Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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3327722 FOR RESULTS- OVER 20000 CIRCULATION EVERY DAY I2-C FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM Thursday Evening November 29 1973 IT'S SO EASY TO PLACE STAMELEGRAM CLASSIFIED DIAL A artments Furls 47 I Building Materials 441 ILoans 431 1 Miscellaneous 361 IFixtures 1 Miscellaneous 36 I I Ty Radio Hi-F1 27C I Antiques II Art 21A Firewood-36E Portable at Metal Buildings WRECK for material VS 935 LARGE 1 bedroom it nimbi deco eted must bee 10 111431011illo Adults cletA)It 96-11A9 A erre FIREPLACE wood tor sale Call 244-1949 or 534 412I sitf-t) Christmas cashP We make loans on vuur siondture Union nthe lit HOLISICNI I BUY 1st Lien notes on citV and suhut ban property 331-5i6S tritilonient Mortgane Loans Venture Caultal Wes Garner Ridgiee Bank Bldg Co 131-y4b2 The Choice and Unusual at WiSHINti WELL Collectors Plates and antiques Open Sunda 2 to 6 'till Christmas 4612 Camp Bowie Blvd 727-SOSI LOUIS XVI Berger Checrywood oavenhort 2 rnakisinq arm chairs with closed upholstered skin 1350 4611077 IRooms for Rent 45 I GARAGE SALE clathing miscellaneou bhoes te a12B dresses sae II 206 Carter Aviv GARAGE SALE Friday Slirddv aId Sunday Rain or snine utni lure clothes rnisCrIIe)V Ien 921 Bowman Srainos Rd Isamu' dole GARAGE SALE 290S Handley Dr 000d rollassav bed tots ot Avon and other miscolianeous Gilts for Christ MdS Tape recorder OAK Fitoorood deilvered Comte ti 617 Stewart Atte 444 4423 FIRE PLACL wood tot utio Ld 246-19o9 or S34-4121 I Building Materials 44j I Photo Equipment 31 I SOUTH PLAZA APTS Furnished or unfurnished efficiency 2 bedroom nt ceniral reet-air across from Seminary Souls close to bus schools day nurseries Swimming pont ChIldien voolLowed WO Thornhill 924 AIM THE-ATACATOTF)OR and 2 bedroom ants redecorated close to bus child care on main traffic artery Call today sil Tierney Rd 451-17111 451371S lI REFRIOFRATED PO case 12 serving counter 8367311 WALK-IN cooler IWO S1730 5123 Lain-aster ei1720 COMPLETE used laundry equipment for sale or trade 2641644 12 OPERATOR beauty shop quipment tor sale dryers hydraulics stations includes carrousel and supDlieS 27S0641 DONUT SHOP equipment for Sele1 Moline machine Jr 170 with cutters 1 Wells fry layter 24 In 1 Proof box 1 glazer 1 screen holder 3 flour bins 2 lelly makers one 6 qt mixer with all attachments) 1 cash register 2 deluxe show cases 1 cutting board 1 screen holder 1 water trough II donut screens donut racks 1 water fountain 1 dishwasher with 2 way sink and many extras Quitting business all Items in excellent condition Can he seen on ocation until December 16 Call 325-1996 325-3661 Mineral Welts Texas PANASONIC Stereos 878 scratched in shipment 4 only at this price beautiful walnut pece component stereo AMFM stereo receiver 4 speed turntable 8- track tape lacks Was 11S9 Now anly S78 cash or easy terms arranged World Wide Stereo Center 2237 Division At-Homan ViSi7421 5515 Camp Bowie at l720 131-278S Oren weekdays till 8 Saturday till 6 STEREO SALE- consoles and components priced low for Christmas sate Easy terms Curtsinger's TV and Anoliances 150D SOVElnill 834- 1180 USED COLOR TV'S guaranteed Curtsingerls TV and Appliances 'SOO Sylvania 834-1180 RENT black-white TV S1395 month with option to buy Color 11 Mart 3016 Vaughn Blvd 531-2871 Sansut 4 channel receiver AMF-ki radio VD watts like new $300 257 6909 536-0969 MILLIMETER camera cost SOO other photo items all hellorice 731- 1993 WE BUY sell trade ensdhino Photoot aphic Parr's Lameras 896 Cooper Arlinoton 2614131 New LOCatiOn Sale MITZIEis DOLLS 1 ANTIQUES TRADE GALLERY 1013 Hencierson 835-2901 even i 651 -6833 Buy Sell Trade or Consignment iTtH and latH Century English furniture SIO0 to $1200 232-so01 CROSS COLINIRY antiques We self We buy-auction estate shoos Marion Jackson Drionino Springs ed Anhaue Cote 4919-A Canto Bowie Blvd Round tables sideboards Victorian pieces French curio cabinets and lots of Other "Goodies" Come by to see Closed TuesdaYs HEIRLOOM SHOP Stained glass iamds windows Fine glass and china Beautiful lewelrY 10 to 6 23S6 Roberts Cut-Ott Sdoo in roar 1 Jewelry Stones 38 I CHARLOTTE APS Large 1 and 2bedrootn on bus $23 week bills paid 534-6183 926-6419 APTS Large clean 113adroom on bus S25 week bills paid 534 6183 332593 RIVERSIDF lovely 12 bedro0111 carpet carport 8145433 838 S229 RIVER OAKS nice 1 bedroom aP1 bills paid store 90S LARGE 3 r9onleylk1000-1006 LAKtoL room ll 1 NICE front bedroom private en-Nellie carpet gentleman S36 3168 RVAN PLACE front room ssell furnished bMh shower kitchen bus Sea 971 1386 SOUTH SIDL Nice room kitchen S40 month 976-5461 SOUTHSIDE employed lady Attar my home private bath bus well hohted iitrovt 9218184 ARL HIS garage apt bedroom bath no kitchen bills paid 737-5655 PRIVATE man S9 entrence snow1 er nerinf 3(00 ath 7381101 I 1936 FOREST PARK nitzely furnished private entrance Gentleman 923 6 7 J9 1211 5th Ave 2 rooms sink refrigerator in room SIO-S12 332-6710 CLEAN Bachelor apt verything furnished bilis paid private parking 926-5866 ARETS in private home COAVenlent to Carswell central air-heat elm-flayed gentleman 738-6992 1017 Sth AVE Private bath entranre refrinerator gararte LARGE MASTER bedroom air zgnditioner private bath entrance steam heat 1 or 2 men 7182501 GENTLEMAN nrivate entranCe den bath air 8311-6610 atter RICHLAND Hills bedroom central heat home away from home 281- 008 I Air Cond Heat 27D 1 4761 SIZES 8-18 1 iI 0 xe 46 ee i i 6 I 1 I -s 4761 SIZES 8-18 els hills paid 737-0905 Portable or Metal Buildings TRASH and treasure stuff some tree Sattndav and name SII1V 2000 lbs of wrought Iron posts rails and grills at near scrap iron prices Funiture toys CI OttleSt SIC 2IS9 J8CkSbOICI Hwy l'keECLENT USED EXTERIOR1 DOORS FOR SALE SIZE 3-0 6-8 6 LIGHT DOORS 3 FT 8 ROBERT GUYLER CO 3333 VICKERY CEDAR SHAKE 2 full squares 24 inCh in bundles 448838 USED CE DAR luirluer tor sale 254-4x4-1x12 good condition 20c board ft 732-0681 SO SLIDER windows 60 In wide 44 in high S127S Many other sizes Ben Carter Co 2220 West Vickery 338- 9037 ONE house for sale to be moved Individual 293-0509 THREE houses tor sate to be moved Individual 293-0509 NEW and used plumbno Miller 5436 Jacksboro Hwy MA 4-0571 NEED a Portable Building? Call Atlas 034-8244 284-0167 CORRUGATED fiberglass panels 29e8 $2 60 26x10 $325 26xI2 S390 5Ix10 S650 5Ix12 $180 Stonegate SWiMMIIICI Pool 533 Bedford Rd RAILROAD TIES You haul or deliver 292-1956 or 451-1610 Coffee Service N-OFFICE SERVICE dispensers In tailed In 10 locations Excellent inOrne Total price $1695 (214) 241- 033 14OWCASES and display cabinets counters oondolas We buy fixtures Always a good supply on hand Used counters for store home or shoo 2000 Block White Settlement Rd Fort Worth Fixture Showcase Co Vs block rluth on Foch 332-0245 HEATING UNIT REPAIRS All types gas Or electric We service Fort Worth and all outlyino cities Circle 478 0091 or 332-9491 CASH for air conditioners furniture heaters working or not 132-33149 WILL PAY uo to 51n0 for refrigerated air conditioner 1334-4391 MALE LIBERATION From dull gitt QIVnQ Qiiti truly unidue it handmade by our senior citizens Thunderbird Craft Center's Stuft-nSuch Shoo 2601 Lancaster 536 6501 Hours 11 a m11 pm 7 d4ys Also discount paint tools supplies for metal and woodwork-GARAGE SALE Friday Saturday and Sunday Miscellaneous Items 1212 Walker Or Hurst ST PAUL garage sale and Christmas Bazaar November 30 DeLeinher 1 4840 River Oaks Blvd GARAGE' SALE Friday and Saturday 1130 1200 furniture household goods clothing light fixtures 813 HenSon Dr Hurst GARAGE SALE color TV play pen bicycles etc 4905 Lubbock For Sale baby bed