close proximity to one another within the tissue.) Metachromatically staining granules are either free in the tissues or stored within glial cells and macrophages. Metachromatic material is almost always found in neuronal cytoplasm, distending the cell body as in G M2 gangliosidosis but to a lesser extent. Electron microscopy demonstrates cytoplasmic inclusions and alteration in the lamellar structure of myelin (Fig. 3.11). Demyelination is diffuse but especially affects those tracts that myelinate during the latter part of infancy. All the involved areas have loss of oligodendroglia. Metachromatic granules also are found in the renal tubules, bile duct

epithelium, gallbladder, islet cell and ductal epithelium of pancreas, reticular zone of adrenal cortex, and liver.

FIGURE 3.11. Metachromatic leukodystrophy. Electron microscopic examination. Sural nerve biopsy (×18,400). Within the myelin loop is a circular band of increased density (A). Large cytoplasmic inclusions (I) corresponding in size and distribution to metachromatic material observed in frozen sections of the same nerve can be seen. The adjacent axon and myelin are normal (B). (C ourtesy of Dr. H. De F. Webster, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.)

FIGURE 3.12. Glycolipid metabolism in brain. In metachromatic leukodystrophy, sulfatase is defective. In globoid cell leukodystrophy, galactosylceramidase I is deficient. As a consequence, galactosyl sphingosine (psychosine) accumulates. In addition, a secondary increase exists in ceramide dihexoside and trihexoside. UDP, uridine diphosphate.

In 1959, Austin showed the metachromatic material to be a sulfatide (i.e., a sulfuric acid ester of cerebroside) and a major constituent of myelin glycolipids (556). Subsequently, Austin and associates (557) and Jatzkewitz and Mehl (558) found the basic enzymatic defect in late infantile MLD to be an inactivity of a heat-labile cerebroside sulfatase (arylsulfatase-A). This defect results in the blocked hydrolysis of sulfatides to cerebrosides (Fig. 3.12). A marked reduction but not complete absence of arylsulfatase-A activity has been found in gray and white matter, kidney, liver, urine, leukocytes, and cultured skin fibroblasts (559). The gene coding for arylsulfatase-A has been mapped to chromosome 22q13.31–qter. It has been cloned and characterized, and nearly 100 mutations have been identified (560). Two mutations are particularly common in whites. In one [termed allele I by Polten and colleagues (561)], a G-to-A transition eliminates the splice donor site at the start of intron 2, with the resultant total loss of enzyme activity. Another common mutation (termed allele A) is characterized by a C -to-T transition that results in the substitution of leucine for proline at amino acid 426. This produces an enzyme with 3% residual activity. In the experience of Barth and colleagues, who studied mainly families from the United Kingdom, these two mutations accounted for 59% of the genetic lesions causing MLD (562). Numerous other, less common mutations in the gene have been demonstrated. These include both point mutations and gene deletions (560).

FIGURE 3.13. Arylsulfatase-A genotype and age at onset of symptoms for metachromatic leukodystrophy. The arylsulfatase-A genotype was plotted against the age at onset of clinical symptoms in 19 patients for whom such data were available. (From Polten A, Fluharty AL, Fluhart C B, et al. Molecular basis of different forms of metachromatic leukodystrophy. N Engl J Med 1991;324:18–22. With permission.)

As a rule, the phenotype of each mutation can be inferred from their clinical expression in combination with other MLD mutations. In the series of Polten and colleagues, 21% of patients with the late infantile form of MLD were hom*ozygous for the I/I genotype and another 48% had an I haplotype. C ompound heterozygosity I/A was seen in 27% of juvenile cases (561) (Fig. 3.13). hom*ozygosity for allele A was seen in 45% of patients with the adult form of MLD, and another 27% had the A haplotype. A significant proportion of individuals with the A/A haplotype demonstrated the juvenile form of MLD. Thus, a considerable degree of phenotypic variation exists among patients with identical A/A genotypes, suggesting that nonallelic or environmental factors affect the age when neurologic symptoms make their appearance. A reduction in arylsulfatase-A activity to 5% to 10% of control values is seen in up to 20% of the healthy population. This nonpathogenic reduction in enzyme activity is caused by hom*ozygosity for a pseudodeficiency allele (562a). Individuals who are hom*ozygous for this allele are asymptomatic, although in some, MRI shows lesions of white matter (563). Less commonly, MLD is caused by a deficient cerebroside sulfatase activator protein, saposin B. The saposins are small glycoproteins that are required for sphingolipid hydrolysis by lysosomal hydrolases. Four saposins arise through hydrolytic cleavage from one gene product, prosaposin; other saposins arise from different genes. At least four different mutations in the gene for saposin B have been recognized (564). Patients with cerebroside activator protein deficiency present as the late infantile or juvenile form of MLD (560). The role of saposins in the various lysosomal storage diseases was reviewed by O'Brien and Kishimoto (565). The mechanism by which sulfatide accumulation results in brain damage is not completely clear. Sulfatides are stored in oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells, and isolated myelin contains excess amounts of sulfatides. These are believed to result in an unstable molecular structure of myelin and myelin's consequent breakdown. Additionally, sulfatide accumulation might be responsible for the destruction of oligodendroglia and possibly for damage to neurons as well (566).

Clinical Manifestations The incidence of the several forms of MLD is approximately 1 in 40,000 births. Symptoms can appear at any age. In the late infantile variant, a gait disorder, caused by either poor balance or a gradual stiffening, and strabismus occur by age 2 years. Impairment of speech, spasticity, and intellectual deterioration appear gradually, and, occasionally, coarse tremors or athetoid movements of the extremities develop. Deep tendon reflexes in the legs are reduced or even absent. Unexplained bouts of fever or severe abdominal pain can develop as the disease advances. Optic atrophy becomes apparent. Seizures are never prominent, although they can appear as the disease progresses (567). Progression is inexorable, with death occurring within 6 months to 4 years after the onset of symptoms. The C SF protein is elevated, the conduction velocity in the peripheral nerves is decreased, and the electroretinograms, in contrast to the various juvenile amaurotic idiocies, is normal. Auditory-evoked potentials can be abnormal even in presymptomatic patients (568). On MRI, the areas of demyelination are marked by high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. These are first seen in the periventricular regions and the centrum semiovale. The splenium and the genu of the corpus callosum also are affected (569), as are the internal capsule and the pyramidal tracts. C haracteristically, the subcortical white matter, including the arcuate fibers, tends to be spared until late in the disease (569).

The juvenile form of MLD is somewhat rarer. It was first described by Scholz (570) and subsequently by others (571). Neurologic symptoms become evident at between 5 years of age and adulthood and progress slowly. Older patients develop an organic mental syndrome and progressive corticospinal, corticobulbar, cerebellar, or, rarely, extrapyramidal signs (572). The adult form of MLD, which has been seen as early as 15 years of age, generally begins with a change in personality and psychiatric problems (573). Rarely, the disease begins as a peripheral neuropathy. The variant forms with arylsulfatase-activator deficiency present a clinical picture of late infantile or juvenile MLD (560). Multiple sulfatase deficiency (mucosulfatidosis) is characterized by mental deterioration, coarse facial features, hepatosplenomegaly, skeletal anomalies, and ichthyosis. The clinical severity of this condition is variable; it ranges from a severe neonatal form to phenotypes that have only mild neurologic involvement (574). The gene for this disease (SUMF1) has been mapped to chromosome 3p26. It encodes a protein that is involved in a post-translational modification at the catalytic site of all sulfatases and is necessary for their function (574). At least 13 different sulfatases are defective. Patients accumulate sulfatides, acid mucopolysaccharides (heparan sulfate), and cholesterol sulfate in brain, liver, and kidney. Urinary excretion of mucopolysaccharides, notably heparan sulfate, is increased (575). The C SF protein content is elevated, and nerve conduction is slowed.

Diagnosis The time of onset of neurologic symptoms and the presence of ataxia, spasticity, and particularly depressed deep tendon reflexes with elevated C SF protein content should suggest the diagnosis, which is confirmed by a marked reduction in urinary or leukocyte arylsulfatase-A activity. Other abnormal laboratory test results include slowed motor nerve conduction velocities, a reduced auditoryevoked brainstem response, and a nonfunctioning gallbladder. Brown metachromatic bodies can be found on biopsy of various peripheral nerves as early as 15 months after the onset of symptoms (Fig. 3.14). Segmental demyelination of peripheral nerves is encountered in other leukodystrophies, including globoid cell leukodystrophy, C anavan disease (540), and, rarely, GM2 gangliosidosis and Spielmeyer-Vogt disease. The assay of fibroblast arylsulfatase-A activity can be used for the biochemical identification of heterozygotes for MLD and for the diagnosis of multiple sulfatase deficiency. C ultured amniotic fluid cells can serve for the antenatal diagnosis of the disorder. Asymptomatic individuals with pseudodeficiency of arylsulfatase are distinguished from presymptomatic individuals with MLD by the presence of normal levels of urinary sulfatides and normal nerve conduction velocities.

FIGURE 3.14. Metachromatic leukodystrophy. Peripheral nerve biopsy, longitudinal section, stained with acetic cresyl violet (acid pH). Innumerable coarse and fine clumps of golden brown crystalline granules (M). The 5-year-old girl had onset of intellectual deterioration at 3½ years of age. This was accompanied by seizures and impaired coordination. Nerve conduction times were markedly prolonged and cerebrospinal fluid protein was elevated.

Treatment As is the case for several of the other lysosomal disorders, bone marrow transplantation is being used to treat the late infantile and the juvenile forms of MLD. Long-term results in patients with the juvenile form of MLD have been particularly encouraging when performed prior to the onset of neurologic deficits, in that engraftment develops with normalization of leukocyte arylsulfatase-A activity and a decrease in the sulfatide content of peripheral nerves, with a frequent but not invariable consequent arrest of neurologic deterioration (560,576). Retroviral or adenovirus-mediated gene transfer has been successful under experimental conditions, but these techniques have not been applied to the patient population.

Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy (Krabbe Disease)

Globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD; Krabbe disease) was first described in 1908 by Beneke (577) and, more definitively, in 1916 by Krabbe (578), who noted the characteristic globoid cells in affected white matter.

Pathology The white matter of the cerebrum, cerebellum, spinal cord, and cortical projection fibers is extensively demyelinated, with only minimal sparing of the subcortical arcuate fibers (579). Additionally, there is an almost total loss of oligodendroglia. In areas of recent demyelination, mononuclear epithelioid cells and large (20 to 50 µm) multinucleated globoid cells are seen around the smaller blood vessels (Fig. 3.15). The globoid cells are believed to arise from vascular adventitia. Histochemical reactions and chemical analyses on globoid cell– rich fractions prepared by differential centrifugation show that a protein-bound cerebroside is stored within them. The appearance of globoid cells is believed to be stimulated by the release of cerebrosides from myelin because a similar cellular response can be produced in experimental animals through intracerebral injection of natural and synthetic cerebrosides (580).

FIGURE 3.15. Globoid cell leukodystrophy. C erebral white matter. Aggregates of globoid cells are seen in the vicinity of a blood vessel in the lower left corner. A considerable increase in cellularity occurs in the demyelinated area (hematoxylin and eosin, ×280).

Small clusters of globoid cells occur in a number of degenerative diseases of myelin, and the distinguishing feature of GLD is not the mere presence of these cellular elements, but their vast number. Ultrastructural examination reveals intracellular and extracellular crystalline inclusions, most commonly seen within the globoid cells, which correspond to the periodic acid-Schiff–positive material (581). The peripheral nerves show segmental demyelination and marked endoneurial fibrosis. Electron microscopy reveals curved or straight tubular structures in the cytoplasm of Schwann cells, around small blood vessels, or in the proliferated endoneurial collagenous tissue (582). Globoid cells also have been noted in lungs, spleen, and lymph nodes (583).

Biochemical Pathology and Molecular Genetics The basic biochemical defect in GLD is a deficiency of a galactosylceramidase (galactocerebroside β-galactosidase) (see Fig. 3.12). Galactosylceramidase activity is reduced in a number of tissues, including leukocytes, brain, liver, spleen, and cultured skin fibroblasts (584). Because galactosylsphingosine (psychosine) is broken down only by galactosylceramidase, the substance accumulates in brain, peripheral nerve, liver, and kidney. Galactosylsphingosine has profound cytotoxic effects, inhibiting mitochondrial functions and inducing a globoid cell response and the destruction of oligodendrocytes by apoptosis (585,586). With the disappearance of oligodendrocytes, cerebroside biosynthesis ceases and the formation of myelin is arrested. The gene coding for galactocerebrosidase (GALC ) has been mapped to chromosome 14q31. The gene has been cloned, and more than 70 mutations have been documented. These include deletions of varying sizes and numerous point mutations. In general terms, a fair inverse correlation exists between the amount of residual galactocerebrosidase activity and the severity of the clinical manifestations. However, as is the case for ALD and some of the disorders of lysosomal function, intrafamilial variability of clinical manifestations has been described (587), including symptomatic and asymptomatic siblings harboring the same genetic mutation (588). The factors responsible for this variability are unknown.

Clinical Manifestations Three clinical forms of GLD have been distinguished: the classic infantile form, the late infantile or juvenile form, and the adult form. In the infantile form, the disease begins acutely at 46 months of age with restlessness, irritability, and progressive stiffness. C onvulsions can develop later. Frequently, these are tonic spasms induced by light, noise, or touch. Infants show increased muscular tone, with few spontaneous movements. Optic atrophy and hyperacusis are seen often. The deep tendon reflexes are characteristically difficult to elicit and can be absent in the legs. Terminally, infants are flaccid and develop bulbar signs (589). A small proportion of patients have a later onset and slower evolution of their illness. Their neurologic symptoms include most

commonly a slowly evolving spastic paraparesis. Less often the predominant symptoms include a motor and sensory neuropathy, hemiparesis, cerebellar ataxia, or cortical blindness (588). Laboratory studies in the infantile form reveal a consistent elevation of C SF protein content. C onduction velocity of motor nerves is reduced. In the late-onset forms, both C SF protein and nerve conduction time can be normal (590). The MRI shows increased signal on T2-weighted images in the affected white matter, notably in the parietal lobes (590a). A curious MRI finding seen in GLD as well as in MLD are radially oriented hypointense stripes in the abnormally hyperintense white matter. Postmortem studies have shown that, in GLD, these stripes represent perivenular clusters of lipid-containing globoid cells (590b). In the late-onset Krabbe disease, the white matter lesions are more restricted and mainly affect the periventricular region, corpus callosum, or occipital lobes (588).

Diagnosis The salient clinical diagnostic feature for the infantile form of GLD is peripheral nerve involvement: depressed deep tendon reflexes, elevated C SF protein, and delayed nerve conduction in a deteriorating infant. Various other degenerative conditions present a clinical picture akin to GLD. In general, G M2 gangliosidosis (Tay-Sachs disease) can be distinguished by the characteristic retinal changes. Juvenile amaurotic idiocy and MLD have a somewhat later onset. In the rare progressive degenerations of the gray matter, seizures tend to appear earlier and more frequently. The marked white matter involvement as seen on MRI and the near absence of serum, leukocyte, or skin fibroblast galactosylceramidase are the most definitive tests. An antenatal diagnosis can be made by means of this enzymatic assay (585).

Treatment Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation has arrested the anticipated evolution of neurologic signs in a number of patients with GLD, notably those with a late onset and slower progression. In these instances nerve conduction studies improved and the C SF protein levels decreased following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (591). Entrance of donor-derived mononuclear cells into the C NS occurs over the course of several months to years. As a consequence, the procedure is much less effective in the rapidly progressive infantile form than in the more slowly developing late-onset forms, and early-onset GLD patients do not appear to benefit (592).

Other Hereditary Demyelinating Conditions Several entities in which demyelination is part of the pathologic picture are mentioned here.

co*ckayne Syndrome C ockayne syndrome is one of several known disorders of DNA repair (593). This rare condition, transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait, was first described by C ockayne in 1936 (594). Several different genotypes have been documented. The most common of these (seen in about 80% of patients) is a gene that has been mapped to chromosome 5 and encodes the C ockayne syndrome B protein. This protein is essential for transcription-coupled DNA repair (TC R), which is dependent on RNA polymerase II elongation (595). It is also involved in several other processes, including transcription by RNA polymerase I, transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair, and base excision repair of some types of oxidative damage in nuclei and mitochondria (596). The nucleotide excision repair pathway is responsible for the removal from DNA of a variety of lesions, including those induced by ultraviolet light. Nucleotide excision repair is a six-step process requiring a large number of gene products. It recognizes and removes lesions from DNA by a dual incision around the lesion in the damaged strand along with flanking nucleotides. Excision is followed by repair synthesis using the undamaged strand as template and by ligation. As determined by hybridization in culture using cell fusion agents, seven excisiondeficient complementation groups have been identified, of which at least two have the clinical picture of C ockayne syndrome (597). Skin fibroblasts derived from patients with C ockayne syndrome show marked sensitivity to ultraviolet light. This is the consequence of a specific defect in the repair of lesions in strands of actively transcribed genes (598). It is not clear why the nervous system is singled out for defects in conditions in which impaired DNA repair exists. This extremely complex area is covered in a review by Wood (599) and in the text by Strachan and Reed (1). Yet other patients with C ockayne syndrome have mutations in the C ockayne syndrome A protein, and a large variety of mutations are seen in the xeroderma pigmentosum-C ockayne syndrome (XP-C S) (600). C ockayne syndrome is a progressive disorder, characterized by an unusual progeroid facies (large ears and sunken eyes), failure of growth first manifested after the second year of life, slowly progressive intellectual deterioration, lack of subcutaneous fat, pigmentary retinal degeneration, nerve deafness, and hypersensitivity of skin to sunlight. There is an associated leukodystrophy (600,601,602). In the Turkish patients of Özdirim and colleagues, ocular abnormalities including cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, optic atrophy, and miosis unresponsive to mydriatics was recorded in 88% of children (601). A peripheral neuropathy also has been demonstrated, and nerve conduction and brainstem auditory-evoked responses are abnormal (601,603). Radiographic examinations reveal thickening of the skull bones and kyphoscoliosis. C alcifications, particularly involving the basal ganglia are common. MRI reveals loss of white matter and white matter hyperintensity on T2-weighted images (601,603). On pathologic examination, generally patchy demyelination and atrophy of white matter and cerebellum are seen. The brain can undergo perivascular calcification in the basal ganglia and cerebellum, changes termed a calcifying vasopathy (604). Except in the classic case, diagnosis of C ockayne syndrome is difficult. Not all patients have a photosensitive dermatitis, intracranial calcifications are seen only in some 40% to 50% of patients, and optic atrophy is seen in approximately one-half. Even fibroblast ultraviolet sensitivity is not present invariably (605). C ockayne syndrome is one of three neurologic disorders in which an abnormality in DNA repair has been documented. Ataxiatelangiectasia is considered in C hapter 12. Xeroderma pigmentosum is also a markedly heterogeneous condition, with seven complementation groups (596). In this condition, there is also a defect in the nucleotide excision pathway (598). Xeroderma pigmentosum is characterized by extreme photosensitivity of the skin, resulting in a variety of cutaneous abnormalities in the areas of skin exposed to sunlight and a 1,000-fold increase in the incidence of melanoma and cutaneous basal and squamous cell carcinomas (600). Additionally, neurologic symptoms develop in 20% of patients (606). These include progressive mental deterioration, microcephaly, ataxia, choreoathetosis, a sensorineural hearing loss, and a peripheral neuropathy (607,608). Some patients with xeroderma pigmentosum can present with physical and mental retardation, optic atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa, premature senility, and other clinical features of C ockayne syndrome (598,600). A related condition is the MIC RO syndrome. This is an autosomal recessive condition, manifested by congenital microcephaly,

microcornea, cortical dysplasias, cataracts, optic atrophy, and profound mental retardation. Unlike C ockayne syndrome, cultured cells do not show hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation (609).

Vanishing White Matter Disease This condition was first described by van der Knaap and colleagues in 1997 (610). It is an autosomal recessive disorder that can be caused by a mutation in any of the five genes that encode subunits of the translation initiation factor eIF2B (611). The gene that is most commonly affected has been mapped to chromosome 3q27. It encodes the εsubunit. The factor eIF2B plays an important role in initiation of mRNA translation in that it activates eIF2, another initiation factor (611). The onset of neurologic signs is usually in infancy or early childhood. There is often a rapid deterioration following an infection or minor head trauma (611). Abnormalities consist mainly of cerebellar ataxia and spasticity; epilepsy and optic atrophy may develop, but are not obligatory. Mental abilities may also be affected, but not to the same degree as the motor functions. MR imaging studies are diagnostic. They demonstrate cavitation and vacuolation of the cerebral hemispheric white matter; with time, part or all of the white matter has a signal intensity close to or the same as C SF on proton-density, T2-weighted, T1-weighted, and fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) images. The U fibers, the corpus callosum, and the internal capsule tend to be spared (611,612). C erebellar atrophy varies from mild to severe and primarily involves the vermis. On MRS there is a reduction of all metabolites and a relative increase of lactate and glucose in white matter (612). The clinical severity of the condition is related to age of onset but not to the genotype. It can range from a rapidly fatal infantile to an asymptomatic adult form (613). C ree leukoencephalopathy also has a hom*ozygous mutation in the εsubunit of eIF2B (613).

Other Diseases of Cerebral White Matter The widespread use of MRI in the evaluation of children with neurologic disorders, particularly those with intellectual deterioration, has resulted in the description of several other groups of patients who demonstrate white matter changes compatible with a leukodystrophy but whose clinical picture does not fall into any of the previously described categories (Table 3.12). These conditions are not rare. In the series of Kristjánsdóttir and colleagues reported in 1996, of 78 patients with MRI abnormalities that primarily involved white matter, only 32 could be given a specific diagnosis. In the remaining 46 children, the cause of the white matter abnormalities could not be ascertained. Of these children, 17 (37%) had a clearly progressive course and 13 (28%) were stationary over the course of at least 3 years (614).

Neuroaxonal Dystrophies (Seitelberger Disease) Neuroaxonal dystrophies (Seitelberger disease) are rare degenerative disorders of the nervous system that share a pathologic picture of focal axonal swelling in myelinated and nonmyelinated central and peripheral nervous system axons. Several entities have been described; the most likely of which to be encountered is the late infantile form. As first documented by Seitelberger (625), it has its onset between 1 and 2 years of age. The clinical picture is marked by mixed upper and lower motor neuron signs; the pathologic picture is one of focal axonal swelling throughout the neuraxis (626). Loss of microtubules and abnormalities of neurofilaments with resulting failure of axonal transport may result in focal axonal swelling and could represent the fundamental disorder in this condition (626a). Affected individuals develop neurologic abnormalities within the first 2 years of life. These include progressive weakness, hypotonia, and muscular atrophy accompanied by evidence of corticospinal tract involvement and anterior horn cell disease. Tendon reflexes are usually hyperactive and urinary retention is common, as are disturbances of ocular mobility and optic atrophy (626). C onvulsions are rare. The most characteristic finding on neuroimaging is a diffuse and prominent hyperintensity of the cerebellar cortex, the dentate nucleus, and the pyramidal tracts seen on T2-weighted MRI (627,628). This is accompanied by diffuse cerebellar atrophy. The diagnosis can best be made by biopsy of the peripheral nerves, which demonstrates globular swellings (neuroaxonal spheroids) along the course of the axons, particularly at the neuromuscular junction. Similar changes are seen in the peripheral nerve endings of conjunctivae and on skin biopsy (629). These are best seen by electron microscopy. In some cases, biopsy results of peripheral tissue were negative and the diagnosis rested on brain biopsy (630).

TABLE 3.12 Newly Recognized Forms of Leukodystrophy


Clinical Picture

Megalencephalic leukodystrophy

High incidence in Asian Indians, megalencaphaly, slowly progressive spasticity, MLC1 gene mutation, chromosome 22qter

Hypomyelination and increased N-

Early-onset nystagmus, seizures, resembling

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Result


Extensive white matter changes out of proportion to clinical picture, subcortical cystlike spaces in frontoparietal anterior temporal areas


Almost complete


acetylaspartyl glutamate

connatal form of PMD

Hypomyelination with atrophy of basal ganglia and cerebellum (HABC)

Onset 2 mo to 3 yr; delayed motor development followed by deterioration; spasticity, rigidity, ataxia, choreoathetosis, dystonia

Diffuse myelin deficiency increased signal on T2, progressive atrophy putamen, head of caudate, cerebellum


Onset in childhood, slowly progressive, variable mental deficits, pyramidal, cerebellar dysfunction

Extensive diffuse or spotty WM abnormalities, selective involvement pyramidal tract, sensory tracts, cerebellar peduncles, MRS shows increased lactate


Autosomal dominant, macrocephaly, nystagmus, spasticity, nonprogressive

Obstructive hydrocphalus caused by cerebellar enlargement, abnormal cerebellar WM, progresses to atrophy


Leukoencephalopathy with bilateral anterior temporalobe cysts

Delayed initial development, spasticity, normal HC, or microcephaly, no obvious progression

Cystic lesions in anterior temporal lobes, periventricular demyelination


LCC syndrome (leukoencephalopathy, brain calcifications, cysts)

Onset early childhood, progressive dystonia, spasticity, ataxia

Diffuse leukodystrophy, sparing U fibers, CC; calcifications in basal ganglia, thalamus, subcortical WM, interhemispheric cyst


Leukoencephalopathy with brainstem and spinal cord involvement

absence of myelin

CC, corpus callosum; HC, head circumference; MLC1, megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; PMD, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease; WM, white matter.

The presence of neuroaxonal spheroids is, however, nonspecific. They also are seen in a juvenile form of neuroaxonal dystrophy that becomes symptomatic between 9 and 17 years of age (631). Axonal swelling also is encountered in numerous other conditions. These include vitamin E deficiency, the olivopontocerebellar atrophies, FRDA, human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 tropic myeloneuropathy, GM1 and GM2 gangliosidoses, α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase deficiency (Schindler disease), and the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-Parkinson's-dementia complex seen on Guam. Hallervorden-Spatz

disease (PKAN) and infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy share several pathologic features, but haplotype analysis in several families affected with neuroaxonal dystrophy has not revealed any mutations in PANK2 or in other genes of coenzyme A biogenesis (631a).

Rett Syndrome Rett syndrome is a unique and relatively common condition, with an incidence of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 15,000 girls, which places it second as a cause for mental retardation in female patients. Inasmuch as progressive dementia is one of its main features, it is considered in this chapter. A syndrome of cerebral atrophy and hyperammonemia occurring exclusively in girls was first described by Rett in 1966 (632). Since then, it has become evident that hyperammonemia is present only rarely in these children, and that in fact characteristic laboratory abnormalities are absent.

Molecular Genetics and Pathogenesis The gene for Rett syndrome has been mapped to Xq28 (633). The gene, MeCP2, encodes methylated C pG-binding protein 2 (634). This protein is one of four known proteins that selectively bind methylated DNA and mediate transcriptional repression (635,636). It interacts with the Sin3A/histone co-repressor complex and histone deacetylases. Deacetylation of histones converts chromatin structure from an active into an inactive state. MeCP2 is widely expressed and is abundant in brain. Amir and coworkers showed that mutations in MeCP2 account for about 70% to 80% of Rett patients (634). More than 200 such mutations have been recorded; they are distributed along the whole gene and include all types of mutations. The majority of these mutations are de novo on the paternal chromosome (637). The condition is almost exclusively seen in girls because of the predominance of the mutation on the paternal X chromosome and also because of the early postnatal lethal effects of the disease-causing mutations in hemizygous boys (638). Approximately 99.5% of cases of Rett syndrome are sporadic (639). However, the incidence of familial cases is higher than is expected by chance. Villard proposed that in these familial cases the unaffected carrier mothers have a completely biased X-chromosome inactivation favoring expression of the normal allele (640). The manner in which the abnormality of the MeCP2 protein and the consequent overexpression of genes result in neurologic deficits is not understood. One likely hypothesis is that loss of function of MeCP2 protein leads to overexpression of genes that could interfere with the later stages of cerebral maturation and result in disruption of genetic programs that establish and refine synaptic connections (634). Because olfactory receptor neurons are replaced throughout life by ongoing postnatal neurogenesis, Ronnett and coworkers biopsied nasal epithelium from patients with Rett syndrome (641). They found an increased ratio of immature to mature neurons and dysmorphic and shrunken cell bodies and processes of the olfactory receptor neurons.

Pathology Pathologic examination of the brain obtained from Rett patients discloses diffuse cerebral atrophy with increased amounts of neuronal lipofuscin and an underpigmentation of the substantia nigra. Neuronal size is reduced and cell-packing density is increased throughout the brain. These changes are most evident in the medial temporal lobe (642). Decreased length and complexity of dendritic branching in premotor, frontal, motor, and limbic cortex is seen (643). Abnormalities also are seen in the cerebellum with reduced numbers of Purkinje cells (642). These pathologic changes are most consistent with a curtailment of brain maturation early in development (642). Immunochemical studies of microtubule-associated proteins, which are expressed during dendritic formation in embryonic mammalian brain, also suggest a disturbance in the early stages of neocortical maturation (639). Neurochemical studies and evaluation of patients with PET point to abnormalities in the cholinergic and the dopaminergic pathways (639). It is not known whether these changes are primary or secondary to abnormalities in neurotrophins.

Clinical Manifestations There is a wide range of phenotypic expression. At this point it would appear that patients with missense mutations present with milder phenotypes than those with nonsense mutations (644). In typical cases the clinical picture is fairly characteristic and suggests the diagnosis (639,645). Although hypotonia is often noted, girls develop normally until 6 to 12 months of age. Thereafter, a deceleration in head growth and a clear developmental regression occur. Microcephaly develops, as do pyramidal tract signs and an autistic-like behavior. One-third of children experience seizures and almost all have abnormal EEG results. Purposive hand use is lost between 6 and 30 months; it is replaced by hand wringing or hand-to-mouth (hand-washing) movements (Fig. 3.16) (646). Gait apraxia and truncal ataxia develop subsequently. Intermittent hyperventilation with a disorganized breathing pattern during the waking state is characteristic and is seen as early as 2 years of age (647). Neuroimaging shows little more than progressive cortical atrophy and hypoplasia of the corpus callosum, the latter probably secondary to neuronal reduction (648).

FIGURE 3.16. Rett syndrome. The girl demonstrates the typical hand-washing posture of the upper extremities.

In some 25% of patients who have a typical clinical picture of Rett syndrome there have been no obvious mutations of the MeCP2 gene. C onversely, MeCP2 mutations have been found in children without the classical Rett phenotype (649). Although most MeCP2 mutations are lethal for boys, Dotti and coworkers found six men with mental retardation and spastic paraparesis who had a point mutation in the MeCP2 gene. Other male patients have a clinical picture of autism, mental retardation, and an Angelman syndrome–like presentation (650). Most of these cases are probably due to mosaicism. Rett syndrome allows prolonged survival. By the second decade of life, patients become stable. Seizures may subside, children may regain their ability to walk, their hand use improves, and they often have improved social interaction (639). Supportive care and active physical therapy have been fairly effective in preventing contractures. In our experience, treatment with carbamazepine, even in the absence of overt seizures, appears to improve alertness. In the differential diagnosis of Rett syndrome, other conditions that induce a developmental regression coupled with seizures, cerebellar signs, or autistic behavior have to be considered. These include some of the lipofuscinoses, Angelman syndrome, and the spinocerebellar degenerations. The characteristic loss of hand use and the negative imaging studies assist in arriving at the diagnosis. This can be confirmed by genetic testing. A commercial testing service is available that detects mutations in exons 1 to 4 of the MeCP2 gene.

Diseases with Degeneration Primarily Affecting Gray Matter Degenerative conditions that primarily affect cerebral gray matter are less common than those affecting white matter. Although clearly these entities do not represent a single genetic condition, they have in the past been referred to as Alpers syndrome (651). The nature of the entities such as those described by Alpers in 1931 and Ford and coworkers in 1951 (652) cannot now be determined, but in retrospect one suspects that many were instances of metabolic defects, such as the mitochondrial encephalopathies. In several forms of gray matter degeneration, the pathologic picture is unique. One of these conditions, which has aroused some interest, is intranuclear hyaline inclusion disease. This disorder is marked by slowly progressive pyramidal or extrapyramidal signs and mental deterioration. First symptoms appear between the ages of 3 and 12 years. Brainstem signs such as blepharospasm or cranial nerve palsies are common, as are oculogyric crises. Eosinophilic neuronal intranuclear inclusions are seen in neurons of the central and autonomic nervous system (185,653). The similarity in this pathologic picture between this condition and the polyglutamine diseases suggest that the inclusions are formed during a proteolysis-related process and that the condition is due to accumulation of an as-yetunidentified abnormal protein or dysfunction of the intranuclear ubiquitin-proteosome pathway (654). Several centers have suggested a rectal biopsy as a means of making a diagnosis during the patient's lifetime (655,656). An autosomal recessive progressive neuronal degeneration with liver disease presents during the first year of life with developmental delay and failure to thrive. Seizures are prominent, and clinical and pathologic evidence of liver failure occurs (657,658). The condition goes under the name of Alpers-Huttenlocher disease. One such patient had a marked depletion of mitochondria in skeletal muscle and no detectable activity of liver and muscle mitochondrial DNA polymerase γ (659). Because many children suffering from this condition have been placed on valproate for control of their seizures, this degenerative disease can mimic valproate-induced hepatic encephalopathy.

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Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Table of Contents > Chapter 4 - Chromosomal Anomalies and Contiguous-Gene Syndromes

Chapter 4 Chromosomal Anomalies and Contiguous-Gene Syndromes John H. Menkes Rena E. Falk This chapter considers conditions that develop as a result of chromosomal abnormalities. Abnormalities of chromosomes are either constitutional or acquired. Acquired chromosomal abnormalities develop postnatally, affect only one clone of cells, and are implicated in the evolution of neoplasia. C onstitutional abnormalities, on the other hand, develop during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis and affect a significant portion of an individual's cells. Until recently, detection of constitutional abnormalities was limited to disorders that resulted in gains or losses of an entire chromosome or large portions thereof—abnormalities readily visible by standard cytogenetics. The smallest loss or gain visible with standard cytogenetic preparations is about 4 megabases (Mb) of DNA (1). The introduction of chromosomal banding techniques with increasing degrees of resolution, the widespread use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and supplemental molecular analyses have refined cytogenetic analysis and have permitted detection of uniparental disomies and innumerable subtle, often submicroscopic (cryptogenic), deletions, duplications, or translocations. This has removed any clear dividing line between changes considered to be chromosomal abnormalities and those considered to be molecular defects (1). Because in humans more than 30,000 genes are expressed in brain, it comes as no surprise that impaired brain function is the most common symptom of chromosomal anomalies. In considering the significance of some of the subtle chromosomal abnormalities, one must keep in mind that many of the abnormal chromosomal constitutions have been ascertained by searching the genome of mentally or neurologically handicapped individuals with multiple congenital abnormalities, thus introducing an obvious sampling bias. To complicate matters, chromosomal abnormalities are seen in only a fraction of handicapped individuals, whereas a sizable proportion of healthy adults have been found to have chromosomal variants. These include variations in Y chromosomal length, variations in satellite size or location, and variations in size of secondary constrictions as well as some forms of mosaicism, balanced translocations, and differences in the intensity and appearance of bands revealed by staining techniques. Small supernumerary chromosomes (marker chromosomes) may serve as a case in point. This abnormality is seen in 0.3 to 1.2 of 1,000 newborns and in 0.7 to 1.5 of 1,000 fetuses on amniocentesis. Even though the origin of the marker chromosome may be ascertained by FISH, for the purpose of genetic counseling, the prognosis of the marker is still uncertain in many cases (2). An evaluation of the relationship of chromosomal abnormalities to neurologic deficits can be achieved by controlled, blind-coded cytogenetic surveys in groups of unclassifiable individuals with mental retardation and control individuals. One such study published in 1977 and using routine cytogenetics detected chromosomal abnormalities in 6.2% of patients with mental retardation and 0.7% of controls (3). Using banding techniques, Jacobs and colleagues found a 0.92% prevalence of structural chromosomal abnormalities in unselected newborns (4). Small chromosomal rearrangements affecting the telomeres (the specialized structure at the tips of chromosomes) have been detected in some 5% of individuals with mental retardation and in up to 7.4% of individuals with moderate to severe mental retardation (5,6). This relatively high yield prompts the use of such techniques in the investigation of children with global developmental delay, even in the absence of dysmorphic features (7). However, the cost of a systematic surveillance of the newborn population using high-resolution chromosomal banding, DNA polymorphisms, and subtelomeric FISH panels remains prohibitive. The limitations of prenatal and neonatal surveillance programs are discussed more fully by Hook and colleagues (8). Studies in other species, as well as in humans, have shown that major duplications or deficiencies in autosomes tend to be lethal (9), with death occurring either in utero or in the immediate postnatal period (10). Few of the autosomal trisomies are compatible with survival. Thus, the most common trisomy, that of chromosome 16, accounts for 7.5% of all spontaneous abortions but is not compatible with live birth, and only 2.8% of trisomy 13, 5.4% of trisomy 18, and 23.8% of trisomy 21 cases are live born (8). This chapter is confined to the neurologic sequelae of chromosomal abnormalities. For the basic principles of cytogenetics and more detailed phenotypes of chromosomal disorders consult one of several excellent monographs (11,12,13,14).

AUTOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) Down syndrome (trisomy 21), the most common autosomal anomaly in live births and the most common single cause of mental retardation, was first differentiated from other forms of mental retardation in 1866 by Down (15) and Seguin (16). Demographic factors, notably the higher proportion of older women bearing children, has caused an increase in the incidence of this condition. However, prenatal diagnosis programs also have affected the incidence. The most recent figures in the United States (1997) indicate an incidence of 9.9 per 10,000 live births, and 43% occur in births to women aged 35 years and older (17). This is significantly less than the incidence of 1 in 500 recorded in 1950, and reflects the effectiveness of prenatal screening programs (18).

Etiology and Pathogenesis Down syndrome is associated with either an extra chromosome 21 or an effective trisomy for chromosome 21 by its translocation to another chromosome, usually chromosome 14, or, less often, to another acrocentric chromosome, especially chromosome 21 or 22 (19). A few terms require definition. In the general population about 1 couple in 500 carries a reciprocal translocation. A reciprocal translocation is a structural alteration of chromosomes that usually results from breakage of two chromosomes with the subsequent exchange of the resultant chromosomal segments. In general, this event occurs most frequently at prophase of the first meiotic cell division. The segments exchanged are nearly always from nonhom*ologous chromosomes and are usually not the same size. Such an rearrangement is said to be balanced when none of the chromosomal material appears to be duplicated or deleted on standard or highresolution analysis.

Robertsonian translocation results from centromeric fusion of two acrocentric chromosomes. A larger chromosome is formed, with the resultant loss of the short-arm regions of the participating chromosomes, resulting in a complement of 45 chromosomes in the balanced carrier. In a survey that was based on prenatal genetic studies performed with banding the frequency of balanced chromosomal rearrangements was 1 in 250 or 0.4%. Reciprocal translocations were seen in 0.17%, inversions in 0.12%, and Robertsonian translocations in 0.11% (19a). On a clinical basis, it is impossible to distinguish between patients with Down syndrome caused by ordinary trisomy 21 and those caused by translocation. The frequency of trisomy 21 increases with maternal age and reaches an incidence of 1 in 54 births in mothers aged 45 years or older (20). In contrast to ordinary trisomy, the incidence of translocation Down syndrome is independent of maternal age. Most translocations producing Down syndrome arise de novo in the affected child and are not associated with familial Down syndrome. Data obtained between 1989 and 1993 on prenatal and postnatal diagnoses of 1,811 Down syndrome children born to mothers aged 29 years or younger show regular trisomy 21 in 90.8% (19). Of a group of 235 translocation Down syndrome individuals, 42% of cases involved a translocation between chromosome 21 and chromosome 14, whereas 38% showed a translocation involving two 21 chromosomes. In translocation patients for whom cytogenetic results were available from both parents, 21;21 translocations were almost invariably de novo, whereas 37% of 14;21 translocations were inherited from the mother and 4% derived from the father (19). Of 51 cases of 21;21 translocation investigated, 50 were de novo and one was of maternal origin (19). Approximately 1% of couples experience the recurrence of Down syndrome as a result of regular trisomy 21. In most instances, this is caused by previously unrecognized mosaicism in one parent (21). In families in whom Down syndrome results from a translocation, the risk for subsequent affected children is significantly higher; it is 15% if the mother is the carrier, but less than 5% if the father is the translocation carrier (22). By the use of polymorphic DNA markers, several studies have concluded that the extra chromosome is maternally derived and mainly is the consequence of errors in the first meiotic division in more than 90% of cases (23). The mean maternal age associated with errors in meiosis is approximately 33 years, significantly higher than the mean reproductive age in the United States. In 4.3%, there were errors in paternal meiosis. In these cases, and in the remainder, caused by errors in mitosis, maternal age is not increased (24). Several explanations have been put forth to account for the maternal age effect. With increasing age there are a decreasing number of chiasmata, that is, crossovers, sites where recombination occurs because of breakage and reunion between hom*ologous chromosomes (25). The most likely hypothesis is that the decrease in chiasmata contributes to nondisjunction by disrupting the process of separation of the chromosomal hom*ologues. To understand the molecular pathogenesis of Down syndrome, two questions must be answered: (a) How does the presence of a small acrocentric chromosome in triplicate and the increased expression of genes on this chromosome produce the anatomic and functional abnormalities of the Down syndrome phenotype, and (b) are we able to identify specific regions of chromosome 21 whose duplication is responsible for each of the phenotypic features of Down syndrome?

TABLE 4.1 Genes Localized to Chromosome 21 Believed to Affect Brain Development, Neuronal Loss, and Alzheimer's Type Pathology



Possible Effect in Down Syndrome


Single-minded hom*ologue 2 (Drosophila)

Brain development: required for synchronized cell division and establishment of proper cell lineage


Dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)phosphorylation–regulated kinase 1A

Brain development: expressed during neuroblast proliferation and believed to be an important hom*ologue in regulation of cellcycle kinetics during cell division


Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase Phosphoribosylglycinamide synthetase Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase

Brain development: expressed during prenatal development of the cerebellum


Purkinje cell protein 4

Brain development: function unknown but found exclusively in the brain and most abundantly in the cerebellum


Down syndrome cell adhesion

Brain development and possible candidate gene for congenital heart disease: expressed in all regions of the brain and believed to have


a role in axonal outgrowth during development of the nervous system


Glutamate receptor, lonotropic, kainite 1

Neuronal loss: function unknown, found in the cortex in fetal and early postnatal life and in adult primates, most concentrated in pyramidal cells in the cortex


Amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein (protease nexin-II, Alzhelmer disease)

Alzheimer type neuropathy: seems to be involved in plasticity, neurite outgrowth, and neuroprotection


S100 calcium-binding protein, beta (neural)

Alzheimer type neuropathy: stimulates glial proliferation


Superoxide dismutase 1, soluble (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, adult)

Accelerated aging? Scavenges free superoxide molecules in the cell and might, accelerate aging by producing hydrogen peroxide and oxygen

From Roizen NJ, Patterson D. Down syndrome. Lancet 2003;361:1281–1289. With permission of the authors.

The sequencing of chromosome 21 has resulted in the identification of more than 300 genes, of which at least 165 have been confirmed experimentally (26). Of these at least 9 are believed to affect brain development and function (Table 4.1). Studies on individuals with partial trisomy 21 have suggested that overexpression and subsequent interactions of genes on chromosome 21q22 contribute significantly to the phenotype of Down syndrome (25,27). Two genes in this region have received particular attention. The gene for a Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSC AM) is expressed in the developing nervous system, and, like other cell adhesion molecules, this molecule is critical for cellular migration, axon guidance, and the formation of neural connections (see C hapter 5) (25). Another gene localized to the 21q22 region is that for DYRK1A, a serine/threonine protein kinase, required for postembryonic proliferation of neuronal cell types. The overexpression of this gene is believed to interfere with postembryonic neurogenesis (27). However, the 21q22 region can hardly be considered “critical” for the production of the clinical syndrome, and duplication of genes in regions distinct from 21q22 are believed to be responsible for many of the typical Down syndrome features (28). It also is not known how the presence of extra copies of genes and their regulatory sequences produces the Down syndrome phenotype. Although, on a theoretical basis, one would expect gene product levels 1.5 times normal, this is not always the case. For example, expression of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is approximately four times normal in the brains of patients with Down syndrome (29). Its role in the development of early-onset Alzheimer disease in patients with Down syndrome is considered in the subsequent section.

Pathology Malformations affect principally the heart and the great vessels. Approximately 20% to 60% of Down syndrome individuals have congenital heart disease. Defects in the atrioventricular septum were the most common abnormalities encountered by Rowe and Uchida in 36% of their patients, most of whom were younger than 2 years of age (30). A ventricular septal defect was present in 33% and a patent ductus arteriosus was present in 10% of patients. Among the other malformations, gastrointestinal anomalies were the most common. These included duodenal stenosis or atresia, anal atresia, and megacolon. Hirschsprung disease was seen in approximately 6% of patients (31). Malformations of the spine, particularly of the upper cervical region, can occasionally produce neurologic symptoms. These are considered at another point of this chapter.

FIGURE 4.1. Lateral view of the brain of a 10-year-old boy with Down syndrome showing the typical small superior temporal gyrus and the large operculum. (From Lemire RJ, Loeser JD, Alvord C . Normal and abnormal development of the human nervous system. Hagerstown, MD: Harper & Row, 1975. With permission.)

Grossly, the brain is small and spherical, and the frontal lobes, brainstem, and cerebellum are smaller than normal. The number of secondary sulci is generally reduced, the tuber flocculi persist, and the superior temporal gyrus is poorly developed (Fig. 4.1). A number of microscopic abnormalities also have been described (32,33). In essence, these involve reduction of neuronal density in various areas of the cortex, a loss of cortical interneurons, an accumulation of undifferentiated fetal cells in the cerebellum, and a reduction in the number of spines along the apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons, believed to indicate a reduction in the number of synaptic contacts (34). Interestingly, the dendritic tree is greater than normal in early infancy, but the excessive early outgrowth is followed by atrophy (35). Becker and colleagues explained these observations as an abortive attempt by neurons to compensate for the decreased number of spines and synapses on their receptive surfaces (35). Abnormalities of the basal nucleus have received particular attention because an early and significant loss of cholinergic neurons in this area is a feature of both Down syndrome and Alzheimer disease. In Down syndrome the cell count is one-third normal, even before the onset of dementia, and it decreases progressively with age (36). The most intriguing neuropathologic observation is the premature development of changes within the brain compatible with a morphologic diagnosis of Alzheimer disease. The spatial pattern of involvement of the brain by senile plaques and tangles follows that seen in Alzheimer disease. Thus, the amygdala, hippocampus, and the association areas of the frontal, temporal, and parietal cortex are particularly vulnerable to these changes (37). They are found in 15% of patients with Down syndrome aged 11 to 20 years, in 36% of patients aged 21 to 30 years, and in all patients who died aged 31 years or older (38). Microscopic alterations include pigmentary degeneration of neurons, senile plaques, and calcium deposits within the hippocampus, basal ganglia, and cerebellar folia. The calcium deposits in the cerebellar folia can be extensive enough to be seen on neuroimaging studies. As in Alzheimer disease, the brains of individuals with Down syndrome have reduced choline acetyltransferase activity, not only in areas that contain plaques, but also in those that appear microscopically normal (39,40). Underlying the evolution of Alzheimer disease in children with Down syndrome is an excessive buildup of amyloid β-protein (AβP). This buildup is believed to be the consequence of an overexpression of the gene for amyloid β precursor protein (AβPP), mapped to chromosome 21q21. AβPP is cleaved to form AβP through the sequential action of beta-secretase and gamma-secretase. The gene for beta-secretase is also located on chromosome 21q22, and levels of this enzyme are significantly higher in Down syndrome fetal tissue than in controls, an indication that this gene is also overexpressed in Down syndrome (41). C leavage of AβP by beta-secretase produces Aβ40, a soluble intracellular form, and plasma and tissue levels of soluble Aβ40 are higher in individuals with Down syndrome than in controls (42,43). Longer, less soluble forms, Aβ42 and Aβ43, are produced by the action of gamma-secretase, and Aβ42 is present in the brain of fetuses affected with Down syndrome as early as 21 weeks' gestation (44,45). These insoluble aggregates of AβP readily form fibrils and are responsible for the ultimate appearance of both senile plaques and amyloid deposits in cerebral blood vessels (46). Why the appearance of plaques and amyloid deposits is delayed for decades after the appearance of Aβ42 remains unclear. Also unclear is the role played by mitochondrial dysfunction in the abnormal processing of AβPP (47).

Clinical Manifestations The clinical picture of Down syndrome is protean and consists of an unusual combination of anomalies rather than a combination of unusual anomalies (22). The condition is seen more frequently in male individuals, with one study showing a male-to-female ratio of 1.23 to 1, but in mosaic individuals the male-to-female ratio is 0.8 to 1 (19). The birth weight of Down syndrome infants is less than normal, and 20% weigh 2.5 kg or less (48). Neonatal complications are more common than normal, a consequence of fetal hypotonia and a high incidence of breech presentations. Physical growth is consistently delayed, and the adult Down syndrome individual has a significantly short statue (49). The mental age that is ultimately achieved varies considerably. It is related in part to environmental factors, including the age at institutionalization for non–home-reared individuals, the degree of intellectual stimulation, and the evolution of presenile dementia even before puberty. As a rule, the developmental quotient (DQ) is higher than the IQ and decreases with age (Table 4.2) (50). Most older patients with Down syndrome have IQs between 25 and 49, with the average approximately 43. The social adjustment tends to be approximately 3 years ahead of that expected for the mental age (50). Del Bo and coworkers found that the decline in full-scale IQ with age was faster in those individuals who carry the apolipoprotein E4 allele, an important risk factor for both sporadic and familial late-onset Alzheimer disease (51).

TABLE 4.2 Intellectual Functioning of Children with Down Syndrome

Age (Yr)


Standard Deviation



Developmental quotient





Developmental quotient





Developmental quotient





Intelligence quotient





Intelligence quotient




Modified from Smith GF, Berg JM. Down's anomaly, 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1976. With permission.

Mosaicism can be found in approximately 2% to 3% of patients with Down syndrome. In these instances, the patient exhibits a mixture of trisomic and normal cell lines. As a group, these individuals tend to achieve somewhat higher intellectual development than nonmosaic individuals, and, in particular, they possess better verbal and visual-perceptual skills (52). Aside from mental retardation, specific neurologic signs are rare and are limited to generalized muscular hypotonia and hyperextensibility of the joints. This is particularly evident during infancy and occurs to a significant degree in 44% of patients younger than 9 years of age (53). Whereas major motor seizures are seen no more frequently in Down syndrome infants than in the general population, the association between infantile spasms and Down syndrome is greater than chance (54). Attacks can occur spontaneously or, less often, follow insults such as perinatal hypoxia. The electroencephalogram (EEG) demonstrates hypsarrhythmia or modified hypsarrhythmia (55). In the experience of Nabbout and coworkers a 6-month course of vigabatrin monotherapy has been effective, and with prompt treatment the prognosis for seizure control and preservation of intelligence is relatively good (54,56). In the experience of Stafstrom and Konkol, only 3 of 16 patients with Down syndrome with infantile spasms had persistent seizures, and the degree of cognitive impairment did not exceed that expected for the general Down syndrome population (55). A progressive disorganization of the EEG accompanies the evolution of Alzheimer dementia (57). Neuroimaging characteristically reveals large opercula, an indication of the underdeveloped superior temporal gyrus, and, in older patients, evidence exists of premature aging (58). Symmetric calcifications in basal ganglia, notably in the globus pallidus, are common, particularly in adults (59,60). Numerous case reports and series have associated atlantoaxial instability and dislocation with Down syndrome. The instability, seen in some 15% to 40% of patients, results from laxity of the transverse ligaments that hold the odontoid process close to the anterior arch of the atlas (61). The instability is usually asymptomatic, but neck pain, hyperreflexia, progressive impairment of gait, and urinary retention have been encountered (62). Other patients have experienced an acute traumatic dislocation. In view of this catastrophic complication, children with Down syndrome should undergo a complete neurologic examination, including neuroimaging with lateral views of the cervical spine in flexion and extension, if they plan to participate in competitive sports (e.g., Special Olympics) or in sports that could result in trauma to the head or neck. C hildren who have this abnormality should be excluded from these activities. C hildren with atlantoaxial instability who develop neurologic signs require surgical stabilization of the joint (62,63). In addition to these neurologic abnormalities, patients with Down syndrome exhibit a number of dysmorphic features. None of these is present invariably, nor are any consistently absent in the healthy population, but their conjunction contributes to the characteristic appearance of the patient. The eyes show numerous abnormalities, almost all of which have been encountered in other chromosomal anomalies (64). The palpebral fissures are oblique (upslanting) and narrow laterally. Patients have a persistence of a complete median epicanthal fold, a fetal characteristic rarely present in healthy children older than age 10 years but observed in 47% of trisomy 21 patients aged 5 to 10 years and in 30% of older patients (65). Brushfield spots are an accumulation of fibrous tissue in the superficial layer of the iris. They appear as slightly elevated light spots encircling the periphery of the iris (Fig. 4.2). According to Donaldson, Brushfield spots are present in 85% of Down syndrome individuals, as compared with 24% of controls (66). Blepharitis and conjunctivitis are common, as are lenticular opacifications and keratoconus, particularly in older patients. Many children with Down syndrome benefit from spectacles to correct refractive errors and astigmatism. Anomalies of the external ear are also frequent. The ear is small, low set, and often C -shaped, with a simple helix and hypoplastic tragus. The cartilage is often deficient. Additionally, the diameter of the external auditory meatus is abnormally narrow, which precludes good visualization of the tympanic membrane.

FIGURE 4.2. Five-year-old child with Down syndrome demonstrating Brushfield spots (arrow). (C ourtesy of the late Dr. H. Zellweger, Department of Pediatrics, University of Iowa, Iowa C ity, IA.)

Structural anomalies of the middle and inner ear might contribute significantly to the language delay commonly encountered in children with Down syndrome. C ongenital malformations of the bones of the middle ear, permanent fixation of the stapes, and shortening of the cochlear spiral are encountered frequently (67). Additionally, children, particularly infants, are prone to acute and chronic otitis, middle ear effusions, and endolymphatic hydrops with subsequent conductive and neurosensory hearing loss. According to Balkany and colleagues (68), 64% of patients with Down syndrome have binaural hearing loss. In 83%, the hearing loss is conductive, and in the remainder, sensorineural. Brainstem auditory-evoked potentials can be used to determine the type and severity of hearing loss in young or uncooperative children (69). Because of the frequency of impaired hearing, a comprehensive hearing evaluation is indicated during the first 6 to 12 months of life. The lips of the patient with Down syndrome have radial furrows, and, as a consequence of the generalized hypotonia, the tongue, often fissured, tends to protrude because the maxilla is too small and the palate is too narrow to accommodate it. A typical finding, particularly evident in infants, is a roll of fat and redundant skin in the nape of the neck, which, combined with the short neck and low hairline, gives the impression of webbing. The extremities are short. The fifth digit is incurved, and the middle phalanx is hypoplastic (clinodactyly). As a consequence, its distal interphalangeal crease is usually proximal to the proximal interphalangeal crease of the ring finger. Additionally, the distal and proximal interphalangeal creases are closely spaced, and there might be a single flexion crease on the fifth digits. The simian line, a single transverse palmar crease, is present bilaterally in 45% of patients (Fig. 4.3). In the feet, a diastasis between the first and second toes (sandal gap) is the most characteristic anatomic abnormality. A juvenile rheumatoid arthritis–like progressive polyarthritis has been seen with some frequency. A number of other autoimmune disorders, notably diabetes mellitus type 1, also have a greater-than-chance association with Down syndrome, as do a variety of endocrine abnormalities (70). Down syndrome is associated with several autoimmune conditions and with a variety of endocrine abnormalities (71). An elevation of antithyroid antibody is common, and nearly 50% of trisomy 21 patients, mostly male patients, have reduced thyroid function in later life (72). C ongenital hypothyroidism and primary gonadal deficiency are fairly common, but hypothyroidism can appear at any age. Gonadal deficiency progresses from birth to adolescence and becomes manifest in adult life with resultant infertility in virtually all nonmosaic male patients (73). The dermatoglyphic pattern of the patient with Down syndrome shows several abnormalities. Of these, a distally displaced triradius, the palmar meeting point of three differently aligned fine creases, is seen in 88% of patients but in only 10% of controls (50). Dermatoglyphic abnormalities of the fingerprint patterns are equally characteristic (see Fig. 4.3) (50,74). Abnormalities of the skin are common. Xeroderma and localized chronic hyperkeratotic lichenification are seen in 90% and 75% of patients, respectively. Vitamin A levels are reduced in 15% to 20% of patients. As of 1997, the median age at death of Down patients was 49 years (75). Several factors contribute to the reduced life expectancy. The most important of these is the high incidence of major cardiovascular malformations; these account for 80% of deaths. In one study, 92.2% of Down syndrome patients without congenital heart disease survived to age 24 years, as contrasted with 74.6% of patients with congenital heart disease (76). As expected, mortality in those with congenital heart disease is the greatest during the first year of life (77). Of less significance in terms of influencing life expectancy is a 10- to 20-fold increase in lymphoblastic leukemia (78). As a rule, acute myeloid leukemia predominates in children with Down syndrome younger than age 4 years, whereas acute lymphoblastic leukemia predominates in older children (78). Also shortening the life expectancy of children with Down syndrome is an unexplained high susceptibility to infectious illnesses and the early appearance of Alzheimer disease, which results in a marked decrease in survival after 35 years of age (75,79). The clinical picture of Alzheimer disease in patients with Down syndrome corresponds to that in patients without Down syndrome. Deterioration of speech and gait are early findings. Epileptic seizures and myoclonus are common and were seen in 78% and 85% of patients, repsectively, in the Dutch series of Evenhuis (80). Loss of cognitive function, including memory loss, generally remains unrecognized until the later stages of the disease.

FIGURE 4.3. Outlines of the digital, palmar, and plantar configurations. A: Healthy child. The triradii are a, b, c, d, and t—the meeting point of sets of parallel ridges; t is located near the base of the fourth metacarpal bone at some point on its axis. B: C hild with Down syndrome. A transverse palmar crease occurs, fingers tend to have a loop pattern, and the triradius subtends an angle of approximately 80 degrees with points a and d instead of the normal 45 degrees. (Modified from Penrose LS. Fingerprints, palms and chromosomes. Nature 1963;197:933.)

Diagnosis The diagnosis of Down syndrome is made by the presence of the characteristic physical anomalies and is confirmed by cytogenetic analysis. Karyotyping of all cases of Down syndrome is indicated to identify those that result from chromosomal translocation. When translocation is present, the karyotype of both parents must be ascertained to determine whether one of them carries a balanced translocation. First-trimester screening is indicated for mothers ages 35 or older at term as well as in the young mother who has had a previous child with Down syndrome. Low maternal serum α-fetoprotein, reduction of unconjugated estriol, and elevated chorionic gonadotropins are independent predictors of Down syndrome, as is an ultrasonic measurement of the fetal nuchal translucency (81). Serum inhibin, a glycoprotein of placental origin, is elevated in maternal serum in women with Down syndrome fetuses and has been suggested as another useful screening marker (82), as is pregnancy-associated protein A (83). Biggio and coworkers discussed the costeffectiveness, reliability, and complications of the various current screening strategies (84). The diagnosis of a mosaic Down syndrome does not present any difficulty except when the frequency of the abnormal karyotype is low (85). However, accurate prediction of the phenotype in mosaic cases is problematic. Eventually, routine screening of all mothers for Down syndrome will be possible. One approach is the implementation of a polymerase chain reaction (PC R)–based technique that uses chromosome 21 markers to detect abnormal gene copy numbers in fetal cells (86,87).

Treatment Despite the number of vigorously and fervently advocated regimens, none has proved to be successful in improving the mental deficit of the child with Down syndrome. Medical intervention is directed toward treatment and prophylaxis of infections, treatment of hearing and visual deficits, early recognition and treatment of hypothyroidism, and, if possible, correction of congenital heart disease or any other significant malformation. Although not proven statistically, early intervention appears to be of benefit in enhancing communication and self-help skills. The early administration of 5-hydroxytryptophan, a serotonin precursor, appears to reverse the muscular hypotonia characteristically present in the infant with Down syndrome (88), and in some instances can accelerate motor milestones. Unfortunately, this has no effect on the ultimate level of intelligence (89). The treatment of the Down syndrome child with mental retardation is similar to that of children with mental retardation from any cause and having the same potential of intellectual and social function. The topic, particularly the role of early intervention and total communication programs, is discussed in C hapter 18.

Other Abnormalities of Autosomes Autosomal trisomies, and even double autosomal trisomies, are seen in some 20% of spontaneously aborted fetuses, and only a small minority of trisomic conceptuses are live born. Aside from trisomy 21, trisomies involving the other, larger chromosomes are associated with multiple severe malformations of the brain and viscera, and affected children usually do not survive infancy. The two entities most commonly encountered by the pediatric neurologist are trisomies of chromosomes 13 and 18. The incidence of these and other chromosomal abnormalities is presented in Table 4.3 (90).

Trisomy 1 (Patau Syndrome) Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) occurs in fewer than 1 in 5,000 births (91). Approximately one-half of cases are diagnosed prenatally

through a combination of routine ultrasound and serum screening (92). The clinical picture is characterized by feeding difficulties, apneic spells during early infancy, and striking developmental retardation (93,94,95). Patients have varying degrees of median facial anomalies, including cleft lip and/or palate, premaxillary agenesis, and micrognathia. The ears are low set and malformed, and many infants are deaf. Polydactyly, flexion deformities of the fingers, and a horizontal palmar crease are common. The dermatoglyphics are abnormal (Fig. 4.4). C ardiovascular anomalies are present in 80% of patients, most commonly in the form of a patent ductus arteriosus or a ventricular septal defect. Approximately 33% of patients have polycystic kidneys. An increased frequency of omphalocele and neural tube defects also exists. Microcephaly is present in 83% and microphthalmus in 74% of cases (94). The major neuropathologic abnormality is holoprosencephaly (arrhinencephaly), a complex group of malformations that have in common absence of the olfactory bulbs and tracts and other cerebral anomalies, notably only one ventricle and absence of the interhemispheric fissure (see C hapter 5). On autopsy, a number of microscopic malformations are observed, including heterotopic nerve cells in the cerebellum and in the subcortical white matter (96,97,98).

TABLE 4.3 Incidence of Chromosomal Anomalies Among 3,658 Newborns in a Danish Population Between 1980 and 1982

Chromosomal Anomalies


Rate Per 1,000

Autosomal Chromosomes + 13

+ 18



+ 21






+ ring



13/14 translocation



14/21 translocation



Reciprocal translocations



Inversion chromosomes 2 and 6













Inversion chromosome 9 a

Total autosomal anomalies Sex Chromosome Anomalies










45, XO (including mosaics)






Total sex chromosome anomalies



Total chromosome anomalies




No physical abnormalities accompany balanced translocations or inversion of chromosome 9. Data from Nielsen J, Wohlert M, Faaborg-Andersen J, et al. Incidence of chromosome abnormalities in newborn children. Comparison between incidences in 1969–1974 and 1980– 1982 in the same area. Hum Genet 1982;61:98–101. With permission.

FIGURE 4.4. Dermatoglyphics in trisomy 13. Polydactyly is present. The angle subtended by points a, d, and the central triradius is almost 90 degrees. Unlike in Down syndrome, both arches and whorls can be present. (Modified from Penrose LS. Fingerprints, palms and chromosomes. Nature 1963;197:933.)

Absence of the olfactory apparatus is not specific for trisomy 13. In the series of Gullotta and coworkers (99), this malformation was encountered at autopsy in 40% of trisomy 13 patients. It also occurs with deletion of the short arm of chromosome 18 (18p), in the trisomy 18 syndrome, and with deletion of the long arm of chromosome 13 (13q). A condition termed pseudotrisomy 13 syndrome is fairly common. This entity is characterized by alobar holoprosencephaly, cardiac anomalies, and postaxial polydactyly, accompanied by apparently normal cytogenetics (100). C ardiac, pulmonary, genital, or other skeletal malformations also can be present (101). The condition is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait (102). The prognosis for children with chromosome 13 trisomy is poor. Approximately 50% die during the first month of life, and only 20% survive into the second year.

Trisomy 2 (Edwards Syndrome) Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) was first described in 1960 by Edwards (103). Its incidence appears to be on the increase; with the most recently recorded prevalence in Hawaii being 4.7 in 10,000 (91). The incidence in conceptuses is much higher, and only 2.5% of trisomy 18 conceptuses are live born. The anomaly is seen much more frequently in girls, the most recent male:female ratio being 0.65 (104). This suggests that a high proportion of affected male fetuses succumb during gestation. Like other autosomal trisomies, trisomy 18 results from an error in maternal meiosis, with the additional chromosome demonstrating maternal origin in 96% of cases (105). The clinical picture is highlighted by a long, narrow skull with prominent occiput, characteristic facies, low-set, malformed ears, a mildly webbed neck, and marked physical and mental retardation (94,99). A typical picture of camptodactyly (flexion contractures of the fingers) and abnormal palmar flexion creases occurs. The second and fourth fingers characteristically overlie the third, and the fifth finger overlies the fourth. Distally implanted, retroflexible thumbs are encountered frequently. As in trisomy 13, omphalocele, polycystic kidneys, and congenital heart disease are common. A striking dermatoglyphic pattern, relatively less common in other autosomal anomalies, is the presence of simple arches on all fingers. No consistent central nervous system malformation is associated with the trisomy 18 syndrome. The most common anomaly is agenesis of the corpus callosum, occasionally associated with nerve cell heterotopias of the cerebellum or white matter (97,99). In more than 50% of patients, the brain is small, but normal on gross and routine microscopic examination (99). The prognosis for children with trisomy 18 is poor, and 90% die by 1 year of age. The mean survival time is 10 months for girls and 23 months for boys (106). The natural history of trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 in long-term survivors has been well characterized (106,107). Other trisomies are much less common (see Table 4.3) but have been found with relatively high frequency in spontaneous human abortions (9). Mosaic trisomy syndromes have been recognized for chromosomes 8, 9, 16, and 20. Mosaicisms for other autosomal trisomies have been reported very rarely (108). Their clinical appearance is reviewed by Schinzel (12) and Tolmie (109).

STRUCTURAL AUTOSOMAL ANOMALIES The best described of the numerous classical deletion syndromes are the 5p- (cri du chat), and the 4p- (Wolf-Hirschhorn) syndromes.

Cri du Chat Syndrome A number of cytogenetically visible structural anomalies of the autosomal chromosomes have been reported and have been accompanied by neurologic defects, notably mental retardation and microcephaly. The most common of these entities is a deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5 (5p), which causes the cri du chat syndrome (110). Through the combined phenotypic and molecular analysis of affected individuals the genes responsible for this condition have been mapped to 5p15.2 and 5p15.3. Deletion of a critical region in 5p15.2 results in the characteristic facial features and the severe mental retardation, whereas deletion of 5p15.3 is associated only with the meowing cry (111). The telomerase reverse transcriptase gene is localized to the region that is lost in cri du chat syndrome. The phenotypic effects of haploinsufficiency for this gene are unknown (112). C ri du chat syndrome is seen with a frequency of 1 in 20,000 to 50,000 births (22,110). A low birth weight and failure in physical growth are associated with a characteristic cry likened to that of a meowing kitten. Infants have microcephaly, large corneas, moon-shaped facies, ocular hypertelorism, epicanthal folds, transverse palmar (simian) creases, and generalized muscular hypotonia. The brain, although small, is grossly and microscopically normal, representing a rare example of true microcephaly (113).

Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is caused by partial monosomy of the short arm of chromosome 4, with the region critical for the development of this disorder being 4p16.3 (114,115). The syndrome is characterized by a facies that has been likened to that of a helmet of a Greek warrior. Frontal bossing, a high frontal hairline, a broad, beaked nose, prominent glabella, and ocular hypertelorism are seen. Major malformations occur commonly, especially cleft lip and palate, and mental retardation is usually severe. Deletions in the region responsible for Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome overlap those seen in Pitt-Rogers-Danks syndrome. The latter entity has a somewhat different phenotype. It is marked by prenatal and postnatal growth retardation, microcephaly, prominent eyes, a large mouth, and maxillary hypoplasia. Mental retardation is somewhat less severe than is seen in the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Wright and coworkers proposed that the two conditions result from the absence of similar, if not identical genetic segments, and that the clinical differences between the two syndromes result from allelic variation in the remaining hom*ologue (116).

TABLE 4.4 Some Structural Autosomal Anomalies Associated With Neurologic Symptoms

Chromosomal Anomalya

Clinical Pictureb


Trisomy short arm of 4

Microcephaly, growth retardation, prominent glabella, rounded nose, low-set ears

Patel et al. (117)

Trisomy long arm of 7

Low birth weight, fuzzy hair, small palpebral fissures, micrognathia, abnormal low-set ears

Vogel et al. (118)

Trisomy of 8 (mosaic)

Long, slender trunk, restricted articular function of large and small joints, thickened skin with deep furrows, absent patella

Riccardi (119)

Trisomy of 9 (mosaic)

Upward-slanted eyes, small palpebral fissures, broad base and prominent tip of nose

Qazi et al. (120)

Trisomy short arm of 9

Microcephaly, enophthalmos, antimongoloid slant, bulbous nose with inverted nostrils, protruding ears

Hacihanefioglu et al. (121)

Trisomy long arm of 10

Microcephaly, wide forehead, arched and widely spaced eyebrows, small palpebral fissures, carp mouth, microphthalmia

Aalfs et al. (122)

Trisomy long arm 11 (partial)

Short nose, long philtrum, micrognathia, retracted lower lip, micropenis

Pihko et al. (123)

Deletion 11q2 (Jacobsen syndrome)

Trigonocephaly, growth retardation, ptosis, congenital heart disease, pancytopenia

Wardinsky et al. (124)

Deletion long arm 12 (partial)

Hypertonia, mental retardation, congenital anomalies

Tengstrom et al. (125)

Trisomy distal portion long arm of 13

Microcephaly, narrow temples, long incurved eyelashes, abnormal dentition, low-set or malformed ears

Schinzel et al. (126)

Ring 14

Mixed major and minor motor seizures; no major congenital anomalies and few facial stigmata

Lippe and Sparkes (127)

Deletion short arm of 18

Holoprosencephaly, congenital ptosis, microcephaly, hypertension, epicanthal folds

Tsukahara et al. (128), Tezzon (129)

Deletion long arm of 18

Hypoplasia first metacarpals, hypoplasia nasomaxiliary region, microcephaly, carp mouth

Mahr et al. (130)

Deletion long arm of 21

Microcephaly, downward slant of palpebral fissures, lowset ears, high-arched or cleft palate

Mikkelsen and Vestermark (131)

Trisomy of 22

Microcephaly, large, deep-set eyes, growth retardation, micrognathia, low-set malformed ears, preauricular skin tags, finger-like thumbs, small penis, undescended testis

Bacino et al. (132)

Trisomy long arm of 22 a b

Coloboma of iris (cat's-eye syndrome), microcephaly, micrognathia, low-set ears

Hirschhorn et al. (133)

p denotes the short arm and q denotes the long arm of the chromosome. Mental retardation is common to all of these chromosomes.

Other structural autosomal anomalies associated with neurologic symptoms are summarized in Table 4.4. Partial deletions and partial trisomies have been described for almost every chromosome, but few of these entities are sufficiently characteristic to allow the practitioner to suspect the diagnosis without cytogenetic analysis. In particular, the phenotypic expressions of ring chromosomes overlap those of partial deletions, showing so much variability that one cannot arrive at any conclusions with respect to their clinical pictures. Furthermore, certain features, especially microcephaly, are common to many of the chromosomal anomalies, and they also are encountered in the absence of any discernible chromosomal defect. Therefore, only those anomalies that occur with sufficient frequency to establish a fairly definite clinical picture are discussed here. The most complete review of the various neurologic deficits seen in chromosomal disorders is that by Kunze (134).

TABLE 4.5 Subtelomeric Deletions

1p 1q 2q 3p 5q 6p 6q 14q 18p 22q In all of these subtelomeric deletions the clinical picture is that of mild to moderate developmental delay, hypotonia, microcephaly, minor facial anomalies, and growth retardation (135) The 2q subtelomeric deletion may be associated with autistic features (139).

SUBTELOMERIC ABNORMALITIES Deletions, duplications, and cryptic imbalance rearrangements of the telomeres—the terminal segments of chromosomes—have received an increasing amount of attention in the last few years. It has become apparent that abnormalities in these regions are responsible for at least 5% to 10% of nonsyndromic mental retardation as well as for cases of mental retardation associated with multiple congenital anomalies. Several techniques have been used to screen for these abnormalities. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is being replaced by comparative genomic hybridization (C GH). In this method an abnormal and a control genome are compared for DNA copy differences. This technique is being adapted for rapid and sensitive automation (135,136,137,138). The recognized subtelomeric deletions are listed in Table 4.5.

SEX CHROMOSOME ABNORMALITIES Sex chromosome abnormalities consist of various aneuploidies involving the sex chromosomes. As determined by most surveys of the newborn population (139a) or of cells obtained at amniocentesis (140), the incidence of sex chromosome abnormalities is approximately 2.5 in 1,000 phenotypic male infants and 1.4 in 1,000 phenotypic female infants (139a). Although considerable geographic variation occurs, the two most common abnormalities in phenotypic male patients are the XYY and the XXY (Klinefelter) syndromes (139a). Because monosomy X (45,X) is highly lethal, a significantly lower incidence of sex chromosome abnormalities is found in newborns than is found at amniocentesis, and in a large proportion of individuals with sex chromosome abnormalities, particularly phenotypic male individuals, the condition remains undiagnosed throughout life (140,141). The great majority of the abnormalities in female individuals (75%) involve the XXX syndrome, with less than 25% being monosomy X (Turner syndrome) or variants thereof (142).

