Leicester Mercury from Leicester, Leicestershire, England (2024)

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Leicester Mercuryi

Leicester, Leicestershire, England

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THE LEICESTER DAILY MERCURY THURSDAY MARCH 8 1888 THE IN CORPORATION OF LOUGHEOEOUftH THIS BETTIHH SOMETHING GRAND THIS OH'S BAC1MQ LB10R8TKR MARCH MUTING DEATH OF THE EMPEROR WILLIAM PRINCE WILLIAM DECLARED RECENT A HB TD3-LAB0 UCB LOCAL BOARD OF HEALT The ordinary monthly attetingoftiMB bold on Wetfoeeday morning I-Qby (chairman) Tmr3 Goadby Orchard Bpeoew eed Efobey TWtttoey count for tfa natt Tkb Rxcxnt Gam or OntmotMtag Epe-vbtob stated that tfa oottage reported ri toMtmeet-ing as being crowded and dirty bid beaw eliBfftid and six of the inmate fad left Tkb Win Tbe Sobvbtcw tttta that zz'VZizzz eJiynstS-a at TST14 gsllow per day Tb rtotyg wua now quite The SuBvmroB roported (Ulna -toed (apart tt th waterworks fad been inspected THE COMIHG PRIZE FIGHT DEPARTURE OR EULUV Alt ROE PRANCE A eo ram on nation be been restored tl Dover by telephone from Folkestone stating that 8olliveu the pugilist who had been staying quietly el Folkestone fer day or two left that place yesterday by packet boat fer Bretagne A Bomber of porting men wall known in oooneo-tian with pugilism left Charing -croa station at 11 o'clock this morning for Dover Among them were Mitchell KUrttn Mr Atkioaou and Moore Jut alter the train lets Smith drove np in a cab The pugilists Mitchell and Kilrain left Dover by rtfa sb id -day boat for France Smith the pugilist who lent the traia by which Mitchell and Kilraia left for Fraaee this morning stated to correspondent this afternoon that be would certainly follow them by the fire minutes to eight train to-night to Farts LONDON Loodui Hi Mto 160 to lw 1 Lady 1 1 Herjpandea 14 to 16 ta Mto 16 ta 8 19 to 16 to Natjoxal Bes I 16 to tato I 86 -to LATER 6 96 to Mto Hsetkcmt 1 Father Oos- Mto 16 to 14ta Mto 1 Lady 1 Harpeaden Ours 1 Ohanoallor NiOOBtL I 16to lOMJtat 16 to 1 Ftftsta MANCHESTER Sir George Obetwvad Bark GmstuI Owe William 0 Paget Esq Gardiner Muir tq 0 pi Middleton and BaroUy Esq 6srS3tisri8Te fcs Soerotorr Mr Sadler Clerks ef th Oeurm Mamn Ford Jam aad Smith Ford Starter Lord Maraos Twumcat March 8 It would be tee muok to expeot two fine days ia sue-after the varied experience to which ws bar Accordingly it trisetpd prising that a rainfali ehocld ooova la Rum to many people from undertaking tbe journey to Oadby to-day Still there was liule to ooui plain of the da for S3 Tb Me os for tb um pat IU HP rendered tbe ptueseumgt exocedingty pi outride attendance wee not large but tbe IwImI An oreroighl oloeuree wm fairly well patronised haring failed to attraet lb required nom- selli as race ber of entries the but nevertheieee an These the card only onotained five events interesting afternooa'e aport waa nothing to grumble at wbeo tbe npeulng reee numbered half (fading Paranng a winnu vu day aad whoa form ttdeeed sefBoiertly good to joatefy ef him here Hie jockey boweer Ud far out of hi ground ia th ram that when ha attempted to get near Tb Abbess Ms effort wm fiwMata Tb ree wm merrod fay 6 couple of mishap tb jookeys of Boudaa and Bramble wntaming nasty talk Moron had hie collar-bone frsitarsd but Mr Wilhsmseu escaped Mm ShrivMbasn aad Alfred divided the attendee ef the talent in tb wagering on the-Quote Hurdle Race but whereas tbe latter bad shot his bolt ball way up the atroight Shnvrnham alwayv htd the foot ot Verity ia the rea home That not very innoh wae thought of the periormanoe WM clearly de-i oetratod by tbe eabseqaeat aata Th IfspptllM toe toi pried pel event ia tb day HfiOftififfD kjw r-il ryi eeji racing attracted tix eroeT eountrr' performera It MM btti tone before a favourite oould be leuad but eventually Levanter bed tbe call and in tb race might have landed the money he was backed for but for being disappointed in tbe etratobk Red path Merry Maiden MPH end Levanter were att tageMtor two bardie from home sod Mr Wilson could sol get npentag to soma through Be had to go round bit txwsaa In in doing to lost grounl which It was im possible to make a Red path wtaaiag an exciting bom Tb Balling Haatsrri Fla Hass afforded Mr Abington an oppor-ton tty that fas wm not alow to aenaw TbMgentie man Is eroditod with a strung ptmtfmi fer wmning flat raoee and having entered tern bones foe bis event ft wm not surprising that odd should he laid epos tb ehofe of th pair Tbia wm King Oounty who toed all the running and earned bis rid no nneaefaee Thaddeus emulated this perorinaaoe ia tb oonoluding event as Mr Waller only fad to ait till end win at hi leisure Details QoxumtuTioK Huoruae' Stx-i-ucbxas Putrs of 46 aeva About two miksa Mr Tb Abbem Uti lift Owner ID Mooorotffe' Parotong lfiet 1R Cap Owen Mr HatanaMb Btoel 10m tb Hunt Mr Du took Nordenieidt 19et Mb Ownar Mr Fairiek Bramble list lOib -Moran Mr Thompson Soodaa 19et Sib Mr Williamson 6 Batting i 8 to 4 on Parasang 6 to 1 agat 18 to 1 Steal and Baettbl Tb Abbes went away with good land ef Baumbte with fioudan last and eo they ran till roach men at which obstacle Bramble fell up third but binndering at lb fa kltt fab petition tb Abbee Man time ber ifiHtfta At the top of tb MR ftm sang took second place and in oompaay witb Soudan endeavoured to overhaul the leader but white gonden fell tt the feooe before tbe water Parse ng ooui get near th Abbess who won by five laurths vw a bed third and Nordenfeldt fourth Quonx Om Huxstn Baou Pwai of 160 eova Tw mi lea Mr Hlfabertb gkrivmfaiti 19M Nighringall Mr fftnu at Verity Mm Wb Hunt Mr Neman's Alfred 19tt uPe Laaeb 8torm llti Mb Arkar OHfetn't Wrangler 16t 61b Mr Wileon ting i II to 1 Verity 16 ind Verity formed tbe bedew fori lying laat Verity lost ber place sideways and Shnvenham thaw went ce to Alfred wba lad till half way down the hill when he gave way to dhrivemhaaa Verity tt the earn time drawing up Tb latter challenged Bbnveabam 9 the final hurdle but could not bend him and wae winner was bought for Ufa Marrasun