mattress and bumper pads Also high chair All In good condition 3643 Harley One block off Montgomery (Att tits-) HURST garacie sale 779 Simmons two folding school cafeteria tables furniture clothes and miscellaneous Saturday only GARAGE SALE 906 Cannon Euless Antiques collectables glassware McCoys shotgun golf clubs dishes etc Friday Saturday and Sunday GARAGE SALE Saturday end Sun o11111 SUPER GARAGE sale toys oiris clothing 12 to 5 daily 3016 Condos TRASH and treasure stuff some free! Saturday and Sunday only 2000 lbs of wrought Iron posts rails Prm ilIS at near c-1 iron ori-ss Furniture toys clothes WC 2159 laetwssra Garage Sale 3012 Jennines NAVAHO Squash Blossom necklace' only $250 dISO rings braceiets and dies watch banes Marie Baca 292-4104 HAVE BEAUTIFUL Opal diamond ruby dome type dinner ring in to sell Trade for good car or solitaire diamond Can pay cash difference Fowler 261-9861 days 261-7447 nights YELLOW GOLD So Mare ring 49 carat blue-while diamond is flawless 732-0425 OUT OF Pawn baroains in diamonds We buy sell or trade Prince Jewelers Inc 501 Main 332-3937 ANTIQUE AFRICAN TRADE BEADS Strands or loose Turquoise Indian lewelry Beads Imported Venetan mosaic beads arid iewelrY Jewelry findings Lowest prices The Museum Rock Shoo 9923 Highway 80 West 244-1035 DIAMOND WRIST Watch like new certified appraisal half price 73iIY93 WEDDING RINGS appraised at 1100 will sell for $805 2843429 or 284-4623 FoR SALE wadnino rini set cosi $600 sell for $250 293-1150 after 5 IMusical Instruments 281 lOil Field Equipment 341 WANTED 1 Mavhew 1000 or 1500 rIO complete Will pay cash Contact A Ashton 817-591-5210 1 Misc Machinery 35 I clean 3 mom convenient to stores and bus $16 50 per weel plus $15 deposit 451-298 EXTRA nne 3 room carpeted bills paid 536-1046 FREE APT BILLS PAID Plus $IO week for 20 hours maintenance work Single Near GI) 246 4444 R1DGMAR SQUARE BEHIND THE wall tor those wile want the vary best 7374007 SOUTH nice bdchelor clatoge ant Bills paid S1750 deposit $15 2416 ienninos 024-3093 SOUTH SIDE 3 rooms and bath bills paid 924-5319 2835 AVE A clen call atter 4 pm 246-6508 or 451-5982 SOUTHSIDE 1 bedroom duplex 575 mrnth 474 irvtno 214 05 ti 'GARAGE APT furnished bills paid 4632 Washburn 1 BEDROOM apt bills Paid 923 047 GARAGE APT adults no Pots bills paid 535-0797 or 923-2114 ARL HTS guts 2-roorns and tile bath carnet air adult no pets t95 month 835 deposit gas and water raid 738-6780 3716 Oth St CAEB-Wards 7th Paneled 1-2 bedroom duplexes 924-96411 926-4285 OAKHURST Lovely front bedroom Private trance mature adult 8311649 NICE PRIVATE room and bath for rent or exchange for work for student 921-9917 TRY MOTEL LIVING Weekly rates vented heat mild service free Ice Shady Motel 4036 Belknap SAVE Sutherland Lumber International Harvester Co Industrial Equipment Parts and Service Haltom City 265-0902 NEW used rebuilt nail and staple guns Air compressors Hose and it-twigs Staples and nails for all brands of air and hand guns 237- 6010 INTERNATIONAL Dozer TDISA 10 ft hydraulic blade $4500 924-2540 after 7 pm 12 VOLT 1000 lb power lift 834-2311 IBusiness Oppors 401 HOBART cable piano small Spinet like new SSOO 624-2562 trt4AND piano spinet type 88 keys 473-1'09 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 5 Piece set of drums must sell 244- 5046 LUNAPLEIE set blue pearl drums hke new SILO 461-0330 vLJRLI i'ZER double keyboard different keyboard sounds exeot conoltion 283-3943 MUST SELL 12 string guitar fine instrument 921-8097 SPANISH stereo repossessed AM-FM tape and changer 53 week Gateway TV 3506 Alta Mere 244- 5111 GOOD UPRIGHT practice piano for sale Call 477-2598 or can be seen at 1401 Palm St Mansfield WE BUY PIANOS AND ORGANS Prompt appraisals cash 451-4500 REPOsSESSIONs-rent returns-plan es-834-1916 Rent Headquarters Instruments Rent applies to purchase-No RETIRED leacher would like to share home with comnatible employed older woman Will consider part time employed lady 282-7436 MOTEL 87 week refrigerator also small house les acre 624-3056 Before You Invest INVESTIGATE Baker Antiques OPENING DECEMBER 1 1973 ANTIQUES-ART-COLLECTIBLES Open 10 AM to 5 PM Closed Tuesday and Sunday PHONE 737-3351 3550D 7th St Fort Worth Texas (Formerly Bette Farmer Shopoe) EASU RE AISLE Yesteryear's Prices toddy! Nickeiodeon love seat washstand glass china nut items hall tree brass cash register dolls etc 4620 Lancaster 53S-5262 HEMPHILL ANTIQUES Bedroom suites 5i39 to Sane 2929 Hemphill 926-0081 SALE many years noted for beautiful antiques has something new: "The Lacquer Door" European antiques under the direction of Dicken-205 Sale Street IT IS WITH deep regret I must lose my shop but it is with pleasure I announce that the new owner Norma Baker will re-open With a line collection of antiques and collectibles My grateful thanks to all of my customers and My humble thank you to the wonderful help from all the girls who worked with me both "paid" and "volunteer" Special thanks to our gallery artists business associates and the cooperation always of my fellow dealers It Is Imoossible to reach each of you personally so may Simply "May the Spirit of Christmas good health and love of family and friends be with you always" Sincerely BETTE FARMER IRoom and Board 46 I OPEN HOURS WEEKDAYS 8 l'IL 8 Saturday to 5 665 Vickery 332-1153 Kitchen end den carpet SQ yd 5295 Portland cement 94 lbs $165 2x2 Lineal ft Oa 5x5 Bath well board $350 14" Finished paneling $595 402 Plasterboard $134 HAUL AND SAVE Redl mix cement 90 lbs 5145 Insulation per 100 so ft $495 413412 pFirstrertbolleaprder box S585 $124 Insulation per 100 so ft 12)02 Floor tile per box 4x041 plasterboard DELICIOUS food family style Pood beds WA 4-9113 3008 Hemphill 1 Apartments Film 41 1 Rouse studs 2x4 Concrete steps Concrete steps per step $235 Clothes line post hair S1220 A BUILDING MATERIAL CENTER It Costs You Nothing For a Report From the Better Business Bureau Of Fort Worth Inc Fort Worth Texas 76101 709 Sinclair Med 332-7585 CAFE FOR sale Inquire at 3006 Belknap FOR Sale Excallent ladies' dress shop In superior location 336-4448 FiNA truck stop tor lease 2 bay high volume Northeast area 625- '670 MUST SELL very profitable ARCADE-recreation business Owner moving Over $1500 a month profit potential ideal family business Bargain at $5000 Will consider Part down or partial real estate equity trade 674-2057 FINA STATION on Jacksboro Hwy for lease 2 bays good potential 6250670 WILL TRADE established Hallmark Card and Gift shop for property of equal value call 817-274-3019 after 6:30 MICHIGAN 55 loader with cab 36500 AC model grader 32500 TD-9 Series International Bulldozer $4500 Joe Bailey Equipment Weatherford Texas 594-8274 LINCOLN 200 amp portable welder recent Big 3 malor Overhaul 277-9327 Arlington Call after 6 pm 200 TON Chicago press brake hydraulic 14 ft 3 years old 624-7211 LEARN auctioneering See id In Class 10 WELDING ma-tine 50 ft trailer all steel Lo-Boy 4 axle Victory cut and torch gauges Call after a pm 284- 4401 MUST SELL due to business new 24 8 Hanover flat-bed gooseneck lowboy trailer loading ramp electric brakes spare tire 6 wheels 817- 834-2053 after 3 6036 Belknap Space C8 WHITNEY hand sheet metal punches like new $1250 237-1220 CAT 12E Grader direct start sliding moldboard 4-speed reverse $15250 CRISP EQUIPMENT CO 838-6919 RAY'S SALVAGE CENTER AT1 ER By ANNE ADAMS Be an elegant mandarin with a frog-fastened tunic dress or the long version that's sumptuous alone or over pants Slits are optional bit of drama Printed Pattern 4761: Misses' Sizes 8 10 12 14 16 18 Size 12 (bust 34) takes 2 yards 45-inch fabric Send 75 cents for this pattern Add 25 cents to each pattern for air mail and special handling Send