Klinefelter Syndrome

Klinefelter syndrome was first described by Klinefelter in 1942 in male patients who suffered from increased breast development, lack of spermatogenesis, and increased excretion of follicle-stimulating hormone. The chromosome constitution of XXY, present in most patients, was elucidated in 1959 (143). The condition occurs in 1 in 500 to 1,000 male births (142). Although affected persons are relatively tall with an eunichoid habitus, the diagnosis is usually not made until adult life, and hormone assays are normal before the onset of puberty (144). Neurologic examination shows decreased muscle tone and some dysmetria or tremor; the major deficits encountered in unselected patients are cognitive disorders. In the Denver series, IQs were 10 points lower than in controls (145), whereas in the Edinburgh series of Ratcliffe, the mean IQ of XXY patients was 96, as contrasted with a mean IQ of 105 for controls (146). A high incidence of impaired auditory sequential memory occurs, which results in delayed language development and a variety of learning disorders, notably dyslexia (147). An increase in the incidence of behavioral abnormalities also has been observed (146). EEG abnormalities, including spike and spikewave discharges, are said to be common (148). On high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) left temporal lobe gray matter is significantly reduced and brain volume is less than that of controls (149,150). A greater-than-chance association exists between Klinefelter syndrome and midline suprasellar or pineal germinomas (151), male breast cancer, and insulin-resistant diabetes.

XYY Karyotype The XYY karyotype is another common chromosomal anomaly encountered in the phenotypic male individual, with a frequency as high as 4 in 1,000 male newborns (152). In the past, the XYY karyotype was thought to be associated with unusually tall stature, a predisposition to criminality, and dull normal intelligence. C ontrolled studies have indeed shown a small, statistically significant deficit in the Webster Intelligence Test for C hildren Verbal and Full Scale IQs, but none in the Performance scores (153). Boys with XYY syndrome can exhibit minor neurologic abnormalities, including intention tremor, mild motor incoordination, and limitation of motion at the elbows secondary to radioulnar synostoses (154,155). The last defect is also seen in Klinefelter syndrome. The initial impression that a high proportion of XYY individuals exhibit antisocial behavior aroused much controversy because in some surveys individuals were ascertained by screening of psychiatric wards, prisons, and maximum-security hospitals (156). C areful behavioral studies have confirmed, however, that XYY patients tend to have a higher incidence of temper tantrums than controls and exhibit other forms of overt impulsive behavior, poor long-term planning, and an inability to handle aggression in a socially acceptable manner (153,157). In addition there is an increased incidence of criminal convictions during adolescence and adulthood, which is thought to reflect reduced cognitive functioning of XYY individuals (158).

Other Sex Chromosonal Polysomies In a phenotypically male patient, the greater the number of X chromosomes, the more severe is the mental retardation. XYYY individuals, such as the one reported by Townes and associates, exhibit only mild retardation (159), whereas all of the 12 XXXYY male patients reviewed by Schlegel had major intellectual deficit, with IQs varying from 35 to 74 (160). Patients with the XXXY syndrome have severe mental retardation, small testes, microcephaly, and a variety of minor deformities (161). The XXXXY chromosomal anomaly is characterized by mental retardation, hypotonia, and a facial appearance reminiscent of Down syndrome. The palpebral fissures are upslanted, and the individual has epicanthal folds, excess posterior cervical skin, and widely spaced eyes. The fifth digits are usually shorter and curved inward (162,163). In the phenotypic female patient, the presence of more than two X chromosomes also is associated with mental retardation. The most common of these disorders is the XXX syndrome, which is seen in 1 in 1,000 newborn female infants (164). Although no specific clinical pattern exists for female individuals with the XXX sex chromosome complement and there is considerable variability in their cognitive abilities, the majority have an IQ less than that of their siblings and are at risk for language problems, learning disabilities, and impaired social adaptation (145). Additionally, the girls are clumsy and poorly coordinated, with hypotonia of their musculature. Tetrasomy and pentasomy X female patients usually show mental retardation, with the observed degree of retardation increasing with the number of supernumerary X chromosomes (165).

Turner Syndrome (Ullrich-Turner Syndrome) In 1938, Turner described a syndrome of sexual infantilism, cubitus valgus, and webbed neck in women of short stature (166). Ford and colleagues in 1959, found this condition to be generally associated with the 45,X chromosomal complement (167). In actuality, when cytogenetic techniques are combined with DNA analysis, the large majority, probably more than 75% of liveborn individuals, are 45,X mosaics who have a normal XX cell line, another abnormal cell line, or both. In the experience of Alvarez-Nava and colleagues and Lopez and colleagues 7.7% and 12%, respectively, of patients whose karyotype was 45,X had some Y chromosome material (168,169). Other Turner patients could have mosaicisms that are present in low frequencies (micromosaicism), which cannot be detected by the relatively insensitive techniques of conventional cytogenetics, but which can be demonstrated by FISH or, in the case of the Y chromosome, by PC R for the sex-determining region (SRY) or for various other sequences found on the Y chromosome (170,171,172). Turner syndrome is seen in approximately 0.2 per 1,000 female individuals (173). The clinical and endocrinologic picture of Turner syndrome is complex; this discussion is confined to the neurologic symptoms (174). As a rule, the apparent absence of the X chromosome is not associated with a gross intellectual deficit (175). However, severe mental retardation and a variety of gross congenital malformations are seen in some Turner syndrome patients with a tiny ring X chromosome (176). In these individuals, the XIST locus on their ring X chromosome is not present or is not expressed. This results in defective X inactivation of the ring X chromosome and leads to functional disomy of the genes on the ring X chromosome (177, 178). The role of XIST in X chromosome inactivation was discussed by Lyon (179) and Kuroda and Meller (180). Although the incidence of Turner syndrome is no greater in institutionalized individuals with retardation than in the newborn (181), the majority of patients have a right–left disorientation and a defect in perceptual organization (space-form blindness) (182,183,184). This is particularly true for those individuals who have an apparent 45,X karyotype and is less marked in children with obvious mosaicism (185). Patients in whom the X chromosome is paternally derived have better verbal skills and social adjustment than those in whom the X chromosome is maternally derived (186). The defects in perceptual organization correlate with magnetic resonance imaging evidence of reduced volume of cerebral hemisphere and parieto-occipital brain matter, including hippocampus, lenticular, and thalamic nuclei, being more marked on the right (187). Treatment with growth hormone starting at an early age and before induction of puberty increases the final height of patients (188). Estrogen treatment was discussed by Bouthelier and coworkers (189). An autosomal dominant condition that is phenotypically similar to Turner syndrome but occurs in karyotypically normal female and male patients (Noonan syndrome) is associated commonly with short stature, congenital heart disease—generally pulmonic stenosis— hypertelorism, a triangular, high, broad forehead, hypotonia, auditory nerve deafness, and mild mental retardation (190,191). Patients

have a wide range in their IQ and a variable pattern of verbal–performance discrepancies (190). As in Turner syndrome, lymphedema is a frequent occurrence; it results from dysplasia of the lymphatic vessels (192). Some patients have cortical dysplasia (193). The condition has an incidence of 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,250 (190). One causal gene has been mapped to 12q24.1; it encodes a nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPN11) that is involved in several intracellular signal transduction pathways (194). The association of Noonan syndrome with neurofibromatosis has been reported by several authors, and accounts for as much as 10% of patients with neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) (195). Most patients with this syndrome have mutations in the NF1 gene, and it is not clear what distinguishes this variant form of NF1. Three other syndromes clinically resemble Noonan syndrome. The LEOPARD syndrome is an autosomal dominantly inherited condition. LEOPARD is an acronym for its clinical manifestations: multiple lentigines, electrocardiographic conduction abnormalities, ocular hypertelorism, pulmonic stenosis, abnormal genitalia, retardation of growth, and sensorineural deafness. The condition is allelic to Noonan syndrome (196). C ostello syndrome is an autosomal recessive condition that has been mapped to 22q13.1. It is marked by mental retardation, cutis laxa, and, in many instances, papillomata of mouth and nares (197). C ardio-facial-cutaneous syndrome is characterized by mild to moderate mental retardation, microcephaly, various cardiac abnormalities, and sparse, friable, and slowgrowing hair. The facies show bitemporal narrowing, a prominent forehead, hypoplastic supraorbital ridges, a bulbous nose with a low nasal bridge, hypoplastic philtrum, an antimongoloid slant of the palpebral fissures, and posteriorly rotated auricles. Neuroimaging studies have been normal (198,199).

TABLE 4.6 Microdeletion Syndromes With Prominent Neurologic Symptoms



FISH Probe







Cri du chat









See text









11p15 a





Wilms tumor, aniridia, mental retardation, genitourinary anomalies hemihypertrophy (WAGR syndrome)






See text


α-Thalassemia, mental retardation






209, 210











Velocardiofacial syndrome; Di George syndrome


See text


duch*enne muscular dystrophy


See Chapter 16


Choroideremia, mental retardation



FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization. a Developmental dysregulation rather than deletion of a cluster of imprinted genes.

CHROMOSOMAL ANOMALIES IN VARIOUS DYSMORPHIC SYNDROMES (CONTIGUOUSGENE SYNDROMES, MICRODELETION SYNDROMES) In addition to deletions that are readily detected cytogenetically, combined molecular and cytogenetic analysis has led to the identification of small deletions in a number of clinically well-defined syndromes. These are outlined in Table 4.6. The term contiguousgene syndrome, coined by Schmickel (215), refers to the patterns of phenotypic expression resulting from the inactivation or overexpression, as a result of deletion, duplication, or other means, of a set of adjacent genes in a specific chromosome region. These conditions are distinct from the various syndromes that result from gross chromosomal deletion or duplication in that they are not readily demonstrable by classic cytogenetic techniques (216). The use of improved techniques for the examination of chromosomal structure has revealed that chromosomal anomalies are encountered in some syndromes with a far greater frequency than can be explained by chance. The number of recognizable syndromes has continued to multiply over the last few decades, and their clinical diagnosis has become increasingly difficult. Books by Jones (13) and Buyse (217) are invaluable assistants for that task, but even with their aid, diagnosis is often in dispute. An online database for the diagnosis of genetic and dysmorphic syndromes (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, OMIM) has been prepared by McKusick and his group and is continuously updated by the National C enter for Biotechnology Information. It can be accessed at Two disorders with a marked difference in clinical expression are associated with interstitial deletions of chromosome 15q11–q13, Prader-Willi, and Angelman syndromes. The observation that the clinical picture of deletion 15q11–q13 depended on whether the deleted chromosome is derived from mother or father provided the first clear example of genomic imprinting in the human. C ertain regions of the human genome normally exhibit gene expression from only one of the two inherited genes. This monoallelic expression of biallelic genes is regulated by a variety of mechanisms. The decision of which of the two alleles is expressed can be on a random basis or it can be according to the parent of origin. The term genomic imprinting refers to the differential expression of genetic material depending on whether it is inherited from the male or female parent. The absence of biparental contributions to the genome, which cannot be detected by routine cytogenetic examination, may be responsible for a large proportion of syndromes for which no chromosomal anomaly has been demonstrated. Hall also suggested that the phenotypic differences in any given chromosomal syndrome may reflect the parental origin of the affected chromosome (218). Some children with a cytogenetically normal karyotype have uniparental disomy (UPD) rather than biparental inheritance of a specific chromosome pair. In some instances, UPD has no effect on the phenotype; in other instances it exerts a profound effect. The latter occurs for several reasons. In some cases (isodisomy), UPD results in hom*ozygosity for one or more deleterious genes. When imprinted regions are involved, UPD may result in loss of expression or overexpression of a critical imprinted gene or genes. In addition, Lalande suggested that genomic imprinting perturbs the timing of normal chromosomal replication (219). The molecular mechanisms for imprinting are not fully understood, but allele-specific DNA methylation has been demonstrated to play a vital part. A more extensive discussion of imprinting in Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes is provided by Nicholls and Knepper (220), Strachan and Read (221), and Perk and coworkers (222).

Prader-Willi Syndrome Prader-Willi syndrome, marked by obesity, small stature, hyperphagia, and mental retardation, was first described by Prader and coworkers (223). It is not an uncommon condition, and its prevalence has been estimated at 1 in 10,000 to 25,000 births (224). When chromosomes are examined by FISH analysis, approximately 70% of patients with Prader-Willi syndrome demonstrate a deletion of the proximal part of the long arm of chromosome 15 (15q11–q13) (225). These deletions, which are occasionally visible by highresolution banding techniques, occur exclusively on the paternally derived chromosome. Some of the remaining patients with PraderWilli syndrome have other abnormalities in the same region of chromosome 15, including molecular deletions, translocation, duplication, or inverted, repeated DNA elements (226). In about 20% of patients karyotype appears normal, but restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses show the presence of two maternally derived chromosomes 15 and no paternal chromosome 15, consistent with maternal UPD for chromosome 15 (227). Thus, in at least 95% of patients, partial or complete absence of the paternal chromosome 15 occurs. In the remainder of the patients, the condition results from mutations in the imprinting center (216,228,229). Point mutations have not been encountered. Although monozygotic twins concordant for Prader-Willi syndrome have been reported and familial cases are known (230), the vast majority of cases occurs sporadically. The clinical picture is fairly uniform (231). Breech presentation is common. C haracteristically, the face is long, the forehead narrow, and the eyes almond shaped. Symptoms of hypothermia, hypotonia, and feeding difficulties become evident in infancy. Hypotonia is occasionally so striking that infants are evaluated for muscle disorders (232). Small hands and feet are noted in early childhood. Over the years, hyperphagia and excessive weight gain develop. Overeating is believed to reflect reduced satiation rather than increased hunger (233). Hypotonia tends to improve, but short stature, hypogonadism, and mild to moderately severe mental retardation become evident (13,230,231). Several endocrine abnormalities have been documented, but many of these reflect the severe obesity rather than an underlying disorder (224,231). Most patients have hypersomnolence; daytime hypoventilation also has been observed (234).

Approximately one-half of Prader-Willi patients are hypopigmented, a finding that is associated frequently with cytogenetic deletions and may be related to deletion of the P gene, which maps to the Prader-Willi syndrome region. The gene codes for a transmembrane polypeptide that may transport small molecules such as tyrosine, the precursor of melanin. A defect in this gene is associated with one form of oculocutaneous albinism (235). Many patients have strabismus, and, curiously, as is the case in albinos, visual-evoked potentials have demonstrated that optic fibers from the temporal retina cross at the chiasm rather than project to the ipsilateral occipital lobe (236). Anatomic examinations of the brain and of muscle biopsies and neuroimaging studies have not been helpful in providing insight into the cause of the mental retardation and hypotonia, but MRI has suggested abnormalities in cortical development (237). Electron microscopy of skin biopsies has revealed a reduction in the number of melanin-containing cells.

FIGURE 4.5. Southern blot analysis exhibiting a maternal 6.0-kb fragment and a paternal 4.4-kb fragment in a healthy person (lane N). In the patient with Prader-Willi syndrome (lane PW), the 4.4-kb fragment is lacking because of either deletion on paternal chromosome 15 or maternal uniparental disomy. In the patient with Angelman syndrome (lane AS), lack of the maternal 6.0-kb fragment indicates either deletion on maternal chromosome 15 or paternal uniparental disomy. (From Schad C R, Jalal SM, Thibodeau SN. Genetic testing for Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes. Mayo Clin Proc 1995;70:1195–1196. With permission.)

The diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome is prompted by historic and clinical features and is confirmed by methylation PC R analysis of the promoter region of the gene for small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N (SNRPN), which is part of the imprinted gene cluster at 15q11–q13 (238). Whereas healthy individuals have biparental and always different methylation patterns, patients with Prader-Willi or Angelman syndromes caused by either deletions or UPD show a uniform methylation pattern, reflecting the absence of the paternal allele (238). This procedure is available commercially and is less costly than FISH or microsatellite polymorphism typing (Fig. 4.5) (239). Only patients with abnormal methylation will require further diagnostic investigation with FISH using probes from the 15q11–q13 region to confirm deletions. C ytogenetic studies are less revealing but can be useful in the rare instances of inherited rearrangements or markers.

Angelman Syndrome A deletion of the maternally derived chromosome 15q11–q13 is seen in approximately 75% of children with the Angelman “happy puppet” syndrome. Some 2% of patients with this condition have paternal UPD, 5% have a defect in the imprinting center, and 8% of cases result from a defect in a gene involved in the ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation pathway (UBE3A) (216,240). The cause of the condition in the remaining patients is unexplained (241). The incidence of Angelman syndrome is less than 1 in 10,000. The clinical picture is marked by severe mental retardation, microcephaly, and puppet-like, jerky, but not truly ataxic, movements. Frequent paroxysms of unprovoked laughter lend the syndrome its name. Several authors have noted that the lack of expressive speech in these children is disproportionate to the degree of retardation. Seizures are common and include almost every seizure type (242), most commonly atypical absences and myoclonic seizures (243). The interictal EEG is said to be characteristic. It shows bifrontally dominant rhythmic runs of notched slow waves or slow and sharp waves, especially during sleep, when they can become continuous. At times, patients exhibit a rhythmic myoclonus involving hands and face that is accompanied by rhythmic, 5- to 10-Hz EEG activity (244). With maturation, prolonged runs of 23-Hz, highamplitude (200 to 500 µV) spike and wave discharges make their appearance. This EEG result abnormality can be seen in the absence of seizures, and no correlation exists with electrical paroxysms and outbursts of 0laughter (245). As a rule, intellectual deficits and the seizure disorder is more severe in patients with a chromosome 15q11–q13 deletion than in those with UPD or mutations of the UBE3A gene (240,243). The seizure disorder is believed to be the consequence of reduced expression of the gene for GABRB3, of one of the three gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A-receptor subunits, which has been mapped to the imprinted Angelman deletion region (246,247). Although a number of familial cases of Angelman syndrome have been reported, the recurrence risk for the condition is low except for those cases in which neither a deletion nor paternal UPD can be demonstrated. The latter cases may represent an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutation in the UBE3A gene. Examination of the brain shows mild cerebral atrophy but normal gyral development. Marked cerebellar atrophy is seen, with loss of Purkinje and granule cells, and a marked decrease in dendritic arborizations (248). Diagnosis may be made by FISH analysis in the case of deletions of 15q, but methylation studies detect a higher proportion of cases. Mutation analysis for UBE3A is not available commercially. Other conditions with uniparental disomy have now been recognized. They are summarized in Table 4.7.

TABLE 4.7 Symptomatic Uniparental Disomies


Clinical Manifestations



Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus



Russell-Silver syndrome


Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome



Prader-Willi–like appearance, short stature, mental retardation



Skeletal anomalies, unusual facies, mental retardation



Prader-Willi syndrome

See text


Angelman syndrome

See text

Uniparental disomies (UPDs) of the other chromosomes have no apparent phenotypic effect (249).

Miller-Dieker Syndrome Miller-Dieker syndrome is characterized by lissencephaly, microcephaly, severe to profound mental retardation, and an unusual facies marked by a high forehead, vertical soft tissue furrowing, and a small, anteverted nose (13,212). More than 90% of patients with this condition have visible or submicroscopic deletions of 17p13.3 (216). The chromosomal abnormality results in a deletion of one copy of LIS-1, a gene in this region. This gene encodes a protein that is a subunit of a brain platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase. During early development, this protein is localized predominantly to the C ajal-Retzius cells, bipolar neurons of the preneuronal migration stage, and developing ventricular neuroepithelium (252). The Miller-Dieker syndrome is a major cause for lissencephaly. This condition, which is discussed more extensively in C hapter 5, results from the arrest of migrating neurons in the formation of the cortical plate (253). In the experience of Lo Nigro and coworkers about one-third of patients with isolated lissencephaly have deletions in 17p13.3 (213). In addition, molecular analyses can reveal point mutations in the LIS-1 gene (213). For a more extensive discussion of lissencephaly, see C hapter 5.

Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome was first described by Rubinstein and Taybi (254). It is marked by microcephaly, a hypoplastic maxilla with a narrow palate, a prominent, beaked nose, the presence of broad thumbs and great toes, and a moderate degree of mental retardation. Postnatal growth retardation occurs, and other facial abnormalities are common. These include downward-slanting palpebral fissures, low-set ears, heavy, highly arched eyebrows, and long eyelashes (209). Although familial cases have been reported, the recurrence risk is on the order of 0.1%. Many patients with the Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome have breakpoints or deletions of chromosome 16p13.3, and a gene for a nuclear protein that is involved in cyclic-AMP–regulated gene expression appears to be responsible for the clinical manifestations of the syndrome (210,216,255). There is a significant amount of genetic heterogeneity, and mutations in the EP300 gene have also been found (255a). This gene codes for a histone acetyltransferase that regulates transcription via chromatin remodeling and is important in the processes of cell proliferation and differentiation.

Kabuki Syndrome This syndrome, first reported from Japan, is so named because the facies of patients resembles the makeup used by actors in the Kabuki theatre. The condition is marked by mild to moderate mental retardation, brachydactyly, long palpebral fissures, eversion of the lateral portion of the lower eyelid, and arching of the eyebrows. There is postnatal growth retardation, and, in about one-third of patients, there are cardiac defects (256). Duplication of chromosome 8p22–p23.1 is believed to be responsible for the condition (257).

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (Brachmann-de Lange Syndrome)

C ornelia de Lange syndrome (Brachmann-de Lange syndrome) is characterized by marked growth retardation, severe mental retardation, a low-pitched, growling cry, bushy eyebrows, hirsutism, and various malformations of the hands and feet (13,258). Although this condition is usually sporadic, it has a low recurrence rate, and an autosomal dominant inheritance has been proposed. The condition is believed to result from mutations of a gene mapped to chromosome 5p13.1 and named NIPBL because it is the human hom*ologue of Nipped-B, a Drosophila fly gene involved in Notch signaling, a process that regulates cell proliferation and neuronal plasticity (259; also see C hapter 5).

Williams Syndrome Williams syndrome is a disorder marked by an unusual, elfin-like facies (Fig. 4.6A), supravalvular aortic stenosis, hypercalcemia, and significant physical and mental retardation. The incidence of the condition has been estimated at 1 in 10,000 (216). The condition is caused by a heterozygous deletion in chromosome 7q11.23. The deleted interval is believed to contain some 25 to 30 genes, notably ELN, the gene that encodes elastin. The other genes that are deleted commonly include LIMK1, which encodes a protein tyrosine kinase; CLIP-115 which is involved in the regulation of the dynamic aspects of the cell cytoskeleton; STX1A, which encodes a component of the synaptic apparatus; FZD3, which also is expressed in brain (260,261); and GTF2IRD, GTF21, and TFII-I (262). Deletion of LIMK, TFII-I, GTF2IRD1, and GTF2I are believed to be responsible for the cognitive impairment, notably the defects in visuospatial construction (261,262,263,264). Mental retardation is usually not severe, and language ability may be quite good, with some children having an extraordinary talent for music. Hypersociability (“Everybody in the world is my friend”) is a striking characteristic and is evident in very young children (265). This contrasts with severe deficits in a number of nonverbal tasks, notably spatial cognition, planning, and problem solving (266,267). An aortic systolic murmur, most commonly caused by supravalvular aortic stenosis, is present in a large proportion of children. In addition, diffuse or segmental stenoses of a variety of arteries occur, including the carotid, which can result in cerebrovascular accidents (268,269). Patients can die from azotemia or can become normocalcemic spontaneously. Early feeding difficulties, a hoarse cry, and small, widely spaced teeth are other frequent manifestations. Hypertension is fairly common. More than one-half of children have a stellate pattern in their irises, which is uncommon in control individuals (Fig. 4.6B). The abnormality is believed to result from hypoplasia of the stroma of the iris (270). Magnetic resonance imaging shows cerebral hypoplasia and alterations in the relative size of paleocerebellar to neocerebellar portions of the vermis. There is a significant reduction in white matter in the posterior half of the brain, and the size of the posterior portion of the corpus callosum is reduced (271). The cardiac murmur, characteristic facies, and mental retardation or borderline intellectual functioning persist into adult life (272). On pathologic examination, the brain is microcephalic, with paucity of gray matter neurons, foci of ectopic gray matter, and a variety of cytoarchitectural abnormalities (273).

FIGURE 4.6. A: Williams syndrome. The facial appearance in patients is remarkably uniform. This boy's eyebrows flare medially, his nasal bridge is depressed, the epicanthal folds are prominent, and the nares are anteverted. Note prominent lips and full cheeks. (C ourtesy of Prof. K. Kruse, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Germany, and Dr. R. Pankau, Universitäts Kinderklinik, Kiel, Germany.) B: Williams syndrome. A stellate pattern exists in the iris. (C ourtesy Dr. G. Holmström, Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital for Sick C hildren, Great Ormond Street, London.)

Hypercalcemia is relatively infrequent (274) and is not commonly documented by the time the diagnosis is made, although normocalcemic children can still have difficulty handling an intravenous load of calcium (275). No significant disturbance in vitamin D metabolism occurs, and the cause for the tendency to hypercalcemia is unexplained.

Velocardiofacial Syndrome; Di George Syndrome (Catch-22 Syndrome) Velocardiofacial syndrome is the most frequent microdeletion syndrome, with an incidence that approximates 2 in 10,000 (276). It is characterized by an overt or submucous cleft palate, velopharyngeal insufficiency resulting in a distinctive hypernasal speech, cardiac malformations that are often conotruncal defects, and parathyroid deficiency with hypocalcemia. The face is marked by a prominent, bulbous nose, ocular hypertelorism, a squared nasal root, and micrognathia. The majority of children have learning disabilities or suffer from mild mental retardation (277). Approximately 25% of patients develop a variety of psychiatric disorders in late adolescence or adult life, and there appears to be an increased susceptibility to schizophrenia (278). Hypocalcemia has been documented in

approximately 20% of patients (277). The term DiGeorge syndrome has generally been reserved for children who present as neonates with thymic hypoplasia and hypocalcemia. C ytogenetic analysis using FISH probes has shown deletions within 22q11.21. At least 30 genes have been mapped to this area. Deletions or mutations of TBX1, a gene that has been mapped to 22q11.2, have been found in nearly all patients with this syndrome (279). Rarely, the DiGeorge phenotype is associated with deletions on chromosome 10p14 (280). Other microdeletion syndromes are presented in Table 4.6. Numerous other malformation syndromes are encountered frequently in the practice of child neurology. Most are characterized by mental retardation and small stature. Some of these conditions are outlined in Table 4.8. In due time and with a better understanding of molecular pathogenesis, all of these entities will undoubtedly be found to represent contiguous-gene syndromes or single-gene defects.

TABLE 4.8 Some of the Rare Malformation Syndromes Affecting the Nervous System




Bird-headed dwarf (Seckel)

Low birth weight, microcephaly, craniosynostosis, dislocation of joints, numerous bony defects, unusual facies, autosomal recessive inheritance

Seckel (281), Shanske et al. (282), Kilinc et al. (283)

Börjeson syndrome

Seizures, hypogonadism, obesity, swelling of subcutaneous tissue of face, narrow palpebral fissures, large ears

Börjeson et al. (284), Turner et al. (285)

co*ckayne syndromes

Impaired hearing, retinal degeneration, aged appearance, cataracts, intracranial calcifications, peripheral neuropathy

Chapter 2

Coffin-Siris syndrome

Mental retardation, coarse facial appearance, short fifth finger with absence of nail, DandyWalker deformity

Tunneson et al. (286), Fleck et al. (287)

De Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome (mutation identical to co*ckayne syndromes)

Xeroderma pigmentosum, microcephaly: autosomal recessive transmission, defect in DNA repair

Reed et al. (288), Colella et al. (289)

Hallermann-Streiff syndrome

Microphthalmia, hypotrichosis, malar hypoplasia, small nose, microcephaly

Hoefnagel and Bernirschke (290), Cohen (291)

Laurence-Moon syndrome

Obesity, mental retardation, polydactyly, retinitis pigmentosa, hypogonadism

Chapter 17


Large nares, low-set ears, sunken eyes, absent subcutaneous adipose tissue, short limbs, insulin receptor gene mutation

Longo et al. (292), Kosztolanyi (293)

Lowe syndrome

Cataracts, glaucoma, hypotonia, aminoaciduria, organic aciduria,

Chapter 1

choreoathetosis, X-linked transmission Schwartz-Jampel syndrome

Congenital blepharophimosis, continuous muscle contractions

Chapter 16

Sjögren-Larsson syndrome

Slowly progressive oligophrenia, spasticity, ichthyosis, deficiency of fatty alcohol:nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide oxidoreductase

Chapter 1

Sotos syndrome

Large-for-gestational-age infant, large hands and feet, macrocephaly, advanced bone age, wide range in IQ

Chapter 17

Zellweger syndrome (cerebrohepatorenal)

Hypotonia, high forehead with flat facies, poor suck, seizures, absent deep tendon reflexes, camptodactyly, peroxisomal disorder

Chapter 1

Fragile X Syndrome Even though the diagnosis of fragile X syndrome is now made by DNA analysis rather than cytogenetic analysis, for traditional reasons this condition is best considered in this chapter. The fact that a preponderance of patients in institutions for those with mental retardation are boys or men has long been recognized, and various pedigrees corresponding to a sex-linked inheritance of mental retardation were recorded by Martin and Bell (294) and Renpenning and colleagues (295), among many others. No cytogenetic abnormality could be found consistently in these persons until 1977, when Harvey and associates (296) and Sutherland (297) demonstrated a fragile site within the terminal region of the long arm of the X chromosome (Xq27) when cells were cultured in folic acid–deficient media.

Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Molecular Genetics The progressive unraveling of the nontraditional inheritance pattern of the fragile X syndrome was chronicled by Tarleton and Saul (298). The fragile X gene (FMR-1) has been isolated, cloned, and characterized. It contains a trinucleotide sequence (C GG) that in the normal genome is repeated from 6 to 55 times (299). In persons with the fragile X syndrome, this repeat is expanded (amplified) to several hundred copies (full mutation), whereas asymptomatic carriers for fragile X carry between 50 and 230 copies (premutation) (Fig. 4.7). The premutation tends to remain stable during spermatogenesis, but frequently expands to a full mutation during oogenesis. All male individuals with a full mutation but only 53% of female individuals with a full mutation are mentally impaired (300). The marked expansion of the C GG repeat sequence is accompanied by inactivation through methylation of a sequence (C pG island) adjacent to, but outside of, the FMR-1 gene, believed to represent the promoter region for gene transcription. As a consequence, the FMR-1 gene is not expressed in the majority of fragile X patients, and its gene product, the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), is reduced or completely absent. FMRP is an RNA-binding protein that shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. It is believed to act as a translational repression and regulates translation of dendritic RNAs and normal maturation of synaptic connections (301, 301a). This is confirmed by the rapid

production of FMRP in response to stimulation of the glutamate receptor function (302,303). Good correlation exists between the degree of methylation at the FMR-1 locus and phenotypic expression (304). However, some fragile X male patients continue to express the mRNA for FMRP despite the expectation that in view of its hypermethylation the FMR-1 gene should be silent. Neither this phenomenon nor the reasons for hyperexpansion of the FMR-1 gene are truly understood (305). It is becoming apparent that any mutation in the FMR-1 gene, including deletions or point mutations such as the one described by Hammond and colleagues, that results in the failure to form FMRP can give rise to the fragile X phenotype (306).

FIGURE 4.7. Diseases caused by expansion of trinucleotide repeats. On the left, a schematic diagram of each gene, with the repeat region depicted as an inverted pyramid and the numbers of repeats beside it. Open regions represent the normal variation of repeat numbers. A representative pedigree for each disorder is depicted on the right, with the number of repeats in each allele displayed below the symbols. Open symbols represent unaffected individuals. C ircles represent female individuals, squares represent male individuals, diamonds or triangles represent individuals whose sex is not identified, with a number inside to indicate more than one person. (Adapted from Ross C A, McInnis MG, Margolis RL, et al. Genes with triplet repeats: candidate mediators of neuropsychiatric disorders. Trends Neurosci 1993;16:254. With permission of Dr. C . A. Ross, Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.)

Normally, the FMR-1 gene is expressed in many tissues, including brain, where expression is particularly high in the lateral geniculate nucleus (307). There it is expressed in high levels in the neuronal perikarya, where it is concentrated in ribosome-rich regions. The protein also has been localized to large- and small-caliber dendrites.

Pathology No specific neuropathology has been recognized. On gross examination, the posterior vermis is reduced in size, with a compensatory increase in the size of the fourth ventricle. Magnetic resonance imaging studies have confirmed that the volume of the posterior vermis and the volume of the superior temporal gyrus are significantly reduced, whereas the volume of the hippocampus is increased (308,309). Ultramicroscopy shows abnormal synapses, suggesting defective neuronal maturation or arborization (310).

FIGURE 4.8. A: Fragile X syndrome in a 2.5-year-old boy. Note the long hypotonic face, high forehead, epicanthal folds, and prominent ears. B: Five-year-old fragile X–positive girl, referred because of behavior problems. Note the prominent ears. (From C hudley AE, Hagerman RJ. Fragile X syndrome. J Pediatr 1987;110:821–831. With permission.)

Clinical Manifestations The condition is relatively common, second only to Down syndrome as a genetic cause for mental retardation. It was seen with a frequency of 0.92 in 1,000 male individuals in British C olumbia (311). In C oventry, England, the prevalence was 1 in 1,370 male individuals and 1 in 2,083 female individuals (312). Some 9% of male patients with IQs between 35 and 60 and no neurologic signs have the fragile X syndrome (313). On screening using DNA analysis, 0.4% of unselected women have been found to carry premutations of 55 to 101 repeats (314). Fragile X is a clinically subtle dysmorphic syndrome. The male patient has a long face, prominent brow, somewhat square chin, large, floppy ears, and macro-orchidism without any obvious evidence of endocrine dysfunction (Fig. 4.8A) (315). Although macro-orchidism can be present at birth (315), it is difficult to recognize in the prepubertal boy, as are most of the other physical features (316). Approximately 10% of patients have a head circumference greater than the 97th percentile, and the fragile X syndrome may mimic the features of cerebral gigantism (317,318). A number of clinical features reflect connective tissue dysplasia (316). These include hyperextensible finger joints, flat feet, aortic root dilatation, and mitral valve prolapse. A Prader-Willi phenotype has also been encountered (319). The neurologic picture is highlighted by retarded language development and hyperactivity. Delayed motor development is seen in some 20% of male patients, and seizures have been experienced by 25% to 40% of male patients. These are major motor or partial complex seizures, and as a rule they respond well to anticonvulsant therapy (317). They do not correlate with the severity of the mental retardation. Gross neurologic deficits are the exception, although some patients have been considered to be hypotonic (317). The severity of mental retardation varies considerably. Most male patients exhibit mental retardation in the moderate to severe range; in the experience of Hagerman and her group, 13% of boys have an IQ of 70 or higher but experience significant learning disabilities (320). The majority of male individuals who carry a premutation are clinically unaffected, but some have significant learning disabilities (321). A neurologic syndrome marked by ataxia, progressive dementia, peripheral neuropathy, and mild parkinsonian features is seen in some premutation carriers (321a). Pathologic examination of the brain discloses a striking loss of Purkinje cells and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions in neurons and astrocytes throughout the cerebrum and brainstem (322,323). The prevalence of autistic symptoms among male patients with the fragile X syndrome has been noted as considerable. Hagerman and coworkers found that 16% of male patients with the fragile X syndrome experienced infantile autism and a large proportion of the remainder had some autistic features, including poor eye contact, fascination with spinning objects, and impaired relatedness (324). However, Einfeld and Hall could not detect any difference in the incidence of autistic behavior between individuals with fragile X and matched control individuals with mental retardation (325), and the association of fragile X with autism probably reflects the association with mental retardation and autism (326). Rogers and coworkers proposed that about one-third of individuals with fragile X meet the criteria for autism, whereas the remainder do not (327). In the affected female individual, clinical features are extremely variable. Typical physical features are generally absent or are relatively unremarkable (Fig. 4.8B). In the experience of Hagerman and coworkers, 25% of girls had an IQ below 70 and another 28% had IQs between 70 and 84 (328). Of those girls who had a normal IQ, approximately one-half had learning difficulties. C onversely, in the experience of Turner and coworkers, approximately 5% of schoolgirls with mild mental retardation had the “marker” X chromosome (329). No evidence exists for any deterioration in intelligence in female patients, although the IQ of most boys with the full expansion decreases over time (322). Female carriers of the premutation are subject to ovarian failure. As already mentioned, they are also prone to develop the tremor/ataxia syndrome, but unlike their male counterparts, they do not demonstrate any dementia (321a,323,330).

Diagnosis Diagnosis of the fragile X syndrome in affected individuals and carriers can be made readily by means of molecular DNA techniques (Fig. 4.9). This procedure has replaced cytogenetic fragile X testing as the diagnostic method of choice because the latter technique can result in false-negative results (331) (Fig. 4.10). Four other fragile sites have been found cytogenetically on the long arm of chromosome X. FRAXE, located on band Xq28, is often associated with a mild form of mental retardation. In this disorder, a GC C repeat occurs on Xq28 (332,333). Healthy individuals have up to 25 copies of the repeat; those with mental retardation have more than 200 copies. In contrast to the fragile X syndrome (FRAXA), the repeat is equally unstable when inherited from father or mother. The frequent presence of normal intelligence in this variant reflects a relatively high incidence of mosaicism, with coexistent small and large amplifications (334). The function of FRAXE is unknown (335). FRAXF and FRAXD are less common. Patients with FRAXF suffer mental retardation with seizures (336), whereas FRAXD, located on band Xq27.2, is a common fragile site inducible in most healthy people and of no clinical significance (299). The fragile X syndrome accounts for one-third to one-half of X-linked mental retardation. Additionally, more than 90 X-linked disorders exist, more than 40 of which have been mapped, in which mental retardation is a prominent clinical feature (299), and at least 10 nonsyndromic mental retardation genes have been mapped (337). One common entity, exemplified by the family originally reported by Renpenning and coworkers (295), is characterized by fairly severe mental retardation, microcephaly, short stature, and a normal karyotype (338). Patients belonging to the family reported by Martin and Bell (294) have subsequently been found to have the fragile X syndrome (299). Another entity, initially described as nonsyndromic mental retardation is accompanied by a mutation in ARX, a homeobox gene, which is known to have a variable expression leading to seizures, notably infantile spasms, lissencephaly, focal dystonia, and autism (339).

Treatment No specific treatment exists for youngsters with the fragile X syndrome. Instead, management involves a multidisciplinary approach with early speech and language therapy and behavior modification (316).

FIGURE 4.9. Pedigree and polymerase chain reaction blot of fragile X family. Lane 1: Male individual with premutation (phenotypically normal transmitting male individual). The polymerase chain reaction blot shows only one band with a slightly greater molecular weight than normal. Lanes 2 and 7: Healthy female individuals. On polymerase chain reaction a single band occurs, with approximately 234 base pairs. Lanes 3 and 5: Female individuals with premutation. Their polymerase chain reaction blots show two groups of bands, one single band representing the normal X chromosome and the other showing a series of bands with amplification up to approximately 700 base pairs. Lane 4: Phenotypically affected female patient with full mutation. The polymerase chain reaction blot shows a band representing the normal X chromosome and a smear of bands demonstrating the expansion. Lane 6: Male patient with full mutation. His polymerase chain reaction blot shows a smear of bands, which extends to over several thousand base pairs. Lane 8: Healthy male individual. (C ourtesy of Genica

Pharmaceuticals C orporation, Worcester, MA.)

FIGURE 4.10. X-linked mental retardation associated with the fragile X chromosome. A: Representative Giemsa (GTG) banded karyotype of a 12-year-old boy with mental retardation with relative macrocephaly, prominent brows, deep-set eyes, large ears, and megalotestes. The fragile site (arrow) was demonstrated in 28% of cells cultured in folic acid–deficient media. B: Fragile X chromosomes from the same patient. Each pair represents the single X chromosome from a cell that was first analyzed unbanded (left), for easier recognition of the fragile site (arrows), then banded (right) to confirm that the fragile site occurred on the X chromosome. (C ourtesy of Dr. Rena Falk, C edars-Sinai Medical C enter, Los Angeles, C A.)

ROLE OF CYTOGENETICS IN NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS Because chromosomal anomalies are seen in up to 10% of developmentally delayed children, cytogenetic examination is an essential part of the evaluation of any youngster with a substantial mental handicap for which no obvious cause has been uncovered even in the absence of dysmorphic features or features suggestive of a specific syndrome. This yield contrasts with a yield of about 1% for routine metabolic screening (7). In most laboratories, phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes serve for the analysis. However, in at least one entity, the PallisterKillian syndrome, a condition marked by profound mental retardation, streaks of hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation, and facial dysmorphism, isochromosome 12p has been detected in buccal smears and fibroblasts but not in lymphocytes (340). Some children with hypomelanosis of Ito have chromosomal mosaicism that may be demonstrated in skin and blood or only in fibroblast cultures. This condition is considered in C hapter 12. C hromosomal banding is always indicated, and chromosomal analysis using only a conventional solid stain no longer has any role in pediatric neurology. The most popular banding technique in North America is Giemsa-trypsin banding (G banding). Quinacrine fluorescent banding (Q banding) and reverse banding (R banding) are additional techniques that are useful adjuncts in some cases. When an anomaly is identified, more than one technique might be needed to delineate its location and the size of any deletion or extra chromosomal fragment. When the location for the abnormality is suspected (e.g., chromosome 15q for Prader-Willi syndrome), molecular cytogenetic analyses using FISH techniques or high-resolution studies focusing on that site are indicated. FISH probes are available for the known microdeletion syndromes (Table 4.6) (341). C hromosome-specific subtelomeric probes are available commercially, and if financially feasible should form part of an evaluation for nonsyndromic mental retardation. DNA studies are routine in the evaluation of the fragile X syndrome in the assessment of nonspecific mental retardation in both male and female patients. When these study results are negative and the phenotype is highly suggestive of the fragile X syndrome, mutation analysis for the FMR-1 gene should be performed. Subtle chromosomal deletions or other anomalies are best detected by examining cells in late prophase or early metaphase using high-resolution analysis, a technique more laborious and expensive than standard analysis. A newer alternative is the use of comparative genomic hybridization (C GH) (342). C GH and array C GH will detect not only subtelomeric deletions, but also deletions and duplications along the lengths of the chromosomes, assuming that the deletion or duplication is not so small as to be spaced between two adjacent probes in the set (343).

Unstable DNA sequences, as are seen in fragile X syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, and several of the heredodegenerative conditions, can be diagnosed by molecular techniques to quantify repeat expansions. Such procedures are available for clinical problems (342). Because applying all the available cytogenetic techniques to the diagnosis of every child with mental retardation is not feasible, patients with the greatest likelihood of chromosomal anomalies should be selected. 1. C hromosomal analysis is indicated in several circ*mstances: in the presence of clinically suspected autosomal syndromes (e.g., Down syndrome, cri du chat syndrome). In Down syndrome and in other trisomies, chromosomal analysis distinguishes nondisjunction trisomy from clinically identical translocation syndromes and mosaics. 2. In the presence of clinically suspected sex chromosome syndromes (e.g., Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome). 3. Whenever mental retardation is accompanied by two or more major congenital anomalies, particularly when these involve the mesodermal or endodermal germ layers. 4. Whenever mental retardation is accompanied by minor congenital anomalies, particularly when these involve the face, hands, feet, or ears. In this respect, the frequency of minor anomalies of the face, mouth, ears, and extremities in a healthy population must be kept in mind. In a survey of 74 healthy children, Walker demonstrated between two and three such stigmata per child (343). Their incidence in the healthy pediatric population is depicted in Table 4.9.

TABLE 4.9 Incidence of Stigmata in 74 Healthy Children



High palate


Head circumference >1 standard deviation outside normal range


Adherent ear lobes


Gap between first and second toe


Stubbed fifth finger


Curved fifth finger




Low-seated ears


Epicanthal folds


Syndactyly toes


From Walker HA. Incidence of minor physical anomalies in autistic patients. In: Coleman M, ed. autistic Syndrome. New York: Elsevier Science, 1976: 95–115. With permission.

FIGURE 4.11. Palmar crease variants. A: Normal palmar creases. Variant A 0 is found in 94% of healthy children. B: Simian crease and its variants. C: Sydney line and its variants (301). The Sydney line is a proximal transverse crease that extends from beyond the hypothenar eminence to the ulnar margin of the palm. In contrast to the simian crease, a distal palmar crease also occurs (see Fig. 4.3) (303). D: Other unusual palmar creases. (Adapted from Dar H, Schmidt R, Nitowsky HM. Palmar crease variants and their clinical significance: a study of newborns at risk. Pediatr Res 1977;11:103–108. With permission. Further subvariants are depicted in the original publication.)

5. Whenever mental retardation is accompanied by small stature, physical underdevelopment, or dysmorphic features, including abnormalities of palmar creases (Fig. 4.11) or dermal ridge patterns (dermatoglyphics), or by abnormalities in the scalp hair whorl pattern (344,345). Because skin creases form at 11 to 12 weeks' gestation, these abnormalities point to an insult in early intrauterine life (345,346). Facial abnormalities are a particularly sensitive indicator of developmental anomalies of the brain. The explanation for this rests on the fact that facial development is dependent on prosencephalic and rhombencephalic organizing centers. Thus, any major defect in forebrain development can be reflected in the development of the face (139). This topic is covered more extensively in C hapter 5. 6. In the absence of a history of perinatal trauma, we obtain a cytogenetic survey in children who have microcephaly or the syndrome of muscular hypotonia with brisk deep tendon reflexes (atonic cerebral palsy). In addition, methylation studies or FISH for del(15q11.2) should be considered in the latter situation. 7. Whenever a family history exists of frequent unexplained stillbirths, neonatal deaths, or mental retardation. 8. In the presence of any new dominantly inherited syndrome (e.g., retinoblastoma) in addition to mental retardation. Present cytogenetic techniques are so sensitive that they have uncovered minor chromosomal anomalies in unselected newborn populations (see Table 4.3). It is unclear how many of the rarer chromosomal variations are consistently responsible for neurologic symptoms and how many are the consequences of the same environmental event (e.g., exposure to virus, drugs, irradiation) that induced the abnormal offspring. The coming availability of multicolor FISH and array C GH to screen children with nonspecific mental retardation for cryptic subtelomeric deletions could well result in detection of abnormalities in a further 6% of children with mental retardation (4,347,348).

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Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Table of Contents > Chapter 5 - Neuroembryology, Genetic Programming, and Malformations of the Nervous System > PART 1 - The New Neuroembryology

PART 1 The New Neuroembryology Harvey B. Sarnat

Preformation is represented by DNA, not by … a tiny adult in every sperm. --Antonio García-Bellido, 1998 (1) Traditional embryology is descriptive morphogenesis: detailed observations of gross and microscopic changes in organs and tissues in the developing embryo and fetus. The new neuroembryology is an integration of classic embryology with the insight into molecular genetic programs that direct cellular and regional differentiation to provide an explanation for the precise spatial and temporal sequences of these anatomic changes. Traditional embryology recognizes a series of developmental processes that are not entirely sequential because of a great deal of temporal overlap as the various processes proceed simultaneously. Several excellent recent textbooks effectively integrate descriptive morphogenesis and genetic programming (2,3,4). In human neuropathology, the gross and microscopic changes seen postmortem are temporally sequenced so precisely that they allow a precise correlation of brain maturation with gestational age and provide evidence of developmental delay in some cases (5). By means of molecular genetics, the focus on the concepts of normal and abnormal development of the nervous system has shifted from traditional categories of structural change, such as neuronogenesis, cell migration, axonal projection, and synaptogenesis, to an understanding of preprogrammed mechanisms that allow these overlapping processes to proceed. Interactions of genes or their transcription products specify differentiation; developmental genes may be expressed only transiently in the embryo or continuously throughout life. After development appears complete, they conserve the identity of individual cellular types even in the adult and perhaps provide clues to degenerative processes that begin after the nervous system is mature. The relevance of the new neuroembryology to clinical pediatric neurology, apart from new insights, is in its promise of new approaches for the prevention, and perhaps even potential treatment, of malformations of the nervous system. As a result of these new concepts, one must consider an entirely new and still largely unfamiliar classification of cerebral malformations. Such a classification is to be based on the defective expression or coexpression of transcription products of various developmental genes that determine and coordinate every aspect of neuroembryonic development, from gastrulation and the creation of a neuroepithelium to the last detail of postnatal synaptogenesis and myelination. Of additional importance is the understanding that the development of the nervous system no longer can be isolated from the rest of the embryonic and fetal body, because it is influenced by surrounding structures and also influences them: Segmentation of spinal nerve roots by mesodermal somites is an example of the former, and craniofacial development induced by neural crest migrating from the neural tube exemplifies the latter.

GASTRULATION It is not birth, marriage, or death, but gastrulation which is truly the most important time in your life. --Lewis Wolpert, 1978 (2) Gastrulation is the birth of the nervous system. It is the time when a neuroepithelium may first be recognized as distinctive from other cells or tissues. In simple chordates, such as amphioxus and amphibians, gastrulation is the invagin*tion of a spherical blastula. In birds and mammals, the blastula is collapsed as a flattened, bilayered disc, and gastrulation appears not as an invagin*tion, but as a groove between two ridges on one surface of this disc, the primitive streak on the epiblast. The primitive streak establishes, in each embryo, the basic body plan of all vertebrates: a midline axis, bilateral symmetry, rostral and caudal ends, and dorsal and ventral surfaces. As the primitive streak extends forward, an aggregate of cells at one end is designated the primitive node or Hensen's node. Hensen's node defines the rostral direction. C ells of the epiblast on either side move toward the primitive streak, stream through it, and emerge beneath it to pass into the narrow cavity between the two sheets of cells, the epiblast above and the hypoblast below. These migratory cells give rise to the mesoderm and endoderm internally, and some then replace the hypoblast (2). After extending approximately halfway across the blastoderm (epiblast), the primitive streak with Hensen's node reverses the direction of its growth to retreat, moving posteriorly as the head fold and neural plate form anterior to Hensen's node. As the node regresses, a notochordal process develops in the area rostral to it and somites begin to form on either side of the notochord, the more caudal somites differentiating first and successive ones anterior to somites already formed. The notochord induces epiblast cells to form neuroectoderm (see the following Induction section).

INDUCTION Experimental studies of the formation of the neural plate have yielded extraordinarily interesting information as the way one part of a developing embryo may influence the differentiation of other parts. --B. M. Patten, 1951 (6) Induction is a term denoting the influence of one embryonic tissue on another so that both the inducer and the induced differentiate as different mature tissues. In the case of the nervous system, the creation and subsequent development of the neural tube may be defined in terms of gradients of inductive influences. Induction usually occurs between germ layers, as with the notochord (mesoderm) inducing the floor plate of the neural tube (ectoderm). Induction also may occur within a single germ layer, however. An example is the optic cup (neuroectoderm) inducing the formation of a lens and cornea from the overlying epithelium (surface ectoderm) that otherwise would have simply differentiated as

more epidermis. Neural induction is the differentiation or maturation of structures of the nervous system from undifferentiated ectodermal cells because of the influence of surrounding embryonic tissues not of ectodermal origin. Neural induction is a term also used to describe the opposite: the effects of primitive neural tissues on the development of non-neural structures. An example is craniofacial development, in which neural crest cells migrating from the prosencephalon and mesencephalon of the neural tube induce the formation of membranous cranial and facial bone, cartilage, connective tissue, blood vessels, nerve sheaths, ocular globes, and many other tissues of the face and head (see the Neural C rest section later in this chapter). Induction was discovered in 1924 by Hans Spemann and Hilde Mangold, who demonstrated that the dorsal lip of the newt gastrula was capable of inducing the formation of an ectopic second nervous system when transplanted to another site in a host embryo, in another individual of the same species, or in a ventral site of the same embryo (7). This dorsal lip of the amphibian gastrula (also known as the Spemann organizer) is hom*ologous with Hensen's node of embryonic birds and mammals. The transplantation of the primitive node in a similar manner as in the Spemann and Mangold experiments in amphibians yields similar results. The first gene isolated from the Spemann organizer was Goosecoid (Gsc), a homeodomain protein (for definition, see Patterning of the Neural Tube: Axes and Gradients of Growth and Differentiation section) able to recapitulate the transplantation of the dorsal lip tissue. When injected into an ectopic site, Gsc also normally induces the prechordal mesoderm and contributes to prosencephalic differentiation (8,9,10). Another gene also expressed in Hensen's node and even before the primitive streak is fully formed, Wnt-8C, also is essential for the regulation of axis formation and later for hindbrain patterning in the region of the future rhombomere 4 (see Segmentation section) (11). The regulatory gene Cnot, with major domains in the primitive node, notochord, and prenodal and postnodal neural plate, is another important molecular genetic factor responsible for the induction of prechordal mesoderm and for the formation of the notochord in particular (12). The gene (transcription factor) Gooseberry (Gox) is unique in being the only identified gene to be expressed in the primitive streak that loses expression at the onset of notochord formation. The Gox gene probably regulates the primitive streak either positively, by promoting its elongation, or negatively, by suppressing formation of the notochordal process. Another possible function is to promote a mesodermal lineage of epiblast cells as they ingress through the primitive streak. Several other genes essential in creating the fundamental architecture of the embryo and its nervous system are already expressed in the primitive node (10), and many reappear later to influence more advanced stages of ontogenesis. The specificity of induction is not the inductive molecule, but rather the receptor in the induced cell. This distinction is important because foreign molecules similar in structure to the natural inductor molecule may at times be recognized erroneously by the receptor as identical; such foreign molecules thus can behave as teratogens if the embryo is exposed to such a toxin. Induction occurs during a precise temporal window; the time of responsiveness of the induced cell is designated its competence, and it is incapable of responding either before that precise time or thereafter (13). Induction receptors are not necessarily in or on the plasma membrane of the cell, but also can be in the cytoplasm or in the nucleoplasm. Retinoic acid (see Retinoic Acid section) is an example of a nuclear inducer. In some cases, the stimulus acts exclusively at the plasma membrane of target cells and does not require actual penetration of the cell (13,14). The receptors that represent the specificity of induction also are genetically programmed: A gene known as Notch is particularly important in regulating the competence of a cell to respond to inductive cues from within the neural tube and in surrounding embryonic tissues (15). Some mesodermal tissues, such as smooth muscle of the fetal gut, can act as mitogens on the neuroepithelium by increasing the rate of cellular proliferation (16,17), but this phenomenon is not true neural induction because the proliferating cells do not differentiate or mature. Some organizer and regulatory genes of the nervous system, such as Wnt-1, also exhibit mitogenic effects (18), and both insulin-like and basic fibroblast growth factors (bFGF) act as mitogens as well (19,20,21). The early formation of the neural plate is not accomplished exclusively by mitotic proliferation of neuroepithelial cells, but also by a conversion of surrounding cells to a neural fate. In amphibians, a gene known as Achaete-scute (Xash-3) is expressed early in the dorsal part of the embryo from the time of gastrulation and acts as a molecular switch to change the fate of undifferentiated cells to become neuroepithelium rather than surface ectodermal or mesodermal tissues (22). Some cells differentiate as specific types because they are actively inhibited from differentiating as other cell types. All ectodermal cells are preprogrammed to form neuroepithelium, and neuroepithelial cells are preprogrammed to become neurons if not inhibited by genes that direct their differentiation along a different lineage, such as epidermal, glial, or ependymal (23,24,25).

SEGMENTATION The primitive segmentation of the vertebrate brain is a problem which has probably attracted as much of the attention of morphologists as any one of the great, unsettled questions of the day, and many views have been advanced. --C. F. W. McClure, 1890 (26) Over a century ago, the concept of segmentation was already an issue actively debated by biologists who were intrigued by the repeating units along the rostrocaudal axis of many worms and insects as well as by the somites of embryonic vertebrates. Segmentation of the neural tube creates intrinsic compartments that restrict the movement of cells by physical and chemical boundaries between adjacent compartments. These embryonic compartments are known as neuromeres. The spinal cord has the appearance of a highly segmented structure but is not intrinsically segmented in the embryo, fetus, or adult. Instead it corresponds in its entirety to the caudalmost of the eight neuromeres that create the hindbrain. The apparent segmentation of the spinal cord is caused by clustering of nerve roots imposed by true segmentation of surrounding tissues derived from mesoderm, tissues that form the neural arches of the vertebrae, the somites, and associated structures. Neuromeres of the hindbrain are designated rhombomeres (27,28,29,30). The entire cerebellar cortex, vermis, flocculonodular lobe, and lateral hemispheres, develops from rhombomere 1 with a small contribution from the mesencephalic neuromere, but the dentate and other deep cerebellar nuclei are formed in rhombomere 2 (31,32). The rostral end of the neural tube forms a mesencephalic neuromere and probably six forebrain neuromeres, as three diencephalic and three telencephalic prosomeres (33,34,35,36). The segmentation of the human embryonic brain into neuromeres is summarized in Table 5.1. The segments of the embryonic neural tube are distinguished by physical barriers formed by processes of early-specializing cells that resemble the radial glial cells that appear later in development (37,38) and also by chemical barriers from secreted molecules that repel migratory cells. C ell adhesion is increased in the boundary zones between rhombomeres, which also contributes to the creation of barriers against cellular migration in the longitudinal axis (38). Limited mitotic proliferation of the neuroepithelium occurs in the boundary zones between rhombomeres. Although cells still divide in this zone, their nuclei remain near the ventricle during the mitotic cycle and do not move as far centrifugally within the elongated cell cytoplasm during the interkinetic gap phases as they do in general (38). The rhombomeres of the brainstem also may be visualized as a series of transverse ridges and grooves on the dorsal surface, the future floor of the fourth ventricle; these

ridges are gross morphologic markers of the hindbrain compartments (26,30).

TABLE 5.1 Segmentation of the Neural Tube


Derived Structures in Mature Central Nervous System

Rhombomere 8

Entire spinal cord; caudal medulla oblongata; cranial nerves XI, XII

Rhombomere 7

Medulla oblongata; cranial nerves IX, X; neural crest

Rhombomere 6

Medulla oblongata; cranial nerves VIII, IX

Rhombomere 5

Medulla oblongata; cranial nerves VI, VII; no neural crest

Rhombomere 4

Medulla oblongata; cranial nerves VI, VII; neural crest

Rhombomere 3

Caudal pons; cranial nerve V; no neural crest

Rhombomere 2

Caudal pons; cranial nerves IV, V; cerebellar nuclei

Rhombomere 1

Rostral pons; cerebellar cortex

Mesencephalic neuromere

Midbrain; cranial nerve III; neural crest

Diencephalic prosomere 2

Dorsal diencephalon

Diencephalic prosomere 1

Ventral diencephalon

Prosencephalic prosomere 2

Telencephalic nuclei; olfactory bulb

Prosencephalic prosomere 1

Cerebral cortex; hippocampus; corpus callosum


Rhombomere 3 is associated with the first branchial arch; rhombomeres 4 and 5 are associated with the second branchial arch; rhombomere 7 is associated with the third branchial arch.

The first evidence of segmentation is a boundary that separates the future mesencephalic neuromere from rhombomere 1 of the hindbrain. More genes play a role in this initial segmentation of the neural tube than in the subsequent formation of other boundaries that develop to separate other neuromeres. Furthermore, the mesencephalic–metencephalic region appears to develop early as a single independent unit or organizer for other neuromeres rostral and caudal to that zone (39,40). The organizer genes recognized at the mesencephalic–metencephalic boundary for this earliest segmentation of the neural tube include Pax-2, Wnt-1, En-1, En-2, Pax-5, Pax-8, Otx-1, Otx-2, Gbx-2, Nkx-2.2, and FGF-8. The earliest gene known with regional expression in the mouse is Pax-2, which is expressed even before the neural plate forms. It is

the earliest gene recognized in the presumptive region of the midbrain–hindbrain boundary (41,42). In invertebrates, Pax-2 is important for the activation of Wingless (Wg) genes; this relationship is relevant because the first gene definitely associated with an identified midbrain–hindbrain boundary in vertebrates is Wnt-1, a hom*ologue of Wg. The regulation of Wnt-1 may be divided into two phases: In the early phase (1 to 2 somites), the mesencephalon broadly expresses the gene throughout. In the later phase (15 to 20 somites), expression is restricted to dorsal regions, the roof plate of the caudal diencephalon, mesencephalon and myelencephalon, and spinal cord. It also is expressed in a ring that extends ventrally just rostral to the midbrain–hindbrain boundary and in the ventral midline of the caudal diencephalon and mesencephalon (43,44,45). Wnt-1 is essential in activating and preserving the function of the Engrailed genes En-1 and En-2. En-1 is coexpressed with Wnt-1 at the one-somite stage, in a domain only slightly caudal to Wnt-1, which includes the midbrain and rhombomere 1, the rostral half of the pons, and the cerebellar cortex but excludes the diencephalon (46). The activation of En-2 begins at the four-somite stage, and its function in mesencephalic and rhombomere 1 development is similar, with differences in some details, particularly their roles in cerebellar development (47,48). Finally, the homeobox gene Otx-2 appears early in the initial boundary zone of the midbrain–hindbrain, and, as with Wnt-1, it appears to be essential for the later expression of En-1 and En-2 and also of Wnt-1 (49,50). The creation of neuromeres allows the development of structures within regions of the brain without the neuroblasts that form these nuclei wandering to other parts of the neuraxis where they would not be able to later establish their required synaptic relations. The interaction of genes with one another is a complexity that makes analysis of single-gene expression more difficult in interpreting programmed malformations of the brain.

PATTERNING OF THE NEURAL TUBE: AXES AND GRADIENTS OF GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION Basic characteristics of the body plan are called patterning (27). They are the anatomic expression of the genetic code within the nuclear DNA of every cell, but they also may result from signals from neighboring cells, carried by molecules that are secretory translation products of various families of organizer genes, each in a highly precise and predictable temporal and spatial distribution. The early development of the central nervous system (C NS) of all vertebrates, even before the closure of the neural placode or plate to form the neural tube, requires the establishment of a fundamental body plan of bilateral symmetry, cephalization, or the identity of head and tail ends, and dorsal and ventral surfaces. This fundamental architecture of the body and of the neural tube requires the establishment of definite axes of growth and gradients of genetic expression and differentiation: (a) a longitudinal axis with rostrocaudal and caudorostral gradients, (b) a vertical axis with dorsoventral and ventrodorsal gradients, and (c) a horizontal axis with mediolateral and lateromedial gradients. Both normal ontogenesis and abnormal development of the embryonic nervous system involve these axes and gradients and should be put into this perspective (51). These axes of the body itself, and of the C NS, require the expression of genes that impose the gradients of differentiation and growth. The genes that determine the polarity and gradients of the anatomic axes are called organizer genes. Many express themselves not only in the C NS but in other organs and tissues as well (2,45). The bilateral symmetry of many organs and programmed asymmetries, probably including such neural structures as the different targets of the left and right vagal nerves and left–right asymmetries in the cerebral cortex, is determined in large part by Pitx-2, a gene expressed as early as in the primitive node (52). The RNA that represents a transcript of the DNA translates a peptide, a glycoprotein, or some other molecule that acts to induce or at times to serve as a growth factor. Some genes also function to stimulate or inhibit the expression of others, or an antagonism or equilibrium can exist between certain families of genes, exemplified by those that exert a dorsoventral gradient and those that cause a ventrodorsal gradient. The difference between an organizer gene and a regulator gene really lies in its function, and often the same gene subserves both roles at different stages of development. The definitions and programs of these two groups are summarized in Tables 5.2 and 5.3.

Evolutionary Conservation of Genes The sequences of nucleotides of DNA are so primordial to animal life that identical or nearly identical base pairs exist not only in all vertebrates, but in all invertebrates as well, from the simplest worms to the most complex primates (53). The evolutionary biologists of the nineteenth century, such as C harles Darwin and Thomas Huxley, were constantly searching for “the missing links” between mammals and other vertebrates, between humans and other primates, and, most of all, between invertebrates and vertebrates because comparative anatomy did not provide a sufficiently satisfactory answer. They never found the missing link because the technology of their day could not elucidate this fundamental and profound question. The missing link sought by the nineteenth-century evolutionary biologists lies in the identical sequences of nucleic acid residues that form the same organizer genes in all animals, from the simplest worms to humans.

TABLE 5.2 Programs of Developmental Genes

1. Organizer Genes 1. Cell proliferation 2. Identity of organs or tissues (e.g., neural, renal) 3. Axes of polarity and growth 1. Ventrodorsal 2. Dorsoventral 3. Rostrocaudal 4. Caudorostral 5. Mediolateral 6. Lateromedial 4. Segmentation

5. Left–right symmetry or asymmetry 2. Regulator Genes 1. Differentiation of structures and specialization within organ 2. Cell lineage: differentiation and specialization of individual cells 3. Inhibition of other genetic programs in order to change a cell lineage

Despite evolutionary conservation of genes, there may be some variability among species in the compartmental site within the embryonic neural tube of structures programmed by these genes. For example, the abducens motor nucleus forms in rhombomere 6 in elasmobranchs (sharks) but in rhombomere 5 in mammals; the trigeminal/facial boundary shifts from rhombomere 4 in lampreys to rhombomere 3 in birds and mammals.

Transcription Factors and Homeoboxes The genes that program the development of the nervous system are specific series of DNA base pairs linked to small proteins called transcription factors. These transcription factors are essential for the functional expression of these genes. A frequent transcription factor is the basic helix-loop-helix structure. It is so fundamental to the evolution of life that it appears for the first time in certain bacteria, even before a cell nucleus evolved to concentrate the DNA (53). The zinc finger is another DNA-binding, gene-specific transcription factor. It consists of 28 amino acid repeats with pairs of cysteine and histidine residues, each sequence folded around a zinc ion (54). Krox-20 (this gene name is applied to the mouse; in the human it is redesignated EGR2) is a zinc finger gene expressed in alternating rhombomeres, especially rhombomere 3 and rhombomere 5; neural crest tissue does not migrate from those two rhombomeres (see Neural C rest section). Krox-20 also

serves an additional function in the peripheral nervous system, where it regulates myelination by Schwann cells (55). Finally, Krox-20 regulates the expression of some other genes, most notably those of the Hox family (56,57,58,59,50). Examples of other zinc fingers include Zic, TFIIIA, cSnR (snail related), and PLZF (human promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger) (61).

TABLE 5.3 Organizer and Regulator Genes of the Embryonic and Fetal Nervous Syste






Changes the fate of undifferentiated cells to form neuroepithelium


BMP4 (bone morphogenic protein)

Hensen's node; neural plate

Inhibits cells from forming neural tissue; dorsalizing to neural tube; of transforming growth factor β family



Head mesenchyme

Organizes head mesoderm before neural crest arrival


Hensen's node

Induces the primitive node to form notochordal process; induces neural placode


Antagonizes Notch; inhibits neural differentiation




Dab-1 (Disabled-1)

Laminated cortices

Acts downstream of rein for terminal neuroblast migration and cortical lamination

Dix1, Dix2 (Distal-less)

Prosomeres; ventral thalamus; anterior hypothalamus; corpus striatum

Subcortical neuroblast migration; interneuron migration from basal forebrain to neocortex



Neural tube

Dorsalizing; of transforming growth factor β family



Neuroblast migration; Xq22.3– q23 locus; defective in subcortical laminar heterotopia (band heterotopia; doublecortex syndrome)



Neuroblast migration; defective in schizencephaly


Mesencephalon, r1

Formation of mesencephalon and metenoephalon, including entire cerebellar cortex

31,32,39,43,45–48, 99–101


Neuroblast migration; defective in X-linked dominant periventricular heterotopia



Specification of anterior hindbrain; contributes to formation of the cerebellum, motor trigeminal nerve




En-1, En-2 (engralled)

FLM-A (Filamin A)

Gbx-2 (unplugged)

Regulates elongation of primitive streak; disappears at onset

Gox (Gooseberry)

Primitive streak

of notochord formation; related to Otx homeobox; promotes epiblast cells to become mesoderm

Hensen's node, neural plate

Induces prechordal mesoderm and prosencephalon; ectopically duplicates neural tube



Folate-dependent gene; defective in septo-optic dysplasia


Regulates floor plate development; suppresses dorsalizing influence of Pax-3



r3; r5

Segmentation; formation of parathyroid, thymus (ref. Hox family)

Hox-1.6 (Hoxa-1)


Rostrocaudal gradient and segmentation




Rostrocaudal gradient of spinal cord


Border r6/7–r8

Rostrocaudal gradient and segmentation


Border r2/3–r8

Rostrocaudal gradient and segmentation; regulates axonal projections from r3

Hox-2.9 (Hoxb-1)


Formation of neural crest


Neural plate

Patterning of the midline of the neural tube

Gsc (Goosecoid)


HNF3β (winged helix)

HNF (forkhead)


Ventral neural tube

Motor neuroblast differentiation



Neural plate

Floor plate differentiation; suppresses Pax-3


r3; r5

Zinc finger; regulates expression of Hox genes; regulates myelination of Schwann cells


Mesencephalon; telencephalon

Formation of aqueduct; cerebral neuroblast migration defective in X-linked hydrocephalus with aqueductal stenosis and also reported in hemimegalencephaly




LIM-family homeobox; development of hippocampus and cellular proliferation for neocortex; development of eye before formation of optic cup



Neural plate; prechordal mesenchyme

Organizer of cephalic mesenchyme before migration of neural crest; organizer of neural placode


Cortical plate

Neuroblast migration; 17p13.3 locus; defective in lissencephaly type I



r1, cerebellum

Differentiation of cerebellar granule cells



Optic cup

Retinal differentiation



Motor neuroblasts

Motor neuron identity


Krox-20 (EGR2)



Ectodermal cells

Neuronal differentiation; three subtypes on human chromosomes 2, 5, 17; related to gene regulating transcription of insulin; retinal development


Ectodermal cells

Neuronal differentiation in central nervous system and peripheral nervous system; expressed earlier than neuro-D; interacts with Delta and Notch; family of subtypes



Differentiation of hypothalamus; induced by Shh


All neuromeres

Specifies diencephalic neuromeric boundaries; interacts with Dix1 and transcription factor TTF1 for prosencephalic differentiation



Diencephalon-r8; motor neurons

Induced by Shh and repressed by BMP7; coexpressed with lstet-1 in motor neurons




Same as gtx; glial cell differentiation



Hensen's node

Inhibits BMP4 to allow neural plate differentiation



Neurogenin (Ngn)




Neural plate; neuroepithelium

Regulates the competence of cells to respond to inductive signals; differentiation of neural placode;


asymmetric distribution in cytoplasm during mitotic cycle


Neural plate; fetal neuroepithelium

Antagonizes Notch by preventing neural differentiation


Otx-1 (orthodenticle)

Mesencephalon/r1 boundary; telencephalon; sensory nerves

Onset of neuromere formation; corticogenesis; sense organ development

Otx-2 (orthodenticle)

Prestreak blastomere; neural plate

Gastrulation; specification and maintenance of anterior neural plate


Pit1 (pituitaryspecific)


Differentiation of anterior pituitary

Cerebellar cortex

Regulates granule cell proliferation; tumor-suppressor gene


Primitive streak; r2–r8; prosomeres

Dorsalizing polarity gradient; segmentation regulated by notochord and floor plate; formation of ventral half of optic cup, retina, and optic nerve; overlaps and partially redundant with Pax-5


r1; r8

Identity of Bergmann glia; active spinal cord dorsalizing gradient



Partially redundant with Pax-2 for differentiation of cerebellar cortex; dorsalizing gradient


ptc (patched)

Pax-2 (paired)

Pax-3 (paired)

Pax-5 (paired)

Identity of cerebellar

granule cells; active in spinal cord as dorsalizing gradient; neuroblast migration to cerebral cortex and deep telencephalic nuclei

Pax-6 (paired)

r1; r8; prosomeres


Primitive streak

Determines right– left asymmetries of internal organs


Reelin (reln)

Laminar cortices

Extracellular matrix glycoprotein product secreted by CajalRetzius neurons and cerebellar granule cells, essential for terminal neuroblast migration and laminar architecture



Dorsal neural tube

Delamination of neural crest cells; BMP gene


Notochord; floor plate; prechordal mesoderm

Induces floor plate; ventralizing influence of neural tube; ventral midline of prosencephalon; induction of motor neurons; mitogen to cerebellar granule cells



Neural crest

Neural crest differentiation; hom*ologue of Snail in invertebrates

SMN (survival motor neuron)

Motor neuroblasts

Arrests apoptosis of motor neuroblasts



Encodes proteins hamartin and tuberin; TSC1 at 9q34 locus; TSC2 at 16p13.3 locus; both defective in tuberous sclerosis


Shh (Sonic hedgehog)



Hensen's node

Organizer of cephalic mesenchyme before migration of neural



crest; cranial neural tube morphogenesis TOAD-64 (uno-33)

Growth cones

Promotes axonal outgrowth


r1; r3–r8

Formation of mesencephalic– metencephalic boundary; formation of mesencephalon, rostral pons, and cerebellum; essential for expression of En-1; weak dorsal polarizing influence in r3–r8; mitogen


Mesencephalon; r1; r3–r8

Overlaps and redundant with Wnt1 in mesencephalic neuromere and r1; strong dorsal polarizing influence in r3–r8 including spinal cord; differentiation of brainstem nuclei; identity of Purkinje cells


Wnt-7 (wingless)


Differentiation of structures of diencephalon and telencephalon


Wnt-8 (wingless)

Epiblast; primitive streak; r1–r8

Primitive streak formation; segmentation



Zinc finger; differentiation of granule cells


Wnt-1 (wingless)

Wnt-3 (wingless)


An organizer gene is defined as one that programs the differentiation of the neural placode, neural axes, and gradients and segmentation of the neural plate and neural tube; a regulator gene is defined as one that programs the differentiation of specific structures and cellular types in the developing nervous system and conserves their identity and mediates developmental processes such as neuroblast migration or synaptogenesis. The genes are listed alphabetically rather than by function because many of the same genes serve various functions at different stages, as

organizer genes in early ontogenesis and as regulator genes at later periods. This is a partial list of some of the most important in the nervous system of the more than 80,000 genes that have already been identified in the human genome. Developmental genes recognized in invertebrate such as Drosophila, but for which the vertebrate hom*ologue has not yet been identified, are excluded. r1, rhombomere 1; r2, rhombomere 2, and so forth. C omplexes of retinoic acid with its intranuclear receptor form still other transcription factors important in nervous system development, both normal and abnormal (see Retinoic Acid section). A unique transcription factor with coactivation domain requirements, Pit, programs anterior pituitary differentiation (62,63). Growth factors, which also are molecules created by DNA sequences, are other influences on the establishment of the plan of the neural tube. Biologically, they act as transcription factors: bFGF behaves as an auxiliary inductor of the longitudinal axis with a rostrocaudal gradient during the formation of the neural tube (64). Some transcription factors include homeoboxes. These are restricted DNA sequences of 183 base pairs of nucleotides that encode a class of proteins sharing a common or similar 60-amino acid motif termed the homeodomain (27). Homeodomains contain sequencespecific DNA-binding activities and are integral parts of the larger regulatory proteins, the transcription factors. Homeoboxes or homeotic genes are classified into various families with common molecular structure and similar general expression in ontogenesis. Homeoboxes are associated especially with genes that program segmentation and rostrocaudal gradients of the neural tube. Some of the important families of homeobox genes in the development of the vertebrate nervous system are Gsc, Hox, En, Wnt, Shh, Nkx, LIM, and Otx.