Haroiat BntarurmasePutrx uo About two milns Mr Oromfaeb Red path list UKb --Barter MrFatria iTfa MFH lOrt Oept Lee Barber Mr Lene't Levanter lfa lUb Mr Wiben Oept Ohildeb Merry Maiden list lib NighUngall Mr ft Bankas' Count lt Mb Set Mr Wadlow' Foreet lltet 5flb Hall 6 Betting i to I agat Levanter 4 to I Merry Maiden 0 to 1 Forest and Red path 100 to 16 Tb Levant in front or Forest and Merry Maiden who was followed by Oouataes we the order to tb first lansa wbare tb letter lost far plo fay lumping ludly and tt the ditch lance tetolty tHttaguititod farofano bv rofuemg Merry Mxuion UkjW up the runeiag after going half mib fain cbeaiy ete ended by Levanter Red path and Forett tfaee poeftioa betaf bald dfaff tbe top of the kill was reached where Forest ran out aad Merry Maiden oast on from Redunth Levanter aad MFH in does company Tbe raraffta 13 Si ES- A US awy third Mmvy If to age Shnvenham 9 to 1 Alfred 18 te rffffftiff mm angler tbe first toil 8 toon La van ter rt from mUj nlag by three-qoartem of length bagt Lev eater bngth end fan sew third I Maidan wee fourth end Ooonteee who ultimatoty pitted tb journey a bug way bet ffatun comma' Fug Race Pun of Men Tw mUeu Mr AbingtcnS Kingb Oounty Met ta Owner 1 Opt Ftaher'i Merob 19t Mb Owner Dept Owen's Odebttter list 1Tb Owner B-ttiag I 9 to 1 ea Kingb Oounty 6 to 1 hA OcNMMSlir They ran tt planed throughout King's Oounty erta nfa*g easily four begtfa bed third Wiuaer sold to Captain Farter for 310 Howtbe' Flat Ran Flstv of 160 Mr Thaddeus list 191b Mr WeBer 1 Mr Kauteford list Hk Oays Berber I Mr Piabar's Rufl rd list 8lb Oaui Fisher 6 Mr Lane's CHedstoaa lfist Sib Mr Abiogtou 6 Betting fl to 1 agat Gladstone aad Thaddeus 6 to Kxmtaiijri 8 ta 1 Kuffosd Winner made the whole at tb running usd was fay four length had third Oaptoin Fisher faibd weight and wae disqualified for third There wee no betting oo future MALTON KETTNO -Ttamuoat Hromriru) Om Homme' SrafiruK wabx Platc of sera Two toil and three -quarter Kisarto Mr Wilkineon's Miramiohi Hat 19lb Mr Fox' Minx teal Maid 19tt 9Ui Owner Betting 11 to 8 oo Plata 6 to 4 egtt WSd Meadow 166 to 14 Minttrol Maid to! Wild Meadow led to th last PUbe Wiuub dxLUiro Husdlb Fvxrs at 86 eova Two over eight fauadbe Mr Dormer's Trotlua lift 9tt Mr Shepperd's Caradoc list Sib Diokeo sad Troitasran ta iloas aompaay until hurdle from home wfaro Dwken bolted aad Trails wan by twenty bugtfa Rsn C-A1 Taui-bo faasruHtiAM Ppai of SO Declared void Lajtoiox HAirmoAr HcxDUtBaofitt 0 Mr 1 list "Wiboa list 6fa Beaumont dieq First Fiddbr and Mim timp Mr Wkipp St Winthorpa Royal Duke 1 Betting: 6U4ooPn 31 egriStOriapta 7 -Ftrtt Tidier 10 to 1 Royal Dub aad MUry Wtt 90 to 1 Mim Snip Bu Cnxpin who flnirted fiaat wee dbqaeliiad Iffifa*goa tfa wraag tide of a pan aad lb roes liwutffed taJhf Biaariaosaea Punwfaffi Two eutea and these quartans King John 1 Lora Bnoaw 1 to 1 STARTING PRICES LEICESTER MUTING OvauartoATtow Putvu Qooxx Plats Haktocat Plato ffgUM Pugg Hoktbxs' Plato The Akbem 3hnvenhac Red path kziltrv st 6 to ita 3 to THE BOUNDARIES FIXER We learn that the Privy nave settled tb boundaries of the proposed borough which re practically the same at those suggested by tfa eommiationar at tbe inquiry on tbe 10th ult The part of tbe township of Loughborough lying to tfa eonth of a line drawn by the side of the occupation roads leading from the Parka Fan aermx tbe Park -road and Part-lane to Forest-lane and thence to and along tbe boundary of Burleigh Park to Ashby road also the detaehed portion of tbe township of Knightthorpe are excluded from the borough Tbe detached portion of Thorpe Acre are within the boundary The division of the borough into wards has alee been approved and the Privy Council soggett that provision should be made for six Councillor to each ward with tix Aldermen to form a Town Council of 24 member A draft of tfa charter prayed for and a draft of the scheme are now being prepared LOUGHBOROUGH POLICE COURT Before Warner Esquire Scanciors OHAXAcrias at thi Racis Charlm Galixn warehouseman Kirtwright-etreet Nottingham and Jotepk Cavtm gaafitter Goldsmith-street Nottingham wet charged on suspicion with frequenting the raoeoourse and highway tt Loughborough for an unlawful purpose on the 7th PC Lock ton said while be was on the racecourse on Wednesday afternoon in company with P0 Barton they noticed prisoners acting ta a rnepicsou manner among a owwri tt people They had received ooro plain fd prisoners people'! pocket on th other When th raoee were over priaonar followed and witness saw Oamni tap four toe other prisoner covering his movements tt the same time When they arrived at tfa lane end Ins aoDptum tort them into orotody and charged them with tha offense They admitted having don 0 Caaam saving il was his fa often did so at Nottingham Tfa other prisoner said fa had never spoken toOamm during the aay Witness called a Nottingham offioer to the prftomre as fa was taking them to station and tfa dkta identified Damn as having previously hero eon rioted of fraud That ia prisoner presence When searched prisoners had about la each on them Oamm admitted the women on the back but said it war oording to a tt Nottingham He did net towrt PC Burton stated that about lit as be i company with previop-i witness fa saw pro acting in a suspicious wanner threading in and out amongst the people As prisoners were coming out of tbe field they tried two and they made two other trie np tfa lane Then prisoners ease witness and hit companion watching them Witoeae asked cue tt th wcosan to eome with prisoner to the police station hut she declined td until next Wednesday Camm asked fyr rail which waa allowed himself £90 and one surety of £90 Dxcjruonraaa Barrtto a a respectably-dreened deeerifad as a groom from Nottingham wm nth fatag drank in the puMie street an Defendant pleaded P0 tated that he found defendant lying aoroa tfa causeway ta Part Horee-laae He tried to fouto him but fa was so drank that fa cooM five no aeeotsat at himeeM ce he brought him to th Deleedsnt wm ftaad IOe or mw mfi Tnrr or