to Anne Adams Fort Worth Star-Telegram 185 Pattern Dept 243 17th St New York NY 10011 1 2 or 3 Room Apts-47A EFFICIENCY apts Ideally located across street from Amon Carter Museum reasonably priced 3520 Camp Bowie Blvd 732-2271 WESTSiDE nicely furnished 1 bedroom duplex $70 838-6541 WAVSIDE INN Saginaw 1 bedroom fuxnishert $13250 month $50 dePosit water paid Roy River Oaks Rental 624-8448 NICE GARAGE apartment bills paid 927-7936 BACHELOR! Private clean new shag Spanish turniture walk-ins quiet $10950 478-2331 451-9538 2603 VICKERY 3 room duplex $15 weekly clean ocen 738-5298 SOUTHSIDE 2 rooms bills Paid $1350 plus deposit 292-2883 BACHELOR Apt $80 332-4937 An Apartment For A Shy Person? You Bet! Who wouldn't be shy with the present nelnhbors you have? Want to find an apartment that hasn't been attached by a mass case of sleeping sickness? Call Apartment Selector We have the most complete details on available apartments in this city and we can even tell you about the neighbors Its FREE: our fees are paid by the property owners So don't be shy call us right away What you want Is what you pet from the smallest to the largest! Musk Co 4750 Belknao 8341974 Seminary South 926-2673 ix Flaqs Mill 274-8236 PIANOS AND ORGANS WANTED Spot cash 534-1719 EXPERT piano organ moving Reasonable 5341719 GIBSON SG custom guitar $200 alto $50 246-3078 FOR SALE-bass fender guitar Custom Charger like new amp 469-9378 BASS AMPLIFIER SALE Was Now Sunn 2000s $1349 S74950 Earth 018 5699 $475 Kasino 150 $495 $350 Fender Bassman Ten $399 $299 Traynor Bassmate S225 $150 McBRAYER MUSIC BOX Terms Available Open till 7 KING base trombone attachment trigger good condition 926-8591 YAMAHA 12 string guitar good shape 926-3643 KENT electric guitar and Amp very good condition $35 923-7912 mu rt pt 1 Terms Available Open till 7 KING base trombone attachment trigger good condition 926-8591 YAMAHA 12 string guitar good shape 926-3643 KENT electric guitar and Amp very good condition $35 923-7912 814-2684 8345481 BUILDING MATERIAL BARGAINS PLYWOOD SPECIALS 4x8x14 in hardboard $250 4x8x3 116 presswood $165 4x8x3e In exterior plywood $150 4x8x12 in exterior plywood $395 4x8x51 in exterior plywood $550 2x4x8 it 68c each 4x8x34 In plywood exterior $585 2x4x8 ft 4x8x34 In plywood exterior SPEC AL price on this 8x16 Morgan building lined and wired 5400 Hwy 1214 P24-5517 SET OF DISHES and cookware Noritake progression homecoming Pattern $100 284-3429 or 284-4621 Fabulous Garage Sale All but the house must got 281-9283 3605 Wasme Ct Bedford TANGLEWOOD garage sale 4117 Glenwood Dr Friday and Saturday 9 to 6 Sunday 1 PM Aluminum storm door S5 refrigerator $IO rubber giants etc etc etc POOL TABLE for sale and refrigerator 275-1479 After 6 MOVING Garaoe sale refrigerator TV dinette bed etc 913 Billie Ruth Hurst ATTENTION flea market buyers qa- rage sale 3101 Yellowstone Dr1 Woodland West Arlington 261-6310t November 30-December 1 2 mini bikes and numerous items GARAGE sale Lots of baroains including 72 ft chain link fence And good piano 1925 Lexinoton Bedford MOVING SALE everything goes 8 rooms furniture etc daily until sold 1322 Hemphill 926-5074 IMiscellaneous 361 ISport Bicycles Toys---36A BUY-Sell modern or antique guns Dealer for Buck Knives Prince dry Loan 508 Main 332-3937 SLATE 7 ft and 8 ft bar Pool tables 5295 8350927-8417 PROFESSIONAL foosball $250 927-8417 CHRISTMAS special electric train layout HO real bargain 624-0360 POOL TABLES Supplies repairs Fort Worth Bi 'lard Supply 25 years service 411 Belknap 336-2511 Donn Heath Guns Good stock new and used guns 8253 Highway 80 West biLL'S aILLIARD SUPPLY Slate Pool tables Foostalls lime boxes and arcade equipment We repair and recover all makes of machines and tables 3404 Belknap 838-926) FIREARMS New and Used Buy-Sell-Trade B-Square Guns Ammo inc Old Granburv Rd at Loon 820 Pool Table For Sale 510 Magnolia Paneling 3 colors factory relects 2x2 lumber 4c 1 Roofing paper 90 lb roll roofing relects 2x2 lumber 4c Roofing paper 90 lb roll roofing 1 Sewing Maims 27B 1 S195 linear foot S250 roll $350 roll Heavy tab roof shingles $695 Aluminum windows $1095-S1395 each 4x8x1'4 in birch 81495 sheet Save on almost all types building materials RAYS SALVAGE 4012 NE 28111 8342684 834-5481 I TV Radio Hi-Fi 27C I 732-3376 APART MENT SELECTOR 444 BOBCAT for sale good condition S3000 834-1244 237-5575 AIR COMPRESSORS direct-from factory prices Call 332-5894 FORKLIFT CITY Your choke make model capacity CONN flat alto savophone for sale Dallas 214-241-7867 Excellent condition $150 or best of- PALLETS new and used Bought ter 292-9216 sold and rebuilt 624-2251 STANDARD EDISON phonograph AIR compressors direct factory excellent condition cylinder records sales best prices 624-3005 Included or may be sold separately 531-266i CASE 310 Crawler Loader with 4NI bucket rear rimer Approximately WANTED use' Marshall Amplifier 700 hours 57500 Arthur Equipment 293-2593 Irving 214-252-8606 INSTANT CASH for piano or organs HOMELITE chainsaws parts serprompt anoraisal call 478-2017 vice Oregon chain bars sprockets FOR SALE: Hamilton antique pump F6r1 aaltchall'a 751 Carroll 336-1444 organ Call 477-2598 977 Caterpillar loader pedal PALLETS new and used Bought sold and rebuilt 624-2251 AIR compressors direct factory sales best prices 624-3005 CASE 310 Crawler Loader with 4NI bucket rear ripper Approximately 700 hours $7500 Arthur Equipment I rving 214-252-8606 HOMELITE chainsaws parts service Oregon chain bars sprockets FAH 251 Carroll 336-1444 977 Caterpillar loader pedal DALLAS FT WORTH MIDCITIES AUSTIN SAN ANTONIO HOUS1ON PANELING RELIABLE business couple bills Paid S100 newly decorated 924-8802 RIVERSIDE 858 Scenic Hill air carpet drapes 8100 bills paid 267- 1692 1 PERSON lovely Carpeted 10 units $85 WA 3-1542 WA 36239 HEMPHILL 2217 Furnished apartment clean 1 bedroom bills pald t85 Adults no pets 926-6211 CENTRAL neat air carpet $II0 and Ito bills Paid 831411 NEAR Westside duplex 1 bedroom $2750 week 336-1755 3389056 FINGER RENTS FURNITURE You find the apartment we'll rent a complete 1- bedroom apartment of all new furniture for as little as S25 monthly For more information call 244-6330 or see sample setups at FINGER'S RENTAL FURNITURE 7917 We Atherford Hwy 80 CHRISTMAS SALE New-Used-Unclaimed Freight Repossessions-Demonstrators 4 Dressmaker Zig Zag stretch $2995 '72 Singer Touchmatic zig zed stretch buttonholes hems $3640 '73 Singer Touchmatic vemonstrator $5995 '72 Singer's Best Golden Touch Sew stretch stitch does all t-touch $7843 '74 Future Singer's newest and best model save $59836 '74 Necchi Lydia free arm and flat bed save $11112 Others to choose from: Pfeil Riccar Eina Ken- more Signature Adler from $1995 Alt machines guaranteed Call for free home trial Open 6 days 9 to 8 Sunday 1 to 7 CAMP BOWIE SEWING CENTER $80 tamp bowie blvd ir1-1061 see-in' will 0vair to first class condition $24500 (2) D6B CATERPILLAR Dozers 1 hydraulic 1 cable $14500 $13500 (2) T518 IntornatioA1 Dcers I hydraulic 1 cable $4750 each (2) 114 Trojan 4WD loaders diesels cabs and heaters $7500 each Dave Pearson Machinery Co 1005 Hulen St 732-5032 USED Tandem LoBoy rear loading ramps 'IMMO tires $2750 CRISP EQUIPMENT CO Choose from our large stock 38 clif terent colors and styles Ash Birch Maple-Flickory-Elm-Lauan mahogany vinyls and embossed paneling Free County CHESSER LUMBER CO 3321 NE 28th 838-0612 POR FABLE buildings in stock or custom built 3403 Loop 820 South 457-6760 WE BUY and sell used portable buildings Morgan Portable Building buildings Morgan Portable Buildinol CLOSING OUT MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share apt with same 926-7383 before 3 ack for Dan EAGLE MOUNTAIN APTS Brick 1 bedroom