Families of Developmental Genes of the Central Nervous System The genes that program the axes and gradients of the neural tube may be classified as families by their similar nucleic acid sequences and also by their similar general functions, although important differences occur within a family in the site or neuromere where each gene is expressed and in the anatomic structures they form. A dorsalizing gene not only has a dorsal territory of expression, but also causes the ventral parts of the neural tube to differentiate as dorsal structures if influences from ventralizing genes do not antagonize them with sufficient strength, and vice versa. A good example is the development of the somite. The sclerotome, which forms cartilage and bone of the vertebral body, normally is situated ventral to the myotome, which forms muscle cells, and the dermatome. Ectopic cells of the floor plate or of the notochord implanted next to the somite of the chick embryo cause a ventralization of the somite, so that excess cartilage and bone are formed and a deficiency of muscle and dermis occurs (65,66). The floor plate or notochord, in this instance, is the ventralizing inductor of the mesodermal somite, and it is now known that the genetic factor responsible is the transcription product of the gene Sonic hedgehog (Shh), which also serves as a strong ventralizing gradient force in the neural tube (25,67,68,69,70). If a section of notochord is implanted ectopically dorsal or lateral to the neural tube, a second floor plate forms opposite the notochord and motor neurons differentiate on either side of it, despite the presence of a normal floor plate and motor neurons in the normal position (71,72). Shh, a strong gene of the ventrodorsal gradient that becomes expressed as early as in the primitive node, has induced the ventralization of a dorsal region of the neural tube or duplicates the neural tube. Such an influence in the human fetus, the so-called split notochord, could be an explanation of the rare cases of diplomyelia or diastematomyelia (73). Excessive Shh, particularly its N-terminus cleavage product, upregulates floor plate differentiation at the expense of motor neuron formation (68) and might even induce duplication of the neuraxis. Furthermore, Shh also exerts a strong influence on the differentiation of ventral and medial structures of the prosencephalon (74), and the defective expression resulting from a mutation of this gene is thought to be the molecular basis of the human malformation holoprosencephaly (75). To establish an equilibrium with genes with a ventralizing influence, other families of genes exercise a dorsalizing influence, causing the differentiation of dorsal structures of the neural tube; the PAX family is an example (74,77). The WNT family also is dorsalizing in the hindbrain; in situ hybridization shows its transcription products expressed diffusely only in the early neuroepithelium and restricted to dorsal regions as the neural tube develops (78). The zinc finger gene Zic2 has a dorsalizing gradient in the forebrain. The rostrocaudal axis of the neural tube and segmentation, or the formation of neuromeres, are directed in large part by a family of 38 genes called Hox genes, which are divided into four groups (28,29,79,80,81,82,83). Each of 13 HOX genes is expressed in certain rhombomeres and not in others (see Table 5.3). In addition to their functions in establishing the compartments or rhombomeres of the brainstem and effecting the differentiation of certain anatomic structures, Hox genes also serve as guides of growth cones that are forming the long descending and ascending pathways between the brain and spinal cord (84). Another important organizer gene expressed early in ontogenesis is Neuro-D, which appears in primitive neuroepithelium just after gastrulation and continues to be expressed throughout fetal life and at maturity, even appearing in cultured cortical neurons (85,86). Neuro-D converts ectoderm from an epidermal to a neural lineage and thus is important in the early differentiation of the neuroepithelium (87). Transcription products of Neuro-D may be cloned from neuroblastoma cell lines expressed in fetal brain and adult cerebellum (88). Neuro-D also serves as a regulator gene for the differentiation of retinal neurons, including photoreceptor cells (89,90). The multiple functions of human Neuro-D are related to at least three subtypes that map to human chromosomes 2q32, 5q23– q31, and 17q12 (91,92). Math 5 also is expressed during the earliest stages of retinal neurogenesis (93) and probably has a close interaction with Neuro-D. Genes that direct the specific differentiation of structures are called regulatory genes, and frequently are the same genes that served as organizer genes in an earlier period. The most important families for the development of the brainstem and midbrain are Engrailed (EN), Wingless (WNT), HOX, EGR, and Paired (PAX). Table 5.3 summarizes the sites of expression and functions of the most important organizer and regulator genes. Genes have peculiar names that do not correspond to their function. At times the same gene is given a slightly different name in vertebrates and invertebrates, despite an identical nucleotide sequence. For example, Sonic hedgehog in vertebrates is simply Hedgehog in invertebrates. Other hedgehog genes in vertebrates are Desert hedgehog and Indian hedgehog, but these do not appear to be involved in the ontogenesis of the neural tube. Many genes exert influences on the expression of others and some serve redundant functions with others. The gene En-1 has a strong domain in the mesencephalic neuromere and also in rhombomere 1, the rhombomere that forms the rostral half of the pons and the cerebellar cortex. This same territory corresponds to the neuromeric expressions of Wnt-1 and Wnt-3. One of the Wnt genes is necessary to augment the expression of En-1; if a loss of Wnt-1 or Wnt-3 occurs by mutation, the other Wnt gene is able to compensate alone, and

no malformation of the brain is observed in hom*ozygotes. The overlapping and redundant expression of these two Wnt genes provides a kind of plasticity at the molecular level for the developing nervous system. If Wnt-1 expression is lost, however, the expression of Wnt-3 is insufficient to compensate in the rostral regions of the future brainstem, and the result is a defective midbrain and pons and cerebellar hypoplasia (39,46,99,150). The genes En-1 and En-2 have similar functions with differences in some details and are demonstrated in the human fetus as well as in the mouse (100). Another complexity in gene interrelationships is that many regulatory genes change their territories of expression in different stages of development, increasing to include more rhombomeres or broader expression early in development and being more restricted in domain later. At times, the expression of a gene in the wrong neuromere, called ectopic expression, interferes with normal development.

Retinoic Acid Retinoic acid, the alcohol of which is vitamin A, is a hydrophobic molecule secreted by the notochord and ependymal floor plate cells (151). Retinoid-binding proteins and receptors are already strongly expressed in mesenchymal cells of the primitive streak and in the preotic region of the early-developing hindbrain (152). Ependymal cells other than those of the floor plate and neuroepithelial cells have retinoic acid receptors but do not secrete this compound. Retinoic acid diffuses across the plasma membrane without requiring active transport and binds to intracellular receptors. It enters the cell nucleus, where it binds to a specific nuclear receptor protein and changes the structural configuration of that protein, enabling it to attach to a specific receptor on a target gene, where the complexes formed by retinoic acid and its receptor then function as a transcription factor for neural induction (153,154). Other transcription factors of developmental genes already mentioned are the basic helix-loop-helix and zinc fingers. Retinoic acid functions as a polarity molecule for determining the anterior and posterior surfaces of limb buds and, in the nervous system, is important in segmentation polarity and is a strong rostrocaudal polarity gradient (2,155,156). Excessive retinoic acid acts on the neural tube of amphibian tadpoles to transform anterior neural tissue to a posterior morphogenesis, resulting in extreme microcephaly and suppression of optic cup formation (154). Failure of optic cup formation may be caused by retinoic acid suppression by genes of the LIM family, such as Islet-3 and Lim-1 (104,107). Retinoic acid upregulates homeobox genes, those of the HOX family and Krox-20 in particular, and causes ectopic expression of these genes in rhombomeres where normally they are not expressed (157). An excess of retinoic acid, whether endogenous or exogenous as in mothers who take an excess of vitamin A during early gestation, results in severe malformations of the hindbrain and spinal cord. A single dose of retinoic acid administered intraperitoneally to maternal hamsters on embryonic day 9.5 results in the C hiari type II malformation and often meningomyelocele in the fetuses (158,159,160). In cell cultures of cloned C NS stem cells from the mouse, retinoic acid enhances neuronal proliferation and astroglial differentiation (161).

SUMMARIZED PRINCIPLES OF GENETIC PROGRAMMING The molecular genetic regulation of neural tube development may be summarized as a series of principles of genetic programming (51). Principle 1: Developmental genes are reused repeatedly. Nature recognizes useful genes and uses them over and over again during embryonic development, but developmental genes play different roles at different stages. An organizer gene of the neural axis or of segmentation may later serve as a regulator gene for the differentiation and maintenance of specific cells of the C NS. Genes of growth factors also are reused at different stages; the fibroblast growth factor gene EGF8 is active during gastrulation but later contributes to cardiac, craniofacial, midbrain, cerebellar, and forebrain development (162). The classification of a gene as an organizer or a regulator, therefore, depends on the specific embryonic stage and its function at that stage of development. Principle 2: Domains of organizer genes change in successive stages. The domains, or territories of expression, of organizer genes generally are diffuse initially and become more localized or confined to certain neuromeres as the neural tube develops. Principle 3: Relative gene domains may differ in various neuromeres. The domain of one gene may be dorsal to another in rostral neuromeres and ventral to it in caudal neuromeres at any given stage of development. An example is the case of Nkx2.2 and Nkx6.1, both of which are coexpressed throughout most of the length of the neural tube. The domain of Nkx2.2 is dorsal to that of Nkx6.1 in the diencephalic and mesencephalic neuromeres but shifts to a position ventral to that of Nkx6.1 in the hindbrain and spinal cord (118,119). Principle 4: Some genes activate, regulate, or suppress the expression of others. Some organizer genes act sequentially, so that one already-expressed gene initiates the expression of another that follows or that becomes coexpressed. A failure of the first gene thus may result in a lack of expression of others, producing a more extensive developmental defect than might be anticipated from the loss of the first gene alone. An example is the normal cascade of Pax-2 activating Wnt-1 at the mesencephalic– metencephalic boundary at the beginning of neuromere formation; Wnt-1 then activates En-1 and En-2. Another example is the activation by Shh of Nkx-2.1 in the rostral neural plate and Nkx-6.1 in the caudal neural plate (118). Some genes act by inhibiting or antagonizing the genetic programs of others. Notch and Achaete-scute change the fate of undifferentiated cells so that they form neuroepithelium and signal the formation of the neural plate; Numb and Delta antagonize these genes and inhibit neural differentiation. Bone morphogenic protein 4 (BMP4), expressed in Hensen's node, inhibits ectodermal germ cells from forming neural tissue and promotes epidermal differentiation, but Noggin inhibits BMP4, thus allowing neural plate formation to proceed (24,25). The formation of dorsal structures including the neural plate in the early embryo depends on the absence of BMP4 expression. Wnt-1 and Wnt-3 cause neural crest cells to form melanocytes instead of proceeding with neuronal fates (163). All neuroepithelial cells are preprogrammed to form neurons; glial and ependymal cells can form only when this program is inhibited (24,101,164). Principle 5: Defective homeoboxes usually have reduced domains. A defective homeobox gene, especially one of segmentation, usually is expressed in fewer neuromeres than normal, a reduction in its domain; it may even lose all of its expression. These changes occur in the hom*ozygous and not the heterozygous state of genetic animal models. Principle 6: Some genes may compensate for the loss of others if their domains overlap: redundancy and synergy. Some genes coexpressed in the same neuromeres may compensate, in part or in full, for the loss of expression of one of the pair, so that anatomic development, maturation, and function of the nervous system all proceed normally. An example is the coexpression of Wnt-1 and Wnt3 in the myelencephalic rhombomeres. If Wnt-1 is defective in rhombomeres 4 to 9 of the mouse but Wnt-3 continues to be normally expressed, the hindbrain develops normally. This principle is known as redundancy. In the continued expression in adult life of some regulator genes to conserve cell identity, oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens neurons, but not hypoglossal or spinal motor neurons, are conserved by Wnt-1– and LIM-family genes. These genes can compensate for loss of expression of other genes expressed in all motor neurons to preserve normal extraocular muscle innervation in spinal muscular atrophy. Specification of specific motor neuron

identity also is provided by the MNR2 gene product (114). Neurogenin is another gene that, after its organizer function of directing neuronal lineage, has a regulator function in determining the type of neuron in both the central and peripheral nervous systems (115,116,117). A variation of the principle of redundancy is synergy, cooperation of two or more genes to produce effects that none is capable of achieving alone. An example is the synergy between Pax-2 and Pax-5 in midbrain and cerebellar development (129). If one of this pair is lost, partial but not total compensation may occur. Principle 7: An organizer gene may be upregulated to be expressed in ectopic domains. C ertain molecules may act as teratogens in the developing nervous system if the embryo is exposed to an excess, whether the excess is exogenous or endogenous in origin. The inductive mechanism is the upregulation of organizer genes so that they become expressed in ectopic domains such as in neuromeres where they do not normally play a role in development. An example is retinoic acid, which induces ectopic expression of Hox genes. Upregulation of some genes may suppress the expression of others, also contributing to dysgenesis. The overexpression of LIM proteins containing only Islet-3 homeodomains in the zebrafish causes an early termination of expression of Wnt-1, En-2, and Pax-2 in the midbrain neuromere and rhombomere 1. This results in severe mesencephalic and metencephalic defects and prevents the formation of optic vesicles. These defects can be rescued by the simultaneous overexpression of Islet-3 (165). Principle 8: Developmental genes regulate cell proliferation to conserve constant ratios of synaptically related neurons. An example of this principle is the constant, fixed ratio maintained between Purkinje cells and granule cells in the cerebellar cortex (147). This ratio is lower in less complex mammals than in humans. The ratio was 1:778 in the mouse and 1:2,991 in the human in one study (166) and 1:449 in the rat and 1:3,300 in the human in another (167). To regulate granule cell proliferation, Shh and its receptor Patched (Ptc) are important genes. Ptc protein is localized to granule cells and Shh protein to Purkinje cells, thus providing a molecular substrate for signaling between these synaptically related neurons to establish the needed amount of granule cell production (124,125,126). Shh protein in Purkinje cells acts as a mitogen on external granule cells (127). To make the system even more complex, Ptc also interacts through activation of another gene, Smoothened. A hemizygous deletion of ptc in mice results in uncontrolled, excessive proliferation of granule cells and often also leads to neoplastic transformation to medulloblastoma (124). Mutations in the human PTC gene are associated with sporadic basal cell carcinomas of the skin and also primitive neuroectodermal tumors of the cerebellum, so that this gene is involved in at least a subset of human medulloblastomas (128). Theoretically, the focal loss of PTC expression also might be a basis for dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum, also known as Lhermitte-Duclos disease, a focal hamartoma, rather than a neoplasm (73).

NEURULATION Neurulation is the bending of the neural placode to form the neural tube. This process requires both extrinsic and intrinsic mechanical forces in addition to the dorsalizing and ventralizing genetic effects described in the Patterning of the Neural Tube: Axes and Gradients of Growth and Differentiation section (Table 5.4). This bending of the neural placode to form a closed tube is called primary neurulation. The term secondary neurulation refers only to the most caudal part of the spinal cord (i.e., conus medullaris) that develops from the neuroepithelium caudal to the site of posterior neuropore closure. This part of the spinal cord forms not as a tube, but rather as a solid cord of neural cells in which ependymal cells differentiate in its core and canalize the cord, often giving rise to minor aberrations (168). It was previously believed that this is the manner in which the entire spinal cord of fishes is formed, but dorsal folding of the neural plate actually occurs as in other vertebrates (169). These forces arise in part from the growth of the surrounding mesodermal tissues on either side of the neural tube, the future somites (170). After surgical removal of mesoderm and endoderm from one side of the neuroepithelium in the experimental animal, the neural tube still closes but is rotated and becomes asymmetric (171). The mesoderm appears to be important for orientation but not for closure of the neural tube. The expansion of the surface epithelium of the embryo is the principal extrinsic force for the folding of the neuroepithelium to form the neural tube (172). C ells of the neural placode are mobile and migrate beneath the surface ectoderm, raising the lateral margins of the placode toward the dorsal midline. The growth of the whole embryo itself does not appear to be an important factor because neurulation proceeds equally well in anamniotes (e.g., amphibians), which do not grow during this period, and in amniotes (e.g., mammals), which grow rapidly at this time (173).

TABLE 5.4 Factors Involved in Closure of Neuroepithelium to form the Neural Tube

1. Extrinsic Mechanical Forces 1. Surrounding mesodermal tissues 2. Surface epithelium 2. Intrinsic Mechanical Forces 1. Wedge shape of floor plate cells 2. Differential growth in dorsal and ventral zones 3. Adhesion molecules 4. Orientation of mitotic spindles of neuroepithelium 5. Large fetal central canal 3. Molecular Genetic Programming 1. Induction of floor plate by Sonic hedgehog 2. Ventralizing gene transcription products 3. Dorsalizing gene transcription products 4. Genetic transcription products that regulate axonal guidance, both attraction and repulsion, across midline and in longitudinal axis 4. Separation of Neural Crest

Among the intrinsic forces of the neuroepithelium, the cells of the floor plate have a wedge shape, narrow at the apex and broad at the base, which facilitates bending (174). Although the width of the floor plate is small, its site in the ventral midline is crucial and sufficient to allow it to have a significant influence. It represents yet another aspect of floor plate induction by the notochord, besides its influence on the differentiation of neural cells (175). Ependymal cells that form the floor plate are the first neural cells to differentiate, and they induce a growth of the parenchyma of the ventral zone more than in the dorsal regions (73,176); this mechanical effect also may facilitate the curving of the neural placode. The direction of proliferation of new cells in the mitotic cycle, determined in part by the orientation of the mitotic spindle, becomes another mechanical force shaping the neural tube (173,174). Adhesion molecules are probably yet another important mechanical factor for neurulation. In later stages, the ependymal-lined central canal, which is much larger in the fetus than in the newborn, may have a role in exerting a centrifugal force for the tubular shape. In early spinal cord development, the central canal is a tall, narrow, midline slit, and only later in fetal life does it assume a rounded contour as seen in transverse sections (73). Neuroepithelial cells of the neural placode or plate downregulate the polarity of their plasma membrane, so that apical and basilar surfaces are not as distinct, before neural tube closure; cell differentiation in general involves such changes in cell polarity (177). Finally, the rostrocaudal orientation of the majority of mitotic spindles of the neuroepithelium and the direction in which they push by the mass of daughter cells they form also influence the shape of the neural tube (178). The neural tube closes in the dorsal midline first in the cervical region, with the closure then extending rostrally and caudally, so that the anterior neuropore of the human embryo closes at 24 days and the posterior neuropore closes at 28 days, the distances from the cervical region being unequal. This traditional view of a continuous, zipper-like closure is an oversimplification. In the mouse embryo, the neural tube closes in the cranial region at four distinct sites, with the closure proceeding bidirectionally or unidirectionally and in general synchrony with somite formation (179,180). An intermittent pattern of anterior neural tube closure involving multiple sites also has been described in human embryos (181). In this closure, the principal rostral neuropore closes bidirectionally (182) to form the lamina terminalis, an essential primordium of the forebrain (73). A rare anomaly of a human tail may occur. A true vestigial tail is the most distal remnant of the embryonic tail and contains adipose and connective tissue, central bundles of striated muscle, blood vessels, and nerves and is covered by skin, but bone, cartilage, and spinal cord are lacking. Pseudotails are usually an anomalous elongation of the coccygeal vertebrae. In many instances, they contain lipomas, gliomas, teratomas, or even a thin, elongated parasitic fetus (183). Pseudotails often cause tethering of the spinal cord or may even be associated with spinal dysraphism (184,185).

EXPRESSION OF REGULATOR GENES AFTER THE FETAL PERIOD: CONSERVATION OF CELL IDENTITY Many developmental genes continue to be expressed after the period of ontogenesis and into adult life. In particular, those that direct the differentiation of particular types of cells also may preserve the unique identity of these distinct cells in the mature state. In the cerebellar cortex, Wnt-3 preserves the identity of Purkinje cells (147); Pax-3 is responsible for the preservation of Bergmann glia (77); and granule cells are supported by several genes, the most important being Pax-6, Zic-1, and Math-1 (77,113,148,149). If one of these genes fails to be expressed, there may be compensation because of the principle of redundancy, but if this phenomenon is incomplete or fails to occur, the motor neurons may never differentiate or may later die by apoptosis and disappear. Theoretically, although not yet proved, such a mechanism might explain human cases of granuloprival cerebellar hypoplasia in which a sparse number or total absence of granule cells is seen in the presence of a normal complement of Purkinje cells and other cellular elements of the cerebellar cortex (73). On the other hand, the preservation of Wnt-3 expression in Purkinje cells also depends in part on its relations with granule cells (147), so that synaptic contacts probably also impart genetic information between mature neurons. Another example of genetic expression to preserve cell identity is in motor neurons. The earliest stimulus of motor neuron differentiation is Shh, induced by the notochord and floor plate (67,68,70,174). Despite the similar morphologic appearance and function of ocular and spinal motor neurons, differences exist in the genes that program their development and maintenance. Wnt-1– knockout mice fail to develop oculomotor and trochlear nuclei and their extraocular muscles are altered or deficient, but spinal and hypoglossal motor neurons are not altered (65,145,146). Even among the three pairs of motor nuclei subserving the various extraocular muscles, abducens motor neurons may be selectively involved or spared in relation to motor neurons of the trochlear and oculomotor nuclei (145). Genes of the large LIM family, particularly Lim-1, Lim-2, Islet-1, and Islet-2, also are expressed in motor neurons, and each individual gene in this family defines a subclass of motor neurons for the topographic projection of axonal projections (103,108,186). Insulin-like growth factor also has been identified as a regulator of apoptosis of developing motor neurons and may express a differential effect (180). These differences in genetic programming of motor neurons in various neuromeres perhaps explain oculomotor sparing with progressive degeneration of spinal and hypoglossal motor neurons in spinal muscular atrophy (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease).

ANATOMIC AND PHYSIOLOGIC PROCESSES OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Redundancy One of the most important general principles of neuroembryology is that of redundancy. The redundancy of some genes with overlapping domains and their ability to compensate for lack of expression of others has already been mentioned in the Patterning of the Neural Tube: Axes and Gradients of Growth and Differentiation section. Another redundancy is the production of neuroblasts. An overproduction by 30% to 50% of neuroblasts occurs in all regions of the nervous system, depending on the number of symmetric mitotic cycles, followed by apoptosis of the surplus cells that are not needed to be matched to targets. Immature axonal projections are redundant because many collaterals form diffuse projections, followed during maturation by retraction of many to leave fewer but more specific connections. Synapses also are overly produced, followed by synaptic pruning to provide greater precision.

Embryologic Zones of the Neural Tube After neurulation, the closed neural tube has an architecture of two concentric rings as viewed in transverse section: The inner ring is the ventricular zone, consisting of the proliferative, pseudostratified columnar neuroepithelium; the outer ring is the marginal zone, a cell-sparse region of fibers and extracellular matrix proteins (73). Details of the mitotic patterns in the ventricular zone are discussed later (see Neuroepithelial C ell Proliferation section). With further development, four concentric zones appear. A subventricular zone outside the proliferative ventricular zone is composed of

postmitotic, premigratory neuroblasts and glioblasts and radial glial cells. After radial migration of neuroblasts begins, an intermediate zone is formed by the radial glial processes and the migratory neuroblasts adherent to them; this intermediate zone eventually becomes the deep subcortical white matter of the cerebral hemispheres. In the cerebrum, migratory neuroblasts destined to form the cerebral cortex begin to form an unlaminated cortical plate within the marginal zone. This event divides that zone into an outermost, cell-sparse region, thereafter known as the molecular layer (eventually layer 1 of the mature cerebral cortex), and the innermost portion of the marginal zone isolated by the intervening cortical plate, known as the subplate zone. This region contains many neurons that form transitory pioneer axons to establish the corticospinal and other long projection pathways, but eventually the subplate zone becomes incorporated into layer 6 of the maturing cortex and disappears as a distinct anatomic region. In the brainstem and spinal cord, the two and later four concentric zones clearly identified in the cerebrum are similar, although in modified form. They become even further altered in the cerebellum with an apparent inversion, the granule cells migrating from the surface inward rather than from the periventricular region outward. An ependymal epithelium eventually forms at the ventricular surface of the ventricular zone, creating an additional, innermost zone not present in the embryo except for the floor plate in the ventral midline (see Role of the Fetal Ependyma section).

Neuroepithelial Cell Proliferation Early cleavages in the fertilized ovum to form the blastula and the blastomere (gastrula) involve a simple proliferation of cells cycling between the mitotic (M-phase) and resting (S-phase) states, a process similar to DNA replication in bacteria. As the neuroectoderm forms in the epiblast at postovulatory week 3 in the human embryo, it becomes organized as a pseudostratified columnar epithelium, a sheet of bipolar cells all oriented so that one cytoplasmic process extends to the dorsal (future ventricular) surface and the other process extends to the ventral (future pial) surface. The nucleus of each of these spindle-shaped cells moves to and fro within its own cytoplasmic extensions. M-phase occurs at or near the ventricular surface and S-phase occurs at the other end. Transitional periods between these two states are known as gap phases: G1 when the nucleus moves distally toward the pial surface and G2 when the nucleus approaches the ventricular surface (187). The introduction of gap phases in the mitotic cycle allows for adjustments to be made in the replication of DNA during G1, and the sequence ensures that G2 cells do not undergo an extra round of S-phase, which might lead to a change in ploidy as the chromosomes segregate in the dividing cell (188). In this way, errors may be corrected before the next mitosis, thus allowing for more plasticity than the all-or-none principle of simple cell division.

TABLE 5.5 Generation of Motor Neurons in the Lumbar Spinal Cord of the Chick Embryo

Progenitor stem cells


Motor neuroblasts generated


Mature motor neurons required


Motor neurons generated in seven symmetric mitotic cycles


Motor neurons generated in eight symmetric mitotic cycles


From Burek MJ, Oppenheim RW. Programmed cell death in the developing nervous system. Brain Pathol 1996;6:427–446. With permission.

Mitoses continue to occur at the ventricular surface as the neural plate folds and becomes a neural tube. The differentiation of an ependyma at the ventricular surface signals the termination of mitotic activity and indeed of the ventricular zone because the remaining cells in the periventricular region all are postmitotic, premigratory neuroblasts and glioblasts, hence, of the subventricular zone (73,174). Because mitoses increase cell populations exponentially, a finite number of mitotic cycles is needed to produce the requisite number of neurons needed in a given part of the nervous system. In the cerebrum of the rat, 10 mitotic cycles in the ventricular zone generate all the neurons of the cerebral cortex; in the human, 33 mitotic cycles generate a much larger number of neurons than simply three times the number in the rat cortex (190). Eight symmetric mitotic cycles are required to produce the minimum essential number of motor neuroblasts in the spinal cord of the chick (Table 5.5) (123). The orientation of the mitotic spindle at the ventricular surface is important in the fate of the daughter cells after each mitosis because certain gene products are distributed asymmetrically within the mother cell and because with some orientations both daughter cells do not retain their attachments to the ventricular wall (122,190,191). Notch and Numb are genes with antagonistic functions, situated at opposite poles of the neuroepithelial cell. If the cleavage plane of the mitotic spindle is perpendicular to the ventricular surface, the daughter cells each retain an attachment to that surface and inherit equal amounts of Notch and Numb. This situation is called symmetric cleavage and both daughter cells reenter the mitotic cycle in the same manner as their common precursor cell. If, however, the mitotic spindle is parallel to the ventricular surface, the two daughter cells are unequal because only one can retain an attachment

to the ventricle, and one inherits most of the Notch and the other inherits most of the Numb gene product. This situation is asymmetric cleavage. Only one of the cells, the one at the ventricular surface, reenters the mitotic cycle, and the other, more distal cell has completed its final mitosis and rapidly moves away from its sister to begin differentiation as a neuroblast and prepare for radial migration from the subventricular zone. Notch and Numb have additional distinctive functions later in cortical neuronogenesis (121). Neuronal polarity, establishing from which side of the cell the axon will sprout and from which cell surfaces the dendrites will form, is determined at least in part at the time of the final mitosis. Microtubule arrays are the most fundamental components of the mitotic spindle, forming during prophase as the centrosome replicates; the minus ends of the microtubules remain associated with the centrosome, whereas the plus ends emanate outward, with the duplicated centrosomes driven to opposite poles of the cell as a direct result of microtubule organization. The mitotic spindle consists of regions in which microtubules are uniformly oriented in tandem and in parallel and other regions where the microtubules are more haphazardly oriented; the former becomes the axonal end of the cell and the latter, the opposite pole or the dendritic end (192). In the postnatal human infant, mitotic activity of neuronal precursors continues to be seen, although sparse, in the outer half of the external granule cell layer of the cerebellum; external granule cells do not complete their migration until after 1 year of age; hence, the potential for regeneration after prenatal and even postnatal loss of some of these cells still exists. Another well-documented region of continued neuronal turnover in the human nervous system is the primary olfactory neurons (193). A few neuroblasts appear to undergo division even during migration, which are exceptions to the general rule (194). A population of quiescent neuroepithelial stem cells in the subventricular zone of the mammalian forebrain retains a proliferative potential even in the adult (195). Great interest has been shown in this inconspicuous and sparse cell population because of its potential in neuronal regeneration and repair of the damaged brain and spinal cord.

Apoptosis In every region of the nervous system, an overgeneration of neuroblasts occurs, more than are required at maturity by 30% to 70%. Surplus cells survive for a period of days or weeks and then spontaneously undergo a cascade of degenerative changes and disappear without inflammatory responses to cell death or the proliferation of glial scars. This physiologic process of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, was discovered in 1949 by Hamburger and Levi-Montalcini, who demonstrated its occurrence in the spinal dorsal root ganglion of the chick embryo (196). The phenomenon subsequently has been confirmed by numerous other investigators, and indeed it is a general principle of development in all animals, from the simplest worms to humans, and involves all organ systems, not just the nervous system (197,198,199,200). Examples of apoptosis that continues throughout life are found in any tissue that has a constant turnover of cells, such as the 120-day half-life of erythrocytes and the continuous replacement of intestinal mucosal epithelial cells (of mesodermal origin) and of epidermal cells of the skin (of ectodermal origin). Apoptosis differs from cell death by necrosis (e.g., from ischemia, hypoxia, toxins, infections) in several important morphologic details in addition to the absence of tissue response to the loss, except for the removal of the cellular debris by phagocytic microglial cells (i.e., modified macrophages). In neural cell apoptosis, the sequence begins with shrinkage of the nucleus, condensation of chromatin, and increased electron opacity of the cell. These events are followed by disappearance of the Golgi apparatus, loss of endoplasmic reticulum, and disaggregation of polyribosomes; final steps are the formation of ribosomal crystals and the breakdown of the nuclear membrane (196). Mitochondria are preserved until late stages of apoptosis, whereas they swell and disintegrate early in cellular necrosis. Apoptosis is genetically patterned, as with other events in nervous system development. The process is programmed into every cell, but its expression is blocked by the inhibitory influence of certain genes, such as bcl-2 and the immediate early proto-oncogene c-fos, and this genetic regulation also is modulated by trophic factors of other cells in the vicinity that preserve metabolic integrity. For example, nerve growth factor and bFGF block cell death and preserve the identity of various cell lineages in the nervous system (201,202,203,204). The apoptotic process also may be accelerated or retarded by metabolic factors, such as plasma concentrations of thyroid hormone, serum ammonia, local neurotoxins, including excitatory amino acids such as aspartate (204), lactic acidosis, and imbalances of calcium and electrolytes. Insulin-like growth factor regulates apoptosis in avian motor neuroblasts (186a). Synaptic relations are another environmental factor within the brain that affects apoptosis: An inverse relationship exists between the rate of apoptosis of spinal motor neurons and synaptogenesis. On the afferent side, neurons degenerate if they fail to be innervated or if they lose their entire afferent supply because of the loss of presynaptic neurons. This phenomenon is called transsynaptic degeneration and is exemplified in the lateral genicular body after optic nerve lesions and in the inferior olivary nucleus after destruction of the central tegmental tract. On the efferent side, motor neurons degenerate if they fail to match with target muscle fibers or if their muscle targets are removed, as after amputation of a limb bud of an embryo or even the amputation of an extremity in the adult. Proteins programmed from exons 7 and 8 of the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene at the 5q11–q13 locus are defective in spinal muscular atrophy (Werdnig-Hoffmann and Kugelberg-Welander diseases); this is an example of a gene that normally arrests apoptosis in spinal motor neurons after all muscular targets are matched (135,136), as earlier predicted by Sarnat (205; see C hapter 16). This degenerative disease thus occurs because a physiologic process in the early fetus becomes pathologic in late fetal life and the postnatal period because of its failure to stop, with continued progressive death of motor neurons. Apoptosis occurs in two phases. The first is the programmed death of incompletely differentiated cells and represents the numerically most important phase of this process; even completely undifferentiated neuroepithelial cells undergo apoptosis, but the factors that select these short life cycles are poorly understood (206). The second phase is the cell death of mature, well-differentiated neurons. This process continues in the early postnatal period in the rat cervical spinal cord (207).

“Transitory” Neurons of the Fetal Brain C ertain populations of cells of the fetal brain serve an important function in development but are not required after maturity. An example is the radial glial cell of the fetal cerebrum that guides migratory neuroblasts from the subventricular zone to the cerebral cortical plate. After all neuroblasts and glioblasts have migrated, these radial glia retract their long processs, which spans almost the entire cerebral mantle, to become fibrillary astrocytes of the subcortical white matter of the mature brain. External granule cells of the cerebellum migrate to the mature internal granular layer until the external layer no longer exists after 18 months of age. Subplate pyramidal neurons of the early fetal cerebral cortex, deep to the cortical plate, project pioneer axons to initially form the internal capsule and corticospinal tract. They later become incorporated into layer 6 so that the subplate zone no longer is microscopically recognizable (208,209). These examples identify cells that appear to be transient but do not really disappear or degenerate; they only change their site and shape.

The C ajal-Retzius neurons of the molecular layer of the immature cerebral cortex are another important population that appears to be present only in the fetus, begins to decrease in density at about 32 weeks' gestation, and is sparse in the term neonate and rare in the adult brain. It was previously thought to disappear by apoptosis (210), but it is now known that these neurons persist but are so “diluted” during late fetal and postnatal life by the growth of the brain that they become extremely sparse (209,211,212). The C ajal-Retzius neuron already is present and mature in the marginal layer of the telencephalon before the first wave of radial migration from the subventricular zone as a part of the plexus that exists before formation of the cortical plate (73,213,214,215,216). The cells may migrate rostrally from the midbrain neuromere at the time of neural tube formation (209). Other authors contend that they arise in the ganglionic eminence and travel tangentially, because they synthesize gamma-aminobutyric acid and express the LIM gene Lhx6 (217,218). They are bipolar neurons that form axons and dendritic trunks running parallel to the pial surface of the brain. With formation of the cortical plate, axonal collaterals of C ajal-Retzius neurons plunge into the cortical plate to create the first intrinsic cortical synaptic circuits by forming synapses on neurons of layer 6 from the earliest waves of radial migration. C ajal-Retzius neurons also appear to play an important role in radial neuroblast migration and in the developing laminar architecture of the cerebral cortex. The Reelin gene–associated antigen in the reeler mouse model is expressed strongly in C ajal-Retzius neurons and is crucial to the laminar organization of cortical neurons (130,131,219). Lack of C ajal-Retzius cells in embryonic mice results in disruption of radial glial fibers and cortical dysgenesis (220). These neurons also are probably important for the organization of inhibitory hippocampal commisural connections (221,222). This gene programs an extracellular glycoprotein of the same name that is secreted by C ajal-Retzius cells in the cerebrum and by external granule cells in the cerebellum and without which the laminar architecture of the cortex is disrupted severely. C ajal-Retzius cells also strongly express the LIS family of genes, which have been shown to be defective in lissencephaly type I (Miller-Dieker syndrome) (109). An excess of persistent C ajal-Retzius neurons in the mature brain, by contrast, is associated with polymicrogyria (223). C ajal-Retzius cells synthesize gamma-aminobutyric acid as their principal neurotransmitter and probably acetylcholine as well; immunocytochemical reactivity to calcium-binding proteins suggests that they represent a heterogeneous population (209,211,224). The subpial granular layer of Brun over the cerebral cortex is composed of astrocytes, by contrast with the neuronal external granular layer in the cerebellar cortex. These subpial astrocytes are prominent at 26 to 32 weeks' gestation in the human fetus or preterm neonate and are nearly gone by 40 weeks, having migrated into the cortex to become protoplasmic astrocytes (5,73). In summary, the apparent populations of “transitory” cells of the brain are really not transitory at all.

Role of the Fetal Ependyma The ependyma of the mature brain is little more than a decorative lining of the ventricular system, serving minor functions in the transport of ions and small molecules between the ventricles and the cerebral parenchyma and perhaps having a small immunoprotective role. The fetal ependyma, by contrast, is an essential and dynamic structure that contributes to a number of developmental processes (73,176,225). The floor plate is the first region of the neuroepithelium to differentiate as specific cells. It forms the ventral midline of the ependyma in the spinal cord and brainstem as far rostrally as the midbrain, but a floor plate is not recognized in the prosencephalon, perhaps not in diencephalic neuromeres because of the infundibulum in the ventral midline, or in the telencephalon. The floor plate has an active expression of Shh and contributes to the differentiation of motor neurons and of other parts of the ependyma. It also secretes retinoic acid, unlike other ependymal cells that merely have retinoid receptors. The ependyma develops in a precise temporal and spatial pattern. The last surfaces of the ventricular system to be completely covered by ependyma are in the lateral ventricles at 22 weeks' gestation (225). In some parts of the neuraxis, it is advantageous for ependymal differentiation to be delayed as long as possible to permit the requisite numbers of neuroblasts to be produced in the ventricular zone because once the ependyma forms in a particular region, all mitotic activity ceases at the ventricular surface (176,225,226,227). One function of the fetal ependyma, therefore, is to regulate the arrest of mitotic proliferation of neuroepithelial cells. The fetal ependyma is structurally different from the adult version. Rather than a simple cuboidal epithelium as in the adult, it is a pseudostratified columnar epithelium, each cell having at least a slender cytoplasmic process contacting the ventricular surface even though its nucleus may be at some distance. This arrangement is needed so that ependymal cells do not divide after differentiation, and a provision is required for enough cells to cover the entire expanding ventricular surface. With growth of the fetus, the extra layers of ependymal cells become thinned as the ependyma spreads to cover the expanding ventricular surface. At the basal surface of fetal ependymal cells is a process that radiates into the parenchyma. This process may reach the pial surface of the spinal cord and brainstem but never spans the entire cerebral hemisphere and only extends into the subventricular zone (i.e., germinal matrix) and into the deeper portions of the intermediate zone. The fetal ependyma also differs from the adult version in expressing certain intermediate filament proteins, such as vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein, and some other molecules such as S-100β protein (225). As in the adult, the fetal ependyma is ciliated at its apical (i.e., ventricular) surface. Ependymal cells are important elements in guiding the intermediate trajectories of axonal growth cones (227,228). In some places, the basal processes of fetal ependymal cells actually form mechanical tunnels to guide axonal growth in developing long tracts. Ependymal cells and their processes also secrete molecules that attract or repel axons and may be specific for some and not for other axons. Floor plate ependymal cells synthesize netrin, a diffusible neurotrophic factor, permitting the passage of commissural axons but repelling fibers of longitudinal tracts (229,230,231). Netrin may be bifunctional, acting as attractants of decussating axons at some sites, such as the floor plate in the spinal cord, but as repellants in other sites, such as trochlear axons (230). In the developing dorsal columns of the spinal cord, the dorsal median raphé formed by ependymal cells of the roof plate prevents the wandering to the wrong side of the spinal cord of rostrally growing axons by secreting a proteoglycan, keratan sulfate, that strongly repels axonal growth cones (227). Ependymal processes do not guide migratory neuroblasts, despite their appearance resembling radial glial fibers. The loss of S-100β protein from ependymal cells of the lateral ventricles appears to coincide with the end of cell migration from the subventricular zone and the beginning conversion of radial glial cells into mature astrocytes (176). Whether the ependyma is inducing this conversion is uncertain, but circ*mstantial evidence suggests such a function.

Neuroblast Migration Almost no neurons occupy sites in the mature human brain that are the sites where these cells underwent their terminal mitosis and began differentiation. In some simple vertebrates, such as the salamander, mature neurons often are situated in the periventricular zone where they originated (232), but in humans, such periventricular maturation is regarded as heterotopic and pathologic. Neuroblasts thus migrate to sites often distant from their birthplace to establish the needed synaptic relations with both similar and different types of neurons and to send axonal projections grouped with similar fibers to form tracts or fascicles to distant sites along the neuraxis. The synaptic architecture of the cerebral or cerebellar cortices would not be possible without such neuroblast migration.

Several mechanisms subserve neuroblast migration. The most important from the standpoint of transporting the majority of neuroblasts, whether into cortical or nuclear structures, is the use of radial glial fiber guides. In the cerebrum, glial cells of the subventricular zone develop a long, slender process that spans the entire cerebral mantle to terminate as an end-foot on the pial membrane at the surface of the brain (73,233). These specialized radial glial cells are transitory and, after all migration is complete, they retract their radial process and mature to become fibrillary astrocytes of the subcortical white matter. The radial glial process of these cells serves a unique function during fetal life of guiding migratory cells, both neuroblasts and glioblasts, from the subventricular zone or germinal matrix to their destination in the cerebral cortex or in other forebrain structures. They perform this function as a monorail, with migratory cells actually gliding along their surface. Fetal ependymal cells also have basal processes that extend into the germinal matrix, but they do not reach as far as the cortex or even into the deep white matter, differ morphologically, and serve entirely different functions that do not include the guidance of migratory cells (73,176). In the cerebellum, the specialized Bergmann glial cells, which occupy the Purkinje cell layer and have radiating processes that extend to the surface of the cerebellar cortex, provide a similar function for the migration inward of granule cells from the fetal external granular layer to the mature internal site within the folia (73). Bergmann cells and their processes persist into adult life, unlike the change that occurs before birth in the radial glial cells of the cerebrum. In addition to the radial migration of neuroblasts into the cortical plate along radial glial fibers, a tangential migration along axons also occurs, so that the columns of neurons in the cortex are not the sole progeny of one or a few progenitor neuroepithelial cells, but are mixed with cells arising at some distance away (see later discussion). The transport of migratory neuroepithelial cells along the radial glial fiber requires a number of adhesion molecules to prevent the cell from detaching too early. Adhesion molecules also lubricate their path of travel and perhaps provide nutrition to the cells as they move and continuously change their position in relation to capillaries within the white matter parenchyma (234). These molecules are secreted either by (a) the migratory neuroblast itself, (b) the radial glial cell, or (c) others already present in the extracellular matrix. Astrotactin is an example of a protein molecule produced by the neuroblast during migration that helps adhere the cell to the radial glial fiber and is essential in the establishment of the laminar architecture of the neocortex, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, and cerebellar cortex (235). The gene that encodes astrotactin is also related to the synthesis of epidermal growth factor and fibronectin (235). Examples of molecules synthesized by the radial glial cell for purposes of neuroblast adhesion are S-100β protein (174) and L1-neural cell adhesion molecule (L1-NC AM) (215); the defective expression of the gene that regulates the L1-NC AM protein results in polymicrogyria, pachygyria, and X-linked recessive fetal hydrocephalus (105). Other molecules synthesized by the radial glial cell also have been identified (236). Some molecules contributing to cell adhesion, such as fibronectin, laminins, and collagen type IV, needed for the formation of extracellular basem*nt membranes, are found in the extracellular matrix (237). In addition to providing a substrate for normal neuroblast and glioblast migration, the motility and infiltration of brain parenchyma by neoplastic cells of neural origin depends largely on extracellular matrix proteins. Reelin (Reln) is a gene and glycoprotein transcription product secreted by C ajal-Retzius neurons in the cerebrum and by external granule cells in the cerebellum that is essential to terminal migration and the laminal architecture of cortices. The reeler mouse is a model that lacks expression of the reln gene and exhibits severe disruption of laminated structures of the brain (130,131). Another gene and its protein, Disabled-1 (Dab-1), act downstream of Reln in a signaling pathway of laminar organization, functioning in phosphorylation-dependent intracellular signal transduction (95). Not all cells migrating within the developing brain use radial glial fibers. Some migrations proceed along the axons of earlier and now established cells in the spinal cord, brainstem, olfactory bulb, and cerebellum, using the axon in the same manner as a radial glial fiber. Tangential migrations perpendicular to the radial glial fibers also occur in the cerebral cortex and contribute to a mixture of clones in any given region so that all neurons are not from the same neuroepithelial stem cells originating in the same zone of the germinal matrix (238,239,240,241,242). These neuroblasts migrate not on glial processes, but along axons of other, more mature neurons (242). The site of origin of these cells migrating tangentially is not well documented, but they begin their tangential course outside the proliferative ventricular zone (240). Some may arise in the ganglionic eminence and provide some C ajal-Retzius neurons (217,218). They might even represent the persistent stem cells that have since the 1990s been recognized in the adult brain and become of great interest because of their potential value in regeneration of the damaged nervous system if they can be stimulated and mobilized. How these tangential migrations occur, skipping from one radial glial fiber to another or traveling between radial glia, is incompletely resolved. The migration of interneurons from the basal forebrain to the neocortex is mediated by the Distalless (Dlx) family of genes (243), but little more is known about the genetic basis of tangential migration. At the surface of the cerebrum, the migratory neuroblasts reverse direction so that the earlier migrations are displaced into deeper layers of the cortical plate by the more recent arrivals. Layer 6 therefore represents the earliest wave of radial neuroblast migration from the subventricular zone, and layer 2 consists of the last neurons to migrate. The C ajal-Retzius cells of the molecular zone, which were in place before the first radial migrations occurred (214,215,216), are important to the architectural integrity of the developing cortex and appear to influence cell placement within the cortical plate, even before distinct lamination occurs. The pial membrane and the subpial granular layer of Brun (which in the human fetal cerebrum is a transitory layer of glial cells, unlike the cerebellar cortex, in which the external granule cell layer is neuroblasts) are important in reversing the direction of migration as cells arrive at the surface. Deficiency of these components in certain malformations, such as holoprosencephaly and lissencephaly, results in extensive overmigration with neuronal ectopia in the leptomeninges (73). Several genes are now recognized to be defective in disorders of neuroblast migration in humans, although the precise mechanisms by which these genes mediate migration in the healthy fetus are incompletely understood. The LIS1 gene at the 17p13.3 locus is responsible for lissencephaly type I in Miller-Dieker syndrome and also in isolated lissencephaly (110,111,112). Doublecortin is a gene (this is also the name of the gene product or signaling protein) that is defective or unexpressed in X-linked dominant subcortical laminar heterotopia, also known as band heterotopia or double cortex (96,97). Bilateral periventricular heterotopia, another X-linked dominant trait, is associated with deficiency of expression of filamin A (102,244). The neural cell adhesion molecule L1-C AM is implicated in hemimegalencephaly (106) and also in X-linked recessive hydrocephalus with pachygyria and often with aqueductal stenosis (245).

Axonal Pathfinding The outgrowth of a single axon precedes the formation of the multiple dendrites and is one of the first morphologic events marking the maturation of a neuroblast in becoming a neuron. It occurs at times even during the course of migration before the cell has arrived at its final destination, and, in some cases, such as the external granule cells of the cerebellum, even occurs before migration starts. The tip of the growing axon, termed the growth cone by Ramón y C ajal (246), is neither pointed nor blunt, but instead is a constantly changing complex of cytoplasmic fingers or extensions, the filopodia, enclosed by a membrane that extends between filopodia to form veils or webs. The cytoplasm of the filopodia is filled with microtubules, filaments, and mitochondria. Filopodia extend and retract with amoeboid movements.

To develop polarity, by which an axon emerges at one site and not at others, neuroblasts share membrane protein–sorting mechanisms with epithelial cells, the other important polarized type of cell. The axonal cell surface is analogous to the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells, such as ependymal cells or intestinal mucosal cells, and the somatodendritic plasma membrane is analogous to the basolateral epithelial surface (247,248,249). A complex interaction of sorting signals from glycolipid proteins within the plasma membrane and soluble attachment protein receptors that promote the docking of vesicles with target membranes results in intracellular membrane fusions that differ in various parts of the neuroblast plasma membrane and are required for membrane assembly during axonal growth (248). Three fundamental mechanisms guide axons to their destination, which may be at a great distance from the cell body (250,251). A fourth mechanism, proposed a century ago, has been resurrected as plausible. (a) Cell–cell interactions: Molecular signals generated by the target cell induce the growth cone to form a synapse. This mechanism is effective only as the axon approaches within 1 to 2 mm of the target. (b) Cell–substrate interactions: Molecules known as integrins bind the cell to an extracellular protein matrix, such as fibronectin or laminin. Such substrates serve as adhesive surfaces for growth cones, allowing them to pull themselves along, but also might provide directional cues as attractants or repellants. (c) Chemotactic interactions: Secretory molecules may release powerful attractants or repellants to keep the axon aligned along an intended course in its intermediate trajectory; growth cones are exquisitely sensitive to certain chemicals and grow toward or away from these molecules. (d) It was once thought that electric or electromagnetic fields were important influences in orienting the growing axon; this discarded theory is being reconsidered in a more modern context, although its importance is still poorly substantiated. Local electric fields might change the course of growing axons by altering receptive properties of their membrane to neurotransmitters and attractant and repellent molecules (252). The glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycan molecules are important examples of growth cone repellants in the developing C NS. An example is keratan sulfate (unrelated biochemically to the epidermal protein keratin). This compound is secreted in many tissues of the fetal body at sites where nerves are not needed or desired: the epiphyseal plates of growing bones; the epidermis (to prevent nerves from growing through the skin); the notochordal sheath; and the developing neural arches of the vertebrae (to segment and guide nerve roots from the spinal cord between rather than through the somites) (251). The highly segmented somites are important early guides of neural crest cellular migration as well as of axonal projections peripherally (253). Within the C NS, fetal ependymal cells synthesize keratan sulfate, in part to prevent axons from growing into the ventricles of the brain and in part to prevent aberrant decussation of developing long tracts and the wandering of axons toward wrong targets (176,227). The dorsal median raphé that separates the dorsal columns of the two sides of the spinal cord in the dorsal midline, probably programmed by dorsalizing genes such as those of the PAX family, is composed of ependymal roof plate processes that secrete keratan sulfate at the time when the axons of the dorsal columns are growing rostrally. The raphé serves to repel growth cones that might otherwise decussate prematurely before reaching the gracile and cuneate nuclei of the medulla oblongata (227,228). The effects of such repellent molecules are selective, however. Keratan sulfate secreted by the floor plate and the dorsal median septum of the midbrain collicular plate does not prevent the passage of commissural fibers at those sites, although the substance repulses axons of descending and ascending long tracts. Perhaps the passage of commissural fibers is mediated by attractants of such fibers, such as netrin, that overcome a negative influence of keratan sulfate. The floor plate also repulses axons of developing motor neurons so that they extend into the spinal roots only on the side of their soma (254). Another family of proteins, the semaphorins/collapsins, acts mainly as growth cone repellants both in neural tissue, including the floor plate, and throughout the body in non-neural tissues (255). Thus, the midline septa composed of floor and roof plate basal processes act as chemical barriers to some axons but are not physical barriers despite their appearance in histologic stained sections because commissural axons easily pass through them. Other examples of growth cone attractants are nerve growth factor and S-100β protein. The cytoskeleton plays a central role in axonal guidance. The internal organization of actin filaments and microtubules changes rapidly within the growth cone before large-scale changes in growth cone shape are seen. These changes are evoked by local environmental molecules that stabilize local changes of cytoskeletal polymers in the growth cone (256). Although microtubule assembly in the growing axon is required for the axon to extend along its pathway, drugs that disrupt microtubule assembly do not impede the assembly and growth at the axonal tip (257). Growth cone collapse is a part of the normal process of axonal growth and may become pathologic if excessive; it is induced by a platelet-activation factor (258). Finally, or perhaps first of all, homeobox-containing genes are involved in the regulation of axonal growth. A gene expressed early in neuronal differentiation, TOAD-64 (“turned on after division”; with an identical nucleotide sequence to unc-33 in nematodes) is strongly expressed by its protein transcription product in growth cones and is downregulated after axonal projection is complete. Mutations in this gene result in aberrations in axonal outgrowth in the mouse (144). The overexpression of Hox-2 reverses axonal pathways from rhombomere 3 (84). Boundary regions between adjacent domains of regulatory gene expression influence where the first axons extend (249). Initial tract formation is associated with the selective expression of certain cell adhesion molecules and their regulatory gene transcripts (259). Some long tracts are preceded by pioneer axons formed by transitory neurons that appear to serve as guides for the growth cones of permanent axons and without which the permanent axons detour to heterotopic sites. An example is the pioneer axons from subplate neurons as the cortical plate is beginning to form; these pioneer axons establish the internal capsule and precede the passage of axons from pyramidal cells of the future layers 5 and 6 of the cortex. After the pyramidal cell axons are guided into the internal capsule, the pioneer axons and their cells of origin disappear, probably by apoptosis. An epidermal growth factor is expressed by pioneer neurons and by C ajal-Retzius cells in the reeler mouse, a model of migrational disorders and cortical dysgenesis (132,260).

Dendritic Proliferation and Synaptogenesis Dendrites sprout only after the axon begins its projection from the same neuron. The branching pattern of dendrites and the formation of spines on these dendritic arborizations, on which synapses form, are varied and characteristic for each type of neuron. In the cerebral cortex, synaptogenesis occurs after migration of the neuron to its mature site is complete. In the cerebellar cortex, external granule cells project bipolar axons as parallel fibers in the molecular zone and form synapses with Purkinje cell dendrites before migrating to their mature site in the interior of the folium. An excessive number of synapses generally forms, and many are later deleted with the retraction of redundant collateral axons (261). In addition, transitory neurons, such as the C ajal-Retzius neurons of the fetal cerebral cortex, form temporary synapses. As with other aspects of neural development, a critical period of synapse elimination occurs (262). C lass 1 major histocompatibility complex glycoproteins may be involved in synaptic remodeling during fetal development and infancy. In the optic system, considerable amounts of these surface-expressed proteins are demonstrated on neurons of the lateral geniculate body in the late fetal and early postnatal periods, a period when synaptogenesis and especially synaptic retraction are most active (263). Most of the dendritic arborization and synapatogenesis in the cerebral cortex occur during late gestation and early infancy, a circ*mstance that renders this developmental process particularly vulnerable to toxic, hypoxic, ischemic, and metabolic insults in the postnatal period, especially in neonates born prematurely. Synapses increase in the human visual striate (occipital) cortex to reach a maximum at 2 to 4 months postnatally; they then remain at a plateau until about 8 months, thereafter steadily decreasing until about 11 years of age, when they are at the stable mature number (264). This “pruning” of synapses allows for greater precision and specificity than more diffuse connections can provide.

When an axonal terminal reaches a dendritic spine and cell–cell contact is achieved, a chemical synapse usually forms rapidly. Some promiscuous neurons may even secrete transmitter before contacting their targets, inducing an overabundance of synapses that then undergo additional electrical activity–dependent refinement (265). Dendritic spines determine the dynamics of intracellular secondmessenger ions, such as calcium, and probably provide for synaptic plasticity by establishing compartmentalization of afferent input based on biochemical rather than electrical signals (266). Neurotropins play an important role in the modulation of synaptogenesis as selective retrograde messengers (267). Trans-synaptic signaling by neurotropins and neurotransmitters also may influence neuronal architecture such as neurite sprouting and dendritic pruning (268,269). The effects of neurotrophic factors may be lamina specific within the cortex and have opposite effects in different layers. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulates dendritic growth in layer 4 neurons, whereas neurotropin-3 inhibits this growth; brain-derived neurotrophic factor is inhibitory and neurotropin-3 is stimulatory, by contrast, for neuroblasts in layer 6 (270). Prostaglandins and their inducible synthetase enzymes (e.g., cyclo-oxygenase 2) are expressed by excitatory neurons at postsynaptic sites in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. They modulate N-methyl-D-aspartate–dependent responses, such as long-term potentiation, and show a spatial and temporal sequence of expression that may be demonstrated in the fetal brain by immunocytochemistry. This expression is highly localized to dendritic spines and reflects functional rather than structural features of synapse formation (271,272,273,274). Prostaglandin signaling of cortical development and synaptogenesis in particular thus are mediated through dendrites, and the same is likely for neurotropin signaling (275). Glial cells are important in promoting dendritic development (276). In addition to the axodendritic and axosomatic synapses, a few specialized sites in the developing brain show dendrodendritic contacts. An example is the spines of olfactory granule cells (259). The electroencephalogram (EEG) is the most reliable and accessible noninvasive clinical measure of functional synaptogenesis in the cerebral cortex of the preterm infant. The maturation of EEG patterns involves a precise and predictable temporal progression of changes with conceptional age, including the development of sleep–wake cycles.

Neuronal and Glial Cell Maturation Neuronal and epithelial cells are the most polarized cells of the body: epithelial cells must have apical and basal surfaces, and neurons must form an axon at one end and dendrites at other cell surfaces (260,261,277,278). The development of cell polarity is one of the first events in neuronogenesis. The structural and molecular differences that distinguish axonal and dendritic domains play an integral role in every aspect of neuronal function (278). Neuronal polarity begins with the final mitosis of the neuroepithelial cell and is determined by the orientation of microtubules in the mitotic spindle (192). Two other combined features distinguish neurons from all other cells in the body: an electrically polarizing and excitable plasma membrane and secretory function. Muscle cells have excitable membranes but do not secrete; endocrine and exocrine cells are secretory but do not have polarized membranes. Only neurons have both. The development of electrical polarity of the cell membrane is an important maturational feature that denotes when a neuroblast becomes a neuron. This process depends on the development of ion channels as well as a means of delivering continuous energy production necessary to maintain a resting membrane potential. This membrane potential is mediated by voltage-gated ion channels and does not require another energy-generating mechanism such as the adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pumps mediated by Na + /K + , C a 2+ , or Mg2+ . The importance of glial cells for ion transport in this regard may be greater than once believed, and astrocytes play an important role in regulating the cerebral microenvironment in addition to their nutritive functions and their contribution to the blood–brain barrier (276). The onset of synthesis of neurotransmitter substances, their transport down the axon, and the formation of terminal axonal storage vesicles for these compounds are other features that denote the transition from neuroblast to neuron. Transmitter biosynthesis may begin before neuroblast migration is completed, although the secretion of these substances is delayed until synapses are formed with target cells. Some substances that later serve as neurotransmitters, including most of the neuropeptides, acetylcholine, and γaminobutyric acid, may be synthesized early in embryonic or fetal life before they could possibly function as transmitters and may serve a neurotrophic function. A number of proteins are produced by mature neurons and not by immature nerve cells. Antibodies against such proteins may be used to demonstrate the maturation of neuroblasts in the human fetal brain (at autopsy) by immunocytochemistry. One such example is neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN) (279). By coupling such studies with immunocytochemical markers of axonal maturation, such as the use of antibodies against synaptic vesicle proteins, it is possible to demonstrate the temporal relation of terminal axonal maturation and the maturation of their target neuron (280). This sequence may be altered in some cerebral malformations and may explain why some infants with severe malformations such as holoprosencephaly have intractable epilepsy whereas others with similar anatomic lesions, by imaging and even by histopathologic examination, have few or no seizures. Some genes appear to be essential for the regulation of trophic factors or differentiation and growth of the individual neural cell. TSC1 and TSC2 are genes that produce products, respectively termed hamartin and tuberin, that are defective in tissues, both neural and non-neural, in patients with tuberous sclerosis (137,138,139,140,141,142) (see C hapter 12). TSC1 is localized on chromosome 9q34 (139). It accounts for only the minority of patients with this autosomal dominant disease (140). TSC2 has its locus at 16p13.3.

Myelination As with other aspects of nervous system development, myelination cycles (i.e., the time between onset and termination of myelination in a given pathway) are specific for each tract and precisely time linked. Some pathways myelinate in a rostrocaudal progression. The human corticospinal tract at birth is myelinated in the corona radiata, internal capsule, middle third of the cerebral peduncle, upper pons; very lightly myelinated in the pyramids; and unmyelinated in the spinal cord. Other pathways myelinate in their proximal and distal portions at the same time. Some pathways myelinate early and others late, but no axons myelinate during the growth of the axonal growth cone, before it reaches its target. The medial longitudinal fasciculus acquires myelin at 24 weeks' gestation and is fully myelinated within 2 weeks. The corticospinal tract begins myelinating at approximately 38 weeks and is not complete until 2 years of age. The corpus callosum begins myelination at approximately 4 months postnatally and is not complete until late adolescence. The last tract to complete myelination is the ipsilateral association bundle that interconnects the anterior frontal and the temporal lobes, which is not complete until 32 years of age (281). Myelination cycles as determined by special myelin stains of sections of fetal and postnatal C NS tissue at autopsy are summarized in Table 5.6. The traditional stain is luxol fast blue, but newer methods using gallocyanin stains (e.g., Lapham stain) and immunocytochemical demonstration of myelin basic protein provide earlier detection of myelin formation at the light microscopic level; electron microscopy remains the most sensitive morphologic method for documenting the onset of myelination in brain tissue. The sequences of proteins and lipids incorporated into myelin also may be studied biochemically at autopsy in immature brains.

TABLE 5.6 Myelination Cycles in the Human Central Nervous System Based on Myelin Tissue Stains




Spinal motor roots

16 wk

42 wk

Spinal sensory roots

20 wk

5 mo

Cranial motor nerves III, IV, V, VI

20 wk

28 wk

Ventral commissure, spinal cord

24 wk

4 mo

Dorsal columns, spinal cord

28 wk

36 wk

Medial longitudinal fasciculus

24 wk

28 wk

Habenulopeduncular tract

28 wk

34 wk

Acoustic nerve

24 wk

36 wk

Trapezoid body and lateral lemniscus

25 wk

36 wk

Acoustic radiations (thalamocortical)

40 wk

3 yr

Inferior cerebellar peduncle (inner part)

26 wk

36 wk

Inferior cerebellar peduncle (outer parts)

32 wk

4 mo

Middle cerebellar peduncle (pontocerebellar)

42 wk

3 yr


Superior cerebellar peduncle


6 mo

Medial lemniscus

32 wk

12 mo

Optic nerve

38 wk

6 mo

Optic radiations (geniculocalcarine)

40 wk

6 mo

Ansa reticularis

28 wk

8 mo


2 mo

2 yr

Mammillothalamic tract

8 mo

6 yr

Thalamocortical radiations

2 mo

7 yr

38 wk

2 yr

Corpus callosum

2 mo

14 yr

Ipsilateral intracortical association fibers, frontotemporal and frontoparietal

3 mo

32 yr

Corticospinal (pyramidal) tract

Myelination determined by light microscopy using luxol fast blue and other myelin stains; composite from various authors. Gestational age stated in weeks; postnatal age stated in months and years. From Sarnat HB. Cerebral dysgenesis: embryology and clinical expression. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. With permission.

Myelination also may be determined in living patients by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). T1-weighted images are more sensitive than T2 sequences early, and T2 is more sensitive as myelination advances with maturation, but the present generation of imaging does not show the earliest onset of myelination that can be demonstrated histologically. This difference in sensitivity accounts for somewhat different tables of myelination used by neuroradiologists and neuropathologists (Table 5.7). Myelination depends on the normal differentiation and integrity of oligodendrocytes in the C NS and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system (282,283,284). As with other developmental processes in the nervous system, the programming of differentiation of these myelin-producing cells and of myelin formation is under genetic regulation (276,277). The Krox-20 mouse gene (EGR2 in humans), previously discussed as a zinc finger homeobox gene expressed in rhombomeres 3 and 5, also plays an important role in myelination by Schwann cells (55). It is a paradox that Krox-20/EGR2 is expressed only in rhombomeres 3 and 5, rhombomeres that do not form neural crest tissue although adjacent and intervening rhombomeres do (61,62), and Schwann cells are derived from neural crest. The PMP-22 gene, which is defective in several hereditary motor sensory neuropathies, programs proteolipid protein by encoding an axonally regulated Schwann cell protein incorporated into peripheral myelin (285), but whether it serves a function in the C NS is uncertain.

TABLE 5.7 First Appearance of Myelination in the Human Brain Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Anatomic Region



Middle cerebellar peduncle


Birth to 2 mo

Cerebral white matter

Birth to 4 mo

3–5 mo

Anterior portion


4–7 mo

Posterior portion


Birth to 2 mo

Internal capsule, anterior limb

2–3 mo

7–11 mo

Corpus callosum, genu

4–6 mo

5–8 mo

Corpus callosum, splenium

3–4 mo

4–6 mo


3–5 mo

9–14 mo


4–7 mo

11–15 mo


3–6 mo

11–16 mo


7–11 mo

14–18 mo

2–6 mo

7–11 mo

Internal capsule, posterior limb

Occipital white matter

Frontal white matter

Centrum semiovale

From Barkovich AJ. Pediatric neuroimaging, 2nd ed. New York: Raven, 1995. With permission.

In addition to their role in generating myelin sheaths around some axons, oligodendrocytes express nerve growth factor and may secrete other molecules that stimulate the growth of axons (286). Insulin-like growth factor also may play a role in central myelination and conserving axonal integrity (287). The embryonic expression of myelin genes in the brain provides evidence of the focal source of oligodendroglial precursors in the ventricular zone of the neural tube (284a). Gangliosides are complex lipids that form part of the myelinating membranes of oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells, and their composition is important in the development of myelin (288). Oligodendrocytes may ensheath several axons in the C NS, but in the peripheral nervous system each Schwann cell myelinates only a single axon, though some Schwann cells may enclose one to four unmyelinated axons. At midgestation, a single Schwann cell may enclose as many as 25 axons, but this ratio becomes smaller with progressive maturation (289). Myelination is an important parameter of the maturation of the brain in a clinically measurable index. Delayed myelination occurs in many metabolic diseases involving the nervous system, in fetal and postnatal malnutrition if the lipids and proteins are not available to be incorporated, and at times as a nonspecific feature of global developmental delay (73). Late progenitors of oligodendrocytes are

vulnerable to hypoxic/ischemic injury in the human fetus and premature infant, and their damage results in white matter injury, periventricular leukomalacia, a common cause of spastic diplegia (290).

Neural Crest Ontogenesis of Neural Crest Tissue The neural crest is a transient population of embryonic cells derived from ectoderm and defined by their migratory behavior and ability to form numerous derivatives (291,292,293,294). Primordial neural crest cells first appear at the lateral margins of the neural placode shortly after gastrulation. As neurulation proceeds, the curling of the neural placode shifts these cells to the dorsomedial neural groove. With closure of the dorsal midline, the neural crest cells separate from the newly formed neural tube and begin migrating along prescribed routes throughout the embryo, initiating the peripheral nervous system, including dorsal root and autonomic ganglia, Schwann cells of peripheral nerves, and chromaffin tissue in the adrenal medulla, carotid body, and other sites. Neural crest also differentiates as mesodermal cells, including melanocytes, endothelial cells, smooth muscle of blood vessels, interstitial connective tissue, the ocular sclera, cartilage, and membranous (but not endochondral) bone, especially in the craniofacial skeleton (291,292,293,294,295,296). When neural crest meets an epithelium, cartilage forms; when it meets mesodermal tissue, membranous bone forms. This explains why we have cartilage in our ears and bone forms our orbits. Neural crest cells terminally differentiate only after reaching their final destination. Neural crest is so pervasive that some authors have suggested its status be promoted as a fourth germ layer (297), but this is not a correct or useful reclassification because, though incipient neural crest cells first appear at the lateral margins of the neuroepithelial placode on the day of gastrulation, these cells are not yet “committed” to a specific fate. Lineage analyses have demonstrated that individual neural fold cells can form either epidermis or neural crest cells, hence they are not truly neural crest until after gastrulation. Moreover, to create another germ layer, other germ layers would have to yield tissues previously assigned as ectoderm and mesoderm. The whole concept of embryonic germ layers may soon be regarded as a relic of the pre– molecular genetic era, hence this is a moot point. Neural crest arises segmentally in all three primitive cerebral vesicles: rhombencephalon, mesencephalon, and prosencephalon. Neural crest cells migrate in a somewhat different manner from each part of the embryonic neural tube after segmentation and the formation of neuromeres at 4 to 8 weeks' gestation. The neural crest may be divided into three groups on this basis. The prosencephalic neural crest migrates rostrally into the head as a midline vertical sheet of cells (36). The mesencephalic neural crest, which arises not only from the mesencephalic neuromere (i.e., r0, future midbrain), but also from the first two hindbrain rhombomeres (neuromeres r1 and r2′ (the rostral half of r2), migrates as streams of cells into the face and cranium. The rhombencephalic neural crest, arising from the hindbrain, migrates as segmental blocks of cells, mainly caudal to the head (293,294). Neural crest is thus responsible for much of craniofacial development (292,293,294). For this reason, many developmental malformations of the brain are associated with dysmorphic facies or cranial bone defects (298,299,300). Neuroembryology involves the study of more than the central and peripheral nervous systems. Though patterns of genetic expression in the hindbrain contribute to the segmental arrangement of neural crest cells, cellular migratory pathways also are guided by attractant and repulsant paracrine molecules secreted by surrounding tissues such as the otic capsule, the somites, and the vertebral neural arches. The “delamination” of neural crest cells, their separation from the dorsal midline of the neural tube, is probably mediated by several genes and molecules; rhoB appears to be one of these factors (133). In addition, neural crest cells possess integrin receptors for interacting with extracellular matrix molecules (301). C hanges in the distribution of extracellular matrix components during neural crest migration impose migratory guidance limits as well (302). The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin is required for proper cranial neural crest migration, and its absence in the chick embryo leads to neural tube defects and aggregates of ectopic neural crest cells (303). As with other parts of the neural tube, neural crest tissue has a rostrocaudal gradient of differentiation. The fate of neural crest cells is not entirely predetermined; environmental factors may induce differentiation of different cells than were originally intended. For example, although early-migrating neural crest cells generally form dorsal root ganglion cells, when these early-migrating cells are ablated, the late-migrating neural crest cells that ordinarily form mesodermal structures change their fate to become primary sensory neurons. Transplanted early-migrating neural crest cells do not always differentiate as neurons under all conditions (304,305). Neurotrophic factors, such as neurotrophin-3 (NT3), also influence the fate of neural crest cells and are essential for survival of sympathetic neuroblasts and innervation of specific organs (305,306,307,308,309). NT3 is the principal, and perhaps the only, neurotrophin needed by neurons of the myenteric plexus (307,308,309), but other neural crest derivatives require other factors. Gene products of BMP2 and BMP4 regulate the onset of NT3 during fetal gut development, and BMP4 and NT3 (with its receptor TrkC ) are needed to preserve the integrity of the submucosal and myenteric plexuses. Nerve growth factor (NGF), the first neurotrophin identified, was first demonstrated in dorsal root ganglia. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), ciliary neurotrophic factor (C NTF), and glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GNTF) all are associated with neural crest migration or differentiation. The origin of neural crest is topographically unequal in the neuraxis. The streams of cells arising in the midbrain contribute to craniofacial structure. In the hindbrain, migratory mesencephalic neural crest cells from rl and r2 populate the trigeminal ganglion, and streams of rhombencephalic neural crest form the mandibular arch; cells from r4 form the hyoid arch and the geniculate and vestibular ganglia; those from r6 populate the third and fourth branchial arches and associated peripheral ganglia (293,294). Rhombomeres 3 and 5 do not appear to have neural crest cells, but actually neural crest cells of r3 and r5 are generated and mix with neural crest cells of the adjacent rostral and caudal rhombomeres to migrate together (294,310). This explains the fusion of the proximal maxillary and mandibular branches of the trigeminal nerve.

Genetic Programs of Neural Crest Many genes are involved in the formation, migration, and terminal differentiation of neural crest into its various cellular types. These cells do not differentiate until arriving in their target zone. Recent molecular genetic data diminish the conceptual importance of embryonic germ layers, long believed to be fundamental in cellular lineage, because it is now recognized that the same organizer and regulator genes program development and cytologic differentiation in various tissues and that genes do not respect embryonic germ layers. Examples are the HOX and PAX families, both primordial in the embryonic segmentation of the neural tube, but also in the ontogenesis of bone, kidney, gut, and many other tissues. Even single-gene deletions or mutations may downregulate other downstream genes in a cascade, permit the overexpression of antagonistic genes, or otherwise alter complex multigenetic interactions. Trophic factors important in neural crest migration and maturation also might be defective in some syndromes. Neural crest induction occurs continuously over a long period starting at gastrulation and persisting well past the time of

neural tube closure (295). Neural crest can be induced to form in early neuroectoderm by the proximity of non-neural surface ectoderm (311,312,313). Many genes are essential to the formation of neural crest, but the most important are those having a strong dorsalizing effect in the vertical axis of the neural tube: Zic2, Bmp4, Bmp7, and Pax3. The transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) superfamily, and in particular Bmp4 and Bmp7, promote neural crest differentiation at the time of neural tube closure; these two genes can even substitute for non-neural ectoderm in inducing neural crest cells (312,314). Ventralizing genes of the vertical axis, such as Shh, expressed by both notochord and floor plate cells of the neural tube, inhibit neural crest formation (314). Experimentally, either notochordal tissue or Shhexpressing cells grafted adjacent to the neural folds prevent neural crest formation (120). The gene Noggin, a strong antagonist of Bmp genes, also inhibits neural crest formation (120,315). At a later stage in neural tube development, the segmentation genes that program the formation of neuromeres also can promote neural crest, especially those with a dorsalizing effect in the vertical axis. The segmentation homeobox Wingless family, particularly Wnt-1 and Wnt-3a, not only are important for the formation of neuromeric compartments and their boundaries in the hindbrain, but also promote neural crest formation (316,317,318). Outside the neural tube, however, these same Wnt genes cause neural crest to become melanocytes rather than neurons such as autonomic ganglion cells (163). The human gene EGR2 (known as Krox-20 in the mouse), another homeobox gene of segmentation and a zinc finger gene (see the Transcription Factors and Homeoboxes section for definition), limits its expression to rhombomeres r3 and r5. EGR2 inhibits neural crest formation, but the incipient neural crest cells of these two rhombomeres shift to the immediately adjacent anterior and posterior rhombomeres where EGR2 is not expressed (56). This shifted neural crest cells mix with the neural crest being generated in those rhombomeres, so that neural crest cells that migrate caudally around the otic vesicle are from both r5 and r6 (56,294). Hox-1.5 and Hox-2.9 regulate the premigratory and migratory neural crest cells from r4 (318). The gene Slug (Snail in invertebrates) is essential for later stages of neural crest differentiation. Though also detected in early stages of the neural placode prior to neural crest migration and in early migratory cells to the periphery, its transcript is later downregulated during later migration and also in vitro in the absence of tissue interactions (295,319,320). Slug then is later re-expressed in stronger form. Slug is a “zinc finger” (for definition, see the Transcription Factors and Homeoboxes section) (321). In the amphibian embryo, Slug expression does not itself induce neural crest, but in the presence of Wnt signals, abundant neural crest is generated (322). Bmp4 is upregulated in the isolated neural folds just prior to the upregulation of Slug. Other genes implicated in neural crest development include Otx (Emx1, 2), Phox, Dlx, Mash1, and Twist. The PAX and MSX families are of particular importance in craniofacial development associated with prosencephalic and mesencephalic neural crest migration (320). Twist in head mesenchyme is obligatory for cranial neural tube morphogenesis and for cranial neural crest formation and migration (143). The proto-oncogene c-myc is another essential regulator of neural crest formation (323).