HiBijm HankaU with stealing a piece of meA value 9a fid froai tfa shop of Mr Moss High-street Loughborough oa tfa 8th Hi Maes stated tost about 8W this morality bepnt tfa matt on toe slab ta front tt the window His went into hie bonce and coma me oam ta aad teM him tfa meat had been etelaq Geneva at Ktag-ctrrrt Loughborough said priaonar came to far house on Thursday morning with toe port He said hi brother had riven it to ktm and askea her to boy it which she did for la Prisoner pleaded guilty and srae fied until neat Wednesday I LOUGHBOROUGH AM Ixcroxarr at th A laughable Icdfejst oeemrod tt Loughborough ea Wedneedty Just as toe horses were tt to poet far tfa Lcmgkboreagh Bteapfo ehsee a soliettori mark aama to Mr Yord stop wee in tfa (edge's bog and ta to name of the law dm reded admission to tfa ring tt be had a writ to serve open an occupant at the inclosure Needles to add the man in tfa box" refuted th application tt the Kmh of to law xrfa did ret seem ineltaed to pay fov afcre in ftserfmiee Pxxsxstatioh Tuesday evening at tb meeting tt tfa Grantham Liberal Association Alderman Has nett mode a presentation to Mr Adco*ck of Hoton near Loughborough lata hen tt tfa eeeogiation Alderman HiesiW upwards tt MX) peranos fad contributed end fa wished Mr Adreok esery happiness ta future Tfa perorate-tion cresirted tt a French crystal regulator dock with visible escapement bearing toe foUosring inscription Oa braes plate to Mr Adco*ck is recognition tt hft 18 yean' valuable eerrioa tt bon mb tt tfa Graatfato Liberal Arenrittire February lfek Mr A Smithuret eudareed tfa reamrfa of Aid Hannett and Mr Wilmu echoing their srftfaa for Mr Adoortk future welfare Ad jock ta accepting tfa preaeutatiou wished preuperity to the Grantham Liberal Association and expressed tfa fapa that they woald sore overhaul tfa red fiag of Teeyimn and run op tfa old hire eat in its place RESIGNATION OF CANON CLAYTON regret to ennounoa that tfa Rev Cenex day tea has resigned tfa living ot St Lsiow ter te which fa waa appointed ta 1875 as supoaaaor ot tfa late Rev Jonaa We are torry to learn that for acme considerable time peat Mr Clayton has not enjoyed good health and more toon once fa has bare advised oy bia physician to relieve himself te 6 oertata extent at hft eoelaateatieal duties This fa uru at find unwilling to do bat lately the ram felt constrained to place biareeignetion la ef tfa Bishep ffoterborwfigh bis iotow-faneafarth to devote bfaneelt exetarirety to hft duties eanoa ef Peterborough Tfa rev gsatlBoun will leave Lei oe tor ta May rad fa too-ceaded aa vioar of St Margaret's by to Rev Hayes of Trinity Church Hinckley raaiittiBBi ta already stated the Re Lewie senior curate at Si Margaret' Lnioeetar turn eoeepted tfa living of Mounteerrel and will re ter op hft new sphere of labour at Kaader Rev JL Skrine atefttant master tt Uppingham has been appointed to tfa wardenehip at Trinity Ooflega Glenalmoad XB Noxth Ujotko Cxjcxxt The an anal dinner of this otab wm held tt toe Nagb Heed Iu Nerthgatoa on Monday when about 40 memben and friend att down to an excellent spread provided by Host Ilia ton Tbe chair was occupied by Mr Wells Mr Williams filling toe vies -chair After tfa usual loyal toast Mr Mason pro poor Success to toe North United OC" te which Mr Wilby replied During tfa evening tfa chairman presented prices as follow Mr Smart bat fer best batting average Mr Mason pair ot boots for second baiting average i Mr Wilby a writing desk and cricket ball for best bowling average Mr Wells who has been connected with toe otab tiaoe it formation was alto presented tfa members with a handsome teapot and Mr Harrold with a writing desk tfa latter having sorer for tfa club lor some 14 year Tb remainder of the evening was spent ta songs etc Aixraxn Tkjsfy ox Arthur Hubbard a labourer of Great Wig too was charged at tfa County Public Office before Interton Eaa this (Thursday) morning with stealing a silver watch value £1 the property of Thomas Burrow at Thur-maston on ths 6to of October last He was further charged with steeling a silver watch value ti tfa property of Enoch Thompson Great Wlgston ox tbe lOto ot Augnet Sergeant Hawksworth said that oa tfa last-mentioned date he heard of th robbery of watch and searched for thepri-aener whom however fa could not find On Wed-nee day he received him tat custody at the Loughborough Police-station and charged him with tfa theft Prisoner replied Yea 1 did take it and I am very sorry I sold ft on tfa road to a man for 10a When charged with tfa robbery of Burrow' watch he mad re reply Acting-Inspector Ormiston explained that description ot tfa prisoner wm circulated hi tfa neighbouring counties tt tfa time the thefts were reported to them Last week an amended description was seat round and the prisoner was apprehended la brickyard tt Sutton Bonntogtoo by one of the mem-ben of the Nottinghamshire constabulary by who fa was taken to Loughborough Prisoner was remanded until Saturday Lxiarenx Atm LxtcaserxxsHixx Bxxx and Wm Team Amoolatiok Tfa ninth annual ball ot this was held ta tfa Ceuty Assembly Beams re Tuesday evening last when toe following graft men were present a representing their respective firms ta oon oec tion with tfa trad Messrs Gilbert (Gilbert Bre) end A Webh (Welsh Bros late Els and Froeae) Goodwin (AO Salute Brewery Co) Pettifor jam Ansty Addisos (Sharp and fan Bileby) Knight aad A Watte (J Kadie Burton -on Trent) Bellman (Watte and Sons) SUveneou (Bell and Co Bar ton -on Trent) Turner Olive Branch Brewery i npreeenting the Leicester Licensed VintoellerF Aasociatiou Altogether about two hundred ladies red gentlemen assembled making ft tft moat aneroasful bell yet bald ta nneftnw with tb society Tbe arrangements were admirably serried eat by tfa following members of th ante mitt who acted sa steward Meesea Evans Burg Barnard Roe Clarke and Noble Panting oomm eared tt nine o'clock and we kept np with great spirit until about four on Wednesday morning Th eatoring wax eo trusted te Mr 8 Cooper the arcretanr who provided an excellent