living-dining area: tile bath kitchen bar 69750 water-gas paid Adults 236-7211 ARL HIS 312 room 675 bills paid 1 man 732-3086 DeLEON Co 9300 Hwy 81 293-4094 Cole beautiful huge rooms individu al heat-air private patios or balm- heater good shape 295-2221 8-51 flies separate adult and family sec FOR SALE 100-gallon hot water i Monday through Friday flog Near schcalitsconvenient to new adult and family seCsi Von Near schools convenient to new' 1973 SINGER In walnut desk with drawers Zig-zag blind hems buttonholes end fancy-stitches $3495 cash or terms Unclaimed freight Sales 4039 Belknap Open Sunday end daily 10 to 834-8721 LOUNGE FOR RENT 1408 924-0555 RENT-LEASE 5 lots 3800 Main -4 pump station will remodel for any typo business Owner will Invest In new business 626-3061 GROCERY and market established 35 years well-Stocked good neighborhood no near competition Building stock and fixtures WS White Grocery 625 Essex DUE TO illness will sell my going service station supply business 292- '7109 MOTEL Coffee Shop for iease s2n month equipment furnished 2530 West Freeway MAGNETIC sign equipment sell trade lease 244-1055 3 COIN-OP laundries for sale good location plenty of parking doing good business sell one or all Cleburne 645-3684 CORNWELL QUALITY TOOLS CO DEALERSHIPS AVAILABLE 2560 Irving Blvd Dallas Texas 631- 7307 FINA STATION for sale in good location 834-9134 ESTABLISHED advertising business in the livestock industry utilizing closed circuit TV and audio visual equipment Can gross $125000 and net $65000 per year Asking $85000 and will negotiate terms For more Information write Advertising Sales PO Box 1 Addicks Texas FOR THE first time owner is offering his well established marine sales and service business One of Lake Texoma's finest locations 13 acres of land 40 boat storage stalls large fenced storage area with lots of room for expansion large showroom and shop building handling finest lines of eguiment For information call Owner 214-786-2379 Tuesday Ithrough Saturday 8 am-5 Orn 1GIFT SHOP in Mid-Cities area Imports gifts Ideally located Will fi- nance 261-9592 FINA SERVIC: STATION For lease Good location 336-7247 NIGHT CLUB grossing $150003 a Year plus should net $30000 per vPar 485-0721 ESTABLISHED liquor store for sale 336-3157 RETAIL florist shoo in the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport area Growth potential unlimited Owner retiring PO Box 13584 Fort Worth Texas 76118 FLORIST SHOP in Mid-Cities Ideal location Financing available net earnings uo to $15000 Plus 261-1470 BEAUTY SHOP Complete equipment for 1 or 2 onerators Closing shop Must sell 923-9912 LOUNGE FOR RENT 315-5592 HAMILTON welder and trailer $300 924-3404 IMiscellaneous 361 regional airport 11 $120 2-2 $158 nnd up Corner Pipeline and Raider and Central 267-4642 FT MEADOWS Quality residences huge rooms private patios or balconies superb maintenance convenient to everything near schools 1-1 $148: $188 2-2 $2013 3-2 $248 and up Meadowbrook at Weiler 457-0680 NORTH PLAZA APTS Efficiency 1 and 2 bedroom apts from $110 to $157 month Furnished with all bills paid convenient to Carswell GD and downtown area 626-1626 SOUTHSIDE a pts for rent laroe and small Inouire at 1061 Home Entertainment Center 174 Garrard Astro-Phonic AM-FM-AFC 8 track stereo 4 speed turntable high-low filters matching walnut enclosure $8995 Easy terms Open 7 days CAMP BOWIE STEREO CENTER 3807 Camp Bowie Blvd 732-1081 HOLIDAY SPECIALS save $100 on color TV's and stereos Zenith RCA and Magnavox Ken Ellig 4944 James Ave NEED CASH Like new 23 in color TV $135 9274069 REPOSSESSED Color TV-combination stereo and record player guaranteed Pick up payments of $1162 a month Color TV Mart 3016 Vaughn Blvd 531-2822 BRAND NEW 1974 DELUXE CB RADIOS $98 23 channel-all Crystals Included Discount Freight 4706 Lancaster EARLY AMERICAN hardrock maple General Electric stereo console 62 In long Equipped with Porta Fi unit and 8 track cartridge tape Player finish and Operation all units excellent condition 265-5969 MOTOROLA complete cabinet style stereo 8 track AM-FM 275-5245 23 in MOTOROLA TV excellent condition $150 277-5417 after 3 0m REPOSSESSED Spanish stereo guaranteed $3 week Gateway TV 3506 Alta Mere 244-5111 1 REPOSSESSED 19 in portable color TV $3 week Gateway TV 3506 Altai Mere 244-5111 RENT a color TV or stereo with purchase notion 993-1973 'COLOR speciatis antennas in-I stalled reasonable WA4-7487 REPOSSESSED cotorr TV combination AM-FM record changer $3 week Gateway TV 244-5111 CR-825 GARRARD 250 watt stereo receiver with AM FM-MPX 8 track RECORD AND PLAYBACK Professional Garrand turntable with CUE AND PAUSE and matched 3-way air suspension SL-250 sneakers Factory list S57780 FREIGHT PRICE $249 or ask about $1250 mnnth Can be Inspected at DISCOUNT FREIGHT 4706 Lancaster 531-2721 PENT a brand new TV Si delivers Watch 9 stations Hoot's 244-6117 Fort Worth and Mid-Cities Area Citizen Band Radios Luttrell 2-Way Radio Sales Service 2200 NE 28th 6244474 L-L-2-Wav Radio Sales 2022 Riverside Dr 834-7591 174 SINGER A FUTURA 900 still In factory cartons Singer's fin- est model stretch stitch buttonholes I-touch bobbin refill only $147 ciue assume balance terms available Open 8:30 to 6:30 Cash or terms FORT WORTH SEWING CEsiTEg 2622 Rosedale 5341721 SINCE 1931 POOL TABLES Best prices on huge Inventory of pool tables in Dallas warehouses Over 16 styles to choose from starting at $98 Save to 40 percent BR UM BA UGH 'S Furniture-Carpet-Appliances 108 NE 28 624-4123 2 GIRLS 20 in 9335 after 3:30 bikes $20 each 478- 6 FT pool table for sale $500 277- 089 TRADE-Winchester 101 12 gauge single barrel trap gun 34 In full choke for Winchester 101 12 gauge over and under 28 or 30 in full and ma- dified barrel 683-4510 Bridgeport 10 SPEED bicycle good condition $60 call 336-1091 8 FT pool table like new Ping pong board and set 2442344 Trampolines-Trampolines Low discount prices Famous Sidlinger line SPORT SALES 113 Souder-282-4951-Hurst New 1973 Thomas organs Get a demonstration somewhere else then call me I'll save you 100's--slinhtiv above cost while they last Includes full warranty delivery and guaranteed by old established firm Piano Wholesale Co 838-9751 281-5866 STOREWIDE CLEARANCE SALE NEW-UsbD Rent Returns Floor Models Teacher Models Demonstrators Many more-all reduced during this clearance Most are In perfect condition with tun warranty Free delivery tuning bench Easy Terms VISIT THE LOCATION OF YOUR CHOCE MUSIC Co 4750 Belknap 834-1974' Seminary South 926-2673 Six Hags Mall 274-8236 PALOWIN "The Quality Piano" From $395 Exclusively at: LUKE'S MUSIC CO 3474 CAMP BOWIE 332-1379 Western Hills Piano And Organ Co Is now open We guarantee best prices possible on new and used Pianos and organs Open weekdays 9 to 8 pm Sundays 1 to 6 244-3811 Hwy 80 West (oCross from Red Lobster) FENDER JAGUAR guitar and case $725 834-6560 or 268-1235 after LUDWIG 5 piece set drums with cymbals $300 923-1127 LUDWIG snare drum and carrying case brand new $85 292-9585 GIBSON EBO bass guitar excellent $150 call 738-3159 15 PIECE Revel le drum set red sparkle great condition 2 years old sell for $200 2671627 Belt Crest Manor PAINT Factory surplus $150 to S395 per gallon Call 336-5685 ODD SIZED plywood 12 in 14 In and sit in particle boards Excel- lent for shelving Sizes-14 in 4 ft 99c each or 6 in 6 ft 92 each Hundreds of pieces to choose from Phone 461-2131 Prices Johns-Manville SUM local S999 -inc' sheetrock s112 run hick insulation skoS 12-inch sheetrock $152 California Corp 924 Churchill 626-1781 HOUSES to be moved 6601 Baker Blvd 6 room frame 2101 Harris 121 3 bedrooms 818-7317 2o1-1835 212-1756 TO BE MOVED OR WRPCKED 3-bedroom 2-bath den 2-car at tached garage