WHAT IS A BRAIN AND HOW DOES IT DIFFER FROM A GANGLION? After reviewing the many aspects of neuroembryology, one can address a fundamental question of when does the differentiating tissue at the rostral end of the neural tube become a brain. Does it begin as a “cerebral ganglion” or “cephalic ganglion” and only later meet the criteria of being a “brain” or is it a brain from the beginning? What are these criteria? The definition of brain is primordial to embryologic understanding. A brain, in the most universal terms as applies to all vertebrates and invertebrates, has the following characteristics: (a) It is located in the head or rostral end of the organism; (b) it subserves the entire body, not just restricted segments; (c) it has functionally specialized parts; (d) it is bilobar; (e) neurons form the surface with their axons in the central core; (f) interneurons are more numerous than primary sensory or primary motor neurons that project neurites into the periphery; and (g) multisynaptic rather than monosynaptic circuits predominate (324). The definition specifically excludes functional aspects, including cognition, which may differ at various stages of maturation and between species. Ganglia, such as autonomic and dorsal root ganglia, fail to fulfill any of these criteria and, from the time that neuroepithelium begins to differentiate in the rostral end of the neural tube, it is a true brain. A “cephalic ganglion” does not exist at any time during ontogenesis in any animal that aggregates neurons to be a central nervous system, including in the simplest flatworms, and probably never existed in evolution (324).

Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Table of Contents > Chapter 5 - Neuroembryology, Genetic Programming, and Malformations of the Nervous System > PART 2 - Malformations of the Central Nervous System

PART 2 Malformations of the Central Nervous System John H. Menkes Harvey B. Sarnat Laura Flores-Sarnat Malformations of the brain and spinal cord may be genetically determined or acquired. The great majority of dysgeneses that occur early in gestation have a genetic basis, whereas those that begin late in gestation are more likely to be secondary to destructive lesions such as infarcts that interfere with development of particular structures. The distinction between atrophy, the shrinkage of a previously well-formed structure, and hypoplasia, the deficient development of a structure that never achieves normal size, is not always clear in degenerative processes or in those acquired lesions of fetal life in which an insult is imposed on a structure that is not yet fully formed. Examples are ischemic lesions in fetal brain associated with congenital cytomegalovirus infections and fetal degenerative diseases such as pontocerebellar hypoplasia and polymicrogyria, which develop in zones of relative ischemia that surround porencephalic cysts resulting from an occlusion of the middle cerebral artery incurred in fetal life. White matter infarcts in the cerebrum may destroy radial glial fibers and prevent normal migration of neuroblasts and glioblasts from the subventricular zone or germinal matrix (see C hapter 6). Regardless of their cause, malformations are traditionally classified as disturbances in developmental processes. These are outlined in Table 5.8. Whereas this type of classification retains validity for understanding the type of developmental process most disturbed, such as cellular proliferation or neuroblast migration, the new understanding of developmental genes and their role in the ontogenesis of the nervous system provides a new, complementary molecular genetic classification of early neurogenesis that recognizes the genetic regulation of development. An example of an attempt to use these new data to organize the thinking about developmental malformations of the brain is proposed in Table 5.9, a table that will undoubtedly undergo considerable revision in the coming years as more data become available.

TABLE 5.8 Traditional Classification of Central Nervous System Malformations as Disorders of …

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Neurulation Cell proliferation: neurogenesis and gliogenesis Apoptosis Migration of neuroblasts and glioblasts Axonal projection and pathfinding Dendritic sprouting and synaptogenesis Myelination

Because the nervous system develops in a precise temporal as well as spatial sequence, it is often possible to assign a precise timing of a malformation, or at least to date the earliest time when the insult was first expressed. In most cases, an insult, whether caused by overexpression or underexpression of a developmental gene or caused by an ongoing acquired process such as a congenital viral infection or repeated episodes of ischemia, affects nervous system development over an extended period of time. Thereby, the insult involves processes that occur at various stages of development, not just at a single precise moment. As discussed in the Patterning of the Neural Tube: Axes and Gradients of Growth and Differentiation section, developmental genes may serve as organizer genes early in ontogenesis and as regulator genes later on, thus involving various processes. Defective expression of SHH, for example, may result in holoprosencephaly because of its early effects on midline ventralization in the prosencephalon but may affect granule cell proliferation in the cerebellum as well; the timing of these two events is quite different.

TABLE 5.9 Proposed Molecular Genetic Classification of Malformations of Early Central Nervous System Development

1. Disorders of the Primitive Streak and Node 1. Overexpression of genes 2. Underexpression of genes 2. Disorders of Ventralization of the Neural Tube 1. Overexpression of the ventrodorsal gradient 1. Duplication of spinal central canal 2. Duplication of ventral horns of spinal cord 3. Diplomyelia (and diastematomyelia?) 4. Duplication of entire neuraxis 5. Ventralizing induction of somite 1. Segmental amyoplasia 2. Underexpression of ventrodorsal gradient 1. Fusion of ventral horns of spinal cord 2. Sacral (thoracolumbosacral) agenesis 3. Arhinencephaly 4. Holoprosencephaly 3. Disorders of Dorsalization of the Neural Tube 1. Overexpression of dorsoventral gradient 1. Duplication of dorsal horns of spinal cord 2. Duplication of dorsal brainstem structures 2. Underexpression of dorsalization of the neural tube 1. Fusion of dorsal horns of spinal cord 2. Septo-optic dysplasia (?) 4. Disorder of the Rostrocaudal Gradient, Segmentation, or Both 1. Decreased domains of homeoboxes 1. Agenesis of mesencephalon and metencephalon 2. Global cerebellar aplasia or hypoplasia 3. Aplasia of basal telencephalic nuclei 2. Increased domains of homeoboxes or ectopic expression 1. Chiari II malformation

The accounts that follow are traditional descriptions of major malformations of the human nervous system, but the new perspective of molecular genetic programming will be an integral part of the understanding of these disorders of development. Finally, it must always be recognized that just as no two adults, even monozygotic twins, are identical, no two fetuses are identical and no two cerebral malformations are identical. Individual biological variations occur in abnormal as well as in normal development, and allowance must be made for small differences while recognizing the principal patterns that denote pathogenesis. The importance of disordered nervous system maturation in causing chronic abnormalities of brain function only recently has become fully apparent. Estimates suggest that 3% of neonates have major C NS or multisystem malformations (325), and 75% of fetal deaths and 40% of deaths within the first year of life are secondary to C NS malformations (326). Furthermore, 5% to 15% of pediatric neurology hospital admissions appear to be primarily related to cerebral and spinal cord anomalies (327). Genetic and nongenetic interactions are responsible for 20% of C NS malformations; monogenic malformations, whether autosomal or X-linked, account for 7.5% of malformations; chromosomal factors account for 6%; and well-delineated environmental factors, including maternal infections, maternal diabetes, irradiation, and drugs (e.g., thalidomide, valproic acid, methylmercury, excessive vitamin A or retinoic acid) account for at least another 3.5%. In the remainder, more than 60% of cases, the cause of the C NS malformation is uncertain (328,329,330). As more associations with specific genes and their defective expression become known, this number will undoubtedly become smaller.

EMBRYONIC INDUCTION DISORDERS (0 TO 4 WEEKS' GESTATION) Embryogenic induction disorders represent a failure in the mutual induction of mesoderm and neuroectoderm. The primary defect is a failure of the neural folds to fuse and form the neural tube (ectoderm), with secondary maldevelopment of skeletal structures enclosing the C NS (mesoderm). This process is called neurulation. In addition to the mesodermal notochord inducing the floor plate of the neural tube, the neural tube induces many non-neural structures of mesodermal origin. C raniofacial development is induced by the anterior neural tube and mediated by the migration of mesencephalic and prosencephalic neural crest tissue (293,294). This relation explains the midfacial hypoplasia in holoprosencephaly, the absence of calvarial bones and hypotelorism in anencephaly, and hypertelorism in agenesis of the corpus callosum and in many genetic syndromes such as Noonan syndrome (298,300). Defects range from anencephaly to sacral meningomyelocele in the cephalic to caudal direction of the neural tube, and from holoprosencephaly to craniospinal rachischisis (midline posterior splitting of skull and vertebral column) in the anterior to posterior direction. For convenience, they are divided into dorsal (posterior) and ventral (anterior) midline defects. The former is named dysraphism to indicate the persistent continuity between posterior neuroectoderm and cutaneous ectoderm. Midline cerebral malformations with dysmorphic facies, such as holoprosencephaly, are not in this category. Some dorsalizing genes, expressed in the dorsal part of the neural tube (e.g., ZIC2, several PAX genes, the BMP family), may cause C NS malformations without dysraphism, however, when mutations occur. Ventral midline defects that involve more structures than just the neural tube are called faciotelencephalopathy to connote the noncleavage of the ventral neural tube, cephalic mesoderm, and adjacent foregut entoderm.

Dorsal Midline Central Nervous System–Axial Skeletal Defects: Dysraphism A large number of midline anomalies occur, and the chance of several midline defects occurring conjointly is greater than the product of their individual occurrence.

Anencephaly Anencephaly is the paradigm of the various dysraphic disorders. Although affected infants rarely survive early infancy, insight into the mechanics of neural ontogenesis provided by this disorder is enormous.

Pathogenesis and Pathology Both genetic predisposition and environmental insults are responsible for the condition. The defect is time specific in that the insult probably occurs after the onset of neural fold development (16 days) but before closure of the anterior neuropore (24 to 26 days). The stimulus is nonspecific because a variety of insults have been implicated. These include drugs (330), infections (331), chemical disorders such as maternal diabetes or folic acid deficiency (332), and irradiation (333). Whatever the actual teratogenic stimulus might be, it induces four basic defects: (a) A defective notochord and prechordal mesoderm (the notochord proper extends rostrally only to the midbrain) causes failure of the cephalic neural folds to fuse into a neural tube. (b) Failure of development of the meninges and cranial bones exposes the brain to amniotic fluid, with subsequent encephaloclastic degeneration of forebrain germinal cells. (c) Paraxial mesoderm fails to differentiate into well-formed somites and hence into sclerotomes, the latter being the primordium for the base of the skull and vertebrae. (d) A failure of prosencephalic and mesencephalic neural crest formation and migration results in midfacial hypoplasia with hypotelorism resembling that of holoprosencephaly and failure of formation of the meninges over the forebrain and membranous bone of the cranial vault (298,300). Thus, mutual induction between the germ layers fails at time-specific stages, resulting in deformities of both nervous tissue and supporting axial and membranous bone (300,334). Genetic factors are suspected in many cases, but no specific gene or its locus has yet been identified. Studies of human embryos suggest that the splitting of an already closed neural tube might account for anencephaly and other dysraphic conditions (335). Gardner and Breuer argued not only that dysraphic states are a consequence of neural tube rupture after closure, but also that a number of associated non-neural anomalies, including asplenia, renal agenesis, and tracheoesophageal fistula, result from the damage of primordia of other organs by the overdistended neural tube (336). Osaka and coworkers discounted these theories on the basis that in human embryos dysraphism can be observed before completion of neural tube closure (337,338). Muscle differentiates normally in anencephaly despite disruption of motor innervation, suggesting that motor innervation occurs after muscle development and, therefore, after embryogenesis and neural tube closure (339). A primary defect of neural crest could explain many of the non-neurologic features of anencephaly (300). Examination of the nervous system shows the spinal cord, brainstem, and cerebellum to be small. Descending tracts within the spinal cord, particularly the corticospinal tract, are absent. Above the midbrain, glial and vascular tissue with remnants of midbrain and diencephalon exist. Sometimes the basal telencephalic nuclei are partially or even fully formed (73). The pituitary is absent, with secondary adrenal hypoplasia. The optic nerves are absent but the eyes are normal, indicating that the anterior cephalic end of the neural tube, whence the optic vesicles spring, closed and diverticulated properly. In addition to the primary defect of development, anencephaly involves an important encephaloclastic component (73,300). Because neural tissue is directly exposed to amniotic fluid, which is caustic, a progressive destruction of neural tissue and a compensatory proliferation of small blood vessels occurs to create the area cerebrovasculosa in the nubbin of tissue representing the residual prosencephalon. A poorly organized network of thin-walled vascular channels of variable size that are not mature capillaries, arterioles, or venules is enmeshed with glial processes and scattered (haphazardly oriented neurons and neuroblasts, lacking recognizable architecture as either nuclei or laminated cortex). Anencephaly is therefore difficult to analyze histopathologically because of the simultaneous presence of both primary dysplastic and secondary destructive processes. The calvarium fails to develop, and the frontal and parietal bones are partially absent; the rostral half of the occipital bone is membranous and also is deficient, but the posterior part, not of neural crest origin, is preserved. Malformations of the foramen magnum and cervical vertebrae are frequent. The reduced forehead and relatively large ears and eyes lend a froglike appearance to the face; facial structures are developed, but midfacial hypoplasia with hypotelorism occurs in some cases (300), and there is an occasional lateral cleft lip or palate. Some authors use the term aprosencephaly for cases in which the calvarium is intact, in distinction from atelencephaly, in which the cranium is open (340,341). In exencephaly, a rare condition, the membranous bones of the cranial vault are absent and the preserved but disorganized brain is covered by vascular epithelium. The condition is believed to be a stage in the development of anencephaly, with more complete destruction of the exposed brain being a matter of time (342).

Epidemiology Anencephaly is the most common major C NS malformation in the West (343). The incidence of this malformation differs in various parts of the world. It is high in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales and low in Japan. The incidence of anencephaly and of neural tube defects in general is very high in northern but not southern C hina (344). It is high also in Mexico near the Texas border (345). Other areas of high incidence include Egypt, the Arabian subcontinent, and New Zealand. As a rule, the incidence increases with increasing maternal age and decreasing socioeconomic status. The rate of anencephaly as well as that of the other neural tube defects has declined. In the 1960s, the incidence ranged from 0.65 per 1,000 births in Japan to more than 3 in 1,000 in the British Isles, with a maximum incidence of 8 in 1,000 occurring in Ireland in 1960. Prior peaks in incidence had been recorded during the years of 1929 through 1932 and 1938 through 1941. Since then, there has been a steady decline in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Between 1971 and 1989, the annual rate of various forms of spina bifida fell from 2 in 1,000 to 0.6 in 1,000 (346), with a relative increase in the proportion of spina bifida to anencephaly (347). In part, this decline reflects the widespread use of antenatal screening, but other factors, notably the correction of maternal vitamin deficiency, also might be responsible (346,348). Anencephaly is seen 37 times more frequently in female than in male newborns (349). The recurrence rate in families with an affected child is 35%, although almost 10% of siblings of anencephalics have major anomalies of neural tube closure: anencephaly, spina bifida cystica, and encephalocele (350). The transmission appears to be matrilineal. No relationship to consanguinity is evident, nor to concordance in monozygotic twins, and the recurrence rate for a maternal half-sibling is the same as for a full sibling. These factors

weigh against a simple polygenetic inheritance pattern and are more consistent with the interaction of genetic and environmental factors (351).

Clinical Manifestations Anencephalic patients do not survive infancy. During their few weeks of life, they exhibit slow, stereotyped movements and frequent decerebrate posturing. Head, facial, and limb movements can be spontaneous or pain induced. The Moro reflex and some brainstem functions and automatisms, such as sucking, rooting, and righting responses, are present and are more readily and more reproducibly elicited than in healthy infants. The bowing reflex, which occasionally can be demonstrated in healthy premature infants of 7 months' gestation, is invariably present in anencephalics (352) (see Introduction chapter). Seizures have been observed in anencephalic infants, an indication that some types of neonatal seizures originate in the deeper structures of the brain (353). The presence of anencephaly and other open neural tube defects can be predicted by measuring α-fetoprotein (AFP) in amniotic fluid or maternal serum. AFP is the major serum protein in early embryonic life, representing 90% of total serum globulin. It is a fetus-specific α1-globulin that is probably involved in preventing fetal immune rejection; it is produced first by the yolk sac and later by the fetal liver and gastrointestinal tract. It normally passes from fetal serum into fetal urine and then into amniotic fluid. Because of a substantial leak of fetal blood components directly into amniotic fluid, AFP concentrations in amniotic fluid and maternal serum AFP levels are elevated in anencephaly and in open spina bifida or cranium bifidum (354). Normal AFP in adult serum is less than 10 ng/mL. In normal maternal serum and amniotic fluid, it ranges from 15 to 500 ng/mL. At 15 to 20 weeks' gestation, an AFP concentration of 1,000 ng/mL or greater strongly suggests an open neural tube defect, and the current screening of serum detects 79% of cases of open spina bifida at 16 to 18 weeks (355). Determining gestational age is critical, however, because normal AFP concentration varies considerably with fetal age, peaking between 12 and 15 weeks' gestation. Amniotic fluid AFP screening is more reliable, detecting 98% of open spina bifida cases (356). The amniotic fluid must be assessed for contamination by fetal hemoglobin, which complicates amniocentesis, because a 200:1 AFP gradient exists between fetal serum and amniotic fluid. The reliability of ultrasonography depends on the experience of the operators; in good hands, the procedure is more than 99% specific (355). False-positive results are obtained in a variety of unrelated conditions, principally in the presence of multiple pregnancies, threatened abortion or fetal death, or when an error is made in dating the pregnancy. Amniotic fluid AFP obtained between 15 and 20 weeks' gestation is most specific (356); however, closed neural tube defects such as skin-covered lipomyelomeningoceles, encephaloceles, and meningoceles go undetected. These lesions constitute between 5% and 10% of total neural tube defects (357,358). Mothers who have borne one or more children with neural tube defects, spinal dysraphism, or multiple vertebral anomalies; who have a family history of any of these disorders; or who are surviving patients with spina bifida are at risk for bearing children with neural tube defects and should undergo screening. Supplementation of the maternal diet with folic acid or with a multivitamin preparation that contains folic acid even before conception has been proposed to prevent neural tube defects. An extensive, controlled British study indicated that the recurrence rate of neural tube defects can be reduced sharply by folic acid supplementation (359). A multivitamin co*cktail including folic acid, ascorbic acid, and riboflavin, given from at least 28 days before conception up to the second missed menstrual period, reduced the recurrence rates for neural tube defects from 4.2% to 0.5% in mothers with a previous neural tube defect pregnancy and from 9.6% to 2.3% in mothers who had given birth to two or more offspring with neural tube defects (360,361). These findings were duplicated in an American study, which showed that a vitamin supplement including 0.8 mg of folic acid, started 1 month before conception reduced significantly the incidence of neural tube defects (362,363). The reason for the apparent effect of folic acid is unclear, and the significance of these findings must be evaluated in the light of the declining incidence of neural tube defects in areas where no vitamin supplementation is used (346,364,365). Mice with a mutation of the Cart1 gene develop acrania and meroanencephaly, and this can be prevented by prenatal folic acid treatment (94).

Meningomyelocele (Spina Bifida) and Encephalocele (Cranium Bifidum) As the older names imply, spina bifida and cranium bifidum share a failure of bone fusion in the posterior midline of the skull (cranium bifidum) or the vertebral column (spina bifida). The result is a bony cleft through which the meninges and varying quantities of brain or spinal cord tissue protrude. In cranium bifidum, the neural herniation is termed encephalocele and can consist of brain parenchyma and meninges or only of meninges. These form the wall of a saclike cyst filled with cerebrospinal fluid (C SF). Posterior encephaloceles may contain only supratentorial structures, only posterior fossa structures, or both. In spina bifida, the herniation is called meningocele or meningomyelocele, depending on whether the meninges herniate alone or together with spinal cord parenchyma and nerve roots. The traditional names spina bifida and cranium bifidum are now less frequently used than in the older literature because of the recognition that the bony cleft may not be the primary defect in all cases, but instead that the pathogenesis may involve neural induction of mesodermal tissues in the dorsal midline, including leptomeninges, dura mater, and bone. Spina bifida occulta is a minor fusion failure of the posterior vertebral arches unaccompanied by herniation of meninges or neural tissue. Spina bifida cystica collectively designates meningocele, meningomyelocele, and other cystic lesions (Fig. 5.1). Similarly, in the head, cranium bifidum comprises meningocele, a herniation of meninges containing only C SF, and the more commonly occurring encephalocele, in which the sac contains neural and glial tissue. Rachischisis refers to a severe condition with an extensive defect of the craniovertebral bone with exposure of the brain, spinal cord, and meninges. Myeloschisis is another defect in the tissues over the lower spinal cord. Neural tissue is exposed at the surface as a flat, red lesion with a velvety appearance over the sacral region, without protruding as a myelomeningocele sac.

Pathogenesis Spina bifida and cranium bifidum are not only disorders of induction; they also are associated with major abnormalities of cellular migration and secondary mechanical deformities of the nervous system. The continuity between neural and cutaneous ectodermal derivates is regarded as evidence that the primary defect is in the neural tube closure (366,367). Based on studies with embryos of mutant mice with genetically abnormal neurulation and a sacral neural tube defect, McLone and Naiditch (368) proposed a unified theory for the development of the associated anomalies that incorporates some of the prior observations of Padget (334). According to these authors, the initial event is a failure of the neural folds to close completely, leaving a dorsal myeloschisis. This is followed by a failure of the normal, transient occlusion of the central cavity of the spinal cord. These two events result in the escape of C SF into the amniotic cavity and a collapse of the primitive ventricular system. The failure of the primitive cranial ventricular system to distend results in a posterior fossa that is too small to accommodate the growing cerebellum and leads to upward and downward herniation of the structures within the posterior fossa. Additionally, the failure of the normal distention of the ventricular system leads to inadequate support for the normal outward migration of neuroblasts and a failure to maintain the normal pattern of ossification in the calvarium.

FIGURE 5.1. Drawings of various forms of spinal dysraphic lesions (spina bifida cystica). A: Meningocele. Through the bony defect (spina bifida), the meninges herniate and form a cystic sac filled with spinal fluid. The spinal cord does not participate in the herniation and might or might not be abnormal. B: Myelomeningocele. The spinal cord is herniated into the sac and ends there or can continue in an abnormal way further downward. C: Myelocystocele or syringomyelocele. The spinal cord shows hydromyelia; the posterior wall of the spinal cord is attached to the ectoderm and is undifferentiated. D: Myelocele. The spinal cord is araphic; a cystic cavity is in front of the anterior wall of the spinal cord. (From Benda C E. Developmental disorders of mentation and cerebral palsies. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1952. With permission.)

Marín-Padilla proposed that the primary defect is a limited injury to the primitive streak and primitive node, which impairs local growth of skeletal elements, which in turn interferes with closure of the neural tube (369). Although the specific genes involved have not been identified, this hypothesis may be expanded to invoke a mechanism of failed expression of one or more organizer genes during the primitive streak and neural placode stages of early ontogenesis. These defects are time specific, which is why the most common sites for the lesion in surviving children are either lumbosacral or occipital, these being the last levels at which neural tube closure normally occurs. The initiation of a defect at an earlier stage leads to a more extensive defect, which is incompatible with survival. In the same way, a simple meningocele results when the insult occurs after the spinal cord has formed, whereas a myelomeningocele arises from an earlier insult, which must occur before closure of the posterior neuropore (i.e., before 26 to 28 days' gestation) (Table 5.10) (370).

TABLE 5.10 Timetable of Human Central Nervous System Ontogenesis

Days of Gestation


Effect of Toxic Stimulus


Three germ layers elaborate and early neural plate forms

No effect or death


Neural plate and groove develop

Anterior midline defects (18–23 days)


Optic vesicles appear

Induction hydrocephalus (18–60 days)


Anterior neuropore closed

Anencephaly (after 23 days to ?)


Posterior neuropore closed, ventral horns form

Cranium bifidum, spina bifida cystica, spina bifida occulta (after 26 days to ?)


Anterior and posterior nerve roots form


Cerebellar primordium, vascular circulation

Microcephaly (30–130 days), cellular proliferation syndromes (30–175 days), migration anomalies (30 days to complete development of each brain subdivision)


Prosencephalon cleaves to form palred telencephalon; five cerebral vesicles, choroid plexi, dorsal root ganglion develop



Region of olfactory bulb appears in forebrain



Differentiation of cerebral cortex, meningitis, ventricular foramina, central nervous system circulation

Dandy-Walker malformation


Corpus callosum

Agenesis of corpus callosum


Primary fissures of cerebral cortex, spinal cord ends at L3 level

Lissencephaly, pachygyria


Neuronal proliferation in cerebral cortex ends

Defects of cellular architectonics, myelin defects (175 days to 4 yr postnatally)

7–9 mo

Secondary and tertiary sulci

Destructive pathologic changes first noted

175 days to 4 yr postnatally

Neuron blast migration, glial cell production, myelin formation, axosomatic and axodendritic synaptic connections, spinal cord ends L1–2 level

The cause of these anomalies is unknown. As is the case for anencephaly, it is likely that genetic defects, probably at more than one locus, interact with environmental factors to produce the varying dysraphic conditions. Spinal dysraphic lesions are among the most common anomalies of the nervous system. As with anencephaly, the incidence is highest in Ireland and lowest in Japan and also is

influenced by season, socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, and such maternal factors as parity, age, prior offspring with neural tube defects, and maternal heat exposure (371). Recurrence rates for mothers who have previously given birth to a child with an open neural tube defect are 1.5% to 2.0%, and for mothers with two affected children, the recurrence rate is 6% (372). The recurrence risk is also higher than normal if close relatives are affected. Less is known about the epidemiology of cranium bifidum, the incidence of which is approximately 1/10 that of spina bifida cystica (341,373).

Pathology Meningomyelocele (Spina Bifida Cystica). Of the defects collectively termed spina bifida cystica, 95% are myelomeningoceles and 5% are meningoceles. Locations of the defect in liveborn infants are depicted in Table 5.11. A lumbar or lumbosacral defect is most common; it corresponds to the site of the posterior neuropore closure. C ervical lesions are the least frequent posterior defects. Anterior midline defects of the vertebral arches are uncommon and constituted less than 0.5% of cases in the experience of Matson (373). Approximately 100 anterior sacral meningoceles have been reported, the majority in female patients (374). These conditions should be differentiated from spinal meningeal malformations, which can occur in isolation or in association with systemic malformations (375). Spinal meningeal malformations are relatively common in patients with the various mucopolysaccharidoses and in neurofibromatosis.

TABLE 5.11 Site of Lesion of Spina Bifida Cystica


Number of Patients





















Total a


Level of the meningeal sac in 1,396 consecutive patients treated for spina bifida cystica in the Boston Children's Medical Center. From Matson DD. Neurosurgery of infancy and childhood, 2nd ed. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1969. With permission.

C ervical and thoracic meningoceles have narrow bases and are usually not associated with hydrocephalus. By contrast, 90% or more of lumbosacral myelomeningoceles are accompanied by C hiari type II malformations and hydrocephalus. As originally described by C hiari, type I malformations consist of heterotopic, downwardly displaced cerebellar tissue in the absence of space-occupying lesions other than hydrocephalus. Type III malformations consist of cervical spina bifida accompanied by a cerebellar encephalocele. Type IV is a heterogeneous variant in which the cerebellum and brainstem remain in their entirety within the posterior fossa but the cerebellum is small (376,377). Type IV is now an obsolete term of historical interest and is redesignated cerebellar hypoplasia. In 88% of children with lumbar or lumbosacral meningomyeloceles, the spinal cord demonstrates abnormalities in the cervical region (Table 5.12) (366). The majority of instances involve hydrosyringomyelia; less often, diplomyelia or winged and dorsally slit cords are present (378,379). In greater than 70% of cases, the medulla overrides the cervical cord dorsally, in association with type II C hiari malformation (Figs. 5.2 and 5.3). C hiari II malformation is the most constant accompanying feature of lumbosacral meningomyeloceles and is present in nearly all cases. Of patients with spina bifida cystica, 70% show defects in the posterior arch of the atlas, which is bridged by a firm fibrous band, suggesting that congenital atlantoaxial dislocation is a mild expression of an induction disorder (380). Examination of the parenchyma of the spinal cord reveals atrophic or poorly developed ventral horn cells, absent or abnormal corticospinal and ascending sensory tracts, incomplete posterior horns, and exceedingly small and deranged ventral and dorsal root fibers. These changes result in muscle denervation during fetal life and ultimately produce limb deformities and joint contractures. Defects of cellular migration in the cerebral hemispheres are extremely common (see Table 5.12). These include gray matter heterotopia, schizencephaly, gyral anomalies, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and mesodermal ectopia (366,381,382). A number of mesodermal lesions accompany the ectodermal defects. In addition to the spinal canal being widened and the posterior arches being malformed, the vertebral bodies can be misshapen with resulting kyphosis or scoliosis. Rib anomalies are common. Mesodermal dysplasia of the skull produces defects in the membranous bones of the calvarium, a condition termed lacunar skull or craniolacunia (Lückenschadel). This peculiar, honeycombed appearance of the skull is seen in some 85% of patients with the C hiari type II malformation. The skull changes are transient and disappear in the first few months after birth. They are probably the result of a defect in membranous bone formation and are not secondary to in utero intracranial hypertension, as is often stated (383). The lattice pattern in the inner table of the cranium does not correspond to cerebral convolutions. Lacunar skull also can be seen, rarely, in neonates with normal brains, no midline defects over the spine or head, and no neurologic symptoms (384).

TABLE 5.12 Central Nervous System Anomalies Associated with Meningomyelocele, Hydrocephalus, and Arnold-Chiari Malformation

Percentage of Cases Spinal Cord Malformation






Diplomyelia (complete duplication over several segments)


Diastematomyelia (splitting without duplication) Brainstem Malformation

8 76

Hypoplasia of cranial nerve nuclei


Hypoplasia/aplasia of olives


Hypoplasia/aplasia of basal pontile nuclei


Malformations of Ventricular System Aqueductal stenosis

92 52

Aqueductal forking


Aqueductal atresia


Cerebellar Malformations


Heterotaxias (disordered combination of mature neurons and germinal cells)


Heterotopias Cerebral Malformations

40 92





Disordered lamination




Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum


Data are based on 25 autopsied patients with meningomyeloceie and hydrocephalus. Modified from Gilbert JN, Jones KL, Rorke LB, et al. Central nervous system anomalies associated with meningomyelocele, hydrocephalus, and the Chiari malformation: reappraisal of theories regarding the pathogenesis of posterior neural tube closure defects. Neurosurgery 1986;18:559–564. With permission.

FIGURE 5.2. C hiari type II malformation. Sagittal section through the cerebellum and brainstem in a newborn boy. Anterior is to the reader's left. Arrows mark the location of the foramen magnum. The medulla (M) protrudes below the foramen magnum into the cervical spinal cord canal to overlap the cervical spinal cord. The medulla buckles dorsally to form a kink. The cerebellar vermis (V) is indented by the posterior lip of the foramen magnum. The fourth ventricle (4) is elongated, and the midbrain (m) is beaked. The pons (P) is demonstrated also. (From Naidich TP, McLone DG, Fulling KH. The C hiari II malformation: part IV. The hind-brain deformity. Neuroradiology 1983;25:179–197. With permission.)

Deformities of the lower extremities are common and are of two types. In the first type, the various clubfoot and rocker-bottom foot deformities result from the unopposed action of the intrinsic foot muscles or the muscles at the ankle joint. In the second type, the deformities are positional; they result from intrauterine pressure on the paralytic limbs. Other anomalies accompany myelodysplasia with a greater-than-normal incidence. These include intestinal malformations (e.g., duodenal atresia, pyloric stenosis, anal stenosis), renal anomalies, notably renal agenesis, urogenital defects, cardiac malformations, and tracheo-esophageal fistulas.

FIGURE 5.3. C hiari type II malformation. Magnetic resonance imaging study. The fourth ventricle and aqueduct are stretched only slightly. C erebellar heterotopia includes both the inferior vermis and tonsil (asterisk). The tentorial opening is wide, and vertical orientation is seen at line of attachment along the straight sinus (black arrowhead). (C ourtesy of Dr. Taher El Gammal, Department of Radiology, Medical C ollege of Georgia, Augusta, GA, and the American Society of Neuroradiology.)

Spina Bifida Occulta. In spina bifida occulta, no herniation of the meninges is present and the skin of the back is completely epithelialized, although always showing some abnormality such as a nevus, dermal sinus, and dimple (35%), an underlying lipoma (29%), or a hirsute area (372). Radiography reveals a variety of deformities, the most common of which are widening of the spinal canal, fusion of the vertebral bodies, fused and malformed laminae, spina bifida, and, sometimes, a midline bone mass within the spinal canal. These skin and bone abnormalities are indications that the cord and nerve roots are malformed also. There may be a localized doubling of the cord (diplomyelia), a sagittal splitting of the cord (diastematomyelia), absent or adherent nerve roots, or an intradural lipoma attached to the cord. Abnormalities of the filum terminale, notably a shortening, which gives the appearance of a lengthening of the cord but actually results from a failure of the cord to dedifferentiate during early embryonic life, were seen in 24% of patients in Anderson's series (383). Duplication of the spinal cord or portions of it, such as the central canal, is associated, as discussed in the Families of Developmental Genes of the C entral Nervous System section, with upregulation of an early ventralizing influence of a gene such as Sonic hedgehog. These lesions must be recognized because they can cause progressive loss of neural functioning during the childhood growth spurt. In many cases, operative intervention to free the cord or nerves is indicated to prevent further damage or prophylactically to avoid such damage. One distinction of occult dysraphism is that it never seems to be accompanied by a C hiari II malformation. However, its genetic origins in familial cases are the same as those of spina bifida cystica, so that both types of spina bifida can occur in the same family. The chances that parents of a child with spina bifida occulta could have another offspring with spina bifida cystica are the same as when the proband has spina bifida cystica (385).

Cranium Bifidum. Several types of simple midline or paired paramedian skull defects are grouped under the term cranium bifidum occultum. These include the persistence of wide fontanelles and parietal foramina (386). Persistently large foramina are seen in families, and the condition is sometimes transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with the gene probably being located on the short arm of chromosome 11 (387). The condition has been termed C aitlin marks, named after the family in which it was described. Excessively large anterior and posterior fontanelles as hypomineralization of the cranium also occurs in hypophosphatasia; serum calcium and phosphate should be measures in such patients. Parietal foramina are generally asymptomatic, although they have been reported to be accompanied by a seizure disorder. The radiographic changes in the various congenital anomalies of the skull are reviewed by Kaplan and colleagues (388). Persistence of the fontanelle is sometimes accompanied by cleidocranial dysostosis, Marden-Walker syndrome, Schinzel-Giedion syndrome, and several other malformation syndromes (389). Cranium bifidum (cephalocele, encephalocele) is a much more serious condition. Like anencephaly, it has been postulated to represent a defect in the closure of the anterior neuropore. Hoving and coworkers, however, proposed that the underlying defect is a disturbance in the separation of neural and surface ectoderm (390). Marín-Padilla suggested that it results from a deficiency in local growth of the basicranium, with the timing of the insult and the amount of damage to mesodermal cells determining whether the result is anencephaly, C hiari II malformation, or cranium bifidum (369). The incidence of cranium bifidum is approximately 1/10 that of spina bifida cystica. In the Western world, approximately 85% of these lesions are dorsal defects involving the occipital bone. Parietal, frontal, or nasal encephaloceles are far less common. In Asia, the majority of encephaloceles are anterior and involve the frontal, nasal, and orbital bones (373,391,392). The lesions of cranium bifidum, regardless of whether they are a meningocele or contain neural tissue, and consequently are an encephalomeningocele, are usually classified together as encephaloceles. As with myelomeningoceles, the sac can be covered by partially transparent abnormal meninges, but in most lesions, the herniation is fully epithelialized with either dysplastic or normal skin. C utaneous abnormalities are frequent and

consist of port wine stains, abnormal patterning of scalp hair, a hairy nevus over the posterior lumbosacral region, and, occasionally, excessive amounts of subcutaneous lipomatous tissue. In the series of Simpson and coworkers, 34% of occipital meningoencephaloceles contained only cerebral tissue, 21% had cerebral and cerebellar tissue, and 37% had nodules of glial cells and dysplastic neural tissue (393). In 5% the sac contained cerebellar tissue only. Some of these infants would represent the C hiari III malformation. MRI is invaluable in determining the contents of the encephalocele (341). Lorber and Schofield reported 147 cases of posteriorly located encephaloceles (392). Of this group, one-fifth were cranial meningoceles and the remainder were encephalomeningoceles. Of those patients who survived into childhood, 25% of those who harbored a meningocele and 75% of those with an encephalomeningocele exhibited mental retardation. All patients with microcephaly had neural tissue within the sac, and all exhibited mental retardation. The presence of neural tissue in the sac usually was associated with malformations of the hindbrain or, less often, with holoprosencephaly or agenesis of the corpus callosum (394). In the series of Lorber and Schofield, 16% of patients with encephaloceles had other anomalies, including myelomeningocele, cleft palate, congenital malformations of the heart, and Klippel-Feil syndrome (392). Hydrocephalus was present in more than 59% of patients and was more common in those with encephalomeningoceles. In a small proportion of patients with encephaloceles, the condition is part of a known syndrome. These were listed by C ohen and Lemire (395). Meckel-Grüber syndrome is probably the most common of these. It is an autosomal recessive condition with its gene mapped to chromosome 17q21–q24. It is characterized by an occipital encephalocele, holoprosencephaly, the Dandy-Walker syndrome, orofacial clefts, microphthalmia, polydactyly, polycystic kidneys, and cardiac anomalies (396). In Western countries, only a small fraction of encephaloceles are located anteriorly. Most of these patients are otherwise completely healthy neurologically, and hydrocephalus is rare. The only associated C NS malformations are agenesis or lipomas of the corpus callosum (397). Midline frontal encephaloceles may be due to defective migration of the vertical sheet of prosencephalic neural crest (300). Anterior encephaloceles located at the cranial base often cause no external physical abnormalities, or they might be accompanied by such midline defects as hypertelorism, cleft lip, and cleft palate. An encephalocele presenting a mass that obstructs the nares can be mistaken for a nasal polyp. Its removal can result in a persistent C SF leak and meningitis. On examination, the encephalocele is usually fully epithelialized, although the skin can be dysplastic. Its size ranges from the insignificant to a sac that can rival the calvarium in size. Pedunculate lesions are less likely to contain neural tissue than sessile lesions. Transillumination can provide an indication of neural tissue in the sac; however, neuroimaging studies are definitive and detect associated C NS abnormalities.

Meningocele. A meningocele, by definition, represents the herniation of only the meninges through the defective posterior arches; the sac does not contain neural elements. Meningoceles account for less than 5% of patients with spina bifida cystica (398). Meningomyelocele must be differentiated from meningocele because the prognoses are vastly different. The meningomyelocele sac contains, in addition to cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues, meninges, fragments of bone, cartilage, and fibrous tissue, and neural elements. The neural tissue includes nerve roots and sometimes dysplastic spinal cord fragments and poorly differentiated neuroepithelium. An infant with a meningocele has little or no associated C NS malformation, rarely develops hydrocephalus, and usually has a normal neurologic examination. The anatomic distribution of meningoceles is the same as for myelomeningoceles. In general, meningoceles are fully epithelialized and tend to be more pedunculated than sessile lesions. Occasionally, a myelomeningocele is differentiated from a meningocele only at the time of operative repair. Some meningoceles contain a significant component of adipose tissue and are designated lipomeningoceles. These have a poorer long-term prognosis because the lipomatous portion often envelops nerve roots of the cauda equina and is not easily dissected from the roots at the time of surgery without sacrificing roots and creating a major neurologic deficit in the lower limbs and some visceral organs such as the urinary bladder.

Clinical Manifestations Meningomyelocele (Spina Bifida Cystica). At birth, spina bifida cystica can assume a variety of appearances. These range from complete exposure of neural tissue to a partially epithelialized membrane. Most often, a saclike structure is located at any point along the spinal column. Usually, the sac is covered by a thin membrane that is prone to tears, through which the C SF leaks. Of defects, 95% are myelomeningoceles and produce neurologic dysfunction corresponding to their anatomic level (399). The lumbosacral region is the site of 80% of meningomyeloceles (see Table 5.11). These produce a variety of conus, epiconus, and cauda equina syndromes (Table 5.13). When the lesion is below L2, the cauda equina bears the brunt of the damage. C hildren exhibit varying degrees of flaccid, areflexic paraparesis and sensory deficits distal from the dermatome of L3 or L4. The sphincter and detrusor functions of the bladder are compromised and dribbling incontinence occurs. An absent or unilateral anal skin reflex and poor tone of the rectal sphincter are often apparent and can result in rectal prolapse. If the lesion is located at the thoracolumbar level or higher, the anal tone is often normal and the bladder is hypertonic. Lesions below S3 cause no motor impairment but can result in bladder and anal sphincter paralysis and saddle anesthesia involving the dermatomes of S3 through S5. Electromyographic studies and nerve conduction velocities obtained in the lower extremities of affected newborns suggest that the paralysis is the outcome of a combined upper and lower motor neuron lesion (400). Upper motor neuron lesions that result from involvement of the corticospinal tracts, however, usually are obscured by the more severe involvement of the nerve roots, cauda equina, and ventral horn cells.

TABLE 5.13 Neurologic Syndromes with Myelomeningoceles

Lesion Level

Above L3

Spinal-Related Disability

Complete paraplegia and dermatomal para-anesthesia Bladder and rectal incontinence

Nonambulatory L4 and below

Same as for above L3 except preservation of hip flexors, hip adductors, knee extensors Ambulatory with aids, bracing, orthopedic surgery

S1 and below

Same as for L4 and below except preservation of feet dorsiflexors and partial preservation of hip extensors and knee flexors Ambulatory with minimal aids

S3 and below

Normal lower extremity motor function Saddle anesthesia Variable bladder–rectal incontinence

C auda equina lesions produce muscular denervation in utero, resulting in joint deformities of the lower limbs. These are most commonly flexion or extension contractures, valgus or varus contractures, hip dislocations, and lumbosacral scoliosis. The expression of the contracture depends on the extent and severity of dermatome involvement. Hydrocephalus associated with type II C hiari malformation complicates more than 90% of lumbosacral myelomeningoceles (401). It is manifest at birth in 50% to 75% of cases. In approximately 25% of infants with this condition, the head circumference is below the fifth percentile (373). In these infants and in the group whose head circumference is normal at birth, the ventricles are dilated at birth. This finding suggests that hydrocephalus almost always precedes operative closure of the myelomeningocele sac (402). Hammock and coworkers proposed that some of the infants with large ventricles but normal head circumference have normal-pressure hydrocephalus, and that these patients, like adults with this syndrome, might benefit from shunting procedures (403). C linical signs of progressive hydrocephalus accompanying a myelomeningocele include an abnormal increase in head circumference, full fontanelle, spreading of sutures, hyper-resonant calvarial percussion note, dilated scalp veins, deviation of the eyes below the horizontal (setting sun sign), strabismus, and irritability. MRI studies have become the definitive diagnostic procedure for the evaluation of spina bifida cystica and the various other dysraphic conditions (381). They reveal the downward displacement of the stretched brainstem, with a kink between the medulla and the cervical spinal cord, and herniation of the cerebellar vermis. These findings are best seen on sagittal views. As a consequence of these malformations, C SF circulation is blocked at the level of the foramen magnum. Additionally, a significant incidence of hydromyelia of the cervical or thoracic spinal cord occurs (404). MRI and cine-MRI also can be used to display the patency of the aqueduct (405). Using MRI, El Gammal and coworkers found aqueductal stenosis in 40% of patients with myelomeningocele (404). Other cerebral anomalies also have been described (366). These include microgyria and other types of cortical dysgenesis. These are frequently visualized by MRI studies but may be difficult to see if a deficit in cortical lamination is at the microscopic level, below the limit of resolution of imaging. In the first few weeks or months of life, a small percentage of infants develop lower cranial nerve palsies and impaired brainstem function. This dysfunction is characterized by vocal cord paralysis with inspiratory stridor, retrocollis, apneic episodes, difficulty with feeding, and inability to handle secretions (406,407). Additionally, progressive spasticity of the upper extremities can develop (406). The reason for this progressive neurologic deficit is unclear. It might relate to compression of the cranial nerves and brainstem in the shallow posterior fossa. Downward pressure from inadequately controlled hydrocephalus has been suggested as an explanation for infants whose symptoms resolve with surgery. In others, brainstem hemorrhage, brainstem ischemia, or an underlying neuronal agenesis is present (406,408). Anterior sacral meningoceles are characterized by unremitting and unexplained constipation and a smooth pelvic mass. Their presence can be diagnosed by MRI studies. Radiography of the spine reveals the extent of the nonfused vertebrae. The relationship between the cord segment and the vertebral bodies is abnormal. Although at birth the terminal segments of the normal cord lie between the vertebral bodies of T11 and L1, in infants with myelomeningocele the cord can extend as far down as L5 or even lower. The position of the spinal cord segments remains normal in the lower cervical and upper thoracic levels (409). A dysraphic lesion that straddles the categories of occult and cystic spina bifida is the subcutaneous lipoma extending intradurally through a posterior vertebral arch defect to end within the substance of a low-lying conus medullaris. A more extreme example of this type of lesion is the lipomeningomyelocele (Fig. 5.4). This lesion can be included in either the cystic or the occult dysraphic category because a huge mass is evident with some lesions, whereas others are only a minimal deformity of the back. The mass is invariably located in the lumbosacral region. It can be midline or eccentric, is fully epithelialized, and frequently is associated with a cutaneous angioma, a hair patch, one or more dimples, or a sinus tract. In addition to the fatty tissue, the mass can be cystic or occasionally it can contain cartilage. These lesions are usually not associated with the C hiari malformations, hydrocephalus, or other C NS anomalies. Though some infants with lumbosacral lipoma have no neurologic deficit, it is more common to find the lower lumbar or sacral segments affected, with resultant motor or sensory loss in the feet and bladder and bowel dysfunction. The quantity of subcutaneous lipomatous material varies. It extends through the defective posterior arches to become intimate with the low-lying and tethered conus medullaris. The dura is dysplastic and blends into the fatty tissue or forms cystic cavities filled with C SF. Surgical intervention is advised at approximately age 3 months, not simply for cosmetic reasons, but, more important, to decompress and untether as far as possible the spinal cord, thus preventing progressive neurologic dysfunction. These patients require full orthopedic and urologic evaluation. A considerable proportion present with urologic symptoms, notably incontinence, soiling, and recurrent urinary tract infections (410). Occasionally, a sacrococcygeal teratoma is mistaken for spina bifida cystica. Sacrococcygeal teratomas are only approximately 1/40 as frequent as spina bifida cystica, with a marked female preponderance. As the name implies, a sacrococcygeal teratoma is located in the sacrococcygeal region, whereas the lesion of spina bifida cystica is above the coccyx. Other than the breakdown of skin owing to tumor necrosis, no cutaneous abnormalities are seen. Deformities of the lower extremities and neurologic deficits are unusual, and

radiography of the vertebral column is normal. C alcium deposits within the teratoma are seen in approximately one-third of patients. Imaging studies of the region confirm the diagnosis. A sacrococcygeal teratoma must be surgically removed in the first few days of life because the incidence of malignancy increases from 10% at birth to more than 50% by 2 months of age (411). Malformations and infections of the genitourinary tract occur in up to 90% of newborns with spina bifida cystica, and renal disease is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality after age 3 years (412). Most commonly, a disturbance in bladder function is evident. One group, representing 33% of patients, shows more or less constant dribbling, and the bladder content is easily expressed manually. Direct cystometry reveals absent detrusor activity (413). In another, larger group of patients, detrusor contractions are weak, but bladder emptying is inefficient, and outlet obstruction at the level of the external sphincter occurs. This obstruction is believed to result from impaired coordination between the detrusor and sphincter functions and reflects a lesion of the spinal cord between the pontine-mesencephalic center regulating the vesicourethral unit and the sacral area. Bladder sensation is intact in some children. This latter type of upper motor neuron defect results in a high incidence of bladder trabeculation, an elevated resting bladder pressure, and dilatation of the upper urinary tract, often reaching enormous proportions (414). C ontinence appears to depend more on preservation of detrusor activity than of sphincter function. Serial neurologic evaluations indicate that these abnormalities are not static, but tend to change, particularly during the first year of life. Some children with complete or nearly complete denervation of the external sphincter improve, whereas others deteriorate (415). When deterioration occurs in childhood, it most likely occurs in patients with dyssynergia with a small, trabeculated, noncompliant bladder (416). Persistent bacteriuria is seen in 50% of 2-year-old children, with hydronephrosis being found in 25% (417).

FIGURE 5.4. A: Diagrammatic sagittal view of a lumbosacral lipomyelomeningocele. The subcutaneous lipoma extends through the defect in the posterior arches to end in the low-lying conus medullaris. The skin over the lesion is fully epithelialized, and it had been covered by a large tuft of hair. (From Milhorat TH. Pediatric neurosurgery. Philadelphia: Davis, 1978. With permission.) B: Lipomyelomeningocele. T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging shows the subcutaneous lipoma extending through the defect in the posterior arches (arrow) into the low-lying conus. (C ourtesy of Dr. Brian Kendall, Institute of Neurology, London.)

The three fundamental urologic problems are infection, incontinence, and retrograde high pressure on the upper urinary tract, producing hydronephrosis and hydroureter. Therefore, early and constant monitoring of the urinary tract with intravenous pyelograms, cultures with colony counts, and voiding cystography is an essential part of any therapeutic program (418). To assess the efficacy of clean intermittent catheterization and to time appropriate surgical intervention for the prevention or arrest of upper urinary tract damage, more complex urodynamic studies are available.

Spina Bifida Occulta. Spina bifida occulta, referring to a simple bony anomaly in which there has not been complete fusion of the laminae in the midline, is extremely common. It is found in 25% of children hospitalized for any reason and in 10% of the general pediatric population. It generally involves the posterior arches of L5 and S1. Although it is usually asymptomatic and is found incidentally on radiographic examination, the skin of the low midback region can manifest a hairy tuft, dimple, dermal sinus, or mass caused by a subcutaneous lipoma or teratoma. In the child who has a neurogenic bladder; foot deformities, particularly a broad, shortened, or elevated arch of the foot; or a variety of neurologic deficits of the lower limbs, spina bifida occulta can suggest an underlying malformation of the spinal cord (383,391). In these patients, neurologic deficits, even in the absence of urinary tract or cutaneous abnormalities, are an indication for neuroimaging studies.

Cranium Bifidum Occultum. The degree of neurologic and developmental damage in this condition depends on the quantity of protruded tissue, the degree of hydrocephalus, and the extent of hindbrain lesions or cerebral hemisphere dysplasias that result from the associated disorder of cellular migration and organization (331,382). Often, no functional impairment is noted until childhood, by which time mild mental retardation, spastic diplegia, and impaired cognitive function or seizures can be evident. In the newborn, the mass must be distinguished from cephalhematoma, inclusion cysts of the scalp, cystic hygromas, caput succedaneum, and, in the case of anterior defects, nasal polyps. Its location along the midline, with pulsations synchronous with the heart rate, and absence of periosteal new bone formation distinguish cranium bifidum from these other conditions. Skull radiography reveals the bony defect, and neuroimaging studies define the ventricular system and quantity of neural tissue within the sac.

Treatment Spina Bifida Cystica. The management of spina bifida cystica was given new energy by English orthopedic surgeons in the early 1960s (419,420). Their studies suggested that skin closure within 24 hours of birth reduces mortality and morbidity from meningitis and ventriculitis. They argued that early closure not only prevents local infection and trauma to the exposed neural tissue, but also avoids stretching additional nerve roots, which is likely to occur as the cystic sac expands during the first 24 hours. As a consequence, further deterioration of lower limb function and sphincter control is prevented, and motor power of the legs is maintained (421). In 1971, Lorber (422) proposed the principle of selective surgery and suggested four adverse criteria: a high level of paraplegia, clinically evident hydrocephalus present at birth, congenital lumbar kyphosis, and other major malformations. Other workers, however, have obtained a relatively good outcome in approximately one-half of infants who would have fared badly according to Lorber criteria (423). A further hindrance to the prediction of the future neurologic status of an infant with myelomeningocele is the subsequent progressive cavitation of the cervical and thoracic spinal cord that produces increasing weakness and spasticity of the upper extremities and causes progressive scoliosis (424). The questions as to whether and when to operate on neonates with spina bifida cystica have perhaps generated more concern and anxiety than any others in pediatric neurosurgery. Many clinicians have refrained from operating on children who had one or more of Lorber adverse criteria. In a paper published in 1974, these selected infants were found to have a 2-year survival rate of 0% to 4% (425). The reluctance of many American clinicians to follow Lorber criteria in carefully selecting children to treat surgically has been justified by the observation that two or more of the contraindications to operation are commonly compatible with survival and with a quality of life more acceptable than had been expected. In addition, with modern methods of management the purported selection criteria advocated in the past have been shown to have little prognostic value, and in terms of mortality, the ultimate outcome for patients in unselected series compares favorably with that of patients managed according to selection criteria. The effect of early treatment on disability is far less, however. As a rule, the higher the sensory level, the lower is the survival rate, the lower is the IQ, and the lower is the likelihood of employability (426). For a review of the present position, see the papers by McLone (427) and Hobbins (428). A survey published in 1990 found that in an unselected adult population of myelomeningocele patients, some 50% of survivors were ambulatory and 25% were continent. Of the survivors, 50% were able to live without supervision in adapted accommodations and 70% were employable, 25% being able to manage competitive employment (426). McLone concluded that “nearly all children born with a meningomyelocele should have the lesion repaired surgically within 24 hours of birth and should have hydrocephalus treated by shunt diversion … and other appropriate management” (429). Almost all workers agree that when a patient has been selected for surgical treatment, the procedure should be undertaken within 24 hours of birth and no later than 1 week of age. The claim that delivery by cesarean section before the onset of labor results in better motor function requires confirmation (430), as do the benefits of an in utero repair of the myelomeningocele (431). Early surgery undoubtedly prevents further loss of functioning neural tissue as a result of trauma and infection. Additionally, prompt closure results in shorter hospitalization, easier care of the infant, and psychological benefit to the family and nursing staff. It is important to emphasize to the family that closing the defect does not reverse the neurologic impairment already present, and that often much additional treatment will be necessary. It is our view that if major malformations of other organ systems are present or if MRI demonstrates major abnormalities of cortical architecture, parents should be advised of these malformations and of the likelihood of a poor intellectual and functional outcome. As a rule, intelligence is related to the thickness of the cortex at the time of shunt insertion and to the sensory level present at birth, with infants who had a lesion in the thoracic region faring worse than those who had a lumbar or sacral lesion (432,433). C hildren who required a shunt because of hydrocephalus did not perform as well intellectually as those who did not. In particular, those children whose shunt required one or more revisions showed a significant reduction in their cognitive score (433). Bier and colleagues also stressed the importance of socioeconomic factors in the ultimate outcome, particularly in the verbal scores of affected children (433). If the neonate is to be treated, as is usually the case, the sac is kept clean and moist before surgery by an undercover of gauze

sponges wet with a povidone-iodine solution. To prevent colonization of the gastrointestinal tract and to keep the meconium sterile, the infant is not fed. Systemic broad-spectrum antibiotics, especially against Staphylococcus and coliform organisms, are started when the infant arrives at the hospital and are continued for several days after closure of the sac. Postoperatively, the infant is kept prone for the first week to diminish the risk of urine or feces contaminating the wound. If fluid is present beneath the skin at the repair site, it can be aspirated and a pressure dressing can be applied. Persistent fluid buildup indicates an accumulation of C SF at this location and requires the insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt, even though the ventricles can still be only mildly dilated. Preventing the accumulation of C SF at the repair site allows the wound to heal completely, and rarely is any additional surgery needed at this site. Bladder emptying is assured either with C redé maneuver or with intermittent catheterization. If C redé maneuver is used, occasionally catheterizing the infant is advisable to confirm that the residuals are low. In the course of follow-up examinations, the head circumference and the appearance of the fontanelle are monitored, and imaging is used whenever the findings suggest increased intracranial pressure. As judged by imaging studies, more than 90% of infants with spina bifida cystica ultimately develop progressive hydrocephalus. Of these, 80% do so within the first 6 months of life and require a shunting procedure (434,435). Approximately 20% of children with myelomeningocele develop symptoms of hindbrain, cranial nerve, or spinal cord compression (436,437). In the majority of cases, manifestations develop before the age of 3 months (408). If the infant develops progressive lower cranial nerve palsies and brainstem signs, it often becomes necessary to decompress the posterior fossa and upper cervical spine, assuming that the hydrocephalus is under good control (437). C ontracture deformities of the lower limbs require physical therapy, leg braces, and stabilization of dislocated hips. Muscle or tendon transplants and joint arthrodeses might be necessary in the ambulating child. Postoperatively, neuropathic fractures resulting from paralysis and prolonged immobility are common. They are best prevented by early active and passive range-of-motion exercises (438). Kyphosis is an occasional serious and sometimes life-threatening development as the child assumes the sitting posture. It occurs in the more severe cases of extensive lumbosacral myelomeningocele as a result of the paralysis of trunk muscles and from the bone deformity associated with the primary lesion. The spinal deformity poses a threat to respiratory function, to the health of the skin overlying the repaired lesion, and sometimes to the function of surviving cord and nerves. An early decision with respect to reducing the deformity must be made in these circ*mstances. The deformity is best reduced by the difficult procedure of excision of the vertebral bodies at the level of the kyphosis. In some severe cases, it is possible to perform bony excision at the time of the primary operation. Not providing such treatment can cause a marked reduction in life expectancy. Spinal cord tethering, of the type found in spina bifida occulta, is present in a small proportion of patients with myelomeningocele. This tethering occurs in addition to the obvious union of the neural elements with the superficial tissues, which is the essential feature of a myelomeningocele. Thus, diastematomyelia, other forms of tethering, and hydromyelia can be present. These additional lesions can be detected by MRI. In the series of C aldarelli and colleagues, routine MRI screening disclosed cavitation of the spinal cord in 22.5% of spina bifida patients. Approximately one-half of the lesions were clinically asymptomatic (439). Deciding whether and when to intervene surgically when such a lesion is found is difficult and requires considerable neurosurgical judgment. Disorders of the excretory system are the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in patients who survive longer than 2 years. Fernandez and colleagues outlined five points that are invaluable in the management of the child with neurogenic bladder. These are (a) achieving urinary continence, (b) achieving good bladder emptying, (c) lowering intravesical pressure, (d) preventing urinary tract infections, and (e) treating vesicoureteral reflux (440). In lumbosacral spina bifida cystica, few children attain urinary continence, although McLone and his group believe that bladder and bowel control can be achieved by school age in almost 90% of surviving children (429). The mechanism for urinary incontinence cannot be predicted by the neurologic examination; instead it requires urodynamic testing, including cystometrography, uroflometry, and electromyography of the urinary sphincter (441). When these studies show the bladder to be atonic but with adequate urethral resistance, treatment is by intermittent catheterization, often in conjunction with cholinergic agents such as bethanechol, which can reduce the residual volume of the bladder. When the bladder is atonic and urethral resistance is inadequate, treatment should be directed to increasing outlet resistance. One way this can be accomplished is by creating an artificial urinary sphincter. Ephedrine, an αadrenergic agent that acts on the bladder neck, or imipramine can improve continence in the denervated bladder by increasing muscle tone, thereby increasing resistance to bladder outflow. C onversely, this resistance can be diminished by phenoxybenzamine or diazepam. When incontinence results from a spastic bladder and decreased bladder capacity and urethral resistance is adequate, the high intravesical pressure is managed with anticholinergic drugs. For this purpose, Fernandez and colleagues recommend oxybutynin chloride (0.2 mg/kg per day given in two divided doses), which inhibits the muscarinic action of acetylcholine on smooth muscle (440). Other drugs that have been suggested include propantheline bromide and imipramine hydrochloride. Serial cystometrograms are indicated to monitor drug response. When intermittent catheterization and anticholinergic drugs are insufficient, urinary diversion or bladder augmentation should be considered, with the latter procedure being used more frequently in children (440). When incontinence is of mixed origin, a combination of medication, intermittent catheterization, and implantation of an artificial urinary sphincter should be tried. In all instances, however, an associated malformation of the urinary tract, such as double ureter or single kidney, must be kept in mind and must be diagnosed to provide comprehensive care. In the absence of vesicoureteral reflux and in the presence of normal upper tracts, urine cultures taken every 6 months and urograms or imaging studies done every 13 years should suffice. Acute urinary tract infection demands prompt and appropriate antibiotics because infection inevitably leads to persistent vesicoureteral reflux. Such reflux, together with residual urine, produces trigonal hypertrophy and results in retrograde high pressure and eventual hydronephrosis. Vesicoureteral reflux should be monitored by isotope cystography and requires long-term treatment with low doses of antibiotics such as nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim sulfa. Urinary acidification can be useful in inhibiting calculus formation. Bowel incontinence owing to a flaccid external sphincter, although not as serious a medical problem as bladder incontinence, poses a much greater social disability. C onstipation and impaction of stool are major problems after the first few years of life. Routine enemas or suppositories and biofeedback training have been used with some degree of success, especially when anorectal manometric data demonstrate some rectal sensation and when the patient is able to effect some contraction of skeletal muscle (442,443). Another approach to alleviating the fecal incontinence can be achieved in carefully selected and motivated children who have failed to respond to the other approach and wish to avoid a colostomy. By means of an appendicostomy, a relatively simple operation, the appendix is inserted into the anterior aspect of the cecum, and retrograde colonic enemas can be performed. The slow washing out of the colonic contents by injection of water through the appendicostomy may be needed only every 24 to 48 hours, leaving the child free to take part in normal activities for the remainder of the time. The procedure can be carried out by itself or in combination with surgery for urinary incontinence (444). The long-term care of the patient with spina bifida cystica requires a multidisciplinary effort. In addition to continuing neurologic and neurosurgical evaluations, the infant also should be seen at regular intervals by orthopedic surgeons, urologists, physiotherapists, and nursing and social services. Details of ongoing care are covered more extensively in a multiauthored book edited by Rekate (445).

Spina Bifida Occulta. The availability of neuroimaging has allowed a more complete diagnosis of occult dysraphism. Diagnosis is particularly important because the lesions are frequently multiple and surgical intervention at more than one level is indicated. C lear indications for surgery include the finding of progressive neurologic defects, the presence of an associated tumor or a dermal sinus that carries the risk of meningitis or deep abscess, or a history of meningitis. C onsiderable debate exists about the need to operate when a malformation has been discovered in the absence of a progressive neural loss. It is our opinion that a child with a lower limb malformation (a small and deformed foot is the most common manifestation) or with a skin stigmata should have plain radiography of the entire spine or MRI studies whenever these are available. When vertebral column malformation is disclosed on the radiographic films, follow-up imaging studies are necessary. Should these reveal an abnormal attachment of the cord or nerve roots, operative intervention to remove that attachment is required as a prophylactic measure, even when no history of progressive damage exists.

Meningocele. If the meningocele is fully epithelialized and not draining C SF and if the skin over the sac is not ulcerated, immediate repair is not needed and surgery can be deferred for several months. As is the case with spina bifida cystica, the possibility of an additional dysraphic anomaly such as a tethered cord or diastematomyelia requires complete imaging studies. Lesions that protrude minimally do not necessarily require surgical intervention. Imaging studies of the brain are suggested to assess ventricular size and to detect those few infants who develop hydrocephalus. A small proportion of meningoceles present ventrally as a pelvic mass, or, even more uncommonly, as a posterior mediastinal mass. These lesions are usually not detected in the newborn period.

Cranium Bifidum Cysticum. C ranium bifidum cysticum requires immediate repair if C SF is leaking or if the defect is not covered by skin. If the defect is completely epithelialized, it should be closed before the infant's discharge from the hospital; if the lesion is small and less unsightly, closure can be postponed until later in the first year of life. When the lesion is tender and a source of distress to the infant, early surgical repair is indicated. Posterior encephaloceles are often associated with posterior fossa malformations leading to hydrocephalus. MRI should be done before surgical operation in all cases. Anterior encephaloceles should be repaired by a neurosurgeon working with a cosmetic surgeon.

Prognosis Follow-up studies have been performed to compare the survival and quality of life among patients treated without surgery, patients who were operated on selectively (i.e., if they lacked the adverse criteria), and patients who received routine early operation (446). Some 45% of infants with myelomeningoceles who are not treated surgically die within the first year of life, most often as a consequence of hydrocephalus or C NS infections (447). Of the survivors, approximately 50% are minimally handicapped (448). The rest are severely handicapped. With operation, approximately 90% survive into their teens, but less than 33% of these are minimally handicapped (449). Nonselective surgical intervention results in a large number of survivors with major disabilities. By adolescence, 66% of this group are wheelchair dependent because many will have given up assisted walking as they gained weight. Furthermore, 40% have IQs below 80; 66% have no continence of bladder and bowel; 66% have visual defects, including strabismus, corneal scarring, and blindness; 25% have a seizure disorder; and 25% develop precocious puberty. Approximately 90% experience pressure sores, burns, and fractures (450). Incontinence becomes the dominant issue in the surviving adolescent; some undergo urinary diversion and others respond to intermittent catheterization. In most cases, incontinence adversely affects their academic and social life, and more than 90% can be expected to have some degree of personal, social, and economic dependence (451). Long-term studies on patients who had selective surgical intervention have not been completed. When death occurs after early childhood, it is usually the result of urinary tract infection with sepsis and renal failure. Less often, it is the consequence of increased intracranial pressure resulting from poorly treated or intractable hydrocephalus. In some cases, death is the consequence of pulmonary disease caused by progressive kyphoscoliosis. Even though surgical and medical advances have improved the prognosis for children with spina bifida cystica, the essence of treatment is prevention of the condition by correction of any maternal nutritional deficiency and prenatal screening programs not only of the high-risk population but also of the general population (452).

Chiari Malformations The third major expression of dysraphism was first observed by C leland in 1883 (453), but was more definitively described in Vienna by C hiari in 1891 and 1896 (376,377).1 C hiari malformations are characterized by cerebellar elongation and protrusion through the foramen magnum into the cervical spinal cord. Primary anomalies of the hindbrain and skeletal structures with consequent mechanical deformities produce four different positions of the cerebellum and brainstem relative to the foramen magnum and upper cervical canal (455).

Pathogenesis Traditional theories of the pathogenesis of the C hiari malformations have been mechanical in nature, but a molecular genetic mechanism of pathogenesis has recently been proposed (456). 1. The traction theory suggests that tethering of the spinal cord pulls the caudal medulla oblongata and posterior cerebellum through the foramen magnum as the spinal column grows faster than the spinal cord (457). This theory has been totally discredited both experimentally in animals and in humans; traction on the lower spinal cord distorts only the most caudal few segments (458). 2. The pulsion theory suggests fetal hydrocephalus causes pressure and displacement downward of the brainstem and cerebellum during development (459,460). 3. The hydrodynamic or oligo-CSF or so-called unified theory of C hiari malformations attributes a paucity of sufficient fluid to distend the cerebral vesicles early in cerebral development because the open neural tube allows leakage and prevents the

accumulation of fluid within the ventricular system (461). Hydrodynamics may indeed play a minor role, but does not explain the entire malformation or its early pathogenesis. 4. The crowding theory asserts that the posterior fossa itself is too small and the confined neural structures within it are forced through the foramen magnum as they grow. None of these theories fully accounts for all of the manifestations of C hiari malformations, such as the primary intramedullary dysplasia that usually is found in the brainstem and cerebellum, the accompanying aqueductal stenosis and hydromyelia in many cases, and the inconstant forebrain anomalies in some, such as absence of the corpus callosum. This crowding theory of MarínPadilla (462) could play a role late in gestation, as the posterior fossa is indeed pathologically reduced in volume, but it cannot explain the pathogenesis of the malformation earlier than 30 weeks, before the cerebellum has grown so that its volume no longer is accommodated in the posterior fossa, and also fails to explain the reason for the small posterior fossa. 5. The birth trauma theory is wholly without merit, and cases are well documented, both in the literature and in our neuropathologic experience, of fetuses of less than 20 weeks' gestation with well-formed C hiari malformations (73). 6. The hypothesis that appears to have the greatest consistency with all aspects of C hiari malformations, particularly types II and III, is a molecular genetic hypothesis that the malformation is caused by ectopic expression of homeobox genes of rhombomere segmentation. The HOX family is implicated in particular because not only do they program segmentation of the hindbrain, but they also are important for the development of the basioccipital, exoccipital, and supraoccipital bones of paraxial mesodermal origin that are hypoplastic in C hiari malformations and result in the abnormally low placement of the torcula and tentorium that causes the posterior fossa to be reduced in volume; HOX genes play no role, by contrast, in the development of membranous bones of most of the cranial vault, which are of neural crest origin (456). Experimentally, C hiari II malformations and often meningomyeloceles may be created in fetal rodents by administering a single dose of retinoic acid (vitamin A) to the maternal animal on embryonic day 9.5 (462). Retinoic acid is known to cause ectopic expression of genes of the Hox and Krox (human EGR2) families in mice, resulting in brainstem and cerebellar malformations. The ependyma shows upregulation of vimentin only in the regions of dysgenesis in C hiari malformations, unlike other cerebral malformations and congenital hydrocephalus of other causes; vimentin expression may be upregulated by genetic mutation of HOX genes (463).

Types of Chiari Malformations Type I. In type I malformation, clinically the least severe, the medulla is displaced caudally to the spinal canal and the inferior pole of the cerebellar hemispheres is protruded through the foramen magnum in the form of two parallel, tonguelike processes. This cerebellar displacement can extend as far down as the third cervical vertebra. Though sometimes called a “herniation,” this term is incorrect because it implies that it is being squeezed down, which is not the pathogenesis. Malformations at the base of the skull and the upper cervical spine are sometimes present. These include basilar impression, atlas assimilation, atlantoaxial dislocation, asymmetric small foramen magnum, and Klippel-Feil syndrome. Hydromyelia, syringomyelia, syringobulbia, and diastematomyelia are frequently present (464). The C hiari malformation type I is generally asymptomatic in childhood, becoming clinically apparent only in adolescence or adult life. The ready availability of MRI studies that demonstrate the malformation has led to a more complete understanding of the clinical spectrum of this condition. Symptoms result from direct medullary compression, compromise of the vasculature supplying the medulla, or, less frequently, from hydrocephalus that develops from aqueductal stenosis or obstruction of the fourth ventricle at its outlet foramina or at the foramen magnum. With obstruction at the foramen magnum, torticollis, opisthotonus, and signs of cervical cord compression are evident. Headache, vertigo, laryngeal paralysis, and progressive cerebellar signs can be accompanied by lower cranial nerve deficits that are often asymmetric (465). Other symptoms of this condition include recurrent apneic attacks and pain in the neck and the occipital region that is exacerbated by laughing or straining. In the series of 43 patients reported by Nohria and Oakes, the mean age at presentation was 17.5 years (466). Hydrosyringomyelia was seen in 65% and scoliosis in 30%. Hydrocephalus was only seen in 12%.

Type II. In type II, the most common of the C hiari malformations to be diagnosed in childhood, any combination of features of type I malformation can be associated with noncommunicating hydrocephalus and lumbosacral spina bifida. Additionally, the medulla and cerebellum, together with part or all of the fourth ventricle, are displaced into the spinal canal (325,407). The medulla and pons are ventrally linked and juxtaposed (see Figs. 5.2 and 5.3). The pons and cranial nerves are elongated and the cervical roots are compressed and forced to course upward, rather than downward, to exit through their respective foramina. C ervicothoracic hydromyelia and syringomyelia also can be present, and both the foramina of Luschka and Magendie and the basal cisterns are occluded as a result of impaction of the foramen magnum or atresia of the foramina outlets (467). These anatomic features can be demonstrated readily by MRI studies. Additionally, one can observe that the posterior fossa is smaller than normal and that the tentorium has a low attachment to the occipital bone (407). In 75% of patients, the underdeveloped tentorium allows inferior displacement of the medial posterior cerebrum (444). In addition to these gross abnormalities, developmental arrests of the cerebellar and brainstem structures, heterotopia of cerebral gray matter, and polymicrogyria also occur. The cortical defects point to an additional defect in cerebral cellular migration and are not explained by obstructive hydrocephalus alone (366,468). In more than 90% of patients, type II C hiari malformation is seen in conjunction with spina bifida cystica, hydrocephalus, and any combination of the assorted defects already cited for type I (469). C onversely, all patients with spina bifida cystica and hydrocephalus exhibit the type II defect. The clinical presentation of this condition was first noted in 1941 by Adams and colleagues, who demonstrated the lesion by intraspinal injection of lipiodol (470). In the more recent experience of Vandertop and colleagues, 21% of patients develop signs of C hiari II malformation despite good control of their hydrocephalus (437). Symptoms usually develop in infants. They include swallowing difficulties, seen in 71% of the series of Vandertop and coworkers; stridor, seen in 59%; arm weakness, seen in 53%; apneic spells, seen in 29%; and aspiration, seen in 12%. Surgical decompression and sectioning a tight and dense fibrotic band that is often present at the C 1 level produces significant improvement in the majority of infants.

Type III.

Type III variant can have any of the features of types I or II. Additionally, the entire cerebellum is herniated through the foramen magnum with a cervical spina bifida cystica. Hydrocephalus is seen regularly and is the result of differing degrees of atresia of the fourth ventricle foramina, aqueductal stenosis, or impaction at the foramen magnum. Rhombencephalosynapsis can rarely be part of type III (471).