supp- MC'e hfeesra A God rich and I Addison Mr Kilty's band was engaged ere Mm te Artak RfofoMs pberara taey mum and w-ttytoei Aol wjMKa bffccr and itnnnU the bbW and TkM is cosaacl mBI Mi Mint to hi GRAND the olj word the mm adeqrotety mb-toy any toes of the marvellous properties ef thi Ten II been the fevearil berorxg of hundreds ef toooeenai fer upwards a treaty inn ui ra beyeod Aento then an the puiat Tea btandable dJ AMD dJ8 FER LA MAXXET-PLACE in CHEAPCIDE LEICESTER EIRE ud CO COAL MERCHANTS Eati REMOV'BD to 14 XX OH CROSS STREET Orroerri Coer Moo Bo AM AND FORKESTi 9 House Coals 46 HIGH-STREET 46 GEO A MEADOWS WINM and SPIRIT MERCHANT 46 HIGH -STREET LEICESTER 46 HIGH-STREET 46 to hav rani Mew Meranii Coat to fifatak Cm inat and moss oompfom gaaerai dywag weens is the oouanea French Cleaner sad Oesnch eashee jr ftSO FXKK Garment Dyer Sparkcnhoe- Batyrave-ftt Chief Works Foundry-iana sad Test la 4d The Guinea FAMILY PALE ALE PER GALLON a Tata in the tend NORTHAMPTON BREWERY CO LIMITED AMFBELL-STREET LBCBT1E am at sa boy Agpty oet -Aeetr 6 tyYO to tort toe Iseset seed hwrhata fropertr eC 1 sag teed nh taSersra Apyfr It TOEt lama a Ihl to-tuae wW bari tbew mtidtra Pbouaiaptod Foam Dram i Car irenteWi taw tarty wlA Hr UV1U1 A na Who wcdfonro Heal Ww 4e Ottanet tw Hem Ua6dyr boars -R-rtj IvAag fiae Ubeery TpibS ba VaM a loam tcperteaeed Apo rraeui wvtnmrx i hr- tar paaktoea W7 70 Mncaiy- Otkem EHODCS iuxveroA hulvIW' Ci OwiaWJva mvh irto garden Owdbf i WU ia-rd AtwaaeT Pwk taas Sew gvartoa Sa vUwa Srwiee MM -w CLARKSON lapvrl RnMUcA Htitoid- 1 A RPC Qmu4t Lrt OM SvUwtea hoot Wl tquJW TArd 16 mvi too aboot MMWxi John a sm dupceaL to Orvengrowj tod Uot vwktj tut ad taBm ah T) AKtASUf Porubie fatf ensdin Xj dperkenboe trap vftii eoOieea bgfct I inert wi SOOC8 tm rta-Kl QWT atom Ftk tt SecSek'OaNU Dig totoej thiB Any-1 owe morn rnr Taytor eWeei wtU rrwrdod 1588 'it 'ANTED expedtoee Pirtwt aad MaOiineta On rtuit TT rapinym-rst to oswprteet Apply WtBord-ea 158 mT thaiab hajUj Hi ot- SION- RErilBTS KtD ta eafisad utd Forrtn Cguatrtto Sa6rmuN to etodkUnn In Loxerter LwcL Uverpocl un nweata AeWertee ud tow kern SMOUt SR and L-EWIS Patent A(hu mi F- r8ArS oUitt rli wtn a aoUoHnee 8a XJ um Ctole Pwaca I hrtrCUmetH-' 7NarIA FBaCR the Rinv IT rtaiaaU YLsvMoaa wtorj -t nr irtiin luecioi two I Lin ad Adnstarv CtriaMl rNHARLgn riUflE to kertnM ChmnJde" Chart! Paa I tot UlMrtar iHAkUts tacit AdrtnULre i 'jit AuJ-otic BXrj twO Prtruary 1SW he line ti I ww ChraakAa" Crtmttoh Hh UN ud at Uw IU So Orcelcl Tl ANTED you ft hoa IT bub be sAl to look wU TT Ukf soar vod tnp mi UbkU txrtal ia Uw bou tBackiyroa4 Bivvy rno Lioecjcii Viutaallen uvl aakwia Por Bait or to Let A aD that oantnfly-tartwi oM-ttcaed (rerOokl ho Bid ftrxru Iraww tha ftVsioa 0ltowtre-fu LdctStr A iArf portten at th ynrrti wooer cat rntsiie an aonoct 4 per cent hot lurk pacucniwv aeply by letter Hr J'EPH LSVY Hiielrieee MotoygAte UL HOCSCXEtPER penwiii Bert bt vhcraohjy 6t out Foil parttmUn Leao" JUrvory Otifc fb04 Pm Organ tar Sate frowt at pipes Utre- Boy urWtkle i or arkaalreM Hetd HOLE or part ot Botui to lot oltabte (or dvr I Hoc hour 5607 mew or wiittwA- Apply 53 Ul berew-' trrt MM3 Lrt MaWwn voad hadwon hot sod ueid watae Apply IS Oranbywtm 1036 fMRESO tafc-WAtUn SROILKRS Sfaa xuU i-r 7r XJ Tto to waa te aiewmr tort rtea Byte and St Dree Wvman 1A ISA SS- toeaaoate er uprtow eUite ki'TUKBJ ot Trvojen US IM 18 teetrti kojuxa mu to'- te 7R- Diwoal oaa vart tor cert wear Sf-toSA Oreroaau reduce) pnoea OPltCIAL hrnia ta Watckw and deck duiueod gnu aad Caecjr tunm Jewrilrtj and diier plate Uert oaakonee fiieu lev evJ r- -A uvf pvte Ca'iwia or any ori ba'Ueu "tt -( Wires R-oe rw deep VOKTST8 Aad r-rtspeeBodne (ok fcraaby rtraat Leuaetrr Owr rail 1 i J1 eaQ ter rtaefl ptoOu to amt Mi rto iayi' f-k am prieeer ADA MTibi IRONMONGER KUMFShSTOhEMIATE LBICB8TER ASIZI'D WIRE NETTING Prom 24 art SO yard Roll -OOFLNG FKLT 76 and 16 per J6 yard Roll GALVANISED CORRUGATED IRON From LI per Shack LEWIS' HAND FlRB RXTiNGL 1SHRRS a6-doe WARD OPTICIAN TO THE TV INFUtM VRY 14 -GATE ri UECI A EDITION (Fcites Asnnoansx TBJtRAMx) DEaTE Laay Welkin MP di tkte Manrhr OF LADY WATKIN wife at Kir Ed war 1 Watirin moreing at rtbeadao near DEATH OF A KX-MF Rev Iswc Nclsjn isnneriy metiibe: Periia-aent for Meya died jn Belfast to-day A telegram dated Berlin Thunder eftarueoa convoys tbs mnlaaoholy totolligauoa ef the death the Emperor Buu Tburoday 1040 An imperial deer dared November 17th last it promulgated to-day providing for the repress tatien of tbe Emperor and King by Prince William in the dia-charge of current Goronunant business The German Emperor wm on Wednesday seised with an alarming illnam Hs bad aet IWhd well during tbe earlier part of the preoeding night but iu the mondag fell into a daep sleep which lasted until half past throe o'clock in the nfteruanu a lien he awoke aad took some nourishment which bad the effect of reviving him In the meantime Prince Bismarck aad Prises William wm mat for and both remained at tha Pataoa lor some b4 la tha afternoon a medical balletic WM pab- lished stating that the Emperor bad beau sffsrtag fram a odd since Batorday Into but to this bad bean added other trouble and asoeeiaUy nainful abdominal disorder wbtoh eoeurved at frequent interval Tha Federal Council monad for an extraordinary sitting last A telegram from Ban Remo stab Emperor aaxious for the return of bis sou and the Crown Prince who is In a ooodition to undertake the journey without asrieus rink may be itgutoii to leave San Remo in a day or two A telegram was received shortly after seen today by the Govern moot from Berlin which elated that there wm as change la tha Emperor health This wm at owes eemmuateatod to the Qaeaa the Prince of Wales and Lord Saihbury Immediately on arriving at Buckingham Paine from Windsor to-day the Queen seat specially te the German Embassy toen julre as to the eondlUos of the Emperor William Tbe Prince of Wales Prieto Christian aad tha Duke of Cambridge alto tout similar messages but the latest aewa