central heat-air brick veneer 1223 Harper at corner Wheeler St 3909 Wheeler 2 bedroom frame THE DRUMMOND CO 811-1211 838-6160 Cash and You Carry 6x6-10-10 concrete steel $3498 6x6-6-6 concrete steel $6696 312" fiberglass insulation per so S725 $725 2x4 pre-cut studs FHA anoroved 90r Avs17" chetrrrk 25 lb sterling all purpose $195 Aluminum window screens S4 un Paneling wide selection start 4249 floor tile per ft lic ft finished masonite Siding No 2 grade S1895 aluminum windows $1265 4r8 16" hardboard $749 1212 pauge barbed wire $1326 26'5(8 ft corrugated iron $230 BRITT LUMBER 1410 GrAv Phew 624-o201 Weekdays Saturday ATTENTION If you are in need of any size storage buildino brio' your rheck book to 5400 Hwy 121A because we are riPI BEAUTIFUL homemade guilts big bed size real nice 1-594-5109 CHRISTMAS Tree stands made to order 478-6483 GARAGE SALE November 29th and 30th baby furniture cedar chest' miscellaneous 2710 Gordon Ave WOODEN executive Office desk secretary swivel office chair Pull down' lamp 3-way oil lamp type antique brass finish MatChFICI 3 chimney ceiling light fixture 100 percent cashmere coat with mink collar size 10 petite excellent condition Call 784-4394 after 5 PM CRIB matress and bumper pad $20 Sterilizer $4 Carrier $3 Lang) SI Newborn clothes and booties 536-9568 JUKE BOX Tape recor de chandelier 292-5872 2-7 FT high 8 ft wide garage doors with hardware almost new ISO comolete 267-6695 WE BUY and Sell used portable buildings Morgan Portable Building Co 9300 Hwy 81 So 293-4094 LIVE oak trees for sale at $20 a 1piece installed guaranteed to live or money back on another tree 738- 6449 GARAGE SALE 4938 Fairfax Wednesday thru Sunday table and chairs 2 wheel trailer swing Set habv hed children's ciothes GARAGE SALE Thursday through Sunday baby Items toys guitar 11" Hothg 'art's oolf iubs 012 Overhill Bedford 267-6397 or 267- 5479 MUST SACRIFICE 9 mm Astra and 22 caliber Erma (lunar) Both like new 600 rounds ammunition $IM 177-1849 -SEWING MACHINES Eullt-In stretch stitch blind hem buttonholes zig-zag fancy designs etc! Life time guarantee Factory' list $32995 FREIGHT PRICE $119951 or ask about S600 month DISCOUNT FREIGHT 476 Lancaster 531-2721 CHRISTMAS SALE Large stock of unclaimed freinht lust arrived Many new many used Shipments arriving daily Hurry for best selection I $194) Electric portables 95 i I 74 Zig 17995 I Singer TouchMatic $2995 1 Necchl Supernova $5995 2) Necchl Automatics $4995 1) Pfaff Automatic s5995 1) Singer Touch Sew 15995 All machines guaranteed Open 7 gays a week 10 to 8 Call for tree home trial Terms available Freight Line Discount Center 4717 River Oaks Blvd 625-2572 Electric Golf Car Fall Special '67 Cushman S450 '69 Go 551 '70 El Go $650 71 Westinghouse S725 '74 Westinghouse Williamson Battery Co 1318 4th St 3363006 NEW 10 speeds 24' and 27 All size used bicycles 737-5571 737-2515 TRAMPOLINES order now for Christmas 281-4716 anytime NICE duplex 1805 Adams carpet ed and furnished Will rent lease or sell owner to finance rent $80 month with water paid 926-0009 at-ter 5:30 pm PRICES REDUCED Like new one bedroom carpet peneled air $95 also efficiency kit enette living roorn-bedroOm $75 625-1010 237-4862 NEED babysitter for 2 school aeed girls furnished apt free 921-3242 CENTRAL heat $90 tills paid attractive clean 3 rooms rear Harris adults no oets 3364385 ARL FITS nicely furnished near bus Adults no pets 921-4100 1 BEDROOM apt 204 Isbell clean westside $75 month 332-1391 or 737- 7975 SOUTHSIDE nice ciean apt reasonable bills paid 831-0135 $135 1 bedroom $135 2 bedroom $150 1 block south 5100 Lancaster Americana Apts 5120 Panola 451-8211 Le Chateau Plaza 1 2 bedrooms low deposit short term lease convenient to schools Carswell 5429 Birchman 737-4651 1-BEDROOM 2-bedroom air panelray heat tub and tile shower 336-3051 GARAGE Apt Bills paid 1523 awes-se 451-7394 FURNISHED guest apt for bachelor private entrance $85 month call after 5 732-8776 NICELY furnished apts bills raid $9750 or $85 3510 ith St PE2- 3635 PE2-5842 4300 CALMONT living bedroom efficiency $85 i person SOUTH GATE MANOR 1200 Seminary Dr 923-3111 Riverside 715 Blandin garage apt $65 834-4841 834-3229 SOUTHSIDE 1 bedroom carpeted bills paid $20 week 293-1129 MONLICELLO-heat air carport ample closets with large bedroom $40 deposit 282-0650 LAKE WORTH waterfront 1-2 bedroom bills paid 2469083 TRADE 1 room apt for part-time helo woman 5040 924-1090 844 ATLANTA nice 3 room apt bills Paid $2375 week 332-9969 SOUTHSIDE 2 bedrooms separate dining carpeted bills paid 550 each 2 weeks 2934129 SOUTHSIDE 3 room end bath $IS week bills paid adults 927-7679 POLY near TWC $15 and up carpeted bills paid bus 536-2910 3 ROOM clean bills paid furnished 8341588 3 ROOMS bills paid mature adults no opts 916 332-8533 1 BEDROOM ant bills paid $90 month $25 deposit 2108I2 Oakwood 838-090S ROYAL PARK APTS 1-2-3 BEDROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED POOLS LAUNDRY FACILITIES ON PREMISES ON SITE PARKING STARTING AT $125 MONTH Spacious One or Two Bedroom Furnished or Unfurnished Pins Paid Swimming pool dishwashers fireproof soundproof huge closets laundry room Phone BU 2 5571 450 East Hurst Blvd Hurst (Cross from Bell Heliconter) NORTH SIDE- 3 and 4 room acits Nicely furnished Children welcome AODIV 2121 Ross Coates Hotel Apts Downtown good neighborhood quiet family like maid service linens eisbes No children no netsE132-5315 611 4th RENT downtown From $65 bills paid 800 Summit aye 355-9702 SOUTHSIDE $12 to $28 per week 1 ni 2 bedroom apts bills paid Elder Co 737-6611 or 731-3252 3 ROW apt fenced $1750 1 room efficiency S15 924-2957 3 ROOMS and bath $25 week bills paid 531-2127 2723 MEADOWBROOK duolex hills paid 92650 week 451-3124 531-2671 LES Bouzioe 1 bedroom modern near hospital $140 utilities paid 1424 West Pularkl 924-7517 ALL bills paid garage efficiencv newly decorated Arlington Heights s75 336-4231 or 7304993 EFFICIENrY near Harris adult $25 wrk 923-4854 MASTER CHARGE or Instant Credit USED FOOS BALL TABLES $200 each 261 0339 hilLIAPDS RICYCLES MINI-BIKE CITY This week tree anproved helmets with sale of mini-bikes We are now stocking bicycles and oo-carts 9:30 am to pm 3937 Hwy 377 731- 32e1 SINGER TOUCH SEW Desk model No zags buttonholes fancy work $5995 carh or terms Richland Sewing Center Across from Richland Bowl 6612 Grapevine Hwy 284-0162 FUTURISTIC 600 FUTURISTIC 600 SLIGHTLY used Kawal vertical Piano onlv S495 New Aeolian made console $645 Kimball organ used $395 Shop at Luke's and save Terms available LUKE'S MUSIC Co 3424 CAMP BOWIE 332-1379 GIBSON SG electric with case amp and wah-wah mist sell 937-3934 NEW GUILD electric guitar with cas t300 After 6 818-2270 PH-HOLIDAY Layaway Sale Kimball PIANOS AND ORGANS SAVE UP TO 300 Best rush season Prices and be assured of your style and color nothing held back Save up to AO percent on used pianos and organs Large selection available Terms-free delivery-satisfaction guaranteed McBRAYER-BARTLETT 5727 Lancaster 4-51-4522 Serving Texas 75 years POOL TABLES New end Used rePair end moving Billiards Boats Bicycles 261-0339 IMiscellaneous 36 MOTEL doing $52000 yearly 16 units nice living quarters color TV kood terms sell or trade Stephenville Texas 817-9612132 GROCERY and market building and tixtures attached 3 room apt small town location 473-1044 12 OPERATOR beauty shop for sale modern equipment no offers turned down in central shopoing center 275-06C CARPET CLEANE Steamliner' 1973 model 457-1984 FRANCHISE sportswear shop for sale $5500 Good opportunity 924- 008 732-0533 STEAM CARPET CLEANER Clarke model no 903 Super Steam 1 year old like new Call 626-2011 or 2924602 Monday through Friday at-ter 2 pm CAPITALIZE on oasoline