Management The clinical condition and therapeutic regimen for the various C hiari syndromes are described in other sections (see Spina Bifida C ystica, C ranium Bifidum, and Hydrocephalus).

Other Spinal Cord Dysraphic States The vast majority of other dysraphic states are confined to the spinal cord and its vertebral and cutaneous environment. Like anencephaly and spina bifida, they result from a combination of environmental and genetic components (472). They are of subtle expression and usually are associated with spina bifida occulta along with a tethered cord, a mass lesion, or both (473). A tethered conus medullaris is diagnosed by its position below L2 and by a filum terminale that is wider than 2 mm and is located in the posterior portion of the spinal cord. Tethering results in traction and damage to neural tissue. If a mass lesion is present (e.g., lipoma, syrinx), compression of neural tissue occurs (473). Neurologic dysfunction can be present already in the neonate with an occult dysraphic lesion. If so, it most frequently involves the lower lumbar and sacral segments and produces motor and sensory loss or sphincter impairment. Musculoskeletal deformities primarily involve the foot, but scoliosis can develop. With somatic growth, the neurologic deficit can worsen or can become apparent if not already present. The progression and development of neurologic symptoms is believed to result from the differential growth between the spinal column and the spinal cord, compression of neural elements, or damage from repeated local trauma (397). Normally, the conus medullaris ascends from the lower lumbar to the upper lumbar level during growth. If tethered by a lipomatous mass, a hypertrophic filum terminale, or a bony spur such as is associated with diastematomyelia, spinal cord ascent is impaired, causing neural damage. Dysraphisms are often heralded by cutaneous or subcutaneous lesions, such as a hairy tuft, hemangioma, lipoma, sinus, or dimple. We advise imaging studies of the spine and the spinal cord in any neonate with these cutaneous abnormalities. If a patient has neurologic abnormalities and a bony defect in addition to the cutaneous lesions, imaging and surgical exploration are indicated. In some cases, successful intrauterine surgery of the fetus to repair the meningomyelocele has resulted in dramatic correction of anatomic defects including hydrocephalus and lessening or correction of the C hiari malformation, and this evidence has been cited in support of the hydrodynamic theory of pathogenesis (474,475), but the relief of some anatomic defects to lessen clinical manifestations does not detract from a molecular theory of pathogenesis.

Diplomyelia and Diastematomyelia Diplomyelia is a complete duplication of a region of spinal cord; diastematomyelia is a vertical division of the spinal cord into two separate halves, usually by an abnormal bony, cartilaginous or fibrous septum over several segments. These two conditions are traditionally discussed together, but they actually are quite different with distinct mechanisms of formation, though not all of the details of pathogenesis are known. Based on neuroimaging, Pang and coworkers used the term split cord malformation (SC M) and distinguished two types (476), but both really correspond to diastematomyelia. In the first, each of two hemicords is each contained within its own dural tubes and they are separated by a rigid osseocartilaginous median septum. This condition generally corresponds to diastematomyelia. In the second, the two hemicords are housed in a single dural tube and are separated by a nonrigid fibrous median septum. The state of the dural tube and the nature of the median septum can be demonstrated by imaging studies (476). For this purpose, high-resolution, thin-cut, axial computed tomographic (C T) myelography using bone algorithms is more sensitive than MRI (477). According to Pang and colleagues, both types of SC M result from adhesions between ectoderm and endoderm, which lead to an accessory neuroenteric canal around which an endomesenchymal tract condenses, which bisects the developing notochord and causes the formation of two hemineural plates (476). A true vertical bisection of the notochord would yield two complete spinal cords, not two hemicords, because two floor plates would be induced, though the resulting two spinal cords may have imperfect architecture (73). Diplomyelia represents a complete duplication of the spinal cord, usually in the lumbar region, 79% in the series of Pang, in which they mistakenly assumed that diplomyelia was a form of diastematomyelia, and occasionally extending for 10 segments or more (477). Because it is a true duplication, each affected spinal segment has four dorsal roots and four anterior horns. The lesion can be associated with extensive spina bifida cystica or with tumors of the spinal cord or it can occur in the absence of other neurologic lesions (478). Diplomyelia could be caused by upregulation of an early gene, expressed in the primitive streak stage, that could also cause conjoined twinning in animals, such as Wnt-8c, or diplomyelia could result from upregulation in the caudal part of the neural tube of a ventralizing gene from the notochord, such as SHH, that causes duplication of the neuraxis; defective SHH expression conversely causes sacral agenesis with severe dysplasia of the spinal cord in those segments (479). The term diastematomyelia is derived from the Greek diastema, meaning cleft. The condition is marked by a cleft in the spinal cord, which becomes divided longitudinally by a septum of bone and cartilage emanating from the posterior vertebral arch and extending anteriorly. Each half of the cord has its own dural covering. The cord or cauda equina becomes impaled by the bony spur, and differential growth between vertebral column and spinal cord results in stretching of the cord above its point of fixation. An alternative, pathogenetic hypothesis postulates that progressive cord or cauda equina damage results from minor trauma and traction at the spur during head and neck flexion in the growing child. In the majority of patients, diastematomyelia is confined to the low thoracolumbar region, usually extending for 1 to 2 segments, rarely for as many as 10 segments (480). Diplomyelia and diastematomyelia no longer should be regarded as variants of the same process because the pathogenesis is different and the neuropathologic lesions are certainly quite different. Some 80% to 95% of patients with diastematomyelia are female (481). A variety of skin lesions mark the site of the defect. Most commonly [56% of cases in the series of Pang (477)], these are tufts of hair or dimples, but subcutaneous lipomas, vascular malformations, or dermal sinuses also can be present. Additionally, anomalies of the craniobasal bones may occur as well as syringomyelia and hydromyelia (see Fig. 5.1C ). A neurenteric cyst (a persistent embryonic communication with the gut) can be located in the cleft portions of the spinal cord (482). Progressive sensorimotor deficits represent the most common clinical manifestation for both diplomyelia and diastematomyelia (477,483). They were seen in 87% of symptomatic children and are commonly asymmetric. Pain was seen in 37% of children. Sensorimotor deficits may take two forms. The first is a predominantly unilateral, nonprogressive hypotonia and weakness. The second

syndrome is seen in approximately two-thirds of cases. In this entity, the patient experiences weakness and spasticity of the lower extremities with awkward gait, incontinence of bladder and rectum, and, less commonly, posterior root pain. Symptoms either appear de novo or are superimposed on the first syndrome. A combination of upper and lower motor neuron signs in the lower extremities is associated with atrophy of the leg muscles and skeletal deformities of the feet (484). The difference in shape and dimensions of the lower limbs is often quite striking and is believed to result from a combination of prenatal and postnatal asymmetry of growth stimulus secondary to differences in nerve supply. Spinothalamic and posterior column sensory deficits correspond with the level of the lesion. With suspicion aroused by cutaneous anomalies and neurologic dysfunction of the lower limbs and sphincters, diagnosis can best be made by means of MRI of the spinal cord. Because sagittal images may be difficult to interpret in patients with severe scoliosis, coronal images should always be obtained. Surgery for SC M type I cases (diastematomyelia) has a higher risk of morbidity than is seen for SC M type II cases (diplomyelia), particularly when one hemicord is markedly smaller and, therefore, more delicate (477). Surgical removal of the bony spur allows the cord to become freely movable. Although this does not alter the nonprogressive hypoplastic syndrome, it prevents the onset or arrests and even improves the progressive de novo syndrome (482,485). The more recent the neurologic deficit, the more likely it is to be reversible; hence, prophylactic surgery for the infant or young child without neurologic deficit is indicated. Periodic postoperative followup is necessary because regrowth of bone spurs has been reported (486).

Syringomyelia and Hydromyelia Hydromyelia is an enlargement or dilatation of the central canal of the spinal cord. Syringomyelia involves extension of an enlarged central canal into the cord parenchyma, usually one or both dorsal horns and dorsal columns. Syringomyelia and hydromyelia are traditionally believed to represent different expressions of the same pathologic process because hydromyelia at times can progress to syringomyelia. However, hydromyelia can occur as a developmental anomaly, associated with C hiari malformations in particular, whereas syringomyelia can be an acquired lesion of the spinal cord secondary to trauma, infarction, or intramedullary tumors. The two terms thus are not synonymous and interchangeable. As originally defined, syringomyelia is a condition of tubular cavitation within the spinal cord. When the cystic lesion extends into the medulla and pons, the condition is termed syringobulbia. When hydromyelia is a developmental defect from early fetal life, the large central canal is fully lined by ependyma, though it overexpresses vimentin (463). By contrast, the hydromyelia that results from acquired injuries postnatally usually leaves a central canal with ependymal discontinuities and large gaps. When syringomyelia is associated with C hiari type I or II malformation, as it often is, it is accompanied by tonsillar herniation and an apparent occlusion of the outlet foramina of the fourth ventricle. The diameter of the cervical spinal canal is enlarged, and extensive scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis can be present. Some cases of syringomyelia are post-traumatic, a condition more fully covered in C hapter 9 (Fig. 5.5). Others, nearly 20%, are associated with a spinal cord tumor (487). Rarely, spinal cord gray and white matter is disorganized, a microscopic picture analogous to schizencephaly of the cerebral cortex. In the majority of cases, however, the cause of syringomyelia remains essentially unknown despite numerous theories and many clinical and experimental studies intended to explain the condition (488). One theory, as proposed by Oldfield and colleagues, is based on their observations, supported by MRI and cineMRI, that in patients with syringomyelia associated with the C hiari I malformation the subarachnoid space is partially occluded at the level of the foramen magnum by the displaced brainstem and cerebellar tonsils (489). This displacement impedes the rapid upward and downward movement of C SF during the cardiac cycle and produces a systolic pressure wave in the spinal C SF that forces C SF into the spinal cord through the perivascular and interstitial spaces. Hydromyelia, a dilated central canal without extension into the spinal cord parenchyma, resembles the healthy fetal condition at midgestation, although often in a more extreme form. At 6 to 12 weeks' gestation, the central canal is a tall, vertical slit extending almost the entire vertical axis of the neural tube. It is initially lined by undifferentiated neuroepithelium with mitotic activity at the surface of the central canal; a pseudostratified columnar ependymal epithelium then develops and stops all mitotic activity, first at the basal plate and later at the alar plate. The slit becomes round in transverse sectional views and progressively narrows as the fetus and infant mature. In early adult life the canal ceases to exist altogether and its site is identified by clusters and rosettes of residual ependymal cells, but the lumen is obliterated. Hydromyelia of the cervical and often of the thoracic and lumbosacral spinal cord usually accompanies C hiari II malformations, and the ependyma lining it overexpresses vimentin as a persistent fetal feature that normally disappears by 34 weeks' gestation. Vimentin expression continues into adult life in patients with C hiari malformations, but does so only in the regions of dysgenesis of the ventricles, not in the normal lateral or third ventricles or in normal segments of the spinal cord (463). Though sometimes recognized during childhood, syringomyelia usually does not become symptomatic until adult life (489). The vast majority of lesions involve the cervical cord, and, therefore, the upper extremities are preferentially involved. However, a syrinx is sometimes encountered in spinal dysraphism of the lower spine, when it is usually associated with other malformations in this region. Because the cavities tend to be more central than eccentric, they damage fibers crossing through the central white matter of the cord and thus compromise temperature and pain sensation, sparing sensory modalities mediated by the posterior columns. This disassociated anesthesia is responsible for cutaneous trophic, sudomotor, and vasomotor disorders, including painless ulcerations, coldness, cyanosis, and hyperhidrosis. It also causes the painless arthropathies, the C harcot joints similar to those seen in tabes dorsalis, but involving joints of the upper rather than the lower extremities.

FIGURE 5.5. C ervical syringomyelia. Magnetic resonance imaging study. The syrinx was essentially asymptomatic in this 4year-old boy. It was discovered when imaging studies were done as part of an evaluation for a hemiplegia, which was found to be caused by a parietal porencephaly.

As the syrinx enlarges, involvement of anterior horn cells, pyramidal tracts, and posterior columns in the cervical region leads to segmental asymmetric lower motor neuron signs in the upper and lower extremities. Spasticity, hyper-reflexia, and loss of position and vibratory sense occur. In children, the first sign can be a rapidly progressive scoliosis (490). In syringobulbia, asymmetric lower cranial nerve palsies occur, and the condition is almost always associated with anomalies of the craniobasal bones. Brainstem tumors are occasionally present. Syrinxes in the child or adult can impinge on dorsal motor nuclei of the vagus nerve, producing episodic stridor with laryngospasm, or they can compromise the nucleus ambiguous, causing chronic stridor and vocal cord paralysis (491). Diagnosis is best made by MRI studies. Sagittal views provide excellent visualization of the cystic cavity and of the anatomy at the level of the foramen magnum. Gadolinium enhancement can be used to verify the presence of an adjoining tumor (492). C onsiderable dispute exists about the best means of managing the lesion (487,493). Posterior fossa and upper cervical decompression is the recommended treatment for the most common form of syringomyelia seen in the pediatric population (i.e., that associated with C hiari type II malformation and downward displacement of the cerebellar tonsils and outlet obstruction of the fourth ventricle) (487,494). In patients in whom such decompression fails to stabilize the neurologic deterioration and in whom persistence of a dilated cyst can be demonstrated, shunting of the C SF from the cystic cavity into the neighboring subarachnoid space is recommended (487,492). The value of occluding the opening from the fourth ventricle into the syringomyelic cavity has come under question, but is still recommended when syringomyelia is associated with the Dandy-Walker syndrome (487,495,496). Follow-up examinations by MRI are required.

Sacral Agenesis Sacral agenesis is marked by total absence of the coccyx and the lower two or three sacral vertebrae and hypoplasia of the vertebrae just above the aplastic segments. An associated anomalous development of the lumbosacral cord and other major or minor dysraphisms occur. Lipoma of the conus medullaris and filum terminale often accompany the defect (497). Sacral agenesis is associated in animals and humans with underexpression of Sonic hedgehog at the caudal end of the neural tube. The same molecular defect when expressed only at the rostral end of the neural tube is associated with holoprosencephaly. The gene for sacral agenesis has been mapped to chromosome 7q36, the same region that contains a gene for holoprosencephaly (498). Sacral agenesis, therefore, represents a genetic disorder of neural induction and of failure in induction of the sclerotome in the ventral half of the paired somites. In severe cases, the entire somite may fail to develop at the sacral and lumbar levels, hence the myotome is affected as well and fails to generate myocytes, resulting in segmental amyoplasia. Sensory innervation from the dorsal horns and dorsal roots remains well preserved, by contrast, and autonomic neural structure and function are variably involved (499). Neurologic signs are those of a flaccid neurogenic bladder with dribbling incontinence, motor deficits, to a lesser extent sensory deficits of the lower extremities, lower extremity muscle hypoplasia, and skeletal arthrogryposis (499). Recurrent urinary tract infection and hydronephrosis, aggravated by delay in diagnosing the primary process, are major sources of morbidity (500). The defect has been associated with imperforate anus, malrotation of the bowel, and genital anomalies. All malformations can be dated to the first 7 weeks of gestation (501). Sacral agenesis is seen in approximately 1% of offspring of diabetic mothers, and Passarge and Lenz postulated that insulin interferes with the differentiation of caudal chordamesoderm (502). The caudal regression syndrome refers to severe sacral agenesis associated with syringomelia or lack of separation of the two legs, as with manatees or seals.

Neurodermal Sinus The majority of dermal sinuses (e.g., the pilonidal sinus) do not connect with the C NS and are therefore of limited neurologic importance. Neurodermal sinuses are relatively frequent among cases of occult spinal dysraphism (383). They represent a communication lined by

stratified squamous epithelium between skin and any portion of the neuraxis. Most commonly, the defects are in the lumbosacral region and the occiput, defects in the lumbosacral region occurring approximately nine times as frequently as those in the occiput. These two levels are at the terminal closure sites of the neural tube. The sinus is often surrounded by a small mound of skin, the dimple, or other cutaneous lesions such as tufts of hair or angiomas. It often overlies a spina bifida occulta. It can expand into an epidermoid or dermoid cyst at its proximal end, causing segmental neurologic deficits, either through mass effect or by traction on the neuraxis. C erebellar and brainstem signs or, on occasion, hydrocephalus can be produced by a neurodermal sinus in the occipital region. The presence of an open sinus tract can provide a portal of entry for bacterial infections, and a neurodermal sinus is an important cause for recurrent meningitis. In other cases, the dermoid cyst enlarges rapidly through infection of its contents, becoming an intraspinal abscess. When the lesion is in the lumbosacral region, coliform bacteria and staphylococci are the most common invaders; a sinus tract in the occiput is more likely to produce recurrent staphylococcal meningitis. Such defects must be scrupulously sought in any case of C NS infection (503). Any dermal sinus ending that is above the level of the lower sacrum should be traced with neuroimaging studies. These lesions require surgical exploration and complete excision of the sinus before the development of symptoms. An occipital sinus is treated by primary excision of the entire sinus tract, and of the proximal cyst if it is present. In Matson's experience, surgical results were poorer when performed after the development of infection, with death resulting from chronic meningitis or hydrocephalus (373).

Congenital Scalp Defect A congenital defect of the scalp, also known as aplasia cutis congenita, is a relatively rare anomaly seen in either sex. It can occur in isolation or in combination with a wide variety of other cerebral or extracranial anomalies (504). Rarely, congenital scalp defects are associated with similar cutaneous lesions elsewhere on the body. In 80% of instances the defect is sporadic; in the remainder it is inherited as autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive traits (331). The defect can vary from one that is small to one that includes most of the calvarial surface. Although in two-thirds of cases the underlying skull is intact, other cases involve underlying defects of periosteum, skull, and dura that often close spontaneously during the first few months after birth. The defect is generally at the vertex, although some lesions occur off the midline. The brain is usually normal, but imaging is justified to verify this assumption. Posterior midline scalp defects can be accompanied by mental retardation, congenital deafness, and hypothyroidism, the Johanson-Blizzard syndrome, and are seen in infants with deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4 (505). A small skin defect can be closed, but if it is large, grafting might be required. It is important to keep the lesion clean and moist before surgical repair. A dermoid or epidermoid cyst may occur in the site of the anterior fontanelle as a benign lesion.

Congenital Defects of the Cranial Bones C ongenital defects of the skull bones without loss of overlying skin or underlying dura result from a failure of ossification that usually occurs at the vertex either as enlarged persistent biparietal foramina or as an absence of the sphenoid wing. The latter can result in a pulsating exophthalmos that can damage the globe or optic nerve. In approximately 50% of the cases, this defect is associated with neurofibromatosis. Diagnosis is made by radiography or C T.

DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES OF THE CEREBELLUM In the C hiari malformation, the cerebellar hemispheres that remain in the posterior fossa are frequently hypoplastic. On microscopic examination, the cerebellum often shows disorganization of the normal lamination with the Purkinje cells being heterotopic or focally absent. C omplete cerebellar aplasia is a rare condition. It is attributed to destruction of the cerebellum rather than representing a true aplasia (506). However, molecular genetic manipulations in mice demonstrate that global cerebellar aplasia results from hom*ozygous deletion of Wnt-1, En-1, or both genes, and En-2–defective expression results in cerebellar hypoplasia (46). In all three of these genetic mutations, agenesis of the mesencephalon and metencephalon (rostral pons) also is present in the mouse. Each of these genes is essential for the development of the midbrain neuromere (r0) and rhombomere 1 (r1). Nearly identical lesions can occur in humans, and it seems likely that an EN2 mutation accounts for this combination of focal malformations of derivatives of r0 and r1 that cannot be explained as infarction or on any other basis (507).

Cerebellar Hypoplasias Under cerebellar hypoplasias are grouped several entities in which the cerebellum does not achieve its full developmental potential. C erebellar hypoplasia can be categorized as global or as selective for the vermis or the lateral hemispheres. Global hypoplasia of the cerebellum can be caused by a variety of endogenous or exogenous factors. It is seen as an autosomal recessive trait, in a variety of chromosomal disorders, and as a result of intrauterine exposure to drugs or irradiation. Patients with the autosomal recessive condition demonstrate a small cerebellum with an atrophic cerebellar cortex. Granule cells are markedly reduced or absent. Purkinje cells can be normal or can demonstrate a variety of abnormalities. C linically, children present with delayed development, generalized muscular hypotonia, fixation nystagmus, esotropia, and, in the more severe cases, microcephaly and a seizure disorder (508). Ataxia and intention tremor were seen in all older children reported by Sarnat and Alcalá, but the common presentation in infancy was hypotonia and gross motor developmental delay; phasic nystagmus was variably expressed at any age (509). Migratory disorders of the cerebral cortex frequently accompany this condition (510). Two syndromes of an autosomal recessive form of pontocerebellar hypoplasia have been reported. One type is accompanied by ventral horn cell degeneration similar to that seen in infantile spinal muscular atrophy; the other is marked by progressive microcephaly and extrapyramidal movements appearing during the first year of life (511). However, pontocerebellar hypoplasias may not be simple developmental malformations, but progresssive degenerative diseases beginning in fetal life, and hence combine hypoplasia with atrophy of incompletely developed structures of the brain and involve supratentorial as well as posterior fossa structures.

Aplasia of the Vermis Selective aplasia of the vermis can be genetic or acquired. Acquired vermal aplasia or hypoplasia results from a variety of teratogens acting on the brain during the seventh to eighth weeks of gestation, a time when the neural folds of the developing cerebellum meet in the midline to enclose the fourth ventricle and form the vermis (512). Hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis occurs sporadically, as an autosomal dominant trait (513) or as Joubert syndrome, an autosomal recessive condition. Since its first description in 1969 by Joubert and coworkers (514), this disorder has been reported from all parts of the world. Patients usually present in infancy with respiratory

irregularities, notably hyperpnea alternating with apnea. These were seen in 44% of patients in the series of Kendall and colleagues (515). Abnormal eye movements, notably nystagmus and impaired supranuclear control, were seen in 67%. Reduced visual acuity or retinal dystrophy were seen in 44%. C yclic conjugate lateral deviation of the eyes accompanied by head turning also has been described (516). Hypotonia and mental retardation are common, as are polycystic kidneys and congenital anomalies of the extremities. Variants of Joubert syndrome also are described; in one form, supratentorial white matter shows delayed myelination as a probable autosomal recessive trait in siblings (517). Hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis also is well documented in many cases of infantile autism, but the genetics is uncertain (518). Selective aplasia of the vermis may leave a C SF-filled extension of the subarachnoid space that separates the medial borders of the preserved lateral hemispheres, as in Joubert syndrome or associated with Dandy-Walker malformation, or it may be associated with fusion of the medial wall of the hemispheres and of the dentate nuclei that obliterates this space and also causes the fourth ventricle to be shallow, tall, and distorted. This latter condition is termed rhombencephalosynapsis and is most often a cerebellar component of the forebrain malformation septo-optic-pituitary dysplasia, but not of holoprosencephaly (512). The condition occasionally is associated with the C hiari III malformation (471). C hildren present with cerebellar deficits and mental retardation of variable severity (506,510). Partial or complete absence of the vermis can be visualized by neuroimaging or on pathologic examination. In some cases the cerebellar folia are normal; in others the hemispheres are hypoplastic with hypomyelination of cerebellar white matter. The brainstem is often hypoplastic with absence of the pyramidal decussations and a variety of abnormalities at the cervicomedullary junction (515). C ommonly, an associated atrophy of the cerebral hemispheres occurs. Diagnosis of the condition is best made by MRI. In some cases the secondary enlargement of the cisterna magna bears some resemblance to the Dandy-Walker syndrome (519). A rare, sporadic malformation in which hypoplasia of the vermis is associated with an occipital encephalocele and ventrolateral dislocation of the hypoplastic cerebellar hemispheres has been termed inverse cerebellum or tectocerebellar dysraphia. Hydrocephalus, microcephaly, agyria, and dysplasia of the corpus callosum are associated findings (520). The Dandy-Walker syndrome, which, in part, is characterized by complete or partial agenesis of the vermis, is covered in another section of this chapter.

Aplasia of the Cerebellar Hemispheres Selective agenesis of the cerebellar hemispheres with preservation of the vermis is associated with secondary degeneration of cerebellofugal and cerebellopetal tracts, abnormalities in the basal ganglia, microcephaly, and mental retardation (521). Generalized disorganization of the cerebellar cortex usually is accompanied by such major cerebral malformations as holoprosencephaly. Because migration of the external granular layer of the cerebellum continues into the second year of postnatal life, focal dysplasias of the cerebellum can result from either prenatal or perinatal insults. When the dysplasias are prenatal, they are marked by heterotopia of undifferentiated neuroepithelial cells and hypertrophy and proliferation of the cells of the cerebellar cortex. The condition known as cerebellar hypertrophy, dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum, or Lhermitte-Duclos syndrome manifests as a cerebellar tumor. It is covered in C hapter 11, although it is really a malformation and not a true neoplasm.

DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES OF THE BASE OF THE SKULL AND UPPER CERVICAL VERTEBRAE Platybasia The terms platybasia and basilar impression frequently are used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Platybasia refers to a condition in which the angle formed by a line connecting the nasion, tuberculum sellae, and anterior margin of the foramen magnum is greater than 143 degrees.2 The diagnosis of platybasia in young infants should be made cautiously because it also represents a normal transitory developmental stage. Basilar impression, by contrast, refers to a pathologic upward displacement of the occipital bone and cervical spine with protrusion of the odontoid process into the foramen magnum. It is a common complication of conditions in which the bones are vulnerable to deformity or easy fracture, as in osteogenesis imperfecta. Platybasia also is sometimes applied to a familial disorder characterized by a deformity of the osseous structures at the base of the skull that produces an upward displacement of the floor of the posterior fossa and a narrowing of the foramen magnum. Basilar impression, with which platybasia often is confused, may be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with occasional lack of penetrance (522). As a rule, neurologic symptoms do not appear until the second or third decade of life. When they do, they are progressive and are caused by compression of the cervical spinal cord. C ommonly, they include progressive spasticity, incoordination, and nystagmus with lower cranial nerve palsies. Platybasia after 2 years of age can be associated with other malformations of the C NS, including the C hiari malformations and aqueductal stenosis. The diagnosis is suggested by a short neck and a low hairline. It is confirmed by radiography of the skull and upper cervical spine. These reveal an odontoid process that extends above a line drawn from the dorsal lip of the foramen magnum to the dorsal margin of the hard palate. Treatment is by surgical decompression of the posterior fossa and upper cervical cord (510).

Klippel-Feil Syndrome Klippel-Feil syndrome, first described in 1912 by Klippel and Feil (523), is characterized by a fusion or reduction in the number of cervical vertebrae. The embryonic defect is a failure of segmentation of the chordamesoderm and its derivative sclerotomes that ultimately go on to form the cervical vertebrae. It is probably a disorder of segmentation of embryonic somitosomes into distinct segmental somites, including the sclerotomes that form the vertebrae. The most likely, though not yet proved, etiology of Klippel-Feil malformation of the cervical spine is defective expression of a HOX-family gene that programs segmentation not only of the hindbrain, but also of somites, including sclerotomes that form vertebral bodies. In most cases the syndrome appears sporadically; in isolated families an autosomal dominant transmission has been recorded. On examination, affected children have a short neck and a low hairline. Passive and active movements of the neck are limited. Neurologic symptoms are variable. Progressive paraplegia owing to compression of the cervical cord can appear early in life. Some children exhibit retardation or show learning deficits. An association with mirror movements has been reported. It could reflect the soft signs seen in children with mild intellectual deficits, or result from an inadequate decussation of the pyramidal tracts or dorsal closure of the cord (524). Associated malformations are common and include spina bifida, syringomyelia, and fibrosis of the lateral rectus muscle of the eye (Duane syndrome) (Table 5.14). The constellation of Klippel-Feil syndrome, congenital sensorineural hearing loss, and abducens palsy is known as the Wildervanck syndrome (Table 5.15). Wildervanck syndrome is limited to female patients, suggesting

that the condition is lethal in the hemizygous male individual. Klippel-Feil syndrome also can be accompanied by congenital heart disease (538,539). The diagnosis of Klippel-Feil syndrome rests on radiographic demonstration of fused cervical or cervicothoracic vertebrae, hemivertebrae, or atlanto-occipital fusion. MRI can demonstrate compression of the cervical cord, syringomyelia, and other C NS anomalies. With clinical evidence for compression of the cervical cord, laminectomy is indicated.

Cleidocranial Dysostosis C leidocranial dysostosis is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait and is characterized by rudimentary clavicles, a broad head, delayed or defective closure of the anterior fontanelle, mental deficiency, and a variety of cerebral malformations (540). Other skeletal malformations are common. These include spina bifida, short and wide fingers, and delayed ossification of the pelvis.

ANTERIOR MIDLINE DEFECTS Holoprosencephaly Holoprosencephaly is a disorder of forebrain cleavage of the early prosencephalon to form two distinct telencephalic hemispheres. Six different genes have been identified in various patients with holoprosencephaly, yet all six together represent only about 20% of total cases studied, hence there are likely many more yet to be discovered. Of the six known genes, five follow a ventrodorsal gradient or have a ventralizing effect and one (ZIC2) is a dorsalizing gene. A defective expression of the transcription product of the gene Sonic hedgehog (SHH) has been shown to be the responsible molecular event in some cases, both in animal models and in humans (541,542); defective expression of this gene at the caudal end of the neural tube causes sacral agenesis (see later discussion), but both malformations never occur in the same individual. As a consequence of downregulation of SHH (human locus 7q36qter), the formation of a median (interhemispheric) fissure and the development of paired telencephalic hemispheres from the prosencephalon fail (543). The defect in cleavage continues to influence the development of other cerebral structures that occur at a later time in ontogenesis. For example, the corpus callosum fails to form and, unlike cases of isolated callosal agenesis, a bundle of Probst composed of misdirected callosal axons within the same hemisphere where they arose also is absent. Various migrational abnormalities occur. As with anencephaly, the dysplasia is time specific and the stimulus is nonspecific. Normally, cleavage of the hemispheres occurs at 33 days' gestation. Thus, of the major induction malformations, holoprosencephaly has the shortest vulnerable period and one of the earliest onsets.

TABLE 5.14 Unusual Congenital Defects of the Cranial Nerves and Related Structures




Marcus Gunn syndrome

Eyelid lifts when jaw is opened and closes when jaw is closed, or vice versa

Falls et al. (525)

Duane syndrome

Fibrosis of one or both laferal rectus muscles results in retraction of the globe on adduction of the eye

Duane (526)

Congenital optic nerve hypoplasia

Congenitally small and atrophic discs; poor vision, diminished pupillary light response; occasionally accompanied by hypopituitarism

Margalith et al. (527), Skarf and Hoyt (528)

Congenital nystagmus

Rapid and fine nystagmus, often pendular; head often turned so that eyes are in the position of least nystagmus, may be dominant or sex-linked recessive trait

Congenital anomaly of facial nerve

Weakness associated with deformities of ipsilateral ear

Dickinson et al. (529)

Congenital hypoplasia of depressor of

Asymmetric face when crying; may have associated congenital heart disease, genitourinary or skeletal

Nelson and Eng (530)

anguli oris


CHARGE syndrome

Congenital anomaly of facial nerve, arhinencephaly, coupled with coloboma of iris, congenital heart disease, choanal atresia, mental retardation, genital hypoplasia, ear anomalies

Pagon et al. (531)

Holoprosencephaly may result from multiple genetic defects. SHH expression can be altered in inborn metabolic diseases of cholesterol synthesis, notably in the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome in which the conversion of the cholesterol precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholesterol is defective. In this condition, which is frequently accompanied by holoprosencephaly, the SHH protein product undergoes autoproteolysis to form a cholesterol-modified active product (544) (see C hapter 1). Other ventralizing genes identified in human holoprosencephaly include SIX3 at 2q21 (545), TGIF at 18p11.3 (546), PTCH, which is an SHH receptor, at 9q22.3 (547), and the head inducer DKK at 10q11.2 (548). In still other cases of holoprosencephaly, a mutation of the zinc-finger dorsalizing gene ZIC2 at 13q32 occurs (549). Because this genetic defect is associated with 13q deletions, it may be the cause of holoprosencephaly in infants with 13 trisomy (550). Holoprosencephaly generally is sporadic. In Japan, the incidence is 0.4% of aborted fetuses and 6 in 10,000 liveborn babies (550). A variety of chromosomal abnormalities are linked with holoprosencephaly. Besides trisomy of chromosome 13, these include a partial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 13, ring chromosome 13, trisomy of chromosome 18, partial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 18, ring chromosome 18, and partial trisomy of chromosome 7 (551,552) (see C hapter 4). The malformation also is associated with such maternal disorders as diabetes mellitus, syphilis, cytomegalic inclusion disease, and toxoplasmosis (553). The risk of recurrence in siblings of affected patients is 6%. If a chromosomal anomaly is identified, the risk for recurrence is 2%, but is higher if mother is older than 35 years of age (554). After chromosomal disorders, maternal diabetes mellitus, including gestational diabetes, is the most common condition associated with holoprosencephaly. An autosomal dominant form of holoprosencephaly has been well described. The gene for this disorder has been localized to the telomeric region of the long arm of chromosome 7 (7q36.2) and has been shown to be associated with defective expression of SHH (542,555). In several reported families with this disorder, penetrance has been 88%, with mental retardation representing a mild expression of the defect (556). In a minority of cases, holoprosencephaly has been transmitted as an autosomal recessive condition, and this trait is described in each of the identified genetic mutations (545,546,547,548,549,557,558).

TABLE 5.15 Common Causes for Profound Hearing Loss in Childhood


Associated Anomalies

Incidence (% of Total Deaf Children)


Genetically Determined Clinically undifferentiated Autosomal recessive



Autosomal dominant






Fraser (532)

Parker (533)

Autosomal recessive syndromes Pendred syndrome

Sporadic goiter


Retinitis pigmentosa, impaired vestibular




Surdocardiac syndrome

function, ataxia

Syncopal attacks, impaired cardiac conduction




Jervell and LangeNielson (535)

Autosomal dominant syndromes

Waardenburg syndrome

Widely spaced median canthi, flat nasal root, white forelock, heterochromia iridis

Chapter 6 - Perinatal Asphyxia and Trauma

Chapter 6 Perinatal Asphyxia and Trauma John H. Menkes Harvey B. Sarnat

The name “cerebral palsy” is thus nothing other than an invented word, the product of our nosographic classification, a label which we attach to a group of clinical cases: it should not be defined, rather it should be explained by reference to these clinical cases. --Sigmund Freud (1, p. 3) Although more than 160 years has elapsed since the publication of Little's classic paper linking abnormal parturition, difficult labor, premature birth, and asphyxia neonatorum with a “spastic rigidity of the limbs” (2), the pathogenesis of cerebral birth injuries is far from completely understood. This is not because of lack of interest. The evolution and ultimate neurologic picture of cerebral palsy (i.e., the various syndromes of a persistent but not necessarily unchanging disorder of movement and posture resulting from a nonprogressive lesion of the brain acquired during development) have been recorded in innumerable papers. These include Little's 1843 paper on spastic diplegia (2) and C azauvielh's 1827 monograph on congenital hemiplegia (2a), both also containing descriptions of childhood dyskinesia. Investigations into the causes of cerebral palsy have taken various approaches. Prospective and retrospective studies have attempted to link the various neurologic abnormalities to specific disorders of gestation or the perinatal period. Pathologic studies of the brain have produced careful descriptions of various cerebral abnormalities in patients with nonprogressive neurologic disorders and have led to attempts, often highly speculative, to formulate their causes. A third line of investigation has been to induce perinatal injuries in experimental animals and to correlate the subsequent pathologic and clinical pictures with those observed in children. These approaches have been supplemented by neuroimaging studies conducted during the perinatal period and in later life. Images have been correlated with neurologic or developmental outcome or with the pathologic examination of the brain. The various investigations have demonstrated that a given clinical neurologic deficit can be caused by a cerebral malformation of gestational origin, by destructive processes of antenatal, perinatal, or early postnatal onset affecting a previously healthy brain, or by the various processes acting in concert. Developmental anomalies are discussed in C hapter 5 and intrauterine infections in C hapter 7. This chapter considers perinatal trauma, perinatal asphyxia, and the neurologic complications of prematurity. The reader is referred to the classic texts by Friede (3) on developmental neuropathology, and by Volpe (4) on neonatal neurology.

CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA Mechanical trauma to the central or peripheral nervous system is probably the insult that is understood best. Trauma to the fetal head can produce extracerebral lesions, notably molding of the head, caput succedaneum, subgaleal hemorrhage, and cephalhematoma. The fetal head is often asymmetric owing to intrauterine or intravagin*l pressure. The sutures override one another, the fontanelles are small or obliterated, and the tissues overlying the skull can be soft because of caput succedaneum. A caput usually appears at the vertex and is commonly accompanied by marked molding of the head. The hemorrhage and edema are situated between the skin and the aponeurosis. When the hemorrhage is beneath the aponeurosis, it is termed a subgaleal hemorrhage. As it does in a caput, blood crosses suture lines, but bleeding can continue after birth, and at times the blood loss is quite extensive.

Cephalhematoma and Subgaleal Hematoma C ephalhematoma is a usually benign hemorrhage between the periosteum of the skull (pericranium) and the calvarium. It results from direct physical trauma or from the differential between intrauterine and extrauterine pressure. vagin*l delivery is not necessarily a prerequisite for its occurrence; it has been encountered in infants born by cesarean section. Neonatal cephalhematoma occurs in from 1.5% to 2.5% of deliveries. Approximately 15% occur bilaterally. A linear skull fracture is seen in 5% of unilateral and in 18% of bilateral cephalhematoma (5). A depressed skull fracture may underlie a minority of cephalhematomas and cannot be detected with certainty by palpation on physical examination, so that a computed tomography (C T) scan or skull radiography may be indicated in infants with cephalhematoma and neurologic symptoms or signs. Routine ultrasound examination does not detect this lesion. Less commonly, a hematoma lies between the galea of the scalp and the periosteum. The subperiosteal hematoma is sharply delineated by the suture lines, whereas the subgaleal hematoma is not so limited and, therefore, is more diffuse. The hematoma is usually absorbed within 3 to 4 weeks, and aspiration, which can allow the introduction of infection, is contraindicated. On rare occasions, the scalp swelling is caused not by a hematoma, but by cerebrospinal fluid (C SF) that leaked from the subarachnoid compartment via a dural tear and a skull fracture. Swelling from C SF does not usually disappear in 4 weeks, and diagnosis by aspiration becomes necessary, followed by operative repair, to avoid a growing fracture(6). Although occasionally a subperiosteal hematoma calcifies (Fig. 6.1), it should cause little concern because calcium deposits are usually reabsorbed before the end of the first year, leaving no residual asymmetry. Management of a cephalhematoma is fundamentally nonoperative. Underlying skull fractures do not create a therapeutic problem and need no specific therapy unless a significant depression of bone fragments occurs. Large cephalhematomas can result in anemia or, more often, in hyperbilirubinemia owing to absorption of hemoglobin breakdown products (7). With the advent of the vacuum extractors, there has been an increased occurrence of subgaleal hematomas. In the experience of C hadwick and his group, 89% of neonates who had experienced a subgaleal hematoma had a vacuum extractor applied to their head at some time in the course of delivery (8). Intracranial hemorrhage, skull fracture, and cerebral edema (9) can complicate a subgaleal hematoma, as can hypovolemia, coagulopathy, and jaundice, the latter consequences of extensive blood loss (8).

FIGURE 6.1. C T scan of a calcified cephalhematoma. (C ourtesy of Dr. Franklin G. Moser, Division of Neuroradiology, C edarsSinai Medical C enter, Los Angeles, C A.)

Skull Fracture The skull of the newborn is poorly mineralized and extremely pliable. These factors permit considerable distortion of the head without injury to the skull. Nevertheless, a variety of skull fractures can be seen in the newborn. These can be incurred in utero, during labor, or secondary to the application of forceps. The most common fracture is linear and is localized to the parietal or frontal regions. When no displacement is present, the fracture should heal spontaneously, and no treatment is indicated. A depressed skull fracture can result from pressure of the head against the pelvis. In addition, incorrect application of the obstetric forceps is often held responsible for the small, ping-pong ball depression.

Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage Mechanical trauma to the infant's brain during delivery can induce lacerations in the tentorium or cerebral falx with subsequent subdural hemorrhage. With improved obstetric techniques, large subdural hemorrhages have become relatively uncommon, generally occurring only in large full-term infants delivered through an inadequate birth canal. In the series of Gröntoft published in 1953 (10), two-thirds of infants with tentorial lacerations weighed more than 4,500 g. Similar lesions can be seen in the premature infant (11). In the more recent study of Whitby and coworkers, who subjected normal asymptomatic neonates to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 6.1% of infants delivered vagin*lly without instrumentation had subdural hemorrhages. The incidence of subdural hemorrhages was markedly increased when delivery required instrumentation. In all instances, the hemorrhage had completely resolved by 4 weeks of age, without any apparent sequelae (11a). Small arachnoid hemorrhages are frequent with moulding of the head because of the rupture of small arachnoid bridging veins. They often are too sparce to be detected by C T, but C SF examination discloses red blood cells and increased protein. If extensive, subarachnoid hemorrhage in the neonate may provoke seizures. Only rarely are there permanent neurological sequelae to perinatal subarachnoid hemorrhage, but slowly progressive late hydrocephalus may occur in the second half of the first year. C ompression of the head along its occipitofrontal diameter, resulting in vertical molding, can occur with vertex presentations, whereas compression of the skull between the vault and the base, resulting in an anteroposterior elongation, is likely to be the outcome of face and brow presentations. Tears of the falx and tentorium can be caused by both forms of overstretch. In particular, the use of vacuum extraction can produce vertical stress on the cranium, with tentorial tears (12). Such hemorrhages are extremely common; in the series of Avrahami and colleagues published in 1993, they could be demonstrated by C T in all of 10 infants delivered by vacuum extraction (13). Most of these are minor and inconsequential. In stretch injuries, damage usually occurs where the falx joins the anterior edge of the tentorium and the hemorrhage is usually infratentorial. Tears and thromboses of the dural sinuses and of the larger cerebral veins, including the vein of Galen, are accompanied commonly by subdural hemorrhages. These can be major and potentially fatal or minor and clinically unrecognizable. The hemorrhages are mainly localized to the base of the brain; when the tears extend to involve the straight sinus and the vein of Galen, hemorrhages expand into the posterior fossa. The latter are poorly tolerated and can be rapidly fatal (14). Rarely, they can develop in utero, the consequence of motor vehicle accidents or other nonpenetrating trauma. In utero intracranial hemorrhage caused by unknown causes has been seen in infants born to Pacific Island mothers, probably the consequence of abdominal massage by traditional Pacific Island healers (15,16). Overriding of the parietal bones occasionally produces a laceration of the superior sagittal sinus and a major fatal hemorrhage. Tearing of the superficial cerebral veins is probably relatively common. The subsequent hemorrhage results in a thin layer of blood over the

cerebral convexity. Bleeding is often unilateral and usually is accompanied by a subarachnoid hemorrhage. This form of hemorrhage usually results in minimal or no clinical signs. Because the superficial cerebral veins of the premature infant are underdeveloped, this hemorrhage is limited to full-term infants (17). Subdural hemorrhage within the posterior fossa is being increasingly recognized by neuroimaging studies. The hemorrhage can be the result of a tentorial laceration or a traumatic separation of the cartilagenous joint between the squamous and lateral portions of the occiput in the course of delivery (11). Symptoms typically appear after a lag period of 12 hours to 4 days (18). They are relatively nonspecific and differ little from those seen with intracranial hemorrhage or hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). They include decreased responsiveness, apnea, bradycardia, opisthotonus, and seizures (19). As the subdural hematoma enlarges, the fourth ventricle is displaced forward and soon becomes obstructed, producing signs of increased intracranial pressure. Posterior fossa hemorrhage can be accompanied by intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) or an intracerebellar hematoma (20). An intracerebral hemorrhage is a less common result of craniocerebral trauma. It is usually seen in conjunction with a major subdural or epidural hemorrhage (4). Gross traumatic lesions to the brainstem are uncommon. Like spinal cord injuries, they are most likely to occur in the course of breech deliveries. Injury results from traction on the fetal neck during labor or delivery, with the force of excessive flexion, hyperextension, or torsion of the spine being transmitted upward. A compression injury can ensue, with the medulla being drawn into the foramen magnum. Other instances involve laceration of the cerebellar peduncles accompanied by local brainstem hemorrhage. Generally, death occurs during the course of labor or soon after birth as a consequence of damage to the vital medullary centers (21). Spinal cord injuries are discussed in the section dealing with perinatal injuries to the spinal cord.

HYPOXIC ISCHEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY (HIE) Whereas in the past mechanical damage to the brain contributed significantly to mortality during the neonatal period and to subsequent persistent neurologic deficits, mortality and neurologic deficits are now more commonly the consequences of developmental anomalies and HIE, acting singly or in concert. HIE is the consequence of a deficit of oxygen supply to the brain. This can result from a reduced amount of oxygen in the blood (hypoxia) or a reduced supply of blood to the brain (ischemia). Hypoxia and ischemia singly or conjointly can occur during the perinatal period as a consequence of asphyxia. Many definitions exist for the term perinatal. In the context of this chapter, we restrict it to the period extending from the onset of labor to the end of the first week of postnatal life. No generally accepted definition exists for asphyxia (22). It can be inferred on the basis of indirect clinical markers: depressed Apgar scores, cord blood acidosis, or clinical signs in the neonate caused by HIE. From the physiologic viewpoint, asphyxia is a condition in which the brain is subjected not only to hypoxia, but also to ischemia and hypercarbia, which, in turn, can lead to cerebral edema and various circulatory disturbances (4). The incidence of postasphyxial encephalopathy in Leicester, England, from 1980 to 1984 was 6 in 1,000 full-term infants, with 1 in 1,000 infants dying or experiencing severe neurologic deficits as a consequence of the asphyxial insult (23,24). More recent data compiled from Goteborg, Sweden, for the period of 1985 to 1991 showed an incidence of neonatal HIE of 1.8 per 1,000 (25). Asphyxia can occur at one or more times during intrauterine and extrauterine life. The relative frequency of antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum asphyxia is a matter of considerable dispute. In the large clinical series of asphyxiated infants published by Brown and associates in 1974, the insult was believed to have occurred primarily antepartum in 51%, intrapartum in 40%, and postpartum in 9% (26). Low and coworkers, who published autopsies on perinatal deaths of full-term and premature infants in 1989, found the insult to be antepartum in 10%, antepartum and intrapartum in 40%, intrapartum in 16%, and in the neonatal period in 34% (27). Antepartum abnormalities can either be sufficient cause for neonatal encephalopathies or risk factors that render the fetus more susceptible to asphyxia during the birth process. Volpe (4) estimated that some 70% of neonatal encephalopathy is related to intrapartum insults. Half of these infants have additional antepartum risk factors for asphyxial injury. The injury is primarily antepartum in 20% and postpartum in 10%. Based on retrospective case evaluations, Badawi and colleagues estimated that as few as 4% of term infants with neonatal encephalopathy had an insult limited to the intrapartum period without any evidence of an antepartum insult (28,29). In another 25% of infants with neonatal encephalopathy intrapartum hypoxia was superimposed on preconceptional or antepartum risk factors. These findings are in sharp contrast to those of C owan and coworkers, who examined a stringently defined sample of neonates with neonatal encephalopathy using MRI studies and/or autopsy. C owen and coworkers found an acute intrapartum insult in 80%, and a preexisting injury in less than 1% (30). The discrepancies between these two studies are difficult to resolve. In part they could be due to the less restricted criteria for neonatal encephalopathy used by Badawi and coworkers, who included infants with obvious chromosomal and neurodevelopmental abnormalities and those who presented with neonatal encephalopathy late in the first week of life. A related question deals with the importance of perinatal asphyxia as a cause for cerebral palsy. Here a consensus finds that the majority of cases of cerebral palsy did not have neonatal encephalopathy. Based on retrospective MRI studies of children with cerebral palsy, Truwit and coworkers found that in 17% of patients born at term cerebral palsy was related to intrapartum asphyxia. In another 7% it was associated with intrauterine and perinatal insults (31). A Swedish population-based study compiled by Hagberg and coworkers for the period of 1991 to 1994 found that in term births intrapartum asphyxia considered severe enough to cause cerebral palsy was recorded and documented in 28% of cases. More than half of the children in this group showed extrapyramidal symptoms (31a). Using retrospective clinical analysis but excluding children with extrapyramidal cerebral palsy, Blair and Stanley estimated that in 8% of cases intrapartum asphyxia was the possible cause of brain damage (32). Nelson and Grether, who also limited themselves to children with spastic cerebral palsy, found that 6% of cases were attributable to a potentially asphyxiating complication during birth (33). In another retrospective study Gaffney and coworkers found that only 12% of all children with cerebral palsy had evidence of neonatal encephalopathy (34). From these studies we can conclude that whereas intrapartum asphyxia is a common cause for neonatal encephalopathy, it is a not the major cause for cerebral palsy. C erebral palsy is a heterogeneous symptom complex that in most instances is the consequence of genetic and antenatal factors and in the majority of instances is not preceded by neonatal encephalopathy (35,36,37).

Pathogenesis and Pathology There are two facets to the pathogenesis of asphyxial brain damage: cerebrovascular physiologic factors ensuing from asphyxia, and the subsequent cascade of cellular and molecular events triggered by hypoxia-ischemia leading to cell damage and death within the central nervous system (C NS). These two aspects were reviewed by Volpe (38), Johnston and colleagues (39), and McLean and Ferriero (39a).

Cerebrovascular Physiologic Factors Because of its relatively low energy demands, the neonatal brain has a considerable resistance to hypoxia, and most hypoxic injuries to neonates result from a combination of hypoxia and ischemia. Alterations in cerebral blood flow induced by asphyxia are therefore of primary importance in understanding the genesis of birth injuries (Fig. 6.2). Following the onset of asphyxia, cardiac output is redistributed so that a larger proportion enters the brain. This results in a 30% to 175% increase in cerebral blood flow. The increase in cerebral blood flow is induced locally by a reduction in cerebrovascular resistance and systemically by hypertension. The severity and the speed of onset of the asphyxial insult determine the cerebrovascular response (40). When asphyxia is severe and develops rapidly, cerebral blood flow decreases rather than increases, probably due to increased cerebrovascular resistance. When the hypoxic-ischemic insult is prolonged, these homeostatic mechanisms fail, cerebral vascular autoregulation is lost, cardiac output decreases, and systemic hypotension develops with reduced cerebral blood flow (41) (see Fig. 6.2). Normal brain vasculature can compensate for the decreased cerebral perfusion by rapid dilatation of the smaller vessels, so that cerebral blood flow is maintained relatively constant as long as blood pressure is kept within the normal range. The constancy of cerebral blood flow in the face of fluctuations in systemic blood pressure is termed autoregulation. The large cerebral blood vessels are believed to be more important for cerebral autoregulation in the neonate than the arterioles, with the response to changes in blood pressure being endothelium dependent (42). A number of chemicals have been implicated in the control of cerebral arterial tone (43). Nitric oxide, by acting on the calcium-activated potassium channel of vascular endothelium, induces vascular dilatation. Adenosine also mediates vasodilatation, whereas endothelin-1 and prostanoids mediate vasoconstriction (42,44). Hypoxia, hypercarbia, and hypoglycemia all impair cerebral autoregulation. When autoregulation becomes defective as a result of hypoxia, cerebral arterioles fail to respond to changes in perfusion pressure and carbon dioxide concentrations, resulting in a pressure-passive cerebral blood flow.

FIGURE 6.2. Interrelationships between perinatal asphyxia, alterations in cerebral blood flow, and brain damage. In addition to the mechanisms depicted, acidosis can induce focal or generalized cerebral edema, which reduces cerebral blood flow. (From Volpe JJ. Neurology of the newborn, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1995. With permission.)

It is clear that in a clinical setting multiple factors can act in concert to cause cerebral vessels to become unresponsive to systemic blood pressure (45,46). Although in the preterm infant the lower limits of autoregulation are very close to the mean systemic arterial pressure, adequate cerebral perfusion can be maintained as long as the mean arterial blood pressure ranges between 24 and 39 mm Hg (47). When hypotension exceeds these lower limits, the preterm infant is unable to compensate for the drop in blood pressure. With the arteriolar system unable to respond to decreased perfusion pressure by vasodilatation, there is a striking reduction in cerebral blood flow (47). After termination of the ischemic insult there is a marked increase in cerebral blood flow, probably the result of the various vasodilating factors already cited. This early increase in cerebral perfusion is followed by a decline and a second, delayed increase in cerebral blood flow, probably the consequence of an increased synthesis of nitric oxide. It is during this second phase that most of the deleterious

events occur that lead to cell death within the brain. Asphyxial brain injury is similar regardless of whether the brain has incurred a global asphyxial insult as occurs in perinatal asphyxia, hypoperfusion as after cardiac arrest (see C hapter 17), or focal ischemia as after a vascular occlusion (see C hapter 13). Some authors (and lawyers) attribute great significance to meconium as a cause of intrapartum or neonatal asphyxia, but the expulsion of meconium into the amniotic fluid in the first place often is due to a generalized parasympathetic discharge with increased peristalsis that results from fetal distress or an hypoxic-ischemic insult in utero. Aspirated meconium at delivery can complicate the problem further by obstructing the infant's airway, but meconium per se is not a cause of asphyxia. The mechanisms for brain damage in asphyxial brain injury are not completely clear. Volpe, in reviewing the physiologic aspects of asphyxial injury, suggested that the loss of vascular autoregulation coupled with hypotension reduces cerebral blood flow to the point of producing tissue necrosis and subsequent cerebral edema (4). C ombined clinical and imaging studies by Lupton and associates in which intracranial pressure of asphyxiated term infants was correlated with their C T scan corroborate Volpe's view that tissue necrosis precedes cerebral edema rather than vice versa, with maximum abnormalities being seen between 36 and 72 hours after the insult (48). Nevertheless, it is still likely that tissue swelling can to some extent further restrict cerebral blood flow and cause secondary edema. The earliest phase of cerebral edema probably reflects a cytotoxic component, whereas a vasogenic component characterizes the edema that accompanies extensive tissue injury (49). In asphyxiated newborns, increased intracranial pressure after perinatal asphyxia is a relatively uncommon complication; in the series of Lupton and coworkers it was encountered in only 22% of asphyxiated infants (48). It is important that the clinician recognize that a bulging fontanelle and split sutures in the neonate after an asphyxiating or severe ischemic insult does not signify potentially reversible cerebral edema after obstructive hydrocephalus, mass lesions such as subdural hematomas, and meningitis have been excluded, but rather irreversible encephalomalacia with massive necrosis in both gray and white matter, and hence is a very bad prognostic sign.

Cellular and Molecular Events Triggered by Hypoxia-Ischemia Over the last few years increasing attention has been paid to the molecular and cellular aspects of cell death within the nervous system. Gluckman et al. distinguished two phases (50). The first phase occurs during the insult and the immediate period of reperfusion and reoxygenation. The second phase evolves after a period of some hours and extends for at least 72 hours. During the first phase, asphyxia rapidly results in the conversion of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to reduced NADH. As the energy demands fail to be met, there is a shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, causing acceleration of glycolysis and increased lactate production. In experimental animals, brain lactate increases within 3 minutes of induction of asphyxia (51). At the same time, the concentration of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates decreases and the production of high-energy phosphates diminishes. These changes result in a rapid fall in phosphocreatine and a slower reduction in brain adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentrations. With reduction of ATP levels the various ion pumps, notably the Na + –K + pump, the most important transporter for maintaining high intracellular concentrations of potassium and low intracellular concentrations of sodium, becomes inoperative. As ion pump function is lost, the neuronal membrane begins to change. Some neurons, such as the C A1 and the C A3 hippocampal neurons, hyperpolarize, whereas others, such as the dentate granule cells, depolarize. If anoxia persists, all cells undergo a rapid and marked depolarization with complete loss of membrane potential. The aforementioned changes in lactate and high-energy phosphates can be documented in the asphyxiated infant by proton and 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. These studies show an early increase in lactate (52). A decrease in phosphocreatine during the initial insult is reversed on resuscitation but is followed by a slow, secondary decline some 24 hours later. Intracellular pH and other indices of cellular energy status frequently remain normal for the first day of life (53,54). Decreases in intracellular and extracellular pH precede changes in membrane potential as hypoxia induces production of lactate and intracellular acidosis. The decrease in extracellular pH is believed to be the consequence of extrusion of intracellular hydrogen ions, intracellular lactate, or both. At the time when the neuronal membrane potential is abolished, there are a number of striking ionic changes. They include an efflux of potassium and an influx into cells of sodium, chloride, and calcium. The increase in intracellular calcium appears to play a critical role in cellular injury. It results from a failure of energy-dependent calcium pumping mechanisms and an opening of voltage-dependent calcium channels. The accumulation of intracellular calcium in turn initiates a cascade of deleterious events: 1. Activation of phospholipases. These induce membrane injury and the release of arachidonic acid, which in turn produces large amounts of oxygen radicals. 2. Activation of proteases. These disrupt the microtubules and cytoskeleton. 3. Activation of nucleases. These cause an injury to the nucleus. 4. Activation of nitric oxide synthetase. This results in an overproduction of nitric oxide, which has neuronal toxicity on its own or when converted to peroxynitrite. One target of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite is mitochondria, and with severe hypoxic-ischemic insults there can be complete mitochondrial failure. 5. Glutamate release. Among the numerous factors responsible for asphyxial neuronal damage, glutamate release and the resultant excitotoxicity have received the most attention and are probably the most important determinants for neuronal death. Increased glutamate is the consequence of increased release of the neurotransmitter and impaired reuptake (55). The mechanism for increased glutamate release is controversial, and there is evidence that it may not be entirely calcium dependent, but may also be due to a reversal of the neuronal glutamate transporters, which instead of removing extracellular glutamate, release glutamate (56). Whatever the mechanism, the result is an excessive stimulation of the neuronal excitatory receptors. This is evidenced by focal elevations in the regional cerebral glucose metabolism in basal ganglia and cerebral cortex in infants who sustained asphyxial brain damage (57). Glutamate also binds to postsynaptically located glutamate receptors that regulate calcium channels, and its release results in a further increase in intracellular calcium. Several other mechanisms also have been implicated in the increase of excitatory amino acids. These reactions were reviewed by Berger and coworkers (58) and Johnston and coworkers (39,59). How excitotoxins induce cell death is not completely clear. Rothman and Olney proposed that prolonged neuronal depolarization induces both a rapid and a slowly evolving cell death (60). Rapid cell death is caused by an excessive influx of sodium through glutamate-gated ion channels. This leads to the entry of chloride into neurons. The increased intracellular chloride induces further cation influx to maintain electroneutrality, and the chloride and cation entry draws water into cells with ultimate osmotic lysis. Most important, calcium influx occurs. A sustained increase in intracellular calcium induces the “toxic cascade,” outlined above whose end result is cell death by necrosis (61,62).

6. Release of neuron-specific enolase (NSE). NSE is a glycolytic enzyme present in all classes of neurons, and concentrations in blood and C SF of normal infants and children can be measured and are reliable (62a). NSE becomes markedly elevated in the serum and C SF following cardiac arrest, stroke, or other lesions that cause necrosis of neurons (62b). In neonatal rats, NSE elevation after hypoxia is attenuated by lactate (62c), and in adult mice, Bcl-2 is under the control of NSE and is becomes overexpressed in hippocampal C A1 and dentate gyrus neurons after hypoxic-ischemic insults; the importance of this is that Bcl2 suppresses apoptosis and delays cell death, and hence may play a protective role (62d). NSE levels in C SF also may provide a useful clinical marker of cerebral infarction or other irreversible brain damage in neonates. NSE immunoreactivity can be readily detected in neurons in tissue sections and has been used for years by pathologists as a neuronal marker. Inflammatory reactions involving a variety of cytokines may also contribute to hypoxic-ischemic cell death. The increase in cytokines could stem from an infection, notably a chorioamnionitis that predates the hypoxic-ischemic insult, or it could result from the activation of microglia by asphyxia (63,64). The late phase of asphyxial injury and cell death is marked by an inappropriate induction of apoptosis. Apoptosis refers to the activation of genetically determined cell-suicide programs. C hoi proposed that a single insult might trigger both excitotoxic necrosis and apoptosis, with the severity and duration of the insult determining which death pathway predominates (61). In regions containing large amounts of apoptosis inhibitors, necrosis predominates; conversely, in the absence of endogenous apoptosis inhibitors, hypoxiaischemia induces apoptosis (39a). Nakajima and coworkers found that apoptosis is more prevalent than necrosis in the hypoxicischemic newborn brain (65), suggesting that the impact of apoptosis-executing caspases, key effectors of apoptotic death, is much greater in the immature than in the mature brain (66). The factors that promote postasphyxial apoptosis are under intense investigation. They are believed to include free radicals, increased expression and enhanced concentrations of inflammatory cytokines, and alterations in the concentrations or the response to endogenous growth factors (67). The observation that neurotropins, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, act as neuroprotectors after a hypoxic insult provides evidence for the importance of neurotropins in mediating postasphyxial brain injury (68). Asphyxia also induces both rapid and delayed changes in the transcription of several genes, notably c-fos, c-jun, and some of the heat-shock proteins (69, 70,71). These substances are believed to have a significant influence on the extent of apoptosis (70). The contributions of hypoglycemia and intracellular acidosis, whether caused by accumulation of lactic acid or products of ATP hydrolysis, to the extent and severity of asphyxial brain damage have not been resolved (72). A large number of strategies aimed at blocking the postasphyxial events that lead to neuronal damage have been proposed. These involve inhibition of glutamate release, blockade of glutamate receptors, inhibition of the cytokine effects, and blockade of apoptotic cell death. None has had any significant clinical application (39,73,74). They are reviewed by Berger and coworkers (58). More recently, the effectiveness of growth factors such as erythropoietin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in improving outcome after an asphyxial insult has been encouraging (39a).

Imaging of the Neonatal Brain after Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy The findings in imaging studies of the neonatal brain after hypoxic-ischemic injury depend on several factors, most of them temporal: the gestational age of the infant; the time since the insult; and whether there was a single temporal event or repeated or chronic hypoxic or ischemic periods. Ultrasound studies are the most accessible because they can be performed noninvasively at the bedside in even the sickest infants, through the anterior fontanelle, and can be compared with prenatal ultrasound studies of the fetal head and also performed serially postnatally. They are excellent for demonstrating ventricular size, and often can detect cerebral edema, periventricular lesions and hemorrhages and infarcts. Ultrasound is not very precise for structures far from the midline, such as the cerebral cortex, nor for posterior fossa structures. C omputed tomography offers better resolution than ultrasound and is very good for detecting intracerebral hemorrhages, calcifications, ventricular size, and periventricular leukomalacia, but it lacks the detail provided by MRI as well as the versatility of different MRI modalities. C T can be performed easily in neonates, even those on ventilators, and does not require anesthesia, but the infant must be transported to the radiology suite. Magnetic resonance imaging provides the most information but has the limitation of not being accessible to very sick infants on life support who cannot be moved and are connected to a ventilator. In chronic states, when the infant is more stable, three distinctive patterns are demonstrated by MRI following hypoxic-ischemic injuries: periventricular leukomalacia occurs mainly in preterm infants with subacute or chronic hypoxia-ischemia; basal ganglionic and thalamic infarcts occur in term neonates with profound asphyxia; multicystic encephalomalacia occurs in a minority of infants with severe encephalopathy following relatively mild hypoxic-ischemic events (74a). Diffusion-weighted MRI of the neonate can identify early injury after an insult because of its ability to detect subtle alterations in brain water content (39a,74b–74c). Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), especially if done as a three-dimensional study in the neonatal brain, can detect metabolites such as lactate, N-acetyl aspartate, choline, and creatine that provide functional data regarding metabolic integrity in specific regions of the brain (74c,74e).

Selective Vulnerability Whatever the biochemical and physiologic mechanisms for brain damage, the relative resistance of the neonate's brain to hypoxia has been known for some time. Probably this phenomenon reflects a slower overall cerebral metabolism and smaller energy demands by the brain of the neonate compared with that of the adult. Total metabolism of the brain of a newborn mouse is approximately 10% that of the adult mouse's brain, and glycolysis also proceeds at a much slower rate (75). In that respect the relative resistance of the cardiovascular system to hypoxic injury also can be operative. The factors that determine the selective vulnerability of certain neuronal populations are incompletely understood. In part, regional distribution of injury reflects the vascular supply to the brain, with the injury being maximal in the border zones between the major cerebral arteries. In the striatum, the topography of neuronal death is probably related to the density of excitatory receptors and the expression of the various receptor subtypes (76). The Myers model of “partial” versus “total” asphyxia, resulting in different sites of the principal lesions in neonatal monkeys, cannot be extrapolated to the human condition. This is because the monkey brain is more mature at birth, in terms not only of structure, synaptic organization, and myelination, but also in terms of better autoregulation of cerebral blood flow. In addition, the monkey brain is considerably smaller than the human brain, with a shorter distance for blood flow to reach terminal perfusion, and blood vessels are narrower than in the human neonate. Human cerebral arterioles do not acquire their muscular walls until near term, an anatomic prerequisite for autoregulatory function in cerebral blood flow, whereas the monkey already has mature cerebral vasculature for several weeks before birth. It is this combination of vascular and metabolic factors that results in the various distinct pathologic lesions that have been well described by classic pathologists over the course of the last century.

Multicystic Encephalomalacia

The neonatal brain responds to infarction differently than the mature brain. Rather than dense gliotic scars, pseudocysts are the usual long-term residual lesions. The reasons for the formation of cysts in the newborn brain are that areas of infarction tend to be relatively larger than in the adult because collateral circulation is less well developed and because the ability of neonatal brain to mobilize reactive gliosis is limited. The number of astrocytes per volume of neonatal brain is approximately one-sixth that of the adult brain in both gray and white matter; hence the response to injury is not nearly as effective and the glial cells present are only able to form thin septa without neurons, compartmentalizing the empty space after macrophages have cleared away the necrotic tissue. These glial septa create the multiple pseudocysts of multicystic encephalomalacia. They are pseudocysts rather than true cysts because they are not lined by an epithelium, as are ependymal cysts. Multicystic encephalomalacia is therefore the end result of extensive cerebral infarcts. When the primate fetus is subjected to acute total asphyxia, a reproducible pattern of brain disorders ensues (77,78). This pattern includes bilaterally symmetric lesions in the thalamus and in a number of brainstem nuclei, notably the nuclei of the inferior colliculi, superior olive, and lateral lemniscus. The neurons of the cerebral cortex, particularly the hippocampus, are especially vulnerable, as are the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum (4,79). Soon after the initial insult, the first changes observed using electron microscopy are in the neuronal mitochondria, the internal structure of which becomes swollen and disrupted (80). Gradual widespread transneuronal degeneration follows. With progressively longer periods of total asphyxia, the destructive changes in the thalamus become more extensive, and damage begins to appear in the putamen and in the deeper layers of the cortex. (Fig. 6.3). In its extreme form, asphyxiated animals show an extensive cystic degeneration of both cortex and white matter. C onnective tissue replaces the damaged areas in the forebrain, but a relative lack of cellular reaction occurs in the central nuclear areas (78). This experimentally produced picture resembles cystic encephalomalacia (central porencephaly, cystic degeneration) of the human brain, a condition characterized by the formation of cystic cavities in white matter (Fig. 6.4). When small, the cysts are trabeculated and do not communicate with the ventricular system. In their most extensive form they can involve both hemispheres, leaving only small remnants of cortical tissue. The cavities are generally believed to be the products of insufficient glial reaction, perhaps the result of cerebral immaturity, or to reflect the sudden and massive tissue damage caused by the aforementioned circulatory or anoxic events. This pathologic picture is seen not only as a consequence of severe perinatal asphyxia, as first established by Little (2), but also in twin pregnancies after intrauterine fetal death and in fetal viral encephalitides such as herpes simplex (81,82,83). Infants surviving this type of insult usually develop a severe form of spastic quadriparesis.

FIGURE 6.3. C oronal section of cerebral hemispheres at autopsy of a 9-month-old boy with bilateral thalamic hemorrhages. This is part of the pattern of deep infarction due to severe and prolonged perfusion failure of the brain secondary to shock. Hemorrhagic infarcts are more common than ischemic infarcts in the thalamus of fetuses and young infants. The hemorrhages do not extend into the lateral or third ventricles, and the cerebrum is otherwise normally developed and without other lesions, though microscopically it showed extensive neuronal changes of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (not shown).

The pathologic differentiation between cystic degeneration and hydranencephaly is discussed in C hapter 5.

Selective Neuronal Necrosis and Laminar Necrosis of the Cortex The distribution of cerebral lesions induced by acute total asphyxia rarely reproduces the distribution of lesions found in infants who have survived partial but prolonged asphyxia. When prolonged partial asphyxia is induced experimentally, primates develop high carbon dioxide partial pressure (pC O 2) levels and mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis (78,84). These are usually accompanied by marked brain swelling, which compresses the small blood vessels of the cerebral parenchyma. The resultant increase in vascular resistance superimposed on the systemic alterations leads to various focal cerebral circulatory lesions whose location is governed in part by vascular patterns and in part by the gestational age of the fetus at the time of the asphyxial insult (85,86). Selective necrosis of

neurons may be followed by mineralization of those cells. The neonatal cerebral cortex is vulnerable to laminar necrosis after a severe ischemic insult. This selective neuronal necrosis involves some layers more than others. In preterm and term infants, layers 3 and 5, which contain pyramidal cells, are most vulnerable, but in later infancy and childhood, layer 4 is most severely affected. This layer contains granule cells that are sensory, rather than motor, in function. Layer 4 is largest in the striate (occipital) cortex, where it is the principal visual receptive zone. Laminar necrosis is extensive degeneration of neurons in the affected layers, with relatively better preservation in other layers, though pyknosis and karyorrhexis indicating dying neurons are seen in neurons in all layers. These changes may be expressed in infants who survive as cortical blindness and spastic diplegia, though damage in other parts of the brain, such as the lateral geniculate body and periventricular leukomalacia also contribute to the clinical deficits. Laminar necrosis may be identified in MRI, particularly in fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences, as a bright line of increased signal within the cortex and parallel to the surface of the brain (Fig. 6.5).

Periventricular Leukomalacia One lesion that occurs with particular frequency in the premature infant is periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) (Figs. 6.6 and 6.7). First delineated by Banker and Larroche (87), this condition consists of a bilateral, fairly symmetric necrosis having a periventricular distribution. The two most common sites are at the level of the occipital radiation and in the white matter around the foramen of Monro (88,89). In addition, there can be diffuse cerebral white matter necrosis that usually spares the gyral cores (90). Preterm infants of 22 to 30 weeks' gestation tend to experience more widespread and confluent periventricular necrosis, whereas older premature infants exhibit more-focal necrosis (91). The evolution of PVL has been studied by neuropathologic and neuroimaging methods. Within 6 to 12 hours of the suspected insult, coagulation necrosis occurs in the affected areas, accompanied by proliferation of astrocytes and microglia, loss of ependyma, and, in some cases, subcortical degeneration. Focal axonal disruption and death of oligodendroglia are some of the earliest signs of injury, with the developing oligodendroglia being especially vulnerable (4). The pathogenesis of PVL is uncertain and is most likely to be multifactorial. Five major factors are believed to be operative.

FIGURE 6.4. C ystic encephalomalacia. A: C oronal section of cerebral hemispheres of a 14-month-old boy with multicystic encephalomalacia. This is the gross pathologic appearance of lesions similar to those seen in panel C by MRI. The architecture of the cerebral white matter and cerebral cortex, including the gyri, is severely disrupted by these extensive infarcts and cerebral

atrophy. The lateral and third ventricles are dilated to compensate for the atrophy. Deep structures appear better preserved, but microscopically also showed extensive neuronal loss and microinfarcts. B: C oronal sonogram of the same infant. Moderate ventriculomegaly and numerous poorly defined anechoic areas in periventricular parenchyma and in basal ganglia are visible (arrowheads) (V, lateral ventricles; T, temporal horn of lateral ventricle). Ultrasonography was performed at 7 months of age, autopsy at 16 months. The infant had a history of seizures and profound developmental retardation. In this instance, the most likely cause for the condition appeared to have been a cytomegalovirus infection. C: C oronal T1-weighted MRI of a 9-week-old boy, born at 31 weeks' gestation, showing multicystic encephalomalacia throughout the white matter. The ventricles are large because of the atrophy of cerebral parenchyma, both gray and white matter. This is the result of severe hypoxic/ischemic encephalopathy in the perinatal period. (Panel B, from Stannard MW, Jimenez JF. Sonographic recognition of multiple cystic encephalomalacia. Am J Neuroradiol 1983;4:11. With permission.)

FIGURE 6.5. A: MRI-T2 fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence of a term neonate with laminar necrosis of the cerebral cortex. The bright signal within the cortex corresponds to necrosis in layer 4. B: Section of occipital lobe of a 5-year-old girl who suffered severe perinatal asphyxia and also had congenital hydrocephalus, successfully shunted in the neonatal period. She had an additional hypoxic event 3 weeks prior to death. Dark, shrunken nuclei of dying and dead neurons are seen in all layers (arrows), but layer 4 is undergoing actual necrosis of the entire layer, known as laminar necrosis of the cortex.

1. A failure in perfusion of the periventricular region. The distribution of the focal necrotic changes of PVL suggests inadequate circulatory perfusion and infarction in the arterial end zones, areas that are most susceptible to a fall in cerebral blood flow and reduced perfusion (92). The anatomic picture indicating a low blood flow to cerebral white matter has been confirmed by cerebral blood studies (93). 2. A second factor in the pathogenesis of PVL is derived from the observation by Doppler ultrasound studies that cerebral vascular autoregulation is impaired in a substantial proportion of premature infants, with a propensity for pressure-passive circulation (94). Loss of autoregulation is particularly common in preterm infants who have experienced hypoxic-ischemic events (94). Because even in healthy preterm infants white matter has an extremely low perfusion, the vulnerability of the periventricular region to ischemia becomes readily explicable (45,93). Experimental work has demonstrated that hypotension induced by exsanguination or by administration of endotoxin results in reduced perfusion of periventricular white matter and occipital white matter. By contrast, these measures do not induce any significant reduction in blood flow to the cerebral cortex or to the deep gray matter nuclei (95). In substantiation of the clinical importance of impaired autoregulation in the induction of PVL, Volpe demonstrated that the subset of premature infants with pressure-passive cerebral circulation have an extremely high incidence of PVL (96).