received -by Count Hatsfeidt did net indicate any ohaagp bis Majesty's condition Tbe Emperor ill Mm ha oast a gloom over the pending feed vines at Buckingham Palace aad Marlborough Haas la the House of OcmmoM to-day Mr Hti Smith is ruply to Mr Huiaa sate he eeuid not make nay statement of a smsilag ttirirTT se-gardiag the Emperor of Qermaay Tbe label intelligence was to the effect that toe Emperor wm ia a very critical condition Among the sailers at tbe German Embassy this afternoon were Lord Salisbury tbe Duke gf Cam bridge Prinee Christina Lord Derby and tbe Earl ef Kin tore Tbe Quota sent a second time to make Ineuirv Tbe Prom learns that a was rural Ted la dna lata thj that the Emperor William is in a still nnafirisu and is believed to be ainkia (Mmfttr't TtUfrmm) Thareday 88 The a fairly good night mf hi ight nourishment Otbarwteo bis oendl tioo is unchanged Bn UN Thursday morning Tbe jfgfi'owef Eadhmy to-day say Tbe slight bnerfn ef strength obeervabie altar tbe Emperor had takes nourishment yesterday appear to be maintained Tbe Emperor1 pbyeieisas esutieus in ettoadanee upon his Majesty BOUS Thumday 1640 Tb fallowing bulletin is issued this morning Tbe Emperor has Stood a vary reatlssa night aad to vary wank Vow Laura" THE HEALTH OF THE CROWN PRINCE Tb Crown Prinee of Germany another rood eight an Wednesday walked for time iu toe ground ef tbe Villa Eiria aud ia tbe afternoon spent nearly aa boar on tb baleeay Tb news of tha Emperor Illness has added greatly te tb anxiety manifested at San Remo ff Telegram Saw Rnto Tharoday morning The Crown Prince slept eoaadly ail night awoke refreshed aad breakfasted with a good appetite Tb improvement oootinuee LORD HARTINGTON AND THE LIBERAL PARTY Tbe Maiqab of Hartingtou entertained at breakfast ia the Ipewi Mr Cathbert Qatlter MP pro Jill aentocam oompaay wee tbe Maywr aud Mays ram tbe Dak of Grafton Lord Blebs MP MrT Russel MP aud Sir Cl Dairy mpU MP Lord Harrington responding to the toast ef bit health said it bad been found wherever energetic steps were taken to organise tb liberal TTmontat party in aay part at tbe country that th adherents who bad joined that party bed greatly estimate previously formed It wae not that that portion of tbe liberal party which adhered ta liberal thhaft prio ri pie should remain cut of polities He battered that portion of tb party oompriaad a groat deal of th most intelligent beat informed aud not least in sympathy with popular opinioua and ft would be a great misfortune through tb absence of aay local political leadership or oautra of action they remained without tb eoop of action Some regret had beau ex proceed that aa ittonyi shoe Id be mad to organise a third party aad fa aye mare eoMtantly expressed ef a ooeapeomias hetweM tb Liberal party itaalf He wm afraid they war not at a point of the discussion in the iruh question upoa which oompromise wm pamible aad without entering into detail fa would only mention one et that be thought WM urea lie by Mr Gladstone elf which made compromise almost hope Ives In 1886 Mr Gladstone said tb Liberal party aould not be trusted absolutely if it bad to depend upon the extreme Irish party Tb neoeeeniee ef Vis position had driven him into doe all lance witb the extreme Irish party aud tb bulk faf tb liberal party were ooui milted to the support ef the Irish party and their extreme demand to an extent which seemed to make any compromise impossible THIS MARKETS BRADFORD WOOL Th price at wool are about what they wot before the Deoembar rise end the is a restricted inquiry Users are very bare at stock hut are quite unwilling to speculate The yam trad charted by the unoar tainriss of Continental politics and a few nrnrusrr purchases for present requirements constitute th buen nem doing Spinner are inrl -rentiy employed sod their auotsticat arc too low to admit of profit Piece trade keeps rather bettor LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET Bale 8960 A met toes Bd to 6)d 908 Bfa Md 10 Maranhain SZd to fid 860 Egypt! fifid to 7fad 260 Peru 6fd to Tld L960 Surat Sfid to ftd Madras BsnaaL JJa Trial I apccufatiou 6188 MW Weekb STOCKS AND SHARES two xi one Argentine 157i 163 161 1 10 Unified f4 Portuguese 9 684 SSTMfftf 3 fCfctifa 6 No 1 tronp 'II a Da No Da Na4 Uf 14 UM Govt Bonds 4ZM 1964 MM RAILWAYS Baeot Ayres Groat Southern- 180 189 Trunk guaranteed 7 04 Iff Grand Trunks £100 stock 18 160 Great Eateni da 64 Groat Weetorn da t98 IM Loudon Brightem firln UT HB Ldou AN Weatorn io 1684 103 Msteaptiiton dn 644 66 Midland da 196 195 Groat Northern do IU 119k Lkdeu end Dover do 86 981 DaMPmf da M' Hasten IM mk LOCAL SHARES IrticcBtasshlie 9M SI Pares Sr da £12 16 3l Ba da new 0 paid 19 IS ex Stomferd da £10 paid 26 284 Lriceoser MDebennsro Buitiu MOfi OM Obkham Gw Co Leicester Trxinwayi £10 paid 4 9f WILSHERK iSONS Shara-broksra A 41 Belvojr-tirctk upon tfa new was very mtiefaetocy A Tmt Footway dk tkb Tm faBTgi ox 'Sailed attention to tbe bad condition of the ftBtye the Moira-road aad pointed out that it should be attended to CBAfaUx x-pressed an opluiou that there ere sever1 ttncrtaat matters which needed attention the Several badly wanted eepoeiaUy ouBtoar the The eurroyor wtt inarvme to do is to them foot road tt ta poe- tibU -Flan wee deposited foe the ef i be tt tfa Bowling Gtom Ptttb boas ffimfto 1 arft 77 Govixkoxb or Tbs Ckaixkax annoanoed that tfa time tan arrived 'for the election at two representative gu i anttitotfa Ashby Grammar School in the place of MUtward lean and Mr Arthur Byatt whoa time of fad expired Tb cUstian wee oooduetod ty end Mr Lilby and Mr Bullen were tieeted 8 ArroiNTuxsr or Mr GoaMYtatt eatiee fa would overt that the that tfa medical offioer next matting (Dr William) John Bali bury) be appointed far tbe ensuing ftor ArrucATUMf Edward NraU ttjffr ad-d reseed a letter asking for tbe Boards wort TOUig toe eamanff' year A tlmilar application was wade by Merer Drme and Hyman -Both lettorowjftbM eo th table untl the when tied mam for turner mu appointed mboioal Oman's Awtoal A mart wa read from the medical