shiplage Must sell 2 catalog sales agencies account of Illness Will consider sell-Ind separately LOcated in peanut capitals of Texas Comanche and DeLeon Fast growing Gross sales In excess of $230000 annually Excellent opportunity to increase Ideal living conditions Out of the city a miles from beautitul Lake Proctor Must have cash and good zredit For information call 915-356-2593 9am-5Om After 6 pm 817-304-8323 FOR SALE OR LEASE Nugget Lounge 101 Berry 335-5592 Clothes Sewing-36C FOR SALE TO BE MOVED Several small houses 246-9191 WILL buy 10 squares or less cedar shingles at best price I pick up 284-1324 2x40 MORGAN building paneled wired and insulated Ideal for lake cottage Bargain 5400 Hwy 12IA tf345511 SP'cCIAL 1206 double door Morgan trade huilrtinq 2 only 5400 Hwy 12IA 8345511 DOOR UN moldind Sc ft and up used building material We cut glass 2200 East Maddox 535-0906 531-2341 2-7 FT high a 8 ft wide darane dnors with hardware almost new ScO complete 267-669S PORTABLE buildtnqs moved raw lonAhle rat" YOUntl 834-2156 FACTORY BUILT OLIALITY PORTABLE BUILDINGS 30 sizes from $11250 20 miles free delivery Buy from us and save SALTY'S OUTLET 3205 Stuart-Pre-Holiday Sale Girls size 1 through 14 Holiday dresses and Sportswear Junior pant suits 5 through 13 $84 Moves You in Ridglea Furnished bills paid shag Pool color TV option Luxor Ants 6020 Malvey Ave 4 blocks north of 6000 Camp Bowie 732-34S9 HALLMARK PLAZA Large spacious 1 2 end 3 bedroom apts day nursery on grounds complete kitchen close to shopoing churches and schools En loy suburhen living plus all city comforts See is today 7113 Hallmark Dr 293-4408 CANYON ROYALE 1 2 end 3 bedroom apts shag carpet 2 pools complete kitchen close to (volt courses end country club beautiful setting See beton you rnnt 5108 Brentwood Stair 451-7430 CLEAN 1 Bedroom apt Couple only 921-5111 I Office E9uipment 321 MONROE Victor Remington and SCM Printing calculators $25 to WO Call 923-8659 after 6 weekdays any time Saturday or Sunday METRO-PLEX DISCOUNT On one of 20 malor credit or regular terms with HFC GECC Interstate Color TVs at Sle9 Big screen color 23's at $399 Black-white portables from $69 General Electric Admiral Motorola Curtis Mathes Al's Furniture Appliance City 4400 Mansfield Hwy 531-3661 Open 10 to 7 every day REPOSSESSED 25 In color TV $3 week Gateway TV 244-5114 BARGAIN on used color TV' Knox and Poff 1520 Hemphill 923-7307 EXPERT color TV Service Ninht calk Hoot's 2446117 BROCK'S TV Service Color specialist black-white antennas installed 838-2451 293-2931 REPOSSESSED COLOR TV Take up payments sae up to $200 House of Curtis Mathes 120 Abram Aritooton 277-5575 DISCOUNT FREIGHT DARES COMPARISON lust received lit) 1974 stereo systems with AM-FM-MPX 6 tract deluxe BSR turntable dustcover etc Compare at $24995 while they cash or terms 4706 Lancaster 531-2721 REPOSSESSED stereos with AM-FM good shape styled cabinets $40 to $100 cash ABC Rental 601 Rosedale or call 3351421 NO CREDIT NEEDED Rent brand new color TVs and stereos with Option to buy Welfare bankruptwelcome Aquarius Rental 3124 Riverside Dr 926-3336 TV's i15 up We take dead sets TV Center 1530 Allen 9261869 COMPONENT STEREO SALE AM-FM 8 track tape player 4 kneed Package regular $179 now only $11995 Easy terms Sam's Appliances Furniture 1900 Rosedale 55'6 Belknap GOOD CLOTHES size 14-16 reasonable new fur coat 924-7344 BABY AND toddler clothing 3725 Cobblestone 478-6453 FASHION SERVICE CENTER We custom make buttonholes buttons belts flags banners patches emblems and all types and styles of monogramming 35 years' experi ence Fort Worth Sewing Machine Co 2622 Rosedale 534-1721 BEAUTIFUL Blue Azure Mink stole $250 7311-3628 Golden Stitch Sew size zig zag tnonograms sews on buttons and Much more clearance priced only 834 Beautiful 850 cabinet model optional ()Pen 8:30 to 810 Cash or Terms FORT WORTH SEWING CENTER 2622 Rosedale 534-1721 SINCE 1937 1UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY Singer Zig Zag buttonholes s-t-r-e-tc-h stitches fancy stitches etc CARL'S SEWING CENTER Elna and White Dealer 7f72 Berry 923-7022 This Week's Special Sinner Golden Touch Sew In 4 drawer walnut desk zig zags but tonholes stretch stitch fancy designs 1-touch bobbin refill etc like new $44 due assume balance cash Or terms CARL'S SEWING CENTER Elsa and White Dealer 202 Berry 923-7027 1973 SINGER ZIG ZAG Walnut desk buttonholes a ncv work 53495 cash or terms OPen daily Sunday 12-6 Richland Sewing Center Across from Richland Bowl 1 1417 Grapevine Hwy 2a4-0162 DISCOUNT FREIGHT NEW '74 SEWING MACHINES $29 9 only) zio-zan buttonholes blind ems STRETCH fancy stitches etc esk models Hurry-open 10 to 7 itas LancasterSe531-2721 USED MACHINE SALE $17 AND UP Flue White Singer Necchl MikIng Pfaff Nelco Ward's Dozens to choose from 1 Year guarantee parts and labor Easy Terms CARL'S SEWING CENTER Elsa and White Dealt! My Berry 973-7022 INDUSTRIAL Sewing Machines Most complete sales and service cen tar In Texas All makes and models of heavy duty sewing machines at Sewing Merhino Co 2622 Rosedale 514-1721 BEAUTY SHOPS 2 Realistic air-conditioned hair dryers perfect condition $30 each 923-9912 CHURCH yard sale Everything miscellaneous 3514 Webber St Friday and Saturday NEW Sani Soft Serve ice cream machine low price 732-3882 GARAGE SALE 4608 Waycrest Haltom City Sponsored by Presbyterian Youth Group Miscellaneous items Thursday Fridey and Saturday CLUB having Christmas decoration sale 3913 Raphael GARAGE SALE includes eagle mirror 2 green rugs 9XI2 and 7X9 black and white TV-RCA console chair roll-away bed 4136 Pershing 738-2729 HUGE garage sale moving to apt baby clothes and items junior clothes and miscelleneous Priced chean 3820 Piedmont Rd GARAGE SALE 28th 29th 2Gth 4920 Glade antiques Early Amerl can furniture glassware good clothing miscellaneous 625-1376 DISPERSAL SALE 3110 Arkansas Ln Arlinzton Saturday December 1 Sunday December 2 8 am to 5 Pm household goods lawn and garden tools Shop and mechanic tools antiques etc NEW IMPORTS from Mexico now and used furniture bicycles new radios miscelleneous 1700 NE 33rd 1 SEARS UPRIGHT hell massager 451-0492 110 YARDS good carpet and pad see It on the floor $100 237-1915 REPOSSESSED color TV $3 week Gateway TV 244-5112 CUSTOM upholstery work snecial discount On fabric and labor between now and Christmas All work guarAntrWi 268 3475 2682166 FUR BEAN bin chairs new rr14tly -olors Sla 99 rh 934 1191 ItAnoA7 70 VOLUME ancYclonedia sat ren0Sstived with yearbook orlylleoes chit ilren books 2 volume dictionary and hookcase sold orloinnally for 5100 or take up payments Of $996 for 12 months call 4711099 FREE Garage Sale Sign Given with each garage sale ad placed at the StarTelegram Classified Ad Denartment Counter on Mertanina Floor rTATellaneous 361 930 PEACH ST ARLINGTON TEXAS 274-6983 QUEST Apartment Locators Firewood-36E FIREPLACE wood for sale Call 2461969 LAST CHANCE Grocery store averaging about $400 deily Owner moving out of town will take $4500 If you don't have the money don't 4v4 left S'IS-7141 THINKING Or A MOTEL? Howl about this 12-units nice 2-212 living quarters plus office only bus-Mop In town beauty and barber shops shoe store? Nicel SPORTSMAN'S MOTEL overlooking blue leke Just redecorated i7 of the units ere kitchenettes Also ts-5 sterile nrorery des station WI storege PArn for evvnoi)n on A7 errel! SHAMROCK 282-2521 Moho pike Chenmen 4516015 ltAVF feasible Wen for pm nn 11 nn gas or motnr oil 1 moving pert Need Corporetion Comneny or indivirluel whn CAM And will nut enough mnnev end energy to meke it a reel ro 110x 61 Roahlke Terns 00 I 7 Fryn SALE small grorerY fixtures and stock $2150 11341121 Investments 42 NICE lot In ORLivDeEr