FIGURE 6.6. Periventricular leukomalacia. Semicircular areas of malacia surround both lateral ventricles. (From C ooke RE. The biologic basis of pediatric practice. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. With permission.)

3. A third factor in the pathogenesis of PVL pertains to the intrinsic vulnerability of the early-differentiating oligodendroglia (preoligodendroglia, i.e., cells at a developmental stage before the acquisition of myelin) to excitatory neurotransmitters, such as glutamate, and to attack by free radicals (97,98,99). This vulnerability may be the consequence of a lack of such antioxidant enzymes as catalase and glutathione peroxidase during a period when oligodendroglia undergo rapid iron acquisition (96,100). Elevated levels of lipid peroxidation products have been found in the C SF of premature infants who had evidence of white matter injury by MRI (99). 4. An increasing amount of clinical and experimental evidence shows that cytokines play an important role in the induction of white matter damage (98,101). The administration of interferon-alpha 2a to term infants as treatment for hemangiomas has resulted in spastic diplegia and delayed myelination. In some instances, diplegia did not resolve with discontinuation of cytokine therapy (102). Retrospective assays of neonatal blood have shown that preterm and term children with spastic diplegia had higher blood levels of various cytokines, including interferon-alpha, interferon-gamma, interleukin 6 (IL-6), IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, than did control children (103) It is of note that the association between elevated cord blood levels of cytokines and the development of white matter damage is weaker in premature than in term infants (104). In the study of Grether and colleagues, serum interferon levels were elevated in 78% of children with spastic diplegia but only in 20% of children with hemiparesis and in 42% of children who developed quadriparesis (103). C ytokines can also be demonstrated by in situ immunohistochemical methods in neurons in the neocortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and thalamus of infants with PVL (105). It appears likely that cytokines such as interferon-alpha, interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-6, or IL8 might damage white matter by leading to hypotension or by inducing ischemia through intravascular coagulation. C ytokines also could have a direct adverse effect on developing oligodendroglia or induce the product of other cytokines such as plateletactivating factor, which can further damage cells (106).

FIGURE 6.7. Evolution of cystic periventricular encephalomalacia. Ultrasound, coronal views. A: At 4 days of age, there are focal echodense areas bilaterally in the periventricular white matter (arrows). B: At 9 days of age, the bilateral periventricular echogenicity is more clearly evident (arrows). C: At 23 days of age, early cystic changes are seen bilaterally in the periventricular region (arrows). These are more severe on the right. D: At 1 month of age, multiple periventricular cystic changes are seen (arrows). This boy was the 1,445-g product of a 30-week twin pregnancy. His neonatal course was complicated by recurrent apnea and bradycardia. A septic work-up was negative. Neurologic examination was unremarkable but for jerky movements of the extremities. At 5 months of age, this youngster had spastic diplegia most severe in the trunk and lower extremities. (C ourtesy of Dr. Nancy Niparko, C edars-Sinai Medical C enter, Los Angeles, C A.)

5. The role of hypocarbia during the first days of life in mechanically ventilated premature infants in predisposing them to PVL has been suggested by several studies (107). Fritz and coworkers proposed that hypocarbia reduces cerebral blood flow and decreases tissue oxidative metabolism, with increased intracellular calcium and the various secondary events already described (108). From a clinical point of view, spastic diplegia is the most common and most consistent sequela of PVL. It is nearly always bilateral, although often asymmetric in severity. Because of the propensity of the periventricular necrotizing lesions to appear earliest and most prominently around the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles, optic radiation fibers may be involved and sometimes also result in cortical visual impairment. A number of adverse perinatal events correlate with the development of PVL. Most important, PVL tends to occur in the larger premature infant, with the highest incidence by both neuropathologic and ultrasound criteria being between 27 and 30 weeks' gestational age (109,110) (Table 6.1). In the more recent French series of Baud and coworkers, published in 1999, the highest incidence (12.9%) was, however, seen in infants whose gestational age was 24 to 26 weeks (111). Other notable risk factors include prenatal factors such as premature, prolonged, or both premature and prolonged rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis, and intrauterine infections (109,110,112). Several perinatal and postnatal factors also appear to be of importance. These are listed in Table 6.2 (4,113,114). In many instances, however, infants in whom PVL evolved had a relatively benign postnatal course (110). Although systemic hypotension has been suggested as an important pathogenetic factor, several studies failed to show an association between hypotension and PVL (115,116). In part, this lack of documentation reflects the lack of direct and continuous blood pressure recordings, or it might indicate that PVL results from a discrepancy between the metabolic requirements of periventricular white matter and its perfusion (117). We also stress that in infants of less than 31 weeks' gestation, relatively small reductions in systemic blood pressure (less than 30 mm Hg) for 1 hour or longer suffice to induce cerebral infarcts (118). This is particularly true in those in whom autoregulation is defective or has been disrupted by asphyxia. As a rule, the less mature the periventricular vasculature, the less significant are the clinical complications that accompany the evolution of PVL.

TABLE 6.1 Incidence of Periventricular Leukomalacia According to Gestational Age

Gestational Age (weeks)

Ultrasound Incidence of Cystic Periventricular Leukomalacia (%)a

50 WBC/mm3 or >5 neutrophils/mm3

Minor supportive criteria

Bilateral optic neuritis Severe optic neuritis with fixed visual acuity Table of Contents > Chapter 9 - Postnatal Trauma and Injuries by Physical Agents

Chapter 9 Postnatal Trauma and Injuries by Physical Agents John H. Menkes Richard G. Ellenbogen

CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA In the Western world, accidents constitute the major cause of death of children between the ages of 5 and 19 years (Table 9.1) (1). From 1951 to 1971, the number of children with head injuries admitted to hospitals in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom, increased sixfold, reaching 13.9% of all admissions to pediatric wards (2). This increase probably was partially caused by a change in policy such that more apparently minor injuries were admitted for observation. In the United States, the situation is similar; cranial and major facial injuries are responsible for 3.6% of hospital admissions and 3.3% of days spent in the hospital, and they are the most common neurologic conditions requiring hospital admission for patients younger than 19 years of age (3). Head injury is now the most common cause of death and disability of children in the United States, causing death in approximately 7,000 children each year (4). It is also the cause of significant cognitive and motor-sensory dysfunction in the pediatric population, with an estimated economic burden approximating $10 billion a year in the United States alone (5). A high proportion of head injuries cause death at the site of the accident or on the way to the hospital, so admission figures reflect only part of the incidence. In the San Diego Prospective Survey, as many as 85% of fatalities occurred at these times (6). Since the 1980s, child abuse has been recognized increasingly. The incidence of reported cases rose from 10.1 in 1,000 children in 1976 to 39 in 1,000 children in 1990 (7), with one of the more recent estimates of the incidence of fatal abuse in children younger than 4 years of age being at least 10 in 100,000 (8). As the reported frequency of maltreatment has risen, it has become an important cause of head injury. In one series, in infants younger than age 1 year, 36% of all head injuries and 95% of injuries resulting in intracranial hemorrhage or other major cerebral complications were caused by child abuse (9). In older children, the proportion of injury from abuse is lower, but still significant. In addition, children who were hospitalized as a consequence of child abuse remained in the hospital more than twice as long as other hospitalized children (10). Although no accurate data exist, cranial trauma commonly occurs in childhood sports. Brain concussion occurs in an estimated 19 in 100 American football players per year. Bicycling is probably the second-most-common sport leading to head injury. In an Australian series published in 1987, bicycling was responsible for more than 20% of all head injuries in children (11). The remarkable effectiveness of bicycle helmets in preventing head injuries in children has been attested to in several studies (12,13). This chapter presents only postnatal injuries; perinatal injuries are described in C hapter 6. This chapter discusses the diagnosis and nonsurgical management of head injuries and considers their pathophysiology and pathology based on the severity of the craniocerebral trauma and the complications and sequelae of head injuries.

Dynamics and Pathophysiology The adverse effects of head injury are primary and secondary. The primary effects are the result of physical forces, mainly acceleration and deceleration, that act on the brain through shear-strain deformation (a change in shape without a change in volume) and through compression-rarefaction strain (a change in volume without a change in shape). The brain is injured through these two mechanisms acting alone, in combination, or in succession (14,15,16). Secondary effects result from the various processes that complicate the injury.

Shear-Strain Deformation Shear strain occurs when two layers slide on each other, moving in parallel in opposite directions (16). The injury from shearing or tearing is responsible for most lesions, especially in an infant or a young child, whose skull is more easily deformed than an adult's. Deformation absorbs much of the energy of impact, reducing the adverse effects of acceleration and deceleration but adding to the risk of tearing of blood vessels. Because of its elasticity and ability to undergo a greater degree of deformation, the skull of an infant absorbs the energy of the physical impact and protects the brain better than the skull of an older person.

TABLE 9.1 Causes of Death in Children in 1986

Cause of Death All causes Accidents

Age Chapter 10 - Toxic and Nutritional Disorders

Chapter 10 Toxic and Nutritional Disorders John H. Menkes

TOXIC DISORDERS Neurotoxins are endogenous or environmental. Various sections of this text consider the endogenous neurotoxins, notably the excitatory neurotransmitters. These substances are implicated in cell death from asphyxia and hypoglycemia, following uncontrolled seizures, and possibly in some of the heredodegenerative disorders. This chapter discusses environmental toxins. Almost all environmental toxins induce neurologic symptoms if ingested in sufficient quantity. This chapter considers only those that are encountered in clinical practice commonly and for which the nervous system is a primary site of action. They are discussed in ascending order of their chemical complexity. Drug intoxications that are encountered less commonly by the practitioner are not considered in detail. The reader is referred to Table 10.1 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24) for a summary of their neurologic complications and treatment. In addition, the reader is directed to the comprehensive text on medical toxicology edited by Ellenhorn and colleagues (25), and a book on neurotoxicology edited by Spencer and coworkers (26). The incidence of the various drug intoxications in an Australian pediatric population during the years 1977 through 1981 is depicted in Table 10.2 (27). A series compiled from the C hildren's Hospital of the University of Antwerp for the years 1980 through 1988 shows a similar distribution (28).

Metallic Toxins Lead Although some of the toxic actions of lead have been known since antiquity, the understanding of the clinical picture of lead poisoning is based on the classic studies of Tanquerel des Planches (29), Blackfan (30), and Holt (31). As a result of the considerable advances in the prevention of lead exposure, cases of acute lead encephalopathy have all but disappeared from the United States. Nevertheless, children with increased blood lead levels are still being encountered with considerable frequency, and the effect of elevated blood lead levels on neurocognitive and neurobehavioral function has been the subject of considerable recent controversy.

Pharmacology One of the major sources of lead continues to be exterior and, to a lesser extent, interior lead-based paint, which remains as an environmental hazard in some 3.8 million homes in the United States housing children 7 years of age or younger (32). Lead can be absorbed by water with a low mineral content as it passes through lead pipes or lead-soldered copper pipes. It also can be ingested when water is boiled in soldered electric kettles. Until the 1990s, organic lead also was ingested from roadside dust contaminated with automobile emissions, or by habitual sniffing of leaded gasoline. Less common sources of lead include lead arsenate insecticides; lead solder, which in the United States has been virtually eliminated from the seams of food and beverage cans; ancient pewter; imperfectly glazed ceramics; painted jewelry; and eye shadow, which in some developing countries is applied to infant boys and girls. One form of lead poisoning, once relatively common in nursing infants, was caused by prolonged use of lead nipple shields. The gastrointestinal tract of infants and children absorbs approximately 40% of ingested lead, with the remainder being excreted. Approximately 90% of inhaled lead is absorbed. Iron deficiency and constipation encourage absorption; diarrhea has the reverse effect. Lead and calcium compete for a common transport mechanism; reduced calcium intake and low serum levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D 1 increase lead absorption. The vitamin D receptor gene is involved in calcium absorption and, if lead is present, will also absorb lead, and genotype variants of the vitamin D receptor gene may influence the degree of lead absorption (33). After absorption, lead is distributed into three compartments: Some enters a rapidly exchangeable pool in the liver and kidney and from there binds to a low-molecular-weight protein of erythrocytes (34); some enters a rapidly exchangeable pool in soft tissue and is loosely bound to bone; and the major portion (60% to 90%) is tightly bound as the insoluble and nontoxic lead triphosphate in the skeleton, notably in the epiphyseal portion of growing bone. Lead also is deposited in hair and nails and crosses the placenta. Only a small amount of lead enters the brain; the major portion is found in gray matter and the basal ganglia (35,36). High phosphate and high vitamin D intakes favor skeletal storage of lead, whereas parathormone, low phosphate intake, and acidosis promote its release into the bloodstream. Almost all the absorbed lead is excreted in urine; fecal lead represents the unabsorbed fraction. The half-life of lead in blood is 1 to 2 months; it is 20 to 30 years in bone (36). Excretion is so slow that even a slight increase in the average daily intake above 0.3 mg/day, the maximum permissible level for adults, can ultimately induce poisoning.

TABLE 10.1 Neurotoxic Complications of Some Drugs


Neurologic Symptoms



Tonic-clonic seizures

Hestand and Tesky (1), Goetz, et al. (2)

Atropine (jimson weed, thornapple, deadly nightshade)

Dilated pupils, slurred speech, ataxia, seizures

Priest (Down syndrome) (3), Amitai et al. (4)

Boric acid


Valdez-Dapena and Arey (5), Cheng (6)


Respiratory depression

von Muhlendahl et al. (7)

Dextromethorphan (Coricidin)


Warden et al. (8), Kirages et al. (9)

Diphenoxylate (Lomotil)

Excitement, hypotonia, rigidity, cortical blindness, cerebral edema

McCarron et al. (10)

Ferrous sulfate

Vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, lethargy

Robotham and Leitman (11), Mann et al. (12)


Seizures, blindness, spastic paraparesis

Martinez et al. (13), Martin-Bouyer et al. (14)

Hydroxyquinolines (clioquinol)

Optic neuritis, myelitis, peripheral neuropathy

Oakley (15), Selby (16), Shigematsu and Yanagawa (17)

Imipramine and other tricyclic antidepressants

Clonic movements, seizures, coma

McFee et al. (18), Saraf et al. (19)


Cerebral vasculitis, intracranial hemorrhage

Forman et al. (20)


Impaired coordination, chorea, encephalopathy

Parsons (21)

Propoxyphene (Darvon)

Lethargy, seizures

Lovejoy et al. (22)

Sympathomimetics (dextroamphetamine)

Agitation, seizures

Espelin and Done (23), Alldredge et al. (24)

TABLE 10.2 Agents Accidentally Ingested by Children (0 Through 12 Years) Resulting in Hospital Admission


Number of Patients

Percent of Accidental Ingestions

Petroleum distillates









Bleach, detergents



Aspirin, acetaminophen



Camphor, mothballs






Caustic soda



Painting chemicals



Noxious plants









Iron tablets






Data from Brisbane, Australia, 1977–1981. From Pearn J. et al. Accidental poisoning in childhood. Five year urban population study with 15 year analysis of fatality. BMJ 1984;288:45. With permission.

The levels of lead in blood and urine are an index of the degree of exposure to the toxin. Although blood lead levels below 10 µg/dL are currently considered acceptable, δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity is significantly inhibited at blood lead levels of 5 to 10 µg/dL (37), and abnormalities in auditory and visual-evoked potentials have been demonstrated at levels below 10 µg/dl. (38). Measurement of hair lead is an unreliable indicator of the severity of lead exposure, whereas the reliability of tooth lead content is still under debate (39). As yet, the threshold level for neurotoxicity is unknown. The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that concentrations of 25 µg/dL or higher are certain to be toxic, and the average blood lead level in American children is 2.6 µg/dL (40).

Pathology Almost all organs are affected by lead poisoning, with damage caused by heavy metal inhibition of numerous sulfhydryl enzymes and its ability to substitute for calcium, and perhaps zinc (38). One of the earliest manifestations of lead intoxication is anemia, induced by a disturbance in heme synthesis and by shortening of red cell life span. Lead impairs heme synthesis at several points, with globin synthesis also being disrupted at higher lead levels (36,41).

Within the central nervous system (C NS), lead acts primarily on capillary endothelium. It causes extravasation of plasma, followed by endothelial, microglial, and astrocytic proliferation and widespread interstitial edema (42). Neuronal degeneration is also widespread, with the neocortex and cerebellum being affected most prominently; neocortical degeneration also can reflect agonal anoxia, rather than a direct effect of lead. Experimental work suggests that the immature cerebral vasculature is particularly sensitive to lead, and that neurotoxicity is the result of multifactorial events. Lead interrupts the cellular calcium pump in mitochondria with a resultant calcium-mediated cell death in the cerebrovascular endothelium (43). C hronic exposure to lead interferes with calmodulin-dependent processes resulting in abnormal post-translational modifications of cytoskeletal proteins. In addition, lead inhibits acetylcholine release and enhances the release of dopamine and norepinephrine (44). These multiple neurotoxic effects of lead are reviewed by Lidsky and Schneider (38). In peripheral nerves, axonal degeneration occurs with loss of large myelinated fibers, but with no demyelination (45). Occasionally, the anterior horn cells also are degenerated. C hronic, low-level exposure, as is seen in industrial workers, can produce paranodal demyelination and internodal remyelination (46). No explanation exists for the preferential involvement of nerves in the upper extremity. Pathologic changes within other organs, notably the liver and kidney, have been described in a classic publication by Blackman (47).

TABLE 10.3 Signs and Symptoms of Overt Lead Poisoning in Children (Chicago, 1955– 1957)

Prodromal Symptoms

Number of Cases

Overt Symptom

Number of Cases










Sixth nerve palsy



11 Ataxia


Weight loss


7 2-Year follow-up of 14 patients 13/46



Retarded motor development


Retarded language development

Adapted from Mellins RB, Jenkins CD. Epidemiologic and psychological study of lead poisoning in children. JAMA 1955;158:15; and Jenkins CD, Mellins RB. Lead poisoning in children. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 1957;77:70.

Clinical Manifestations Neurologic symptoms of lead poisoning form a continuum from the most minor to the most severe (48). In the classic form of severe lead encephalopathy, symptoms progress insidiously, first becoming apparent in late summer in some 80% of cases. Before then, there is usually a prodromal period of several weeks or months during which the child is pale, irritable, listless, and without appetite. Epigastric pain, vomiting, and constipation are common. These nonspecific symptoms are often interrupted by the sudden onset of a series of generalized convulsions or by depression of consciousness (Table 10.3) (49,50).

Seizures are common and resist anticonvulsant therapy. They can be followed by hemiplegia or other neurologic sequelae. The child with lead encephalopathy demonstrates increased intracranial pressure. Less frequent is cerebellar ataxia and palsies of the sixth and seventh cranial nerves. Nuchal rigidity is fairly common and can be related to tonsillar herniation. Patients in some parts of the world have a high incidence of optic neuritis with profound vision loss, acute communicating hydrocephalus, and tremors (51). In children, peripheral neuritis caused by lead poisoning is rare. When seen, it almost invariably occurs in subjects with sickle cell anemia (52). Anemia and deranged renal tubular function usually accompany the neurologic symptoms. Red cells in peripheral blood and bone marrow can show basophilic stippling, and the presence of a large number of such cells is almost invariable in chronic poisoning caused by inorganic lead, although not in poisoning with organic (tetraethyl) lead. Basophilic stippling, however, is not specific for lead intoxication. Radiologic findings in acute lead encephalopathy are characteristic (53). Most prominent is the presence of a dense, radiopaque band at the metaphyses of numerous long bones. Less commonly, radiopaque particles are found within the gastrointestinal tract as evidence of recent plaster ingestion. Although lead encephalopathy and peripheral neuritis represent the classic and severe form of lead intoxication, neurobehavioral symptoms as a consequence of lesser degrees of exposure are now far more common, and have, in the last few years, become a contentious issue for health care workers. A large number of epidemiologic studies designed to examine the effects of low-level lead exposure on the nervous system differ with respect to the measures selected to reflect the amount of lead to which the developing brain has been exposed. They also differ in the areas of cognitive and neurologic performance chosen to measure the effects of lead intoxication. In almost every study, the results have been confounded by the association between increased lead intake and disadvantaged family and home environment. Smith (54) and Poco*ck and colleagues (39) have extensively and dispassionately reviewed these issues. I concur with their conclusions that from the current state of knowledge one is unable to say whether low-level lead exposure affects performance or behavior of children, or whether a reverse causality exists (i.e., children with lower IQs or aberrant behavior patterns have increased lead uptake). In either case, in cases in which effects of environmental lead are found, they are likely to be small and are overshadowed by the effects that result from the child's socioeconomic status, quality of home environment, and parental intelligence (39,54,55). In addition, the effects of genetic and dietary factors on lead absorption and neurocognition have not been clarified. Most significantly, a blood lead level below which lead exposure has absolutely no effect on neurocognitive function has not yet been established (56). Finally, we also do not know what role, if any, intrauterine exposure to lead plays in inducing cognitive deficits (39,55). Thus, in the Australian study of Baghurst and coworkers, no significant relation existed between IQ at 57 months of age and antenatal or perinatal blood lead concentrations (55). A further discussion on the interrelation between lead exposure and cognitive function can be found in C hapter 18.

Diagnosis Even though lead encephalopathy has become extremely rare, the appearance of seizures and increased intracranial pressure in a young child should always suggest this condition. Posterior fossa tumors rarely produce seizures, and tumors of the cerebral hemispheres are rare in toddlers. Lead lines on radiographic examination and basophilic stippling in a blood smear offer a presumptive diagnosis even in the absence of a history of pica. The differential diagnosis between a sickle cell crisis that produces neurologic symptoms and lead poisoning can be difficult because both can produce cramping abdominal pains and seizures. Generally, neurologic signs in sickle cell crisis are caused by cerebrovascular occlusion and thus result in lateralizing findings, which are generally absent in lead encephalopathy. C urrently, the most widely used test to detect chronic low-grade exposure to lead is the whole blood lead level, with the analysis being performed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. C apillary blood can be used for diagnosis and surveillance (57), and for screening purposes, a filter paper blood test has been found to be reliable (58). An increased hair lead level has been suggested as an indicator for the timing of increased exposure to lead. This measurement, however, is unreliable in that hair lead concentrations can vary in different hairs from the same individual. It also is difficult to remove surface contaminants without removing lead from within the hair. The lead contact of teeth has been used as an indicator of cumulative lead exposure, but this test is obviously impractical for the routine diagnosis of lead poisoning (59). Because peripheral nerve conduction times are slowed in many youngsters with even inapparent neuropathy, peripheral nerve conduction studies can provide an ancillary indication of subclinical lead intoxication (52).

Treatment and Prognosis Because recurrent exposure is common, and because neurologic damage caused by lead poisoning is probably progressive rather than all or none, the source of the ingested lead must be ascertained and eliminated before the child returns home from the hospital. The recommended practice is to forego treatment for children whose blood lead level is less than 25 µg/dL. C hildren with blood lead levels between 25 and 45 µg/dL require their immediate removal from lead exposure, but neither chelation therapy nor dietary calcium supplementation is indicated (60,61). C helation therapy is indicated for patients with blood lead levels over 45 µg/dL. Two parenteral and two oral chelation agents are currently available. The former are dimercaprol (BAL) and calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Oral chelation agents are succimer, a water-soluble analogue of BAL, and D-penicillamine. A full discussion of dosages, duration of therapy, and adverse reactions is beyond the scope of this text. They are detailed in the treatment guidelines prepared by the American Academy of Pediatrics, C ommittee on Drugs (62), in a publication by Piomelli (63), and in a review by Henretig (64). C ase management and pitfalls in the treatment of children with severe lead poisoning are discussed by Friedman and Weinberger (65). Even with the best therapy, the prognosis for complete recovery in children with lead encephalopathy is not good, and by the time symptoms become overt, lasting C NS damage has already been incurred.

Thallium C hildren can accidentally ingest thallium-containing pesticides. How the metal damages the nervous system is still unknown (66). One likely possibility is that thallium replaces potassium in the activation of potassium-dependent enzymes, notably pyruvate kinase and

succinate dehydrogenase. In fatal cases, one sees white matter edema and degenerative changes in the nerve cells of the cerebral and cerebellar cortex, hypothalamus, olivary nuclei, and the corpus striatum. In peripheral nerves, there is a loss of myelinated fibers and degeneration of the central axons of sensory ganglion cells (67). Depending on the dose ingested, intoxication can be fatal during the acute phase by causing renal and cardiac failure. In less severe intoxications, neurologic symptoms appear 2 to 6 days after ingestion, including a motor neuropathy that principally affects the lower extremities. Hair fibers in the growing stage, which constitute between 80% and 90% of scalp hair, and large-diameter fibers are most vulnerable to thallium intoxication (68). Subsequently, cerebellar ataxia can develop, accompanied by somnolence or seizures. A characteristic depilation resembling that seen after vincristine therapy begins within 2 weeks. Less commonly, there are retrobulbar neuritis and cranial nerve palsies (69). Approximately one-half of the survivors have persistent neurologic deficits, most commonly mental retardation and ataxia. The diagnosis suggested by neurologic symptoms in the presence of depilation can be confirmed by the detection of thallium in urine using atomic absorption spectroscopy and emission spectrography (70). C helating agents such as diethyl dithiocarbamate or dimercaptosuccinic acid are ineffective in the treatment of thallium poisoning. Although they increase thallium excretion, the chelate formed is lipophilic and crosses the blood–brain barrier. As a consequence, neurologic symptoms worsen (71). Prussian blue, however, does have some value, having induced clinical improvement in a number of patients (72).

Arsenic In the Western world, arsenic poisoning in the pediatric population most commonly results from the accidental ingestion of pesticides, notably ant poison (73). Since 1980, arsenic toxicity has become a major health problem in some developing countries with arsenic contaminating drinking water obtained from wells. The metal can arise from natural geological sources such as iron-pyrite as a result of overexploitation of ground water as well as from contamination induced by mining and other industrial processes. Arsenic poisoning is particularly common in Bangladesh and West Bengal, where up to 6% of children demonstrate symptoms of arsenic poisoning (74,75). The pathologic changes in the brain have been reviewed in a classic paper by Russell (76). They include generalized edema and pericapillary hemorrhages within white matter, with foci of demyelination. Nerve biopsies show axonal degeneration (77). The toxicity of arsenic probably lies in its ability to inactivate up to 200 sulfhydryl enzymes, notably those involved in the cellular energy pathways and DNA synthesis and repair (74,78). Symptoms of arsenic poisoning in the pediatric population are more likely to be gastrointestinal than dermatological (pigmentation and keratosis) or neurologic (75,79). After acute arsenic ingestion, they can take the form of a violent attack of vomiting and bloody diarrhea. C hronic arsenic intake induces intermittent gastrointestinal upsets. In children, anemia is not unusual. Neurologic symptoms are mainly those of a peripheral sensory neuritis; numbness and severe paresthesias of the distal portion of the extremities predominate. Distal weakness of the lower extremities follows and can extend to involve the upper extremities. For the treatment of acute arsenic toxicity, BAL is the drug of choice. For patients with subacute or chronic toxicity, succimer or 2,3dimercapto-1-propanesulfonate (DMPS) are preferred (80). Their mode of administration to children is described by Ford (81).

Mercury Mercury poisoning can result from exposure to elemental mercury in the form of its vapor, inorganic mercury salts, and organic mercury, most commonly as methylmercury. Because of their ability to affect neuronal cell division and migration, organic mercury compounds are highly toxic to the fetus and the early developing postnatal brain. Mercury vapor poisoning has been reported to induce seizures. Pink disease (acrodynia), once relatively common owing to ingestion of calomel (mercuric chloride) teething powders (82), is now much rarer but has been observed after exposure to latex paint, which up to 1990 contained phenylmercuric acetate. Mercury is released from surfaces coated with this paint after it has dried (83). Only a small proportion of exposed infants and young children become symptomatic. C linical manifestations are marked by erythema, most intense over the fingertips and toes; profound weakness of all extremities; hyperesthesia; extreme irritability; and changes in consciousness. Intoxication with organic mercury compounds derived from the fungicides or methylmercury was responsible for outbreaks of poisoning in Iraq (84), whereas ingestion of methylmercury-contaminated fish resulted in Minamata disease, an encephalopathy encountered along Minamata Bay in Japan. The neurologic picture of organic mercury poisoning in children is complex. Tingling and other sensory disturbances and progressive visual impairment, taking the form of constriction of visual fields, tunnel vision, or complete blindness, are almost invariable. Ataxia, tremor, impaired hearing, and mental deterioration also are encountered. A variety of involuntary movements are less common (85). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows atrophy of the ventral portion of the calcarine sulcus (86). Although neurological degeneration was progressive in the Japanese epidemic, the more recently affected Iraqi children have had considerable functional recovery (84,87). Methylmercury compounds also have been held responsible for congenital mercury poisoning. Affected infants show tremors, hypotonia, myoclonic jerks, and microcephaly (88,89). Researchers have studied the role of prenatal and early postnatal exposure to methylmercury derived from fish and other seafood—where it is found coordinated with an aliphatic thiol, most likely cysteine—on early development and neurocognitive functions.Whereas studies from the Faeroe Islands and New Zealand (90) have shown subtle but significant adverse effects in school-age children accompanied by abnormalities of the brainstem auditory-evoked potentials (91), the more recently conducted studies from the Seychelles Islands found no developmental effect of prenatal mercury exposure (92). The different outcomes could in part reflect the different concentrations of methylmercury consumed in these areas, since in the Seychelles, seafood has lower concentrations of methylmercury than in the other two regions (92). In addition, the Faroese population was exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PC P) and other organic pollutants that can act synergistically with mercury (92a). Thimerosal, a mercury-containing compound that is degraded to ethylmercury and until the early 1990s was used as a preservative in various vaccines, has been implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly regressive autism (see C hapter 18). At present, the body of existing data is not consistent with an association between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism or neurodevelopmental disorders (93,93a,94,94a). The neuropathology of organic mercury poisoning in children has been described by Takeuchi and coworkers (95). It consists of focal cerebral and cerebellar atrophy with the axonal retraction bulbs (torpedoes) on Purkinje cells resembling those seen in Menkes disease (see C hapter 1). The diagnosis of mercury poisoning depends on the measurement of urinary mercury concentrations. Treatment is by oral administration of 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (succimer) (96). It is ineffective if not started promptly after exposure to mercury (97).

Manganese Whereas in the adult population manganese intoxication is mainly incurred as a consequence of chronic inhalation of the metal dust by welders or miners, in the pediatric age group, this condition is seen in patients who have been receiving long-term parenteral nutrition, particularly in the presence of chronic hepatic disease. Manganese exposure leads to a selective dopaminergic dysfunction, neuronal loss, and gliosis in the basal ganglia. Astrocytes appear to be particularly vulnerable in that they have a specific transport system for manganese facilitating its uptake and sequestration in mitochondria (98). The condition results in a variety of movement disorders, notably a parkinsonian picture, seizures, or myoclonus (99). The MRI studies are characteristic. They demonstrate hyperintensities in the globus pallidus on T1-weighted images (100). C helation treatment is said to be beneficial and results in improvement of symptoms and the neuroradiologic abnormalities.

Aluminum Aluminum intoxication, usually caused by the ingestion of aluminum hydroxide, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of progressive dementia and seizures in children with chronic renal failure, whether or not they are undergoing maintenance dialysis. Aluminum intoxication is discussed more fully in C hapter 17.

Organic Toxins Carbon Monoxide C arbon monoxide poisoning is one of the major causes of death caused by toxins. In infants and small children, the majority of cases results from faulty home heaters or, as in the Orient, the use of anthracite coal briquettes. The brain and the myocardium are most vulnerable to carbon monoxide. The principal effect of carbon monoxide is to interfere with tissue oxygenation by reducing the capacity of blood to transport oxygen and by shifting the blood oxyhemoglobin saturation curve, thus requiring blood oxygen tension to decrease to lower than normal values before a given amount of oxygen is released from hemoglobin. C arbon monoxide also reduces oxygen delivery to tissue by reducing cardiac output. In addition, carbon monoxide binds directly to iron-rich brain regions, notably the globus pallidus and the pars reticulata of the substantia nigra (101). Neurological symptoms of carbon monoxide toxicity include irritability, lethargy, and coma. In the Korean series of Kim and C oe, 14% of children presented with convulsions, in 13% there was neck stiffness, and 3% had blindness on admission. C omputed tomographic scans showed diffuse cerebral edema and low-density areas in the basal ganglia, notably, the globus pallidus (102). On T2-weighted MRI, increased signal is seen in the basal ganglia and white matter (102a). C hronic carbon monoxide poisoning can result from poorly ventilated heating systems and inadequately ventilated housing. Symptoms include hyperactivity, sleepiness, and headaches (103). After apparent recovery, some 10% to 30% of patients, most of them of advanced age, who have had moderate to severe carbon monoxide poisoning develop delayed neurologic sequelae some 3 to 240 days after intoxication (104,105,106). The sequelae include a variety of extrapyramidal symptoms, notably tremor, rigidity, and choreoathetosis. Additionally, Kim and C oe encountered mental retardation, seizures, mutism, hemiparesis, and paraplegia (102). MRI in such patients shows a progressive demyelinating process (107). The underlying mechanism for the delayed neurologic symptoms is currently believed to involve carbon monoxide–mediated brain lipid peroxidation (106,108). The pros and cons for the treatment of children suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning with hyperbaric oxygen are beyond the scope of this book and are reviewed by Liebelt (109). The biological effects of carbon monoxide on pregnant mothers, fetuses, and newborn infants are reviewed by Ginsberg and Myers (110) and Longo (111).

Alcohol Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Alcohol is believed to affect the immature nervous system through chronic in utero exposure or through acute maternal intoxication. In 1851, over 2000 years after Plutarch noted “one drunkard begets another” and Aristotle observed that “drunken women bring forth children like to themselves,” C arpenter reviewed the then current data on alcohol use during pregnancy and concluded that offspring can experience mental and behavioral disabilities (112). More than 100 years later, French (113,114) and American (115) clinicians described a craniofacial and neurologic disorder with growth and psychom*otor retardation called the fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Its frequency, as estimated by C larren and Smith in 1978, is between 1 and 2 in 1,000 live births, with partial expression of the syndrome, the fetal alcohol effects syndrome (FES), occurring in 3 to 5 in 1,000 live births (115). A survey published in 1997 indicated that the combined rate of FAS and FES was at least 9.1 in 1,000 live births (116). Data obtained from a variety of experimental models suggest that alcohol, or a metabolic product thereof, such as acetaldehyde, can adversely affect the developing brain through multiple mechanisms. These include direct effects such as a transient impairment in uterine blood flow, vasoconstriction of uterine vessels, and reduced fetal cerebral metabolic rate. In addition, alcohol, which acts as an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist and has GABA-mimetic properties, is capable of triggering apoptotic neurodegeneration (117). The various potential mechanisms by which alcohol can damage the developing nervous system have been reviewed by West and colleagues (118), Shibley and Pennington (119), and Davies (120). Despite the wealth of experimental data, considerable debate surrounds the pathogenesis of FAS and FES. On the one hand, some researchers question whether there is a threshold amount of alcohol intake, beyond which fetal abnormalities can develop, and suggest that even the smallest amount of alcohol can be dangerous to the fetus. On the other hand, it is not known what role several other variables play in the production of FAS and FES. These variables include the type and quality of the alcoholic beverage consumed (particularly the presence of contaminants in illicitly procured alcohol), associated food and vitamin deficiencies, binge drinking, smoking during pregnancy, drug intake, low plasma zinc levels, and the stage of pregnancy when exposure occurred (121,122,123). Furthermore, we do not know whether there are certain alleles of alcohol dehydrogenase that are protective or, conversely, place the fetus at increased risk for FAS (124). Also not established is whether the same dysmorphology can occur in the absence of maternal alcohol intake. Lacking such data, it is unclear whether alcohol per se causes FAS and FES, or whether high maternal alcohol intake is but a reflection of other environmental or genetic causes of mental retardation. Neuropathologic features of FAS include neuroglial and leptomeningeal heterotopias with aberrant neural and glial tissue incorporated

within arachnoid and meninges (125). Lissencephaly, cerebellar dysplasia, and agenesis of the corpus callosum also have been described, and migration anomalies can involve the cerebellum and brainstem as well as the cerebrum (126). MRI studies have delineated the variety of anomalies that can be encountered in FAS (127,128). Using material obtained for the most part during voluntary medical abortions, Konovalov and colleagues have shown that the proportion of fetuses showing these abnormalities in brain development increases with an increase in maternal ethanol intake (129), being lowest in women who were binge drinking during the first 3 months of pregnancy. They suggest that the teratogenic period for induction of the brain defects involves the initial 3 to 6 weeks of brain morphogenesis. These observations are at variance with those of Autti-Rämö and colleagues, who found that the number of physical anomalies was significantly increased in infants exposed to alcohol throughout gestation, but not when heavy alcohol consumption, defined as in excess of 140 g per week, was limited to the first or to the first and second trimesters (130). The diagnosis of FAS is based entirely on history and the physical appearance of the child. In addition to confirmation of maternal alcohol abuse, the diagnostic criteria recommended by the Research Society on Alcoholism Fetal Alcohol Study Group require the following three: (a) the presence of prenatal or postnatal growth retardation; (b) C NS dysfunction such as developmental delay or intellectual impairment; and (c) at least two of the following: microcephaly, microphthalmia, short palpebral fissures, or all three, and hypoplastic philtrum with thin upper lip and flattening of the maxillary area (131) (Fig. 10.1A,B). When a child demonstrates two of the three criteria, the condition is diagnosed with fetal alcohol effect (FAE). The use of this term has been challenged by Aase and colleagues on the basis of its imprecision, and that by labeling a child as having FAE, health workers presuppose that maternal alcohol abuse is the major or only cause of the child's problems (132).

FIGURE 10.1. A: Fetal alcohol effects. This eight-year-old girl is mildly retarded and growth-deficient, with facial features typical of fetal alcohol syndrome: short palpebral fissures, short nose with flat nasal bridge, and thin lips with a smooth philtrum. B: This eight-year-old boy shows similar facial features. He is mildly retarded and growth-deficient. He weighed 2 kg at birth after a term gestation in a gravida 5, para 4, abortus 1, 28-year-old woman who drank one-fifth of hard liquor every one to two days during the first four months of pregnancy. (C ourtesy of Dr. John Graham, C edars-Sinai Medical C enter.)

Optic nerve hypoplasia is seen in up to one-half of children born to alcoholic mothers (133). Other ocular anomalies include microphthalmia, glaucoma, and cataracts (134). Less often, a sensorineural hearing loss and a variety of other minor physical anomalies occur (130). Outside the nervous system, abnormalities of the heart (notably ventricular septal defects), joints (e.g., congenital dislocation of the hips and flexion-extension deformities), genitalia, or skeleton occur (135,136). A considerable amount of work has been done to ascertain the long-term cognitive development of children diagnosed in infancy as having FAS or FAE. Two such studies can be cited as examples of the problems encountered in this endeavor. In the Finnish study of Autti-Rämö and colleagues, children who were subjected to heavy alcohol exposure throughout gestation had significantly lower scores on the Bayley Mental Scale and the Reynell Verbal C omprehension Test at 27 months of age. This study, however, failed to find any significant effect on intellectual development when heavy prenatal alcohol exposure was restricted to the first trimester. In this study, as in many others, social class and maternal education could have been confounding variables (137). In the German study of Spohr and coworkers, children were reexamined more than 10 years after their initial diagnosis (138). Many of the features of FAS and some of the minor physical anomalies had disappeared in the interval, so it became difficult to diagnose FAS in a substantial proportion of children who initially had a mild expression of FAS. In severely affected children with FAS, the features of the condition tended to persist. In this series (138), 88% of FAS children were microcephalic at the first assessment at 3 years of age and 65% at the second assessment at approximately 11 years of age. There was little improvement in IQ scores, and 69% of children had an IQ of 85 or less. It was noteworthy that not all children with mild morphologic damage had normal intelligence, and not all children with severe morphologic changes were mentally retarded. These findings are at variance with the observations of Mattsen and

colleagues (139), who found that alcohol-exposed children displayed significant deficits in overall IQ measures even in the absence of any dysmorphic features. Several other studies purport to demonstrate that even children whose IQs fall within the normal range have deficits in cognitive function, particularly in language development, and that school performance tends to deteriorate with time (138,140,141). It is quite likely that an adverse social environment contributes substantially to these features.

Acute Alcohol Poisoning Acute alcohol intake by infants and young children initially induces a depression of the C NS, and if untreated, it causes marked hypoglycemia and convulsions several hours after ingestion (142,143,144). The mechanism for hypoglycemia is not completely understood. Wilson and coworkers suggest that ethanol inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis because of an increase in the ratio of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (reduced form) (NADH) to nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NAD), and possibly also because it inhibits the carboxylation of pyruvate to oxaloacetate (144).

Theophylline (Aminophylline) Theophylline, like other alkylxanthines, lowers the seizure threshold by antagonizing the anticonvulsant effect of endogenous adenosine (145). Neurological symptoms can result from administration of a toxic dose of the drug, or from a therapeutic dose in children who have a lowered seizure threshold as a result of a preexisting seizure disorder or other previous brain injury or disease (146). Seizures are usually the most serious complication. These are often accompanied by cerebral vasoconstriction and ischemia. Ataxia, visual hallucinations, dyskinesias, and infantile spasms also have been reported as complications of theophylline toxicity (147,148,149). In premature infants, toxic effects include tachycardia, jitteriness, clonic posturing, and generalized seizures (150). Treatment of seizures involves the various anticonvulsants used for status epilepticus (see C hapter 14). Exchange transfusions also have been used in neonates given toxic dosages of theophylline.

Barbiturates With the increased availability of other sedatives, the incidence of barbiturate intoxication in infants and children has diminished substantially since the 1980s.

Pharmacology Barbiturates are general depressants. The mechanism of their action has been reviewed by Olsen and coworkers (151). In essence, toxic effects on the central nervous system (C NS) result from the particular sensitivity of the reticular activating system to barbiturates. On a subcellular basis, barbiturates act on the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA A) receptor sites of postsynaptic neurons to increase the GABA-induced chloride current, thus potentiating the inhibitory effects of GABA. In addition, they inhibit excitatory α-amino-3-hydroxy5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA) receptors. The severity of intoxication induced by a given dose of barbiturate varies considerably. At comparable blood levels, slow-acting barbiturates are less toxic than rapid-acting thiobarbiturates. Other factors affecting the severity of clinical symptoms are the development of tolerance, as occurs in children treated with barbiturates for a convulsive disorder, and the rapidity with which the drug is metabolized by the liver.

Clinical Manifestations C linical symptoms of barbiturate intoxication are mainly those of C NS depression. A modified Glasgow C oma Scale, which scores both the level of consciousness and vital signs (respiratory rate, blood pressure, and hypothermia), has been suggested as a means of grading the severity of barbiturate intoxication (152). In severe intoxication, the child is comatose, although the deep tendon reflexes can persist and the plantar reflex is often positive. Barbiturates are respiratory depressants; they impair respiratory drive and the mechanisms responsible for rhythmic respiratory movements. Respiratory centers become insensitive to increased C O 2, and respiratory control becomes dependent on hypoxic drive, which, in turn, fails with progressively increasing barbiturate levels. As a consequence, respiration is affected early, and breathing becomes slow and shallow. Blood pressure decreases as a direct action of the drug on the myocardium and the depression of the medullary centers. A central antidiuretic action depresses urine formation. Hypoxia and pulmonary complications are common with severe barbiturate poisoning. Neuropathologic findings closely resemble those of fatal anoxia.

Diagnosis The diagnosis of barbiturate intoxication in a child with severe C NS depression or coma rests on the history of drug ingestion or, in the absence of such a history, on the exclusion of other causes for coma and on the positive identification of the toxin. The physical examination, which must be performed expeditiously, should be directed toward the exclusion of infectious, traumatic, metabolic, and vascular causes for the child's condition. Nuchal rigidity and focal neurologic signs make drug ingestion unlikely. Mitchell and colleagues (153) have stressed the frequency of miosis in children who are comatose owing to barbiturate intoxication and noted that miosis is usually absent in children admitted in coma as a consequence of head trauma or infection. The physician must always consider the possibility of nonaccidental barbiturate ingestion, which is an increasing form of child abuse (154). A number of rapid urinary screening tests are available that produce characteristic color reactions in the presence of barbiturates or other toxins.

Treatment Because barbiturate levels in brain correlate poorly with those in serum, serum barbiturate levels can only serve as a guide to assess the severity of intoxication. If the drug was ingested shortly before the child is examined, gastric lavage is done. When respirations are depressed, an airway is instituted, and artificial respiration is used whenever necessary to maintain normal blood C O 2 and pH levels. C irculatory collapse, the chief cause of death in barbiturate intoxication, is prevented with plasma expanders or whole blood. Vasopressors are of relatively little value except in the initial management of severe hypotension (155). Forced diuresis with fluid loading and alkalinization by the intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate facilitate urinary excretion of phenobarbital and

other long-lasting barbiturates. Renal failure and hypothermia are other potentially serious complications of barbiturate intoxication (156). In severe intoxication, or in children who because of renal or hepatic disease have impaired drug elimination, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is the most effective means of removing the drug from the bloodstream (157). The effectiveness of peritoneal dialysis depends on the blood barbiturate level, which is usually high when long-acting barbiturates are ingested. Multiple doses of charcoal appear to be of little benefit. Detoxification with hemoperfusion through charcoal coated with acrylic hydrocarbons and exchange transfusion also has been suggested (158). The use of analeptics such as picrotoxin has been abandoned because they were found to induce cardiac arrhythmias and convulsions. The presentation of benzodiazepine overdose is similar to that of barbiturate intoxication, and treatment is analogous, except that diuresis and forced alkalinization are unnecessary, because diazepines are metabolized by the liver. As a class, benzodiazepines are safer than barbiturates, and the mortality for intoxications is far smaller (156).

Phenothiazines The neurotoxic actions of phenothiazines result from either an overdose or idiosyncratic adverse reactions to therapeutic dosages. The toxic responses include depression of consciousness, seizures, hypotension, loss of temperature control, and movement disorders. In the series of James and coworkers, 90% of children who accidentally ingested phenothiazines or other psychotropic medications presented with depressed consciousness, while 51% developed dystonia (159). Movement disorders constitute the major adverse effects of therapeutic doses of phenothiazines. Although all phenothiazines can produce movement disorders, the extrapyramidal signs in children occur most commonly with prochlorperazine, haloperidol, thioridazine, chlorpromazine, and clozapine (160). They are less likely to occur with olanzapine and risperidone. Several kinds of movement disorders have been encountered. Younger children tend to have generalized manifestations, whereas adolescents tend to have signs localized to the face and trunk (160). The most common are sudden episodes of opisthotonus accompanied by marked deviation of the eyes and torticollis without loss of consciousness. Dystonic movements of the tongue, face, and neck muscles, drooling, trismus, ataxia, tremor, episodic rigidity, and oculogyric crises also are seen. Seizures are rare but can be mimicked by violent dystonic movements. Tardive dyskinesia is a late appearing neurological syndrome seen with the use of phenothiazines and other neuroleptic drugs, and is believed to be the consequence of hypersensitivity of dopamine receptors in the basal ganglia secondary to prolonged blockade of the receptors by the medication. The condition is relatively uncommon in children, and there is less risk with olanzepine and the other atypical antipsychotic agents. Tardive dyskinesia is characterized by stereotypic choreiform movements of the face, eyelids, mouth, and tongue and less so of the trunk and extremities. Dystonic movements also can be seen, as can a tardive akathisia, an unpleasant sensation of internal restlessness that is relieved by volutional movements. The condition persists even following withdrawal of the offending medication. In the Queen Square series of Kiriakakis, remission occurred after a mean of 5.2 years following onset (161). A large number of agents have been used to treat this condition, notably tocopherol, propanolol, lithium, and clonidine, but none of these appears to have a convincing benefit. Most recently, branched-chain amino acids have been suggested for the treatment of tardive dyskinesia in children and adolescents (162). Tardive dyskinesia is also discussed in C hapter 3. A neuroleptic malignant syndrome has occasionally been encountered. The most common inciting drugs are haloperidol, phenothiazines, butyrophenones, and thioxanthines. The condition generally develops 3 to 9 days after initiation of neuroleptic treatment. It manifests by hyperthermia, muscular rigidity, extrapyramidal signs, opisthotonus, altered consciousness, and autonomic disturbances. Hyperthermia does not always have to be present (163). Serum creatine phosphokinase is elevated, and myoglobinuria is common. The condition lasts approximately 7 to 10 days (164). In contrast to its frequency in patients who have ingested toxic doses of phenothiazines, drowsiness is rare when symptoms are caused by an idiosyncratic reaction to the drug. Persistence of the dyskinesias after withdrawal of the drug is relatively common in young adults, but rare in children (165). Extrapyramidal movements have been reported in newborns whose mothers received phenothiazines during pregnancy. The movement disorder is accompanied by hypertonia, tremor, and a poor suck reflex. It can persist for up to 12 months (166). Diagnosis of phenothiazine intoxication depends on the history of drug ingestion. The most common appearance of the extrapyramidal disorder, namely as episodes of opisthotonus, trismus, and dystonic posturing, is distinctive. Paroxysmal choreoathetosis can present a similar picture, but its onset is gradual with a prolonged history of recurrent attacks. Diphenylhydramine in a dose of 2 mg/kg, given intravenously over the course of 5 minutes, is an effective antidote for the extrapyramidal disorder appearing at therapeutic doses, and it often produces a dramatic response. Benztropine mesylate (0.5 mg/kg), given intravenously, or diazepam also is effective (160). Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is treated by discontinuation of the neuroleptic, reduction of hyperthermia by means of cooling blankets, and support of respiratory and cardiovascular status. The administration of dantrolene (0.5 mg/kg every 12 hours) or bromocriptine has been suggested, but controlled studies do not appear to show that either drug administered singly or in combination shortens the illness (167).

Antibacterial Agents The increasing number of antibacterial agents used by clinicians for the treatment of various infectious diseases also has increased the incidence of neurologic complications associated with antibacterial therapy. The various clinical syndromes of neurotoxicity are shown in Table 10.4. They also have been reviewed by Thomas (168) and Wallace (169).

TABLE 10.4 Neurotoxicity of Antibacterial Therapy



Seizures, encephalopathy, organic brain syndrome

Cephalosporins Erythromycin Metronidazole Penicillins Rifampin

Cerebellar ataxia


Pseudotumor cerebri

Nalidixic acid Nitrofurantoin Tetracyclines Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

Aseptic meningitis


Myasthenic syndrome

Aminoglycosides Ampicillin Clindamycin Erythromycin Lincomycin Polymyxins Tetracycline

Optic neuritis

Chloramphenicol Ethambutol Isoniazid

Cochlear toxicity


Vestibular toxicity

Aminoglycosides Erythromycin Tetracyclines

Peripheral neuropathy

Chloramphenicol Colistin Dapsone Ethionamide Isoniazid Metronidazole Nitrofurantoin

Adapted from Thomas RJ. Neurotoxicity of antibacterial therapy. South Med J 1994;9:869.

Encephalopathy/Seizures The β-lactam antibiotics, notably penicillins, cephalosporins, and carbapenems, can manifest significant neurotoxicity. Studies on animal models have shown the toxic effect of penicillins to be caused by a dose-dependent inhibition of the GABA-gated chloride ion influx (168,170). The principal manifestations of β-lactam toxicity are seizures. The major risk factors for development of seizures are high-dose intravenous use of the antibiotic, impaired renal function, a preexisting or concurrent C NS disorder such as meningitis, and the concomitant use of drugs such as theophylline, which can lower the seizure threshold (169). In addition to seizures, the β-lactams can cause hallucinations, and in the case of ceftazidime, absence status epilepticus (169).

Cochlear and Vestibular Damage Several aminoglycoside antibiotics can induce damage to the eighth nerve. Gentamicin and tobramycin can damage both cochlear and vestibular components, whereas neomycin, kanamycin, and amikacin affect the auditory component predominantly. These complications are less common in children than in adults. Routine studies of brainstem auditory-evoked potentials during aminoglycoside therapy can detect high-frequency hearing loss as an early sign of ototoxicity (171). The development of ototoxicity is related to the dosage and duration of aminoglycoside therapy, the presence of impaired renal function, and a genetic predisposition to aminoglycoside susceptibility, notably a mitochondrial ribosomal RNA mutation (172). Symptomatic hearing loss is seen initially as reduced high-frequency acuity, followed by impairment of lower-frequency hearing, damage to the hair cells, and complete destruction of the organ of C orti with ultimate eighth nerve damage.

Neuromuscular Blockage A myasthenic syndrome has been encountered in children treated with neomycin, ampicillin, gentamicin, and other aminoglycoside antibiotics. These drugs should therefore be used cautiously in children with neuromuscular disease, notably myasthenia gravis (173).

Pesticides Organophosphates Organophosphate insecticides are widely used on food crops throughout the world. These chemicals inhibit acetylcholinesterase and result in an accumulation of acetylcholine and overstimulation of the muscarinic postganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic nervous system. When ingested or inhaled, manifestations are of three types: acute, intermediate, and delayed. The acute syndrome represents a cholinergic crisis with headache, abdominal pain, irritability, sweating, miosis, and muscular twitching (174). After recovery, which generally occurs within 24 to 96 hours of the poisoning, an intermediate syndrome develops in many patients. This is characterized by profound muscular weakness, affecting predominantly the proximal and respiratory muscles, and often accompanied by cranial nerve palsies. Dystonia was seen in approximately 20% of Sri Lanka patients (175). Symptoms resolve within 1 to 5 weeks. A delayed polyneuropathy appears 2 to 3 weeks after the poisoning and often blends into the intermediate phase (176). It primarily affects the distal musculature, with recovery in 6 to 12 months. C ontroversy exists as to whether neurobehavioral effects persist after recovery (177). Atropine has been recommended for treatment during the acute phase. For children younger than 12 years of age, the dose is 0.05 mg/kg, given intravenously. This is followed by a maintenance dosage of 0.02 to 0.05 mg/kg every 10 to 30 minutes until the cholinergic signs are no longer present or until pupils become dilated. Pralidoxime, given intravenously over the course of 15 to 30 minutes in a dose of 25 to 50 mg/kg, also has been recommended (178).

Organochlorines Endrin is the most toxic of the organochlorine pesticides and has been responsible for several epidemics throughout the world. Symptoms are caused by C NS excitation. This results from suppression of the GABA-induced chloride current, and with it, suppression of the GABA-mediated synaptic inhibition (179). Symptoms occur within 12 hours of the poisoning. C onvulsions are frequently the presenting symptom. Older children report headache, nausea, and muscle spasms just before the seizures (180). Phenobarbital or benzodiazepines are generally effective in controlling seizures, although recurrent convulsions are not unusual (181). Lindane, another chlorinated hydrocarbon, has been used extensively in the form of Kwell for the treatment of scabies, and its accidental ingestion by toddlers is not unusual. If ingested in sufficient amounts, the substance can induce depression of consciousness, coma, and major motor seizures (182). The clinical picture of exposure to the various types of pesticides is reviewed by O'Malley (177).

Psychedelic Drugs Fashions occur in psychedelic drugs, as they do in clothes. C urrently, the use of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, also known as ecstasy, among college students and adolescents continues to exceed that of lysergic acid diethylamine and cocaine (183). A recently published American survey indicated that 5% of tenth graders had used ecstasy within the last year, and 2% reporting using it within the last month (184). Data obtained from New Zealand show a comparable incidence. Accidental poisoning with psychedelic drugs is uncommon in small children and is generally not life threatening, although subarachnoid hemorrhage following use of the drug has been reported (185). Intoxication with phencyclidine often is produced by passive inhalation (186,187). The psychosis seen in older subjects is less common in small children than a depressed sensorium, hypotonia, dystonia or opisthotonus, and ataxia. Seizures as well as opisthotonus and a variety of ocular signs, notably horizontal or vertical nystagmus and miosis, can be encountered after phencyclidine or ecstasy ingestion (186,188). Treatment is symptomatic, and observation of the intoxicated youngster usually suffices. A variety of barbiturates or phenothiazines can be used for sedation.

Hexachlorophene Hexachlorophene—a chlorinated phenolic compound widely used as an antiseptic until 1972, when it became a prescription drug—has been shown to induce seizures when absorbed through burned or extensively excoriated skin. Significant amounts also are absorbed through the intact skin of premature neonates (189). Accidental ingestion of hexachlorophene by older children results in vomiting, hypotension, and a neurologic picture characterized by total blindness caused by deterioration of the optic nerves (190). Additionally, behavioral changes, convulsions, increased intracranial pressure, paralysis, and spastic paraparesis or paraplegia can occur (191).

Mepivacaine In the past, the use of mepivacaine hydrochloride to induce paracervical or pudendal block in the course of labor resulted in accidental poisoning of the newborn by direct injection of the anesthetic. The clinical picture was reduced responsiveness, bradycardia, apnea, hypotonia, and seizures that commenced within 6 hours, usually between 1 and 3 hours of age. Mepivacaine intoxication is

differentiated from perinatal asphyxia by the earlier onset of seizures and the abnormality of oculomotor reflexes, which in asphyxia tend to be preserved for the first few hours of life. The condition is self-limiting, and if asphyxia is prevented, infants return to normal by 18 hours of age (192).

Salicylate A less widespread use of salicylates in this country has resulted in a significant reduction in the incidence of salicylate intoxication. C urrently, most acute intoxications are the outcome of attempted suicide with aspirin or methylsalicylate (193). Both acute and chronic salicylate intoxication are associated with mental status depression whose severity is usually proportionate to the serum salicylate level (194). Additionally, a delayed encephalopathy owing to cerebral edema can develop. In some instances, this encephalopathy is associated with a rapid decrease in serum sodium concentrations, the consequence of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion resulting from the action of salicylates on the brain (195). The administration of salicylates in a patient with an influenza virus or varicella infection can initiate Reye syndrome (see C hapter 7).

Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome is characterized by eosinophilia, myalgia, and a progressive neuropathy. Muscle biopsy demonstrates a perivascular eosinophilic infiltrate; sural nerve biopsy documents a demyelinating neuropathy with axonal degeneration (196). Involvement of the C NS includes seizures, dementia, and vascular infarctions (197). The condition is induced by consumption of tryptophan contaminated with 3-(phenylamino) alanine. This substance is chemically similar to 3-phenylamino-1,2-propanediol, an aniline derivative believed to be responsible for the contamination of rapeseed oil, which caused the toxic oil syndrome seen during 1981 in the central region of Spain (198). C ooking oil contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls has been responsible for mass poisoning in Japan and central Taiwan. Neurologic symptoms include polyneuropathy. C hildren who were in utero when their mothers consumed contaminated oil were prone to severe developmental deficits (199).

Neonatal Drug Addiction The increasing prevalence of drug abuse among women of childbearing age has made relatively common the problem of neonates born to mothers addicted to cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, or other opiates, or who receive methadone as part of a drug treatment program.

Cocaine Four aspects of the effect of cocaine on the developing nervous system are considered: teratogenic effects, acute effects evident during the neonatal period, long-term effects on cognition, and accidental intoxication. The most common teratogenic effect of cocaine is a reduction in head circumference. When cocaine-exposed infants are compared with control infants, head circumferences of the former group are significantly smaller. This observation in drug-exposed infants is probably significant because it persists when birth weight and other confounding variables are controlled and shows a dose-response effect (200,201,202). Reports of other malformations are more anecdotal. These include disorders of midline prosencephalic development, septo-optic dysplasia, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and neuronal heterotopias (203). The mechanism for the teratogenic effects of cocaine is not clear. The clinical picture of the drug-exposed neonate results from the effects of these drugs on intrauterine development and postnatal withdrawal. C ocaine is passed to the fetus through the maternal circulation during pregnancy and in breast milk. It acts as a sympathomimetic agent and impairs the reuptake of norepinephrine and epinephrine by presynaptic nerve endings, activating the adrenergic system and inducing vasoconstriction. C ocaine also impairs dopamine and serotonin reuptake. The vasoconstriction and reduced cerebral blood flow induced by cocaine probably are direct effects of the alkaloid and are not caused by an increase in catecholamines. A neonate exposed in utero to cocaine can be born prematurely or be small for gestational age. As a rule, when newborns have been exposed to lows levels of cocaine in utero, growth retardation is symmetric, as contrasted to the asymmetric growth retardation seen with maternal malnutrition. By contrast, newborns exposed to a high level of cocaine exhibit asymmetric growth retardation with the head circumference disproportionately smaller than would be predicted from the birth weight (202). A number of physical and behavioral disturbances are common during the first few days of life. These include excessive jitteriness, tachycardia, tremors, irritability, poor feeding, an increased startle response, and abnormal sleep patterns, with excessive drowsiness after the hyperirritable stage (201,204,205). Seizures were observed in 81% of the neonates of Kramer and coworkers. They developed within 36 hours of birth (206). A transient dystonic reaction also has been reported (207). C erebrospinal fluid (C SF) examination and neuroimaging study results are generally normal, although cerebral infarction has been encountered. The electroencephalogram (EEG) tends to be abnormal during the first few weeks of life, with multifocal bursts of spikes and sharp waves. Neurologic and electrical abnormalities are transient and usually do not continue beyond 3 weeks, although in the series of Kramer and colleagues, collected from Watts, C alifornia, one-half of the infants went on to develop epilepsy (206). The reason for persistence of seizures is unclear. In utero exposure to cocaine has been implicated in several instances of cerebral infarction, usually in the distribution of the middle cerebral artery. C erebral blood flow velocity is increased in the anterior cerebral artery for the first 2 days of life, an observation consistent with the presence of vasoconstriction (201). Although Dixon and Bejar have reported an abnormal cranial ultrasound in 41% of term cocaine-exposed newborns (208), the controlled study by King and coworkers found no difference in the incidence of neurosonographic abnormalities between cocaine-exposed infants and controls (201). The effects of maternal drug addiction on the ultimate physical and cognitive development of offspring have not been completely clarified. The catch-up in weight and length is analogous to that seen in small-for-date infants due to other causes. The effect of intrauterine cocaine exposure on head circumference becomes progressively less significant during the first and second years of postnatal life (200). When adequately controlled for socioeconomic status, most studies do not find a significant impairment of intelligence or language function by the time children reach school years (209,210,211). In their review of the cognitive development of offspring of mothers with drug and alcohol abuse, Zuckerman and Bresnahan concluded that such infants are clearly at risk for developmental and behavioral problems but that it is difficult to separate the biological vulnerability caused by prenatal drug exposure from the environmental vulnerability caused by an environment formed by drug use (122). The clinical manifestations of accidental cocaine ingestion are a function of the age of the child when ingestion occurs. In the experience of Mott and colleagues, children younger than 7 years of age present with seizures, whereas in older children, obtundation or delirium are the characteristic presenting symptoms (212).

Opiates The effect of opiates on the fetus and on the newborn has been well studied. As a rule, symptoms are more severe than those resulting from exposure to cocaine. Approximately one-half of infants born to addicted mothers weigh less than 2,500 g, and many of these are small for their gestational age. Additionally, 40% have a head circumference below the tenth percentile (213). Approximately two-thirds of infants born to heroin-addicted mothers develop symptoms (214). These symptoms generally become apparent during the first 48 hours of life. In order of frequency of occurrence, they are fist sucking, irritability, tremors, vomiting, high-pitched cry, sneezing, hypertonia, and abnormal sleep patterns (215,216). Seizures are relatively uncommon (214). The severity of the clinical course is related to the length of maternal addiction, the length of time from the last dose to delivery, the magnitude of the drug doses taken, and the gestational age of the infant, with withdrawal symptoms being more severe in term infants (216). For reasons as yet undetermined, the incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage is less in neonates of opiate-dependent mothers than in infants of comparable weight born to nonaddicted mothers (217). To my knowledge this observation has not been confirmed. Untreated, opiate withdrawal syndrome has a significant mortality. Administration of benzodiazepines is of considerable benefit. C lonidine, phenothiazines, barbiturates, methadone, and paregoric also have been recommended. Dosages and modes of administration of these drugs are reviewed by Yaster and coworkers (218). Follow-up studies on infants of opiate- and methadone-addicted mothers indicate that the effects on growth parameters resolve by 1 to 2 years of age (219) and that antenatal exposure to illicit drugs does not increase infant mortality (220). Developmental scores and overall IQ are normal, but children have a higher incidence of behavioral abnormalities, notably temper tantrums and impulsivity, than children matched for socioeconomic status (221,222,223). As is the case for children of cocaine- and alcohol-addicted mothers, the developmental outcome is influenced more by the home environment than by exposure of the developing brain to toxin (223).

Kernicterus The term kernicterus, originally coined by Schmorl in 1903 (224), has been used both pathologically and clinically. Pathologically, it indicates a canary yellow staining of circ*mscribed areas of the basal ganglia, brainstem, and cerebellum; clinically, it describes a syndrome consisting of athetosis, impaired vertical gaze, and auditory loss or imperception. Up to 1990, kernicterus had nearly disappeared; its reemergence is probably the result of a shortened hospital stay for term neonates and a decreased concern about jaundice when it develops in breast-fed infants.

Pathology and Pathogenesis On gross inspection, deposition of deep yellow pigment is noted in the meninges, choroid plexus, and numerous areas of the brain itself (225). The unique topography of neuronal damage in kernicterus is essentially the same in full-term and premature infants. As visualized on neuropathological examination, the regions most commonly affected are the basal ganglia (particularly the globus pallidus), the subthalamic nucleus, the dentate nuclei, the cerebellar vermis, sectors H2 and H3 of the hippocampus, and the cranial nerve nuclei (notably the oculomotor, vestibular, and cochlear nuclei). The cerebral cortex is spared. The microscopic alterations point to the cell membrane as the primary site of damage, with mitochondrial changes being secondary to disorganization of the cytoplasmic membranes. Two distinct pathologic entities can be distinguished. In brains that are grossly stained yellow, the most frequently observed abnormality is a spongy degeneration and gliosis. In others, there is neuronal degeneration and deposition of the pigment within neurons, their processes, and the surrounding glial cells (226). Neurons can be in various stages of degeneration, the severity of degeneration being proportional to the age of the patient. A marked neuronal loss with demyelination and astrocytic replacement is observed in patients who die after the first month of kernicterus. Studies on cultures of newborn rodent neurons indicate that low and moderate unconjugated bilirubin concentrations induce early necrosis followed by late apoptosis, whereas higher bilirubin concentrations induce a rapid necrotic neuronal death (226a) Although the exact pathogenesis of kernicterus in the term infant is far from clear, several factors acting in concert are involved. They include hyperbilirubinemia, serum albumin levels, reduced albumin bilirubin-binding capacity, the presence of acidosis and/or hypoxia, opening of the blood–brain barrier, clearance of bilirubin from brain, and duration of contact between free or bound bilirubin and brain endothelium. These are reviewed by Hascoet (227). The role of hyperbilirubinemia in the production of kernicterus has been known since the classic studies of Hsia and coworkers at Boston C hildren's Hospital (228). High bilirubin levels can be caused not only by Rh incompatibility but by several other conditions as well. These include prematurity, sepsis, and the presence of significant hemorrhage such as occurs in a large cephalhematoma or in subgaleal bleeding. The causes of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and guidelines for treatment have been reviewed by Newman and Maisels (229) and Johnson and colleagues (230). C onsiderable evidence suggests that hyperbilirubinemia alone, even when extreme, is not sufficient for the production of kernicterus. Hyperbilirubinemia unaccompanied by isoimmunization or other adverse factors usually has no detrimental effect on motor and cognitive development or on hearing when these parameters are tested after the first year of life (231). At bilirubin levels of 30 mg/dL or higher, the likelihood of developing kernicterus is no greater than 50%. Thus, in a series of 105 full-term and 24 premature babies whose peak indirect bilirubin levels were between 20 and 30.8 mg/dL, only seven, two of them preterm, were found to have abnormal results on neurologic and psychological examination some 5 years later. Of these, one infant's jaundice was the result of Rh incompatibility. ABO incompatibility, sepsis, and unknown factors were responsible for jaundice in the remainder (232). These observations, published in 1967, have since been amply verified from a number of centers (233). However, they must be qualified by the observation that kernicterus can develop in breast-fed infants in the absence of isoimmune or hemolytic disease (234). Kernicterus is extremely rare in adults, even when massive elevation of indirect serum bilirubin occurs. Patients with a congenital deficiency of glucuronyl transferase (the C rigler-Najjar I syndrome), whose indirect bilirubin levels typically range from 10 to 44 mg/dL, have been known to be free of neurologic symptoms for many years before developing a rapidly progressive extrapyramidal disorder, often after an infection (235). The clinical manifestations of C rigler-Najjar syndromes are reviewed by Kadakol and colleagues (236) and Shevell and colleagues (237). Fox and coworkers have suggested this condition be treated by infusion of hepatocytes (238). C urrently, the most plausible theory is that the clinical and pathologic picture of kernicterus results from antecedent or concomitant damage to the C NS with breakdown of the blood–brain barrier accompanied by a level of unconjugated bilirubin that exceeds the binding capacity of serum albumin and permits bilirubin to cross the blood–brain barrier and injure neurons. A number of factors, present singly or in concert, can act as noxious agents on the blood–brain barrier and nerve cells. Some of these, notably Rh hemolytic

disease, ABO incompatibility, and hyperosmolarity, can do so by damaging the vascular endothelium of the brain, whereas prenatal and perinatal anoxia, sepsis, and acidosis can damage the nerve cell directly (239,240). Sepsis appears to be a particularly important factor. In the series of Pearlman and associates, two-thirds of infants who died of sepsis had kernicterus, as evidenced by yellow discoloration of the susceptible nuclei and neuronal degeneration and necrosis in the stained lesions. In these infants, none of whom had any characteristic clinical abnormalities for kernicterus, neither acidosis nor the use of antibiotics known to displace bilirubin from albumin appeared to be responsible for the evolution of kernicterus (239). The role of bilirubin-albumin binding in facilitating the entry of bilirubin into the brain is stressed by the observation that analbuminemic individuals do not develop kernicterus (241). In experimental animals, bilirubin deposited in the brain is derived not only from the free fraction, but to a significant extent (30% to 60%) from the albumin-bound fraction. Whatever the source of the bilirubin, on theoretical grounds, free bilirubin is cytotoxic and induces an immediate and marked disturbance of brain energy metabolism. The exact mechanism by which bilirubin induces mitochondrial dysfunction is unknown. Experimental data show that membranes are the primary target for unconjugated bilirubin, which disrupts the mitochondrial membrane lipid and protein structure with consequent release of apoptotic factors (242). In premature infants, relatively low serum bilirubin levels are associated with the subsequent development of kernicterus, and there is a direct correlation between peak bilirubin values and abnormal neurological outcome (243,244). However, other studies have failed to demonstrate an association between low-level hyperbilirubinemia (5.8 to 14.6 mg/dl) and neurodevelopmental outcome of extremely low birth weight infants (245). It therefore appears likely that other factors in addition to an elevated serum bilirubin level are important in causing kernicterus in premature infants. In the course of the 1980s and 1990s, the incidence of kernicterus in premature infants coming to autopsy, which up to then had been approximately 25%, decreased significantly to approximately 4% for the period of 1983 to 1993 (246,247). The reasons for this decline are unclear. Jardine and Rogers have suggested that it is related to the discontinuation of benzyl alcohol, a bacteriostatic agent added to intravenous fluids and medications that competes with bilirubin for albumin binding (248).

Clinical Manifestations The jaundiced term infant developing kernicterus becomes drowsy by the second to fifth day of life and begins to nurse poorly. The infant develops fever, has a monotonous cry, and loses the Moro reflex (249). Approximately 10% of infants who go on to develop kernicterus have no clinical manifestations during the neonatal period.

TABLE 10.5 Clinical Picture of Patients with Kernicterus

Number of children with severe neonatal jaundice due to Rh factor




Gaze palsy


Dental enamal dysplasia


Auditory imperception


Extrapyramidal rigidity


From Peristein MA. The clinical syndrome of kernicterus. In: American Academy for Cerebral Palsy. Kernicterus and its importance in cerebral palsy. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, 1961;268. With permission.

By 2 weeks of age, the infant usually has developed hypertonia, with opisthotonus, extensor spasms, and in approximately 10% of cases, clonic convulsions. Over the ensuing months, the infant becomes hypotonic, and by 4 years of age the syndrome characteristic of kernicterus has evolved. The striking constancy of neurologic symptoms in the older child with kernicterus is evident from Table 10.5 (250). Athetosis is present almost invariably, often with dystonia, rigidity, and tremors. Gaze palsy can involve movements in all directions, but vertical gaze is by far the most commonly involved. Auditory imperception can take the form of a hearing loss, a receptive aphasia, or a combination of both. In a number of patients, the vestibular portion of the eighth nerve also is involved (232). Severe mental retardation is relatively uncommon in youngsters with kernicterus, although impaired hearing and gaze paralysis make psychometric testing extremely difficult. Of surviving children with kernicterus who could be tested, Byers and colleagues found 47% to have IQs between 90 and 110, and 27% between 70 and 90. The remainder (27%) had an IQ below 70 (251). The auditory system is highly sensitive to bilirubin toxicity. Bilirubin can damage the brainstem auditory nuclei, the auditory nerve, and the spiral ganglion containing cell bodies of the primary auditory neurons (252). As a consequence, auditory dysfunction can occur in the presence or absence of kernicterus. When brainstem auditory-evoked potentials are used to screen high-risk infants, some studies

have noted a correlation between maximum unbound bilirubin levels and abnormal central conduction times (253), whereas others have failed to do so (254). It is becoming evident that any hearing loss in high-risk infants reflects both the severity and duration of hyperbilirubinemia and, more importantly, any associated hypoxia and respiratory acidosis (255). MRI in children with kernicterus caused by Rh isoimmunization shows a symmetric increased signal in the globus pallidus on T2weighted images (Fig. 10.2) (256). Some cases also show increased signal in the globus pallidus on T1-weighted images (257).

FIGURE 10.2. Magnetic resonance imaging in kernicterus. T2-weighted images, 1.5T. The globus pallidus (arrows) is bilaterally demonstrated by both posteromedial and lateral outlines of high signal density. (C ourtesy of Dr. Kenji Yokochi, Ohzora Hospital, Shizuoka, Japan.)

Diagnosis The diagnosis of kernicterus in a term infant during the neonatal period rests on changes in body tone, abnormalities in eye movements, loss of the Moro reflex, and an abnormal cry, all in the presence of hyperbilirubinemia. The combination of extrapyramidal signs, ocular disturbances, and impaired hearing, although characteristic for kernicterus caused by isoimmunization, also can be seen in children who are only mildly jaundiced and also have a history of prematurity and perinatal anoxia.