officer Dr WUliantt! which and tfa eurttyta (Mr 'or tbe ensuing following ia a ummary I birth registered is tfa nrbae sanitary tfa year wm 146 or a rat of 191 pm the population tt against 197 or 101 pm 1886 Tbe number of deaths registered 81 or a rate of 17 8 pm th a against 82 or 18 per thorn th 81 deaths registered IB occurred tt hone th nsjnfar of deaths therefore psoed iu tfa met of tfa urban district we i of 14 fi pm thousand of tfa popnlstirm as per thousand in 1868 On snalyaing death ft i men that fire were due to injurita aad out of the remaining 78 there were 51 of 60 yeaiajf are sad upwards 1 find that there wre 16 death tateum 80 and 60 years 96 between T6 end 68 sad 18 totem 66 sad 76 that a large peroeofisgc was da tee other oeues than old egs There arm however rifi tingle death from symetfo dieero Tfa giretstt trafar ef deaths oceurrad ia June being 18 ore tfa toft 90'4 per thouaend of tfa population Three of Ibwe fap-peusd at tfa Workhouse so that tfa death-til of the town wm roduoed to MU- The loweffdtath-rate ams In September which was fl per thousand four deaths only faring ooonirm during to mouth During tfa fitti asriro sf to year there were 19 deaths throe of which attuned tt tfa Weebbouse giving a death rata for tfa tateei IM thousand In th sscesti quart ttart deaths IB at which war in tit town ce rate ef 199 per ttiuumnd In third quarter 16 death ware ragietored rt 141 per tboroaad and ia tfa last Qaariey 8q 90 war in tfa loan or a rate of IT'S per wlU be mo by this that tfa average death out th year ha been small bring only 14fitor thou-saad of to liopulatioe Hi the district exelutevti tfa Union Workhouse Tfa death ta th latter beuavar amounting to IB bring ap tfa mto at tfa anfltt urban district to 179 per thousand In regard of sirtutaa of the 91 earn sf synaotia diatity which oocarred during the year 19 were soariet fttst tore typhoid two amallpox cm measles one Otooping oough and one cry 1 prim Tfa eoariet fare briar out hi driobar rad Neremb were however ef mild farm and ell Ditinfeetants were freely need tt sill the there was marl It fever and beyond kept in ofaok by thair use On tfa reported six oasee to yonr Board and expl would barn been uaelem to isolate any of moral to tfa Fever Hospital I no nothing would have been gained by tfa of throe children a the accommodation Hospital wm wry limited end the six almost simultaneously Tbe typhoid cameOw at a mild character and all recovered So fafai it was possible to ascertain there WM no defoctav drainage to aooount for their appearance and they ww quite of a apuradie chamnter bring tt diffarral year Oa th Tth at Droember I had to oocurrsooe of taro caeca uf smallpox first waa that of a tramp at tbs Udioc who broroht tbe contagion from another country As eoou a tfa oomplaint wua rroo completely isolated in one of the wards a hospital Tfa mooed waa that at a tfa company ot th tramp before tfa developed They were both treated togttfa covered aad as there is now a lap of aa saonths there ft aeoc to believe otherwise tfa disease was oompletoly stamped out Tb however it pre relent ia tfa dixtriote adjoini cast of uaed tfa Fever Hospital is read tioo of any oam which may occur The smallpox tt In the neighbourhood has the alert with the result that a large muni have been re-vaorinatod and coopted with tfa aathoritiea la tfa infeetod dfttrioto themselves ta tfa wag at we have every reason to believe that ft will ia our ova Ia tfa eousss sf the your I inspected the slaughter-house and their oonditi-m In oompeny witb your visited from time to time various plaote to ascertain their sanitary condition aad where necessary for tfa eorroetion of that might Uav acted prejudicially ou tfa In conclusion I am pleased to supply fas been very satisfactory tree dryxwst ef tfa mere During tfalreteftri antfa ef tfa year when tfa rifoet at the drought meetly felt tfa daily oonsumption at water ws aqml to 14 gslfona per heed of tfa popukteen showftg vary adequate KNIGHTON Vbwey Tfa annuel vestry aetftftg for tfa messed on at tfa usual parish bneinam wri Md si 10 o'olook this (Thursday) morning is the matey ef Knighton Church These waa very good ssftndiene and as tfa room is only large enough to bead bell a dome persons it was found impossible to pitta td It was suggested to tfa vicar Rev a Tldvrafl wbo presided that tbe meeting should be held In thf ehuroh but fa declined to xdjoaru remarking that he we sorry they oould not make tfa vestry burger Bata tt tfa oompeny proceeded to leave toe room whereupon tfa view said th meeting should be held ia th sefaoiioam and move was at there Among tfaee prmsnl were Rev Metriu A Baines 8 A Morris 0 J- Ward Gunn Kirby Brown Lender Browi Brown Allen Bows Mr Msrris moved the reelection Bellamy sad th election of Mr OoUine in toe xiaoe tt Mr Tyler as overseen foe tfa MET Brows seconded end it wm carried On tfa motion of Mr Brown seconded by Mr Messrs Boom sad Stonyoo wore assessors of taxes Mania waa vlirfisi' way-warden aud thanked fog bia tmtt eerviero aad tex persons plaoed on the list to pariah Mr Grim asked if aay information oould be rira to toe xpetry as to why the rates bad enormously ftaweiri Bown assistant overseer said tfa "mlig'tyito half-year were ooueidersHy higfar titan the half preceding £1900 baby wonted for tbe Blaby Union £469 fer tb high sy aud £886 for tfa sanitary work Tfa rates now were double to what they were four ymra General diseetiefsotiou Wtt expressed at tfa ticulars of expenditure from 9ri Garner asked 3 it srae ta tfa power tt the nastily to alter the time when it should he called Th Vicar i Any inggertinn you make will aS doubt be attended to by tbe overeeera Mr Marne i Atuggeetian was made and the aaeietnnt overseer promised toll meetia should be at 790 in the evening Bown 1 said I would do all I Mr Mams A protest ww retired by some grettinmu in Ihe pariah and it waa -'tired Bt Pag Hopes bold that it would fa bottir if mettiogs were held in sh sv amity advisability of building a vsttry They wanted nothing In ventilated room to hold about 