RoAHkOsLigthwirtehmvoalcapt prirn call 216-7377 OAK firewood delivered Call Firewourl Spook 7k4-0541 (LOUD split opk firewood 3420 NEAR ICU wane elfictenc around floor No drinkers Lease S60 monthly no bills paid 292-4443 1---(714ELST HILL bihs paid 5169417 NICE garage apt 4179 Pershing not bills paid $70 week call 814-2316 SOUTHSIDE I dud's apt bills peld $75 weekly STh deposit couple or single Only 117 n719 Easy Financing Portable Buildings Co 793-0446 10301 Freeway at Coln St WE HAVE reveral portable buildings Axle 1000 12xI6 at reduced prires Financed delivered 9300 Hwy Al So 293-4094 'TWO 12x20 portable buildings with 11 birch tile floor storage closet Sne cial price Finaned delivered 9300 Hwy 81 So 7934094 HAVE (11 12440 used nortable building wired sbeetrocked insulated price Deliver finance 9300 Hwy Al So 293-4094 1'LL ALL material in apartment house xH 2x6s 7x17s Shiplan Ino 109 owl ell Plumbing vni ake' it Off 7575 So Jennings 624 0981 PARTIALLY burned 5 room hooe rind lot S1S00 can he repaired near piv 926 A4A1 SAVL 350 on this porteble building larlOrY blemished 12474 Paneled end wired 9300 itwV fil So 293-4094 I401)SE to be moved delivered Will tr000 tor rAttio frpf 1171 781ifils ICy Lianner ot all trim's cleaned bricIrs 911 Roller 9244949 Portable I0Or20--S40 5 12x24-6695 5401 Hwy 121A 838-2863 OFFICE FURNITURE Largest showroom of office furniture in Tarrant County open Monday through Saturday 9 a to 6 0m Lease with option bo buy up to 60 months to pay 2002 Abram Arlington 461-2131 OFFICE EQUIPMENT typewriters pocket calculators DISCOUNT FREIGHT 4706 Lancaster 531-2721 MATCHED DESKS machines warehouse shelves 265-2443 737-9506 4 LARGE 5)(212 Ft metal desks good condition 560 to 580 each 282- 1261 evenings 485-0448 500 DESKS files chairs New or used Bus' sell trade rent Furniture Barn 480 Main LEASE $5 month copy machines New cry paper no mixing 536-5907 COFFEE 'VENDING machin' like new oridinalla $800 now $425 284- 7090 or 2925111 'XiVERNMENT SJRPLU5 cte'tks swivel chairs metrI cahinetc end much more Low priLed Bob Piarce cPiPS 929 Heratersnn 3a-4212 The Finest Telephone Answering machine 530 Down StO month Ed JUqe Electronics 2614622 Finger Office Furniture BUT RENT LEASE Big savings on famous brand furnitre Up to 40 per cent accessories desks chairs credenzas files ta Ihies find reception furniture 7917 Weatherford Hwy 80 944-6110 5612 Camp Bowie Blvd 7312161 NE NEST IBM Executive electric tyrrter $400 5147610 Just Toll of style price area We'll Search We'll Inspect We'll Drive NO COST TO YOU 267-1566 OAK firewood 660 a cord delivered 4813'd FIREWOOD home delivery N'nninoc only 6i4-13481 FIREWOOD delivered S60 and pickup $SO 265-0013 Jel) vo1(J1) or sdle Prortoi es bv LR 'Vnitmire 817 1419-2411 FIRCWOOD for sale Morgan TeTces 635-202 2 ROOM BRICK aot near Harrie Flmini Odin pall adult 332-49111 NORTHSIDT bills paid VS We Pk lryIt 41 0051 SOUTH Sifir nire 4 room garage nnt inr 1 Oirl no 501 1 TV Radio Ill-Fi TIC I 1103 Royel Parkway No 101 EULUS (Hwy 183 at Pipeline) color TV LEASE with option to buy Low monthly payments Color TV Mart 11116 Vaughn Blvd 5C0TT amp 1e0 walls 11116 Vaughn Blvd 5C0TT amp walls TV sERVICE Martin's TV Service 6260530 MASSEY'S TV -Color blacKwhite Service rentals 5352725 COLOR TELEVISIONS new shipment lust arrived hy RCA DISCOUNT FREIGHT 4706 Elancaster 5312721 REPOSSESSED color TV guaran teed take un payments SIO 82 month Color TV Mart 3016 Vaughn Blvd 531-202 TV SALES le color 5268 tE portable sek Packaro-hell Spanish S196 GE Solid State $147 Solid State color slitt AM bar stereo S131 IsRLIMB'AUGH'S Furniture-Carpet-Appliances 108 NE 28 2641123 REPOSSESSEO STEREO Olvrnolz 100 mitt 5teron AM-FM reed turntable 8track hoe 2 neakers originally $23) will take 150sElrrTRrtPlIONT tIFPEO Garrard turntable 2 speakers ally $250 will take S150 Dial Finance 705 Abram Arlinoton 2616411 FIREWOOD 2034691 FIREWOOD Mesquite 855 a (aril $30 rick delivery todAy 8344552 OAK firewood $30 per rick $60 per cord delivered and stacked 7P163 OAK FIREWOOD large percentene eolit delivered 540 plCk 00 840 5Prinotown 523-4143 OAK firewom no noll stuff At lington area only 274-1255 OAK FIREWOOD delivered norlh et Fort Worth eind Granevin Brea so) cord 441-7752 FIREWOOD 534-8601 XTRA GOOD mixed lirewood gUrnS slow with minimurn pooping Si 4 cord VS rick Delivered blocky 017044 304 OAK FIREWOOD for aale LocoL It Hen on S7SO00O rent estate for $100000 loan Box 1A21 Fort Worth Texn NEED oneratinn ce-nItnt or nertner for estnhlishd skin end display busk nPic 111 116 1151 i10000 FIRST lien 9 percent note 30 hercant dkrohnt S70nn Flrit Hen 9 percent note 30 percent dicrount RAY JONES 8111744 1r LL SiLiutt liens 15 year onvout 4511124 5112671 PFN PPOPyRTY 57 centrnity Witted rent houses for 0e nno S' ad In 75i I EDMONDS I PARTON to AALS 3 ROOMS bath billm omit Privets anrame 91750 (100411 11330 Wag No children no Dela Ahoy 1714 Veunhn IDetween 9 and 5 Monday 'Motion Fridai Wifshire Plaza Apts Nemr Hwy 121 is? end Nil Min Wes from II end new airport 5l'e 1111 nr 'mitres welcomed 1450 Trail Eulm 2834571 1 Fixtures 33 WC F4P114 on south side 060 cTld er couniepreterred 1 Totems t210 nor weak 7YIA Alb Ave 911 1111 lAlAtir AlbwrIltyolb nir7s- enl sirs obi Peter Smyth Di loll A briirForde VS Hit tonrn apt 914 Lipscomb 11) 15ir-iir-FifitiLL 3 roorT7sTr--) iRT 793 W0 thisteirs orffir Irmo ant lii Van Mo on Summit bus lino Cioon romtnetono (wane there avellehle basic furniture For hired women whn hires quietly Water mild Part rent could be earned with rometinn or driving Dertinue dennslt IA 974 )019 Clara 4 1latirtfi Peeltors 311i1717 Heritage Apts 4808 Bryce tow-k t) end thnnitto (ante-Smell 1-hotirmino 1 Isith toduit 7 bildrnorn 2-hent unfurnished SM 117 0701 Mrs Harkins 717 7601 SettittilW nire 1 rpom rurijelbeer pills paid 17210 week 11119940 531-2821 excellent condition SI2S 732-OP (33 Quad By Packard Bell 1974 Models I True A-channel Quad AM-FM fAPX separate treble base controls beauphones auxiliary 8-track am phono lacks matchino walnut speakers While they last $99 95 cast or terms Open 7 days CAMP BOWlk SEWING CENTEP SfA07 Canto Howie Blvd 732 10x VANKPUPT We're not but our lov prices bay we must be: Quad receiv Cr by Sony lither HarmamKar bon Marantr JVC Panasonic am Id other brands lEAC Dual etc too Don't ask or pbont EtURKETT Imports has swimming Dont rovers 451-9279 5345571 GARAGE SALE 3134 James Ave1 reremics dilhes tend 00t) SARREL cut 10 wo01 have to be minstalled $1200 625- 497 717V07 washer good condition $75 wheelzhair SI30 nirls 70 in bl cycle S20 8384200 or 782-4519 MUST Sell lovely new Grandfather 'rvk sAlssit WATCH bench cleaning machine black chair 30)00 desk 175 Honda Ilya new check writer stakino set 79741117 MULTI-FAMILY rtimMogf arts and cralts sale Saturday December 1113 Dawn Or Arlington GARAGE SALE 2810 NW 251h 064311 674-290 ARAGE SALE miscellaneous items 2702 Buena Vista 112Ls CASH AND CARRY Inside paint $279 Up Penonno Si 79 up Doors doors doors $1 00 OD Teaque Lumber Co 2501 White Settlement Pd 11711191 CASH SPECIALS Axexte In pertirle hoerd 111 in 4fii4 so In exterior pixwoort ri 401)04 In exterior plywood SA In exterior i 4J Wee exterior plywood IS 25 24x11 It No 3 tir ett 5r ix12 rtn 2 Mole pint t21 I xe while nine $179S SELLERS LUMBER 411 errend MA41141 Use Classified 332-7722 POST OAK Noon $AO per cord 3 to 5 cords S55 delivered Phelps ice Company Phone 442-1451 Box 766 Cii(0 Terms RESTAURANT GROCERY NEW AND USED E111PMENT Refrigerators florist's coolers ice machines beer equipment ranges fryers griddles ovens steam tables disnwashers tables chair booths MArk 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About Fort Worth Star-Telegram Archive