Treatment and Prognosis The treatment of kernicterus rests on the prevention of severe hyperbilirubinemia. As pointed out by Maisels, it is known how, but not when, to treat hyperbilirubinemia. The role of exchange transfusions, multiple intrauterine transfusions, and phototherapy in the current treatment of isoimmunization and hyperbilirubinemia is discussed by Newman and Maisels (229) and Gourley (257). The use of metalloporphyrins for the prevention of neonatal jaundice has been reviewed by Gourley (257).

Bacterial Toxins The most potent nerve poisons known are produced by two anaerobic, spore-forming bacteria, Clostridium botulinum and Clostridium tetani.


Botulism is induced by the ingestion of preserves and other canned goods in which C. botulinum has grown and produced toxin. The organism produces seven antigenically distinct protein toxins, of which A, B, and E are most commonly responsible for human disease. The toxins produced by C. botulinum are lethal at the lowest dose per kilogram of body weight of any of the known poisons. C alculated from data obtained in mice, the lethal dose for an adult is approximately 0.12 mg. C hemically, botulism toxin A, the most studied substance, is a simple polypeptide of known sequence with 33% hom*ology to tetanus toxin. Its toxicity is lost with heat denaturation. Both botulinus and tetanus neurotoxins block the release of neurotransmitters. Whereas tetanus neurotoxin acts mainly on C NS synapses, the botulinum neurotoxins act peripherally on the terminal unmyelinated motor nerve fibrils blocking the release of acetylcholine. Three steps are involved: (a) irreversible binding of the toxin to the presynaptic nerve surface, (b) crossing of the toxin into the nerve terminal, probably by receptor-mediated endocytosis, and (c) disabling the release of acetylcholine by zinc-dependent proteolysis of three synaptic proteins—the SNARE proteins (SNAP-25, VAMP, and syntaxin)—involved in the exocytosis of neurotransmitters. A second, nonproteolytic inhibitory mechanism of action is believed to involve the activation of neuronal transglutaminases (258). The result is an interruption of transmission of the nerve impulse, producing a myasthenia-like syndrome. The actions of botulinum and tetanus toxins are reviewed by Lalli and coworkers (259). Symptoms appear between 12 and 48 hours after ingestion of contaminated food. A prodromal period of nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms is followed by the evolution of neurologic dysfunction (260). Initial symptoms include blurring of vision, impaired pupillary reaction to light, diplopia, and progressive weakness of the bulbar musculature. Paralysis of the major skeletal muscles follows, with death caused by respiratory arrest. In patients who do not die, convalescence is slow, and complete recovery of a totally paralyzed muscle can take as long as 1 year. The clinical picture of botulism can be distinguished from various viral encephalitides by the early appearance in botulism of internal and external ophthalmoplegia, ptosis, and paralysis of the pupillary accommodation reflex. Electromyography (EMG) shows the motor unit action potentials to be brief and of small amplitude. Fibrillation potentials, consistent with functional denervation, are observed in approximately one-half of patients (261). Although the response to repetitive nerve stimulation is diagnostic for botulism, it may be normal in mild cases, and incremental responses do not occur at slower rates of stimulation (5 Hz). In severe intoxication, transmitter release is blocked to such an extent that no increment occurs, even at rapid rates of stimulation (50 Hz) (262).

Infantile Botulism This condition has its onset between ages 3 and 18 weeks and is characterized by hypotonia, hyporeflexia, and weakness of the cranial musculature. Infants often have an antecedent history of constipation and poor feeding, and a significantly large proportion (44%) has been fed honey (263). Symptoms range from a mild disorder to one that resembles sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Bulbar signs predominate. These include a poor cry, poor sucking, an impaired pupillary light response, and external ophthalmoplegia. As the illness progresses, a flaccid paralysis develops. Autonomic dysfunction can be present; cardiovascular symptoms are absent, however, and the EC G remains normal (264). Almost all infants recover completely, with the illness lasting between 3 and 20 weeks. In 5% of infants, relapses occur 1 to 2 weeks after hospital discharge. The second bout of infantile botulism is just as severe or even more severe than the first attack (265). The EMG results are similar to those seen in older individuals with botulism. It typically shows a pattern of brief duration, smallamplitude potentials with decremental response at low-frequency (3 to 10 Hz) repetitive stimulation, and an incremental (staircase) response at high-frequency (20 to 50 Hz) repetitive stimulation (266). The incremental response may not be seen in all muscles and is not as apparent at slower frequencies of nerve stimulation. Anticholinesterase medications should be withdrawn at least 8 hours before the study (266). When present, the finding of an incremental response to nerve stimulation is diagnostic because the only other condition in which it is observed is Lambert-Eaton syndrome, an entity not seen in infants (267). The diagnosis can be confirmed by demonstrating the organism or toxin in stool (268). Whereas botulism in older children and adults is generally, but not invariably, caused by the ingestion of preformed toxin, infant botulism results from the colonization of the gut with type A or type B spores of C. botulinum and from the subsequent release of the toxin, which has been demonstrated in feces (269). Because spores of C. botulinum are ubiquitous and most individuals ingest C. botulinum without adverse effects, the cause for the illness is still obscure. A number of host factors, possibly constipation, immune deficiency, or unusual gut flora, also must be present to permit germination of the spores and production of the toxin within the gastrointestinal tract (270). The diagnosis of infantile botulism is difficult to establish because the condition mimics septicemia, viral encephalitis, neonatal myasthenia gravis, and infectious polyneuritis. The predominance of bulbar symptoms in an infant who appears fairly aware of the surroundings should alert the clinician to the diagnosis and prompt the performance of an EMG. In most cases, including all those of infant botulism, antitoxin administration is ineffective by the time botulism is diagnosed, and symptomatic therapy, including respiratory support and nasogastric feeding, must suffice. Recovery is slow. In the series of Schreiner and coworkers, the average duration of hospitalization in patients who required mechanical ventilation was 23 days (271). When treating with antibiotics, aminoglycosides that potentiate the paralysis must be avoided.

Tetanus Tetanus is the result of an infection of wounded or damaged tissue by the spores of Clostridium tetani. It is still widely encountered and is believed to cause between 800,000 and 1 million deaths each year (272). Under anaerobic conditions, the spores germinate, and the vegetative forms multiply to produce two toxins: a hemolysin and a neurotoxin. The crystalline neurotoxin, tetanospasmin, is a 150,000-dalton protein, ranking second in potency only to botulism toxin. When tetanospasmin is treated with formalin, two molecules of protein polymerize to form toxoid, a nontoxic dimer with intact antigenicity that is used for immunizations. Tetanus toxin enters the nervous system by binding to peripheral sensory, motor, and autonomic nerve terminals that are unprotected by the blood–brain barrier and traveling centrally by intra-axonal transport. The toxin binds to a highly specific protein receptor, with lesser affinity to disialogangliosides and trisialogangliosides localized on the cell membrane (273). The toxin is then taken up by endocytosis and is transported retrograde via an intra-axonal transport system to the corresponding cell bodies—-in the case of a peripheral injury, the α-motoneurons. When the toxin reaches the perikarya of motor neurons, it is passed trans-synaptically to the surrounding presynaptic terminals, including the afferent fibers of the glycinergic inhibitors (274). The exact subcellular mechanism of action is similar to that of botulinum toxin in that it blocks exocytosis by proteolysis of synaptobrevin, a membrane component of synaptic vessicles and one of the proteins involved in vesicle

exocytosis (272,275). The manifestations of tetanus result from the action of the toxin within the spinal cord and brainstem. The toxin blocks the release of GABA and glycine from the presynaptic terminals of the inhibitory polysynaptic circuits surrounding the motor neurons. Abolition of the inhibitory influence of afferent fibers on the motor neurons produces uncontrolled firing, which results in paroxysmal muscle spasms (276). At high toxin concentrations, excitatory transmission also is reduced, and the toxin prevents release of acetylcholine from the neuromuscular junction, thereby producing flaccid paralysis. Additionally, elevation of serum creatine phosphokinase and fluorescent binding techniques provide evidence that tetanospasmin produces direct injury to skeletal muscles.

Clinical Manifestations Most commonly, symptoms appear approximately 1 week after injury. A number of authors have noted that the shorter the incubation period, the graver the infection. The incubation period reflects the amount of toxin released and the distance between the site of injury and the C NS. Trismus or stiffness of the neck and back is generally the earliest symptom. A characteristic retraction of the angles of the mouth has been termed risus sardonicus (Fig. 10.3). Rigidity becomes generalized, and tetanic spasms develop. These can be induced by various sensory stimuli or passive movements of the limbs, or they can occur spontaneously. Sudden respiratory failure, obstruction of the airway, and bronchopneumonia account for most deaths. In some patients, muscular rigidity is initially localized to the area of the wound and only slowly extends to other muscles.

FIGURE 10.3. Risus sardonicus in tetanus, causing an increased tone of all facial muscles, interfering with speech. Patient is a 6-year-old Pakistani boy after 7 days of therapy. (C ourtesy of Dr. Muhammed Ibrahim Memon, Professor of Paediatric Medicine, Liaquat Medical C ollege, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.)

Tetanus owing to clostridial otitis media is distinctive in that trismus and risus sardonicus predominate over generalized spasms and rigidity. Treatment of tetanus requires maintenance of an airway and adequate ventilation, administration of antitoxin as quickly as possible, debridement of the site of infection, treatment with an antibiotic such as penicillin to eradicate both vegetative and spore forms from the site of infection, and use of a sedative such as diazepam or phenobarbital. The effectiveness of any of these measures has not been subjected to rigid, controlled studies. Patients who do not respond to any of these measures require neuromuscular blockade with curarelike agents. Despite these measures, the mortality of tetanus in children who demonstrate the full clinical picture is still high. In a 1987 series from Bombay, the overall mortality was 12%, and mortality in severe cases was 23%, with death being caused by unexpected cardiac arrest caused by arrhythmias and to sudden hyperthermia and circulatory collapse (277). Recovery from tetanus is slow. Approximately one-fourth of patients have major sleep disturbances for approximately 1 to 3 years. In approximately one-half, seizures, often accompanied by myoclonus, occur 1 to 2 months after apparent recovery and persist for 6 months to 1 year, with an average frequency of one major attack every 2 months (278).

Tetanus Neonatorum Tetanus neonatorum is responsible for at least 500,000 deaths a year, most of them in developing countries, where umbilical cord sepsis and lack of maternal immunity contribute to its high incidence. It is the most under-reported fatal infectious disease. In the United States, cases have been encountered in infants born to immigrant families (279). The condition develops between the fourth and eighth day of life, with the more severe cases having a shorter incubation period. Irritability and trismus, with consequent inability to suck, are usually the earliest signs. As the disease progresses, infants develop opisthotonus and generalized tetanic spasms. These can be induced by stimulation or, in the more severe cases, appear spontaneously. In the most severe cases, the spasms become continuous and are accompanied by apneic episodes (280,281,282). Treatment of neonatal tetanus is difficult even in technically more advanced countries. In their series of five patients, Adams and associates used nasotracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, and neuromuscular blockade with pancuronium bromide to permit ventilatory control (283). Andersson has been successful with a relatively simple method of treatment. This consists of an initial intramuscular injection of diazepam (10 mg), followed by 5 to 10 mg of diazepam given by nasogastric tube four times daily, with additional diazepam administered rectally or intramuscularly as needed to maintain the infant free of spasms. Early nasogastric feedings are started to maintain the nutritional status of the infant. Diazepam is tapered when spasms and rigidity start to subside. This usually occurs after 10 to 21 days (284). Metronidazole is preferred to penicillin or ampicillin, which like tetanus toxin are known antagonists of GABA (285). Einterz and

Bates have reported on a similar regimen that they used in Nigeria in a series of 237 cases of neonatal tetanus. They also have used phenobarbital (15 mg three times daily) via nasogastric tube (286). Other sedatives, including propanolol and paraldehyde, also have been recommended. Tetanus antiserum (30,000 to 40,000 U) is administered subcutaneously around the umbilicus, and 1,500 U are given intravenously, although Daud and colleagues believe that the mode of administering the antitoxin does not affect the outcome (287). Large amounts of intramuscular pyridoxine (100 mg/day) are said to lower mortality significantly (288). Even so, a series of some 200 cases of neonatal tetanus reported from developing countries indicates a mortality of at least 25%, and as recently as 1991, neonatal tetanus accounted for 30% to 70% of neonatal deaths in Africa (286). As is the case for older children and adults, the shorter the incubation period the more severe the disease, and the likelihood for survival increases when the incubation period is greater than 6 days. Symptoms gradually abate after 25 to 45 days. The effect of the disease on cognitive function is uncertain. In the experience of Anlar and colleagues, who studied Turkish children, mental and physical retardation were relatively common in survivors (289).

Diphtheria Although diphtheria is exceedingly rare in western countries as a result of widespread immunization programs, it still occurs with sufficient frequency in some of the developing countries to warrant mentioning its neurologic features (290). The clinical and pathologic features of diphtheria from the viewpoint of neurologists are reviewed in the classic publication by Fisher and Adams (291). Diphtheria results from an infection with Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which establishes itself on the mucous membranes of the throat or nasopharynx and can synthesize a potent, heat-labile toxin. This substance, a low-molecular-weight protein, interrupts the incorporation of amino acids into proteins (292). Once absorbed, the toxin is bound to membrane receptors and is transported intracellularly by endocytosis. The toxin does not cross the blood–brain barrier; its major effect is on the peripheral nervous system. Neurologic symptoms are seen in 3% to 5% of children, with the incidence depending on the severity of the disease (290). The two types of symptoms are local paralyses and a polyneuropathy. Paralyses develop between the fifth and twelfth days of the illness and are marked by paralysis of the palate with a nasal voice, nasal regurgitation, dysphagia, and weakness of the neck extensors. Hoarseness, numbness of the face, and ciliary paralysis with loss of accommodation ensue (291). Less often, the extraocular muscles are involved. Symptoms involving the other cranial nerves, such as deafness or loss of taste, have been noted on rare occasions. These deficits last 1 to 2 weeks, then gradually resolve. A gradual evolution of a combined sensory and motor demyelinating, noninflammatory polyneuropathy, which affects mainly the lower extremities, can appear 5 to 8 weeks after the initial infection (291,293). The polyneuropathy progresses for 2 weeks, then resolves completely. The segmental demyelination responsible has a unique topography in that it is most marked in the anterior and posterior roots near the sensory ganglion. No inflammatory cells are evident (291). C ardiac symptoms have been attributed to a toxin-induced myocarditis or to an involvement of the vagus nerve. All these complications are preventable by early antitoxin therapy. Once symptoms have developed, treatment is nonspecific. Even so, most patients experience complete or functionally complete remission of symptoms.

Tick Paralysis A progressive symmetric paralysis, associated with the bite of a wood or dog tick, is endemic in the Rocky Mountain and Appalachian regions of the United States. A similar condition also has been encountered in the Australian states of Victoria, Tasmania, and New South Wales; in Israel; and in South Africa (294,295). It is usually seen in children under five years of age. The disease also has been seen in one-humped Sudanese camels, llamas, and the red wolf (296). Symptoms are produced by a neurotoxin, secreted by the insect, that probably blocks depolarization in the terminal portions of the motor nerves and, in a manner as yet undelineated, also affects the large myelinated motor and sensory axons (297). After a prodrome of a viral-like illness, the condition manifests by an unsteady gait, an ascending flaccid paralysis, and commonly internal and external ophthalmoplegia (295). The paralysis can extend to involve the bulbar musculature. It is accompanied by areflexia and numbness or tingling of face and extremities. Neurophysiologic studies disclose low-amplitude compound muscle action potentials with normal motor and sensory conduction velocities (295). Neither clinical nor electrodiagnostic findings differentiate this condition from acute infectious polyneuritis (298). Infant botulism usually is seen in younger children and is not associated with ophthalmoplegia. Because scalp hair is one of the favorite sites for a tick, a thorough search for the insect should be conducted in children who have had a recent onset of a progressive weakness resembling infectious polyneuritis (298,299). After removal of the tick, recovery has been prompt in the North American cases, but in the Australian cases, there can be worsening of the paralysis over the subsequent 24 to 48 hours (295). Full recovery can be expected but often requires weeks to months.

TABLE 10.6 Neurologic Symptoms of Animal Venoms


Coelentarata, jellyfish

Mollusca, bivalve

Symptoms Muscular weakness, respiratory paralysis

Action of Venom


Binding to voltage-



(infected by flagellate plankton, paralytic shellfish poisoning)

Ataxia, ascending paralysis, paresthesia

activated Na channel; blockade of nerve and muscle action potentials


Confusion, memory loss, seizures, distal atrophy, alternating hemiparesis, ophthalmoplegia

Domoic acid, neuroexcitatory transmitter at glutamate receptor


Crotalidae (rattlesnakes, water moccasins, copperheads)

Progressive paralysis

Mosaic of antigens, direct action on central nervous system; inhibits neuromuscular transmission at motor end-plate, damages muscle


Elapidae (coral snakes, cobras)

Progressive paralysis, rapid onset

Competitive block of muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors


Viperidae (vipers)

Cerebral infarction

Thrombinlike enzyme, causes vasculitis


Local pain, abdominal rigidity, muscle spasms, convulsions

Massive exocytotic transmitter release followed by depletion and irreversible block


Muscle spasms, convulsions

Several toxins depending on species; some act on Na channels, others on Caactivated K channels


Muscle spasms, convulsions



Mussels (contaminated)



Spiders, Latrodectus (black widow)

Centruroides (scorpions)

Chordata Chondrichthyes (stingray)

Osteichthyes (stonefish)

Local pain, paralysis, convulsions, slow recovery

Stonustoxin acts as cytolytic toxin liberates nitric oxide–synthase


Puffer (ingestion of ovaries, liver)

Ataxia, paresthesias, muscular twitching, paralysis

Neuromuscular block, binds to voltage sensitive Na channel, blocks Na flux


Ciguatera (reef fish)

Gastrointestinal symptoms, tingling of mouth, dizziness, ataxia, hallucinations, transient blurred vision or blindness, peripheral muscular weakness

Ciguatoxin from blue-green algae is nutritional source for ciguatera Excitatory agent acts on Na channels


Animal Venoms Neurologic symptoms induced through the bite or sting of venomous animals usually are caused by impaired neuromuscular transmission and take the form of weakness or painful muscle spasms. In recent years, considerable interest has focused on the molecular mechanisms of the various animal venoms and their specific interactions with the various ion channels within the C NS and the neuromuscular junction. The chemistry and molecular biology of the various toxins are summarized by Adams and Swanson (300); the clinical picture by Russell (301), Southcott (302), and C ampbell (303); and treatment by Auerbach (304) and Gold and coworkers (305). A review of the more toxic animals and pertinent references are presented in Table 10.6.

Plant Toxins The neurologic symptoms of some of the more frequently encountered plant toxins are presented in Table 10.7. A complete and up-todate review of the clinical presentation and management of plant toxins is given by Furbee and Wermuth (340).

Neurolathyrism Neurolathyrism is probably the most common plant toxin–induced neurological disorder. It is an upper motor neuron disease that affects the anterior horn cells of the lumbar spinal cord. It is induced by overconsumption of a grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) that contains the neurotoxin βoxalylaminoalanine. The toxin causes neuronal damage in part through excitation of the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) subtype of the ionotropic glutamate receptor (341). The prevalence of this condition is as high as 12 of 1000 persons in Pakistan, 6 of 1000 persons in Ethiopia, and 5.3 of 1000 persons in India.

TABLE 10.7 Neurologic Symptoms Resulting from Ingestion of Plant Toxins



Toxin and Action


Amanita phalloides

Gastrointestinal symptoms, hepatic and renal dysfunction, hemorrhagic encephalopathy

Amatoxins inhibit RNA polymerase, phalloidin disrupts membranes (327a,328,331a,332a)

Dizziness, ataxia, convulsions

Mucimol activates γaminobutyric acid receptors ibotenic acid acts as glutamate receptor agonist (327,327a,331a)


Perspiration, salivation, lacrimation, blurring of vision

Muscarine, a parasympathomimetic (326,327)


Psychotropic effects

Psilocybin (326,327)

Gastrointestinal symptoms, renal and hepatic failure

Monomethyl hydrazine (326)


Flaccid quadriparesis, bulbar weakness

Segmental demyelination caused by at least four neurotoxins (329)


Flushing, gastrointestinal symptoms, drowsiness or hyperactivity, hallucinations

Amino-derivatives of elemicin and myristicin (330)

Ricin (castor bean)

Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, stupor, seizures

Ricin: ? proteolytic enzyme (331,332)

Jimsonweed (locoweed, thornapple)

Flushed face, dilated pupils, bizarre behavior, visual hallucinations, urinary retention

Atropine and scopolamine, anticholinergic action (333,334)


Abdominal cramps, vomiting, diaphoresis, dizziness, lethargy, seizures

Phytolaccine (335)

Unripe akee nut

Jamaican vomiting sickness; symptoms similar to Reye syndrome (see Chapter 7)

Hypoglycin A, a cyclopropyl propionic acid (336,337,341a)

Sugarcane (mildewed)

Impaired consciousness, seizures, delayed dystonia after recovery; computed tomography: bilateral hypodensities in putamen, globus pallidus

3-Nitropropionic acid (338)

Ginkgo seed

Vomiting, diarrhea, repetitive convulsions

4-methoxypyridoxine (339)

Amanita muscaria

Gyromitra (brain fungus)

Males are twice as commonly affected than females, and in the Ethiopian epidemic of 1995 to 1999, boys aged 10 to 14 years were most affected. Symptoms appear suddenly, or subacutely, and are highlighted by a progressive upper motor neuron paralysis affecting the lower extremities. There are no sensory deficits, and bladder function remains intact (342). The deficits are irreversible, and apart from muscle relaxants, there is no effective treatment. C linically, this condition is indistinguishable from konzo (see later discussion).

NUTRITIONAL DISORDERS Malnourished children constitute approximately 75% of the preschool population in developing countries. Grossly insufficient quantities of food, dietary imbalances, poor protein intake, lack of essential fatty acids and vitamins, climate, intercurrent bacterial or parasitic infections, and emotional deprivation all combine to predispose a child to nutritional diseases. Additionally, inadequate prenatal and perinatal care also can contribute to the final clinical picture.

Protein-Energy Malnutrition Protein-energy malnutrition (also called protein-calorie malnutrition) refers to the severe clinical syndromes of marasmus and kwashiorkor, and to milder, often unappreciated cases of nutritional deficiencies. These entities are common in Third World countries, and a recent Nigerian survey indicated that some 41% of children were affected. Kwashiorkor was first described in 1935 by Williams working in the Gold C oast, now Ghana (344). The word kwashiorkor means “sickness the older child gets when the next baby is born” in the Ga tribe dialect of Ghana. Kwashiorkor and marasmus are interrelated syndromes of malnutrition that in their most severe stages are distinct, with different causes and different metabolic pictures. Marasmus, primarily caused by caloric insufficiency, is of early onset and develops when infants are weaned before the end of their first year or when the available breast milk is reduced markedly. It is characterized by emaciation and growth failure (345,346). Kwashiorkor, an edematous form of malnutrion, is most common in children between 1 and 4 years of age, and frequently it is triggered by measles or various bacterial or parasitic infections. The condition results from a diet containing adequate calories but insufficient protein. Golden (347) and others have stressed the important role of antioxidant deficiency in producing kwashiorkor, in that affected children lack albumin, one of the most important plasma antioxidants. In addition, the children are deficient in glutathione, vitamin E, selenium, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (348). C onversely nitrogen monoxide (NO) concentrations are increased, aiding in the depletion of glutathione and other antioxidants (348), and inflammatory markers such as prostaglandin E2 are elevated (349). Thus, kwashiorkor is the result of multiple factors (350). These not only include dietary deficiencies and imbalances, but also multiple infections, parasitic infestations, dietary toxins such as aflatoxins (351), and maternal deprivation (352). Finally, it should be stressed that in many areas of the world, symptoms of kwashiorkor develop in a child who already has demonstrated retarded growth and mental development.

Clinical Manifestations In mild to moderate forms of protein-energy malnutrition, a clinical distinction between marasmus and kwashiorkor is impossible. In certain areas of the world, diets giving rise to kwashiorkor also can be deficient in one or more vitamins, and signs of vitamin deficiency can accompany the more advanced stages. In West Africa, for instance, riboflavin deficiency is common; in Southeast Asia, thiamine deficiency can induce a mixed picture of protein-energy malnutrition and beriberi. C ertain changes in protein metabolism, notably a reduced serum albumin concentration, a reduced serum concentration of all essential amino acids except phenylalanine and histidine, reduced glutathione levels, and a normal or even higher than normal concentration of non-essential amino acids, are characteristic for kwashiorkor and can be used in making a biochemical diagnosis. The clinical picture of kwashiorkor varies from one region of the world to another. The four basic symptoms and signs are edema, growth failure, behavioral changes, and muscle wasting. Other relatively common features include dyspigmentation of hair and skin, dermatitis, anemia, and hepatomegaly. In particular, a flaky paint type of dermatosis is said to be diagnostic of kwashiorkor (350).

Neurologic Features The effects of undernutrition on the immature nervous system have been the subject of intensive investigation. Neuropathologic studies reveal the brain of a malnourished infant to be small for the infant's chronologic age, and its number of neurons, degree of myelination, and total cerebral lipid content to be reduced (353,354). In interpreting these findings, one must note that in almost all instances, these autopsies have been performed on children who died as a result of an infection in addition to protein and calorie deprivation. Physiologic studies on children with severe protein-energy malnutrition conducted by Mehta and colleagues, including myself, indicated that the proportion of glucose undergoing aerobic oxidation by the brain is reduced, and that a significant proportion is converted to long-chain fatty acids (355). Although these findings provide a biochemical basis for both the loss in myelination and the ultimate cognitive deficits of malnourished infants, the time during which the human brain is vulnerable to nutritional insults is still uncertain. Animal experiments indicate that a severe nutritional insult early in brain development can have a permanent adverse effect on cerebral structure and function. Periods of C NS growth spurt (in humans between 15 and 20 weeks' gestation, when neuronal multiplication is maximal, and between 30 weeks' gestation and the end of the first year of extrauterine life, when glial division occurs) are times when the brain is particularly vulnerable to experimental nutritional deficiency (356). As yet, these experimental data cannot be correlated with clinical experience. Apathy is the most constant and earliest neurologic feature and is usual in children who weigh less than 40% of the expected amount (357). In the Indian series of Sachdeva and colleagues, 87% of children admitted for treatment of protein-energy malnutrition showed mental changes, 77% had muscle wasting, 70% weakness, and 40% hyporeflexia (358). More recent data from the Indian clinic of C hopra and his group are comparable (359). Most studies show that head circumference varies directly with nutritional status and is often below the third percentile for American children. It is less affected than height and weight. Hypotonia and reduced deep tendon reflexes are common; they are more marked in the lower extremities, particularly in the proximal musculature (360). “Soft” neurologic signs, notably impaired fine motor coordination and the presence of choreoathetoid movements, are seen far more commonly in malnourished children than in control children with normal nutritional status. The EEG has been studied by several groups. Generally, it demonstrates nonspecific abnormalities such as diffuse slowing. These are more commonly seen in malnourished than in control children (361). Nerve conduction times are significantly delayed in both the marasmic and the kwashiorkor forms of protein-energy malnutrition, even in the absence of overt associated vitamin deficiencies. As a rule, the degree of delay correlates with the duration and the severity of the protein-energy malnutrition, and thus is more marked in marasmus (360). Approximately one-half of patients with the more severe forms of protein-energy malnutrition have segmental demyelination; when malnutrition is severe and long-standing, an arrest in myelination of peripheral nerves occurs, with a persistence of the small myelinated fibers and a relative lack of the large myelinated fibers (359). Neuroimaging studies demonstrate widened cortical sulci, widened cerebellar folia, and enlarged ventricles. These abnormalities resolve quickly with nutritional rehabilitation, suggesting that they do not represent cerebral atrophy, but rather ventricular dilatation and enlargement of sulci as a consequence of a decrease in plasma proteins and reduced colloid osmotic pressure (362). It is of note that in

the South African series of Gunston and coworkers, myelination was age appropriate even in children with severe kwashiorkor (362).

Treatment The medical and social aspects of treatment of protein-energy malnutrition are reviewed by Torun (346). It is of note that with nutritional rehabilitation, there is a rapid and striking increase in head circumference. This may become sufficiently marked to result in splitting of sutures and papilledema, suggesting the presence of pseudotumor cerebri. Approximately one-fifth of children with kwashiorkor become drowsy 3 to 4 days after being started on a normal diet. Although the condition is most often self-limited, it is occasionally accompanied by asterixis and can progress to coma with fatal outcome (363). The nature of this complication is unknown, but it is believed to reflect hepatic failure resulting from the ingestion of relatively large amounts of protein. Even more rarely, a transient syndrome marked by coarse tremors, parkinsonian rigidity, bradykinesia, and myoclonus has been observed in children with kwashiorkor 6 days to several weeks after starting a corrective high-protein diet (364). This condition is distinct from the infantile tremor syndrome (see later discussion).

FIGURE 10.4. Recovery from malnutrition in 129 Jamaican infants, aged 9 to 24 months, with stunted growth (length less than 2 standard deviations below the mean). The effect of nutritional supplementation is compared with that of psychosocial stimulation, combined nutritional and psychosocial interventions, and controls. A group of 32 nonstunted Jamaican infants served as reference. (DQ, developmental quotient.) (From Grantham-McGregor SM, Powell C A, Walker SP, et al. Nutritional supplementation, psychosocial stimulation, and mental development of stunted children: the Jamaican Study. Lancet 1991;338:15. With permission.)

Prognosis Follow-up studies on children who experienced protein-energy malnutrition indicate that the younger the child at the time of the hospitalization for malnutrition, the more likely the child is to have a variety of cognitive deficits (365,366,367). Growth-retarded children who received supplementary feedings had higher verbal intelligence than their undernourished sibling controls, a difference that could not be accounted for by socioeconomic factors (368). These benefits are not sustained however, and the greatest postnatal influence on cognitive performance comes not from nutrition but from social stimulation, in particular from the combination of psychosocial stimulation and nutritional supplementation (369). When children are subjected to either nutritional or social stimulation, the effect becomes evident within 18 months; it is almost immediate when both interventions are made available to them (Fig. 10.4) (370). Summarizing sometimes contradictory data, one can conclude that when intellectual inadequacy follows malnutrition in early life, it occurs not only as the result of protein-energy malnutrition, but because the infant's nervous system and its social environment are inadequate and interfere with normal neurodevelopment.

Vitamin Deficiencies The action of a vitamin in intermediary metabolism can be disturbed by its deficiency, by abnormally high vitamin requirements such as are seen in a variety of bacterial and parasitic infections, and by the inhibitory action of various antivitamin substances. Dietary factors antagonistic to the action of a vitamin include avidin (found in raw egg white), which is an antagonist to biotin, and the enzyme thiaminase (present in raw fish), which destroys dietary thiamine. Although a deficiency in almost any of the vitamins can directly or indirectly affect the C NS, only components of the B complex group

are known to be involved directly in brain function. Deficiency of vitamin A can produce increased intracranial pressure, which can be reversed by dietary treatment (371). C hronic vitamin A intoxication induces increased intracranial pressure as well, which is accompanied by craniotabes and cortical hyperostosis (372). Vitamin E (tocopherol) deficiency is encountered in severe cases of cystic fibrosis and in other malabsorptive conditions. The syndrome of spinocerebellar degeneration and peripheral neuropathy occurring as a complication of tocopherol deficiency is described in the section on gastrointestinal diseases in C hapter 17. The role of vitamin supplementation in preventing neural tube defects is covered in C hapter 5.

Thiamine Deficiency The discovery of how thiamine participates in cerebral metabolism was an important part of the early history of neurochemistry and is reviewed by Peters (373) and Haas (374). Thiamine functions in the form of pyrophosphate, which acts as a coenzyme for many enzyme systems. Generally speaking, thiamine pyrophosphate is involved in oxidative decarboxylation, nonoxidative decarboxylation, and various ketolases, notably the conversion of 5-carbon to 6-carbon sugars by means of the enzyme transketolase. Pyruvate and α-ketoglutarate, whose decarboxylations are two integral steps of the Krebs cycle, exemplify enzymes responsible for oxidative decarboxylation. In thiamine deficiency, oxidation of pyruvate and α-ketoglutarate by the brain is reduced. As a consequence, cerebral oxygen and glucose consumption are lowered, and the concentrations of the two ketoacids (pyruvate and α-ketoglutarate) are increased in various tissues, including blood (375). When a thiamine-deficient individual is presented with a glucose load, the concentration of serum ketoacids increases to abnormal levels and remains elevated for several hours. At the same time, there is an increase in serum and C SF lactic and pyruvic acids. Transketolase has been found to be more susceptible to thiamine deprivation than are the ketoacid decarboxylases, and the decrease in transketolase activity during induced thiamine deficiency is greater than the decrease of pyruvate decarboxylase activity (376). Dreyfus and Hauser postulated that failure in transketolase represents the basic biochemical lesion of thiamine deficiency, although the increase in transketolase activity with administration of thiamine was insufficient to account for the clinical improvement (377). In experimental studies, thiamine-deficient rats had a low glucose metabolic rate and limited glial proliferation in the vestibular nuclei. Both abnormalities were reversed by thiamine supplementation (378). Thiamine deficiency is seen in breast-fed infants, whose mothers, themselves, could have been thiamine deficient during pregnancy, and whose breast milk consequently contains inadequate amounts of thiamine. It is also seen in critically ill infants on prolonged enteric feeding, in children with malignancies, in children receiving intensive chemotherapy, and in anorexia nervosa (379,380,381). Thiamine deficiency due to inadequate diets occurs principally in Asia, where the milling of rice grain or the use of soda in the baking of bread excludes the vitamin from the diet. Extensive outbreaks of beriberi are still being reported from Africa (382). Two symptom complexes are seen: infantile beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Infantile beriberi appears suddenly, often after a bout of gastroenteritis, and is marked by weakness owing to acute peripheral neuritis, neck stiffness, and aphonia (voiceless cry) (383). C ardiac symptoms are not common in infants. The diagnosis can be established by the depressed thiamine concentrations in whole blood and C SF and by the low red cell ketolase activity (384). The experiences of Haridas in Malaya (383) and DeSilva in Sri Lanka (345) illustrate the differential diagnosis and treatment of childhood thiamine deficiency in developing countries. A neurologic picture resembling that seen in adults with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is rare in children. More often, one sees a relatively nonspecific picture of lethargy, apneic spells, hypothermia, and deteriorating cardiovascular function (385,386). Generally, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is clinically unsuspected and can develop rapidly in the absence of parenteral vitamin supplementation (387). MRI studies are diagnostic in that they demonstrate increased signal on T2-weighted images in the medial aspects of the thalamus, the diencephalon and mesencephalon, the mammillary bodies, and the floor of the hypothalamus (388). These lesions are reversed by thiamine therapy. In many instances, however, the diagnosis is made only on postmortem examination by noting the characteristic spongy changes in the mamillary bodies, hypothalamus, midbrain, and pons. Infantile subacute necrotizing encephalopathy (Leigh syndrome), a familial neurologic degenerative condition with pathologic changes reminiscent of Wernicke disease, has been termed pseudo-Wernicke syndrome. This disease is the result of mitochondrial dysfunction and is more fully discussed in C hapter 2.

Pyridoxine Deficiency Pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) in the form of its aldehyde derivative, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, is a coenzyme for numerous essential metabolic reactions within the nervous system. Both decarboxylation of glutamic acid to GABA, a neurotransmitter, and transamination of glutamic acid to α-ketoglutaric acid are impaired in animals receiving a pyridoxine-deficient diet. Several other amino acid decarboxylases, several transaminases, and serine hydroxymethyltransferase also are pyridoxine dependent. Pyridoxine also is involved in synaptogenesis, dendritic arborization, and the maintenance of the normal neurotransmitter balance within the C NS. In at least three conditions, a relative deficiency of pyridoxine is related to the appearance of seizures and potentially permanent neurologic deficits.

Dietary Pyridoxine Deficiency Pyridoxine deficiency appears at 1 to 12 months of age in a significant proportion of infants whose intake of the vitamin is below 0.1 mg/day. Aside from seizures and hyperirritability, other symptoms of vitamin deficiency, notably anemia, can sometimes also be documented (389). Pyridoxine deficiency unaccompanied by other nutritional deficits is rarely encountered, even in the developing countries. A series of cases was seen, however, in the United States between 1952 and 1953 in a small percentage of infants fed a pyridoxine-deficient proprietary formula (390). More recently, prolonged seizures that were unresponsive to treatment with the usual anticonvulsant medications but responded to pyridoxine (100 mg) were seen in an infant fed powdered goat's milk, a preparation devoid of pyridoxine and folic acid (391). Seizures owing to pyridoxine deficiency also are seen in infants who have been breast-fed exclusively for longer than 6 months and in those who have had a jejunoileal bypass (392).

Pyridoxine Dependency

A familial pyridoxine dependency syndrome is marked by the evolution of seizures in utero, at birth, or at any time up to the end of the second year of life (393,394). The condition was first described by Hunt and colleagues (395) and is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait, with the gene having been mapped to chromosome 5q31.2–31.3 (396). It is a relatively uncommon entity but one of the important causes for intractable seizures. Seizures can be generalized or focal with secondary generalization or can take the form of infantile spasms. They are almost immediately arrested by the administration of intramuscular or intravenous pyridoxine (50 to 200 mg). Subsequently, infants are often hypotonic and unresponsive (397). Microcephaly, if present, is corrected with pyridoxine treatment. Thus, pyridoxine dependency, like protein-energy malnutrition, is a rare cause of reversible microcephaly. The EEG usually shows a variety of paroxysmal discharges, including hypsarrhythmia and also normalizes promptly with pyridoxine administration. The dose of pyridoxine required to control seizures, and dramatically reverse the EEG abnormalities, ranges from 0.2 to 50 mg/day. This dosage is many times the minimum daily requirement for the vitamin. MRI shows diffuse cortical atrophy, most marked in the frontal regions, and positron emission tomographic scan reveals a widespread cerebral hypometabolism (398). C SF GABA levels are markedly reduced, and C SF glutamate levels are markedly elevated (397). Both levels return to normal with treatment. On autopsy, the GABA content of cerebral cortex has been found to be low, whereas the content of glutamic acid is elevated (399). The locus for the defect does not correspond to that of either of the genes for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) or that for GABA transaminase (400,401), and the gene defect remains unknown. The diagnosis of pyridoxine dependency rests on the presence of seizures that are intractable to the usual anticonvulsant medications, the prompt cessation of seizures with parenteral or oral pyridoxine administration, and, optimally, the recurrence of seizures after pyridoxine withdrawal. Life-long continuous treatment with pyridoxine is necessary to prevent seizures and severe mental retardation. The dosage required for seizure control ranges between 0.2 and 30 mg/kg per day (402). Larger amounts of pyridoxine have been given in some instances, but the vitamin can induce a reversible sensory neuropathy (403). The optimal dose of pyridoxine appears to vary between families, and regulation of pyridoxine dosage by aiming at normalization of the EEG is probably indicated.

Hydrazine Toxicity Treatment with isoniazide (INH), penicillamine, or other hydrazides capable of reacting with the aldehyde group of pyridoxal can induce symptoms of B 6 deficiency (404). With the increased prevalence of tuberculosis, and with INH being one of the first-line antituberculous drugs, the incidence of INH poisoning has increased to the point where INH together with diphenhydramine and theophylline has become one of the three major causes for drug-induced seizures in the pediatric population (405,406). Dosages of INH greater than 30 mg/kg can produce seizures. In addition, the characteristic clinical picture is that of a metabolic acidosis and coma (406). Seizures are often refractory to commonly used anticonvulsants, including intravenous benzodiazepines, and parenteral pyridoxine is necessary to control them (406).

Pellagra Although pellagra is considered a multiple-deficiency disease, the main clinical manifestations—dermatitis, diarrhea, and diffuse cerebral disease—respond to therapy with nicotinic acid (niacin) or tryptophan. Pellagra is endemic to areas where corn, a poor source of nicotinic acid, is the staple food, and where intake of meat, which provides tryptophan needed for the biosynthesis of nicotinic acid, also is low (407). Approximately one-half of the human minimum daily requirement of nicotinic acid is synthesized from tryptophan by micro-organisms, either in tissues or in the intestinal tract. Nicotinic acid is an integral component of two coenzymes involved in electron transfer, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate. Both are essential for a variety of enzymatic reactions in carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism. Since isoniazide inhibits the conversion of tryptophan to niacin, pellagra has been encountered in poorly nourished tuberculous patients who had been on isoniazide therapy (408). C hildren who are mildly deficient in nicotinic acid are irritable or apathetic. With severe involvement, they become delirious or mentally obtunded, and they can show spasticity, coarse tremors of the face and hands, polyneuritis, and optic atrophy. In the experience of Malfait and colleagues, working in Malawi, dermatitis of the areas exposed to sunlight, particularly of the chest, arms, and neck (C asal's necklace), was seen in 80% of nicotinic acid–deficient subjects (409). Stomatitis was present in 60%, diarrhea in 20%, and mental disorders in 10%. Histologic examination of the brain shows degeneration of Betz cells of the motor cortex and, to a lesser extent, of the cerebellar Purkinje cells. In the spinal cord, degeneration of the posterior columns and the pyramidal and spinocerebellar tracts is seen. Demyelination of the peripheral nerves is common (410). The experience of Spies and colleagues (411) in Alabama during the 1930s and the review by Lanska (412) provide the reader with an idea of the problems inherent in the differential diagnosis of pellagra and its therapy. Despite the availability of chemical assays for nicotinic acids and its metabolites, the diagnosis of the condition of pellagra rests on the clinical pictures and the prompt response to administration of nicotinic acid. A pellagralike skin rash also is seen in Hartnup disease and in some other genetic defects of tryptophan and kynurenine metabolism (see C hapter 1).

Subacute Combined Degeneration Degeneration of the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord owing to deficiency of vitamin B 12 (cobalamin) is rare in childhood. When seen, it can accompany one of the several forms of congenital pernicious anemia. The most likely form of subacute combined degeneration to be encountered in childhood is caused by a congenital defect of transcobalamin II, a plasma globulin that promotes the cellular uptake of the vitamin by receptor-mediated endocytosis. The condition is an autosomal recessive disorder that generally presents with megaloblastic anemia, which if inadequately treated can progress to impaired mental development (413). C ongenital intrinsic factor deficiency is less common. It presents during the first two to three years of life with a similar neurologic picture (414,415). The condition can be associated with intestinal disease, regional ileitis, or celiac syndrome. The various congenital disorders of cobalamin metabolism are covered in C hapter 1. Many reports have described vitamin B 12 deficiency in infants of mothers with undiagnosed pernicious anemia and in exclusively breastfed infants whose mothers are vegans, who exclude from the diet not only meat, but also eggs and dairy products, or vegans, who exclude all three (416,417). Megaloblastic anemia, always present with subacute combined degeneration in children, is accompanied by apathy, developmental regression, athetoid movements, and tremor (418). Alterations in sensorium can progress to coma (419). In older children, the presenting signs and symptoms of the condition are ataxia, spasticity, weakness of the lower extremities, loss of vibratory sensation, and mental retardation. Plasma hom*ocysteine is increased, and plasma methionine is reduced. Excretion of methylmalonic acid and hom*ocysteine is increased (420). Somatosensory-evoked potentials reveal the presence of C NS involvement even when overt clinical signs are absent (421). MRI studies show a loss of volume and delayed myelination, while proton resonance spectroscopy displays an accumulation of lactate in

gray and white matter and a depletion of choline-containing compounds, suggesting a disturbance in oxidative energy metabolism (422). Vitamin B 12 administration quickly corrects the hematologic abnormalities. EEG and neuroimaging abnormalities also are reversible with treatment. However, cognitive and language development frequently remains delayed, particularly when neurologic symptoms appear during the first year of life (416,423). A combination tremor and myoclonus affecting the face, tongue, and pharynx can appear after the initiation of treatment with cobalamin (418,424). It is said to respond to the administration of clonazepam (424). A similar neurologic picture has been encountered in children with ifosfamide (425). In the experience of Pearson and colleagues, folic acid therapy often aggravates neurologic symptoms (426). The pathogenesis of neurologic deficits is still not understood. Hall has reviewed the role of vitamin B 12 in normal nervous system function (427).

Infantile Tremor Syndrome Infantile tremor syndrome is fairly common in India. It is seen in children between ages 6 months and 2 years with a history of developmental delay and severe malnutrition. Symptoms, which commence between May and July, include a tremor that can be generalized or confined to one or more extremities. The tremor is rapid, rhythmic, and coarse, and it disappears during sleep. It can be accompanied by myoclonic jerks, epilepsia partialis continua, or choreic movements. Affected children are pale and apathetic and have sparse, light-colored hair and prominent pigmentation over the knuckles. Despite treatment, the outcome is poor, and the majority is left with subnormal intelligence (428,429). A number of deficiencies have been documented. These include a magnesium deficiency, and, more recently, a deficiency of vitamin B 12 and zinc (429). In a series by Garewal and coworkers, concomitant malnutrition was documented in 82%, and an antecedent viral illness in 91% (430). The condition also was noted in infants of mothers who were strict vegetarians. Low serum B 12 levels and a megaloblastic erythropoiesis could be demonstrated in 87%. In other series, magnesium deficiency with low C SF and urine magnesium levels was apparently well documented. The cause of this distinctive condition is still not clear, but tremors respond to supplementation with vitamin B 12 or magnesium (428,430).

Tropical Myeloneuropathies Several forms of progressive myeloneuropathies have been described in Third World countries, notably India and Africa. They fall into two clinical types with overlapping features: tropical spastic paraparesis and tropical ataxic neuropathy. Tropical spastic paraparesis is a slowly progressive spastic paraplegia that affects the pyramidal tracts and, to a lesser degree, the sensory systems and is often accompanied by optic atrophy and a peripheral neuropathy. The condition is caused by the human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 and is considered more extensively in C hapter 7. Outbreaks of another form of acute spastic paraparesis, termed konzo, have been reported from a variety of areas in Africa, notably Tanzania, Mozambique, and Zaire, where cassava is the main staple crop. The condition affects boys predominantly, with its onset generally between 5 and 15 years of age. The onset is abrupt with difficulty in walking. This progresses over the course of 1 to 3 days to a complete and symmetric paraparesis with hyper-reflexia and extensor plantar responses. In the majority of cases, some degree of slow functional improvement occurs (431). C linically, this entity is indistinguishable from neurolathyrism, considered at another point in this chapter. The cause for konzo is uncertain. High cyanide intake from the consumption of inadequately processed cassava has been proposed as one etiology. No antibodies to human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 have been found. Tropical ataxic neuropathy (nonspastic paraparesis), seen in the western parts of Nigeria, differs from the various forms of tropical spastic paraparesis. Its diagnosis is based on the presence of two of the following symptoms: bilateral optic atrophy, neurosensory deafness, the loss of proprioception and vibratory sensation, and a distal symmetric sensory polyneuropathy (432,433). It is rarely encountered in the first two decades of life (433). Several exogenous factors have been proposed as causes for the condition. Ingestion of cassava beans and a consequent chronic cyanide toxicity plays an important role in some epidemics (434) but not in others (435). The role of the human T-cell lymphotropic virus 2 in the etiology of the condition has not been clarified. A discussion of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis–Parkinson disease–dementia complex seen in Guam and the other Mariana Islands and of the role of a plant excitant neurotoxin in causing this neurologic picture and those of the other toxic upper motor neuron diseases is outside the scope of this text. The reader is referred to reviews by Spencer and colleagues (436) and C ox and Sax (437).

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Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Table of Contents > Chapter 11 - Tumors of the Nervous System

Chapter 11 Tumors of the Nervous System Bernard L. Maria John H. Menkes

BRAIN TUMORS Incidence Tumors of the central nervous system (C NS) occur relatively frequently during the early years of life. They are the most common solid tumors of childhood and afflict approximately 1,500 patients every year in the United States (1,2). Reported incidence rates have varied from 20 to 50 per 1,000,000 children (3). Representing 20% of all malignancies, they are second only to leukemia in overall cancer incidence and account for a high proportion of deaths (4). C NS tumors in infants less than one year old account for about 10% of all intracranial tumors occurring in the pediatric population (5). Males and white, non-Hispanics have a higher incidence of C NS tumors compared with females and other ethnic groups, respectively (6). The nadir in incidence of C NS neoplasms between the ages 0 and 44 years occurs in the 15- to 29-year age group, at a rate of 22.3 per million (5). Although the incidence of leukemia has remained relatively stable, the incidence of brain tumors has increased approximately 2% per year in the past 20 years (7). A review of earlier studies on the incidence of intracranial space-occupying lesions indicates that the relative frequencies of pathologic varieties have changed. C ritchley, writing in 1925, found tuberculoma to be the most common intracranial tumor of childhood (8). Subsequent surveys by Bailey and associates (9) and C uneo and Rand (10) stressed the preponderance of gliomas. Meningiomas and neurinomas were virtually absent, except in association with neurofibromatosis (11). Tuberculomas are now rare in the developed countries, but a series of 107 cases was reported from India as recently as 1965 (12). Data from the National C ancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End-Results (SEER) from 1975 to 1998 showed that the incidence of C NS tumors in people age 0 to 44 years increased over time, mainly due to an increased incidence of “other glioma” (5). From 1981 through 1993, the incidence of primitive neuroectodermal tumor/medulloblastoma (PNET/MB), the most common malignant posterior fossa tumor, rose more than 4% per year (Table 11.1). This trend has not been fully explained, but improved detection through sensitive and specific neuroimaging technology, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), may account for much of the increase (13). Inherited conditions such as neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, basal cell nevus syndrome, Von Hippel–Lindau disease, Li-Fraumeni syndrome (p53 mutation), Gorlin syndrome (PATC HED mutation), and Turcot syndrome (APC mutation) account for a small percent of C NS tumors (14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21). In addition to inherited conditions, ionizing radiation delivered in the past for tinea capitis or for leukemia and brain tumors is a known risk factor for C NS tumors (22,23,24). Various risk factors including nitrosamine/micronutrient intake, pesticide/fertilizer exposure, and parental occupation in chemical industries have been inconsistently associated with childhood brain tumors (25). Thus, the etiology for the vast majority of C NS tumors is unknown and there is no conclusive data to show that toxic waste, air and water pollutants, and electromagnetic fields and irradiation in local environments are tumorigenic (26). Furthermore, environmental influences ordinarily are expected to be gender blind, and thus could not account for the 4% increase in PNET/MB, which elicits a male-to-female gender ratio of approximately 2.5:1. Epidemiological investigations and population-based case-control studies are needed to determine how genes, environment, and lifestyle influence risk and may combine to cause C NS tumors in children (27). Pediatric brain tumors include a spectrum of both glial and nonglial tumors that differ significantly in location and biologic behavior from that of adults (Table 11.2) (28,29). Subtentorial tumors constitute more than 50% of all intracranial space-occupying lesions in children; in adults, only 25% to 30% of tumors originate below the tentorium. In children younger than age 1 year, as in adults, supratentorial tumors are most frequent; in infancy these often arise from hamartomas or other congenital malformations (1).

TABLE 11.1 Florida Childhood Cancer Incidence 1981–1993, 0–14 Years


Number of Cancers

Annual % Change







Brain tumors



Glioma WM



Glioma WF



PNET Neuroblastoma





PNET, primitive neuroectodermal tumor; WF, white female; WM, white male. Table adapted from Roush SW, et al. The incidence of pediatric cancer in Florida, 1981 ot 1986. Cancer 1992;69:2212–2219.

Pathogenesis A discussion of the molecular origins of neoplasia within the nervous system is far beyond the scope of this text. However, in recent years, real progress has been made in our understanding of the molecular genetic abormalities that govern the initiation and/or progression of these tumors (30). Suffice it to say that the uncontrolled proliferation of a population of somatic cells is basically a genetic disorder, with multiple genetic abnormalities preceding the neoplastic transformation of normal tissue. Most tumors of childhood are derived from the neuroectoderm, and there is evidence that transcription factors expressed by neural crest cells correlate with phenotype in neurorectodermal tumors (31). Two distinct fundamental mechanisms appear to be operative. One is associated with the activation or overexpression of growth-promoting factors such as proto-oncogenes, and the other is the result of loss or inactivation of genes that normally regulate or suppress cell growth, the tumor-suppressor genes. The mutation of the proto-oncogene to an oncogene has a dominant effect; only one of the cell's two gene copies needs to undergo the mutation. The inactivation of a tumor-suppressor gene is recessive, which means that both gene copies must be inactivated. Inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes is believed to be responsible for the development of tumors in neurofibromatosis and tuberous sclerosis (see C hapter 12).

TABLE 11.2 Incidence of Brain Tumors in the Pediatric Population Younger Than 15 Years of Age Versus All Agesa


All Ages (%)

Children (%)
























70, while 30.5% had an estimated IQ Table of Contents > Chapter 13 - Cerebrovascular Disorders

Chapter 13 Cerebrovascular Disorders Cesar C. Santos Harvey B. Sarnat E. Steve Roach C erebrovascular disorders are now frequently recognized in children, probably because of increased awareness of these conditions by clinicians; the widespread application of noninvasive diagnostic studies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), computed tomography (C T); and, in the neonate, cranial ultrasound studies (1). These studies allow confirmation of a diagnosis that in previous years would have been missed or at least not recognized as a vascular lesion. Additionally, the number of children who develop cerebrovascular lesions from certain risk factors may have increased, as more effective treatments for some causes of stroke have allowed patients to survive long enough to develop vascular complications. The most important distinction between cerebrovascular diseases in children and those of adults is the variety of conditions that cause stroke in children versus adults (Table 13.1) (1,2). C ongenital heart disease and sickle cell disease, for example, are common causes of ischemic stroke in children, while atherosclerosis is rare in children. Treatment of the risk factors is essential if subsequent strokes are to be prevented, and it is sometimes the underlying condition that determines the patient's outcome. Recent advances in diagnosis notwithstanding, cerebrovascular lesions are often more difficult to diagnose in children, particularly in very young children who are unable to adequately describe their symptoms and who are sometimes less cooperative during an examination. Once the diagnosis is considered, however, these difficulties can usually be solved with careful observation and diagnostic studies.

STROKE Incidence Schoenberg and colleagues studied the incidence of cerebrovascular disease in the children of Rochester, Minnesota, from 1965 through 1974 (3,4). Excluding strokes related to birth, intracranial infection, and trauma, they identified three hemorrhagic strokes and one ischemic stroke in a risk population of 15,834, for an estimated annual incidence of 1.89/100,000/year and 0.63/100,000/year for hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes, respectively. The overall average annual incidence for children through 14 years of age in this study was 2.52/100,000/year. In this well-defined population, hemorrhagic strokes were seen more commonly than ischemic strokes, while in the Mayo C linic referral population, ischemic strokes were more common. Several years later, Broderick and coworkers found a similar 2.7 pediatric stroke cases/100,000/year (5). These earlier estimates may be low. One report on the incidence of vascular disease in Dijon, France, between the years 1985 and 1993 found childhood stroke in 13.0/100,000 children/year (6). Stroke is among the top ten causes of death in children in the United States (7), and the 1998 estimated mortality rate from stroke in children below one year of age was 7.8/100,000 children (7). The risk of stroke seems to be particularly high among neonates, patients who were not included in the earlier surveys. C erebral ischemic infarction is recognized in 12% to 14% of neonates with seizures (8), and neonates comprise one-fourth of all childhood strokes (9). Data from the National Hospital Discharge Survey conducted from 1980 through 1998 indicate a stroke rate during the first month of life of 26.4/100,000; hemorrhagic stroke occurred in 6.7/100,000 and ischemic stroke occurred in 17.8/100,000. Based on these numbers, stroke in neonates occur in approximately 1 per 4,000 live births per year (10).

Clinical Manifestations The clinical presentation depends on the child's age, the presence of underlying risk factors, the location of the lesion, and the type of stroke. The diagnosis of stroke is often missed or delayed in children. In one retrospective study of children with stroke, the average time from the onset of symptoms until diagnosis was 35.7 hours (11). Some neonates initially appear normal but neurological impairment is recognized months later after they develop premature handedness or delayed milestones (12). In general, stroke occurs more often in boys and in African American children, even after adjusting for trauma and for sickle cell disease (12,13).

TABLE 13.1 Risk Factors for Pediatric Stroke1

Congenital heart disease Ventricular septal defect Atrial septal defect Patent ductus arteriosus Aortic stenosis Mitral stenosis Coarctation

Cardiac rhabdomyoma Complex congenital heart defects Acquired heart disease Rheumatic heart disease Prosthetic heart valve Libman-Sacks endocarditis Bacterial endocarditis Cardiomyopathy Myocarditis Atrial myxoma Arrhythmia Systemic vascular disease Systemic hypertension Systemic hypotension Hypernatremia Superior vena cava syndrome Diabetes Vasculitis Meningitis Systemic infection Systemic lupus erythematosus Polyarteritis nodosa Granulomatous angiitis Takayasu's arteritis Rheumatoid arthritis Dermatomyositis Inflammatory bowel disease Drug abuse (cocaine, amphetamines) Hemolytic-uremic syndrome Vasculopathies Ehlers-Danlos syndrome hom*ocystinuria Moyamoya syndrome Fabry disease Malignant atrophic papulosis Pseudoxanthoma elasticum NADH-CoQ reductase deficiency Williams syndrome Vasospastic disorders Migraine Ergot poisoning Vasospasm & subarachnoid bleed Hematologic disorders/coagulopathies Hemoglobinopathies (sickle cell anemia, sickle cell–hemoglobin C) Immune thrombocytopenic purpura Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Thrombocytosis Polycythemia Disseminated intravascular coagulation Leukemia or other neoplasm Congenital coagulation defects Oral contraceptive use Pregnancy/postpartum period Antithrombin III deficiency Factor V Leiden Protein S deficiency Protein C deficiency Congenital serum C2 deficiency Liver dysfunction–coagulopathy Vitamin K deficiency

Lupus anticoagulant Anticardiolipin antibodies Structural anomalies Arterial fibromuscular dysplasia Agenesis or hypoplasia of the internal carotid or vertebral artery Arteriovenous malformation Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia Sturge-Weber syndrome Intracranial aneurysm Trauma Child abuse Fat or air embolism Foreign body embolism Carotid ligation (eg, ECMO) Vertebral occlusion after abrupt cervical rotation Post-traumatic arterial dissection Blunt cervical arterial trauma Arteriography Carotid cavernous fistula Coagulation defect with minor trauma Amniotic fluid/placental embolism Penetrating intracranial trauma 1

Modified from Roach and Riela. Pediatric cerebrovascular disorders. New York: Futura Publishing Co., 1995. With permission.

Ischemic Infarction It is often impossible to determine whether an ischemic infarction has resulted from an embolism or a thrombosis on purely clinical grounds. Sudden-onset symptoms suggest an embolism, but the precise onset of the symptoms is often unknown, especially in very young children. Specific risk factors sometimes suggest whether the stroke has resulted from an embolus or a thrombus. C ardiac disease, for example, results in embolism more often than thrombosis, while the presence of cerebral arteritis would favor thrombosis.

FIGURE 13.1. An MRI showing an acute embolic infarction (arrows) of most of the right cerebral hemisphere with mass effect.

The specific signs and symptoms of an ischemic infarction depend on the size and location of the lesion. The anterior circulation is affected more often than the vertebrobasilar system. The basal ganglia and thalamus are together the most frequent location for ischemic infarction in children (Fig. 13.1) (14). An infarction in this region results directly from occlusion of the small penetrating arteries that supply this area, but in many cases, an ipsilateral carotid or middle cerebral artery is occluded. Infarction in these individuals is limited to the basal ganglia because this area lacks the collateral blood flow that rescues the nearby cortex. Because the vessels most often occluded are the supraclinoid internal carotid arteries and the branches of the middle cerebral arteries, typical signs include hemiparesis, hemianesthesia, and aphasia. However, a wide array of signs and symptoms are possible depending on the area of the brain affected. Hemichorea also has been described in children with basal ganglia infarction (15). Epileptic seizures are common. In one report of 43 children from 1 to 16 years of age, the most common presenting symptom was weakness followed by seizures (16). Acute ataxia and other cerebellar and brain stem findings occur in patients with a posterior circulation infarction.

Neonatal Infarction Although not nearly as common as the germinal matrix hemorrhage in premature patients, ischemic infarction in term neonates may occur more often than previously suspected (see C hapter 6). The infarction typically occurs in a term baby after an uneventful pregnancy and a routine delivery. The infarction is often identified after the onset of focal seizures, and most of the time, the physical findings are nonspecific with only mild lethargy, irritability, hypotonia, or subtle hemiparesis. Focal motor seizures more often involve the right body because about three-fourths of single infarcts occur in the left cerebral hemisphere. The initial radiographic appearance of the lesion sometimes suggests that the infarction occurred even before birth. Some babies with cerebral infarction are probably missed because the findings are often subtle, and not all babies develop seizures. Similar lesions of long-standing duration are sometimes discovered in older children who are being evaluated for epileptic seizures or developmental delay. Most neonatal infarctions probably result from emboli. Systemic emboli can occasionally be demonstrated in these neonates, and the left hemisphere predominance is more easily explainable by embolic than by thrombotic infarction. Interruption of aortic laminar flow by blood from the still patent ductus arteriosus might explain emboli being preferentially directed to the left hemisphere. The source of the emboli is not known with certainty, but they may arise from degenerating placental vessels or the just-activated pulmonary vascular bed. Watershed infarcts are frequent in the neonate. Two patterns are found. The first is similar to watershed infarcts in the adult, in areas between the territories of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries and between the middle and posterior cerebral arteries. The difference from adults is that in term neonates, about one-third of such supratentorial watershed infarcts are hemorrhagic, whereas in the adult nearly all are ischemic infarcts without hemorrhage. In preterm infants of less than 35 weeks gestation, two-thirds of cerebral cortical watershed infarcts are hemorrhagic, so that there is a shift in watershed infarcts toward coagulation necrosis as the brain matures. The second pattern is that of symmetrical tegmental infarcts in the brainstem. They involve the superior and inferior colliculi and tegmentum of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata near the floor of the fourth ventricle. This tegmental watershed zone is between the territories of the paramedian penetrating arteries and the long circumferential arteries, both arising on each side from the

basilar artery as a series of 25 to 30 sets, hence the infarction as a longitudinal column. Because tegmental structures in this zone include the fasciculus and nucleus solitarius (central “pneumotaxic” center of respiratory drive) and the nucleus ambiguous (somatic vagal component of muscles of deglutition), clinical manifestations include lack of central respiratory drive and dysphagia, in addition to multiple cranial neuropathies, Möbius syndrome, and sometimes micrognathia and ankylosis of the jaw because of infarction including the motor trigeminal nucleus (16a) (see C hapter 5).

Venous Occlusion C ortical vein and dural sinus thrombosis can be difficult to recognize because the clinical findings are sometimes less dramatic than those of arterial occlusion. Focal or generalized seizures are common with cortical vein thrombosis, and dural sinus thrombosis often leads to increased intracranial pressure. In the face of seizures, focal neurological dysfunction due to sinovenous occlusion is easily mistaken for postictal deficit. Venous occlusion is frequently associated with a nearby infection such as chronic otitis, sinusitis, or orbital cellulitis; it also is seen in children with hemoglobinopathy, congestive heart failure, polycythemia, and dehydration.

Etiology The risk factors for stroke in children (Table 13.1) are different from those of adults, although there is some overlap (1,2). Even after a thorough diagnostic evaluation, about one-fourth of children with ischemic infarction have no obvious cause for stroke, and others have suspected risk factors that may or may not explain the infarction. On the other hand, a likely cause for intracranial hemorrhage is usually found after a complete evaluation, including a cerebral angiogram.

Cardiac Disorders The most common cause of ischemic infarction in children is congenital or acquired heart disease (17), although the likelihood of stroke due to heart disease seems to have decreased in recent years as newer and more effective treatments have become available. In the C anadian Pediatric Ischemic Stroke Registry, cardiac disease occurred in 24% of children with arterial stroke, and stroke in 20% and 17% of cases following cardiac surgery and catheterization, respectively. C omplex cardiac anomalies are by far the biggest problem, but any cardiac lesion can lead to stroke. Particularly concerning are the cyanotic cardiac lesions associated with polycythemia, which increase the risk of both thrombosis and embolism. If a right-to-left cardiac shunt is present, a venous (paradoxical) embolus can bypass the pulmonary circulation and reach the brain. Many patients are already known to have heart disease prior to stroke, but in other instances, a less obvious cardiac lesion is discovered only after stroke. Surgical correction of congenital heart disease decreases the risk of stroke, although risk of embolism in these children remains higher than normal. Rheumatic valvular heart disease and other acquired cardiac conditions are known to cause stroke in children. Some children with congenital heart disease seem to have an increased risk for intracranial aneurysms and arterial dissection (18). C erebral embolism has been reported in patients with cardiac rhabdomyomas, atrial myxomas, and primary cardiac lymphomas (19,20,21).

Hematological Disorders Although stroke is occasionally linked to other hemoglobinopathies and to sickle cell trait, hom*ozygous sickle cell disease (SC D) accounts for most of the individuals with stroke. The cumulative risk of having stroke increases with age: 11% by age 20, 15% by age 30, and 24% by age 45 (22). Moreover, after the first sickle cell–related stroke, that individual's risk of having a second stroke soars to over 50%. Stroke accounts for 12% of deaths in individuals with sickle cell disease (23). Most sickle cell–related strokes are ischemic, but both intraparenchymal and subarachnoid hemorrhages occur. Stroke is somewhat more likely during a thrombotic crisis, but most of the time, an infarction occurs in an otherwise asymptomatic individual. Silent infarction, evident with MRI in an individual without an obvious neurologic deficit, occurs in 22% of children with hom*ozygous SC D (24). See C hapter 17. Although both large and small cerebral arteries are affected by SC D, the distal internal carotid arteries and their immediate branches are usually involved (25,26). Elevated cerebral blood flow velocity measured by transcranial Doppler (TC D) predicts a much higher stroke risk due to SC D. A randomized multicenter controlled study (the STOP trial) compared prophylactic blood transfusion with standard medical care in individuals at high risk for stroke based on TC D measurements (27). This study showed conclusively that the time-averaged mean blood flow velocity measured by TC D indicates a higher stroke risk due to SC D and demonstrated that prophylactic blood transfusion reduces the occurrence of first stroke by over 90% (28,29). The neurologic complications of sickle cell disease and the other hemoglobinopathies are further discussed in C hapter 17.

Coagulation Defects As many as one-half of children with ischemic cerebral infarction have a prothrombotic disorder (30), although many of these patients also have other risk factors (31). Protein C , protein S, and antithrombin III (AT-III) are naturally occurring anticoagulants, and deficiency states may be either inherited or acquired as a result of kidney or liver disease and pregnancy (Table 13.2) (32,33). Additionally, protein C deficiency has been described in children using valproic acid and L-asparaginase (34,35). Low levels of protein C impair the inactivation of activated factors V and VIII and promote excessive fibrin formation, increasing the likelihood of thrombosis. Heterozygous protein C deficiency has variable expressivity (36), but newborns with hom*ozygous deficiency present with severe and typically fatal thrombotic disease (37). Protein C can be transiently diminished following a stroke, but if the deficiency persists after several months and there is no evidence of an acquired deficiency, then hereditary protein C deficiency is likely.

TABLE 13.2 Acquired and Inherited Prothrombotic Disorders

Common gene mutations Factor V Leiden mutation (APC resistance) MTHFR C677T (hom*ocystinuria)

Prothrombin G20210A mutation Rare genetic deficiency Protein C Protein S Antithrombin III Plasminogen Acquired risk factor Antiphospholipid antibodies Genetic thrombophilia hom*ocysteine Lipoprotein(a) Other risk factors Increased fibrinogen Increased factor IX Increased factor VIIIC Decreased factor XII

Antithrombin (AT) III is a serine proteinase inhibitor that acts as a heparin cofactor to inactivate thrombin (38). Its importance is well illustrated in the finding that mutant mice null for ATIII die in utero (39). Two subtypes of ATIII deficiency exist. Type I is more strongly correlated with venous thrombosis (38). Patients with type I deficiency have heterozygous mutation resulting in a 50% reduction of ATIII. Type II deficiency, on the other hand, is usually due to single amino acid substitution, which results in a normal AT level but an AT that is physiologically ineffective (40). To date, there are several dozen reported mutations affecting the ATIII gene causing venous thrombosis (41). ATIII deficiency also can be associated with multiple congenital anomalies due to interstitial 1q deletion (42). Heterozygous ATIII deficiency is more commonly seen in young adults (43). In children, this is rare, and it usually occurs in association with other risk factors (44). The estimated prevalence of heterozygous ATIII deficiency in the general population is 1:550 (45). hom*ozygous ATIII deficiency, on the other hand, is extremely rare. Kuhle and coworkers reported five patients from three families with hom*ozygous ATIII deficiency type II with both venous and arterial thromboembolism (46). A mutation of the factor V gene results in resistance to activated protein C (47). Known as factor V Leiden, it occurs in 5% to 8% of C aucasian individuals but is less common in other races (48,49). The risk of an individual with the mutation having a thrombotic complication is not precisely known, but it is generally agreed that the risk for venous thrombosis is higher than the risk for arterial occlusion (49). As well, the role of factor V Leiden has not been fully established in children and adolescents (50). In one series, no individuals with factor V Leiden mutation were identified among 22 children with arterial or cerebral venous thrombosis (51). Other studies documented the mutation in 20% to 38% of children (52,53). Factor V Leiden mutation may be associated with an adverse maternal or fetal outcome (10). Prothrombin G20210A gene mutation is the second most common hereditary cause of venous thrombosis. Whether de novo or hereditary, it is a known risk factor for extracerebral venous thrombosis as well as venous sinus thrombosis both in adults and children including neonates (54,55,56). Its exact role in ischemic stroke is unknown, and arguments showing both a strong association and the lack of one exist (50). One study of 50 children with stroke did not show an increased odds ratio (57). Antiphospholipid antibodies, which include lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies, are antibodies against anionic phospholipids or protein-phospholipid complexes (58). These antibodies are commonly seen in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome, which in addition is characterized by thrombosis and recurrent fetal death (59). Both arterial and venous thromboses have been reported. The most common sites of venous thrombosis are the deep veins of the lower extremities (60). Arterial involvement, on the other hand, is commonly manifested by ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attacks (61). C hildren with antiphospholipid antibodies have an increased risk for both venous and arterial thrombosis, and up to 50% of these can occur in the central nervous system (62). Lupus anticoagulant is a double misnomer; first because most patients with lupus anticoagulant do not have lupus, and second, it is a procoagulant rather than an anticoagulant (58). The presence of lupus anticoagulant is associated with a 30% lifetime risk of thrombotic event (63). Anticardiolipin antibodies are either of the IgG or IgM variety. However, only the IgG class, especially IgG 2, has been linked to stroke (64). Both antibodies can be seen in (a) primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (PAPS), where thromboses occur in the absence of a collagen vascular disease; (b) secondary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome associated with lupus and other collagen vascular disease; (c) the elderly with atherosclerosis, where it is considered to be an epiphenomenon; and (d) infectious diseases such as syphilis, malaria, and parasitic and viral infections as well as medication exposure (50,65,66). In young adults, antiphospholipid antibodies could be seen in up to 40% of patients with a first stroke (67). C ompare this with the study by Angelini and colleagues, which documented the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies in 75% of children with idiopathic cerebral ischemia (68). Neonates with antiphospholipid antibodies appear to be at risk for developing neonatal stroke. Antibody titers greater than 1:100 are more common in children with cerebral palsy as compared with controls (69). Other causes for symptomatic venous and arterial thromboses in children include elevated D-dimer levels (D-dimer is a fibrin fragment in plasma that is a marker of fibrin formation and reactive fibrinolysis; its levels are elevated during acute thromboembolic episodes). Elevations in plasma factor VIII also are associated with thrombotic events, and persistent elevation of these two factors after anticoagulant therapy predicts a poor outcome, notably recurrent thromboses and lack of thrombus resolution (70).

FIGURE 13.2. C erebral arteriography demonstrates narrowing of the internal carotid artery from a traumatic dissection (arrow).

Arterial Dissection Arterial dissection is increasingly recognized as a cause of stroke in children. Although trauma is the usual etiology, the preceding injury can be trivial or occur spontaneously, suggesting an underlying defect of the involved artery (71). The initial injury, whether traumatic or spontaneous, is an intimal tear that permits blood to penetrate between the layers of the arterial wall, resulting in stenosis or occlusion of the lumen (Fig. 13.2). Neurologic deficits can either begin immediately if the artery is occluded or occur later from an embolism arising at the dissection site (72). In one pediatric study of 59 children with cerebral arterial infarction, the incidence of arterial dissection was reported to be 20% (73). C arotid dissection after peritonsillar trauma is well documented in children; the injury typically results from a fall onto an ice cream stick, toothbrush, pen, or similar object inside the mouth (74). Intimal damage from blunt trauma initiates the dissection, usually without penetrating the artery. In a review of 118 patients less than 18 years of age with arterial dissection, Fullerton and colleagues found that 74% had an anterior circulation dissection and that all patients had evidence of cerebral ischemia at the time of presentation. None of the individuals with posterior circulation dissection had a recurrent dissection (versus 10% when the anterior circulation was involved), and 87% of the patients with posterior circulation dissection were male. The most common level of vertebral artery dissection is at the level of C 1-C 2 vertebral bodies, similar to what occurs in adults (75). In contrast to children who suffered strokes affecting the anterior circulation, over 90% of children in the series of Ganesan and coworkers who experienced posterior circulation strokes were previously normal. It is of note that MRA has poor sensitivity and specificity for the posterior circulation, and if MRI and MRA do not exclude vertebral artery dissection, cerebral angiography is necessary (76).