300 people and he sure it could be built for about £906 or -3SC Laac cheap ia that district Just now but if tfay waited mart lotigor they would be tfa old the land being tt fear that nothing oould be done Tfty wr re in orv-asing and thriving community rd be tisoreht sort place should br erected (Hear Th Vftta I I thmk it would be rery reefnl but ft ho done by suhreriptire We wan net hag Tfa ton be net enmc ter doing 'it by a rata so that it must be done by voluntary oootnbutioa Ot company I t-'lnk we cannot outer into the question tart now rlthongb it is a very satisfactory The matter br- dropped and tfa meeting closed with vote A to the rita FA IBM IlT MARCH 18 -Leek Button Warwick Staattord (4feprt Melton Hartsrough Market Karen Oakham UanfttaF Horneaettn Newark 19 Cattle Dootagtou fadius Ner-mfls N-rth amptou Doncb'ireh 90 Aleoster Ctttfoeeu Derby 28 iff oW tt-Witoert Tides weff 26 --Koyford Rugby 8tratford Hratey-fo-Anlrr Ohipptdg ft 28 ImnghborouxH Butts Green 06 106 te 30 to 96 to 100 to loofa SSBlLa 6 LIVERPOOL MEETING LIVERPOOL HURDLE HANDICAP weight A WOMAN BURNED TO Mary Woottan a married death at Haaeamba Cbeahira this DEATH THE TRAGEDY IN A CHURCH Hi Pertadown police yaaterday at reeled the mother of the man Thompean who shot a bride-groom at Keaekne muekley on rtnrg ef Inciting to murder SALVATIONISTS 6RNT TO FRIBON Eighteen BaJvatkmiett were sent to pneon at Torquay to-day for marehing in a procession on LORD SALISBURY AND THE QUEEN Lend Salisbury bad a long aedienoe witb tbe Queue this afteraeon at Barkingham Palace bit lerdsbip waHdmg to aid from tb Pxlaee from bit private residence The Prince ef Wales paid a visit ta her Majesty at 818 The Qaeeu took walking entries ia tbe private ground OF ANOTHER Mr Patrick Corcoran foreman printer of the Qork Mmmmimmr was released from Cork gaol tbit morning after undergoing two months imprisonment under th Crimea Act because of report of naesttajpi ef League branch a published la that TMlLXir MR WILFRID BLUNT Mr Wilfrid Blunt and Lady Anne Blunt left Dublin to-dxy for Lea don WARNED OFF NEWMARKET The following ia contained in to-day Calrndar rtearantB of th Jockey dub having re ceired revert tram tb stewards ef tbe Grand National Hut that they bar warned Mr Edmand Broughton Barnard and Richard Grist from all eoureas where tb Grand National Hunt mitt are la ferae the stewards ef the Jockey Club hereby giro netiae that the said Edmund Broughton Barnard and tabard Grimes are warned off New market Healh The lieccee granted to Hicliard Grimes radar rule 68 has been withdraws THE NATIONAL DEBT IMPORTANT PROPOSAL 0t THI CHAN-CXLL0R OP THE EXCHEQUER At tiU rises ot the proas sitings la tfa House of Commons oa Wednesday ft wee agreed a tbs mottos of Mr gt Smith that tb Heuee should far a morning sitting at two o'clock oa Friday in order tht th Cbaooellor of the Exchequer might make la reference to tfa National Debt It ft that Mr Goaohen pro pa to redoes tfa payable ce the debt PROPOSED "NEW FOR SERVANTS- who signs herself One of tbe to tb Jfaff Oasiffi at fettMrt New that the Hens ef OesMseus baa with tush xasttfantty decided to keep better hears and M6 the night for sleep Instead of defate sxlght not Society (with 0 large 81 fa ladnoed to fellow ft axamDle aad pans a similar rale of pi osedsr with regard dhmes aad evening parti I wonder it any ea of th many gentlemen and lady pbllan ta repute who are working so hard for to catty tiering of shops and restriction of th hours of labour sf shop girls aad shop beys evar giro a thought ta tfa hours of labour Imposed on totir own tartrate by half part eight nine e'eloek dinusc end I tt eUron e'eloek er midnight We hear nplafats of to dlffonlty ef getting good aw ef the Increasing dislike ef theft fleet ta domestic eerriee i ef totir demsad fer higfar wafts and fens work aad of ocuro vr are told that toss er the results ef giving them sx education above theft statioa bat 1 think a little examination fatto tfa changed habits rad fashions of the household they sorrels would go far sot only ta eraUte bat to justify tb eheage hi their fee and demands Tfa aenselee fash loo for Inati ion multipUoity of email Ublm aad erory SOBabU space a drowtag roam with ft bric-a-brac and a whole Nort'i Ark of toy fig area at atm doubles the boueemaid's work and her ra possibility Is doing ft The unfaslthy faahknt which faro tetohfeat and lonoheon Into wuallar dlUoas of dinner score than doubles toe kitchen work ef fart snaking sad washing up sod the pantry wash ta atraatag Over aad writing Add to toft tbe taeroaeed lateness at hours aad the fact that during tfa whet long day beginning tt the latest at seven aad often not mdiair till pact midnight our demerit servants hero not ora hear er fraotio fill hear that they can call their own that even meal-times are recklessly infringed open except where master sad mftcrass are specially considerate sad wfaa tbs boars are late sapper the tired esrvmft weald be seori glad to eat ta ha to be eaatehe-l at esa beet fa ssaaaged be-tfa demands of tfa ork upstair and th watt lie Consider moreover that while every newspaper is fell at the various sttsris made te ranroff moans at tirtaUcctari improvement and Smithy amstiis for tb wnrhtag idsmm it is to rarest exception when any provision of tb kind ft made for servants and I think we shaf tag that domestic service ft att popular that a esurats demsad mere beta that ttifo tended strip their work that want mare pay ta I to dot eg tfa work ri all aad that tfa of ssfttrseses are sinking within them a to fanraiaa maasd ex nam HHmilBa wEfflW MW DuraW ra BffW Rstrrua AMERICAN NEWS Nrw Yom Wednesday -The American ooal coca pan lee have made the uaal spring rednetiea of 60 cents per ton la the pries of coal Later tntollL gen frees SpciagSetd states that Ml killed ta to fir at to Umm RUSSIA AND THE SULTAN'S NOT St PirnuDM Tbs Jomrmml it 8t Pttr6ory adverting to the inlimstioa addressed by the Porte to the Prince of Bulgaria says the Porto took the stop nee only in conformity with its right bat also its dety FRANCO -ITALIAN COMMERCIAL RELATIONS Roms Thuredar Italian Government tordsjr deapatched to Paris counter proposal regarding the treaty ntgstft ttons THE SUEZ CANAL RECEIPT Pajus Thuroday The truffie receipt the 8a es Canal yesterday mean tod te 70006 franca against 230000 fracas on the eerreepeading day last year THE SILVER WEDDING Calais The Crown Prises Pnnceas ti Denmark left hate thi morning Dew reate to for GENERAL BOULANGER Cl so xt Khuaud General Bern laager visited the Lyeee here yesterday and dm live red a patriotic address to the students The General wae eatoateettaeally SUICIDE OF A CLERGYMAN This rnermng the Rev A Solary vicar of St Oeker Hill Tipton committed Me resident by sotting bis threat with a raaor RAILWAY DIVIDEND Tbe cocoa is of the North British Beilway Qou paay for the pee half-year admit ef a dividend at ordinary Edinburgh carrying forward abou £2000 THE QUEEN IN LONDON Tbe Queen anram paated by Prixues Booted and attended by a numerous salts left Wtodecg Castle this morning at 1 1 w'doek aad treveltad by eyerie I train te PWdtngtea ea route to Bucking ham Palace Her Majesty reached Paddington ad 1146 aad after a short delay to have her carriage' opeaed the drove to Buckingham him escorted by the Life Guard paay tor ins pass uaii-year anasts as a tha rate ef dd par east per annom a North Mrirt Week aad per seat an sad Glasgow ordinary stood earzyin CAMBRIDGE REPLIES TO COBH At the Cambridge Town Connell today a oomuiaoicatien wee read from tha Corporation of Cork asking them to endorse resolution eon demniagthe reeeert imprisonment of the Mayor of Cork Tbe Council however peered a reeolutiou apwrovtag the fatten of the Oovrwameat la eafordag obedience to law witheul impact te THE M1TCHEL8TOWN MASSACRE Tbe oommEsmcc of iaquiry into tbe oondoct tl tbs polio at Mitohalaaown aa the tth September last rimted Mitchriatown yesterday and inspected the acestu of the occurrence A esvil eugineer a compaaied them oaSakia Jatoto Leahy who wm injured daring the dietarbcner at MHshalatown on tha Nth Bopt ha made cn up plica doc to tha grand ary for £300 eotnpeasufioa TRIPLETS NEAR LUTON Tha wits ef Mr C- Hawes plambar ef Rad bourn near Luton has given birth ce three daughter all of wheat ere living and who with tbe mother an doing exceedingly wall HEAVY FINES ON A BIRMINGHAM BREWER At Birmingham police court to-day very severe pec at tic wen inflicted in aa exeiaa proeeeatioa against a local brewer named Frederick Webb He wm charged with eoooealiag wort not making tha proper entrrea la his brewery book and using malt sot entered in a book waa fined oo two of the charge £66 mob and oa the third 85 PROTECTED PERSONS IN IRELAND A PurHaaaeatary return i Issued to-day abowtug the number of persons under police protection in Ireland ea the 31et July last and on tbe Slat January last On the former date the number who received special constant protection was 81 camber protected by patrol 710 total 1001 On the latter date the number receiving special constant protection was 158 number protected by patrol 671 total 810 A SHOCKING CASE At an inqaaat St Paoorna London lust wight on an infant which had been overlaid ia a workhouse by its mother a girl not yet 16 who had gone to Canada been there seduced and then seat home the coroner said the girl wm more ainaed against than sinning If the person who took advantage of ber had done so in this country be weald have been amenable under the Crlssiaal Law A mend mem Aet and uould have punished THE RUGBY FOOTBALL TEAM FOR THE ANTIPODES Tbe English Rugby football players who here arranged a series of matches in Australia and New Zealand daring next summer left London at noon to-day to joia the steamer Kaikoura at Tilbury They proceed first to New Zealand and then to Australia while on their return they undertake somo matched in AraeriesL THE PROPOiED GRAND COMMITTEE POR WALES Mr Rathbnae's amendment te tbe Proeedere Rule te appoint a Grand Committee te deal witb Welsh Bills waa supported by 70 Gladstonians in lading 18 Welsh Ltberala Messrs Thomas Ellis Themas Lewis Pries Rendel Richard Roberta John Roberta bamnel Smith Arthur WilHares Rath bone Osborne Morgan and Sir Hussey Vivian aad 45 Parnellitea Tbe majority agajBst the amendment included on Welsh Ceu senrative tbe Hou Fred Morgan one Welsh Liberal Uaieuut CL Cornwallis Wat aad om Giadstomaa Mr A stand THE ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS Tbe annual araeUng ot the Association ef Muaki pal Corporations wm held ta-day at th GuildhaU Louden when the attendance of delegates very good Mr Woodall MP wei president aad the Lord Major at Louden treMurer Mr Woodall ia rea ponding said the coming legislative year wm likely to be sue of special Im-perun-c to municipal rorooratioiu The Oovero meat woald receive every aval stance from all qaartors hut the craoriaUr-e would sae that the lnfiuacee aad importance at corporations should not experience undae sabordinatioa Rmaluriotit were passed calling upon th Council to protect the rights and secure (he independence ef mamcipal corporations in refereeee to the proposed Government measures aad to ask the Gevenuneut to promnto a Bill dealing with fir inquaeto It was alto decided to ask the Local Govern men Board to iatrodaea or give native support te a BUI for the rompnlsory ncrificatien of infective disease and a motion was carried in favour of placing music and rle using linen cm under the control of tbe j-aJL-vy sf fie dl'trtta LOMBOK AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY Ttafie Seturu Week endiag March 4 1968 Pameagen Paroeb bo eadMttb- Oorroepaodiag weak latt year MerohxmkuOCiarab rad Lb faert Cerronpeadiag weak bet year Petal far the week Onereepeadiag week last year -Aggregato to date dtag period 6657 70 KH 124560 ttxm XV 1 196 199187 161867 101 448 when aervente wftl be a thing ot tfa peat and will fare Rke theft American end eetanftl iittere to reckon with tadepsndrat ZTT0 TRTt ft ATI iKVKTrCTi Prepaid Afvtatesne ante fh word 6d.

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