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Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)


Where is the star telegram in Fort Worth? ›

Oil & Gas / Star-Telegram is located on West 7th Street between Taylor Street and Throckmorton Street in the center of the Fort Worth Central Business District. Star Telegram Building was built in 1929 – first 6 floors; 1934 – floors 7 - 19, then remodeled in 1964 by Butcher & Sweeney.

Who started the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has quite the history of innovation and public service as it has grown over the years. Its founding publisher, Amon G. Carter Sr., was a renowned booster of Fort Worth and West Texas, with the Star-Telegram sporting the largest circulation of any paper in Texas.

How many years has the Fort Worth Star-Telegram been in business? ›

The Star-Telegram has been a fixture in Fort Worth since 1906. A lot has changed over the last 118 years, but the commitment of our journalists to tell the story of Fort Worth and to be your watchdog is unwavering.

Why is Fort Worth Texas famous for? ›

The city of Fort Worth was established in 1849 as an army outpost on a bluff overlooking the Trinity River. Fort Worth has historically been a center of the Texas Longhorn cattle trade. It still embraces its Western heritage and traditional architecture and design.

Who owns the Star-Telegram? ›

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is an American daily newspaper serving Fort Worth and Tarrant County, the western half of the North Texas area known as the Metroplex. It is owned by The McClatchy Company.

How much is Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

For $50, you get a one-year subscription to the Sunday and Wednesday papers with Press Pass and the E-Edition (up to a $206 value) For $38, you get a one-year subscription to the Sunday and Wednesday papers with Press Pass (up to a $182 value)

Who is the editor of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Steve Coffman is the president and editor of and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. He has more than 30 years of experience in the news business, starting as a reporter and working in a variety of editing roles in New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kansas and Texas.

Who owns the leader telegram? ›

History. Adams Publishing acquired the Leader-Telegram from the Graaskamp and Atkinson families, which had owned the paper since 1887.

Who started the Telegram? ›

In 2013 Pavel and Nikolai Durov founded Telegram, which allowed them to communicate without government interference. Users who shared the Durovs' anti-censorship sensibilities soon joined the service.

How much money does the owner of Telegram make? ›

Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, was detained in France due to concerns over the app's moderation. The Russian embassy demanded consular access and criticised France's communication. Durov, known for creating VKontakte and Telegram, has a net worth of $15.5 billion.

How do I cancel Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-776-7827. Your subscription is subject to additional Terms of Service at

How much money is Telegram worth? ›

Telegram founder Pavel Durov's arrest in France late last month put a crimp in his plans to stage an IPO for the messaging platform within the next two years. Durov had previously claimed that he had received offers for the company valuing it at $30 billion.

What are people from Fort Worth called? ›

Residents of Fort Worth have two options: “Fort Worthian” or “Fort Worther.” n.

How many millionaires are in Fort Worth Texas? ›

In 2022, Dallas-Fort Worth had 92,300 high-net-worth individuals, an increase of 3% over 2021. These are individuals with investable assets of $1 million or more. It also had 4,340 multi-millionaires ($10 million or more), 211 centi-millionaires ($100 million or more) and 18 billionaires ($1 billion or more).

What is the richest area in Fort Worth Texas? ›

Colonial Hills

With a median home price of $1,788,708 and a median rent of $1,365, Colonial Hills is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in Colonial Hills over the last 3 years, it ranks No. 1 among all the neighborhoods in Fort Worth.

How to contact Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-776-7827. Your subscription is subject to additional Terms of Service at

What is the gospel station in Fort Worth? ›

KHVN-AM 970 - Heaven 97

"Heaven 97" We are Dallas and Ft. Worth's only 24 hour gospel music station. Listen live at 970 am or online at our website.

What is the star next to Telegram? ›

Profile Badge

Taking a page out of Signal's playbook, Telegram is adding profile badges for subscribers. Premium subscribers will get a star icon badge next to their name in the conversation window, and it will be visible to all users.

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Article information

Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 6474

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.