Vasculitis Intracranial vasculitis in children can cause arterial thrombosis, venous thrombosis, or intraparenchymal or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Bacterial meningitis is the most common cause of intracranial arteritis in children. In a recent study, 10% of children with cultureproven meningitis had cerebral infarction (77). In infants with meningitis, the risk is even greater: Up to 92% have diffusion-weighted imaging evidence of multiple cerebral infarctions, typically involving the frontal lobes (78). The intracranial vessels evidently become inflamed due to their close proximity to the inflamed meninges (79). Factors that predict cerebral infarction in children with bacterial meningitis include an age of less than 1 year, the occurrence of seizures, hydrocephalus, altered consciousness at the time of presentation, and a high C SF lactate concentration. The frequency of stroke due to meningitis has waned in concert with the decline of Haemophilus influenzae meningitis, which has been dramatically reduced by widespread vaccination. In one recent series, the most commonly isolated organisms were Salmonella and Streptococcus pneumoniae, which together accounted for 57% of cases (77). Tuberculous meningitis is uncommon in the United States, but large series of children with tuberculous meningitis document the frequent occurrence of secondary vascular occlusion. In children less than 14 years of age with tuberculosis, stroke was documented in 25 of 65 individuals (38%) (80). C erebral infarction from tuberculous meningitis occurs more frequently in children than adults. Inflammation of the intracranial arteries and veins can be demonstrated in the majority of autopsied cases and is sometimes associated with thrombosis and infarction. Other infectious causes of cerebral vasculitis include meningovascular syphilis, fungal meningoencephalitides, and varicella-zoster virus encephalitis (33). Varicella-zoster virus infects multiple different types of cells in the neuraxis, which could explain the multitude of clinical neurologic dysfunction associated with the virus. One well-defined although rare complication of varicella-zoster infection is cerebral arteritis, which is usually a large-vessel disease, with stroke (81). Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can cause cerebral vasculitis and subsequent stroke, probably as a result of direct invasion of HIV (32). In addition, aneurysms can result from HIV-induced vasculopathy, and intracerebral hemorrhage can develop as a result of HIV-induced immune thrombocytopenia (82). Between 10% and 30% of pediatric HIV patients have evidence of cerebral infarction at autopsy (82,83,84). The vascular complications of the various bacterial and viral meningitides are more extensively covered in C hapter 7. C erebral vasculitis and stroke occur with many systemic inflammatory diseases, including polyarteritis nodosa, C hurg-Strauss angiitis, Wegener's granulomatosis, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, cryglobulinemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Beçet's disease, sarcoidosis, and Kawasaki disease (33,35). As mentioned previously, some patients with systemic lupus erythematosus also have a hypercoagulable state due to antiphospholipid antibodies.

Isolated angiitis of the central nervous system presents in children with either small or large vessel involvement (85). The diagnosis of isolated angiitis should be confirmed by leptomeningeal biopsy prior to initiation of immunosuppressive treatment (85a). hom*ocystinuria is an autosomal recessive disorder of methionine metabolism that has long been recognized as a cause of stroke in children. This condition is covered in C hapter 1.

Metabolic Stroke “Metabolic” stroke or “strokelike” episodes occur in association with several different metabolic disorders, including mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and strokelike episodes (MELAS); Leigh syndrome; organic and aminoacidurias; carbohydrate-deficiency glycoprotein syndrome; and carnitine deficiency (35), usually with the onset of symptoms during childhood or early adulthood. These conditions are presented more completely in C hapter 2.

BRAIN HEMORRHAGE Structural vascular anomalies collectively constitute the largest cause of nontraumatic intraparenchymal and subarachnoid hemorrhage in children (Table 13.3). In the Wake Forest series of 68 children with nontraumatic hemorrhage, 26 children (41.2%) had some type of congenital vascular anomaly, with arteriovenous malformation and arteriovenous fistula together accounting for about one-third of the children (Fig. 13.3). Arterial aneurysm was documented in four (5.9%) children; three of these four children had a saccular aneurysm, and one had a mycotic aneurysm (18). Nine of the 68 children (13.2%) presented with clinical and radiographic signs of intraparenchymal hemorrhage but were eventually found to harbor a brain tumor. However, none of the patients in this series had long-standing systemic hypertension or markedly elevated blood pressure readings at the time of the hemorrhage (86).

TABLE 13.3 Risk Factors for Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage

Vascular malformation/fistula

22 (32.4%)

Cavernous malformation

2 (2.9%)


4 (5.9%)*

Brain tumor

9 (13.2%)


12 (17.6%)

Sickle cell disease

3 (4.4%)


8 (11.8%)

Bone marrow transplant

1 (1.5%)


10 (14.7%)

Factor VII deficiency

3 (4.4%)

Factor XIII deficiency

1 (1.5%)

Liver failure

2 (2.9%)

Warfarin therapy

1 (1.5%)

Protein C deficiency

1 (1.5%)

Protein S deficiency

1 (1.5%)

Vitamin K deficiency

1 (1.5%)

Hemorrhagic infarct

6 (8.8%)

Spontaneous dissection

2 (2.9%)


4 (5.9%)


1 (1.5%)

HIV infection

1 (1.5%)

Systemic lupus erythematosus

1 (1.5%)

Herpes encephalitis

1 (1.5%)

Systemic hypertension

0 (0%)

No risk factors found

7 (10.3%)

N = 68; some patients had more than 1 risk factor. *One patient had a mycotic aneurysm; the others had saccular aneurysms. From Al-Jarallah, Al-Rifai T, Riela AR, et al. Spontaneous intraparenchymal hemorrhage in children: a study of 68 patients. J Child Neurol 2000;15:284–289. With permission.

Clinical Manifestations Intraparenchymal Brain Hemorrhage Not surprisingly, most children with intraparenchymal brain hemorrhage present with pain or symptoms of increased intracranial pressure (87). In the Wake Forest series of 68 children with spontaneous brain hemorrhage, for example, 40 children (58.8%) presented with dominant symptoms of headache or vomiting, and six others (8.8%) presented with irritability (86). C oma occurred in only two of these 68 children, and there were various focal neurological deficits. Twenty-five of the 68 children (36.8%) developed focal or generalized epileptic seizures acutely after the hemorrhage (86). Neonates can present only with tense and bulging fontanelle (88).

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Subarachnoid hemorrhage classically produces sudden severe headache, vomiting, meningismus, and alteration of consciousness. The clinical picture may be less distinct in younger children, who can present with unexplained irritability, vomiting, photophobia or seizures. The site of the headache does not predict the site of bleeding, but more severe hemorrhage tends to produce more impairment of consciousness. Focal or generalized seizures occur in about one-fifth of patients, and signs of increased intracranial pressure are typical.

FIGURE 13.3. A: An MRI demonstrates the flow void of an arteriovenous malformation (arrow). B: A computed tomography scan following clinical deterioration shows an acute hemorrhage in the area of the AVM. C: C erebral angiography (from a different patient) demonstrates an AVM (arrow) with multiple feeding vessels. (Figures 13.2A and 13.2B reproduced from Roach ES and Riela AR. Pediatric cerebrovascular disorders. New York: Futura Publishers, 1995. With permission.)

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is the most common presentation of an intracranial aneurysm. Headache also can result from expansion of an aneurysm, a small subarachnoid hemorrhage (“sentinel headache”), or, if the aneurysm is large, increased intracranial pressure from mass effect or obstruction of the cerebrospinal fluid (89).

Etiology Thrombocytopenia Thrombocytopenia most often results from either immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) or the combined effects of leukemia or its treatment. Regardless of the cause, intracranial hemorrhage is the most feared complication of thrombocytopenia (90). Nontraumatic brain hemorrhage due to reduced platelets does not usually occur with counts above 20,000 to 30,000, and even with lower counts, spontaneous hemorrhage is uncommon. In the Wake Forest series of 68 patients involving children and adolescents with nontraumatic intraparenchymal brain hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia was the most common hematologic risk factor for brain hemorrhage, occurring in 11.8% of cases (86). Brain hemorrhage later in the course of ITP frequently coincides with a systemic viral infection, probably because the infection stimulates the production of antiplatelet antibodies and produces a further drop in the number of platelets. Patients with thrombocytopenia should avoid aspirin or other antiplatelet drugs, especially during viral infections (for ITP patients) as well as situations that are likely to produce head trauma, although most hemorrhages occur without trauma.

Bleeding Disorders Hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency) and B (factor IX deficiency) are the two most common hereditary bleeding disorders that cause intracranial hemorrhage, although intracranial bleeding has been less often attributed to various other disorders (e.g., factor XIII deficiency, factor V deficiency, and congenital afibrinogenemia). Among patients with a given disorder, it is generally the severity of the bleeding tendency rather than the specific defect that determines the risk of intracranial hemorrhage. In the Wake Forest series of 68 children with nontraumatic hemorrhage, 10 children (14.7%) had some type of congenital or acquired coagulation defect. Three of these 10 children had factor VII deficiency, two had coagulopathy from hepatic failure, and one took warfarin (86). Acquired coagulation defects also can cause intracranial hemorrhage. Vitamin K deficiency results in decreased factors II, VII, IX, and X. The routine use of vitamin K injections in newborns has virtually eliminated vitamin K deficiency as a cause of hemorrhage in neonates in the United States. Infants born to mothers taking anticonvulsants sometimes bleed excessively, apparently due to reduction of vitamin K–dependent coagulation factors. These neonates may require a higher dose of vitamin K after birth in order to prevent bleeding, and vitamins during the last trimester of pregnancy may be of value. Rarely, children taking antiepileptic medications develop a vitamin K–responsive coagulopathy. Hepatic disease, malabsorption, and various other disorders promote vitamin K deficiency and need to be considered in patients with abnormal coagulation (1).

INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM Approximately 7% of the population develops an aneurysm 2 mm or larger by the time of death (91). Inasmuch as the vast majority of aneurysms are not congenital but are acquired during life, the condition is rare in children (92). Although aneurysms are approximately one-tenth as frequent as arteriovenous malformations (AVM), they have a greater tendency to rupture. Of patients younger than 20 years of age who have experienced a spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage, 40% have an aneurysm, and 27% have an AVM. In the remaining 33% of patients, the bleeding is of unknown origin (93). In the series of Sedzimir and Robinson, only 10% of patients developed symptoms before 10 years of age (93). From these data, it is obvious that when a preadolescent patient develops a spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage, it is far more likely to be caused by an AVM rather than an aneurysm. Aneurysms in childhood have no gender or racial predilection, and their rupture bears little relationship to systemic hypertension or physical activity. Whereas aneurysms in adults are usually located on or adjacent to the circle of Willis, in children, 50% of aneurysms originate from the carotid bifurcation, 25% from the anterior cerebral artery, and 12.5% from the posterior cerebral artery (94). The majority of childhood aneurysms are of the giant type, and only 25% of them have the small, saccular shape that is typical in adults. Fusiform aneurysm of the basilar artery, which is not an uncommon form in adults with arteriosclerosis, is extremely unusual in children (95). Multiple aneurysms were only seen in 3% of children (96). The pathology of these malformations is reviewed by Rorke (97).

Pathogenesis In aneurysms appearing during childhood, the most common cause is a congenital weakness of the vascular media. Familial occurrence has been reported, and in 6% to 20%, two or more cases of intracranial aneurysms are confirmed (98). In some families, the transmission of the disorder is compatible with an autosomal dominant trait (99) and autosomal recessive in others (100). Among firstdegree relatives of patients with an aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, the risk of a ruptured intracranial aneurysm is four times higher than in the general population (101). In a cooperative screening study using MRA published in 1999, unruptured aneurysms were found in 4% of first-degree relatives. In 48%, aneurysms were less than 5 mm in diameter. In view of the substantial risks of prophylactic therapy, the risk of rupture must be weighed against the adverse psychological and functional risks of a diagnostic study and subsequent surgery (102). In the 1973 series of Thompson and coworkers (103), only 9% of childhood aneurysms were mycotic. These usually were more peripheral and were most commonly encountered in children with congenital heart disease. A traumatic origin could be documented in 14%. In 12% of instances, intracranial aneurysms, usually of the saccular type, were associated with coarctation of the aorta and in 4% with bilateral polycystic kidneys (104,105). The larger the aneurysm, the more likely it is to rupture. This is particularly true for aneurysms larger than 1 cm in diameter, the size at which they tend to become symptomatic during childhood.

Clinical Manifestations There is a biphasic presentation of saccular aneurysms during the first two decades, with the lesions most often becoming symptomatic before age 2 or after age 10 (106). Sudden massive intracranial hemorrhage is by far the most common clinical manifestation in children. The ruptured aneurysm spills blood into the subarachnoid space, providing sudden severe headache, vomiting, meningeal irritation, and increased intracranial pressure. With progressive bleeding, focal neurologic deficits, seizures, impaired consciousness, and retinal hemorrhages can occur. Retinal hemorrhages can be flame shaped and localized near blood vessels or ovoid and near or on the optic disc (101). They can dissect between retinal layers (subhyaloid hemorrhage). An intracerebral hematoma occurs in one-fourth to one-half of children and can produce a sudden increase in intracranial pressure. Other clinical manifestations, such as cranial nerve palsies and focal neurologic deficits consequent to embolization, are almost always confined to adults. In the experience of Patel and Richardson (104), 11 out of 58 youngsters with ruptured intracranial aneurysms had a prior history of headaches; in only one did these headaches take the form of the classic migraine. A more recently conducted prospective study of patients presenting with acute serious headache and proven to have a subarachnoid hemorrhage did not uncover any minor, premonitory hemorrhages (107).

Diagnosis Bruits are seldom heard in the unruptured aneurysm. Whenever the sudden onset of a severe headache associated with vomiting and photophobia implies a ruptured aneurysm, a C T scan is the first diagnostic procedure. If both the C T scan, performed within 12 hours of the onset of symptoms, and a subsequent cerebrospinal (C SF) examination are normal, angiography will probably not uncover an aneurysm (108). Aneurysms larger than 5 mm can be seen by MRI or MRA (96). MRI is superior to C T scanning for demonstrating the aneurysm and for delineating the various complications of an aneurysmal bleed, such as an intraventricular hemorrhage, a subdural hemorrhage (which is a relatively common complication in infants), an intracerebral hematoma, or acute hydrocephalus (109). When none of these study results is positive, digital subtraction cerebral angiography remains as the most definitive diagnostic procedure (110).


A ruptured cerebral aneurysm has traditionally been treated by a neurosurgeon. C onsiderable controversy surrounds the clinical management of vasospasm resulting from the extravasated blood and the timing of the operation. The results of elective surgery are excellent in terms of morbidity and mortality, but mortality is high among patients awaiting elective aneurysm clipping. Because the mortality of early surgery is no longer as prohibitive as it was a decade or two ago, and because early surgery seems to prevent the delayed cerebral vasospasm, many authorities now opt for early surgery (101). C lipping of the aneurysm, endovascular therapy by insertion of a soft metallic coil, or a combination of the two procedures are the most commonly used approaches. When an aneurysm is detected during an evaluation for headache or when it is encountered adventitiously, surgery is indicated if the aneurysm is greater than 1 cm in diameter. Such an aneurysm is likely to rupture—a generally fatal event (111). Aneurysms at the juncture of the internal carotid and posterior communicating arteries and aneurysms within the vertebrobasilar system have a higher rate of rupture than other aneurysms (112). C onversely, aneurysms smaller than 1 cm are not likely to subsequently rupture or to be responsible for neurologic symptoms. C hildren appear to tolerate surgery better than adults, particularly when it is performed with the patient in a satisfactory state of alertness (94). Although operative mortality is low, many of the survivors are left with significant cognitive deficits, primarily because of a high incidence of cerebral infarction resulting from the delayed vasospasm. For patients who survive the initial hemorrhage, every effort must be made to avoid rebleeding until the diagnosis can be confirmed and the aneurysm treated (113,114). The technology of endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms is changing rapidly and has been reviewed by McDougall and colleagues (115). For further discussion of the problem of intracranial aneurysms, which is primarily one of adult neurology and neurosurgery, the reader should consult various current neurosurgical texts. Mycotic aneurysms have become less common with the decrease in rheumatic heart disease, the earlier treatment of congenital heart disease, and the use of antibiotics for bacterial suspected endocarditis. Nevertheless, the occurrence of subarachnoid or intracerebral hemorrhage in an individual with a structural heart lesion, chronic pulmonary infection, or a history of intravenous drug abuse should suggest a mycotic aneurysm. Multiple septic emboli can produce multiple mycotic aneurysms. Less virulent organisms tend to produce mycotic aneurysms, while more virulent strains are more likely to produce abscess or meningitis. Because mycotic aneurysms are often located in the peripheral branches of the vasculature, hemorrhage into the brain parenchyma occurs more often than with saccular aneurysms (116). Some mycotic aneurysms resolve with antibiotics and do not rupture. Persistence of an aneurysm after two months of an antibiotic regimen or the development of symptoms are indications for surgery (117).

Disorders Associated with Aneurysms The association of aneurysms with neuroepithelial cysts, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and other cerebral malformations suggests that congenital factors operate in the formation of some aneurysms (118). The best established of these conditions are coarctation of the aorta, adult polycystic renal disease, and fibromuscular dysplasia. Tyler and C lark found only three patients with definite and two patients with probable cerebral aneurysm among 200 individuals with aortic coarctation (119), but the true aneurysm frequency is probably higher because some of their patients were young, and others might have had an asymptomatic aneurysm. C erebral aneurysms in patients with coarctation of the aorta do not usually become symptomatic until adolescence or adulthood; the average age for rupture of the aneurysm is 25 years. The incidence of aneurysm in individuals with autosomal dominant polycystic renal disease is lower, and again, it is unusual to develop symptoms until after the second decade. The estimated frequency of intracranial aneurysms in adults with arterial fibromuscular dysplasia is 30% to 50%, but aneurysms in affected children are much less common. A deficiency of type III collagen has been demonstrated to be responsible for the various vascular defects observed in the severe, autosomal recessive form of Ehlers-Danlos disease type IV (120,121) and for at least a significant proportion of patients diagnosed as having a congenital cerebral aneurysm (122). Hyperelastic skin and hyperextensible joints are not prominent features of type IV Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and diagnosis is sometimes delayed in these individuals until after major vascular complications occur. The intracranial portion of the internal carotid artery is the most common site for an aneurysm to develop (Fig. 13.4). Individuals with pseudoxanthoma elasticum have an increased risk of intracranial aneurysm. As with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, most of the aneurysms involve the distal internal carotid artery, and it is unusual to develop symptoms from the aneurysm before adulthood (120,123). Aneurysms also have been reported in Pompe disease (glycogenosis type 2) (124) and in various disorders of connective tissue, including the more benign autosomal dominant form of Marfan syndrome and in pseudoxanthoma elasticum. In our opinion, this last association is so rare that it might be no more than coincidental.

FIGURE 13.4. C erebral angiography shows a saccular aneurysm (curved arrow) of the anterior communicating artery in an infant. (Reproduced from Roach ES and Riela AR. Pediatric cerebrovascular disorders. New York: Futura Publishers, 1995. With permission.)

ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATIONS Pathogenesis AVMs result from the embryonic failure of capillary development between artery and vein. This malformation in turn produces an enlargement of the vessels and abnormal shunting of blood. On gross examination of the brain, the lesion has a “bag of worms” appearance, which is caused by the tangled mass of dilated veins, the frequently enlarged and tortuous arteries feeding these venous channels, and the interposed thickened, dilated, and hyalinized vessels. The malformation can extend from the cortical meningeal surface through the parenchyma to the ventricular cavity, and its size can vary from 1 mm to more than 10 cm. C alcifications within the walls of the vessel and the surrounding parenchyma are common, and some ossification can be present. Hemosiderin can be found in the gliotic parenchyma as a consequence of extravasated blood. The pathology of these lesions has been reviewed by Rorke (97). In the pediatric series of Kondziolka and colleagues, 67% of malformations were in the cerebral hemispheres, 13% in the cerebellum, 11% in the brainstem, and 5% in the thalamus or basal ganglia (125). The distribution of lesions is similar for other series.

FIGURE 13.5. Term neonate with vein of Galen malformation, presenting with high-output congestive heart failure and hydrocephalus. Left lateral views of arteriograms by selective catheterization and injection of the (A) left internal carotid (ic) and (B) left vertebral (vt) arteries. From both anterior (carotid) and posterior (vertebrobasilar) circulatory sources, while contrast material is still seen in these major vessels during the infusion, a large aneurysmal sac, representing the dilated vein of Galen (G), is seen filling with contrast and blood. Even the straight sinus (ss) is visualized at the same time, indicating a large component of arteriovenous fistulous shunt. In addition, aggregates of numerous smaller pathologic vessels (arrowheads) are seen, another component of this complex vascular malformation. The right carotid injection in this child (not shown) yielded similar results to the left carotid injection. The blood supply to this congenital vascular malformation was therefore from all three major vessels, both carotids and the basilar artery, making surgical treatment extremely difficult.

AVMs must be differentiated from the rarely encountered carotid-cavernous fistula, which almost always is traumatic in origin (see C hapter 9). Spontaneous carotid-cavernous fistulas have been reported, however, in patients with type IV Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (126,127).

Clinical Manifestations Only one-half of AVMs are symptomatic, and the presentation of an AVM can vary with age. Symptomatic neonates often present with unexplained high-output cardiac failure or, occasionally, with intraparenchymal hemorrhage or hydrocephalus. Neonates with congestive heart failure tend to have larger vascular lesions than those who present in some other fashion. Infants especially can develop hydrocephalus, particularly when they have a posterior fossa AVM with secondary aneurysmal dilatation of the vein of Galen (Fig. 13.5). In our experience, small lesions are often deep and silent and bleed massively. Large lesions are characterized by seizures and focal neurologic signs and bleed less extensively. In most large studies of symptomatic AVMs, 10% become clinically manifest during the first decade, and up to 45% are evident by the second or third decade (128). These lesions are seen twice as frequently in male subjects. In the overwhelming majority, 79% in the series of Kondziolka and colleagues (125), intracranial hemorrhage is the initial presentation. In 23% of patients, the hemorrhage recurs from a few days to many years after the first event (129). A chronic seizure disorder, recurrent headache, and progressive neurologic deficits are less common presentations. Progressive neurologic deficits can result from the AVM acting as a space-occupying lesion or, more commonly, are caused by arterial steal away from normal surrounding brain into a high-flow AVM or venous hypertension transmitted from the malformation into the surrounding brain (130). Rarely, the condition is familial, being transmitted as an autosomal dominant disorder accompanied by polycystic kidneys (131). When a hemorrhage develops, it is generally parenchymal, but depending on the location of the AVM, blood can dissect into the subarachnoid space and the ventricular system. The most frequent clinical picture is that of a child who either has been completely asymptomatic or has experienced periodic migrainelike headaches, and who suddenly has a severe headache, vomiting, nuchal rigidity, and seizures (128,132,133). As a consequence of massive bleeding, the patient can develop signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure with transtentorial or foramen magnum pressure cones. The mortality from a hemorrhage depends on the location of the AVM. In the series of Kondziolka and colleagues, it was 4.5% for cerebral AVMs, but 57% when the hemorrhage arose from a cerebellar malformation (125). Less commonly (12% to 22% of children), an AVM presents with a focal or generalized seizure (125,133). The seizure focus is typically near the malformation, and the seizure type is most often focal motor or complex partial. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures are seen in some 20% of subjects (134). C ontrol of seizures is relatively easy, and in the experience of Murphy, some 50% of patients were free of seizures for a minimum of 2 years (134). Other symptoms include progressive hemiparesis, behavioral abnormalities, and dementia. Intracranial bruits were found in only 25% of patients with AVMs reported by Kelly and coworkers (133). Rarely, an AVM can thrombose and produce ischemic focal neurologic deficits. Relatively more common in the adult, AVMs in the posterior fossa become manifest before 20 years of age in less than 10% to 25% of cases (125,135). Symptoms are those of a cerebellar or brainstem lesion. Because most AVMs in this region are small, usually less than 2 cm in diameter, intracranial bruits are rarely heard. A pontine angioma can mimic a similarly placed neoplasm by presenting with insidious and progressive brainstem deficits (135). Hydrocephalus can complicate this type of AVM (136). A spinal cord syndrome owing to an AVM is rare in childhood. Symptomatic spinal cord AVMs are more frequent in the cervical region, whereas in adults, they are more likely to be located in the thoracolumbar region (137). In the pediatric series of Aminoff and Edwards (138), 55% of children presented with a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Symptoms are marked by sudden severe pain at the site of the hemorrhage, which spreads to involve the entire back. Older children and adults often experience impairment of motor function, usually coming on after physical effort, and recurrent pain and paresthesias of girdle or root distribution. Sensory symptoms can present as fluctuating lower abdominal pain or sciatica and can last from several minutes to hours. Symptoms are produced by small hemorrhages, and stepwise progression of long tract signs below the lesion follows each attack. In 34%, a spinal cord AVM coexists with a cutaneous angioma in the same or an adjacent dermatome (139,140). The skin lesions include port-wine–stained angiomas

(C obb syndrome) (141) or telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome). An important clinical decision must be made in managing children with facial angiomas with respect to which patients to investigate for intracranial vascular lesions. Port-wine stains involving the cutaneous distribution of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve are most likely to be associated with intracranial vascular malformations, especially if they are extensive; those involving two or more trigeminal branches nearly always have intracranial components (142). Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome (OWRS) (hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia) consists of a group of autosomal dominant disorders, the gene for the most common of which is located on the long arm of chromosome 9 (9q33-q34). The gene encodes endoglin, a component of the transforming growth factor-b1 receptor (TGF) complex (143,144). TGF inhibits growth of many cell types, including hematopoietic cells and lymphocytes. Less often the defective gene codes for an activin receptor-like kinase, a member of the serinethreonine kinase receptor family, expressed in endothelium (144a). The clinical manifestations of OWRS involve vascular abnormalities of the nose, skin, gastrointestinal tract, lung, and brain. In the nose, telangiectases result in epistaxis, whereas in the lungs, there are AVMs (145). In the experience of Putman and colleagues, who systematically screened subjects with OWRS with MRI, 23% had abnormalities suggesting a vascular malformation. Follow-up angiography showed that all subjects had at least one AVM, and 39% had three or more AVMs (146). These lesions can result in subarachnoid hemorrhage, seizures, and, if the AVM involves the spinal cord, paraparesis (139,146,147). Brain abscess can develop in the presence of pulmonary AVM and right-to-left shunt (148). In Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, which occurs sporadically, a spinal cord AVM is associated with hypertrophy of one or more limbs or of the face as well as with generally unilateral hemangiomas of the skin (see C hapter 12). Less often, a spinal cord AVM coexists with an AVM of the brain (140,149). Vertebral angiomas behave as extradural mass lesions, producing spinal cord and nerve root compression syndromes and deficits (150). Should an AVM become symptomatic in infancy, its initial manifestations can be increased intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus. These result from the mass effect of the lesion itself, from an intracerebral hematoma, intraventricular hemorrhage, or dissection of a superficial cortical hemorrhage into the subdural space.

Diagnosis When confronted with clinical evidence of a sudden intracranial hemorrhage—namely, severe headache, vomiting, and nuchal rigidity— the physician must consider the presence of an AVM or, less likely, an aneurysm. An intracranial bruit, which should always be listened for, is heard in a significant percentage of patients with AVMs. The incidence varies markedly from one series to the next and probably reflects the care with which the skull is auscultated. Unlike a benign bruit, it is accompanied by a thrill and has a much louder and harsher quality. Intracranial bruits are heard in a significant percentage of normal children (see Introductory chapter) and in a variety of conditions characterized by increased cerebral blood flow. These include anemia, thyrotoxicosis, and meningitis. Bruits also accompany hydrocephalus and some, not necessarily vascular, intracranial tumors. Although plain skull radiography has revealed intracranial calcifications in up to 10% of children with AVMs (133), currently, the initial diagnostic procedure of choice in the child who presents emergently with an acute intracranial hemorrhage is a C T scan. C ontrast enhancement identifies virtually all vascular lesions larger than 1.5 mm in diameter (151) and can even detect angiographically occult vascular malformations. The C T scan also can determine the presence and extent of hydrocephalus and a secondary intracerebral hematoma and, hence, is immediately helpful in the surgical management of a pressure cone (152). Both MRI and MRA are invaluable for the more definitive evaluation of AVMs. MRI can show the presence and extent of any associated hematomas and the relationship of the angioma to the ventricular system but does not obviate the need for angiography (153). Angiography remains the definitive diagnostic procedure and is invariably required before a nonemergency surgical procedure. When angiography is performed, bilateral carotid and vertebral studies are indicated, inasmuch as other vascular malformations can coexist with the malformation responsible for neurologic symptoms. Additionally, saccular aneurysms can coexist with AVMs in some 4% to 10% of patients (128,129,133). In planning the angiographic procedure, one must remember that a small fraction of AVMs is supplied exclusively by the external carotid artery (154). But even angiography may not show a small malformation, particularly in the acute stage when obscured by hemorrhage and edema, and it may need to be repeated after resolution of the acute hemorrhage. C SF examination is of little value. In the patient who is deteriorating acutely as a consequence of an expanding hematoma or intraventricular dissection of blood and who has signs of tentorial or foramen magnum herniation, it is contraindicated. Spinal cord AVMs are difficult to document. C T has been of little help. When the malformation has a significant intramedullary component, MRI or MRA can identify the presence and the location of the malformation. When the AVM is localized to the dura of the spinal cord, the lesion cannot usually be demonstrated by these procedures. In such cases, a dilated epidural venous plexus can sometimes be demonstrated by an MRI of the spinal cord (137).

Treatment C hildren with AVMs should be treated aggressively because of the risk of future catastrophic hemorrhage (125). Surgical removal of an AVM is indicated if the operative risk is less than the risk determined by the natural history of the AVM. Spetzler and his group have proposed a grading system for AVMs that takes into account the size of the malformation, whether venous drainage occurs through the cortical venous system or through deep veins such as the internal cerebral veins, and the location of the lesion with reference to areas whose injury results in a disabling neurologic deficit (155,156). In their experience, grade I and II AVMs, which constitute 26% of all AVMs, were removed without difficulty, with neither mortality nor major neurologic deficit. Grade IV and V AVMs, which constitute 38% of all AVMs, often require preoperative and intraoperative embolization and a multistaged surgical removal. Preoperative embolization changes a vascular lesion into an avascular tangle of thrombosed vessels and thereby facilitates their surgical removal. Embolization alone has been tried, but the cure rate with this procedure has been between 8% and 16% (130). C omplications from embolization include transient neurologic deficits, stroke, and hemorrhage. Stereotactic radiosurgical treatment (Gamma knife) is a minimally invasive and effective alternative to surgical removal of an AVM. The effectiveness of this procedure partially depends on the size of the AVM; the smaller the lesion, the higher the rate of obliteration (157). The risk of hemorrhage following this procedure is significantly reduced, in part because radiosurgery induces a progressive thickening of the intimal wall that develops three months or so after surgery (157a). In addition, thrombosis of the irradiated vessels decreases the number of patent vessels in the malformation. In children, most neurosurgeons opt for a definitive procedure designed to completely remove or obliterate the malformation (158,159). The outcome depends on the size and location of the malformation. After surgery, 10% of patients with grade I and II AVMs were left with major neurologic deficits and 20% with minor ones. C omplete surgical removal almost certainly prevents recurrence, whereas incomplete removal and ligation of feeding vessels does not. Incomplete obliteration by embolization also fails to provide protection from recurrent hemorrhage, even if follow-up angiography appears to show complete obliteration of the lesion (160).

C ontrasted with this surgical experience are the data indicating that the mortality for the initial hemorrhage is greater in children than in adults, ranging between 7.1% and 13.3%. In children, a ruptured AVM has approximately a 2% to 4% risk of recurrence per year, whereas an unruptured AVM has a 32% risk of bleeding by 10 years of age and an 85% risk by 25 years of age (161). The latter values are significantly higher than those for adults (162). In particular, even trivial head trauma incurred during sports participation can result in rupture of an AVM (163). One must, therefore, conclude that surgery is indicated whenever an AVM is detected in children, even when there has been no antecedent hemorrhage (164). The results of surgical resection when performed for seizure control are under dispute. In the experience of Murphy, the results were not good, and seizure control was not improved after resection of the AVM. In some cases, seizures began following surgery (134). By contrast, Kondziolka and coworkers found that excision of an AVM responsible for a chronic seizure disorder produced complete seizure control without use of anticonvulsants in 73% of children (125). The current consensus is that the younger the child, the greater the indication for attempted resection of an accessible lesion because of the longer period the child is vulnerable to either rupture or gliosis and atrophy of the surrounding parenchyma. In inoperable lesions, stereotactic radiosurgery offers another therapeutic approach (157,158,165). This subject has been reviewed extensively by Fleetwood and Steinberg (166).

VEIN OF GALEN MALFORMATIONS The great vein of Galen is a single midline vein lying in the subarachnoid space dorsal to the midbrain. It is formed by the union of the paired internal cerebral veins that course in the medial wall of the thalamus, the basal veins of Rosenthal, and the superior cerebellar vein. Joining the inferior sagittal sinus soon after its origin, the vein of Galen empties into the straight sinus. It drains the medial deep nuclei of the forebrain, the medial surfaces of the occipital and temporal lobes, and the superior surface of the cerebellum. Malformations of the vein of Galen are complex and are sometimes called aneurysms of the vein of Galen because of the great dilatation caused by the arteriovenous fistula component, but this term is not entirely accurate because the angiomatous portion is equally important and creates an AVM (167). Some malformations represent direct fistulas between the arteries and veins; others have an intervening vascular cluster or represent a venous malformation without arteriovenous shunting (see Fig. 13.5; Fig. 13.6) (168,169). Neuropathologic studies of the vein of Galen malformation show intimal thickening of the abnormal vascular channels, which could produce higher vascular resistance (170). Three distinct age-dependent presentations occur (171). Generally, the larger the arteriovenous shunt, the earlier the lesion becomes manifest clinically. Signs appearing during the neonatal period are primarily those of congestive heart failure (169,171,172). Shunting of a large volume of blood results in increased peripheral resistance and increased cardiac output. This produces high-output heart failure with cardiomegaly, a wide arterial pulse pressure, and a narrow arteriovenous oxygen difference (171). A loud, harsh, systolic or systolic-diastolic intracranial bruit, which is often heard without auscultation, is noted in a large proportion of neonates and in nearly every symptomatic infant.

FIGURE 13.6. Vascular malformation of the vein of Galen in a 3-day-old child. This full-term infant presented with a sudden change in level of consciousness, tachycardia, tachypnea, and cyanosis. There was a loud bruit over the cranium. Ultrasonography, sagittal view, demonstrates a massive malformation (arrow) that has pushed the choroid plexus (c) anteriorly. The right lateral ventricle and the temporal horn (t) are enlarged.

When signs of a vein of Galen malformation appear during early infancy, initial manifestations take the form of hydrocephalus (42%), seizures (26%), or distention and tortuosity of scalp veins (26%) (169). Hydrocephalus is caused by aqueductal obstruction by the vein of Galen or by subarachnoid adhesions associated with intracranial hemorrhage. The older child with a malformation of the vein of Galen presents with an acute subarachnoid hemorrhage, focal seizures, or headaches. Because in this age group the arteriovenous flow is relatively small, intracranial bruits are rare (169). C erebral atrophy and periventricular leukomalacia are not unusual and can be the result of a “steal phenomenon” (172).

Both MRI and MRA demonstrate the malformation. MRA is able to distinguish the high flow arterial feeding vessels from the low flow venous lesions. C onventional arteriography is performed as the initial component of the interventional procedure. In the neonate, the presence of a malformation of the vein of Galen can often be demonstrated by ultrasonography (see Fig. 13.6). Surgical treatment of the malformation has had poor results, with only 10% of infants surviving ligation of the feeding vessels. One-half of these infants were neurologically impaired (173). The poor outcome is in part because the vascular lesion is fed by all major cerebral vessels, both carotids and the vertebrobasilar circulation (see Fig. 13.5). With the development of precise invasive radiologic procedures for controlled transarterial embolization of synthetic cyanoacrylate compounds, the vascular malformation may be reduced significantly in size in some children (174). A minority of patients experience spontaneous thrombosis of the malformation in childhood without treatment (174,175), and rarely, adults have thrombosis of the straight sinus as late as 64 years of age (170).

FIGURE 13.7. A: Internal carotid angiogram demonstrating moyamoya syndrome (following irradiation) with complete carotid artery occlusion and distal collateral vessels (arrow). B: Anterior view MRA (from a different patient) shows occlusion of both internal carotid arteries (arrows) with filling of both middle cerebral arteries via the basilar artery. (Figure 13.7A reproduced from Roach ES and Riela AR. Pediatric cerebrovascular disorders, New York: Futura Publishers, 1995. With permission.)

At present, endovascular techniques with transarterial embolization of the malformation represent the primary treatment (177,178). Infants who present during the neonatal period fare less well than those who present later in infancy or in childhood (179), and this procedure is more successful in older infants (180). Even though in many instances embolization does not produce a cure, it still allows the neonate to develop to an age when more definitive surgical treatment can be attempted (181). When hydrocephalus develops, as it does not infrequently, the complication is treated by placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (178).

MOYAMOYA SYNDROME Moyamoya syndrome is a vasculopathy of the cranial arteries, typically the carotids, leading to progressive intracranial arterial occlusion with distal telangiectatic collateral vessels. These collateral vessels are visible as an angiographic blush distal to the occluded large artery (Fig. 13.7). This condition was first described by Takeuchi in 1963 and more fully delineated by Suzuki (182). [Moya-moya is a Japanese term, first used by Kudo. It refers to something hazy, “just like a puff of cigarette smoke drifting in the air” (183).] Moyamoya disease is not a single entity but is best considered to be a syndrome. Takeuchi and associates (184) and Gadoth and Hirsch (185) distinguished two forms, primary and secondary (moyamoya syndrome). Since then, moyamoya has been more accurately classified as a radiographic syndrome rather than a specific disease entity; often the term moyamoya disease is applied to children with no defined cause of their vasculopathy, and moyamoya syndrome is reserved for individuals with a known risk factor for the condition. Primary moyamoya disease with a strong hereditary predisposition is fairly common among Japanese patients (0.1 in 100,000 per year), and 10% of Japanese cases are familial, with transmission being autosomal dominant inheritance with low penetrance has been reported (186,187). Linkage in these families to 3p24.2-26 (MYMY1), 17q25 (MYMY2), and 8q24 (MYMY3) has been described (187,188,189,189a). Although moyamoya is more common in Asians, it has now been recognized in most populations. The nationwide Japanese survey conducted in 1995 suggested that there were around 4,000 individuals with moyamoya disease in Japan. The syndrome has occurred with several other conditions, some of which may prove coincidental (Table 13.4).

TABLE 13.4 Moyamoya Syndrome Risk Factors


Basilar meningitis Tuberculous meningitis Leptospirosis Cranial radiation therapy for optic pathway glioma Neurofibromatosis Tuberous sclerosis Brain tumors Fibromuscular dysplasia Polyarteritis nodosa Marfan syndrome Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Hypomelanosis of Ito Williams syndrome Cerebral dissecting and saccular aneurysms Sickle cell anemia β-thalassemia Fanconi anemia Apert syndrome Factor XII deficiency Type I glycogenosis NADH-coenzyme Q reductase deficiency Renal artery stenosis Down syndrome Coarctation of the aorta From Broderick J, Talbot T, Prenger E, et al. Stroke in children within a major metropolitan area: the surprising importance of intracerebral hemorrhage. J Child Neurol 1993;8:250–255. With permission.

The pathophysiology of moyamoya is unknown and may be multifactorial. The clinical features of moyamoya are both variable and nonspecific, depending in part on the rapidity of vascular occlusion, the availability of collateral flow, and the anatomic site of the infarction. Various focal neurological deficits are described, and the findings may be exacerbated by hyperventilation (190). Mental retardation is present in more than one-half of the cases, and patients with onset of cerebral ischemia before 4 years of age usually develop progressive mental retardation (191). Adults with moyamoya, on the other hand, more often develop an intracranial hemorrhage (190). About 20% to 30% of cases present with seizures (190). Initial diagnosis and periodic screening of moyamoya can be accomplished by MRI and MRA (Fig. 13.8). Standard angiography is useful especially when revascularization procedures are being contemplated. Untreated, transient ischemic attacks tend to lessen over the years, but intellectual deterioration and persistent motor deficits become progressively worse. Intellectual deterioration was noted in 65% of children who had moyamoya disease for longer than 5 years (192). Early onset of symptoms and hypertension were related to a poor prognosis, whereas the presence of seizures was not. C onversely, children with the transient ischemic attack form of moyamoya disease tend to do somewhat better in terms of mental status and activities of daily living (193).

FIGURE 13.8. Moyamoya disease. Axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in a 13-year-old with moyamoya. An infarct is visible on the left, at the border between the caudate nucleus and the internal capsule (arrow). Prominent signal voids are seen in the basal ganglia (small arrows). (C ourtesy of Dr. John C urran, Dept. Neuroradiology, C hildren's Memorial Hospital, C hicago.)

A variety of extracranial-intracranial bypass procedures have been proposed as treatment for moyamoya disease. These procedures produce direct, indirect, or combined anastomotic revascularization. Direct revascularization includes anastomosis of the superficial temporal artery or the occipital artery to the middle cerebral artery. Indirect bypasses, which are more or less effective, are encephalo-duro-arterio-synangiosis (EDAS), in which a piece of galea with a still-attached branch of the superficial temporal artery is fixed to the dura to provide another conduit for collateral blood flow, and encephalo-arteriosynangiosis, in which branches of the scalp arteries are used as donor arteries. C urrently, most younger children who require surgery undergo EDAS. Older patients with larger arteries often undergo a direct bypass attaching the superficial temporal artery–middle cerebral artery (STA-MC A) bypass (194,195). Other indirect bypasses include encephalomyo-synangiosis (EMS), in which a pedunculated temporalis muscle flap is placed over the temporoparietal lobe and omental transplantation. These procedures are often combined with direct or other indirect revascularization procedures. Indirect revascularization, technically less difficult, is used first in most Japanese centers, with direct anastomosis reserved for patients whose symptoms persist (196). f*ckui presented data from 821 patients in the Japanese moyamoya registry. Just over two-thirds of these patients were treated with various surgical procedures, while the remaining 23% were treated medically, and there was no difference in the outcome of the two groups (197). Thus, without controlled studies, it is hard to determine if any of the operations improve the outcome. Given that some patients do well without surgery, one sensible approach is to follow the cerebral blood flow reserve with single photon emission tomography (SPEC T) or positron emission tomography (PET) and perform surgery on those who become symptomatic or whose blood flow reserve dips beneath a certain level (195,198).

CAVERNOUS ANGIOMA C avernous angioma is frequently clinically silent, detected only incidentally by C T scan or MRI. Unlike other vascular malformations, cavernous angiomas have a significant familial incidence, compatible with transmission as a dominant trait (199,200). Three genes are associated with the familial cavernous angioma. CCM1 is responsible for some 40% to 50% of cases (201). It has been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 7q11.2-21 (202). It encodes a protein (Krit1) that appears to function as a tumor supressor and regulates angiogenesis (201,203). Other loci have been mapped to chromosome 7 p15-13 (CCM2), and 3q25.2-q27 (CCM3). When families carrying the CCM1 mutation are investigated with MRI, both clinical and radiological penetrance are generally found to be incomplete (204,205). Most cavernous angiomas in children occur in the cerebral hemispheres, and the long-term results of surgical resection are generally good (205). Surgery should be considered once the diagnosis is established in order to prevent catastrophic subsequent intracerebral hemorrhages. In the brainstem, once they become symptomatic, cavernous angiomas also may cause progressive morbidity from repeated hemorrhages and can even be fatal (206). After surgical resection, the vascular malformation may regrow and again become symptomatic, but complete excision is feasible, safe, and potentially curative in lesions located superficially and away from the floor of the fourth ventricle (206).

C avernous angiomas usually do not become clinically apparent until adult life. They were first described by Virchow in 1863 (206a). They are endothelial-lined vascular channels, variable in size and devoid of mature vessel wall elements, such as internal elastic, muscular, or adventitial layers; the thin-walled channels are separated by collagenous stroma and are filled with blood at various stages of thombosis and organization (206b,c). Patients generally present with seizures, less commonly as vascular accidents or severe headache. The lesion is responsible for 12% of intracranial hemorrhages owing to vascular anomalies (207). Most cavernous angiomas are located in the cerebral hemispheres. Typically, they involve the rolandic area (Fig. 13.9) and can accompany similar lesions in the retina, liver, kidneys, or skin (199,208).

FIGURE 13.9. Histopathologic section of a cavernous hemangioma within the brain parenchyma in the parietal lobe of a 7-yearold girl. Multiple closely clustered thin-walled vascular channels are seen that vary greatly in size but lack the muscular walls of arterioles, arteries, or veins. The lumina are filled with blood. Because of the large diameter and thin walls of these pathologic vessels, they are subject to rupture, causing intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage (Verhoeff–van Gieson stain, ×250 original magnification).

CAPILLARY ANGIOMAS AND TELANGIECTASIA Though the terms capillary angioma and telangiectasis (plural, telangiectasia) are used interchangeably by some authors, there is an important distinction both pathologically and in biological behavior (209). The neural tissue between the pathologic vessels in capillary angiomas is usually gliotic and contains no neurons; the cerebral parenchyma between vessels in telangiectasia is normal and includes normal neurons, a normal concentration of glial cells, and normal fibers, the ratios depending on the involved region of the brain. The vessels themselves are more constant in size and are morphologically consistent with capillaries in telangiectasia, whereas in angiomas, the vessels are more variable in diameter and many are thin-walled, resembling the smaller vessels of cavernous angiomas (see Fig. 13.9). Unlike capillary angiomas, telangiectasia always remain asymptomatic and never cause intraparenchymal hemorrhage, result in neurologic deficits, or behave as neuronal irritants to cause seizures. The most common site of telangiectasia is in the basis pontis, where they are usually discovered in children or adults as an unsuspected, incidental finding at autopsy. Much smaller than either AVMs or venous angiomas, capillary angiomas are usually found in the posterior fossa, particularly in the pons or medulla, occasionally in the cerebellum (67). This lesion, admixed with a venous angioma, constitutes the basic abnormality in Sturge-Weber syndrome (see C hapter 12). C apillary angiomas also can be found in the subependymal deep cortical region, where they tend to be solitary and often are discovered incidentally postmortem. Because of their location in the brainstem or subependymal region, they can be responsible for massive and catastrophic hemorrhage in these regions.

VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS CAUSED BY PERSISTENT OR ANOMALOUS The pattern of cerebrovascular circulation in the embryo and early fetus differs from the mature pattern because of the sequence of development of major cerebral arteries, which also results in changes in direction of blood flow in the basilar artery in particular. The changes in ontogenesis are illustrated in Fig. 13.10 and are explained in the legend. In addition to the maturational changes of major cerebral arteries, the microcirculation of the brain also undergoes an important developmental evolution (210,211). This evolution affects the vulnerability of the fetus and preterm infant to lesions seen rarely after 36 weeks' gestation, such as extensive white matter infarcts, periventricular leukomalacia, and germinal matrix hemorrhages. The penetrating vessels supplying the white matter of the cerebral mantle are mostly end-arterioles with few anastomoses, hence little collateral circulation, in the fetus and premature. The vascular channels of the germinal matrix are immature, thin-walled vessels rather than mature capillaries. Their thin endothelial cells are easily damaged by hypoxia and acidosis and often rupture during reperfusion after an episode of transient systemic hypotension. These factors are discussed more extensively in C hapter 5. Striatal arteries develop a muscularis wall at approximately 24 weeks' gestation, but most other cerebral vessels do not form a smooth muscular wall until the last few weeks of fetal life, and the muscularization of intracerebral arteries occurs in a centripetal direction (210). An uncommon and usually clinically silent anomaly sometimes discovered in the course of cerebral angiography and at times by MRA is a persistence of one of the three major transitory embryonic arteries that communicates between the internal carotid arteries and the basilar artery before the vertebral arteries are established (see Fig. 13.10A,B). The most rostral of this group of paired vessels, the trigeminal artery, is the most common (212,213,214) (Fig. 13.11), but persistence of the otic and hypoglossal arteries also occurs,

either individually or conjointly (215,216,217,218). Persistence of paired embryonic vessels may be unilateral or bilateral. Many variants are seen: The trigeminal artery may form mainly an anastomosis between the internal carotid and the superior or inferior cerebellar arteries (219,220,221,222,223). Although usually occurring as anomalies in patients with otherwise normal brains, a persistent

trigeminal artery occurs with greater frequency in holoprosencephaly (224). In other cases, it is reported in association with cerebellar malformations or hypoplasias (225).

FIGURE 13.10. A and B. Diagrams showing the changes in the posterior circulation of the developing human embryonic (6 weeks' gestation), fetal circulation. The carotid arterial system develops sooner than does the vertebrobasilar system, and the anterior part of the circle of Willis also develops late. The basilar artery forms by the fusion of a pair of parallel adjacent vessels at the base of the embryonic brain, the paired longitudinal neural arteries, to create the single, midline vessel at the base of the brainstem, by approximately 6 weeks' gestation. Blood flow in the paired longitudinal neural arteries, and initially in the basilar

artery, is rostrocaudal from the internal carotid arteries through a series of paired, transitory embryonic arteries that connect the carotid and basilar arteries; these vessels are called the trigeminal, otic, and hypoglossal arteries, named for the nerves with which they are associated anatomically. The posterior communicating arteries of the circle of Willis are not yet formed. Because of the embryonic pontine and cervical flexures, the carotid and basilar arteries are oriented nearly parallel and in close proximity, unlike the adult, facilitating the development of the embryonic communicating (i.e., trigeminal, otic, and hypoglossal) arteries; this relationship is best appreciated in the lateral view. The vertebral arteries form from a coalescence of paired plexuses of small, immature vessels, associated temporally with the formation of the vertebral neural arches, but they are not ready to provide complete blood flow into the basilar artery until approximately 8 weeks' gestation. At that time, a reversal of blood flow occurs in the basilar artery from rostrocaudal to caudorostral, the mature state. As this new direction of flow becomes established, the transient trigeminal, otic, and hypoglossal arteries progressively atrophy and disappear by approximately 9 weeks' gestation.

FIGURE 13.11. Persistent embryonic trigeminal artery in a 46-year-old woman. Left lateral views of left internal carotid injection of cerebral angiogram by selective catheterization. A large trigeminal artery (t) appears as an aberrant communication between the internal carotid (ic) and basilar (b) arteries. Distal arterial blood flow is seen in both the anterior (middle and anterior cerebral) and posterior (posterior cerebral) circulations after carotid injection. After vertebral injection, only a small amount of flow was seen in the basilar artery and posterior cerebral circulation, and the right internal carotid injection showed a pattern similar to that shown by the left carotid injection, demonstrating that the carotid arteries supply nearly all of the blood to the brain in this anomalous condition, as in the embryo. This circulatory pattern was entirely asymptomatic, and the woman was neurologically normal; this arteriogram was performed because of an unrelated small anterior communicating aneurysm (not shown) causing a mild subarachnoid hemorrhage for the first time in her life.

Although not a cause of neurologic deficit or symptoms in themselves, these anomalies of persistent fetal cerebral arteries render such patients vulnerable to more extensive and often life-threatening infarction in the event of carotid artery thrombosis because the carotid artery provides the main blood supply to posterior fossa structures and to the posterior cerebral artery territory as well as to its normal distribution to the middle and anterior cerebral territories. C arotid occlusion is most commonly caused by trauma or infection in childhood and to atherosclerosis in older adults. In some patients, a persistent trigeminal artery coexists with a saccular aneurysm or with an angioma to produce deficits of cranial nerves III, IV, V, or VI, and the associated vascular lesions may cause spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (226,227). In rare cases, multifocal AVMs of the brain have been described with persistent fetal carotidbasilar anastomoses (228). Agenesis of the carotid arteries is another developmental malformation that leads to either an aberrant blood supply of the internal carotid territories or to neurologic deficits resulting from poor development of supratentorial structures (227,228,229,230). It is important to recognize that the anterior and middle cerebral arteries develop embryologically as isolated vessels and only later acquire their connection with the internal carotid artery. The anterior cerebral artery develops in pharyngeal pouch 1 (somitomeres 3–4) and the middle cerebral artery in pharyngeal pouch 2 (somitomeres 5–6) (231). Stenoses, congenital aneurysms, and other defects at the branch points or connections but not involving the rest of the vessel more distally thus may have an ontogenetic basis in the sequence of development and the different genes that regulate their formation. Bilateral dissecting aneurysms of the internal carotid arteries might be a result of hypoplasia of these vessels or at least of stenosis of the supraclinoid segment (232). Various anomalous loops, kinks, or tortuosities in the internal carotid artery may occur during development and may cause neurologic symptoms secondary to ischemic atrophy of the involved hemisphere (233). Developmental dysplasias of the cerebrum are reported rarely in association with carotid agenesis, accompanied by facial hemangioma (234). True developmental agenesis of the carotid arteries, in contrast to acquired occlusions later in fetal or postnatal life, is generally associated with absence of the carotid canals at the base of the skull, which may be demonstrated radiographically or by C T scan (235). Anomalies of the circle of Willis are extremely common, being encountered in nearly 50% of autopsy cases; however, these are probably of no clinical significance in children.


The diagnostic evaluation should confirm the presence of a cerebrovascular lesion and perhaps identify the cause of the stroke. A child at increased risk for stroke faces decades of increased susceptibility, making the identification and treatment of risk factors relatively more important in children than adults. There are many known or suspected risk factors for cerebrovascular disease in children (Table 13.1), and it is not possible to discuss each in detail. Even a thorough diagnostic evaluation fails to identify a known risk factor in about one-third of the children with an ischemic infarction. A complete evaluation for hemorrhagic lesions, in contrast, is usually successful. Sometimes, a likely cause of the stroke is apparent from the start, as in a youngster already known to have sickle cell disease or congenital heart disease. In some individuals, multiple risk factors are present. The evaluation should begin with simple noninvasive tests with low cost and high yield. A complete blood count, for example, provides clues to a wide array of conditions such as polycythemia, hemoglobinopathy, infections, or isoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura. Hemoglobin electrophoresis should be done on patients at risk for hemoglobinopathy who have not had the test already. C omputed tomography is quickly done and readily available after hours. It will distinguish hemorrhagic from ischemic lesions but may fail to identify smaller ischemic lesions, especially soon after they occur. MRI is superior to C T for infarctions, and MRA is able to show abnormalities of the larger cerebral vessels. Doing both studies at times provides complementary information, but generally a C T is not necessary if MRI is available. Given the frequency of cardiac lesions in children with ischemic stroke, we usually consult a pediatric cardiologist and arrange for an electrocardiogram and chest x-ray. Ambulatory cardiac rhythm monitoring and echocardiography are sometimes useful, but their yield is low if the cardiac examination and earlier cardiac studies are normal. Lumbar puncture should be considered in children with acute focal deficit who do not have significant mass effect and when the earlier evaluation has failed to establish a cause. A lumbar puncture is key to the diagnosis of nonvascular disorders such as herpes simplex encephalitis that can mimic a vascular lesion. C SF analysis is particularly important in a stroke patient with unexplained fever or signs of central nervous system infection. C hronic meningitis or early tuberculous meningitis can present with stroke; bacterial meningitis often causes stroke, but not typically as the presenting sign. Syphilis serology is appropriate in adolescents with infarction; recent reports also link HIV to cerebrovascular dysfunction. MRA is ideal for patients at additional risk from standard angiography or for those whose diagnosis is already suspected. In children with sickle cell disease, for example, standard angiography could induce sickling of red blood cells, and an MRA may be adequate. A youngster with an unexplained intracerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage, on the other hand, should almost always undergo standard angiography because the risk of rebleeding from a missed AVM or aneurysm is far higher than that of an angiogram.

TREATMENT OF THE INFANT OR CHILD WITH A CEREBROVASCULAR DISORDER In some children, the underlying cause of stroke may be a greater initial management concern than the stroke itself, and with few exceptions, evidence-based treatment strategies are not yet possible. Supportive treatment should begin even before the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease is established, since large lesions can generate increased intracranial pressure and brainstem lesions, or extensive hemispheric lesions can lead to herniation. Special measures to control increased intracranial pressure are not usually indicated unless the patient is deteriorating from extensive edema. As with increased intracranial pressure from other causes, rapid reduction of the PaC O 2 by hyperventilation is the quickest way to lower intracranial pressure. Patients with a large cerebral hemorrhage and those with a cerebellar infarction or hemorrhage may benefit from surgical evacuation of the lesion. Steroids are not effective for cytotoxic edema and are not ordinarily used in stroke patients. The risk of seizures following an ischemic stroke is low. In a recent study of 581 adult ischemic stroke patients, a seizure occurred during the first week after the stroke in only 2.4% of patients. The risk of later seizures was 3.1% at one year and 5.5% within three years (236). Risks factors predictive of late seizures from this study included early acute seizures, presence of cortical signs, and large (more than one-half of the hemisphere). When these factors are considered, the risk of seizure at one year could range from 0% in those with no risk factors to as high as 33.3% when all three are present. Based in part on these data, we do not begin antiepileptic medication after an ischemic stroke. When seizures occur, a nonsedating antiepileptic medication is preferable. C hildren with subarachnoid hemorrhage due to an aneurysm or an AVM, on the other hand, should receive a prophylactic anticonvulsant because a seizure could increase the risk of rebleeding.

Anticoagulation The usefulness of anticoagulation in children with cerebral infarction depends on the likelihood a second infarction that might be prevented by treatment and on the risk of inducing a hemorrhage due to anticoagulation. Unfortunately, there currently are no published controlled treatment trials in children, but limited experience with anticoagulants and antithrombotic agents has shown that these agents can be safely used in children (237,238,239,240). Most of the time, either heparin is used initially followed by warfarin or the patient is maintained on low-molecular weight-heparin (LMWH) injections. How long to continue anticoagulation is usually arbitrarily decided, based on whether complications have occurred and on estimation of the degree of ongoing risk. Based partly on the approach used in adults, anticoagulation is often used in children with arterial dissection, dural sinus thrombosis, hypercoagulable disorders, or a high risk of embolism. Although intraparenchymal hemorrhage is common distal to a thrombosed sinus, there is little indication that anticoagulation worsens the bleeding, and there is increasing evidence for improved outcome. The strategy for using warfarin in children with cerebrovascular disorders also resembles that used in adults. Low-molecular-weight heparin (Lovenox, Rhone-Poulenc) can be given to children subcutaneously in two divided doses of 1 mg/kg/dose (or in neonates, 1.5 mg/kg every 12 hours) (240,241). Monitoring antifactor Xa activity and platelet counts are recommended (242). The loading dose of heparin is 75 units/kg intravenously followed by 20 units/kg/hour for children over 1 year of age (or 28 units/kg/hour below 1 year of age). The target activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) is 60 to 85 seconds. Platelet count should be monitored because of the associated risk of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (243). An international normalized ration (INR) of 2.0 to 3.0 is appropriate for most children on warfarin; for children with mechanical heart valves, the INR should be 2.5 to 3.5 (244).

Transfusion The risk of a second stroke due to sickle cell disease exceeds 50%, and individuals with very abnormal blood flow velocities on transcranial Doppler exhibit a 10% per year stroke risk (123,124,125). This increased stroke risk can be dramatically reduced by repeated transfusions to suppress the production of sickle hemoglobin below 30%, but eventual iron overload is a major concern that is only partially addressed by iron chelation. A less intense transfusion program designed to maintain a slightly higher percent of hemoglobin S (50% instead of 30%) may reduce the stroke rate yet delay the iron overload, but if transfusions are completely halted, the stroke risk evidently returns to a higher level. Hydroxyurea has shown some promise but is still under investigation.

Thrombolytic Agents There is little information about the effectiveness or risks of thrombolytic agents such as recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rTPA) in children, and there are reports of both dramatic successes and serious hemorrhagic complications from thrombolytic agents. If these agents are to be considered for use in children, they should as a minimum be subject to the same exclusions that apply to adults. Individuals with hemorrhagic infarction or those whose stroke began more than 3 hours earlier are typically excluded. Unfortunately, most children with ischemic infarction are not evaluated quickly enough to qualify for treatment even if there were good evidence of efficacy.

Antiplatelet Agents Aspirin is the commonly used antiplatelet agent in children, although none of these agents has been thoroughly studied in children (245). Nevertheless, aspirin is being used more and more in the routine clinical care of children with cerebral ischemic disorders, and daily low-dose aspirin seems to be fairly safe. Long-term aspirin has been recommended in older infants and children with ischemic infarction, whose stroke recurrence risk could be as high as 20% (10). On the other hand, just how well aspirin works in children and how much aspirin to use remain unanswered questions. Aspirin's effect on platelets does not begin for several days, so aspirin should not substitute for heparin when there is a high risk of a second embolus. A daily aspirin dose of 3 to 5 mg/kg/day administered acutely in children with stroke may reduce early recurrence. This dose can be reduced to 1 to 3 mg/kg for long-term prophylaxis.

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Editors: Menkes, John H.; Sarnat, Harvey B.; Maria, Bernard L. Title: Child Neurology, 7th Edition C opyright ©2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins > Table of Contents > Chapter 14 - Paroxysmal Disorders

Chapter 14 Paroxysmal Disorders Raman Sankar Susan Koh Joyce Wu John H. Menkes This chapter discusses conditions manifested by sudden, recurrent, and potentially reversible epileptic alterations of brain function.

EPILEPSY Epilepsy was known to the ancient Babylonians and was described by Hippocrates, who considered it a disease of the brain. Its history, related by Tempkin, spans that of medicine itself (1). Hughlings Jackson concisely defined epilepsy as “an occasional excessive and disordered discharge of nerve tissue” (2). More recently, epilepsy has been defined as recurrent convulsive or nonconvulsive seizures caused by partial or generalized epileptogenic discharges in the cerebrum. The epilepsies represent a group of diseases for which recurrent seizures represent their principal manifestation. Estimates of the incidence of epilepsy depend on whether a single convulsive or nonconvulsive episode and febrile seizures are included in the definition. According to Millichap, febrile seizures account for 2% of all childhood illnesses (3). More recent estimates of the prevalence of single and recurrent nonfebrile seizures in children younger than 10 years of age range from 5.2 to 8.1 per 1,000 (4,5). By age 40 years, the cumulative incidence is 1.7% to 1.9% (4,5).

Classification The epilepsies have been designated as primary (idiopathic), secondary (symptomatic), or reactive (Table 14.1). The term primary implies that, with the present knowledge, no structural or biochemical cause for the recurrent seizures can be found. In general, the primary epilepsies are genetically transmitted, and they tend to have a better prognosis for seizure control. The term secondary (symptomatic) epilepsy indicates that the cause of the seizure can be discovered. Such seizures are the principal manifestation of many diseases. They occur in the course of many congenital or acquired conditions of the nervous system, or they can complicate systemic disease. The designation of an epileptic condition as cryptogenic implies that the underlying etiology is symptomatic, but not readily demonstrable by available diagnostic techniques (6). In the reactive epilepsies, seizures are the consequence of an abnormal reaction of an otherwise normal brain to physiologic stress or transient insult. A notable example is febrile seizures. Not all epilepsies can be categorized conveniently. Some are atypical, others are rare, and for a significant proportion data necessary for classification are inadequate or incomplete. The characteristics for all epilepsies are recurrent convulsive or nonconvulsive seizures. The 1989 classification scheme of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) elected a hierarchy of dichotomies in which the initial categorization is based on whether the epilepsy is localization-related or generalized (6). This distinction was, in fact, made by Hughlings Jackson more than 100 years ago (7) (Table 14.2). Localization-related epilepsies (partial or focal) seizures are classified into simple, complex, and secondarily generalized. Simple partial seizures involve preserved consciousness, whereas complex partial seizures are those with impaired consciousness. The prevalence of the various seizure types is presented in Table 14.3. The descriptive classification of epileptic syndromes is extremely useful clinically. The so-called epileptic syndromes are distinctive in that they demonstrate characteristic age of onset, seizure types, electroencephalographic (EEG) features, and prognosis. This is particularly valuable in pediatric epileptology because the immature brain often produces stereotypic epileptic behaviors that are a function of its stage of development, rather than etiology. C hildhood syndromes can be considered as benign or catastrophic based on their responsiveness to treatment, the possibility of remission of seizures, and the long-term prognosis for normal cognitive development.

Etiology Recurrent seizures are thought to result from a genetic predisposition, underlying neuropathologic changes, and chemicophysiologic alterations in the nerve cell and its connections. Each of these factors is considered in turn. Attributed causes for epilepsy in children and adolescents are presented in Table 14.4 (8).

TABLE 14.1 Scheme for Organizing Epileptic Conditions

With Generalized Seizures

With Partial (Focal) Seizures

Primary (idiopathic) epilepsies

Without structural lesions; benign; genetic

Absence (petit mal) epilepsy Juvenile absence epilepsy Many generalized tonic-clonic seizures Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy Benign neonatal seizures

Benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (rolandic epilepsy) Childhood epilepsy with occipital spikes

Secondary (symptomatic) epilepsies

With anatomic or known biochemical lesions

Infantile spasms LennoxGastaut syndrome

Temporal lobe (psychom*otor) epilepsy Epilepsies caused by gray matter heterotopias, polymicrogyria Epilepsies caused by focal postasphyxial gliosis

Conditions with reactive seizures

Abnormal reaction of an otherwise normal brain to physiologic stress or transient epileptogenic insult

Febrile seizures Most toxic- and metabolicinduced seizures Many isolated tonic-clonic seizures Early posttraumatic seizures

Partial seizures occur when conditions with reactive seizures are superimposed on transient or preexisting nonepileptogenic brain injury, as often seen with head trauma, hypernatremia, hypoglycemia

Adapted from Engel J. Seizures, epilepsies and the epileptic patient. Philadelphia: FA Davis, 1989.

TABLE 14.2 Classification of Epileptic Seizures

1. Partial (focal or local) seizures

Simple partial seizures Seizures with motor signs Seizures with somatosensory or special sensory symptoms Seizures with autonomic symptoms or signs Seizures with psychic symptoms Complex partial (psychom*otor) seizures Simple partial onset followed by impairment of consciousness Seizures with impairment of consciousness at outset Partial (focal) seizures evolving to secondarily generalized (tonic-clonic, grand mal) seizures Simple partial (focal) seizures evolving to generalized (grand mal) seizures Complex partial (psychom*otor) seizures evolving to generalized (grand mal) seizures Simple partial (focal) seizures evolving to complex partial psychom*otor seizures evolving to generalized seizures 2. Generalized seizures (convulsive and nonconvulsive) Absence seizures Typical absences (petit mal attacks) Atypical absences (atypical petit mal attacks) Myoclonic seizures Clonic seizures Tonic seizures Tonic-clonic seizures (grand mal seizures) Atonic seizures (akinetic or astatic seizures) 3. Unclassified epileptic seizures

From Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy. Proposal for revised clinical and electroencephalographic classification of epileptic seizures. Epilepsia 1981;22:489. With permission.

Genetic Factors Numerous studies suggest that the genetic susceptibility to seizures is normally distributed in the general population, and that there is a threshold above which the condition becomes clinically evident. An interaction between one or more genes and various nongenetic events operates in several conditions accompanied by seizures. These include head trauma, brain tumors, and congenital hemiplegia (9,10). Genetic factors appear to be most significant in patients with the various primary epilepsies (11). The various nonprogressive hereditary epilepsies are summarized in Table 14.5 (12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30). In one study, Lennox and Lennox found a 70% concordance for monozygotic twins and 5.6% concordance for dizygotic twins for epilepsies without organic brain lesions (31). Metrakos and Metrakos found a 12% incidence of seizures among parents and siblings of children with absence seizures; 45% of siblings had an abnormal EEG. They proposed that this EEG abnormality is an expression of an autosomal dominant gene with nearly complete penetrance during childhood and low penetrance in infancy and adult life (32). Gerken and Doose, interpreting data derived from their clinic, concluded that it was unlikely that a single autosomal dominant gene was responsible for the 3-Hz spike and wave trait and suggested a polygenic inheritance with neurophysiologic and genetic heterogeneity (33). Indeed, at least three genes for absence epilepsy have been mapped at this point in time (see Table 14.5) (34,35).

TABLE 14.3 Prevalence Rates Per 1,000 of Specific Seizure Types in Children Aged Newborn to 9 Years

Seizure Type

All types


Ohtahara et al. (1981)a

Cowen et al. (1989)

Kurland (1959)

8.21 (n = 2,378)

5.24 (n = 626)

5.79 (n = 29)



Primary generalized



Grand mal




Petit mal


















With elementary symptomatology




With complex symptomatology













Secondary generalized Lennox-Gastaut syndrome Infantile spasms (West syndrome) Others

Secondarily generalized


n, total number of prevalent cases in children aged 0 to 9 years. Includes single and recurrent afebrile seizures. From Cowen LD, Bodensteiner JB, Leviton A, et al. Prevalence of the epilepsies in children and adolescents. Epilepsia 1989;30:94. With permission.

In families with centrotemporal spikes or sharp-wave discharges and rolandic seizures, EEG abnormalities are transmitted in a dominant manner with age-dependent penetrance (11). Only 12% of relatives with EEG abnormalities, however, develop clinically apparent seizures. This type of seizure has been mapped to chromosome 10q22-q24, with the defective gene being LGI1 (36). A significant genetic predisposition also occurs in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, in photosensitive seizures, and in the various other primary generalized epilepsies. In seizures

with secondary generalization, the genetic factors, although demonstrable through controlled twin studies, are not as striking as in the primary generalized epilepsies. However, even in absence epilepsy, in which the genetic factor is most prominent, the overall risk of developing seizures is only 8% for siblings of affected subjects and 2% in as yet unaffected siblings older than 6 years of age (37). For offspring of subjects with absence seizures, the risk for EEG abnormalities is 64% and for seizures is 6.7% (38). When promazine is used to activate the EEG, 73.5% of 7- to 14-year-old siblings of subjects with idiopathic absence seizures develop an abnormal EEG (39).

TABLE 14.4 Attributed Causes for Epilepsy in Children and Adolescents by Sex: Prevalent Cases, 1983




Cause Number




















CNS malformation









Ch. Neurology (7th Ed.) - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)


What are red flags in neurological examination? ›

Change in behavior. Fatigue. Change in balance or coordination. Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs.

How hard is it to learn neurology? ›

Becoming a neurologist is almost as hard as actually practicing as a neurologist due to rigorous neurology education requirements. An examination of U.S. medical students and residents found that they considered neurology one of the most difficult medical specializations.

What are the five components of a neurological examination? ›

Routine neurological exams performed by registered nurses during their daily clinical practice include assessing mental status and level of consciousness, pupillary response, motor strength, sensation, and gait.

How to write a neuro assessment? ›

Documentation of a basic, normal neuro exam should look something along the lines of the following: The patient is alert and oriented to person, place, and time with normal speech. No motor deficits are noted, with muscle strength 5/5 bilaterally. Sensation is intact bilaterally.

What are four things neurologists check during a neurological exam? ›

Generally speaking, the following nerves and bodily functions are tested:
  • Cranial nerves. Everyone has twelve cranial (brain) nerves. ...
  • Motor system and coordination. ...
  • Sensation. ...
  • Cognitive abilities, memory and mind. ...
  • Vegetative nervous system.
May 4, 2023

What is the most sensitive indicator for the neuro exam? ›

A change in the patient's LOC is the most sensitive indicator of a neurological problem. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR) Score are useful tools to evaluate a patient's LOC.

Is neurology a lot of math? ›

Advanced math is mandatory, either calculus or statistics or both. Biology, chemistry, physics, organic chemistry and microbiology are also common requirements. Electives focusing on human anatomy or the brain's function, such as cognitive psychology, are good choices for future neurologists.

Is neurology harder than psychology? ›

As a person who started off as a psychology major and then became a neuroscience major, neuroscience is 10x harder. Psychology just requires memorization and reading. Theres not a lot of math involved except statistics.

Can you be a neurologist without going to med school? ›

What education is required to become a neurologist? Neurologists typically need a bachelor's degree, a degree from a medical school, which takes 4 years to complete, and, 3 to 7 years in internship and residency programs. Medical schools are highly competitive.

Why do neurologists look in your eyes? ›

Evaluating how your eyes and pupils work together and separately can tell your medical provider if the nerves and muscles controlling your eyes are functioning properly or suffering from a dangerous condition or disease.

What is the follow finger with eyes test? ›

Using a Finger for the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test at a DWI Stop. The HGN test measures the steadiness of your eyes while you follow an object with your eyes. Officers often use their finger or perhaps a pen for this test because they can easily see your eyes while providing an object for you to follow.

What is the finger to thumb neurological test? ›

The Hoffman sign refers to the results of the Hoffman test. This test is used to determine whether your fingers or thumbs flex involuntarily in response to certain triggers. The way that your fingers or thumbs react may be a sign of an underlying condition affecting your central nervous system.

What are the 5 P's of neuro assessment? ›

The 5 P's acronym is used systematically in a neurovascular assessment to assess compartment syndrome's presence. The P's refer to pain, pallor, pulse, paresthesia, and paralysis. Pain is commonly rated on a 10-point scale and can be disproportionately severe in the case of compartment syndrome.

How do you pass a neuro test? ›

Neuropsychological Test Preparation
  1. Get a good night's sleep, since being tired affects how you think.
  2. Eat a good breakfast.
  3. Don't drink anything with alcohol in it the night before the test.
  4. Ask your doctor about whether you can take any medications, including sleep medicine, the night before.
Nov 5, 2022

What questions are asked during a neurological assessment? ›

Examples of specific subjective questions for the older adult include the following:
  • Have you ever had a head injury or recent fall?
  • Do you experience any shaking or tremors of your hands? ...
  • Have you had any weakness, numbness, or tingling in any of your extremities?

What are 5 red flag symptoms? ›

Examples of red flag symptoms in the older adult include but are not limited to: fever, sudden unexplained weight loss, acute onset of severe pain, neural compression, loss of bowel or bladder function, jaw claudication, new headaches, bone pain in a patient with a history of malignancy or that awakens the patient from ...

What are clinical red flag warning signs? ›

Signs and symptoms
  • Morning stiffness & backache, or multiple joint problems (pain / stiffness / swelling ). No improvement with rest.
  • Generally unwell.
  • Associated skin rash, inflammatory bowel disease, eye problems, (uveitis / conjunctivitis), urethritis.
  • Sacroiliac pain / tenderness.
  • Altered blood results.

What is the first red flag for MS? ›

The early signs and symptoms of MS can be the same for women and men. One of the more obvious first signs of MS is a problem with vision, known as optic neuritis. This is often because it's a more concrete symptom as opposed to vaguer neurological symptoms like numbness and tingling.

What are abnormal neurological findings? ›

Structural, biochemical or electrical abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord or other nerves can result in a range of symptoms. Examples of symptoms include paralysis, muscle weakness, poor coordination, loss of sensation, seizures, confusion, pain and altered levels of consciousness.

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